What payments are due to low-income families? Types of state assistance to low-income families

Other celebrations
  • Financial payments to children under the age of majority and single-parent families in which the woman is on maternity leave (double benefit amount).
  • One-time emergency financial support – in the event of the death of close relatives, diagnosis of a serious illness, etc.
  • Reduction of the entrance fee when registering children for kindergarten - 20% for the first child, 50% for the second, 70% for subsequent ones.
  • Free legal consultations public services and representation in courts free of charge.

What benefits are available to low-income families?

  1. Federal law that defines the conditions for obtaining the status of a low-income family;
  2. Federal law regulating the process of processing various payments for this category of families;
  3. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on the procedure for receiving benefits for low-income families;
  4. Regional resolutions of local governments on various allowances and other benefits for each specific region of residence of a low-income family;
  5. Federal law governing monthly allowance for every child of a low-income family.

Benefits for low-income families in 2017

Low-income families mean that each person has less income living wage in the region of residence. If we take into account that this coefficient is set for a quarter, then the status of the poor must be confirmed in accordance with this period, since benefits may be canceled. There is also a fact that in this complex financial situation The inhabitants of the country found themselves in a situation through no fault of their own. So, families where the parents, being fully able to work, do not work, for example, due to alcoholism, are not considered low-income. Local governments issue status low-income families.

Benefits for low-income families in 2018 in Moscow

The second option involves visiting the Moscow Department of Social Protection and submitting an application to paper version. An authorized employee is given 10 days to check the received application and make a decision. IN given period will include all interactions between the executive branch of government and other departments. All services are provided completely free of charge.

Help for low-income citizens of the Russian Federation in 2018

Both childless families and a parent raising a child alone can apply for the status in question. But the law clearly states that couples living in civil marriage(No official registration marriage in the registry office), and those who are in legally married, but live in different territories.

What benefits are available to low-income families in 2017 in Moscow?

  1. Free two meals a day in the canteen.
  2. Get school and sports uniforms.
  3. Use travel tickets. The discount will be 50%.
  4. Visit exhibitions and museums for free once a month.
  5. Visit a sanatorium. If a child is sick, he must be given a ticket once a year.

Low-income family 2017

Need due to circumstances beyond the family's control. A family in which the parents do not work due to drunkenness, drug addiction, or other reasons will not be recognized as low-income. To obtain the right to additional support it is understood that all able-bodied family members must work, study or be in the employment service (with the exception of women on maternity leave).

Benefits for low-income families

At the same time, the important fact is that citizens found themselves in such a difficult financial situation through no fault of their own. This means that families where parents, being fully able to work, do not work, for example, due to alcoholism, are not considered low-income. Low-income family receives this status by decision of local authorities.

Benefits and allowances for low-income families in 2017

  1. certificate from antenatal clinic about the duration of pregnancy in days (note that it is not in months, because this will not be accepted!);
  2. certificate from the military unit, if future father still serving, or from the military commissariat if he has already completed his service;
  3. a copy of the applicant's passport;
  4. a copy of the marriage certificate;
  5. a copy of the bank account for transferring funds.

What benefits are provided to low-income families in 2018

According to current Russian legislation, those families whose income per person is below the subsistence level in a particular region are considered low-income. This criterion varies in the regions of the Russian Federation, however, it is important to remember that the status of the poor should be regularly confirmed. In addition, families where parents are able-bodied but do not work for subjective reasons (for example, they suffer from alcoholism) are not considered low-income, and the fate of the children becomes the concern of state guardianship authorities.

Get compensation and benefits

  1. Breakfast during training sessions, discount on lunches.
  2. Allowance by September 1st for school/sports uniforms.
  3. Travel card for up to 7 years on public transport in the city, suburbs and region.
  4. Distribution of food products to in kind or a discount on food purchases.
  5. Free visit to the dairy kitchen for a child under 3 years old.
  6. Enrollment in the 1st year of a university without a queue if the exams are successfully passed and the parent is a group I disabled person.

Benefits for low-income families in 2017-2018

If a family claims to be low-income and wants to receive social benefits or discounts on public utilities, then you can find out more specific information in your region at the Social Security office. Payments and compensation provided for such cases are divided into the following groups:

Child benefit for low-income families

IMPORTANT: low-income family only one that has fallen into such a position for reasons beyond the control of its members can be recognized. That is, if able-bodied citizens refuse to work (parasitism), abuse alcohol and/or drugs (this fact must be officially proven), then the application for assignment of status will not be considered.

Rights and benefits of low-income families in 2018

  1. Breakfast at school at municipal expense and discount on meals.
  2. Reimbursement of expenses for the purchase of sports and school uniform in the form of payment before September 1.
  3. Free travel on all types of municipal transport up to 7 years of age, in suburban railway transport during the years of full-time study.
  4. Benefits for purchasing products and/or providing free products.
  5. Dairy kitchen for children under 3 years old at municipal clinics.
  6. Non-competitive admission to a university for an applicant (under 20 years old) who has successfully passed the Unified State Exam and whose parent is a Group I disabled person.

Child benefit for low-income people in Moscow in 2017

Every year, from January 1 to June 30 (this period is specified in the resolution; in reality, social security authorities accept information about income until September 1), recipients confirm information about the income of family members for the past full calendar year . In case of failure to provide information about income within the specified time frame, payment of benefits will cease on October 1 of the current year.

According to current legislation, those who receive an income less than the subsistence level are considered low-income. Many are in a hurry to quickly register the status of a low-income family, which gives access to a variety of benefits.

Let’s take a closer look at what benefits low-income families enjoy in 2019.

Who is entitled to benefits and subsidies for low-income families?

To obtain the social status of the poor, the following conditions must be met:

  1. The amount of income received is small, due to independent reasons.
  2. All household members live together at the same address and run a common household.

If the amount of income received is small due to the fact that one of the spouses is not employed, cohabitation no, and someone leads an asocial lifestyle, then recognition of the family as low-income will not take place, since it will not be possible to collect the required package of documentation.

Each region sets its own cost of living, which is adjusted annually. In the event that income is below the subsistence level, benefits will be assigned according to application procedure.

Basic conditions for providing benefits

To qualify for benefits, you must find out:

  1. The total number of residents registered in this living space. Everyone's income must be taken into account. Only spouses and their blood relatives are taken into account.
  2. Sources of income to calculate total income for the year.
  3. What is the average monthly income in total and divided by each. The average value for the last 3 months is taken.
The total income includes: salaries, social benefits, pensions, scholarships, awards, rent payments, etc.

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Additional conditions for providing benefits

Social benefits low-income families are provided subject to any additional conditions:

  1. There are minor children. If the children are already students, the benefits will be extended until their 23rd birthday.
  2. There are children under 3 years of age under guardianship.
  3. One of the household members is disabled with disabilities to movement and/or work, or old people over 65 years of age.
  4. Number of children - 3 or more.
  5. Grandchildren live without their parents with their grandparents.
  6. Single mothers or single fathers.

To obtain legal right To receive social assistance, low-income families must obtain low-income status. The application is submitted to the social support body (social security), where, if all conditions are met, an agreement will be concluded to provide financial support from the state. This document can then be used everywhere and provided as proof of social status.

The social status of the poor is assigned for 1 year, and then it must be confirmed again.

Types of state social assistance

What benefits are provided to low-income families in a particular region can be found out in the social security service.

Assistance is provided not only at the local level, but also at the federal level in the following forms:

  • Benefits and compensation for minors and students;
  • Additional payment to pensions for those pensioners whose income is below the regional subsistence level;
  • Natural assistance: food, gas or solid fuel, clothing, medicine, etc.;
  • Tax benefits: provided in the form of various deductions;
  • Benefits for rent for the poor: if the cost of paying for housing and communal services exceeds established norm(usually 20% of total earnings), some part of the costs is returned;
  • Preferential employment;
  • Reducing the age for obtaining a labor pension;
  • Provision of garden and other land plots;
  • Assistance in obtaining a social mortgage.
It is best to clarify what benefits low-income families are entitled to with the social security authorities in advance, since each of them will require its own set of documents.

Social support for children in low-income families

Parents in social security often ask the question: “If the cost of living is less, what benefits are the children entitled to?”

Indeed, minors have the right to receive the following social assistance for low-income families at the federal level:

  1. Breakfast at school at municipal expense and discount on meals.
  2. Reimbursement of costs for the purchase of sports and school uniforms in the form of a payment before September 1.
  3. Free travel on all types of municipal transport up to 7 years of age, in suburban railway transport during the years of full-time study.
  4. Benefits for purchasing products and/or providing free products.
  5. Dairy kitchen for children under 3 years old at municipal clinics.
  6. Non-competitive admission to a university for an applicant (under 20 years old) who has successfully passed the Unified State Exam and whose parent is a Group I disabled person.

Benefits for education

Along with others, applicants from low-income families can participate in competitive competitions on a general basis.

Support for a low-income family when submitting documents to the admissions committee at a university is provided to the applicant subject to the following conditions:

  • the applicant has only one parent - a disabled person of group I or II;
  • when passing the exams, the minimum allowed number of points is scored, which is automatically recognized as successful completion;
  • The applicant's age is no more than 20 years.

During the entire time of full-time study at this university, the student receives a state scholarship.

In each specific situation is determined individually to what low-income families are entitled. For example, when the income per household is equal to no more than ½ of the subsistence level in a given region, the state will charge 150 rubles. for every household member.

Additional regional benefits for children

Social programs for low-income families in each region can be significantly expanded or supplemented. Size additional payments proportional to the amounts allocated to the local budget to provide support to low-income segments of the population.

So, if a family is low-income, what additional benefits can it receive for children:

  1. One-time assistance to pregnant women registered before the 12th week of pregnancy.
  2. Maternity payments to unemployed mothers fired due to: bankruptcy or liquidation of a company, closure of an individual entrepreneur, cessation of activity due to an expired license.
  3. One-time benefit immediately after childbirth.
  4. Pregnant wives of military personnel in the third trimester are paid 24.5 thousand rubles.
  5. The parent providing custody of the minor is paid 15.5 thousand rubles.
  6. Benefit after childbirth up to 1.5 years in the amount of 40% of the mother’s earnings before maternity leave.
  7. Monthly payment for schoolchildren.
  8. 50% discount on the purchase of a school pass.
  9. Once a month, free entry for children to a museum or exhibition.
  10. Patients are provided with a free trip to the sanatorium once a year.
Papers for obtaining a particular benefit are submitted once a year, or once every 6 months.

Social support measures and benefits for low-income families in 2019

The following benefits are provided to low-income families:

  • Tax: you don’t have to pay taxes on amounts received as preferential subsidies, pensions, etc.;
  • The right to receive housing under a social tenancy agreement from the housing stock of the local municipality in order of priority, or when registering as those in need of improvement living conditions you can get a social mortgage;
  • Housing: benefits for utilities for low-income people for tenants of municipal housing and owners of privatized housing (local adjustment factors are valid and applied);
  • Material aid:
  1. Monthly - minors, students day departments, V single-parent family- 2 times the size, mothers in maternity leave paid until the child is 2 years old.
  2. Emergency - a one-time payment in the event of a serious illness or death of a family member.
  • Extraordinary enrollment in preschool educational institutions with a reduction in the monthly payment by 20% for the 1st child, by 50% for the 2nd, by 70% for the 3rd and all subsequent ones;
  • Legal - free legal advice, assistance in protecting interests in court.

Innovations for low-income families

In 2013, an additional benefit was introduced in the Russian Federation, which was paid after the birth of the 3rd and subsequent babies. The mother receives this benefit for 3 years after childbirth. The basis for social program for low-income families was Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 606 of 05/07/2012 “On measures to implement the demographic policy of the Russian Federation”.

For low-income families, benefits in 2018 were expanded to include an allowance for the third child, which is paid from the regional budget. Recipients of the benefit were parents of children born after 01/01/2013 in those areas where the total birth rate was registered less than the national average.

In 2017, these regions increased to 50. The amount of state subsidies is equal to the regional subsistence level. In each region, it is approved quarterly (from 6 to 15 thousand rubles).

Payment of this benefit to the poor large families carried out along with the others.

Additional benefits for low-income families for children:

  1. 1,500 rubles will be transferred annually as financial assistance.
  2. If there are children under 18 years old, then 450 rubles are credited monthly for their food.

Usually these payments are made before the 18th birthday, but since there is a student, benefits for low-income families are extended for another 5 years.

In 2018, so-called “social nannies” for children appeared in some regions preschool age from low-income families. It is planned to create in the future federal program by institution social function“state” nanny for disabled children and preschoolers from financially disadvantaged families. The service should be free.

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The problem of poverty in our country today is quite a hot topic for discussion.

Traditionally low social status the most vulnerable categories of citizens have. In most examples, these are single-parent families, citizens with disabilities, and pensioners who have no one to care for them.

Social phenomena such as economic poverty are associated, first of all, with the lack of the ability of the working-age population to ensure a minimum sufficient level of their existence.

What is targeted assistance?

In order to solve the problem of economic poverty, there is a need to take specific measures. One of these solutions is to ensure the possibility of attracting as many more citizens to labor activity. Techniques for reforming the issuing system are also used wages, correcting shortcomings in the current tax policy, etc. overcoming poverty among the population depends on the quality of income distribution in the field of social protection.

As mentioned above, low-income families are one of the most vulnerable categories of citizens. Billions of rubles are specifically allocated by the state to support this part of the population. What exactly does low-income status provide:

  1. Individuals have the opportunity to apply for any, a list of which is given in the current legislation.
  2. Have the right to receive from government authorities.

In most examples, support for the poor is provided by government authorities in the form of regular payments. Often this type of assistance is one-time in nature and falls under the definition of a scholarship. In some cases, money is given for the purchase of food - this is the so-called targeted assistance. It is also practiced to apply benefits when purchasing medicines.

Those in need are distributed at the federal and regional levels. The size of the regional subsidy may be determined by the area in which the poor live.

In 2019, government support for the poor is provided by: ways:

  1. Subsidies for paying off debts on utility bills. Citizens are entitled to this even if they do not have their own living space.
  2. Children raised in low-income families are given the opportunity to enter a huge number of higher education institutions. educational institutions. In this case, there is no need to take part in the main competition for applicants.

Citizens of the Russian Federation who wish to obtain low-income status are advised to independently determine their own average per capita income. To do this, the total family income for a three-month period is calculated.

We list the payments that can be family income, in addition to the official salary:

  1. Financial assistance already received from the state;
  2. Income expressed in kind – own vegetables, fruits, livestock products;
  3. Pension;
  4. Other types of income, for example, income from renting out living space.

The total amount of income is first divided into 3 months, after which distributed equally for all family members. Next, it is necessary to clarify the amount established in the specific region of the Russian Federation where citizens who wish to obtain the status of a low-income family live. The reason is that some areas are more attractive to potential investors and residents, while others are constantly losing population. It is for this reason that the cost of living may differ depending on the region of residence.

Who is entitled to this type of assistance and in what amount?

Assistance to low-income people in the Russian Federation is always assigned to families whose total income is below the subsistence level established in a particular region.

The value is fixed and tied to a specific region of residence of a person.

The law provides for these payments:

  • large families with minor children;
  • single-parent families with only one parent;
  • in the presence of children with a disability status whose age is less than 18 years;
  • families where one or both parents are disabled;
  • unemployed parents raising minor dependents, provided that they are officially registered with employment centers. Assistance is paid within 90 days from the date of registration;
  • single people with group 3 disabilities;
  • persons with childhood pathologies - until adulthood.

The intended purpose of this income item is meet the primary needs of the country's most socially vulnerable citizens.

Fixed value targeted assistance for the poor in 2019, no - in each region and for each group of people it is different.

IN this year provided the following types targeted assistance within the framework of the status of low-income citizens:

  • payment for a newborn – 17,479.73 rubles;
  • adoption of a disabled child – 133,559.36 rubles;
  • assistance to first-graders - from 730 rubles. (depending on the region);
  • for travel to public transport– from 240 rub. (depending on the region);
  • assistance not for children - depends on the region of residence of the person in need and will average 1,555 rubles;
  • for a student – ​​from 750 rubles (depending on the region);
  • payments for food - the amount is determined individually by social services.

These payments cannot cancel or reduce the amount of basic government payments due to a low-income family within the framework of current legislation on a universal basis.

Other varieties cash payments cannot cancel benefits to families who have received low-income status.

Registration procedure

The completed application regarding the appointment of targeted assistance from the state is submitted to the social security department, located in the area where low-income citizens live. The procedure for completing a specific application, as well as the conditions that must be met for subsequent consideration, are determined exclusively by the Regional Administration.

Let's consider scroll necessary documents for submission to the authorized bodies:

Features of receiving in Moscow and in the regions

The Special Committee for Social Protection of Citizens in Moscow and other regions is engaged in ensuring social assistance and additional financing, as well as planning the main directions and methods of support and financing.

Practical activities to collect all the necessary information for a regional banking organization about citizens in need of social support, is always assigned to local government departments and is carried out in accordance with specific methodological instructions, previously approved by the Administration of the separately considered region.

About the features of receiving such assistance in the Murmansk region, see the following video: