Old age pension on preferential terms. “Tekhnura” doesn’t deserve a rest? More than 20 years and was able


Taking into account the increase in the retirement age in 2019 insurance pension old age insurance is assigned and paid to insured persons under the following conditions:

  • reaching the age of 65 years for men, 60 years for women (with the exception of civil servants. For them, the retirement age is set to 65 years for men and 63 years for women).
  • availability of insurance experience (an annual increase to 15 years by 2024 is provided);
  • the value of pension points (IPC) (provided for an annual increase to 30 points by 2025).

Read more about the conditions for assigning insurance pensions in the article at the link.

Conditions for assigning early pension

The right to early retirement for men is regulated by Federal Law No. 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions in Russia” (taking into account changes in the wording in force in 2019). Law in new edition applies from 2019 to 2025.

The law provides for the possibility of early retirement upon achieving:

Depending on the type of work, fulfillment of these conditions may be required in full or selectively. At the same time, the presence certain size individual pension coefficient(IPC) is required for all categories.

Early pension for women at the age of 40 is provided:

  • persons who have worked for at least 15 years as rescuers in professional emergency rescue services, professional emergency rescue units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, upon reaching the age of 40 years or regardless of age (the same benefit is provided to men).
  • visually impaired people with disability group I, women who have reached the age of 40, if they have at least 10 years of insurance coverage;
  • citizens suffering from pituitary dwarfism (midgets), and women with disproportionate dwarfism, if they have at least 15 years of insurance experience.

Early retirement for women at 45 years old

Right to early exit pension for women at 45 years old is provided:

  • if they have worked for at least 7 years 6 months in underground work, in work with harmful conditions labor and in hot shops and have insurance experience of at least 15 years. If these persons have worked in the listed jobs for at least half of the period established above and have the required length of insurance service, they are assigned an insurance pension with an age reduction of one year for each full year such work;
  • permanent residents in the areas Far North and similar areas, who have worked for at least 20 years as reindeer herders, fishermen, and commercial hunters.

Early retirement for women at 50 years old

The right to early retirement for women at age 50 is granted to:

  • who gave birth to 5 or more children and raised them until they reach the age of 8 years and if they have at least 15 years of insurance experience. Read more about early retirement for mothers of many children in the article at the link;
  • one of the parents of disabled people since childhood, who raised them until they reach the age of 8 years if they have at least 15 years of insurance experience (for men in this case early retirement appointed upon reaching the age of 55 years and work experience - 20 years);
  • those who have given birth to 2 or more children, if they have an insurance record of at least 20 years and have worked for at least 12 calendar years in the Far North or at least 17 calendar years in equivalent areas;
  • if they have worked in jobs with difficult working conditions for at least 10 years and have an insurance record of at least 20 years. If these persons have worked at least half of the listed jobs deadline and have the required length of insurance experience, an insurance pension is assigned to them with an age reduction of one year for every 2 years of such work;
  • if they worked as tractor drivers in agriculture, other sectors of the economy, as well as as drivers of construction, road and loading and unloading machines for at least 15 years and have an insurance record of at least 20 years;
  • if they have worked for at least 20 years in the textile industry in work with increased intensity and severity;
  • if they have worked for at least 10 years as locomotive crew workers and workers individual categories directly involved in organizing transportation and ensuring traffic safety on railway transport and subway, as well as as truck drivers directly in technological process in mines, open-pit mines, mines or ore quarries for the removal of coal, shale, ore, rock and have an insurance record of at least 20 years;
  • if they have worked for at least 10 years in expeditions, parties, detachments, on sites and in teams directly in field geological exploration, search, topographic and geodetic, geophysical, hydrographic, hydrological, forest management and survey work and have an insurance record of at least 20 years ;
  • if they have worked for at least 10 years as workers, foremen (including senior ones) directly at logging and rafting sites, including servicing machinery and equipment, and have an insurance record of at least 20 years;
  • if they have worked for at least 15 years as machine operators (docker-mechanizers) of complex crews during loading and unloading operations in ports and have an insurance record of at least 20 years;
  • if they have worked respectively for at least 10 years as a crew member on sea vessels, river fleet and fleet fishing industry(with the exception of port ships constantly operating in the port waters, service and auxiliary and traveling ships, suburban and intracity ships) and have an insurance record of at least 20 years;
  • if they worked as drivers of buses, trolleybuses, trams on regular city passenger routes at least 15 years and have at least 20 years of insurance experience;
  • if they have worked in direct control of aircraft flights civil aviation at least 10 years and have at least 20 years of experience;
  • if they have worked in engineering and technical personnel in direct maintenance of civil aviation aircraft for at least 15 years and have insurance experience in civil aviation for at least 20 years;
  • if they were employed in work with convicted persons as workers and employees of institutions executing criminal penalties in the form of imprisonment for at least 10 years and have an insurance record of at least 20 years;
  • if they have worked for at least 25 years in government positions fire service (fire department, fire and emergency rescue services) Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia;

Early retirement for women at 55 years old

Early pensions are granted to women upon reaching the age of 55 if they have worked for at least 15 calendar years in the Far North or at least 20 calendar years in equivalent areas and have an insurance record of at least 20 years.

Early retirement for women at 58

There is another type of early pension, which can be assigned before reaching the generally established retirement age, but it does not depend in any way on working conditions or health conditions, but is associated with the loss of a job and the recognition of a citizen as unemployed. The right to early unemployment pension begins when women reach the age of 53. One of the conditions for early retirement is that the dismissal must occur in connection with the liquidation of the organization or termination of activities individual entrepreneur. The requirement for insurance experience is at least 20 years.

Early pension for mothers of many children

Mothers with many children are entitled to early retirement depending on the number of children. Women with three children receive the right to retire three years early, and women with four children - four years earlier. Women who have raised five or more children retire at age 50.

More details about the conditions for receiving a preferential pension for mothers of many children can be found in the article at the link.

Early retirement for women when working in certain professions

There is no specific retirement age established for early retirement for workers in certain professions. Required condition in this case is minimum experience work in a profession, upon achieving which arises pension benefit. In such cases, a woman can retire at the age of 43, 45, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59 years.

The right to early pension is granted to women:

  • persons with at least 37 years of insurance experience, an old-age insurance pension can be assigned 24 months before reaching retirement age.
  • having worked, respectively, for at least 20 years on vessels of the marine fleet of the fishing industry in the production, processing of fish and seafood, acceptance of finished products in the fishery (regardless of the nature of the work performed), as well as certain types vessels of the sea, river and fishing industry fleets;
  • having worked for at least 20 years as a civil aviation pilot, and if leaving flight work for health reasons, having worked for at least 15 years;
  • who have been performing for at least 25 years pedagogical activity in institutions for children (teachers, educators). Changed since 2019 minimum age retirement for teachers. Read more about early retirement for teachers in the article at the link;
  • carried out medical and other health care activities population in healthcare institutions for at least 25 years rural areas and urban-type settlements and at least 30 years in cities, rural areas and urban-type settlements, or only in cities. Since 2019, the minimum retirement age for medical workers. Read more about early retirement for doctors in the article at the link;
  • carried out creative activity on stage in theaters or theatrical and entertainment organizations (depending on the nature of such activities) for at least 15 - 30 years.

Prepared by "Personal Prava.ru"

As a rule, readers turn to the editors of ZR with still unresolved problems in the hope of understanding and assistance. At least in the form of publishing an open letter or complaint. However, Boris Zherebtsov - a persistent man and far from timid - came to us, at Leningradskaya, 15, by a different route. Relying solely on his own strength, he first visited all the authorities whose employees - their qualifications and desire to help - depended on his immediate future. And he even achieved recognition that he was right, for which, however, he had to sue.

His desire to illuminate the entire course of this struggle “for the rights common man“On the pages of the newspaper, Boris Vasilyevich explained this: “It’s a shame for the profession and for my colleagues.”

This is what he said in his address:

I worked at Chitaavia for almost 30 years, until the collapse of the enterprise. He worked as an aircraft technician at the aviation technical base of the city of Chita, as a shift supervisor at a district boiler house. Upon dismissal, the HR department issued me a certificate of preferential length of service for early retirement upon reaching the age of 55.

And so in 2009, a month before my 55th birthday, I contacted the Department Pension Fund Russia in Chita (interdistrict) on the assignment of an early retirement pension to me in connection with work in the direct maintenance of civil aviation aircraft in the engineering and technical staff. The customer service employee accepted the documents, signed, but said, looking at the work book, that I would be denied early retirement. I asked how I could prove that I worked as an aircraft technician? I replied that work book everything is written, I paid attention to the records of awards and encouragements. However, the Pension Fund employee was not embarrassed by this; she went to consult with a lawyer, and then handed me a piece of paper with a list of documents that needed to be conveyed. There were journals of all kinds of instructions with my signatures, technical documentation after aircraft maintenance, etc. Due to the reorganization of the enterprise, it was no longer possible to catch up with these securities. By the way, my colleagues warned me about the possibility of such an outcome, since they themselves had encountered refusals from the Pension Fund.

There was no official letter denying early retirement for a long time. I called the Pension Fund regularly, but they referred to me as busy and promised to send a registered answer a little later. Almost a year later I went there again and finally got a negative answer, but one recorded on paper, which the fund explained by lack of special experience.

I will not describe how I caught up with various certificates at the military registration and enlistment office, the military archive and other structures, I will only say that when I applied again to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, I still received a refusal. This was already in August 2013. That’s when I decided to go to court…”

In the decision of the Central district court city ​​of Chita dated March 12, 2015 it is stated that when reviewing documents in Pension Fund Management Some periods of work were excluded from Boris Vasilyevich’s length of service (in particular, during his service in the army in the Air Force units), which is why he “did not reach” the required number of years, giving the right to early retirement.

According to the law, an early old-age pension is assigned if a person has worked as an engineer and technical personnel in direct maintenance of civil aviation aircraft for at least 20 (men) and 15 (women) years and has insurance experience in civil aviation of at least 25 and 20, respectively. years. Note that after several court hearings(The Central District Court included, and the regional court partially excluded, certain periods of work from the “preferential” length of service) the man was “left” with 36 years, 8 months and 5 days of insurance experience and 21 years, 5 months and 4 days of special service, allowing a person to retire for five years. years earlier than others. We also add that Boris Zherebtsov was granted an early retirement pension on November 4, 2009, that is, the debt accumulated during this time was paid off.

Perhaps,” writes Boris Vasilievich, “I would never have made public what I went through if I had been raised differently. But I’m not used to retreating and giving up. I decided for my own sake, for the sake of my mentors, the old guard - “technura” - to remind society that we are not poor relatives, that we deserve benefits provided and worthy of respect.

Ask the management of the current enterprise OJSC “AeroChita” a question: when did new specialists come there? Who will go?! No conditions, no salary, no housing. The pilots are pensioners, the technicians are the same. Today, due to the lack of young personnel in the Trans-Baikal Territory, there are only a handful of retired aviation specialists who still ensure flight safety.

The desire to work in aviation is also killed by employees of certain institutions and departments like the Pension Fund, who underestimate the importance of professions that require theoretical training, experience, certain physical and moral qualities, which are therefore included by the state in the list of special, preferential ones. It’s not for nothing that we are “released” to retire early: the “delights” of working for fresh air for “technurgy” did not pass without a trace. We have acquired diseases of the musculoskeletal system, organs of hearing and vision, digestion, skin and many others.

They didn’t write poems about us, didn’t dedicate odes to us, we just worked honestly, ensuring flight safety civil courts, despite the cold and heat, wind and snow and pouring rain. About the approaching retirement age they thought with optimism, joked: “Something is in the oil, something is in the sweat, but at least in Aeroflot!” Many couldn’t stand it and quit. And we worked. There is a saying that a technician lives seven years before school and a year after retirement, but, unfortunately, many left earlier...

Surely, on Aviation Day, the performance on Kashtak was also watched by employees of the Pension Fund and clapped their hands. Great show, right? And who is behind all this? Flight-lifting staff, “technura”. And you easily cross out their work and merits. I emphasize that there are very few of us. I believe that we are the pride of the former Chita airline, because previously the planes flew all over the region, there were many of them, so we experienced great stress when servicing them, although we always remembered the principle: “Nothing should come at the expense of flight safety.”

It took five years to convince the Pension Fund of one simple thing - the laws must be followed. And if necessary, do not “kick off” a person, do not chase him around the authorities, but clearly explain what documents need to be brought, etc., help in applying for a pension.

Taking this opportunity, I say thank you to everyone who supported me and helped prove that I was right - the panel of judges of the Central District Court, the regional court, the employees of the Chita military registration and enlistment office, the law firm of Larisa Vyacheslavovna Dryaeva and many others. And I urge future pensioners receiving benefits to carefully study the entries in the work book, to know their rights by heart, in order to deprive the Pension Fund of the opportunity to refuse an application for an early pension.

Having met my colleagues after professional holiday, I learned that the current head of AeroChita OJSC, Igor Sleptsov, did not congratulate the personnel of the services, even the employees of the enterprise headquarters. What kind of bosses are sitting in their offices?! Some believe that the benefits provided by law need to be confirmed in court, others do not find them for their subordinates kind words. They probably forget that old age is their future too. Conscience among those in power has now taken second place after callousness.

Today, the salary of existing aircraft technicians of the enterprise averages 15 thousand rubles. Can you imagine what their pension will be like?! And with this approach of the Pension Fund to its work, they may not even be able to receive these pennies on time.

Sincerely, pensioner-beneficiary Boris Vasilyevich ZHEREBSOV».

From the editor

To understand whether Boris Vasilyevich deserves to retire early, it is not at all necessary to pick up piles of documents, make requests to the archive and wait for answers from official bodies. It is enough to familiarize yourself with the sanitary and hygienic characteristics of his working conditions signed by the chief state sanitary doctor for Transbaikal region Vladimir Pintusov - a copy of it is at the disposal of the editors.

The description says that Boris Zherebtsov worked for 20 years as an aircraft technician in the Chita United Civil Aviation Squadron - later a joint-stock company open type Chitaavia OJSC, which was then liquidated. Two more with more than a year worked as a heating engineer at a boiler station and service station. His experience working in hazardous conditions, harmful substances and unfavorable production factors is 22.5 years.

Let's quote first

1. An old-age insurance pension is assigned before reaching the age established by Article 8 of this Federal Law, in the presence of an individual pension coefficient of at least 30 for the following citizens:

1) women who have given birth to five or more children and raised them until they reach the age of 8 years, who have reached the age of 50 years, if they have an insurance period of at least 15 years; one of the parents of disabled people since childhood, who raised them until they reached the age of 8 years: men who have reached the age of 55 years, women who have reached the age of 50 years, if they have an insurance period of at least 20 and 15 years, respectively; guardians of disabled people from childhood or persons who were guardians of disabled people from childhood, who raised them until they reached the age of 8 years, an old-age insurance pension is assigned with a decrease in the age provided for in Article 8 of this Federal Law as of December 31, 2018, by one year for every one year and six months of guardianship, but not more than five years in total, if they have an insurance period of at least 20 and 15 years, respectively, men and women;

(see text in the previous edition)

1.1) women who gave birth to four children and raised them until they reach the age of 8 years, who have reached the age of 56 years, if they have an insurance period of at least 15 years;

1.2) women who gave birth to three children and raised them until they reach the age of 8 years, who have reached the age of 57 years, if they have an insurance period of at least 15 years;

2) women who have given birth to two or more children, who have reached the age of 50, if they have an insurance record of at least 20 years and have worked for at least 12 calendar years in the Far North or at least 17 calendar years in equivalent areas;

3) disabled people due to war trauma: men who have reached the age of 55 years, women who have reached the age of 50 years, if they have an insurance period of at least 25 and 20 years, respectively;

4) visually impaired people with disability group I: men who have reached the age of 50 years, women who have reached the age of 40 years, if they have an insurance period of at least 15 and 10 years, respectively;

5) citizens with pituitary dwarfism (midgets) and disproportionate dwarfs: men who have reached the age of 45 years, women who have reached the age of 40 years, if they have an insurance period of at least 20 and 15 years, respectively;

ConsultantPlus: note.

Persons specified in clause 6, part 1 of this article, who will turn 55 (men) and 50 (women) years old in the period from 01/01/2019 to 12/31/2020, a pension may be assigned 6 months before reaching the age established by Appendix 6 (Federal Law dated October 3, 2018 N 350-FZ).

6) men upon reaching the age of 60 years and women upon reaching the age of 55 years (taking into account the provisions provided for in Appendices 5 and to this Federal Law), if they have worked for at least 15 calendar years in the Far North or at least 20 calendar years in equivalent to their localities and have insurance experience of at least 25 and 20 years, respectively. For citizens who worked both in the Far North and in equivalent areas, an insurance pension is established for 15 calendar years of work in the Far North. At the same time, each calendar year work in areas equated to the regions of the Far North is considered to be nine months of work in the regions of the Far North. Citizens who have worked in the regions of the Far North for at least 7 years 6 months are assigned an insurance pension with a reduction in the age established by Article 8 of this Federal Law by four months for each full calendar year of work in these regions. When working in areas equated to the regions of the Far North, as well as in these areas and regions of the Far North, each calendar year of work in areas equated to the regions of the Far North is counted as nine months of work in the regions of the Far North;

At 20 years old, you easily sleep 2 hours a day, share a bed with 2-3 strangers (after the party you were able to find only one bed), and you are constantly offended by your parents for teaching you how to live! You've been an adult for a long time, that's why you left home for your boyfriend or rented an apartment in half with your girlfriend. You catch a taxi on the street, drink a lot of coffee (and not only coffee) and don’t know where you’ll end up tomorrow. At 20, you live in impulses. But as you approach 30, you’re unlikely to be happy with a one-night stand, and your passion for fast food will diminish. What made us happy at 20 that will scare us at 30?

Fleeting relationships. At 20 there were many of them, they were different in duration and emotions. But you weren't afraid to try again and again. Did you and your girlfriend like the same guy? No questions! A friend goes out with him on a couple of dates and advises whether you should waste your time on him. Today you are unlikely to decide on such an experiment: you want a serious relationship, perhaps even with a continuation.

Lack of sleep. Lack of sleep is a common condition for an active 20-year-old body. I went to the bar on Friday and returned on Sunday. We wasted time on emotions, postponing sleep until later. But “later” seems to have arrived: after a stormy Saturday, you need to get a good night’s sleep on Sunday, and it’s better to completely forget about weekday parties, otherwise you’ll crawl to work dead.

Fast food. There was no shame at all. Dropping into McDonald's after wild dancing is already a tradition. What about the waist? At the age of 20, the body burns excess calories so quickly that one can only sympathize with those who denied themselves the pleasure of eating French fries and hamburgers at night. The older we get, the slower our body works. Therefore, if you want to maintain your waistline until at least forty, oh poor nutrition will have to forget.

Pointless chatter(on the phone and in general). We spent hours talking with girlfriends and friends, but at the same time we managed to do everything. Now we are trying to focus more on current affairs. And we talk mostly on a work phone.

Being late. Remember how you used to be constantly late. You didn’t have any plan, you were just running somewhere all the time and didn’t have time everywhere... This is forgivable when you are 20, but completely unacceptable closer to 30 - you are an adult, a serious person: learn to calculate your time.

Vacation in a tent camp / in uncomfortable conditions. Spend several days in conditions far from those offered to us modern houses- another weakness of 20-year-olds. At 20 years old, convenience doesn't matter much, so you easily accept your friends' offer to go to a 3-day bard song festival. But closer to 30, if you agree to such an experiment, you will certainly collect travel bag half an apartment.

Natural photographs. Photographing naturally means capturing the moment, not posing in front of beautiful picture in a museum, for example. At 20, you don’t care much about how well you look in a photo; you care much more about the emotions that will remain in the photo. This doesn't mean that at 20 we don't want to appear sexy and beautiful. It’s just that at 20 we are a priori like this...

Random taxi. At 20, you still trust people wholeheartedly. After the party, take a walk with a new acquaintance around the city at night, and then catch a “car” on the street? - easily! By 30, the sense of self-preservation intensifies and, having ordered a taxi, you will definitely repeat the car number to your interlocutor at the other end of the line.

Lunch on the run. Everyone is guilty of this at any age. But the result is different. It's just hard to eat right when you're 20, when you've just gotten back from a party and you have to be at class in 30 minutes. At 30, things don’t decrease, but we believe more and more in the saying “war is war, but lunch is on schedule.”

Scandals with parents. And in general with everyone around who in any way criticizes your lifestyle/clothing style/friends, etc. At 20, we know very well what we are doing. But when you get closer to 30, it’s not at all a shame to come to your parents for advice. It's great that we are starting to appreciate their care.

Living in a house with a bunch of neighbors. A good example is a student dormitory. At 20, you are not at all irritated by crowds of unfamiliar people, you feel like a person of the world. But by 30, you no longer want to share your 33 square meters with strangers. This is your home, your fortress - only those closest to you are allowed here.

Internet communication. You're bored at school or work - you download icq, and the day flies by unnoticed and fun! Why not, if those with whom you are “chatting” are on the other side of the world. By the time you turn 30, you understand that virtual communication will never replace the emotions of meeting you.

Countless waste of money. This also speaks of your freedom at 20. You don’t count how much you spent and on what. You get incredible pleasure when you use your last money to buy a train ticket to a place you haven’t been before or give a gift to a friend just because good mood. By 30, you begin to understand the value of money, because you earn it with your own labor, and do not take it from your parents.

Ridiculous clothes. Do you remember that orange skirt that you boldly combined with striped shirt? Oh yes... this ensemble also included polka dot sneakers! To a 30-year-old, it seems to you that this is all just some kind of horror. But how comfortable you were in such an outfit, not like now - in this pencil skirt and tight blouse. There's nothing you can do, the dress code is the dress code. But sometimes, outside of work hours, you can remember that young rebel with green hair and throw a party in the style of the carefree 2000s!

Our lives change rapidly in the period of 20 - 30 years. We grow up, gain different experiences, find our own style and our place in life. We look back and smile at that 20-year-old girl who wore funny pants and listened to hard rock. And then we look forward, move with a confident gait to a new stage of our life and understand how great it is that after a while we still learned to appreciate what we did not know how to appreciate at 20.

Text: Shcheglova Ekaterina

At the age of 20, a person begins to understand all the responsibility that he has received, and the freedom of action that has arisen at the same time. This is a time of experimentation, self-searching. Models of behavior are developed and experience is gained: life, work, emotional. Young people choose unconventional ways to understand the world. By doing this they are trying to prove their uniqueness and make their dream come true.

20 years is called another crisis. He manifests himself in searching for his place, his favorite thing. During this time, a person may move from one faculty to another, from university to university, from one job or position to another.

The “I must” program, which society forces, and the “I want” program collide. If a person understands and accepts both of these programs, harmoniously unites them in his aspirations, he becomes a responsible member of society, who simultaneously carries out activities that attract him and benefits society.

Physiology of age

The first signs of wrinkles appear on the forehead. During this period, the process of growth and formation of the organism basically ends, and all the main dimensional characteristics bodies reach almost their final size. The ribs merge and the rib cage is finally formed.

At the age of 20, many body functions reach their maximum: a person becomes strong, resilient, and reaction speed increases. The cardiovascular system, kidneys, lungs have reached their final size, are using all their reserves and are working at full capacity. Nerve impulses are also very active and instantly carry out any command received from the brain.

For girls, the age of 20 becomes favorable period for the birth of children. They will more easily endure the formation of the fetus, childbirth and will recover faster.

Age statistics

The population of the Russian Federation in this age period(20-24 years old) is 12671 thousand people. Of these, 6,409 thousand are young people, 6,262 thousand are girls.

From the population of this age group employed in the Russian economy is only 9.4%

You were born in 1998 or 1999

1998 — August 17. In Russia, the ruble depreciated, which led to an aggravation of the economic crisis. The country's government resigned.

September 24. The first transplant of a limb from a deceased patient to a living one took place. A hand and forearm were transplanted in the city of Lyon, France.

12 December. The first organ transplant to a child was performed in the United States. A three-year-old Florida boy received a heart, lung and liver transplant at a Pennsylvania hospital.

1999 - 1st of January. Most countries of the European Union have switched to paying in the new European currency – the euro.

March 24. The first NATO air raid was carried out on Yugoslavia. The US invaded a sovereign state that was not threatened by a third party.

2000 - 26 March. Election of V.V. Putin to the post of President Russian Federation. The official inauguration took place on May 7.

A robotic developmental doll has been created in the USA. She knew how to talk, laugh, cry, blink, make grimaces. In the process of communicating with people, she increased her lexicon and reached the developmental level of a two-year-old child.

The first medicinal products were created in Novosibirsk, the prefix “Bifido” was added to the usual name. They contain a liquid concentrate of bifidobacteria, which have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora, prevent the development of pathogenic microbes and nourish the body with B vitamins and vitamin K. Such products quickly gained popularity among buyers.

2001 - January 15. The official launch of the English site Wikipedia took place - a resource that today has become an assistant in quickly obtaining encyclopedic data in all areas of life.

11 September. The largest terrorist attack in world history was committed in the United States. As a result, the Pentagon was damaged and destroyed Shopping mall, and human losses amounted to about three thousand people.

2002 - 1st of January. The European Union introduced euro coins and banknotes, which became a single currency for most EU countries and played important role in stabilizing the global European economy.

October. After 50 years, restoration has begun railway between North and South Korea.

October 23. In Moscow, Russia, Chechen terrorists took hostages at the Nord-Ost theater center on Dubrovka. Three days later, on October 26, all the terrorists were killed during the assault by special forces. One of the hostages died from a bullet wound, the remaining 116 people died from exposure to the gas used during the assault.

2004 — Bloodless revolutions took place in Georgia, Ukraine, and Kyrgyzstan, as a result of which more democratic leaders came to power.

1st of May. The European Union has expanded its scope with the inclusion of ten new countries.

2005 - 5 January. Eris, the largest of the dwarf planets in our solar system, has been discovered.

2006 - March 29. The first total eclipse of the sun in the 21st century could be observed in Russia.

24 August. Scientists have stripped Pluto of its planetary status. This decision was adopted at the meeting of the International Astronomical Union in Prague, Czech Republic.

2007 — Genetics have discovered modifications in the human body that are responsible for the development of certain diseases. After DNA analysis, it became possible to identify a predisposition to certain diseases.

November 4. In the USA took place presidential elections. The first black president in the history of the state, Barack Obama, became the head of the state.

2009 — August 17. A disaster occurred at the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station. Hundreds of people became victims. The cause of the problems was a series of shortcomings and a failure in the redistribution of electricity in the power system.

2010 - 18th of March. Russian mathematician Grigory Perelman proved the Poincaré conjecture, which was considered one of the unsolvable Problems of the Millennium. For this, the Clay Mathematical Institute awarded him a prize of $1 million, which he refused.

April 10th. A plane crash occurred over Smolensk, in which Lech Kaczynski, the President of Poland, his wife Maria Kaczynskaya, the high military command, Polish politicians, as well as religious and public figures (97 people in total) died.

The first living cell was created in which its own DNA was replaced with DNA created artificially. Humanity has received new tools for technology development artificial cultivation organs.

2011 - 11th of March. In Japan, off the northeastern coast, an earthquake occurred, the magnitude of which reached 8.9. As a result of the earthquake, a devastating tsunami arose, as a result of which over 15 thousand people died, several thousand are considered missing.

May 2. Osama bin Laden, the “No. 1” terrorist in the world, the leader of Al-Qaeda, who, in particular, is considered responsible for the September 11 terrorist attack, was killed.

September 7. An international charter flight crashed near Yaroslavl. On board the plane was the team of the Lokomotiv hockey club, which was flying to Minsk. 44 people died, one survived.

2012 - February 21. In Moscow, in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, a scandalous punk prayer service of the PussyRiot group took place, three members of which were detained by the police.

December 1. Russia has headed the G20, a forum of representatives of countries with the most developed economies: Australia, Japan, Argentina, South Africa, Brazil, South Korea, UK, France, Germany, Turkey, India, USA, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Italy, Mexico, Canada, China.

2013 - February, 15. A meteorite fell in the Urals - the largest celestial body that collided with the surface of the Earth after the Tunguska meteorite. Because of the “Chelyabinsk” meteorite (it exploded in the vicinity of Chelyabinsk), 1,613 people were injured.

February, 15. Asteroid 2012 DA14 flew by at the minimum distance from planet Earth (27,000 km). This was the closest distance in the entire history of astronomy.

18th of March. Putin V.V. signed an agreement on the admission of the Crimean Peninsula and Sevastopol to Russia. This agreement comes into force from the moment of ratification by the Federal Assembly - March 21.

2015 - Jan. 7. A terrorist attack took place at the office of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris, based on a caricature of the Prophet Mohammed previously posted in the magazine. 12 people were killed and 11 people were injured.