Fire show: makeup with red arrows. Let there be color: makeup options with colored eyeliner Beautiful colored arrows


Arrows have long been considered a “classic” of makeup. They suit any eye shape, face shape, hair color, etc. A fashion trend in recent seasons is a colored line on the eyelid. Using a varied palette, you can highlight the eyes and make the image bright and special. This is the ideal make-up option when you have to go to an important event.

Like any other make-up, colored arrows on the eyes have their own characteristics. What should you pay attention to when creating dramatic, colorful lines on your eyes? First of all, the type of cosmetics is of great importance. When choosing a liquid eyeliner, felt-tip pen, or liner, the lines will be bright and saturated. If you draw them with pencils, then you can achieve a translucent effect. The only exception is a tonal pencil, since it can be used to draw both bright and smoky lines.

What shades are there?

If, when creating a make-up, the choice fell on colored arrows, you should take into account some nuances. For example, different shades of eyeliners and felt-tip pens suit different eye colors. Blue eyes can be emphasized with the following shades:

  • Silver;
  • Pink;
  • Yellow;
  • Blue;
  • Orange, etc.

Green-eyed beauties can experiment with the following colors:

  • Violet;
  • Plum;
  • Bronze.

Eyeliners or felt-tip pens of any shade will help highlight gray eyes. Makeup with red arrows will look especially bright. But it is not advisable to use a red tone for those whose eyelid threatens to hang over the eye, since this color will visually make it even heavier.

Brown eyes will be shaded with lilac, green, and blue tones. Makeup with blue arrows will suit any eye color. Blue lines are just as versatile as black lines.

White arrows on the eyes look good in the spring and summer. White eyeliner, shadows applied using a wet technique, or a felt-tip pen will make your look brighter and more expressive. White lines on the eyelids go well with glitter. They are suitable for everyday makeup.

Arrows do not only mean single-color lines. Ombre or color block lines are very popular. These are lines consisting of two or more colors shaded together. In order to shade the line carefully and make the transition from one shade to another softer, you need to use a thin brush with synthetic bristles.

How to draw an arrow

In order to correctly draw a colored stripe on the eyelid, first of all you need to decide on the number and palette of shades. Next, you need to prepare the skin before applying the eyeliner and apply the main color so that the eyeliner is not hidden behind the eyelashes or shadows. Below we discuss the technique of applying makeup with colored arrows step by step.

Preparing the eyelid skin

In order for the makeup to remain on the skin longer, the dermis is treated with degreasing agents before applying it. The eyelids should also be wiped with a cosmetic degreaser.

Applying base color to eyelids

The skin color on the eyelids must be evened out using highlighter, foundation or foundation powder. Then shadows are applied, the color of which will be the background color for the eyeliner.

Drawing the lower eyelash contour

The next procedure should be to draw the interciliary contour of the lower eyelid. To do this, use a very soft pencil to paint the space between the eyelashes. Ideal makeup implies completely painted areas of the skin.

Tinting the interlash space of the upper eyelid

Next, you should paint the interciliary space of the upper eyelid. Considering that the line can be double, the colored one can be applied on top of the classic black one, then the space between the eyelashes must be painted carefully.

Drawing an arrow

The next step is to apply the arrow. Depending on what type of arrow was chosen, a colored stripe is applied with a brush to the upper and lower eyelids. Some, in order not to waste time every day drawing a thin arrow, get a tattoo. With the help of tattooing on the upper and lower eyelids, the shape of the eyes is visually enlarged.

Eyelash dyeing

Finally, you should tint your eyelashes. At this stage you can also experiment. You can leave natural eyelashes, lightly touching them with mascara. This will soften the bright makeup a little. You can paint the lower and upper eyelashes well. This way you will get a spectacular, bright, evening make-up.

Colored arrows for brown eyes

For brown eyes, stripes of all lilac shades and any green are suitable.

Pay attention! The most flattering eyeliner color for brown eyes is brown. In addition, it will look good on olive or dark skin and will emphasize a tan.

The brown shade should be chosen correctly. Under no circumstances should it be the same as your eye color. It is best to choose a shade a couple of shades darker. For a brunette with brown eyes, makeup with purple arrows will suit her.

For evening makeup, the lilac color of the stripes, with a light metallic tint, is suitable. For daytime - light lilac tones.

Green arrows will emphasize the depth of brown eyes. To create a mysterious image, a dark emerald color is ideal.

Makeup examples

A good make-up should highlight your strengths and hide minor flaws. Thus, eye makeup should increase the cut, emphasize depth, and add shine. To do this, not only the color of the eyeliner, felt-tip pen or pencil is selected, but also the shape of the arrows and even their number. In most cases, for small, close-set eyes, a colored line is applied only to the upper eyelid, the lower one is emphasized with regular black eyeliner or is not drawn at all.

Double stripe


Select the arrows and draw correctly with your own hands

Lovers of highlighting the beauty of their eyes and making their makeup look truly bright, rejoice - your time has come! Eyeliner is back in fashion. Classic black, colored, thin or thick - choose to suit your taste.

Before moving on to the trendy and new arrow ideas, let's understand the new ones.

How to draw arrows?

The simplicity and result of applying arrows depends on the method you choose.

There are 5 main assets:

Liquid eyeliner. One of the most difficult options and, practically, not a single beginner is able to cope with this tool in order to get the perfect arrow the first time. The eyeliner dries quickly, without giving a “second” chance, i.e. When applying eyeliner, you need to be extremely focused and careful, otherwise you will have to start all over again.

After long training, the result will be amazing. It is eyeliner that allows you to achieve graphically correct and perfect arrows with a glossy effect.

Eyeliner can be used both classic - black, and colored, which is very fashionable now.

Gel eyeliner. Not a bad option for beginners. Gel eyeliner is a cross between liquid eyeliner and eyeliner. The arrows are drawn with a convenient beveled brush, the gel dries quickly.

The harder you press on the brush, the thicker the shooter you will end up with.

Eyeliner-felt pen. An excellent option that allows you to easily apply eyeliner to your eyes; it’s not called a felt-tip pen for nothing. The product does not need to be dosed; it distributes itself evenly over the eye.

The best thing to do when making eyeliner is to pull the corner of the eyelid with your fingers and draw a single line, so it will turn out smoother and more beautiful.

Dry eyeliner. To apply this product, special brushes are required, and it is better to use baked shadows.

To make the arrow look brighter on your eyes, moisten the brush with water before applying.

Regular or waterproof eyeliner. Stylists' advice says that the best way to start learning how to draw correct arrows on your eyes is with a pencil - this is the easiest way.

But, when using a pencil, it is difficult to achieve the desired thickness of the arrow; in addition, the question of the symmetry of the resulting result arises and soft pencils quickly shade, losing the graphic effect.

Pencil arrows are best achieved if you choose a hard pencil and sharpen its tip sharply.

5 tricks on how to draw arrows on your eyes

  • draw an arrow as close to the eyelash growth line as possible, while there should be no empty spaces between the eyelid and the line.
  • Try to keep your eyes half open so you can make adjustments and correct mistakes immediately.
  • always draw a line either from the inner corner of the eye or from the middle.
  • It is best to first make the arrows thin, like a base, and only then bring them to the desired width.
  • The outer edge of the arrow should always be raised.
  • When using eyeliner, apply several layers of mascara or mascara to your eyelashes.

Beautiful winged eyeliner can take facial makeup to a new level, making it attractive and sexy in just 60 seconds. This is exactly how much time it takes a professional stylist to make the right arrows on the eyes.

Black classic arrows look seductive on the eyes, but often get boring. If you want to try something new, we suggest you

14 step-by-step lessons with photos on how to draw arrows on the eyes

Idea 1. Colored arrows on the eyes "Rainbow"

These are bright and vibrant colors that combine with each other, perfect for summer eye makeup. Achieving this result is very simple.

Step 1. Draw a thin black line as close to the lash line as possible.

Step 2. Take an angled brush and use it to apply pink eye shadow to the inner corner of your eye.

For brighter colors, wet the brush with face spray or plain water.

Step 3. We continue to draw the arrow in orange, which turns into yellow (gold), green, light blue and dark blue.

Make sure your brush is clean before applying each new color.

Step 4. Carefully blend the boundaries between the colors.

Step 5. Apply a white liner to the lower eyelid to make your eyes appear larger and more expressive.

Step 6. Apply black mascara and, if desired, apply false eyelashes.

Another option makeup “Rainbow”. This is done by analogy with the previous one.

Idea 2. Evening makeup with shimmering arrows

This makeup is made with eyeliner with fine glitter, which then shimmers delightfully.

The main focus should be on the arrow, do not use bright shadows. Simply adding brown shades to your crease will add depth to your look.

Idea 3. Luxurious combination of black and gold

Gold can decorate any makeup, adding brightness and bohemianism to the image.

Once you are happy with how you applied your eyeshadow, carefully draw a black liner and on top of it, using a gold pencil, add a gold line that exactly matches the main liner. It's very easy to do and looks fantastically attractive.

You can create a wide winged eyeliner using only golden eyeshadow.

In this case, you will get a glamorous daytime makeup, which, by enhancing it with shadows, can easily be turned into an evening one.

Idea 4. Blue wide arrows with false eyelashes

Blue is one of the fashionable colors of the spring-summer 2016 season.

Blue color is great for eye makeup of any color, but looks especially good in combination with brown ones. If it is difficult for you to make blue arrows, practice with blue, it does not contrast so clearly with your skin color and flaws are less noticeable.

Once you feel ready to draw more complex arrows, try the turquoise eyeliner option.

Idea 5. Purple arrows combined with shades of blue

Feeling a little adventurous? Try this maximally bright makeup with colored arrows.

Purple goes well with shades of blue, and a bright blue eyeliner underneath and dark purple mascara will only enhance the look!

Idea 6. Dramatic double arrow in a combination of purple and black

If the previous two options did not seem suitable to you, then many will like this rather complex version of the double arrow.

The double arrow visually makes the eye more impressive, giving it the correct almond shape. If the combination of black and purple looks too heavy, you can experiment with other colors.

Idea 7. Classic combination of white and black

Nothing will brighten up your eyes like a white liner. If an all-white liner is not your thing, try the timeless classic - a win-win combination of black and white.

In this makeup with arrows, it is important to blend well the transition from one color to another.

Describing new ones with arrows, we could not ignore variations on the theme of black arrows.

Let's see how to draw beautiful black arrows on the eyes.

Black cat eye with glitter

Spectacular eye makeup in oriental style

Sexy smokey eye in brown tones

Wide black arrow with valentine's card

The arrows on the eyes, photos of which we posted here especially for you today, as a way of decorating ladies’ eyes, have long since become a classic. But since the most famous fashionistas of this planet began to “draw” them, not many can boast of the ability to perfectly create a “cat look”. Despite the seemingly extraordinary complexity of the technique, having learned some secrets, any girl can comprehend this simple science. Do you want to master this skill? Shall we begin then?

The secret of seduction

Every woman secretly dreams of becoming the object of attraction for all the men around her. How we love to catch the gaze of members of the opposite sex, don’t we? But in order to be known as a “devourer” of hearts, you must always look stunning. And since the eyes are considered the mirror of the soul, they should be beautifully decorated. And what can more effectively emphasize the depth of your inner world, which is reflected in your gaze, than elegant and sophisticated arrows?

The history of this make-up goes back to the last century. In the mid-50s, such world-class stars as Marilyn Monroe and Sophia Loren made it their calling card. There was never a time when these ladies would appear on the red carpet without their stunning wings. And they, by the way, won the hearts of millions of men. Well, now it’s your turn to master the art of seduction and learn how to paint the perfect charcoal makeup on your eyes.

Execution options

Did you know that this type of make-up has several varieties? Or have you already been informed that their development is due to a large number of individual characteristics of women’s appearance? Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves, everything is in order.

The most popular types:

  • Classic. To draw a thin, bright line, you will have to move the pencil from the inner corner to the outer. A mandatory requirement is a thin arrow with a raised tip near the temporal region.

  • "Double Strike" This make-up makes the image more daring, bright and expressive. Excellent for a formal or evening look, because it highlights the female gaze as beautifully as possible. The curves of the arrows in this case should be smooth and graceful, and, most importantly, identical.
  • "Fat." Drawing a wide line is quite simple, so if you want to learn how to draw arrows, start training your hand with this method.

  • "Cat's Eye"- the most popular and sought-after method among young fashionistas. This makeup gives its owner self-confidence, sexuality and relaxedness. The main feature is the uniform direction towards which the lines on the upper and lower eyelids should tend.

When shape matters

There are often cases when a woman seems to have straight arrows and an ideal color, but the overall picture resembles caricatures and “smacks” of vulgarity. Why is this so? The answer is simple: incorrectly chosen make-up without taking into account the characteristics of the eyes.

  • The lucky ones are the owners classic almond shape when the eyes are placed at a normal distance relative to the bridge of the nose. They are suitable for any type. You can do all of the above techniques with any line thickness.

  • If your eyes have round shape, the arrows will help you adjust the cut as much as possible, bringing it closer to the one described above. To create a beautiful look, you need to tightly draw a line along the growth of the eyelashes to the middle of the eye, and then slightly lift it, leading to the outer corner. The smoothly pointed tip will add femininity and sexuality to you.

  • To open narrow eyes draw the makeup very thinly and as close as possible to the eyelash growth area. The tip should not extend beyond the outer corner.

  • Wide-set eyes You can zoom in a little. To do this, draw a very thick line at the bridge of the nose, which will gradually “lose weight” on the opposite side.

Basic application techniques

To date, several decoration techniques have been developed. The most popular for beginners and “experienced” are:

  • Drawing by points. As children, we all connected dots with straight lines to get the desired shape. Now we need to remember our geometry lessons and draw a segment using previously “prepared” points. Just mark the route of the eyeliner with a black pencil and make a line
  • Hatching. Its essence is to apply make-up with short strokes. The second layer should already serve as a kind of fixer of the result.
  • Stencil. First, make a line with a pencil and go over it with liquid eyeliner.

Rules for perfect makeup

Make-up is not just a matter of waving a brush a few times and running mascara over your eyelashes. If you want to feel comfortable all evening, do not run to the toilet every 10 minutes to eliminate periodically appearing defects, and do not carry a large cosmetic bag with you, read the recommendations for the correct execution of a beauty transformation.

  • To prevent the arrows from smearing, degrease the surface to be treated with lotion or tonic before starting the procedure.
  • Apply primer or powder before using waterproof eyeliner.
  • The drawing should be done next to a flat horizontal surface so that you can always lean on your elbow.

  • Do not pull the eyelid; it should be in a calm, relaxed state.
  • Don't forget to periodically remove excess eyeliner from the brush on the edge of the bottle.
  • To decorate the lower eyelid, use products with a waterproof effect.
  • After the process is completed, do not rush to blink and squint: the cosmetic product must dry.

Draw a thin line

Take the eyeliner brush in your hand and start moving from the inner corner of the eye. Move your hand as close to the eyelashes as possible. After making sketches, apply a second, more “confident” layer. Remove the shortcomings.

Thick design

Before you start drawing your makeup, take a pencil and carefully trace the path that the eyeliner will follow in a few minutes. As a result of your manipulations on the upper eyelid, a tick should be clearly visible at the outer corner. Fill this space with pencil marks, and if you are happy with the width and curve, outline the result with liquid makeup.

Common mistakes

Many of you who have wondered about the intricacies of creating super-arrows have probably already watched hundreds of videos on the Internet in which fashion bloggers demonstrated their ability to perfectly draw arrows. But none of them bothered to tell why, when making the same movements, for one girl everything turned out flawlessly, while for the other it turned out crooked and ugly. Now we will tell you about typical mistakes that beginners can make.

  • During the “procedure,” look straight ahead. If you look a little to the side, the line will not be perfect.
  • Those who have not yet gotten the hang of it start drawing from the outer corner, although it is easier and more convenient to start from the middle of the eyelid at the eyelash row.
  • Do not close your “working” eye. You can make an unnatural bend.
  • Before you start creating eyelashes, apply dark shadows, then there will be no gaps between the eyelashes.
  • Always consider the shape of the eyes rather than drawing what you like!

Cosmetics for arrows

The final result largely depends on the choice of product. Buy only those products whose manufacturers you have a good impression of. And remember, the eyeliner should not be very liquid, but not thick either. Today you can see the following varieties on store shelves:

  • Liquid. With their help you can make incredibly bright and clear lines, but only “level 10 masters” can use it.

  • Gel products. They are quite easy to use.
  • Solid- These are so-called felt-tip pens that are easy to control. To get started, we recommend that you purchase just such a model.

Permanent makeup

Every woman has at least once thought about how tedious these daily manipulations with foundations, mascara, pencils and liners are. Modern cosmetology is ready to solve this problem. Today, permanent makeup (popularly known as tattooing) allows you to visually enlarge your lips, that is, highlight their contour, shape your eyebrows and draw long-lasting lines on your eyes. Once you do the procedure, you can forget about daily cosmetic procedures for several years.

Benefits of tattooing

  • Persistence. Once applied, arrows can remain in their “pristine” form for 2 to 4 years. Doesn't it sound tempting?
  • Beauty at any time of the day. So you woke up in the middle of the night, and already - beautiful!


  • After the procedure, you will not be able to experiment with your appearance, that is, you can forget about the smokey eye or cat look.
  • Painful sensations. Of course, during the “operation” local anesthetic drugs are used, but itching, pain and burning are still felt.
  • If your skin is prone to scarring, the procedure is not recommended.

Permanent makeup has no restrictions. You can “stuff” a thin or thick arrow, from the inner corner and from the middle. Consult with a specialist who will help you choose an option based on the individual characteristics of your appearance.

Let's sum it up

Arrows are always beautiful, sophisticated, daring, defiant, stunning, etc. The list of praiseworthy characteristics can be continued endlessly. But few people know that such an effect is achieved only after dozens of failures. If you set a goal to learn how to draw with liquid eyeliner, do not deviate from your intended goal. It didn’t work out 15 times, but it will definitely work out on the 17th. The main thing is to follow all the rules and not make sudden movements.

We have previously described simple drawing techniques that you can use today. Do you have free time? Why not start now? Choose a comfortable place near the table in the bedroom or kitchen and place cosmetics in front of you. Sit in front of the mirror so that your back is straight and your elbow rests calmly on the surface. It is not recommended to hold your hand suspended - one uneven movement and you will have to wash everything off and start again.

Similar materials

Everyone is guided by different considerations, some choose their favorite color, while others want the arrow to match the color of the outfit, but there are several universal recommendations.

When choosing the color of eyeliner, you should remember the main rule: the color of the eyeliner should be combined not only with the color of the shadows that you will use in makeup, but also with the color of your eyes, skin color, and hair color.

The color of the eyeliner should never be darker than the color of the mascara.

Each woman decides for herself what color to choose for drawing an arrow, the main thing is that the arrow matches the shape of her eyes (read more here -) and makes the woman more attractive.

A small master class:

Colored arrows, in principle, are no different from black ones, but it is better to draw them with a pencil, because... The shadows fall better on the pencil. You can use adhesive tape, then the arrows will turn out symmetrical.

So, glue a small piece of tape to the outer corner of the eye. See photo (the line of the arrow should go at the same angle with the line of the eyebrow - then the eyes will not seem sadly drooping) Then we prepare the eye for colored arrows - apply eye makeup: any, but without an arrow))) I did not apply makeup, only white shadows . It turns out like this

We draw an arrow. Adhesive tape will prevent the arrow from turning crooked. Then we take the shadows of the desired color, moisten and paint over the arrow.

According to some forecasts, colored arrows will become a hit in fashionable makeup for spring-summer 2012. They go well with another fashion trend - colored hair and carefully thought out “chaos” on the head. The image turns out to be fantasy and not boring: o)

Female representatives are very rarely satisfied with their appearance without makeup. Girls constantly need to put on makeup, change something about themselves - from their worldview or breakfast for Monday, to their hair color and route home. The most important problem is to make small eyes big on your own, some even want to make them huge, thus going too far. In this article we will look at colored arrows on the eyes. What will they give us? First of all, expressive eyes.

Features of colored and black arrows on the eyes

Let's look at concepts such as black and colored arrows; Let's decide which arrows are more relevant and how to make arrows at home as beautiful as possible!

So, if you have not very large eyes, then we will emphasize only the upper line of the contour. The bottom line of your eye should not be emphasized with eyeliner.

Before you are offered makeup with colored wings, it is important to note that colored eyeliner must be of high quality! If you have already decided to create a bright image, then do not spare money on cosmetics, because you will be applying it to your face, so it is important not to forget about the health of your skin.

Who is suitable for black and colored arrows?

We suggest you step by step understand the simple scheme with all the nuances that you will need to know before you start creating your image.

  • Black eyeliner is suitable for everyday wear. Be careful when creating daytime makeup, do not overdo it with black eyeliner. An abundance of arrows on your eyelid will look ridiculous in the morning. The eye contour line should remain visible and not sketched in. It's important to be natural.

  • Colored eyeliner is not suitable for all girls. For example, for blue-eyed people, it would be appropriate to emphasize the eye color with blue or light blue eyeliner; brown eyes - brown eyeliner and so on.
  • Black and colored arrows are now a fairly common occurrence. Girls, don’t make mistakes before going out with arrows - ask your friends or loved ones to look at your efforts. Sometimes you can not quite adequately assess the situation and overdo it. Remember that colored eyeliner looks outrageous. You know what we mean.

  • Colored arrows on the eyes, of course, look very bright. But they are more suitable for get-togethers with friends, parties and going to a club. For business meetings and workdays, draw black arrows.

Detailed technique for creating makeup with colored arrows

Now we will take a step-by-step look at how to correctly create makeup with colored arrows.

  1. Apply foundation to your eyelids, blend, or cover with powder or eye shadow.
  2. Take the eyeliner in your hands. Carefully and slowly begin to draw the line of your future arrow along the eyelid. Tip: if your hand is shaking, lean on the table.
  3. If it is difficult for you to draw the entire length at once, do not bring the arrow to the edge. Draw an arrow first up to half of the eyelid. Next, draw to the end of the eyelid, and only then make a corner at the end of the eye along the growth line of the painted eyelashes, that is, the tail of your arrow should look up, literally 1.5 - maximum 2.5 mm
  4. Now start adjusting your arrow. If there is a missing unpainted area somewhere, paint it. If your hand trembles in some place and you draw in the wrong place, use an ear stick to carefully erase the unnecessary mistake.
  5. Now look carefully in the mirror and compare your arrows.
  6. If they look straight to you, show them to someone else to be sure (we don't want to make them look awkward).
  7. Fill your eyelashes and complete your make-up with softly colored lips.

Our instructions are very simple. Follow it, don’t be afraid to experiment, look for yourself. It is certainly more difficult to create with your own hands, but it is more confident and certain.

Video: master class on creating colored arrows on the eyes