One-time gift to pensioners. Pensioners are preparing an election trick - a “one-time sop”

With your own hands

The Prime Minister has deceived us all again. Dmitry Medvedev warned that the government has decided to replace the second indexation of pensions in 2016 a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles. Labor veterans should receive this handout in January 2017, and it will amount to five thousand rubles. In total, this will require more than 200 billion rubles, according to the calculations of the head of government.

Whether the Ministry of Finance will find this money is a second matter. Federal budget revenues this year, even under the most unfavorable circumstances, will reach at least 12 trillion rubles. Therefore, 200 billion can be found.

Something else is more important. Namely, to answer the question: what is better for a particular pensioner: maybe even on New Year’s Eve (January pensions are sometimes given ahead of schedule) an additional 5 thousand rubles from the government or “as expected”, as an indexed pension, starting in August?

We have to count. Every year, funds are allocated to the country's budget for the indexation of pensions in order to somehow compensate for the rate of inflation. This was always done twice a year: on February 1 and August 1 (however, social pensions were increased on April 1).

But the crisis, which is not going away, has made its own adjustments. This is not the first time Medvedev has made excuses: “There is no money, but you are holding on.” Let us recall that on February 1, pensions were increased by 4%, despite the fact that the inflation accumulated in 2015 reached, according to Rosstat calculations, 12.9%. This means that on August 1, the government should have indexed labor pensions by another 8.9%.

And that's the bare minimum. Everyone understands that price growth in our country is in fact sharply ahead of official data. For example, even according to Rosstat’s calculations, prices for food alone rose by more than 31% from August 2014 to August 2016. And this despite the fact that the average Russian family spends up to 50% of their monthly expenses on food.

In other words, pensioners were not paid extra anyway. And then they decided to keep them on a starvation diet.

Of course, specific calculations are needed here. Let's do it. Now the average pension in Russia has reached 12,495 rubles per month. If the government, as required by the 2016 budget law, indexed pensions by almost 9% from August 1, then the average labor veteran would receive more than 1.1 thousand rubles more per month from August 1. That is, by January 1 of next year he would have received 500 rubles more than Medvedev promised him.

And these are not exactly average numbers. In Moscow there are city supplements to pensions. And therefore they are among the highest in the country. And this is where the pensioner definitely loses when the government, instead of indexation, gets off with a lump sum payment in January next year. At least for the same 500 rubles.

At the same time, in many regions, which is no secret, people receive very meager pensions: 6-7 thousand. How one can avoid starving to death is not clear to me. Apparently, vegetable gardens help out many of them. 5 thousand rubles of January compensation for this kind of pensioners is a lot. This is more than twice the monthly compensation this year.

But the problem is different. If pensions are not indexed, their purchasing power will only fall. And no one-time handouts will help here.

And the gain for “poor” pensioners will be minimal, and most importantly, short-term.

MK experts

Pavel Sigal, first vice-president of Opora Russia: “A one-time payment to pensioners, which will be used instead of planned indexation, is not beneficial to those pensioners who have a high pension, and is beneficial to the least protected strata, whose payments are minimal.

From a political point of view, the authorities receive certain dividends, since they present this information as an alternative to the abolition of indexation at the end of the year, which will have a positive impact on the mood of the electorate in the election cycle. Pensioners from the regions, whose pensions are much more modest, will be in a winning situation.”

Alexander Razuvaev, director of the analytical department of Alpari: “In the current situation, the Russian authorities’ ability to index pensions is limited. Privatization of leading companies is in doubt, oil remains cheap, and capital markets are largely closed due to sanctions.

However, from our point of view, a more correct step would be accelerated indexation of pensions. Both remaining financial reserves and, within reasonable limits, loans from the Central Bank could be used for this purpose. And the point here is not only that Russia, according to the constitution, is a social state. Indexation of pensions is an increase in domestic demand and a return of the Russian economy to growth. Apart from domestic demand, there are no other sources to boost the economy. However, the government's economic policy may be revised after the elections. This means that the government’s plans for pension payments may be changed.”

Due to the impossibility of carrying out the second (additional) indexation of pensions in 2016, the government decided to compensate for it, which will be carried out to all recipients of insurance and state pensions in January 2017 regardless of the status of labor activity (that is, both working and non-working pensioners).

November 8 by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin it was instructed to make amendments to the draft law, extending its effect and.

The government has already provided for the necessary expenses for such one-time compensation, therefore, according to the Prime Minister, its implementation is considered mandatory and the decision taken cannot be canceled or revised.

On September 20, 2016, the Government submitted it to the State Duma, which was submitted to the State Duma on October 7 by deputies of the new convocation, and on November 11, the State Duma adopted it in its final form. On November 22, 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the law, which on the same day was published on the official Internet portal of legal information and immediately It entered into force.

It should be noted that pensioners will not be produced!

Pension indexation in 2016

In 2016, the legislation regarding pension provision for Russians underwent changes - the part of the law relating to the level of actual inflation of the previous year (price growth index) was (namely, parts 21 and 22 of Article 15 of the law “About insurance pensions”). Thus, this year there has been an increase in pension payments by only 4%, with inflation in 2015 amounting to 12.9%. Taking into account the indexation:

  • the cost of the pension coefficient from February 1, 2016 was 74 rubles 27 kopecks;
  • the fixed payment amount increased to 4558 rubles 93 kopecks.

From April 1, 2016, the and paid to all citizens monthly in the form of a fixed amount were increased by a similar amount.

Such a low level of indexation caused outrage among many pensioners, but the Russian government promised to carry out the so-called pre-indexation of pensions, the size and timing of which was to be determined by the State Duma based on the results of the first half of the year by a separate legislative act.

The reason for the low level of increase and the decision to re-index

As you know, Russia is now experiencing economic difficulties, primarily associated with lower oil prices and the imposition of sanctions, as a result of which the ruble exchange rate is falling. Due to this situation, the government decided partially reduce budget expenses, indexing the pension provision of citizens in such a low amount, as well as limiting it for working pension recipients.

However, due to this state of affairs, a rapid increase in prices for food, non-food goods and services began to be noticed. Therefore, leaving the pension at the current amount, without increasing it to the required level, would reduce the purchasing power of pensioners, most of whom are now in on the verge of poverty.

  • The government's social bloc insisted on additional indexation; even Olga Golodets reported that there would most likely be an increase.
  • Meanwhile, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov has repeatedly explained that with such a growing trend in the deficit of the Pension Fund, another indexation cannot be carried out. Moreover, in order to somehow stabilize the economic situation, it is necessary.

As a result, the government decided to postpone the decision on the second increase until the end of the first half of 2016.

One-time payment instead of pension indexation

Back in May of this year, Dmitry Medvedev announced that in the state budget no money, so the issue of re-indexing remained unresolved for a long time. After the first half of the year and calculations of the results, it turned out that about 200 billion rubles are needed to increase pensions to the required level, which would create certain difficulties for the indexation of pensions next year and subsequently for the economy as a whole. The Pension Fund budget itself is in deficit, which already exceeds 174 billion rubles.

“Right now we do not have sufficient resources to carry out indexation in the usual format, but we need to re-index pensions.”

Prime Minister D.A. Medvedev

As a result of the next meeting held, the Russian government decided not to carry out the second indexation, but to replace it a one-time payment of 5 thousand rubles.

  • According to preliminary calculations, it is necessary to spend about 220 billion budget funds to make the payment.
  • However, due to the fact that it will be carried out once, it will not cause serious consequences for the state budget for subsequent years.

Compensation in the form of a one-time payment was approved by President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin in connection with the stabilization of the country's economy, and according to Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich, it will not particularly affect the level of inflation in Russia. Of course, such a payment will not completely cover the losses of pensioners from the failure to carry out the additional required increase, however "it's better than nothing".

September 20, 2016 draft Federal Law No. 1177914-6 was submitted by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection to the State Duma for consideration and subsequent adoption.

  • explains that all persons who permanently reside in the territory of the Russian Federation and are pensioners as of December 31, 2016 have the right to an indexation payment.
  • At the same time, unlike a monthly pension, no deductions will be made from this payment based on executive documents, court decisions, etc.
  • Another feature of this compensation is that its amount will not be taken into account when determining the right to various additional social support measures, which is extremely important for the poor, disabled and other socially vulnerable categories of the population.

On November 11, 2016, the law was adopted by the State Duma with all amendments made in the third reading. The main addition was the extension of its effect to military pensioners, in connection with which the bill was renamed as the Federal Law “On a one-time cash payment to citizens receiving a pension”.

November 22 it was signed by the President, published on the Official Internet Portal of Legal Information, and then came into force.

Who will get 5 thousand rubles towards their pension?

According to the government, a one-time payment of 5 thousand rubles will be received all pensioners. According to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, as of December 31, 2016, the estimated number of pensioners will be 44.056 million people, which is almost a third of the entire population of Russia. Recipients of several types of pensions are taken into account just one time and will receive 5,000 rubles at a time. on par with the rest.

Thus, all citizens receiving a pension at the end of 2016 will receive the payment, regardless of the pension provision assigned to them, which can be divided into 2 main types:

  1. Pensions under compulsory pension insurance() - according to estimates, the recipients are 40.482 million people. Reliable to citizens who are insured in the compulsory insurance system and for whom, during their working career, the employer paid insurance contributions to the Pension Fund. Paid upon the occurrence of an insured event (, or).
  2. State pensions(including) - more than 3,572 recipients. Set:
    • , and - as compensation for lost earnings;
    • and - for the purpose of compensation for damage received during service or from radiation;
    • - to provide livelihood.

Will 5 thousand rubles be paid to working pensioners?

During the coming crisis, the government decided reduce pension costs, which amounts to a significant amount of federal budget expenditures, and it turned out to be possible to do this with more or less socially protected citizens, i.e. those who continue to work and receive wages.

After the President signed Law N 385-FZ on December 29, 2015, the annual indexation of pensions was canceled for working pensioners. Instead, on February 1, for such citizens, the amount of insurance payments was indexed “in absentia” - they will now receive a real increase in their pension only after complete dismissal from work.

Previously, the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank generally proposed, one of the key points of which would be the complete abolition of pension payments to working recipients. Therefore, in such a situation, the population had an acute question: Will there be a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles to working pensioners?

However, as Deputy Prime Minister for Social Affairs Olga Golodets explained, a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles. all pensioners will receive regardless of their work activity. This measure will also serve as compensation for working citizens.

Will there be a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles to military pensioners?

For people the situation was not much more complicated than for other citizens. The fact is that this category of pensioners receives pension payments not through the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR), but through the Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc., which are regulated by a separate legislative act - law dated February 12, 1993 N 4468- 1 . In this connection, the assignment, indexation and payment of so-called “military pensions” differs significantly from “civilian” ones.

The bill on one-time compensation for military pensioners did not include, and only recipients of pensions through the Pension Fund were mentioned. However, after a meeting with members of the Security Council held on November 8, 2016, Vladimir Putin explained that “this measure should apply to all categories of pensioners”.

Thus, the President instructed quickly make changes into the corresponding draft law, so that in January 2017, military pensioners and categories of citizens equivalent to them will also receive compensation 5000 rubles.

The Ministry of Finance estimates the number of recipients of military pensions in 2.58 million citizens, making payments for which will require additional costs. However, according to V.V. Putin, the necessary financial resources are available in the budget.

When will the one-time payment be made?

The payment of a one-time benefit of 5 thousand rubles was only indicated as of January 2017, despite the fact that it is compensation for incomplete indexation in 2016.

  • She will wear undeclared nature, that is, you do not need to contact the Pension Fund, submit an application or provide any additional documents.
  • A one-time payment will be accrued according to a special delivery schedule during the period from January 13 to January 28, 2017.

It was previously reported that pensioners would receive one-time compensation along with their January pension. However, at a brief press conference on September 14, Maxim Topilin announced that this payment would be made according to a separate schedule And “in some places it will be combined with January payments, in others it will be delivered separately”.

If the delivery of pensions is carried out by Russian Post, the payment will be made as follows:

  • Along with pensions for those citizens to whom pension provision is delivered from the 13th to the end of the payment period.
  • They will deliver to your home from January 13 to January 28, 2017 to those pensioners who receive a pension from the 3rd to the 12th of each month. Such recipients will be informed of the exact delivery date of 5,000 rubles upon receipt of their pension for December 2016.

If the pensioner is not at home at the time of delivery, the postman will leave a notice in the mailbox, with which you can contact the post office and receive a lump sum payment until January 28 or its delivery will take place along with pension for February.

Will pensioners be paid 5 thousand in 2018?

In 2017, pension indexation was carried out in full size- to the inflation rate in 2016, which amounted to 5.4%. At the same time, in 2018 it is planned to index pension benefits higher than 2017 inflation - 3.7% with inflation 3.2%. Thus, no rights of pensioners were infringed, therefore there are no grounds for additional payments or one-time payments pensioners in the amount of 5,000 or 10,000 rubles.

In addition, for 2019-2020 it is planned to carry out indexation in full (in accordance with the provisions of the law), therefore one-time payments there are also no plans in the coming years.

"United Russia" will make pensioners happy with the 13th pension.

As Argumenty Nedeli learned, one of the election slogans of the party in power will be the controversial slogan: “A decent life for pensioners.” Only instead of lobbying for the legal indexation of pensions to the level of inflation, EdRo will present a one-time payment of the so-called “13th pension” as its victory.

Despite the unofficial pre-election marathon and active PR that has already begun, according to the Levada Center, only 53% will vote for the United Russia party. This is negligible for the extremely unpopular laws called anti-social laws planned for adoption in the next five-year period.

Trading is currently underway between the legislative and executive branches. What piece to offer during the election period to the most active voting part of the population - PENSIONERS, of whom there are more than 42 million in the country.

According to some reports, the servants of the people agreed that closer to autumn they would be promised a one-time payment, the money for which would be taken from the reserve fund.

There will be massive campaigning in favor of such a solution instead of constant indexation, for which there are no funds. And rumors will spread: look at how kind United Russia is, supposedly, and forced the Ministry of Finance to pay a handout. Victory is expected to be announced closer to the election, with payments expected in the fall.

This means that the government and the party in power can violate the election law by directly bribing a retired voter. And this bribery from the country’s treasury can be considered not the intended use of funds for personal gain, as the party in power teaches.

It should be like in “12 chairs”: “money in the evening, chairs tomorrow morning, or money in the morning, chairs in the evening, but money in advance,” but they don’t want that. You say, vote, and we’ll see how you voted and then we’ll pay you. This is already chaos on the part of the government and United Russia.

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said that the second indexation of pensions in 2016 will be replaced by a one-time payment of 5 thousand rubles in January 2017. He justified this by the fact that the country is experiencing a difficult economic situation. Medvedev expressed confidence that this decision will help pensioners compensate for losses from rising prices. “Based on the results of today’s discussion, I believe it is correct to carry out indexation in the form of a one-time cash payment; it is determined in the amount of five thousand rubles and will be paid in January 2017. This decision will require an additional more than 200 billion rubles,” TASS quotes the prime minister. Both working and non-working pensioners will receive payments. Medvedev instructed the Ministry of Finance to find the required 200 billion rubles. “At the same time, it is necessary to try to maintain the parameters of the budget for 2017 in order to prevent an imbalance in the financial situation,” he said and noted that the Russian budget deficit at the end of 2016 may exceed 3% of GDP, but the government will do everything to maintain it in within three percent. The Prime Minister also said that the Pension Fund's income was lower than expected. “According to the Ministry of Finance, the reduction is about 174 billion rubles. Therefore, it will be necessary to increase the size of the transfer from the federal budget in order to pay everything as expected,” Interfax quotes him. At the same time, the February indexation of pensions in 2017 will be carried out in full - at the inflation level for 2016 - and will require an additional more than 270 billion rubles. Let us note that the Chairman of the Union of Pensioners of Russia Valery Ryazansky has already approved the government’s decision to replace the indexation of pensions with a one-time payment. “This is an interim decision. This is, of course, better than nothing, because before this we were worried about the position of the Ministry of Finance, which stated that there was no money and that there would be no indexation,” he explained on the radio station “Moscow Speaks.” According to him, the one-time payment will cover the losses of pensioners in 2016, and the next indexation, which is scheduled for February 2017, will pay off inflation. “From the point of view of real payments to pensioners, this replaces indexation. But why is this not full-scale indexation, because these payments will not be included in the recalculation base for the next indexations. And the next indexation will be in February, and it will be full-scale, as the chairman of the government said,” added Ryazansky. In 2016, pensions were indexed by 4% instead of the inflation rate prescribed in legislation for the previous year (in 2015 - 12.9%). In addition, from January 1, 2016, indexation of pensions for working pensioners was cancelled. The government's idea to replace the second indexation of pensions in 2016 with a one-time payment was reported in mid-August by the Vedomosti newspaper. Sources of the publication said that the payment will be made before the elections by the beginning of September. In June 2016, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev called the limitation on pension indexation a “temporary measure.” He admitted that indexation by inflation could appear as early as 2017. Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed similar hopes last December. “I would really like for us to at least be able to resolve this issue based on the actual inflation of 2016. I don’t know whether this will work or not,” he said. In May of this year, during a trip to Crimea, Dmitry Medvedev uttered a phrase that has become famous. In response to complaints from residents about low pensions, the head of government said that the state does not have money to increase pensions. “There’s just no money right now. If we find the money, we’ll do the indexation,” the prime minister promised, ending the conversation with an awkward parting word: “You hang in there, all the best to you, good mood and health!” Medvedev’s phrase became the reason for numerous jokes on the Internet and topped the ranking of Runet memes. On June 20, Rosstat reported that the real incomes of Russians in May 2016 decreased by 5.7% compared to the same period last year. The average nominal salary in May increased by 6.2%, real - fell by 1%. According to Rosstat, the number...