Russian newspaper about the reform of military pensions. Increasing pensions for working pensioners

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The departments that provide for military service have developed a bill to increase the lower limit of length of service that gives the right to receive a military pension from 20 to 25 years. The corresponding work has been carried out since March by decision of President Vladimir Putin. The authors of the project believe that this solution will relieve the burden on the budget of several hundred billion rubles annually. Some experts say increasing the minimum length of service will not make military service attractive. But reducing federal spending on military pensions will give White House greater freedom in resolving the issue of early pensions, and in raising the retirement age, reports Kommersant

On the development of the bill “On amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 No. 4468–1 “On pension provision for persons undergoing military service, service in internal affairs bodies, state fire service, authorities for control over the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the criminal correctional system, the Federal Service of National Guard Troops, and their families,” said a source close to the leadership of one of the law enforcement agencies. This was then confirmed by an interlocutor at the Ministry of Defense.

So, according to him, on May 22, the head of the main personnel department of the Ministry of Defense, General Viktor Goremykin, reported on the preparation of documents for the Deputy Minister of Defense to General Dmitry Bulgakov (letter No. 173/2/15025). This work was carried out as part of the implementation of Vladimir Putin’s decision No. Pr-497 of March 17, confirms a senior official of the presidential administration, representatives of all departments related to military service were involved in it. “The topic is very delicate; there are still a number of consultations to be held at the level of the financial, economic and social blocks of the government, as well as all interested parties,” he says. The agencies surveyed either declined to comment or did not respond to requests. The presidential press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, could not be contacted. The Prime Minister's press secretary Natalya Timakova refrained from commenting.

The idea of ​​increasing the lower limit of length of service has been discussed for a long time, but the matter has never reached a final decision. Back in 2013, the military proposed a similar maneuver, which was proposed to be divided into two stages. Until January 1, 2019, all military personnel who served for more than 20 years but did not retire were planned to be paid a bonus of 25% of the pension they could receive. And from 2019, the lower limit of length of service will be finally fixed at 25 years. However, calculations have shown that the federal budget will not cover everyone additional payments required for transition period. In 2015, the discussion was resumed by Finance Minister Anton Siluanov. “For the military, I think it’s also possible to extend their length of service, allowing them to retire,” he told RIA Novosti. “Look, we have 1 million healthy young men working as security guards, not to mention a significant number of security forces. There is a guard at each barrier guarding it. It’s not uncommon for military personnel to serve 20 years and become pensioners at 40.”

In the financial and economic bloc, the government considered it permissible to increase the service period qualifying for a military pension to 30 years, but this option was rejected. Let us recall that at the same time, the unstable economic situation called into question the indexation of allowances for military personnel, as a result of which the Ministry of Finance wanted to abandon the revision towards increasing the amount of payments to military pensioners.

Vladimir Putin intervened in the situation, after which Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and Anton Siluanov resolved all issues by finding additional funds.

According to Kommersant's information, the current version of the bill provides for an increase in the lower limit of length of service from 20 to 25 years. To do this, it will be necessary to amend two articles: 13th (conditions determining the right to a pension for long service) and 14th (pension amounts). The interlocutors do not name the proposed time frame for adopting the amendments, but note that it would be logical to do this after presidential elections 2018.

The authors of the project also do not disclose the scheme for increasing the lower limit of length of service: it is not yet clear whether a transition period will be introduced and, if so, how much it will cost the budget. It is only known that the innovation will not affect those whose contract ends after 20 years of service. Everyone else will have to serve five more years to receive a military pension. Vasily Zatsepin, head of the laboratory of military economics at the Gaidar Institute of Economic Policy, notes that the implementation of the project will not increase the attractiveness of military service and, most likely, the number of people willing to serve will decrease.

Doctor of Economic Sciences Sergei Smirnov notes that the initiative is in line with the policy of optimizing budget expenditures. “Increasing the lower limit of length of service that gives the right to receive a military pension is one of the elements of the new system,” says the expert, recalling that similar changes recently affected government officials. This version is confirmed by a senior government official: “We started with civil servants, and military personnel became a natural continuation of our consistent work.” Sources in the financial and economic bloc of the government claim that the risks of a negative reaction from military personnel exist and are very large, but at the final stage such a change in the law will allow savings of several hundred billion rubles per year, significantly relieving the budget. “This knot needs to be untied somehow,” says one of the interlocutors.

As it turns out, Vladimir Putin’s previously unadvertised decision, which can be considered “increasing the retirement age for military pensioners,” was directly adopted back in March 2017 and is not related to the discussion about a general increase in the retirement age. There are two fundamental positions in government on this issue. The first (represented, in particular, in the developments of the Center for Strategic Research under the leadership of Alexei Kudrin) is that retirement age needs to be increased. The second (associated with the position of the Ministry of Labor and the White House social block as a whole) is the reform of the system of early pensions, to which up to a third of the population of the Russian Federation is entitled, which will either cancel the general increase in the retirement age, or delay the decision, or make the schedule for raising the retirement age smoother .

The cost of the issue in the case of early pensions is about 350–400 billion rubles. per year and is comparable in order of magnitude to the upcoming savings on payments to military pensioners - these payments are made from the federal budget, as well as a transfer to the Pension Fund to cover the deficit. The decision to reduce spending on military pensions was insisted by the Ministry of Finance, whose position on the “civilian” retirement age is quite strict: the head of the department, Anton Siluanov, has repeatedly stated the urgent need to raise the age. But the reduction in federal spending on military pensions, which has nothing to do with the Pension Fund, at the same time gives the White House greater freedom both in deciding the issue of early pensions and in raising the retirement age.

The majority of citizens would like to retire at the age of 56.8 years, according to a survey by VTsIOM (the last one was conducted in January 2015). Let us note that this is close to the real average period of retirement in the Russian Federation - early or within the period established by law. Average age the period in which workers would like to go on vacation varies; it is least among respondents 18–24 years old (55.8 years), and most among respondents 35–44 years old (58.8 years). 7% of respondents speak about support for the retirement age due to “increasing life expectancy”, 8% “rather support” the initiative. 62% do not support raising the retirement age, and 16% “rather do not support”, follows from the same VTsIOM poll. The level of support is highest among respondents 18–24 years old and 25–34 years old.

The head of the Center for Comprehensive Social Research at the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladimir Petukhov, believes that “officials will be happy to speak out for raising the retirement age, in particular the management personnel who sit in a warm office.” “I think some of this applies to the military,” he says. Mr. Petukhov suggests that the military, without a “civilian” profession that will provide work in case of emergency, can also support the initiative. early release on retire.

The departments that provide for military service have developed a bill to increase the minimum length of service that gives the right to receive a military pension from 20 to 25 years. This was reported by Kommersant with reference to a source close to the leadership of one of the Russian law enforcement agencies. This information was also confirmed to the publication by an interlocutor at the Ministry of Defense.

The document proposes changes to Russian law“On pension provision for persons who served in military service, service in internal affairs bodies, the state fire service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the criminal correctional system, the Federal Service of National Guard Troops, and their families” from February 12, 1993.

Work on the preparation of the draft law has been carried out since March of this year according to the corresponding decision of Russian President Vladimir Putin. On May 22, the head of the main personnel department of the Ministry of Defense, General Viktor Goremykin, reported on the preparation of documents to the deputy head of the department, General Dmitry Bulgakov, the ministry said.

As a senior official of the presidential administration explained to the newspaper, representatives of all departments related to military service participated in the preparation of the bill. “The topic is very delicate; there are still a number of consultations to be held at the level of the financial, economic and social blocks of the government, as well as all interested parties,” he added.

The publication’s interlocutors did not specify the expected timing of adoption of the amendments, however, in their opinion, it would be logical to adopt the document after the presidential elections, which will take place in March 2018.

The authors of the bill also do not disclose the mechanism for increasing the lower threshold of length of service: whether a transition period will be introduced for this is still unknown. It is also unclear how the adoption of the amendments will affect the budget.

The publication clarifies that the adoption of the bill will require amendments to Article 13 of this law (conditions determining the right to a long-service pension) and Article 14 (pension amounts).

On this moment It is already known that the amendments, if adopted, will not affect those military personnel whose contract ends coincide with the 20th anniversary of their service. Everyone else will have to serve five years longer to be eligible for a military pension.

The idea of ​​increasing the minimum length of service has been discussed for a long time. In 2013, the military proposed dividing this process into two stages: until 2019, pay all military personnel who served more than 20 years, but did not retire, a bonus in the amount of 25% of the pension they could have received, and from January 1, 2019 year to finally establish a 25-year lower limit of service. However, after calculations were carried out at that time, it turned out that the federal budget did not have enough funds for the additional payments necessary for the transition period.

In 2015, the discussion of this issue was resumed by the head of the Ministry of Finance, Anton Siluanov. The government assumed that the period of service required for a military pension could be immediately increased to 30 years, but this option was rejected.

The unstable economic situation observed in Russia three years ago also forced the Ministry of Finance to think about refusing to increase payments to military pensioners.

Siluanov and Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu were able to resolve all issues and find additional funding only after Putin intervened in the situation.

Last month, the head of state signed a law increasing the retirement age for civil servants. According to the document, the retirement age of officials has increased to 65 years for men and 63 years for women. The law also provides for a gradual increase minimum term civil service required for long service pension, from 15 to 20 years.

Now “military pensioners” who, after entering the reserve (retirement) continue to work in positions not related to military service, have the right to a second, “civilian” pension under the Pension Fund Russia upon reaching the state-established retirement age (for women - 55 years, for men - 60 years) and the minimum required length of service(8 years in 2017 and will increase by one year to 15 years by 2024).

In March, the chairman of the State Duma Committee on Defense, ex-commander of the Airborne Forces, Colonel General Vladimir Shamanov, said in an interview with Gazeta.Ru that the average size pensions in 2016 were: for military service pensioners - about 23 thousand rubles, for law enforcement service pensioners - 17 thousand rubles, for security agencies - 30 thousand rubles.

According to him, to calculate the “military” pension, the salary for a military position or official salary, salary for a military rank or salary for special rank and a bonus for length of service (length of service).

The salaries of military judges, prosecutors and investigators are set relative to the salary of the first person of the relevant department. Salaries in other departments are established by government decree Russian Federation. At the same time, salaries by rank are the same for everyone, and salaries for typical positions in the Foreign Intelligence Service, the Federal Security Service, the Federal Security Service and the Special Objects Service under the President are approximately 20% higher than in the Armed Forces and other troops and military formations. This is due to the specifics of the tasks performed by these bodies and more stringent selection.

In Russia, there has been no indexation of military pay for more than five years.

“The guarantee of protecting military personnel’s pay from depreciation has not been fulfilled for the past five years, that is, virtually for the entire period of validity federal law“On monetary allowances for military personnel and providing them with separate payments", explained Shamanov.

The provisions of this law, which provide that salaries according to military positions and salaries according to military ranks indexed annually taking into account the level of inflation starting in 2013, suspended annually by a separate federal law.

However, according to Shamanov, the indexation of the “military” pension took place by increasing the so-called reduction coefficient, which, in accordance with Art. 43 of the law “On pension provision for persons who served in military service...” in 2012 was 54%, and from February 1, 2017 it was 72.23%. Its real increase was: for 2013 - by 8.2%, for 2014 - by 6.2%, for 2015 - by 7.5%, for 2016 - by 4%, and from February 1 2017 - by 4%. Thus, over the past five years - from 2013 to 2017 - the “military” pension has increased by 30%. And from 2011 to 2017, the “military” pension increased by 90%.

No official decisions have been made in this regard yet, but there are already a lot of conversations and publications in the media. The basis is an order from the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation to its subordinate research institute NIFI. It is aimed at identifying reasons to radically reconsider the approach to the formation of military pensions.

At the end of 2016, the director of this institute, V. Nazarov, shared his vision of the problem with journalists. He believes that instead of pensions, the military should be offered a “normal social contract.” This does not mean at all that military pensions will disappear in 2018, since the Ministry of Finance’s initiative is unlikely to be implemented so quickly. However, it is already clear that after the preparation of proposals for changes in the civilian pension system, they also took up the military.

What can happen?

The essence of possible changes comes down to the following. Currently military pension assigned to persons who have served in security forces ah more than 20 years. In addition, those who have served in the army for at least 12 and a half years and have total experience at 25 years of age, dismissed for health reasons or due to the reorganization of units, and having reached the age of 45 years. The key concept when solving problems pension provision is “length of service”. The proposal from the Ministry of Finance can be interpreted as denying this concept in principle, which is why there are fears that military pensions will be abolished in 2018.

Expert assessments

The idea of ​​the Ministry of Finance has its supporters and skeptics. The first believe that the entire package of proposed changes needs to be carefully considered. For example, it includes the fact that retired military personnel will be able to undergo retraining, and severance pay it is planned in such a way that there will be enough money for this. In particular, the vice-president of the public organization “support of Russia” P. Seagal believes that he serves in the army a large number of specialists whose skills and experience can be useful in civilian life to both them and society. In addition, severance pay will appeal to those leaving the armed forces in at a young age and cannot count on retirement in the foreseeable future.

Experts agree that a revision of the conditions for calculating pensions cannot be avoided simply because the country finds itself in difficult economic conditions. At present, it is impossible to say what a serviceman's pension will be in 2018. Many military personnel find the implementation of Presidential Decree No. 604 of May 7, 2012 unsatisfactory, which provided for an annual increase in military pensions in such a way that former military citizens received at least 2% above the inflation rate. In reality, in 2016 and the planned 2017-19 years, the pension increased and will increase annually by 4%, which is much less than the percentage of inflation in the country.

One-time payments will never compare with regular ones. If the Ministry of Finance's innovation becomes a reality, then many former military personnel will find themselves disadvantaged in their social rights. Firstly, not all of them are able to adapt to civilian life; secondly, it is completely unclear how, in principle, one could evaluate “ decent level life" for a couple of years. Without a doubt, this will seriously undermine the authority of the army and the importance of service in the ranks of the armed forces.

Possible political context

It has also been noticed that all the talk about changes in the pension system, which has been going on since the beginning of the economic and political crisis, has so far remained mostly talk. In practice there was only one significant event— “freezing” of the storage part. This becomes the basis for the emergence of a rather bold assumption that passions are inflated artificially. An illusion is being formed that soon there will be no pensions at all. People get scared when they hear that this was only a “proposal of the bloc of economists” in the government, and now the “social bloc” has rejected it. People receive confirmation that pensions will be maintained, they rejoice, thank the supreme power and no longer ask questions about why pensions are not increasing.

In practice, military retirement from 2018 will be no different from similar process in 2016, as well as the calculation procedure, size and all other nuances.

The coming year will be vitally important and decisive for Russia. In addition to the presidential elections, the country will undergo a large-scale reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. As part of this event, the concept of the organization will completely change, part of the powers will be redistributed, some law enforcement agencies will be disbanded, and part of their functions will be transferred to other security and protective agencies.

The principle of calculating pensions in the Ministry of Internal Affairs will also change in 2018. Presumably cash benefit for security forces will increase significantly, but by how much percent and in what time frame is still unknown. But it is already clear that to obtain it you will have to work in the relevant authorities for a slightly longer amount of time than now. Required experience they plan to increase it to 25 years, but most likely this will not happen too much pleasant event already in 2019.

How does the pension payment system for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs work now?

The deep economic crisis that hit the production and financial systems of many countries had the most negative impact on Russia. The cost of energy resources collapsed, foreign companies limited their investments to a minimum and even liquidated some of the already operating projects in the Russian Federation. The state had to adapt to the new realities of life and introduce a regime of austerity of budget money.

The implementation of the unpopular measure began by reducing the entire list social payments and limited the indexation of pensions for many categories of citizens. But, despite all the difficulties and problems, the material support of law enforcement officers was not cut, but, on the contrary, they tried to maintain it in the same volumes.

About four years ago, President Vladimir Putin took personal control of the pension benefits of Interior Ministry employees. At his suggestion The State Duma accepted whole line laws aimed at improving the lives of retired security forces. The increase in payments took place in six stages and as a result, allowances increased by 10%. “We are obliged to maintain order and tranquility on the streets of our cities and towns, and without employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs this is simply impossible. They risk their lives every day so that the entire population feels protected. And, upon retirement, they also count on our support, attention and gratitude. Therefore, I am very glad that we found the opportunity not only to give decent pensions police, but also increase them in accordance with the inflationary component,” the head of Russia spoke about increasing payments.

Today, the calculation of pensions in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and additional payments to it are made according to the following parameters:

  • 20 years of total work experience in the authorities entitles you to a 50% increase to the standard pension. For every next year an additional 3% is added. Maximum size additional payments cannot exceed 85%;
  • mixed service life provides a 1% premium for each additional year;
  • disability due to illness guarantees a 75% increase;
  • disability acquired as a result of injury during performance official duties, leads to a premium of 85%;

In addition to these positions, there are also local bonuses that are paid to retired security forces by the local budgets of municipalities and federal districts.

If an employee was laid off or fired before reaching the age of retirement, the right to receive monetary compensation is ensured by the following rules:

  1. the total amount of experience should not be less than 25 years;
  2. You need to work at least 12.5 of them in the authorities.

Citizens who have not fulfilled these conditions, but have worked in the authorities for 15 to 20 years, receive social benefits. The amount of payments is influenced by the total salary at the main place of work, accruals for rank and various allowances received by the applicant during his service.