Why did the nail turn black? The nail has turned black - what to do? Medicines for treatment

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Well-groomed feet is a complex concept that includes healthy nails. The unaesthetic appearance of feet and toes can ruin not only your mood, but also signals the presence of pathologies or malfunctions in the body. Blackening of the nails indicates external or internal problems, and this ailment, unfortunately, is quite common.

The reasons that the nail on the big toe suddenly changed its color should be sought not only in external influences, but also in internal factors. The first experts include:

  • hemorrhage as a result of bruise or injury;
  • vascular damage due to wearing shoes that are too tight;
  • external staining of the plate due to low-quality shoes or due to contact with certain household aggressive substances;
  • using bad manicure polishes without a preliminary protective base.

Internal causes that cause blackening of nails should be looked for:

1. in a benign tumor of the thumb and the proliferation of blood vessels under the plate;

2. in fungal diseases. Bacterial causes of the pathology can be assumed if the fingernails and toenails turn black at the same time;

3. in cardiovascular pathology, especially if there is blackening of the plates on the arms and legs;

4. in endocrine disorders: problems with the thyroid gland, diabetes.

Fungal pathologies, in turn, cause not only blackening of the plate. Under the influence of bacteria, the nail begins to crumble, deform and peel. In addition, the fungus often causes an unpleasant odor and excessive sweating of the feet; together, these symptoms are a serious basis for the assumption of a bacterial foot disease.

How to treat blackening?

Once the reasons why the nail has completely turned black have been established, therapy can begin. To eliminate the problem, both medications and folk remedies should be used. Blackening as a result of injury should be treated according to a certain scheme.

1. Immediately after the bruise, place the finger under cold water or ice. If the plate still turns black, then the procedure is carried out several times a day.

2. The site of injury should be disinfected to prevent tissue infection.

3. An extensive hematoma affecting the nail on the big toe is opened surgically in a clinic.

It is more difficult to treat darkening that is caused by internal problems. First of all, such a symptom may indicate cardiovascular disorders in the body, so you should not postpone a visit to the doctor.

If the change in color of the plate is not associated with heart problems, then the reasons should be sought in the bacterial basis of the pathology. Accordingly, the treatment is adjusted taking into account the antibacterial effect on the affected area.

  • A black nail on the thumb is treated with antimicrobial varnishes or solutions. Lotseryl, Batrafen, Mikozan are considered effective.
  • Lubricate the nail plates on the toes with local products containing the active ingredient: Exoderil, Nizoral, Lamisil.

You should not ignore going to the hospital so that the doctor makes the correct diagnosis, because the bacterial reasons why toenails can turn black lie in the area of ​​​​various microbial lesions. Clinical analysis will be able to identify the pathogen and, accordingly, adjust therapy.

Treatment with unconventional means

Blackened toenail plates can also be treated using traditional medicine.

1. If the problem arose as a result of injury, then the following is considered effective:

  • treatment with a warm soda solution, which softens the plate itself and accelerates tissue healing;
  • treat the area affected by the fungal infection with calendula tincture, which has antiseptic properties.

2. If the blackening of the nails is due to a fungal infection, then traditional methods of influence can be considered:

  • vinegar baths for a quarter of an hour. The solution for the procedure is prepared from 3 liters of warm water and a glass of table vinegar;
  • vinegar lotions, which are recommended to be done immediately after the baths for a quarter of an hour. This treatment is carried out using a cotton pad soaked in table vinegar, which is applied to the area of ​​microbial damage;
  • Tea tree oil baths are prepared from a few drops of oil and warm water. The feet are immersed in water up to the ankles for 20 minutes.

Do not forget that the thumbnail may turn black due to problems with insulin and the progression of diabetes. Only a specialist can determine the correct reason that caused the blackening of the plate, so you should not delay your visit to the doctor.

Preventive measures

Treatment of the unaesthetic problem of darkened plates on the legs takes a lot of time and effort, so it is worth paying attention to preventive measures for this pathology. It is easier to prevent any disease than to subsequently engage in complex and complex therapy.

First of all, it is worth remembering that the nail can turn black due to too narrow shoes, but you should not take this lightly: the discoloration of the plate itself occurs as a result of the lack of normal blood supply to the toe. The first preventive measures are:

  • wearing properly fitted and well-painted shoes;
  • use of high-quality manicure varnishes.

Preventive measures also include:

1. Maintain foot hygiene.

2. Treat the nail twice a day with iodine.

3. Use of individual shoes on the beach, in the sauna, bathhouse.

4. Timely prevention of excessive sweating of the feet.

5. Use well-processed, preferably individual, tools for manicure and pedicure.

If the nail on the thumb turns black, a person experiences internal discomfort, especially in the summer. Sometimes physical negative sensations are also added: pain, itching, burning. Dermatological specialists draw attention to the fact that a darkened nail on the big toe is a kind of indicator of internal problems in the body. The nail plate turns black - it’s time to “sound the alarm”, because the most common cause of the pathology is considered to be a fungus. Timely initiation of treatment significantly speeds up recovery time, and a comprehensive examination helps to promptly identify complex pathological processes in the body.

Not every person will be able to figure out why their fingernails darken, because this problem can affect even those people who adhere to all the rules of hygiene. A black nail can acquire this appearance due to a banal injury, but in some cases it is related to a fungal disease.

The darkening process itself occurs due to hemorrhage, after which the damage dries out. If the nail has not been severely bruised before, you should visit a doctor, as there may be several reasons for this, and most of them require immediate treatment.

There may be several reasons why fingernails turn black.

Almost every person has encountered such a phenomenon as frozen blood under the nail plate. These can be people who carefully monitor themselves, and those who do not adhere to these rules at all. This is not the main reason.

When thinking about the question of why a fingernail may darken, it is worth understanding that the reasons can be not only blows, but also serious illnesses. This will allow you to diagnose the problem in time and quickly get rid of it. Experts identify 4 main reasons for deviation:

  1. Hematoma due to trauma.
  2. Increased pigmentation.
  3. Liver pathologies.
  4. The presence of any type of fungal disease.

Treatment for a blackened fingernail

The first thing to do before treatment is to determine the exact reason why your fingernails turn black. If this happened due to injury, the person will be asked to monitor the therapy independently, using traditional methods. One of them is to use a salt bath.

For this you can use both sea and regular salt. The damaged plate must be placed in the solution for half an hour. As a result, the liquid will draw out the blood within 5-6 days, and its remains can be removed using a disinfected thin needle.

Now a little about the secrets of fighting fungus

Fungal infection is one of the most common causes of blackened nails. Curing a patient in such a situation is not easy, it is a long process, so you need to see a doctor as quickly as possible.

Treatment is usually accompanied by taking antifungal ointments, gels or tablets, for example:

  • Mikozan;
  • Nizoral;
  • Lamisml;
  • Clotrimazole;
  • Batrafen;
  • Irunin.

During therapy, the patient must carefully monitor and care for the damaged nail. Also, do not forget about personal hygiene and control the situation so that the fungus does not spread to other parts of the finger or hand.

Traditional methods of treating darkened nails

You can resort to treatment with folk remedies only after the cause of the darkening of the finger is known, and such therapy was recommended by the doctor himself. There are 5 most popular self-treatment methods:

  1. A mixture of mint and salt is applied to the problem area for 1 hour.
  2. A solution of soda and salt (1 tablespoon each). The water for the mixture should be warm.
  3. Compress from grated potatoes (for 35-40 minutes).
  4. A bath of strong, uncooled coffee. The procedure is repeated 5-7 times, every evening.
  5. An ointment made from 10 grams of calendula inflorescences, 20 grams of burdock and the same number of grams of hop cones. The mass must be boiled in a water bath and then add Vaseline, mixing in a ratio of 1 to 2. Apply a thin layer 3-4 times a day.

Preventive measures

To reduce the likelihood of a black nail to 0, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • when going to the pool or sauna, you must take rubber slippers with you;
  • if the work involves chemicals, you should not start it without first wearing special gloves;
  • personal hygiene is mandatory;
  • You cannot wear someone else’s shoes or gloves, as there is a risk of fungal infection;
  • The apartment must be disinfected periodically. Particular attention is paid to the toilet, washbasins and bathtub.

Few people will be surprised by the blackening of the nail plate on the foot if this area has previously been injured. But if this happens for no apparent reason and unexpectedly for the person himself, then a serious pathology can be suspected. It is important to establish the true reason why the toenail turns black so that appropriate measures can be taken to eliminate the problem.


The most common and common cause of darkening of the nail plate is injury. In this case, the provoking factor can be not only a blow or bruise. Such an injury can be caused by wearing uncomfortable, too-tight shoes. Regular pressure is applied to the nail plate, which leads to its damage, as well as subsequent blackening. It is enough to change your shoes to looser ones and the problem in which your toenail has turned black due to tight shoes will go away on its own.

This phenomenon is caused by impaired blood circulation in the area of ​​the fingertips and feet. This disorder is associated not only with internal pathologies, but also with mechanical compression of blood vessels located in the lower extremities. As a result, the fingertips lose access to sufficient blood supply.

The nail may darken due to prolonged use of certain medications. Especially if such drugs contain components that cause an allergic reaction. In such cases, the plate of the thumb begins to turn black.

A fungus can cause this problem. With this phenomenon, the tissues and horn cells of the plate are gradually destroyed. As a result, a hollow space is formed in which fungal spores begin to multiply. Other symptoms may include:

  • burning sensation in the fingers;
  • itching of the skin;
  • plate deformation;
  • increased brittleness of nails.

If you have a fungal disease, do not delay treatment. Otherwise, serious complications may occur. Intoxication of the whole body will begin, the darkened nail will grow into the soft tissue, walking will become difficult, and in the area of ​​​​the foot it may become painful.


If the toenail turns black after a blow, the cause is rupture of blood vessels followed by internal hemorrhage. Blood enters the area of ​​soft tissue located under the nail and coagulates there, resulting in the formation of a dark spot. With a minor injury, the bruise disappears on its own after some time. You can try applying an ice compress to the injured toe in the first minutes after the blow. Then the blackening of the plate will go away faster.

When the bruise is severe, a tumor may begin to develop, which bursts the nail plate from the inside. A person experiences severe pain, the nail becomes rough over time, and it becomes torn and peeled off. Only qualified help can cope with such a situation, especially if suppuration begins to form.

People whose bodies are prone to increased pigmentation may also experience darkening of the nail plate. Usually this phenomenon affects only the big toes. The nail color becomes dark brown.

If you pay attention in time and start taking therapeutic measures, you can quickly get rid of this problem.


The cause of complete or partial staining of the nail plate may be liver disease. This organ is responsible for filtering and removing all harmful, toxic substances that enter the body. The liver is also involved in the process of breaking down consumed foods into fats, carbohydrates, proteins, and hormones. And if the nail on the thumb turns black, this may be due to liver dysfunction and internal accumulation of toxins.

This disease can be recognized by dark spots that do not have clear boundaries and can be of different sizes. Such spots tend to periodically disappear and appear again. In this case, a painful sensation occurs in the right side. You should see a doctor immediately, otherwise complete liver dysfunction will occur.

Sometimes blackening of the nail plate on the toes may indicate gastric and intestinal diseases. This may be directly related to a person’s diet. Due to poor nutrition and consumption of expired foods, the functioning of the gastric and intestinal tract is disrupted, which leads to an exacerbation of chronic diseases.

If the toenail turns black and hurts, then we may be talking about a formation such as a hemangioma. This pathology hides a benign tumor of the nail. With this disease, the proliferation of blood vessels occurs. As a result, the nail plate darkens, discomfort and pain are felt in the legs.

Well-groomed and beautiful nails are one of the essential conditions for a successful female image, especially in the summer. Moreover, we are talking not only about hands, but also about legs, because open shoes and sandals are a spectacular detail of the toilet, which is difficult for every fashionista to do without. However, even the most successful manicure can be ruined by an unhealthy, black nail. This phenomenon is quite common and indicates external or internal problems that need to be solved. Today we want to look at the reasons and talk about methods of treating the affected nail plate.

Doctors are unanimous in their opinion

Indeed, many medical experts agree that a black toenail indicates poor circulation. Therefore, if you notice a small dark spot or the entire nail plate has changed its color, becoming blue-black, you need to not only take a close look at it, but also find the cause of this phenomenon.

A black nail may appear after wearing tight shoes or due to injury. In some cases, a change in the color of the nail plate is accompanied by severe swelling on the legs. This once again confirms that there is a partial circulatory disorder. However, let's look separately at each reason why a black nail may appear.

Serious injuries

Most often, this is the reason why a black nail appears. It is enough to press your finger hard or drop something heavy on it, and a hematoma appears on the finger. The reddish tint quickly darkens and soon spreads across the nail plate in the form of a black spot. This can also happen due to prolonged wearing of tight, uncomfortable shoes.

If the impact was not too strong, then after some time the bruise will resolve without a trace. But it also happens that the damaged nail will gradually grow back, and the dark part will simply have to be gradually cut off. The main reason is the accumulation of blood under the surface of the plate, its drying out and darkening. The nail may completely fall off the finger, and a new one will grow in its place.

Necessary measures after injuries

What should you do if, after a day in a new pair of shoes, you find a black nail on your big toe? Help will be similar if you drop something heavy on your leg.

  • First of all, it is recommended to put cold on your finger. To do this, put it in a vessel with cold water or apply an ice compress.
  • If you observe bleeding from under the plate, you can try to remove it to reduce the impact on the internal tissues. However, the procedure is painful. If the injury is fresh and the blood has not yet clotted, you can pierce the nail with a hot needle. Excess blood will come out through this hole. It is extremely important to carefully follow disinfection measures. And after the procedure you need to bandage your finger. The pulsation will persist for some time - this is completely normal.
  • As the nail grows, it needs to be trimmed regularly so that, if it accidentally gets caught, it does not injure the soft tissue underneath it even more.

Wrong manicure

This is another reason why you may have black nails. The photos are not particularly aesthetically pleasing, but they are also important to fully cover the topic of our article. So, carefully choose a specialist from whom you will get your nails done. The use of low-quality materials, in particular varnishes, quite often leads to similar results. Acetone, which is not used in professional salons, has a particularly detrimental effect on the nail. Moreover, if the process is very advanced, then you will have to wait for a healthy plate to grow.

Other external influences

What else can cause black nails? The photos that we present in the article serve as a visual aid of how the appearance and overall image can change in this case. So, another reason for the darkening of the plate is exposure to harmful substances. For example, it could be potassium permanganate. It doesn’t just paint, but changes the structure of the tissue, so it will take a long time before the nail returns to its original, healthy appearance. In order not to spoil the image, you can use a bright, colored coating, although cosmetologists do not recommend applying the coating until complete restoration.

Causes of darkening of nails that come from within

But if everything is more or less clear with the reasons listed above, then what to do if you didn’t hit yourself anywhere, the shoes fit comfortably on your feet, and at one “wonderful” moment you discover a black nail on your big toe? Such cases are not uncommon, and the cause in this case must be sought within your body.

  • Fungal diseases. In this case, separation of the nail plate and growth of darkening from the bottom to the center is often observed.
  • Taking medications. If you have recently undergone treatment, then you should ask your doctor in more detail about the effects of the medications you are taking on your body. If any of them contains a component that can cause an allergic reaction, or a person simply has an intolerance, then a black nail on the big toe (a photo is provided in the article for reference) may well be a consequence of this. Therefore, without delay, go to the doctor.
  • If only a certain area of ​​the nail has darkened or large dark spots appear on its surface, this may indicate problems with the functioning of the intestines or stomach. Analyze your diet, if recently you have been abusing fatty, sweet or salty foods, or have been careless in eating foods that have expired, then do not be surprised that a black toenail has appeared. The reasons may also lie in vitamin deficiency, which is caused by an unbalanced diet. This once again confirms the fact that a person is what he eats.

Treatment of fungal diseases

First of all, I would like to say that only a doctor can make such a diagnosis. Fungus is an extremely contagious disease that is difficult to get rid of. To stop its development and get good results from therapy, you need to follow a number of rules.

  • Feet must be kept clean at all times. It is advisable to immediately perform hygiene procedures upon arrival home.
  • It is equally important to change and wash your clothes and socks regularly.
  • In public places (swimming pool) wear your own shoes and do not walk barefoot.
  • It is very important not to let your feet stay wet for a long time. After you take a shower, you need to dry them thoroughly with a towel and hairdryer.

Methods of modern medicine

Most often, specific methods are required in cases where a fungal disease has been diagnosed. If the infection is in its early stages, the doctor will advise the use of external medications. These are drops and oils that can suppress the development of fungus and improve the condition of the nail. After about a week, his appearance will improve slightly. The choice of drugs today is quite large.

  • These are antifungal varnishes: “Ciclopirox”, “Nogtivit”.
  • Local, antifungal drugs. These are drugs known through advertising: Nizoral, Exoderil.
  • Oral medications, that is, tablets that increase the body's resistance to fungal infections: "Orungal", "Irunin".
  • In severe cases, it remains to remove the nail plate completely so that treatment becomes possible.

Traditional medicine

If you don’t have any medications at hand, or they are too expensive, you can try a different way to treat the black toenail. Treatment with folk remedies has a number of advantages. It is inexpensive, all the drugs are at hand, and the effect of such an effect is also good.

  • Number one is a regular iodine solution. It is applied to the nail and the area around it. It must be applied twice a day to kill active spores. After a week's course, you need to take a break of several days.
  • Treatment with bleach is sometimes also promoted on thematic forums, but you should not resort to this method. You may not kill the fungus, but there will definitely be a burn.
  • Garlic - it disinfects and kills any bacteria. Therefore, simply rub the clove into a paste and apply it to the nail every day at night until the condition improves.
  • We will give you one last recipe that may be effective if you are bothered by black toenail. Treatment with propolis (folk remedies can often achieve results no worse than with the help of modern pharmaceuticals) is also quite popular. To do this, you just need to apply a tampon with 20% propolis tincture to the fungus every day. As a result, the diseased nail comes off and a healthy one grows in its place.

Instead of a conclusion

As you can see, there can be many reasons for darkening of the nail. We have listed only the main ones. Despite the apparent frivolity, these symptoms should not be ignored. It is best if you do not self-medicate, but consult a doctor who will conduct the necessary diagnostics and prescribe treatment.

A large number of people have encountered the problem of a blackened toenail or hand nail. This feature not only looks unsightly, but can also be a symptom of a serious health problem. Solving this problem is quite difficult, so sometimes girls prefer to hide the blackness under opaque nail polishes.

The condition of the nails indicates the overall health of the human body. In our body, all processes are interconnected. Smooth, shiny and strong nails indicate that everything is in order in the body. Therefore, problems with nails almost always mean some kind of deviation in the functioning of the internal organs and systems of the body. The appearance of brittle nails, dull color or dark spots and stripes require finding out the reasons for the malfunctions in the body that led to such problems.

Why do the nails on my toes or fingers turn black? The causes of blackening of the nails on the big toes or hands may be the following:

  • Bleeding under the nail. This happens due to a bruised toe or quite strong and prolonged pressure on the nail or friction of the toe with uncomfortable or narrow shoes. Sometimes hemorrhage can occur after injury to a vessel after a manicure or pedicure.
  • Blackening of nails due to prolonged exposure to aggressive chemicals or household substances, such as potassium permanganate or dye.
  • Impact of smoking on the body can also lead to blackening.
  • Melanonychia. This is a fungal nail disease. Melanonychia usually appears in dark-skinned people, as well as in people with weakened immune systems and pregnant women. Blackness in this disease extends not only to the nail, but also to nearby tissues. This problem requires antifungal treatment.
  • Blackening of the nail may be caused by kidney, liver, cardiovascular or endocrine disorders in the body.
  • Benign tumors. Vessels grow under the nail, causing darkening.
  • Malignant skin tumor– melanoma.
  • Autoimmune diseases.

Treatment and prevention

If alarming symptoms appear, such as darkening of the toenails, consultation with a specialist is required. Seeing a doctor is necessary in order to exclude or identify and treat serious diseases that may cause such a defect.

Make an appointment with a mycologist

To identify the causes, the doctor will prescribe the necessary tests and studies, and, if necessary, prescribe the correct treatment.

You should not engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication, since the use of inadequate treatment can significantly harm your health.

To avoid problems such as dark spots that appear on the fingernails and toenails, you must follow simple rules:

  • Avoid wearing tight and uncomfortable shoes. You should choose shoes that are half a size or larger, especially if a person suffers from swelling of the feet due to cardiovascular problems or kidney disease.
  • Detect and treat promptly under the supervision of a doctor, fungal infections of the skin and nails.
  • Exercise caution during procedures manicure and pedicure, so as not to damage the blood vessels of the toes and hands.
  • Use protective gloves for hands when performing household chores involving the use of chemicals. This will protect your skin and nails from damage and the formation of black spots on your fingers.
  • Monitor the condition of the body in general, avoid malfunctions in the functioning of internal organs, and also lead a healthy lifestyle.