Can a working grandmother apply for sick leave? Does a grandmother have the right to take sick leave to care for her grandson?

For men

When a small child is sick, it is always accompanied by fears and worries of the parents.

And not only because mom and dad are worried about how the baby is feeling, how quickly he will recover, whether there will be complications, but also because of what to say to the manager at work, because most employers do not welcome it when the mother goes on sick leave for child care.

In this case, many parents think that their grandmother can help them.

Can a grandmother take sick leave to care for her grandson in 2019 if the mother is at work, on a business trip, or is on sick leave herself?

In what case can a grandmother be given sick leave to care for a child?

Any family member, including grandmother, can receive a certificate of incapacity for work, provided that she is officially employed and deductions are made from her earnings to the Social Insurance Fund.

The main condition under which sick leave can be issued is actual child care. That is, if a grandmother takes out sick leave for herself, but continues to work, then this is unacceptable.

If she goes to work, the company’s accounting department will refuse to pay her sick leave. She will receive money for the time actually worked.

According to Federal Law 255-FZ, any family member, including a working grandmother, can take sick leave to care for a child.

If mom and dad cannot leave work, then the grandmother can take on the responsibility for treating the child.

Retired grandmothers are not issued sick leave for childcare.

For how long can a grandmother be given “children’s” sick leave?

The period for issuing a certificate of incapacity for work for a grandmother to care for her grandson depends on the age of the child, as well as the type and severity of the disease:

  • up to 7 years – sick leave is given for the entire period of illness;
  • from 7 to 14 years – up to 15 days.

A certificate of incapacity for work can be issued for a full period, but sick leave will only be paid for the period that is permitted by law.

The procedure for accruing sick leave to a grandmother caring for a sick grandson is regulated by Law No. 255 of 03/07/2018.

So, according to him, the amount of sick leave for a grandmother depends on her length of work:

  • with work experience of 8 years or more - 100% for the first 10 days, and 50% for subsequent days;
  • from 5 to 8 years – for the first 10 days – 80%, for the next – 50%;
  • up to 5 years - for the first 10 days - 60%, for subsequent days of sick leave - 50%.
  • For inpatient care (if the grandmother is in hospital with a sick child under 15 years of age), sick leave is calculated in the same way as the outpatient treatment scheme:
    • with experience of 8 years or more - 100% for the first 10 days, and then - 50%;
    • from 5 to 8 years – 80% for the first 10 days and 50% for the remaining days;
    • up to 5 years of experience - 60% - for the first 10 days and for the remaining days - 50%.

    Sick leave for a child is issued until the age of 14 (or up to 18 if the child is disabled).

    Many people are concerned about the question: “Are grandmothers given sick leave to care for their grandson and do they need to confirm the fact of relationship?”

    Yes, according to the laws of the Russian Federation, any family member can take sick leave for a child, while the attending physician is not obliged to require official confirmation of the relationship. True, he may still require a passport.

    If two children in a family fall ill at the same time, then the grandmother is issued a certificate of incapacity for work in one copy.

    If the first child is recovering, and the second only gets sick, then the grandmother’s sick leave is extended, but the second one is not issued.

    The sick leave certificate itself then indicates the start and end dates of the illness, as well as the names, names and ages of the children who were sick.

    The local pediatrician issues sick leave only to the relative who sits with the child and visits the clinic on the appointed day of examination.

    Therefore, if the grandmother takes sick leave, then she must take on all the responsibilities for treating the child: sit with him at home, treat him as prescribed by the doctor, go with the child to the doctor or see him at home.

    If the grandmother decides to go on sick leave to care for her child, then she must come with him to the clinic for an appointment with the doctor. On the same day, the doctor gives her a sick leave certificate.

    If the child is sick, but the grandmother did not visit the clinic with him on the same day, but came the next, then the sick leave will be opened upon arrival at the medical institution.

    A sick leave certificate is issued by the attending physician of a polyclinic, private clinic or hospital. At the same time, if the child is in the hospital, then the grandmother should also be with him.

    If a child is being treated at a day hospital, then the grandmother must come there with him every day for the entire period of treatment.

    A sick leave can be issued by any doctor (pediatrician, surgeon, dermatologist, etc.) depending on what disease the patient presented with.

    The grandmother is given a sick leave certificate upon her first visit to the doctor.. At subsequent appointments, she will need to constantly take with her a document to extend or close the sick leave.


    Can a grandmother take sick leave to care for a child if the mother is on vacation?

    No, sick leave is not issued if there is a non-working family member at home. If the mother is on vacation, then the grandmother cannot take sick leave, since there is actually someone to care for the sick child.

    If the child’s mother herself is on sick leave and it doesn’t matter whether she is being treated at home or in the hospital, then the grandmother can also sit with the child. In this case, she must open a certificate of incapacity for child care.

    It should be issued by the attending physician (pediatrician, family doctor or other specialist) based on the mother’s words. Sick leave at the grandmother's place of work is paid at 100% (the first 10 days).

    In the same way, a grandmother can take sick leave if the child’s mother is in the hospital, but she is actually on maternity leave. In this case, there is no one to care for the child (the father works), so the grandmother must be given sick leave at her request.

    Will a grandmother be given sick leave if she lives separately from her grandson?

    According to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 624n dated June 29, 2011, sick leave for caring for a sick child is issued in a medical institution to one of the family members, including the grandmother.

    The order does not stipulate that she must live with her grandson.

    If the grandmother does not live with the child, then in order to receive sick leave she will need to obtain permission from the chief physician of the children's clinic.

    The issue of issuing a certificate of incapacity for work to a grandmother who lives in another city is decided in a medical institution.

    The doctor independently decides which family member to issue sick leave, taking into account the situation in the family, as well as the interests of the child.

    A doctor can issue a sick leave to a grandmother who lives in another city for one reason - if the child’s mother is sick and cannot care for her sick daughter (son).

    The employer is obliged to make calculations for sick leave based on the grandmother’s submission of sick leave to the company’s accounting department. She does not need to provide any documents other than sick leave.

    Some employers require employees who plan to go on sick leave to care for their grandchildren to confirm that they live together with the sick child.

    Keep in mind that such demands from the employer are illegal; the laws do not stipulate anywhere that the grandmother must live with her grandson in order to be given sick leave.

    When a mother or father’s career has just taken off, but it is overshadowed by the frequent illnesses of children, then instead of giving up work, a grandmother can help the young family. Often it’s easier for her to take sick leave on herself.

    At the same time, by law, a working grandmother must be paid for sick leave to care for a child if she provides the accounting department with a completed temporary disability sheet.

    Of course, she will be obliged to visit the clinic (hospital) with the child and always be with him for the entire period of his illness.

    A child’s illness is always accompanied by parents’ anxiety and desire for his speedy recovery. There are enough worries.

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    Knowing about the possibility of issuing a sick leave certificate for the duration of a child’s illness removes a considerable burden from one’s shoulders.

    Who can the document be issued to?

    This year there have been significant changes in the rules for issuing, processing and paying for sick leave for the period of a child’s illness.

    A certificate of incapacity for child care can be obtained by any family member who has a regular income from which social contributions are made to the Social Insurance Fund. This could be mom, dad, grandma, aunt, or any other adult in the family.

    When filling out sick leave for a grandmother to care for her grandson, it is necessary to take into account that she must be employed under an employment contract.

    The main condition is that the sick leave be issued to a family member who is actually caring for a sick child: sick leave for a child issued to the mother is not allowed to be paid if she continues to work.

    A sick leave can be issued for several people sequentially within the permitted period.


    From an employee of the Yabloko company, P.P. Petrova. My six-year-old son Anton fell ill. She issued a sick leave certificate. But at the same time, out of operational necessity, she continued to go to work. In fact, the grandmother was caring for the sick child.

    For this reason, the accounting department of Petrova’s company refused to pay for sick leave. The employee received only payment for the time actually worked.

    Duration of sick leave for child care

    The following factors greatly influence the duration of the newsletter:

    • How old is the child;
    • the type and severity of the disease in each specific case.

    The sick leave must be issued for the full period necessary for treatment, but only the period permitted by law will be accepted for payment.

    For one calendar year, the total time of children’s sick leave for each child cannot exceed the following indicators:

    * Read the text of the document:

    Required documents

    First, you need to present the passport and insurance policy of the person for whom the sick leave will be opened.

    Then a special form is drawn up in which all the necessary information is entered using codes:

    • Code 09 (caring for a sick child) is noted in the column “Cause of disability.”
    • Code 42 means that it is not issued to the parents. To register a child's sick leave for a close relative, there is no need to prove the degree of relationship with the sick child.

    In the empty fields, the attending physician enters the missing information, including the child’s age.

    Payment Features

    Calculation of the benefit amount depends on several factors:

    • from the insurance experience of a relative of a sick child;
    • from the amount of wages for two full years;
    • treatment is carried out at home or in a hospital.

    If a child is treated at home (or inpatient), the first ten days of sick leave are paid based on the insurance period.

    The remaining days are calculated in an amount not exceeding fifty percent of average earnings.

    Payment for sick leave for the treatment of a child in a hospital is made in full, taking into account only the insurance period of the person who issued the child’s sick leave.


    Employee Petrova P.P. provided sick leave for child care from 04/01/15. to 04/15/15. Son Anton is 6 years old. The treatment took place at home.

    The employee calculated the average earnings of P.P. Petrova. for one day: it amounted to 1350 rubles. Insurance experience - 9 years.

    Total: 1350 x 10 + 1350 x 50% x 5 = 16875 rub. accrued to Petrova P.P. on sick leave.


    How are sick leave certificates paid for caring for disabled children?

    A sick leave issued to care for a disabled child under 15 years of age is extended in total for a year to 120 days.

    If children under the age of seven suffer from serious illnesses, the hospital period is extended to 90 days.

    Payment is required for the entire duration of hospital stay with an HIV-infected child under 15 years of age.

    What to do if two or more children in a family get sick?

    It happens that there are two children in a family. First one child gets sick, and after a while another.

    A relative caring for sick children is issued a sick leave, in which the data for both children is filled in in the “Caring” field.

    In the case when there are three or four sick children, a new sick leave is issued, because the sick leave form provides only two lines for recording data on children.

    In what cases may sick leave not be paid?

    It is useful to know the rules for limiting the issuance of sick leaves for children.

    Parents will not be able to receive calculated sick leave benefits if:

    • a child over the age of fifteen was admitted to hospital for inpatient treatment;
    • the child’s illness began during the parents’ regular paid leave;
    • the parents are on administrative leave, and at this time the child falls ill;
    • During the period of illness of the child, the parent is on maternity leave.

    It should be borne in mind that if the parents’ leave has ended and the child has not yet recovered, a sick leave certificate is issued without objection.