What benefits are available to pregnant unemployed women? Procedure for applying for benefits for non-working parents


Maternity leave usually refers to two types of leave - prenatal and postnatal, the duration of each of which can vary from 70 to 86 days. The very concept of “vacation” means temporary release from a permanent occupation, that is, from work or service while maintaining the average salary for this period. Accordingly, unemployed women cannot be provided with maternity leave or pay during the leave period. But since bearing and giving birth to children is significant event not only for an individual woman, but also for the state and society as a whole, the legislator provided a number of exceptions for various categories of non-working women.

Employers are in no hurry to hire employees who will go on long-term maternity leave in a few months, and concealing pregnancy for most women is both unpleasant and embarrassing, not to mention possible consequences. Therefore, even worrying about tomorrow, many come to terms with the situation and prepare for the birth of a new life, remaining a housewife. But new member families are forced to worry about finances twice as much as before, so the issue of maternity payments to the unemployed worries many expectant mothers.

Which unemployed women can qualify for maternity benefits?

Expert opinion

Andrey Leroux

More than 15 years of experience. Specialization: contract law, criminal law, general theory of law, banking law, civil procedure

Women who are permanently employed at the time of going on sick leave labor relations, have the right to receive maternity benefits.
The amount of payment will directly depend on total experience work and average earnings for the last 2 years. At the same time, whatever the parameters for calculating benefits (length of service and average salary), it should not be:

  • less than the minimum threshold of 43,675 rubles;
  • more than the maximum threshold of 282,493 rubles.

So, to receive benefits, two conditions are required - length of service and average salary for the last two years. Why can’t women who have work experience and not working, say, for no more than six months? Do not forget that the benefit is paid by the employer. This is why finding employment for pregnant women can be so difficult. The employer is upset not by the fact that a woman will work for several months and go on maternity leave, but by the fact that he will have to pay a benefit of at least 43 and a half thousand rubles to a woman who has worked only a few months, or even much more.

Taking into account these personnel features, the legislator provided that women left without work as a result of the liquidation or bankruptcy of an enterprise will be able to receive benefits, but not from the employer, but from social services. In addition, unemployed women of the following categories have the right to receive benefits:

  • lawyers, notaries and other private entrepreneurs who have ceased their work labor activity in connection with pregnancy;
  • female and full-time students;
  • those serving in the civil service in the Ministry of Defense, the Customs Service and other government agencies, as well as wives of military personnel.

The list is exhaustive. Neither self-employed people, nor housewives, nor evening or part-time students are entitled to receive benefits.

Where to go?

No matter how cruel it may sound, if a woman does not work and does not fall into any of the categories listed above, she has nowhere to turn. The only way to get benefits is to get a job during a short period of pregnancy. Concealing the fact of pregnancy will be dishonest to the employer, but will not be illegal. Unemployed women falling into any of the above categories (except for full-time students and civil servants) can apply for benefits at social bodies within six months from the date of issue of the sick leave certificate. The money will be transferred to the account or paid in cash at the cash desk within ten days from the date of submitting the application.

Female students and full-time students with an application for payment of benefits will have to contact the accounting department of their educational institution. Civil servants apply for benefits to the accounting department at their place of service. Along with the application, the authorities responsible for calculating benefits will need to submit:

  • a certificate from the LCD (indicating the gestational age exceeding 180 days from the date of conception),
  • passport,
  • marriage certificate,
  • a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office for wives of military personnel.

How much maternity benefits are paid to the unemployed?

Benefits are not the only payments due to expectant mothers, and if funds cannot be received from the employer, then every woman can receive financial support from the state, which is another kind of maternity assistance, regardless of whether she has a job or insurance period. Next, we’ll look in more detail at how unemployed parents of a newborn baby can receive maternity benefits, and in what amount.

Features of calculating benefits for women on maternity leave:

First of all, unemployed parents can receive state benefits, which are paid in a lump sum after the birth of a child. In 2015, the amount of payment of such a benefit is 14,497.80 rubles and to obtain it, you need to submit a package of documents to the place of work of the child’s father, and if he is also in the status of unemployed, to the place of residence of one of the parents of the newborn, to the authorities social protection. The package of documents includes the following:

  • application form (written on the spot);
  • a certificate from the registry office about the birth of the baby;
  • personal bank account number where you plan to receive the payment;
  • a certificate confirming the absence of payments in another social security department, if the child’s parents are registered at different addresses.

In addition to a one-time benefit at the birth of a child, unemployed mothers can receive a monthly child care benefit until the child reaches one and a half years of age. This benefit can be received by any person directly caring for the baby; accordingly, it can also be applied for by both the mother and the father of the child. The unemployed are entitled to 2,718.34 rubles for the first child, and 5,436.67 for the second and subsequent children. To apply, you must submit:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • child's birth certificate and its copy;
  • a certificate from the spouse’s place of work or study confirming the absence of payments at this place;
  • a certificate from the employment center confirming the absence of unemployment benefits;
  • certified

In order to increase the birth rate of children, after the birth of their second child, parents can apply for the so-called registration. " maternity capital" - a large targeted cash payment amounting to 453,026.00 rubles in 2015. The purpose of paying these funds may be:

  • child's education;
  • improving the living conditions of the child’s family;
  • increasing the pension for the child's mother in the future.

To apply for maternity capital, you should contact the pension authority at your place of residence with an application, to which you should attach the birth certificates of children, insurance numbers of individual personal accounts of all family members, the passport of the person applying and a marriage certificate (divorce certificate for divorced citizens). As a result, the applicant receives a certificate that can be immediately used to pay a mortgage, expand housing conditions, or for the education of a child after he reaches 3 years of age, as well as to increase the pension of the child’s mother.

Special types of assistance paid during maternity leave

There is also provision for children of military personnel special benefit, independent of other payments, the amount of which is 9838.93 rubles, and its payment is made until the child reaches three years of age, or until the child’s father returns from service. Unlike the BiR benefit, this benefit does not require a condition about a formalized marriage with a military serviceman; it is enough that the father, who is a military man serving on conscript service, is included in the child’s birth certificate.

An important point is also the presence of additional significant factors that give the right to receive other government assistance not specified above - low-income families, large families, and so on. For example, a single mother without official employment can additionally receive targeted assistance in the amount of 300 to 1300 rubles, as well as social benefits for a child in their region from 480 to 1000 rubles per month. In addition, disabled children need state support, therefore, their parents are entitled to a special allowance for caring for a disabled child in the amount of 5,500 rubles. If such care is not provided by parents or a legal guardian (trustee), then assistance is paid in the amount of 1,200 rubles. In addition, they can be issued social pension for disability, its size depends directly on the disability group.

In some regions of the Russian Federation, there are additional regional types of benefits or the above child benefits may apply, but extra size. For example, in Moscow, benefits for registering in the early stages of pregnancy are also paid to unemployed women, and in St. Petersburg, children from single-parent families Until they reach 1.5 years, an allowance in the amount of 2859 rubles is paid.

State support for expectant mothers applies not only to officially employed women, but also to those who, for various reasons, do not work, have been laid off, have been laid off due to the liquidation of a business entity, or are receiving education. Let's figure out what benefits are available to pregnant unemployed people in 2017 and how to process them correctly social benefits. The list of required documents is given below.

All existing categories of benefits for unemployed pregnant women are defined in Law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995. Recipients include working women; full-time students; persons who have adopted children; contract military personnel. Specified regulatory document establishes types of benefits and payments to pregnant women at the federal level. In addition, regional authorities provide additional support measures for expectant mothers at the municipal level through the issuance of relevant regulations and laws.

Pay attention! The right to receive benefits for unemployed pregnant women in 2016-2017 is enshrined in the Constitution of Russia (Article 38) and Family Code(stat. 1). Not only expectant mothers, but also fathers, as well as other relatives who are actually caring for the child on vacation, or guardians can apply for state support.

Types of benefits for unemployed pregnant women in 2017

The maximum guarantees for the birth of children are provided to employed individuals, for whom the employer makes mandatory contributions to the Social Insurance Fund in case of temporary disability or maternity. For example, if we're talking about about the B&R benefit, only an officially working woman at her place of employment can receive it in the amount of her average earnings based on the previous 2 years. Unemployed pregnant woman such benefit in 2016-2017. cannot receive, except in exceptional situations.

When are maternity benefits paid on the occasion of BiR:

  • In case of liquidation of the company.
  • Due to the woman being declared unemployed for 12 months. from the date of staff reduction in the organization.
  • When a woman has the status of an individual entrepreneur and ceases activities.
  • When a woman is a full-time student educational organization any level.
  • In the case where a woman is a contract soldier or the wife of a military man serving on conscription.

In the above situations, benefits for non-working pregnant women in 2016 can be received in the minimum established amount, but at the same time using unemployment benefits is not allowed. This status is lost when registering BiR payments and must be renewed after the end of the period of incapacity for work lasting 140 days (calendar) for uncomplicated childbirth.

What other benefits can a non-working pregnant woman be entitled to? An expectant mother can apply for a lump sum birth payment from social security. But unemployed pregnant women (with the exception of students and those dismissed due to the liquidation of the company) are not entitled to benefits for early registration in housing complexes for medical registration, since the calculations of such amounts are made by the employer. In addition, after the child is born, there are provisions monthly payments until reaching childhood at 1.5 years.

What benefits are available to pregnant women - amounts and categories of payments in 2017:

Table of benefits for 2017 for unemployed pregnant Russian women:

Type of social benefit Amount, rub. Allowance for early registration - in case of liquidation of a business 613.14 Allowance for accounting due to liquidation 300 Allowance for accounting for female students Amount of scholarship Allowance for accounting for military women Amount monetary allowance One-time benefit pregnant women after the birth of a child 16350.33 One-time benefit for pregnant wives of conscript military personnel 25892.45 Child benefit, paid during the period of leave until the child reaches the age of 1.5 years

3065.69 – relies on the first child;

6131.37 – relies on the second and all subsequent children;

40% of the average salary in compliance with the specified minimum and not more than 10,873.36 rubles. – considered dismissed due to liquidation of the enterprise

Social benefits for employed pregnant women are calculated and transferred by the employer. When a woman does not work, all state benefits should be registered with the territorial social protection authorities at her permanent residence/registration address. Pregnant women whose organization has been officially liquidated will also have to contact social security.

Time frame for granting benefits to pregnant women - terms

It is important not only to know what benefits pregnant women are entitled to, but also in what period they should apply for them. For the BiR benefit, the deadline for filing an application is 6 months. from completion date maternity leave(displayed on the sick leave certificate). After the package mandatory documents collected and submitted, review should not exceed 10 calendar days. Payments from social security authorities arrive in the individual’s account – before the 26th next month.

Important! If the deadlines are missed, it will be difficult to achieve social guarantees; you will have to prove the existence good reasons, which prevented the woman in labor from applying for payments.

The procedure for obtaining benefits for unemployed pregnant women in 2017

The conditions for receiving payments vary depending on what type of guarantee is issued. Thus, both mother and father can submit documents for the assignment of a lump sum amount of benefits for the birth of children/child to their employer in case of official employment. And the exact amount of the amount will depend on the number of children born:

  • 16350.33 – relies on one child.
  • 32700.66 – due at the birth of two children.
  • 49050.99 – due at the birth of three children, etc.

If both parents do not work officially or are undergoing full-time education in institutions of any level of education, the social security authorities will pay a lump sum benefit, where any of the already established parents has the right to apply.

If the mother is currently not employed anywhere and does not have unemployed status, that is, does not receive payments from the Employment Center (employment center), then by law she is entitled to a monthly allowance for pregnant women in 2016-2017. is prescribed until the child reaches 1.5 years of age. Such amounts are transferred to the recipient the month the child turns one and a half years old. To register, you should contact the social security authorities or the MFC.

Attention! Child benefits until the age of 1.5 years are not issued to those women who were unemployed before pregnancy, because the purpose of this payment is leave-exemption from work duties.

Thus, we can conclude that all payments to unemployed pregnant women and women who have already given birth are handled by the Social Protection of Citizens. What will be required for prompt processing of amounts? Let's look at the bureaucratic details.

Registration of benefits for a pregnant unemployed woman - necessary documents

To prove your legal right for social guarantees, you should collect a package mandatory documentation. It should be noted that the list is provided for federal payments, the procedure for receiving regional and local benefits may differ.

List of documents for processing benefits for unemployed women:

  • Application in the form prescribed for various types benefits.
  • Sick leave is not provided by all unemployed women, but only by those who are entitled to benefits under the BiR.
  • Passport – copy and original; the woman’s SNILS may also be needed.
  • Certificates of birth of a child/children - photocopy and original, SNILS of children.
  • Work record book – original and duly certified copy.
  • A certificate from the child’s father regarding non-payment of benefits – is submitted if the individual is unemployed or a full-time student.
  • Help from territorial bodies CZN - provided to confirm that the woman is not registered and does not receive unemployment benefits.
  • A certificate from the educational institution confirming the fact of studying in the full-time education system.
  • Certificate of family members.
  • Income certificate – provided to confirm income for the last 3 months. It is taken when assigning types of benefits provided for low-income citizens of the Russian Federation.
  • Other documents - upon request.

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Unemployed women expecting a baby are one of the most financially and socially vulnerable categories of citizens. The state is trying to help people who find themselves in difficult situations. In order to qualify for maternity benefits and other subsidies provided for by law, you need to know whether the mother belongs to the category of Russians in need of financial assistance. The amount of benefits is indexed annually.

Who belongs to the category of unemployed women?

The legislation clearly defines the categories of Russian women who are considered unemployed. These include the following groups individuals:

  • not officially employed or not registered with the local branch of the Employment Center (hereinafter referred to as the EPC);
  • women who have the official status of unemployed in the city office of the Labor Center.
  • full-time students at universities and secondary specialized educational institutions;
  • dismissed a year before the birth of a child during the liquidation of the company;
  • those who left work during pregnancy due to bankruptcy or termination of the enterprise;
  • former individual entrepreneurs(hereinafter referred to as individual entrepreneurs), lawyers, notaries who have officially closed their business or stopped practicing;
  • wives of citizens serving under conscription in the absence of permanent employment.

Legal regulation

Payments to unemployed pregnant women, maternity protection is guaranteed by the state in accordance with Federal law dated 05/19/1995 No. 81-FZ “On state benefits for citizens with children.” The document stipulates the categories of Russian women who can apply for subsidies and the amount of compensation. The regulations stipulate that maternity benefits for unemployed women are subject to annual indexation, increasing by an inflation factor.

Unemployed women, just like working women, are entitled to maternity capital. The issuance of funds and the purposes for which they can be used are stipulated by Federal Law dated December 29, 2006 No. 256-FZ “On additional measures state support for families with children.” Regional authorities can make additional payments to unemployed pregnant women, based on the fullness of the budget and the interest of local authorities in stimulating the birth rate.

What payments are due to an unemployed pregnant woman?

The state provides for the payment of several types of benefits to unemployed women carrying a baby. You can apply for the following types subsidy payments:

  • when registering in antenatal clinics or hospitals that monitor pregnant women in the early stages of pregnancy;
  • for pregnancy and childbirth (hereinafter referred to as PBR);
  • a one-time subsidy upon the birth of a baby.

The amount of contributions depends on the woman’s unemployed status at the time of pregnancy and the duration of maternity leave. Its length depends on the severity of the leak labor activity and the number of children born, and can be 140, 156 and 194 days. After the birth of a child, the young mother is provided with additional payments and compensation deductions, targeted one-time and regular assistance. You can receive food, medicine, clothing. Regional authorities provide separate subsidies for unemployed women raising a child alone.

Unemployed due to bankruptcy of the enterprise

If a woman carrying a baby was forced to resign due to the officially declared bankruptcy of the enterprise, then she is due certain payments and subsidies. The types of benefits and their amounts can be seen in the table below:

Dismissed a year before the date of the upcoming birth due to the liquidation of the enterprise, registered in the Central Employment Center

The law establishes that women dismissed from an enterprise due to officially declared bankruptcy, or individual entrepreneurs, notaries, lawyers who ceased working a year before becoming pregnant, are considered unemployed. In the absence of official employment, the responsibility for payments falls on the social protection authorities. The amount of subsidies depending on the type of benefits can be seen in the following table:

Unemployed due to dismissal during pregnancy or maternity leave

According to the law, it is impossible to lay off or fire a pregnant woman or a mother caring for a newborn. Unfortunately, the difficult economic situation in the country contributes to bankruptcy and closure of enterprises. If the closure of the company occurred during the period of a woman’s pre- or post-natal leave, then she is officially considered unemployed. She is entitled to compensation and subsidies, the amount of which can be seen in the table below:

Unemployed without compulsory social insurance

Female students undergoing full-time studies in secondary specialized and higher educational institutions are considered uninsured. Citizens who are not subject to compulsory social insurance may qualify for cash payments to unemployed pregnant women from the state. Their values ​​are given in the following table:

Benefits for pregnant women regardless of employment

The state provides financial and social Security pregnant women carrying a baby. All women in position, regardless of the presence or absence of official employment, military personnel and students, can count on the following benefits:

  • A one-time subsidy at the birth of a baby, which is 16,759 rubles.
  • Compensation when contacting antenatal clinic on short term gestation in the amount of 629 rubles;
  • Maternity payments. The size depends on the length of maternity leave and the woman’s status. Maximum size subsidies amount to 390,019 rubles. in 194 days. The lower threshold of the amount due to a lady for 140 days of maternity leave is 2,933 rubles.

Maternity payments to unemployed people registered with the employment center

If a woman carrying a baby quits her job, she can immediately register with the local branch of the Central Health Service and receive a benefit in the amount of 850-4900 rubles. monthly. The amount of additional payments depends on the woman’s average earnings from her previous employer. Money is issued until the start of maternity leave. If a woman becomes pregnant while registered with the Central Employment Service, she can only claim unemployment compensation; PBR will not be paid.

When maternity leave begins, the pregnant woman must choose the deduction option - unemployment compensation or PBR. Both subsidies cannot be paid at the same time. If a non-working pregnant woman wants to receive PBR, she must provide the CZN employee sick leave from the attending physician, indicating the onset of maternity leave. Payment of unemployment subsidies is suspended while the woman is on maternity leave. There is no need to visit the center during maternity leave.

If a mother who has given birth wants to find a job faster, she can refuse PBR before the end of her vacation. The Central Employment Service is reinstating the additional payment of unemployment compensation. If a woman is not ready to start looking for work at the labor exchange, she will receive PBR until the end of maternity leave. It is impossible to remove a woman from the register of the unemployed at the local office of the Labor Center due to pregnancy; this is considered an illegal act.

Maternity benefits for the unemployed in 2019

Unemployed pregnant Russian women can apply for PBR. The amount of subsidies is not fixed, depending on the woman’s status and the number of days of maternity leave. During a standard pregnancy, the duration of leave is 140 days. If carrying a baby is difficult various factors, then the maternity leave lasts 156 days. If it is established that a pregnant woman is carrying two or more babies, then the leave is 194 days.

If a pregnant woman left the enterprise due to the bankruptcy of the company, then the PBR is calculated based on her average monthly earnings for the last 2 years of employment. 100% of the amount received is issued. The state has established upper and lower limits for the value of PBR, based on the duration of the vacation. Get to know the maximum and minimum size subsidies for pregnant women can be found in the following table:

When registering in early pregnancy

This manual paid to an unemployed Russian woman, provided that she officially consulted a doctor and registered with a clinic that monitors the condition of pregnant women before the expiration of 12 weeks of the fetal age. The amount is fixed and amounts to 629 rubles. Pregnant women receive money under this type of additional accrual simultaneously with the PBR. Unemployed Russian women can apply to the following organizations for benefits:

  • the dean's office at the place of study, if the pregnant woman is a student;
  • local office of the Social Insurance Fund (hereinafter referred to as the SIF), if the former employer deducted the required contributions from the workers' compensation fund;
  • branch of the center for social protection of the population at the place of residence;
  • multifunctional center (MFC) when the institution provides such services to pregnant women.

At the birth of a child

The state provides compensations given to a woman upon the birth of each child, regardless of her status. Subsidies are indexed annually, as of 01.02. 2019 is 16,759 rubles. The mother or father of the newborn can receive funds. Unemployed citizens apply for compensation to social security authorities no later than six months after the baby is born. The money is transferred to the current bank account. To apply for benefits, unemployed citizens must provide the collected documents to employees of the local social security department.

Monthly child care allowance

So that a woman can give her son or daughter a full-fledged upbringing, the state provides child care benefits for unemployed mothers. It is issued regularly every month until the baby reaches one and a half years of age. The mother's right to benefits arises after the expiration of maternity leave. If a woman, while pregnant, was dismissed from the company due to the cessation of the company’s activities, then the amount of additional charges will be 40% of the average monthly earnings calculated for the last two years of employment.

Payments to unemployed pregnant women and mothers who have given birth and are raising a child under 1.5 years of age are indexed annually. In 2019, the amount of subsidies for the first child that a mother who is not included in the compulsory social insurance system and does not have official employment can receive is 3,788 rubles. For the second and subsequent babies you can get 6,285 rubles. monthly.

State assistance to unemployed single mothers

The legislation provides support for unemployed single mothers raising a child. In addition to standard payments, you can count on the following government assistance:

  • sets of clothes and linen for newborns;
  • dairy products provided regularly until the child is two years old;
  • medicines, medicines at a reduced price or free of charge for children up to three years old issued by pharmacies with a prescription from the attending physician;
  • vouchers to sanatorium-resort institutions;
  • free hot meals in schools;
  • preferential placement of the baby in preschool, partial compensation for payment for it.

Regional payments to single mothers

Unemployed women who have given birth to a child are often classified as low-income Russians. Such citizens are entitled to two benefits, the payment of which is assigned by legislative standards to the subjects Russian Federation:

  • For every newborn. Paid monthly until the son or daughter reaches 18 years of age. The amount of the benefit depends on the region and is tied to the local minimum wage.
  • For the third and subsequent children born. Issued regularly until the child reaches the age of three. The amount of subsidies is equal to living wage(hereinafter referred to as PM) by region.

In Moscow, young women under 30, including single mothers, can receive “Luzhkov subsidies.” Money is issued in a lump sum. The amount of additional charges depends on what kind of child was born. For the first baby, 5 PM is paid, for the second - 7 PM, for the third and other births, the capital authorities issue 10 PM. In addition, single mothers are provided monthly supplement for the purchase of products worth 675 rubles, as well as additional charges to compensate for price increases. The size of this subsidy is 750 rubles.

How to get maternity benefits for a non-working woman

If a Russian woman is not in an employment relationship, then all payments and subsidies related to gestation and postpartum care for the baby are assigned to the local department of social welfare authorities. You need to collect documents and apply for benefits to this organization. If social security officials make a positive decision on the request for compensatory additional payments, then the money must arrive in the mother’s account no later than the 25th of the next month.

Ladies who become unemployed due to force majeure circumstances (liquidation of an enterprise, bankruptcy of a company) can receive money through the Social Insurance Fund if the employer paid contributions on time. Fund employees calculate the PBR based on information about wages mother for a two-year period of work. You can also receive benefits for caring for a newborn up to one and a half years of age.

Registration procedure

There are many types of child benefits and benefits for pregnant women; there are federal and regional subsidies. To apply for compensation, you need to know whether you belong to preferential categories Russians who are subject to increased contributions. To receive money, a pregnant woman needs to act in the following sequence:

  1. Collect official documentation and certificates required for the assignment of benefits.
  2. Determine the deadlines for submitting papers to the social security authorities or the Social Insurance Fund. A one-time benefit issued at the birth of a baby can be received no later than six months after his birth. PBR and payments for registration in the antenatal clinic for short periods of gestation are issued jointly, upon provision of a sick leave certificate signed by a doctor to the social protection authorities (hereinafter - USZN). A regular subsidy until the child is one and a half years old is paid immediately after the end of maternity leave.
  3. Appear at the USZN, providing the organization’s employees with documents to assign additional payments.
  4. Wait for a positive response to your request. The decision to assign additional charges is made by USZN employees 10 days after the pregnant lady applies.
  5. Receive money to the specified account.

What documents are needed

To receive finance, pregnant Russian women will need to collect a large package of documents. These include the following list of official papers:

  • application for assignment of compensation contributions;
  • passports of the mother and father of the newborn with registration in the region where contributions are received;
  • birth certificates of the baby for whom it is planned to receive a subsidy, all previous children;
  • information that the second parent did not receive subsidies;
  • certificate of incapacity for work in the established form (upon receipt of the PBR);
  • copy work book pregnant woman, certified at her last place of work;
  • a copy of the order of dismissal from the last place of work;
  • a certificate from the Employment Employment Center confirming the termination of unemployment benefits;
  • information about all family members registered at the same place of residence;
  • information about receiving full-time education, if stay-at-home mother is a student.


Being pregnant, a woman needs additional financial protection. This is especially true for unemployed people. In such a case, an unemployed citizen has the opportunity to apply for government payments. This article will help you get acquainted with the types of maternity benefits, their amount and the procedure for receiving them.

Types of payments to pregnant women

Every unemployed pregnant woman is interested in the issue of paying state benefits for pregnancy. It is important to note that according to the law, a girl in a position has the opportunity to receive financial assistance from the state. However, the amount and type of payments for unemployed persons differs from those provided for officially employed and insured persons.

To understand the nuances of the issue, it is necessary to consider the types of payments to non-working persons during pregnancy:

Maternity benefit – being unemployed and uninsured social fund, expectant mothers do not receive this type payments. There are a number of exceptions:

  • If the employee was dismissed due to a reduction in the workforce, on the basis of the cessation of the functioning of an enterprise, a private individual, or due to the cessation of legal practice (notary, lawyer). The period during which you can apply for benefits is one year;
  • If expectant mother is a student of a university, technical school, or college. The amount of grants is equal to the student’s scholarship;
  • If a pregnant girl serves in the army on a contract basis.

One-time payment on the occasion of birth – designated state aid provided once.

Payments while on maternity leave – financial support for a non-working pregnant woman is provided monthly until the child is one and a half years old.

In order to receive state benefits in case of pregnancy, a non-working girl mandatory confirms the fact that she is not receiving unemployment benefits.

Who pays benefits?

The legislation provides for the payment of benefits to pregnant unemployed women. To obtain it, an unemployed girl in a position has the opportunity to contact the following authorities:

Employment Center – the government body is not the primary institution that processes the receipt of material payments for unemployed pregnant women. However, if a woman is not employed, she has the right to apply to the center to receive state support in case of unemployment. In this case, the state guarantees the payment of financial resources during pregnancy until the onset of maternity leave. Benefits are provided until the thirtieth week of pregnancy. After the offensive given period, the girl provides the institution with a document confirming her inability to work. However, to apply for appointment material support On the occasion of going on maternity leave, being registered with the Employment Center, a pregnant woman who is not working cannot.

Social protection institution - a fundamental body whose activity is to provide citizens with benefits from the state, including non-working pregnant women. After processing payments for pregnancy and childbirth, the woman will receive them at her place of registration.


Unemployed pregnant girls have the opportunity to receive financial support from the state. It is important to note that the amount of payments differs significantly from benefits for pregnant officially employed persons.

Financial assistance from the state for unemployed persons in this situation is provided in exceptional cases described earlier:

  • If a woman was laid off or served on a contract basis, the amount of payments will be 40 percent of the girl’s income;
  • Students and non-working pregnant women will receive funds equal to the amount of the scholarship;
  • Size lump sum payment after the birth of a child is 16,350.33 thousand rubles;
  • The amount of monthly benefits that a non-working pregnant woman can count on is 3065.69 rubles for the birth of 1 child and 6131.67 for carrying a second one. The duration of receiving funds is one and a half years.

Important to pay attention that in the event of pregnancy with a second and subsequent children, a girl, regardless of her status, has the right to count on receiving maternity capital. The amount of funds is 453,026 thousand rubles.

When an organization is liquidated, what happens to pregnant employees?

A pregnant woman who has lost her job due to the cessation of the company's activities has the opportunity to apply for maternity benefits. Payments are provided by the Social Insurance Fund, to which the employer paid insurance contributions.

The procedure for processing payments for a non-working pregnant woman:

  • An application is made to the Social Insurance Fund. The content notes the fact of pregnancy and the desire to formalize the receipt of financial support for a non-working citizen;
  • Provide a document confirming the amount of earnings. If information is missing, submit a request for information;
  • A certificate from a medical consultation confirming the applicant’s position or a document about the birth of the child;
  • A document from the second parent’s workplace confirming that the other family member has not formalized the receipt of funds.

Material benefits for a non-working pregnant woman are paid for one and a half years from the date of birth of the baby. The amount of payments is 3065.69 rubles for the birth of 1 child and 6131.67 for the pregnancy of the second.

What payments can be made through Social Security?

As noted earlier, the department of social protection of the population acts as the main body that calculates payments to pregnant women, including non-working persons. To receive state benefits, a woman provides an application and a package of appropriate documentation. After ten days from the date of application, a response regarding the assignment of subsidies is provided. Financial assistance provided at the place of registration of the applicant.

Are unemployed people paid sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth?

Unemployed pregnant girls have the right to receive maternity benefits under conditions specified by law. The list of such persons is presented above. To receive payment for sick leave, you need to issue a certificate of incapacity for work.

Reasons for applying for sick leave:

  • Pregnant women will be provided with payments in the amount of 613.14 rubles during the entire period of maternity leave;
  • During the period of maternity leave, a woman is listed as unemployed, but unemployment subsidies are not paid.

At the end of maternity leave, the girl has the opportunity to resume receiving financial assistance states.


To apply for state benefits in connection with pregnancy, you must contact the social protection department. The subsidy is assigned only on the basis of the submitted documentation package.

List of documents for receiving payments:

  • An application drawn up in a format specified by law;
  • Original and copies of birth documents of other children (if available);
  • An extract is provided confirming the fact that no financial subsidy from the state was issued for another family member;
  • A notarized copy of the work certificate of a non-working pregnant woman;
  • Personal passport;
  • A certificate from the employment center indicating that the pregnant woman is unemployed and does not receive benefits due to lack of employment;
  • State assistance for pregnancy and childbirth is accrued to a non-working pregnant woman if the born child lives in Russia. To confirm this fact, a document from the authorized body is presented;
  • If a girl in this situation is receiving full-time education, a certificate from the educational institution must be presented.

An unemployed pregnant woman has the opportunity to apply for financial benefits to maintain a minimum standard of living for her child. To assign payments, you can contact the department of social protection of the population with an application and a list of necessary documentation.

Non-working women are entitled to maternity benefits on the same basis as those who are employed. Only the payer and the amount of payments will differ.

Who is entitled to payments?

Cash payments are provided to working women when going on maternity leave. But there are also categories of unemployed women who are entitled to payments. These include:

  • female students studying full-time;
  • contract employees;
  • employees dismissed due to the liquidation of the company.
Important! If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, then seventy days can be obtained before birth and the same amount after. Rest time is extended if you expectant mother complications will be identified or multiple pregnancy.

A woman can go on vacation ahead of schedule if she lives in environmentally unsafe areas:

  • regions, contaminated after the Chernobyl accident;
  • pollution after the accident at the Mayak plant.

Who is not entitled to maternity benefits?

Not all unemployed expectant mothers can count on government support.

  1. Unemployed housewives cannot count on maternity benefits.
  2. Expectant mothers who did not work officially are deprived of the right to receive payments.
  3. Dismissed on their own initiative.
  4. Part-time students are also not entitled to payments, unlike those who study full-time.

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One-time benefit for those who stand up onaccountingon early pregnancy

Women who rely social benefits, can make two payments at once: maternity benefit and payment for early admission to the antenatal clinic.

To get additional payment You must register before twelve weeks of pregnancy.

Early registration is confirmed by a certificate from the antenatal clinic.

How benefits are paid upon liquidation of a company

Liquidation of a company is an event that does not depend on the will of the employees. If a woman officially worked, and social insurance contributions were transferred from her income, then social guarantees are due.

Important! Can be obtained preferential terms when assigning payments, if you register with the labor exchange on time. You must appear for registration no later than twelve months from the date of termination of the contract.

There are 3 cases when transfers are made:

  • liquidation of a company or reorganization;
  • termination of business activity;
  • loss of lawyer status.

The ballot gives the right not only to take leave, but also to receive cash payments.

Expectant mothers receive full payment for the period of leave under the BiR. The amount of compensation is not very large, it is only 300 rubles. But this amount increases every year.

Attention! During maternity leave, an unemployed woman is not removed from the register. The transfer of unemployment benefits is suspended while the employment and employment holiday is in progress. But then payments resume again. Thus, social guarantees approved by the state remain.

But the right to receive unemployment benefits remains when two conditions are met:

  1. No more than one year has passed since the date of termination of the contract.
  2. The reason for dismissal is the liquidation of the company.

In other cases (dismissal at will, did not work before registration at the employment service, did not work for more than one year), maternity payments not allowed.

You can choose childcare benefits. However, then unemployment benefits will not be transferred.

Transfer through social protection of the population

If the company was reorganized or liquidated, then the payer is social security. You should contact specialists at your place of registration.

Attention! The Labor Exchange does not make maternity payments to the unemployed. Here you can only receive transfers related to lack of work.

3 documents for applying to social protection:

  1. an application signed by the applicant himself;
  2. an extract from the work record book, which confirms the reasons for the termination of the contract;
  3. a certificate from the labor exchange stating that the applicant is registered as unemployed.

For citizens who are engaged in business, another one is added additional document. It is necessary to provide a certificate and tax office about termination of activity.

A sick leave certificate is required. The document is drawn up at thirty weeks of pregnancy. The document receives legal force after medical specialists sign and stamp it.

The payment is made from federal budget funds. Targeted transfers are made to the regional budget.

A decision on the application is made no later than ten days after its registration. The transfer is made no later than the twenty-sixth day of the month when the appeal is registered.

Benefits for contract employees

Expectant mothers who serve under a contract can receive a salary every month.

This includes employees:

  1. penal system;
  2. fire service;
  3. customs authorities.

To apply for benefits, you must write an application. Attached to it is a certificate issued in place, in place residence. You also need a certificate from medical institution, certified by doctors’ signatures and seal.

Handbook on BiR for full-time students

Receipt of payments is not affected by the type of training - paid or free. Payments will be made from funds from the budget allocated to the university. The degree of accreditation of the educational institution is also not taken into account.


  • take the application and documents to the accounting department at the place of study;
  • the money will be given in the form of a scholarship.

From the documents you will need a certificate of incapacity for work, issued at 30 weeks of pregnancy.

One-time state assistance for the birth of a child

A one-time cash transfer is given to the mother or father of the child. The guarantee is provided regardless of social status citizen.

The transfer amount is 16,350 rubles. 33 k. Law No. 81- Federal Law is the main legal act regulating the registration procedure. It contains provisions on the provision of benefits to citizens with children.

One of the parents can receive funds at their place of service.

Unemployed citizens should contact specialists from the social protection department at their place of residence.

Important! You can also receive money when adopting a baby. When deciding on the assignment of benefits, it matters the age of the baby at which adoption took place. Download for viewing and printing:

Making payments at the parent’s place of work

3 nuances of payment processing:

  1. You must submit your application no later than six months from the date of birth of the child.
  2. Lost rights to social guarantee when a child is stillborn;
  3. When two children are born, a transfer is made for each of them.

If one parent “stays” at home and the other serves, then transfers are assigned to the one who works. In the event of a divorce, funds are awarded to the parent with whom the children remain.

To receive an application, an application is written to the director of the company. You must ask for funds to be transferred. The application is accompanied by a document confirming the birth of the child, as well as a certificate of non-receipt of payments by the spouse.

Where to receive payments to the unemployed

When social security contributions have been made for citizens, you should contact the specialists of the Social Insurance Fund.

Reception unemployed citizens conducted by social protection specialists.

Most companies make transfers to bank cards employees. Some enterprises continue the practice of issuing funds in person. When an application is submitted to social protection specialists, a bank account is written in the application, where transfers are made.

The accounting department requests the following list of documents from employees:

  • statement;
  • certificate from the civil registry office (form F 24);
  • passports of mother and father along with photocopies;
  • birth document;
  • certificate from the second spouse about non-receipt of funds.

Social security can make transfers by mail or to a bank card.

Attention! To receive an additional transfer, you must attach a certificate of admission to the antenatal clinic at an early stage.

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October 7, 2017, 00:43 March 3, 2019 13:46