My child essay. Essay for kindergarten on the topic "my child" Essays on topics


Essay “Making Children Happy”

Leontyeva Elena Alekseevna,

German teacher,

Municipal government

Educational institution

Buerak-Popovskaya average

Comprehensive school

H. Buerak-Popovsky

Serafimovichsky district

Volgograd region

Every morning for many years I have come here to my school. I climb several steps of the porch, glance at the sign “Municipal state educational institution Buerak-Popovskaya secondary school” and, opening the door, find myself in the familiar school world. Someone is playing tennis, someone is repeating their homework with a textbook in their hands, someone is simply sharing their impressions of yesterday with each other. And I ask myself for the hundredth, thousandth time: “Could I do something different in life?” And for the hundredth, thousandth time I answer myself: “No!”

Teaching children was my childhood dream. Even in elementary school, I wanted to become a teacher, like Evdokia Vladimirovna Khramova, my first teacher, who taught us to read, write, and be friends. I wanted to check notebooks and give grades just like her. And at home my friends and I played school, kept journals, and rated the dolls.

Then I grew up, but the dream of being a teacher grew stronger, because in my life I met such wonderful teachers as Maria Efremovna Shchegolkova, Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Balbekina, Natalya Aleksandrovna Vasilyeva, Valentina Illarionovna Popov and Gennady Ivanovich and others. I wanted to be like them, to love my students the same way, to give them knowledge and the warmth of my soul.

Having entered the Mikhailovsky Pedagogical School, I became closer to my dream. And here on my way there were wonderful teachers who passed on grains of their experience to us young people, taught us how to conduct lessons, extracurricular activities, and suggested how to do better. I still communicate with my class teacher Valentina Evgenievna Lazurenko, who taught us German. And now, after so many years, she is cheerful and energetic, always ready to go on some kind of trip.

I was assigned to the Rudnyansky district. At the then Sosnovskaya eight-year school, they immediately had to teach German, Russian and literature (instead of the school director and teacher of Russian language and literature who had gone on maternity leave), drawing, singing, and drawing. This was not easy for me, a new teacher. But again there were experienced, knowledgeable teachers nearby who supported, advised, and helped. At this school I became the head teacher and for several years I worked in perfect harmony with the school director, Lidia Gavrilovna Bolotina. I was very pleased when she invited me to her anniversary and very warmly recalled the years of our work together, calling me her comrade in arms.

And now I have been at this school for many years. She worked as a head teacher and deputy director for educational work. Now I'm just a German teacher. AND…

“What is school to you?” - you ask with a smile.

“My house,” I will answer, “both the first and the second.

My family – there will be no mistake here:

Everything gets so mixed up sometimes.”

Again the bell rings, again my lessons,

During recess it is noisy and crowded.

As usual: plans, tests, deadlines,

Journal, notes, grades, vanity...

Oh, school, school, you and laughter and tears,

The pain of failure and the shine of my victories.

But I, having passed your thorns and roses,

I have learned forever: learning is light.

And so year after year, circle after circle:

I meet you in September and see you off in May.

There were so many meetings and just as many separations...

I remember everyone, I don't forget anyone.

Oh, school, school, who ever tied

Personal life with your destiny,

He will stay with you forever,

He will forever be captivated by you

Oh, school, school! You are my love

And the first, and maybe the last...

Now, many years later, I can say that I would never want to change my profession. I get along well with children, I try to convey to them what I know, suggest where they can find more complete information on this or that issue, and prepare them for a more comfortable study at a college or university.

I believe that the most natural and noble job for a person is raising children.

The main thing in my work is kindness, trust, attention, patience. If a child lives in understanding and friendliness, he learns to find love in this world.

My pedagogical commandments:

Give your child independence;

Don't demand more from your child than he can;

Evaluate the action, not the person;

Remember: before you is not just a student, but an original PERSON, who has his own complex world of relationships, interests, and a desire for a bright childhood life.

I consider my task to be:

Introducing students to knowledge about life, the world, and another culture;

Assistance in acquiring your own experience of activities, relationships and communication in a foreign language;

Fostering a tolerant attitude towards speakers of another language, interest in the customs and morals of the German people;

Formation of moral and moral standards of life;

Creating an atmosphere of goodwill and spiritual comfort and warmth in the classroom.

I was born Elena - “bright”

Which means it must carry light.

I am warmed by the warmth of the sun,

The soul from the sun was given to me.

I didn’t grow up in castles or mansions,

In a simple, ordinary family.

Hard work is familiar

And it is well understood by me.

Give yourself completely without reserve,

Forgetting about sleep and peace,

And although sometimes it’s not at all sweet -

I don't want a different fate.

I hope my students will:

Decent actions will not tarnish the right to be called people;

Strong and will overcome all difficulties, whatever they may be;

They will be wise and will not make mistakes that they will have to regret in their declining years;

Educated and will contribute to the development of society;

Proud of their Motherland in the name of the memory of their ancestors and the future of their children;


Humane and merciful;

Healthy spiritually and physically;


The most valuable and precious thing in life is our children. What a joy it is to be a mother!

I can’t even believe that I’ve been a mother for ten years already. My daughter was born. And when everyone said at that time, it’s good that my daughter, my assistant, I didn’t understand this. But years later you understand the meaning of these words. like no one else. And I can proudly say: “My daughter is the best in the world!”

After all, she sings well, dances well, and draws well. Always helps with cleaning the house: wiping dust, washing floors, washing dishes. Loves to play with his younger brother. My daughter is not cruel, she will always respond

Unfortunately. will not betray his comrades. Shy, a rarity these days. She is the best at sweeping the street. She, like no one else, will support me in a difficult situation: she will cheer me up, take me away from gloomy thoughts. Her smile makes my heart warmer. Violet is like the sun peeking out from behind the clouds.

My daughter loves animals very much. Her dream is rabbits and hamsters. She has been asking for a divorce for a long time. I promise you, daughter, by summer you will have them. She is responsible for her lessons and always completes them. overcoming all difficulties. She also has a lot of patience. Like no one else he sees deceitful, hypocritical people. I am very lucky with my daughter.

I know that she will not change, will not become bad, but will be even better. Like any mother, she wants happiness for her children. I also want to wish my daughter to remain like this. continued to love her parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, friends and all people. Be more confident in everything you do.

This is what my daughter is like. I'm proud of her! My child is the best.

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The best way to make children good is to make them happy.

Oscar Wilde

Every morning we get up at the alarm clock and go to work with a straight face. And it wouldn’t occur to anyone to just look out the window, look at the shining sun or drizzling rain and say with a sincere smile on their face: “Hello, new day!”

How often do we ask ourselves the question: “How can I make my child’s life happy?” and how often we make the same mistakes. We begin to scold and punish our children, not caring about finding out the reasons for certain actions. And if you look at it, what do such punishments lead to? As a rule, the child either becomes angry or withdraws into himself. It will be much more effective to sit down and talk with the child - to find out what is the reason for this action. Was it an accident or a coincidence? Or maybe it was the cry of a child: “Look - mom, dad - here I am! Pay attention to me quickly!” What's the answer? Only scolding and punishment.

How much time do we spend with our children? How often do we say we love them? After all, in order to say warm and kind words to a child, you don’t need a reason at all. It is very important for young children to feel the love of their parents. Literally one phrase: “I love you!” or “I’m proud of you!” can save a child from many troubles and rash actions.

How often, when we come home from work, we, loaded with our own problems, do not pay attention to our children, do not listen to their problems? Thinking that working from morning to evening, we bring benefit to our children. And children need attention, care and affection.

Everyone knows that children are the flowers of our lives. Indeed, the birth of a child is a great happiness for many. But we must not forget that raising children is also a huge job that every parent who wants to make their child truly happy must do, because sooner or later children still leave the parental home and go on a free voyage.

I believe that in order for a child to be happy, the adults around should remember their childhood, and sometimes not be embarrassed to become children. After all, we all went through childhood. And we need to more often plunge into those distant sensations in the complex world of adults. Well, and most importantly, an adult must love the child for who he is.

Essay on the topic “What is a happy family.”

What is family? You can find different definitions for this seemingly simple word, but each person understands it in his own way. And I have my own idea of ​​family. I believe that not every group of people living together and related by kinship can be called a family. In my opinion, a family is people who are close not only by blood, but also by spirit, who love and respect each other, who unselfishly give care, warmth and affection from their hearts. In my opinion, family members should consider their needs a little less important and always be ready to compromise, because it is in the family that a person should find support and support.

I wonder how many people think about this when deciding to start their own family? Unfortunately, not all of them. Maybe that’s why there are so many “unsettled” families, in which each person’s own interests come first, there is a clash of opinions, misunderstandings, and a reluctance to give in leads to quarrels and hatred. Can such people be called family? I think not. Although, who knows?

The British have a proverb: “My home is my castle.” I think it can be paraphrased as follows: “My family is my castle.” Why is this so? Because the modern world is to some extent cruel and even merciless. You need to literally defend your rights every day, not be offended, defend yourself, achieve your goals and at the same time remain an honest, decent person. All this requires great physical and emotional strength. How can they be replenished?

It is clear that physical fitness will be helped by a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and exercise. But what about mental fatigue? I would not belittle its importance (sometimes depression has quite serious consequences). This is where a person will be helped not by warm tea (as with a cold), but by a warm attitude, a kind word, understanding, and advice from a loved one. It seems to me that all this can only be achieved in the family. Maybe this is why each of us wants to have a strong, friendly family, which will be his fortress.

The thought often comes to my mind that family is the most amazing, most magical and most beautiful thing that humanity has created! It reminds me of a mechanism in which every detail is important because it performs its function, without which the full operation of the entire mechanism is impossible. Of course, this is a figurative comparison. But, you see, it’s very bright! It’s so good when mom cooks delicious food, dad makes sure that everything in the house works properly, and grandparents give good advice. In such a family, everyone feels good and comfortable, especially children. They are the most defenseless because they are completely dependent on family circumstances.

Many parents mistakenly believe that the most important thing in raising a child is material wealth, so they spend most of their time at work. They are so tired, earning money for newfangled toys and expensive clothes that they completely forget about the main thing: the most important thing for a child is love, care, understanding. I think some children feel lonely even with the most expensive toy. Nothing can replace the joy of communicating with mom and dad. This, in my opinion, is a very important problem - you need to devote as much time as possible to children so that they always feel that they are loved.

But there is another problem, much more serious. This is a problem for children who have no family. I feel very sorry for them. These children are different from children born in good families: they have a different idea of ​​life and family. For some reason, it seems to me that such children in adulthood will strive to create a family, which they were deprived of and about which they dreamed so much. But it is possible that they will choose a different path in life, following in the footsteps of their parents. Then there will be even more crippled lives and destinies, and this is very sad. But there are people who are ready to devote their lives to other people's children, giving them the love they so need. I admire those orphanage teachers who have enough warmth not only for their own children, but also for strangers, as well as people who give children a family.
I consider myself very lucky with my family. And I really want every child to have a friendly, good, in a word, a real family. I am sure that there are many happy families in my village and in my country and that their number will grow every year!

Elena Krutikova
Essay “The best way to make children good is to make children happy”

The best way to make children good is to make children happy.” Oscar Wilde.

These words of Oscar Wilde are one of the writer’s famous quotes and are often used in many works, both by modern authors and by authors of yesteryear. These words are, of course, beautiful and correct, you can’t argue with that, but. The phrase itself is constructed in such a way that it makes think about it: - who are children, and why does O. Wilde divide children into good and bad. After all, these are just children, our most beautiful, kindest, most beloved human beings. They, like ugly women, are not bad and good. Growing up, children become what we adults make them. Looking at children as if in the mirror we see our own good points, and its shortcomings. And every parent, father or mother, sees themselves, their continuation, in their children. And everyone wants their child to become a Human. And from the very first days, parents instill in their child all the best good what they have in themselves, they try to make it good things got even better, and the shortcomings have been eradicated. In the process of upbringing, our children begin to copy our behavior, our perception of the world around us and our attitude towards everything and everyone around us, over time and under the influence of the environment, developing their own character. This is how a child’s personality is formed. These formed personalities - people are what can be divided into bad and good.

So, according to O. Wilde, it comes out to grow from children of good people, necessary make these children happy. That is happy children can only be happy people living in an atmosphere of absolute happiness. What is it child's happiness? And the same as adult happiness: - a state of a person that corresponds to the greatest internal satisfaction with the conditions of his existence, the fullness and meaningfulness of life, the fulfillment of his human purpose1. How can this be achieved? TO luckily an adult can come in two ways. The first way is external. By purchasing best home, best clothes, more pleasant friends, we can, to one degree or another, find happiness and satisfaction. The second path is the path of spiritual development, and it allows you to achieve inner happiness. However, these two approaches are not equivalent. External happiness without the inner it cannot last long. If life is painted in black colors for you, if something is missing in your heart, you will not you'll be happy, no matter what luxury you surround yourself with. But if you have achieved inner peace, you can find happiness even in the most difficult conditions. Material well-being in itself sometimes capable help solve some problem, but in return it creates another. On the other hand, there are people who don’t have much money to worry about, and they enjoy peace. Poor in material terms, such people are still happy and happy. This is what the right mental attitude means. Material wealth alone can never completely solve the problem of human suffering2. For children everything is much simpler here. Just look at them and you will see that your child happy only then when he is simply happy. Joy is here happiness! Give children joy! After all, if adults themselves can achieve for themselves happy life then the children happy that what they can take from adults, be it material benefits in the form of a new toy, or moral satisfaction - the joy of simple praise. Fence children from suffering, from worries caused primarily by your own behavior! For example, when people come home, they can take it out on their children because of their troubles, causing them mental pain. Love your child! Show your child how much you love him, he needs the manifestation of your physical feelings. Learn to express your feelings. Hug and praise your child; your support will inspire trust. Approve and praise your child even for small successes. Your support serves as a support for achievements, even small ones, but he tries first of all for you. Teach children talk"No". Explain to your child that in certain situations everyone has the right to express their own opinion. For example, when peers exert negative pressure on him. Laugh and have fun with your child! Give your child time to play and enjoy together. Come up with all possible games together, the child should see you too happy.

Krutikova E. P., teacher MBDOU No. 567

Publications on the topic:

“Help me do it myself.” Parent meeting in the second junior group Goal: fostering independence in young children; pedagogical education of parents on the topic of the meeting.

Summer is a wonderful time; children are out and about almost all the time. And to diversify their stay, I offer a simple method of making them.

The school year has ended - graduations have taken place in kindergartens, and the efforts of organizing holidays for children, parents and employees are over.

It has long been no secret that on weekend mornings, parents are happy to see their children busy. And educators and teachers are happy when the material covered is repeated.

I suggest you make a simple bow out of paper. For this we will need: paper, in our case we found a square measuring 13*13, scissors.