Parent meeting in the middle group. The theme of the meeting is “We have grown”


Program content:

  • To involve parents in participating in the life of the kindergarten through the search and implementation of the most effective forms work;
  • Increase the level of pedagogical culture of parents;
  • Involve parents in resolution life situations, family conflicts;
  • Use the educational potential of parents to educate and raise children.

Form of conduct: round table + creative workshop

Venue: group room

Duration: 40 min

Equipment: Projector, tape recorder, magnetic boards, badges, tambourine, music, video, poem, presentation (proverbs, diagrams, from the life of the group), brochures “Tips for every day”, thank you letters, A3 paper, scissors, glue, markers, blanks for the house, mood pictograms, sheet - Internet survey, beautiful bowl, paper hearts, leaves, pencils.

Event plan:

1. Opening remarks teacher on the topic

2. Blitz survey “What is a family?

3. Folk wisdom.

4. Creative workshop “The house that we will build!” (in micro groups)

5. Analysis of questionnaires " Family traditions" Memos to parents “Tips for every day 6. Presentation of the group’s work “ Whole year no hassle."

7. Reflection “Bowl”.

8. Presentation of letters of gratitude.

9. " Hotline" - exchange of opinions, discussion, plans.

Preparatory stage:

1. Conduct a survey of parents on the topic “Family Traditions”

2. Together with the children, prepare an invitation to the meeting for each family.

3. Conduct an interview with children on the topic “What is a family? » Record children's statements on video.

4. Prepare an exhibition of child-parent creativity on the topic: “My Family”

5. Invite parents to participate in the discussion of the topic “Children’s happiness” (in writing)

6. Prepare “Tips for Every Day” leaflets for parents

7. Prepare badges for each parent

8. Prepare a presentation.

Main stage:

The tables stand in a semicircle, two of the same color - two blue, two yellow, etc. While the parents are getting ready, quiet, calm music is playing. They are asked to write a name on the badge that would be convenient for communication at the meeting.

1. Introductory speech by the teacher on the topic

Good evening, dear parents! We thank you that in the whirlwind of business, work, and busyness, you found time and came to meet us. We are glad to see you at our round table. This means that we are all united by an interest in the topic of parent-teacher conferences, and it really deserves attention. To make it easy and convenient for us to communicate, everyone has name badges. Pieces of paper and pencils will help you easily write down some thought or question that you would like to address to your parents or to us.

So, the topic of our meeting is “My family - what could be more expensive!” It is no coincidence that May 15 was celebrated as International Family Day. And, of course, each of us has our own family day, which everyone probably remembers and some even celebrate it with their families, thereby attracting children to the main human values. I think many will agree that human happiness is hardly possible without a family. Neither the most exciting job nor friends can give what family can give.

2. Blitz survey of parents “What is a family?”

Ozhegov’s dictionary says: “A family is an organized social group, whose members are connected by a commonality of life, mutual moral responsibility and social necessity.” Agree, it sounds dry, official and not very attractive. So what do you think family is? ? I propose to play the game “Merry Tambourine”. While the music is playing, the tambourine is rolling through the hands, the music is over - whoever has the tambourine in his hands expresses his opinion, “What is family?” ( 3-4 parents' opinions). We asked the same question to several guys, let's hear what they have to say. ( video clip opinion of 3-4 children). I propose to unite the opinions of parents and children by reading a wonderful poem. (by line)

1. Family is happiness, love and luck,

2. Family means trips to the country in the summer.

3. Family is a holiday, family dates,

4. Gifts, shopping, pleasant spending.

5. The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,

6. Dreams of good things, excitement and trepidation.

7. Family is something we share among everyone.

8. A little bit of tears and laughter for everyone.

9. Rise and fall, joy, sadness,

10. Friendship and quarrels, silence stamped.

11. Family is work, taking care of each other.

12. Family means a lot of homework.

13. Family is important! Family is difficult!

14. But it’s impossible to live happily alone!

15. Family is happiness, family is home.

16. Where they love and wait and do not remember evil.

3. Folk wisdom.

For many centuries it was passed down from generation to generation folk wisdom. Many different proverbs and there are sayings about family, we often use them in speech, let’s try to remember them now. And these tips will help us with this. The beginning of a proverb or saying will be suggested; you will need to remember its ending. ( slides)

The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.

A tree is held together by its roots, and a person is held together by its family.

The food tastes better at a communal table.

Mother's prayer reaches from the bottom of the sea.

There will be no good if there is enmity in the family.

It's warm in the sun, good in mother's presence.

To cherish your family is to be happy.

Whoever has a grandmother and grandfather knows no troubles.

Together it’s cramped, but apart it’s boring.

A man without a family is like a tree without fruit.

Away is good, but home is better.

In your home, the walls also help.

4. Creative workshop “The house that we will build!” (in micro groups)

Now you and I will try to become builders ourselves and build a house called “FAMILY”. To do this, we need to divide into construction teams of 3-4 people - the color of the table will tell you. Everything you need is on trays. Each construction team has a “foundation”, 4 bricks for building walls, and a roof. Task: lay the foundation, that is, choose what you think the main thing in building a family(sign, stick), then 4 bricks - important concepts that hold and strengthen the family. But the construction of the building ends when the roof is erected. Listen to yourself, your inner emotional state. Select a “mood icon” and stick it on the roof - the result of your work. And prepare a few sentences to talk about your home. Construction time: 3 min. Defense 2 min.

5. Memos to parents “Tips for every day”

So, our house is built, we hope that love, understanding, friendship, and good mood! And we continue further! After analyzing the “Family Traditions” questionnaires that you filled out, you can draw some conclusions. Focus on the screen . (comments on diagrams). We think you have seen for yourself that most parents are interested in introducing their children to both traditions and common hobbies. But all of them are something to pay attention to. The “Everyday Tips” brochures will help with some questions. We ourselves often use these tips in our family. ( distribute)

6. Presentation of the work of the group “A whole year without hassle.”

A kindergarten is also a small family. There are also holidays and fun, quarrels and conflicts. It's better to see 100 times than to hear 100 times. Attention to the screen.

7. Reflection.

This bowl will help us sum up the results of our meeting. Imagine that this cup is the soul of a child. Each of you has hearts - write a character trait, a quality that you want to give your child, which you think will help him in life, and place it in the bowl. B Let's really hope that all your wishes will come true. (put hearts) To prevent this cup from breaking, the adults who surround the child must be kind and demanding, affectionate and patient.

8. Presentation of letters of gratitude.

A Now about the pleasant things. We say thank you to all parents for active position in the life of the group during the school year. And we hope for further cooperation. X I would like to note the most active families- based on the results of the Tree of Good Deeds.

9. “Hotline” - exchange of opinions, discussion, plans.

10. Summary. 1 min Thank you for visiting us today. We wish that your families always have peace, tranquility, mutual understanding, that you always understand your children, and that when they grow up, they take care of you . Please leave a review, write a few words about your impressions of today's meeting.

Good evening, dear parents! We are very glad to see you today! So, let's begin.

1. A tape recording is turned on with children’s answers to the questions:

  • Children, what polite words do you know?
  • Who do you think is called a polite person? Do you consider yourself polite, why?
  • Are adults polite to you? Why?
  • Think and tell me why polite words are called magic?

2. Yes, polite word, like a good wizard, gives mood, makes people happy and even heals people.

Today we will talk about simple things, which we encounter every day and sometimes do not give due importance. Although, in fact. These little things prevent us from being happy and raising our children correctly.

Many parents are struck by their children's behavior like a bolt from the blue. adolescence. Was like normal child and suddenly he becomes rude and slams the door...

The morality of a teenager depends on how he was raised during his childhood, what was instilled in his soul from birth to 10-11 years.

Parents are like a tuning fork for a child: how they sound is how he will respond.

If we treat our parents poorly, for example, we should expect the same from our children. In our everyday life we perhaps suffer most from the lack of culture in people ( external manifestation culture - politeness, and internal culture).

For many years, people created rules of conduct and etiquette - the purpose of which was, besides moral qualities kindness, sensitivity, cordiality, instill a sense of proportion and beauty in behavior. In clothing, conversation, receiving guests and setting the table - in a word, in everything with which we enter society.

How important the implementation of these rules was is evidenced by the fact that 200-300 years ago, certain norms of behavior were equated with laws and citizens who did not comply with them were punished.

Are there any secrets to cultivating a culture of behavior in our time? This is what we will talk about today. And we hope that together we will find answers to many questions.

Let's turn to the questionnaires. The teacher analyzes the first question of the questionnaire: What cultural behavior habits does your child have?

Basic rules of cultural behavior that should be formed in a 4-5 year old preschooler.

  • The ability to take into account the desires and intentions of other children in the game, play together with common toys, and give in.
  • Regular participation in labor, ability to prepare tables for breakfast and lunch.
  • Children need to be taught to observe the rules of cultural behavior on the bus and in public places.
  • Children should be taught the habit of always telling the truth.
  • An important task that acquires special significance at this age level is the formation of relationships with adults and peers: a polite, attentive attitude towards adults, the ability to play friendly with children, and to protect the weak and offended.
  • It is necessary to teach children to maintain order in the room. In the play corner. Rule: “Every thing has its place.”

Where to start fostering culture?

Of course, by creating a polite, tolerant, sympathetic and affectionate family atmosphere. And plus, given the age of the children, their upbringing should begin with the creation of a spirit of play, with a friendly and polite fairy tale. Let a fairy sometimes appear in the child’s room, with a secret in her magic apron. Let a note appear from her with a humorous remark, indicating the rules in which he made mistakes. Every day you can hang an evaluation mask on the wall: if the baby behaved perfectly in all respects, a smiling fairy mask will appear, if he was slightly guilty, a mask of one of the gnomes, if he behaves very badly, a dragon mask.

Analysis of the 3rd question of the questionnaire: What, in your opinion, is the main thing in developing skills of cultural behavior and good manners?

Of course, one of the main components in developing the skills of cultural behavior and good manners is personal example adults, that is, you, the parents. You are the authority for the child. And it is from you, first of all, that he takes his example in everything.

Imagine this situation:

Mom picks up her child from kindergarten. They get dressed in the locker room. After getting dressed, mom says: “Go, say goodbye to the teacher.” The child, looking into the group, says goodbye. And mother and child go home.

Do you think everything was done correctly in terms of instilling in the child the rules of a culture of behavior? (No, mom also had to say goodbye to the teacher and the remaining children).

  • Reading books with a shining example good manners
  • Communication with people who are authoritative for the child
  • Consistency and persistence in learning
  • good respectful attitude to each other in the family
  • Social influence
  • Circle of communication.

All these methods undoubtedly have positive results. IN kindergarten we also use the following:

  • Dramatization games, dramatizations followed by analysis, conversation (children acting out skits on a given topic)
  • Solving problem situations
  • Proverbs and sayings about good relationships between people.

Speech etiquette

A child learns his native speech in the so-called “mother’s way”, imitating loved ones, so it is so important that he hears not only correct, but also polite speech that complies with the rules of speech etiquette. This is what the outstanding teacher A.S. wrote. Makarenko on the role of the example of adults surrounding the child: “Your own behavior is the most decisive thing. Do not think that you are raising a child only when you talk to him, or teach him, or order him. You raise him at every moment of your life, even when you are not at home. How you talk with other people and talk about other people, how you are happy or sad, how you communicate with friends and enemies, how you laugh, read newspapers - all this is of great importance for a child.”

It is necessary to rid the child of rudeness, to exclude swear words, especially obscene words, from family life.

How often do you address your child not in the form of an order, but a request and use the word “please”, thank him, express your parental approval of the politeness he has shown? Think about it.

3. Calm music is turned on.

Dear parents! Please get acquainted with the instructions “Secrets of Raising a Polite Child.” Read them. Many of the tips, of course, have been tested in practice and will probably have positive results.

4. The famous poetess A. Barto wrote in one of her poems:

"When things don't go well
Praise helps me"
  • Is it possible to agree that the child should be praised in advance when not everything works out, or should he be praised only for the result?
  • How often and for what do you praise your child: for independence, attention, politeness? Any progress?

Competition “Who can praise a child for being polite the longest?”

(the toy is passed around in a circle)

Yes, praise helps a lot in achieving results. Not a single day without praise, without words of admiration. In our group there is a tradition “Let's talk about good things”, where each child receives praise in the presence of all the children. Continue praising your child at home, and you will see how faster baby will learn the rules of behavior, how great will be the desire to be educated. Let the child receive the first portion of praise in the morning before coming to kindergarten, in the evening on the way home be sure to find an opportunity to praise, and at home in the presence of relatives, neighbors, friends - praise and praise, and then big changes will happen.

5. The lights dim.

And now we invite you to look at your children from the outside and analyze their behavior with the help of chips lying on the trays.

If the child performs this rule, then you place a red chip on the table; if it doesn’t always do it or isn’t quite right - yellow; if it doesn’t fulfill it at all, it’s blue.

  • The child knows how to wash his hands, and always washes them before eating and after visiting the toilet. Knows how to dry himself with an unfolded towel.
  • Folds clothes neatly.
  • Always uses a handkerchief as needed. Yawns and blows his nose silently.
  • Politely asks to tie a hat, button up a coat, and thanks for the help provided.
  • He knows how to apologize in time and says this word with the right intonation and feeling of guilt.
  • Does not point fingers at others or objects.
  • Does not interfere in the conversation unnecessarily; in case of an urgent request, he apologizes in accordance with the rules.
  • When meeting, he greets warmly, and when saying goodbye, he always says “goodbye.”
  • Does not throw papers, wrappers, etc. on the street or indoors.
  • Doesn't say swear words.

Look at the colors to help you decide what to work on with your children using tried and tested examples, praise and exercises.

Spicy dish

  • Should you say "Bless you" if someone sneezes? (It turns out that if someone sneezed or had another similar awkward experience, it is best not to pay attention to it).
  • In what cases should you say “you”, in which “you”? (If two year old baby says “you” to an adult, it even sounds cute in his mouth, then from the age of four children should already, when addressing an adult, say “you” and call him by name and patronymic, except for close relatives).
  • How should you accept gifts? (The wrapped gift should be unwrapped, examined and thanked by the person who brought it: he is also interested in whether he liked the gift).

WINDOW- very short news on the topic “Politeness and culture”

1. In what cases should you say “sorry” and “excuse me”? It turns out that if the offense is minor, you need to say “sorry,” but if you are very guilty, then “sorry.”

2. You cannot point your finger at any object, much less at a person. If you want to draw attention to some object, then you need to show with your whole palm. As for various gestures, this is generally a very serious topic. For example, in Bulgaria, a nod of the head means that a person does not agree with something, that is, he says “No,” and a shake of the head confirms agreement. Another example of inappropriate use of gestures. For example, one day American President Bush made a shocking impression on Australians. He used the victory sign - "V". In Australia, this sign is considered obscene.

Use the advice you heard today and you will see how the world around you can change. And this is not a fantasy, because everything is in our hands.

Is my child educated? Isn't society ashamed of him? Is he sensitive, attentive, and attentive? Everyone will have their own answer to these questions today, tomorrow, after many years, and it will depend on our desire and ability.

So may we, adults, have enough patience, love, and spiritual strength in order to understand our children to the heights of a culture of behavior.

6. Having analyzed the fourth question of the questionnaire, we saw that many are interested in mental and physical development children. Now we will talk about exactly this.

Features of development of children of the fifth year of life

The child is already 4 years old. Make sure that:

  • height became 102 cm and increased by 4-5 cm
  • weight became 16 kg and increased by 1-2 kg

Now, in order not to harm the baby in his development, you need to find out what “vulnerable places” in his body are at this age stage and take this into account.

The child’s body has changed proportions, posture is actively developing, gait, habitual postures when sitting, standing, etc. are being established. But the strength of the muscles supporting the skeleton is insufficient, their fatigue is great and threatens with various deviations in posture. And the latter, in turn, can lead to disruptions in the activities of a variety of organs and systems.

Therefore, it is imperative to monitor the child’s posture. Especially when working at a desk (you need to not only show, but also tell how to sit correctly).

Health Skills

By the age of five, a child can, to one degree or another, independently care for all exposed parts of the body. He learns techniques for processing his body. He already knows how to wash his hands, rinse his mouth, wash his face, and change his clothes.

But it’s still difficult for him, and he’s still learning:

  • brush your teeth
  • comb your hair
  • gargle

And it is not so much the number of independently performed procedures that is important, but the quality of execution.

Changes are also taking place in the minds of children.

There is a rapid flowering of fantasy. Imaginations. It is in the fifth year of life that children begin to tell incredible stories that they themselves participated in some incredible events, that dad pulled mom’s hair, although nothing like that happened. And you can’t call it a lie. This is very offensive for the child. Such fantasies are not a lie in the literal sense of the word, if only because they do not bring any tangible benefit to the child. They do not help him avoid punishment or allow him to get a treat or toy. This is an event of a different order. Similar phenomenon it would be more correct to call them inventions. The sources of such fantasies can be very different. For example, it could be a vivid dream that the child mistook for reality. This may be a desire to raise your authority among peers. This may also be a desire to cope with some fears.

Therefore the only thing correct form reactions to such inventions are a calm and fairly interested attitude towards the child’s stories. But under no circumstances should you catch a child lying.

For 5 years Children have a high cognitive interest. Children of this age are able to get acquainted with objects around them that go beyond the limits of their experience and perception of children.

It is very important to understand that when a child accumulates such ideas, he not only increases the amount of knowledge, but he develops an attitude towards those new areas of life with which he is introduced: sympathy for dolphins and a wary attitude towards sharks, etc.

However, you should definitely keep the following points in mind. Children are very sensitive to the sincerity of your attitude towards a particular subject or phenomenon. If deep down you don't love animals, you will never be able to convince your children otherwise with words. At the very beginning of the journey into the unknown, you should not introduce your children to something that you yourself do not like.

If this year we cannot instill in children the ability to mentally go beyond the limits of their experience and experience interest in the wide world around them, then later it will be difficult to do this, since it is children of 5 years who very actively perceive everything that surrounds them. And this activity can focus on quarrels with peers, comparison of the property status of one’s family and other families.

And one more circumstance. When introducing children to new phenomena this year, you should limit yourself to objects that exist physically. For example, you should not touch such “invisible” areas as social relations. Of course, if a child asks a question, it is necessary to answer it, but as simply and clearly as possible for the child.

Children try to build their first conclusions. Listen carefully to all the child’s reasoning and do not rush to make your own adjustments to them. At this age, what is important is not the correctness of the conclusion, but support of the child’s very desire to reason and think. Show serious respect for his intellectual work. Jokes and a mocking critical tone when discussing a child’s thoughts are unacceptable.

After 4 years, a child’s thinking becomes verbal. If the child’s thought process constantly gravitates towards developing into an objective practical activities, now it takes place mainly in the mind.

The ability to classify is improved.

The operation of seriation is formed - constructing an increasing or decreasing ordered series (for example, by size).

The child actively masters counting operations within the first ten.

Most children begin to show interest in abstract symbols - letters and numbers. The sign-symbolic function begins to develop.

At this age, the child exhibits a fundamentally new ability to empathize with fictional characters and heroes of fairy tales. Children become aware of the inner life of another person.

By the age of 4, a child’s speech has already been mainly formed as a means of communication and becomes a means of his thoughts and reasoning.

The peer becomes interesting as a play partner. A child suffers if no one wants to play with him. Children play in small groups of 2-5 people. Sometimes these groups become permanent in composition.

Compiled by: teacher Mayorova O.V., Kostroma
Literature used:
Metenova S.N. Parent meetings in kindergarten
Doronova Interaction between kindergarten and family

Valentina Filippchenkova

Parent meeting in middle group .

Target: expanding contact between teachers and parents, modeling prospects for interaction for a new academic year, improving pedagogical culture parents. Tasks: introduce parents With age characteristics children 4-5 years old, introduce the main tasks for the new school year, tell parents about educational programs, according to which it will be carried out pedagogical process, about the main activities and types of children's activities.

And although it’s autumn outside the windows,

"The sun is a cheerful ray

He happily knocks on the windows.

Today we decided to visit us

Invite you to a meeting."

Good evening, dears parents! We are very glad to meet you! We are united by an interest in the topic of child upbringing and development. You and I have in common target: to make the child’s stay in kindergarten comfortable, interesting and safe. Without our common union, without your support and assistance in the upbringing and development of children, it is simply impossible for children to stay in kindergarten. Our union can be represented in the form of a triangle. At the head of this triangle, of course, is a child. He learns new things, discovers himself. We, adults, must help him in this difficult matter. Let us remember I. Krylov’s fable. “When there is no agreement among the comrades, their business will not go well, and what will come out of it is nothing but torment.” From this it follows that we should combine our efforts to make it interesting for our children. It is very important that there is understanding between us, good relations, mutual assistance, mutual tolerance. At the beginning of our meeting, we would like from small team workers groups thank you for the help you provide us in purchasing everything we need for groups, in landscaping work after renovation, in all matters groups, accept active participation in promotions and exhibitions. Thank you for your understanding. After our last meeting time has passed. We will find out how we carried it out with the help of exercises.

Clap your hands for those who went fishing with their children in the forest.

Clap those who swam with their children in the lake, in the river, in the sea.

Clap those who read books to children.

Whose children learned something new during this period? Why?

Yes, I see that you had a wonderful and useful time. So you are wonderful parents! What are 4-5 year old children like? Tatyana Evgenievna will tell you about this.

The age from four to five years is a period of relative calm. The child came out of the crisis and became more obedient and calm. His interest in the world around him increases, and his need for friends becomes stronger. At this age, the child shows a desire for independence, it is important for him to do everything himself, he needs less adult care. The child begins to understand the feelings of others, empathizes with friends and other people. He lives in a world of fairy tales and fantasies. He is developing creativity. Co-op play becomes more difficult. New games are appearing. Children playing "Hospital", "Shop", "Barbershop", act out the plots of their favorite fairy tales. The child shows great interest in peers, from intra-family relations he moves on to a broader relationship with the world. Children are friends, quarrel, make up. Curiosity is activated, which makes children constantly ask questions about everything they see. They are ready to talk and discuss various issues all the time. But their ability to do what interests them is not sufficiently developed. Children develop a need for respect from an adult; their praise turns out to be very important for them. Sensitivity to adult comments increases.

The child can concentrated practice for 15-20 minutes. He can figure it out on his own a little fairy tale on a given topic. Children can name the shape that this or that object resembles and are able to combine groups objects by size, color. There are concepts such as height, length, width. The age of 4 to 5 years is an important period in a child’s life. This is a period of intensive growth and development child's body. The child’s physical capabilities increase, coordination improves, and movements become more confident. The need and need to constantly move remains. Motor skills are actively developing, balance is better maintained, and ball games become more difficult. IN average the child grows 5-7 centimeters and gains 2 kilograms of weight. Volume increases significantly memory: he is able to remember a short poem, accept a memorization task.

Game "Palm".

And now you and I will rest. I suggest tracing the palm of your hand. Write your child's name in the center, and on each finger write what you would like your child to be. Parents do the task.

And now I will introduce you to the tasks for the new academic year. IN middle group we continue to work on the program "From birth to school". There are 10 lessons planned per week, 20 minutes each. We are planning 3 classes on physical culture, 2 – by cognitive development, 1-for speech development, 1-for drawing, 1-for appliqué and sculpting (in a week). I’ll tell you very briefly about what we will be doing. Over the course of the year we will learn to count to 5, we will equalize the number of objects in two ways (add and remove, consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes, determine the direction of movement from yourself (left, right, back, forward, up, down, we will consolidate knowledge of the parts of the day. Upon familiarization with complete picture world, we will tell children about objects and their properties, about the materials from which objects are made, about public transport, rules traffic, O safe behavior on the street, at home, oh hometown, we will introduce the flora and fauna, the sequence of seasons. In speech development classes, we will reinforce the pronunciation of vowels and consonants, and practice the pronunciation of whistling, hissing, and sonorant sounds. We will learn to coordinate words in a sentence, use prepositions in speech, and compose stories based on a picture or toy. We will learn new techniques in modeling classes We: pinching, with light pulling, smoothing and pressing technique. Let's continue to consolidate the well-known techniques of rolling between straight and straight palms. in a circular motion hands It will be very difficult for us to master scissors. We will learn to hold them and use them correctly. First we cut in a straight line, then we will cut a circle from a square, cut the square diagonally. We really look forward to collaborating with you and helping children master scissors. In drawing classes we will learn to place an image on a sheet of paper and direct children’s attention to the relationship of objects in size. To the known shades (pink and blue, let’s add new ones (brown, light green, orange). We will create decorative compositions based on Dymkovo and Filimonov toys. Let's introduce Gorodets patterns.

Game "Name".

I suggest writing your child's name from top to bottom. Next to each letter, please write a word that characterizes your child’s character trait. Compare what you wrote on your palm and now. Think about what you can work on.

Game “Draw a circle of the desired color”.

You can analyze your children's behavior using circles. If the task is completed by a child, then we draw a red circle, not always yellow, if not completed - blue.

1. Does your child always wash their hands before eating?

2. Does he make the request politely?

3. Doesn't say bad words?

4. Does he listen to you?

5. Shows aggression?

Look at the circles, their colors will help you decide what else you should work on with your children.

Psychologists advise that in order for a child to feel happy, he needs to be hugged at least 8 times a day. How nice to hear. When some mothers, accompanying their child to the group is talking: “I'll come for you. I love you". Music is playing. “Childhood is a flowering meadow along which you run without looking back towards the distant horizon. Sometimes it seems to us that we know everything about the child, then we realize that we know almost nothing. The child is a mystery, he is a mystery, he small miracle. And miracles are incomprehensible. And the only path to solving this mystery will be good.” There's a song playing "Do good deeds".

Final parent meeting in the middle group it is held at the end of the year. It may have various topics, taking into account the individual characteristics of preschool children.


The final parent meeting in the middle group involves a child psychologist or teacher conducting a detailed analysis regarding the physiological and intellectual changes that occurred with the children during the period under review. A music worker, a nurse, and a physical education teacher are invited.

The procedure for holding a meeting also includes a protocol for the final meeting in the middle group. A representative from the preschool institution is selected to conduct it. In addition, a chairman is selected, who can be the teacher himself. Parents are introduced to the issues that will be considered during the conversation and are encouraged to ask questions after completing the theoretical block. The final parent meeting in the middle group is aimed at finding solutions to problems, developing directions for activities in senior group kindergarten.

Variant of the conversation “We have become a year older”

To make it easier for the teacher to work, we offer a plan for the final parent meeting. In the middle group, the main goal of the conversation should be to summarize the work of parents, children, and teachers.


The final parent meeting in the middle group is aimed at:

  • development of interest on the part of parents in inner world child;
  • active assistance to the work of teachers from fathers and mothers;
  • formation of home education skills.

Preliminary activities

A meeting in kindergarten involves serious preliminary work:

  • creating a script;
  • development of the “Summer Vacation” booklet;
  • holding a conversation with the guys on the topic “What I like”;
  • creating heart-shaped souvenirs for moms and dads.

Progress of the conversation

Where to start final The middle group is characterized by the fact that the children already have certain communication skills, so the teacher has the opportunity to conduct research on the activity of their children and identify their creative abilities.

To begin with, the teacher greets the parents and talks about the topic of the meeting. Next, the teacher invites moms and dads to talk about what their kids love. Listening to the parents' answers, the teacher accompanies them with remarks that were expressed by the children themselves. In order to confirm your words, you can make a short video for the general parent meeting in which the children talk about their interests, hobbies, favorite subjects and activities.

Teacher's speech

We are starting our final parent meeting. Middle group, end of the year, it's time to find out what we managed to do? What should you pay attention to? We will have to figure this out together with you, dear parents. First, let's try to figure out what modern preschoolers are like.

Adults often say that children have become completely different; they don’t want to communicate, study, or help around the house. But haven't the parents themselves changed? The society in which we live is rapidly changing, information technology is improving, and the rhythm of life is increasing. Our children spend their childhood in different conditions, so the main task of adults is to help them adapt.

Speech by a child psychologist

What are modern preschoolers like? Research conducted in children's preschool institution, revealed psychological characteristics kids:

  • in the middle group, the guys are anxious, demanding, sometimes even aggressive;
  • they are sociable, but are not always able to concentrate on one type of activity;
  • the kids are restless, it is difficult for the teacher to keep them in place during class;
  • many are lagging behind in speech development; there are children in the group who need professional help speech therapist;
  • guys are addicted to electronic devices, there are problems with fine motor skills, underdevelopment of brain structures, inability and unwillingness to think during the game were revealed;
  • Not all children follow the rules of behavior.

The kids did not become difficult, but simply changed. But they still need mother's love, dad's hugs, grandmother's affectionate hands. Considering the social changes that are taking place in our country, we note that it has become much more difficult for parents. Many people have to work late. To count on good material income, you have to sacrifice time to spend communicating with your child. Do not forget, dear parents, that first of all the baby needs not bright and expensive toys, and attention and parental care. When he grows up, there will be no cars or dolls in his memory, but happy moments associated with going fishing, reading books, and making a delicious cake. Try to find as much free time as possible to communicate with your kids!

Test for work

Psychologists offer a different designation for each letter. If you analyze the initials, they can tell about some personality traits, creative abilities, and inclinations. Of course, the results obtained cannot be considered reliable, but it doesn’t hurt to take a closer look at them. What does each letter mean?

  • A is a symbol of power and strength.
  • B - a tendency to have serious feelings.
  • B - lack of consistency, inability to systematize events.
  • G - mystery.
  • D - the ability to attract other people to communicate.
  • E - resistance to life's difficulties.
  • F - lack of self-confidence.
  • Z - suspiciousness, financial difficulties, constant dissatisfaction.
  • And - tension.
  • K - significant demands and excessive nervousness.
  • L - excellent logic, creative ingenuity.
  • M - penchant for work, punctuality.
  • N - enormous energy and ambition.

  • O - excessive emotionality, constant worry.
  • P - excessive modesty.
  • R - emotionality, constant tension.
  • C - systematic depression, nervousness, depression.
  • T - a state of constant search, a dream of ideals.
  • U - fear, increased intuition.
  • F - ability to adapt.
  • X - instability of feelings.
  • C - the desire to hide experiences in oneself.
  • H - constancy.
  • Ш - uncompromisingness, jealousy.
  • Ш - excellent intellectual capabilities.
  • E - constant search for stability and harmony.
  • Yu - huge ambitions.
  • I am overly intelligent.

Do you agree with the research that scientists have conducted? Do children have these qualities? We are different, but each baby is individual and unique. Together we must help him show his creative abilities, gain communication skills, and give the child the opportunity for self-development.

When drawing up the minutes of the final parent meeting in the middle group, the teacher indicates all the parents’ proposals for further joint activities.


Parent meetings are important and the required form work in any educational institution, kindergarten is no exception. The children, realizing that their parents care about them, try to show their best qualities, listen carefully to the teacher, and carry out all his recommendations and assignments in full.

As a final step at a parent-teacher meeting, you can use an exhibition of works so that dads and moms can see what their children have learned during the school year. In addition, the teacher shows parents a computer presentation, which presents the brightest moments from the life of the middle group. Each slide is commented by a teacher so that moms and dads understand how fun and interesting it is for kids in kindergarten, and what they have learned during the period under review. If desired, you can also organize a comic fair or a joint tea party for parents at the end of the final parent meeting.

Observations and analysis of accumulated experience have shown that the problem of organizing cooperation between kindergarten and parents existed before; standard events used by teachers in the form of parent-teacher meetings were ineffective. Since the chosen forms of holding meetings do not give parents the opportunity to be active participants in the process. The content of the meetings includes the transfer of theoretical knowledge to parents and the demonstration of practical exercises; interaction is built mainly with those parents who take an active part in the upbringing and education of their children. In turn, not all families fully realize the full range of possibilities for reasonable influence on the child. The reasons are different: some families do not want to raise a child, others do not know how to do it, others do not understand why it is necessary.

In this regard, it became necessary to reconsider the forms of interaction between parents and kindergarten. The search for new forms of interaction led me to such a form of organizing parent meetings as a game. Where parents could better understand and feel the behavior and feelings of their child. Understand its essence and reveal your child from all sides.

One of the interesting forms of working with parents, in my opinion, is game "Is this my child?" . To carry out this event there must be a huge preliminary work:

  • talk with children and record on video their statements and stories about their family, what they like to play with, what they are afraid of and what they like to eat in kindergarten;
  • draw pictures on the topic “My family”;
  • film children dancing in costumes of fairy-tale characters hidden behind a screen;
  • prepare a “Panic Room” with Baba Yaga and toys;
  • organize parents to participate in the game.

I invite you to evaluate what came of it.

Summary of the parent meeting

Topic: “Is this my child?”

Participants: parents and children of the middle group.

Form of conduct: game.


1. summarize parents’ ideas about individual characteristics their children;

2. develop parental self-awareness;

3. develop a constructive understanding of parents about children;

4. provide an opportunity for parents to analyze the character traits of their children;

5. form right attitude parents to the individual characteristics of children;

6. get parents interested in the results obtained and make them think;

7. show parents the meaning joint games in the family for the development of the child.

Expected results:

1. introduced parents to new form holding a parent meeting;

2. generalized the idea of ​​the individual characteristics of their children;

3. continued to develop parental self-awareness;

4. continued to develop a constructive understanding of parents about their children;

5. provided parents with the opportunity to analyze the character traits of their children and form the right relationship between children and parents;

6. parents were interested in the results obtained.

Information and technical support:

  • Drawings depicting children's faces to decorate the hall;
  • Posters with statements from children “What is family?”;
  • Video recording with children's stories “Portrait of my family”;
  • Video recording “Question and answer”;
  • Video recording “Fairytale transformations” (dance behind a screen);
  • Video recording "Panic Room";
  • Children's drawings "My Family".

Materials and equipment: video projector, chips, material for awards.

Progress of the meeting.


Hello, dear parents. Do you know your child? "Certainly!" - almost all parents will answer. As Polish teacher Galina Filipchuk said: “We know our children from the first days of their lives. It is we, the parents, who feed them, dress them, put them on shoes, bathe them, put them to bed, teach them to take their first steps and say their first words. It is we who introduce children to the world around them, console them when they cry, and stand by their bedsides during illness. Can a child know better, his mother and father - the people closest and dearest to him, the people closest and dearest to him, the most loving and selfless?

Many parents sincerely believe that they know their child very well. How smaller child, the better we really know him. But by the age of 6-7 we notice that our judgments about him are becoming more and more approximate. And perhaps in 10-12 years we will discover in the face own child a complete stranger. Today I invite you, to better know your child, to take part in the game “Is this my child?” An exciting competition awaits you, in which we will find out how much parents can understand their children, and the children, passing tests, will help their parents earn the title best family. And I am pleased to represent the families who agreed to participate in this event.

This is a family... (parents' full names are listed)

Jury presentation.

Stage 1. "Portrait of my family"

Educator: I asked the children in advance to tell about their family, I will now read out all the children’s answers, without naming the child’s name. Your task is to determine which of the options I spoke about your family. For the correct answer you will earn a point (chip). Then, parents watch the children's stories on the TV screen.

Stage 2. "Q&A"

Educator: I bring to your attention several questions with possible answers. Your task is to guess your child's answer. For each correct answer you receive a point.


What is your child's favorite kindergarten dish?

What does your kindergarten child like to do on the site during a walk?

What is your child's greatest fear?

What does your child think might upset mom?

Stage 3. "Fairytale transformations."

Educator: Everyone knows that children love fairy tales and easily turn into heroes of fairy tales. The parents' task is to choose their child from the shadow of the children dancing in the costumes of fairy-tale characters behind the screen. And show the number that you think your child is dancing to. Those who guess correctly get a point. (watching on TV)

Stage 4. "The Artist's Handwriting"

Educator: I asked the children to draw a picture in advance on the topic “My Family.” Your task is to find out your child's work. Parents go to the exhibition of drawings and if they guess their child’s work. then they get a point.

Stage 5. "Panic Room"

Children enter a room where they can take the toy they like, but they can only take it from the hands of Baba Yaga. But he has a choice, he can take a smaller toy. It is freely available. The task of parents is to say how your child will behave. Will he be scared or not? fairy tale hero. And we will see the correct answer on the TV screen. If your opinion matches the child's behavior, you get a point.

Our game has come to an end and the jury is summing up the results. I invite everyone to a fun dance.

Summing up. Determination of the winner. Rewarding. (Diploma of participant or winner of the game “Is this my child?”).

“I hope that my experience will facilitate the work of kindergarten teachers in preparing parent-teacher meetings, as well as encourage them to be creative and search for new forms and ways of interacting with parents.