What benefits will an unemployed pregnant woman receive? How to receive payments upon the birth of a child

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To go on maternity leave and receive the appropriate benefits, a woman must work officially. The employer makes mandatory contributions to Social Security. In this case, a working woman goes on maternity leave, the basis for which will be a standard sick leave certificate. Another name for this document is a certificate of incapacity for work. We will tell you in this article how you can receive maternity benefits for non-working mothers.

Despite the situation with official employment, some pregnant women may still qualify for maternity benefits, even if they do not work at all and cannot count on insurance contributions. Unlike working expectant mothers, payments to unemployed expectant mothers will not be made gradually, but at one time. True, the money is transferred from completely different sources.

What categories of unemployed women are entitled to maternity benefits?

Maternity benefits for a non-working mother can be received by:

  • women who are not officially employed;
  • women in public service;
  • full-time students of colleges and universities.

Officially, women are considered unemployed if they are recognized as such after layoffs or layoffs, when the latter is associated with the liquidation of the employer's organization. As for those who are in the civil service, the military, customs officers and other contract workers fall under this category. About female students - everything is clear and without explanation, the only thing that should be mentioned is that benefits will be paid to graduate students.

Each category of women has the right to count on full payment for maternity leave - from its beginning to its end. By law, the duration can be 70 days before childbirth and 70 after it, if there were no complications during childbirth. Unfortunately, complications still sometimes occur. In this case, after childbirth, maternity payments are made not for 70 days, but for 86 (156 days in total). When a woman is pregnant with several children at once, she will receive benefits for 194 days. This period is divided into 84 days before birth and 110 days after birth.

Separately, it is worth mentioning about unemployed expectant mothers who live in areas contaminated after the accidents at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and Mayak. Such women are sent on maternity leave 20 days earlier than expected. That is, the prenatal period is paid for 90 days.

If a woman has never worked or been in the civil service, that is, she has been involved in housework, alas, she cannot count on payment. The same applies to those who worked unofficially before pregnancy. Expectant mothers who left work of their own free will and correspondence students similarly cannot apply for BiR benefits,

B&R benefits for unemployed women who were fired after the liquidation of the organization

Payment of maternity benefits to unemployed women for the reason stated in the title is mandatory. The state assumes responsibility for the people who until recently made contributions to the Social Insurance Fund. Expectant mothers who are left without work through no fault of their own have the right to receive a certificate of incapacity for work. And, accordingly, payments for it.

It is very important to register with one of the local employment centers if, a year before pregnancy, either pure liquidation or reorganization of the enterprise occurred, as a result of which you lost your permanent job.

Separately, it should be said about women who have the status of individual entrepreneurs, but have ceased their entrepreneurial activities. The same applies to expectant mothers who have lost their lawyer or notary status. These women receive the right to formalize the receipt of maternity benefits for a non-working mother. Similarly, maternity leave is issued on the basis of sick leave.

How unemployed people are paid sick leave according to BiR

Citizens of Russia, and in our case, female citizens, have the opportunity to register at the labor exchange. Once registered, the special unemployment benefit will be paid for a year. The amount is a percentage of the salary received. The existing norms of the Labor Code state that if there is a sick leave, the annual period is extended by the number of days established on the sheet. For a year and a half after dismissal, the number of days on sick leave cannot exceed 365.

Pregnant women left without work are in a special status. Registration of a certificate of incapacity for work is directly in their area of ​​interest. There are several reasons for this. Pregnant women receive payment for the entire maternity leave for the periods that we mentioned in the first section of the article, when we described the payment procedure itself. But the amounts will not be significant - 613.14 rubles per month.

During the entire maternity leave, a woman cannot be deregistered at the labor exchange; her status remains officially unemployed.

During the period of leave under the BiR, the woman continues to receive unemployment benefits, but there are some nuances:

  • that is, the benefit itself is not accrued during vacation, but it will be paid after the end of maternity leave (if 18 months have not passed since registration with the employment service);
  • If, after the end of maternity leave, a young mother applies for child care benefits, then the payment of unemployment benefits will be suspended.

But all this is relevant if no more than a year has passed after a woman received unemployed status and before going on maternity leave. And, conversely, it is irrelevant if a woman registered with the employment service, but did not work before or worked unofficially. Dismissal at will will be a reason for the state not to pay any benefits.

How unemployed pregnant women receive maternity benefits through Social Security

It is also possible to apply for maternity benefits for unemployed people through the Social Security authorities: in this case, the payment of B&R benefits to expectant mothers who have lost their jobs due to downsizing or liquidation of the organization is carried out by local social security authorities. Here you will need to submit an application using the specified form. Plus, you also need to attach documents. Here is their list:

  • maternity leave issued after the thirtieth week of pregnancy;
  • an extract from the work book with a record of the last place of work;
  • statement of dismissal due to liquidation of the enterprise;
  • certificate of registration of unemployed status (this document is provided by the employment service);
  • a decision made by the tax authority that the woman has ceased to work as a lawyer or notary, if such a decision took place.

The federal budget provides the required funds for social benefits, which are assigned within ten days after the submitted application has been registered. By the 26th day of the month following the month in which the application was submitted, funds from the B&R benefit are transferred to the applicant’s bank account. Another option for receiving is a postal order.

How do contract and civil servants, as well as full-time students, receive benefits under B&R?

As we said earlier, non-working people include civil servants, contract military personnel and full-time students. Here, the conditions for receiving will differ from those that apply to working pregnant women.

In any case, contract workers and students are required to obtain a certificate of incapacity for work. Based on this, you can submit applications for payment.

Women military and government officials

Pregnant women who serve in public service may qualify for maternity benefits. In order for them to apply for benefits, they will need to provide:

  • application for maternity leave;
  • a doctor's certificate;
  • if the place of service does not coincide with the place of residence, then you must also provide a certificate of non-receipt of benefits at the place of residence. Such a certificate can be obtained from local social security authorities.

According to Russian laws, benefits must be accrued within ten days. The counting day is the date when the service ceased. If the service continued after receiving sick leave, then such an expectant mother is entitled to only monetary allowance. But you won’t have to count on the full amount along with maternity payments.

Funds are transferred directly from the federal budget. The budget is determined by the federal executive authorities that regulate the contract service.

Full-time students of educational institutions

This category of expectant mothers has the full right to receive maternity benefits. The budgetary or commercial training scheme will in no way influence the decision-making on this issue. Students of secondary specialized and higher educational institutions can apply for maternity benefits.

Making payments is easy. It is enough to submit an application and relevant documents to the accounting department of your educational institution. Once approved, the benefit is paid under the scholarship scheme. You can receive funds directly at the cash desk, where the scholarship is usually issued.

In the case of full-time students, the source of funding will be the federal or regional budget, from which the educational institution receives subsidies. The payment period, as for civil servants, is ten days after registration of the submitted application. The application must be accompanied by a certificate or sick leave certificate, which is issued for a period of thirty weeks.

In the article, we talked about which categories of unemployed pregnant women can qualify for payment of benefits under the BiR, and what is needed to receive this benefit without problems. But we would like to give one piece of advice: you should apply for maternity benefits after the sick leave has started to apply. If this did not work out, then you should not be upset - you can apply within six months after the sick leave has expired.

Being pregnant, a woman needs additional financial protection. This is especially true for unemployed people. In such a case, an unemployed citizen has the opportunity to apply for government payments. This article will help you get acquainted with the types of maternity benefits, their amount and the procedure for receiving them.

Types of payments to pregnant women

Every unemployed pregnant woman is interested in the issue of paying state benefits for pregnancy. It is important to note that according to the law, a girl in a position has the opportunity to receive financial assistance from the state. However, the amount and type of payments for unemployed persons differs from those provided for officially employed and insured persons.

To understand the nuances of the issue, it is necessary to consider the types of payments to non-working persons during pregnancy:

Maternity benefit – being not employed and not insured by the social fund, expectant mothers do not receive this type of payment. There are a number of exceptions:

  • If the employee was dismissed due to a reduction in the workforce, on the basis of the cessation of the functioning of an enterprise, a private individual, or due to the cessation of legal practice (notary, lawyer). The period during which you can apply for benefits is one year;
  • If the expectant mother is a student of a university, technical school, or college. The amount of grants is equal to the student’s scholarship;
  • If a pregnant girl serves in the army on a contract basis.

One-time payment on the occasion of birth – designated state aid is provided once.

Payments while on maternity leave – financial support for a non-working pregnant woman is provided monthly until the child is one and a half years old.

In order to receive state payments for pregnancy, an unemployed girl must confirm the fact that she does not receive unemployment payments.

Who pays benefits?

The legislation provides for the payment of benefits to pregnant unemployed women. To obtain it, an unemployed girl in a position has the opportunity to contact the following authorities:

Employment Center – the government body is not the primary institution that processes the receipt of material payments for unemployed pregnant women. However, if a woman is not employed, she has the right to apply to the center to receive state support in case of unemployment. In this case, the state guarantees the payment of financial resources during pregnancy until the onset of maternity leave. Benefits are provided until the thirtieth week of pregnancy. After this period, the girl provides the institution with a document confirming her inability to work. However, a non-working pregnant woman cannot apply for financial support in case of going on maternity leave, being registered with the Employment Center.

Social protection institution - a fundamental body whose activity is to provide citizens with benefits from the state, including non-working pregnant women. After processing payments for pregnancy and childbirth, the woman will receive them at her place of registration.


Unemployed pregnant girls have the opportunity to receive financial support from the state. It is important to note that the amount of payments differs significantly from benefits for pregnant officially employed persons.

Financial assistance from the state for unemployed persons in this situation is provided in exceptional cases described earlier:

  • If a woman was laid off or served on a contract basis, the amount of payments will be 40 percent of the girl’s income;
  • Students and non-working pregnant women will receive funds equal to the amount of the scholarship;
  • The size of the lump sum payment after the birth of a child is 16,350.33 thousand rubles;
  • The amount of monthly benefits that a non-working pregnant woman can count on is 3065.69 rubles for the birth of 1 child and 6131.67 for carrying a second one. The duration of receiving funds is one and a half years.

Important to pay attention that in the event of pregnancy with a second and subsequent children, a girl, regardless of her status, has the right to count on receiving maternity capital. The amount of funds is 453,026 thousand rubles.

When an organization is liquidated, what happens to pregnant employees?

A pregnant woman who has lost her job due to the cessation of the company's activities has the opportunity to apply for maternity benefits. Payments are provided by the Social Insurance Fund, to which the employer paid insurance contributions.

The procedure for processing payments for a non-working pregnant woman:

  • An application is made to the Social Insurance Fund. The content notes the fact of pregnancy and the desire to formalize the receipt of financial support for a non-working citizen;
  • Provide a document confirming the amount of earnings. If information is missing, submit a request for information;
  • A certificate from a medical consultation confirming the applicant’s position or a document about the birth of the child;
  • A document from the second parent’s workplace confirming that the other family member has not formalized the receipt of funds.

Material benefits for a non-working pregnant woman are paid for one and a half years from the date of birth of the baby. The amount of payments is 3065.69 rubles for the birth of 1 child and 6131.67 for the pregnancy of the second.

What payments can be made through Social Security?

As noted earlier, the department of social protection of the population acts as the main body that calculates payments to pregnant women, including non-working persons. To receive state benefits, a woman provides an application and a package of appropriate documentation. After ten days from the date of application, a response regarding the assignment of subsidies is provided. Financial assistance is provided at the place of registration of the applicant.

Are the unemployed paid sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth?

Unemployed pregnant girls have the right to receive maternity benefits under conditions specified by law. The list of such persons is presented above. To receive payment for sick leave, you need to issue a certificate of incapacity for work.

Reasons for applying for sick leave:

  • Pregnant women will be provided with payments in the amount of 613.14 rubles during the entire period of maternity leave;
  • During the period of maternity leave, a woman is listed as unemployed, but unemployment subsidies are not paid.

At the end of maternity leave, the girl has the opportunity to resume receiving financial assistance from the state.


To apply for state benefits in connection with pregnancy, you must contact the social protection department. The subsidy is assigned only on the basis of the submitted documentation package.

List of documents for receiving payments:

  • An application drawn up in a format specified by law;
  • Original and copies of birth documents of other children (if available);
  • An extract is provided confirming the fact that no financial subsidy from the state was issued for another family member;
  • A notarized copy of the work certificate of a non-working pregnant woman;
  • Personal passport;
  • A certificate from the employment center indicating that the pregnant woman is unemployed and does not receive benefits due to lack of employment;
  • State assistance for pregnancy and childbirth is accrued to a non-working pregnant woman if the born child lives in Russia. To confirm this fact, a document from the authorized body is presented;
  • If a girl in this situation is receiving full-time education, a certificate from the educational institution must be presented.

An unemployed pregnant woman has the opportunity to apply for financial benefits to maintain a minimum standard of living for her child. To assign payments, you can contact the department of social protection of the population with an application and a list of necessary documentation.

Every woman who decides to become a mother can count on financial government support in our country. This condition is supported by Federal legislation and the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

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However, the form and size of payments will still depend on her social status. An important role in determining the type and amount of maternity payments is played by the date and reason for the dismissal of the expectant mother.

What do they represent? This is monetary compensation provided to a woman who has lost her ability to work due to pregnancy and childbirth.

From a legal point of view, child care benefits do not apply to maternity payments, however, this topic is no less important for the expectant mother.

Maternity pay (B&P) cannot be received by:

  • fathers of newborn children;
  • women working under a civil contract (GPC);
  • expectant mothers who are unemployed and not registered with the employment service at their place of residence.

This does not mean that they will be completely deprived of financial support from the state.

In addition to this payment, Russian legislation provides for a number of additional benefits, benefits and compensation for non-working parents.

If a woman doesn't work

A pregnant unemployed woman should register with the central employment center at her place of residence and acquire official unemployed status.

This action has two financial advantages:

  1. During pregnancy, the expectant mother will receive unemployment benefits every month. If she had never worked officially anywhere before her interesting position, then she will have to rely on the bare minimum. Depending on the regional coefficient, the minimum benefit ranges from 850 rubles per month.
  2. Having registered for pregnancy up to 12 weeks, this woman can count on a one-time payment in the amount of 543.67 rubles.
    This money is not big, but over a certain period of time, the expectant mother will have capital in her piggy bank, which she will be pleased to spend on things for the baby.

There are also special types of financial assistance to low-income families at the regional level:

  1. One-time payments: for food for a pregnant or lactating woman, for home repairs, in connection with relocation, repairs, illness or death of family members.
  2. Monthly payments: free provision of dairy products to children, or monetary compensation: children under one year old 465.06 rubles, from one to two years 404.4 rubles.


Even if unemployed, a pregnant woman has certain rights, non-compliance with which can threaten violators with serious liability, even criminal liability.

has the right to:

  • employment, since pregnancy is not a reason for refusal;
  • obtaining official unemployed status at the employment center (employment center);
  • unemployment benefits;
  • lump sum payment upon birth of a child;
  • free medical services, vitamins and some medications (check with your gynecologist for details);
  • a one-time payment for early dispensary registration (for periods of pregnancy up to 12 weeks) is awarded to mothers registered with the Central Health Center;
  • monthly payments for child care up to 18 months (2718.35 in rubles for the first child, 5436.67 for the second and subsequent children);
  • monthly allowance for each minor child (its amount is set at the regional level).

Maternity payments to unemployed mothers are not as large as we would like. Working women have much more rights and privileges, but it would be unwise to give up these crumbs.

Legislative norms

The rights of expectant and caring mothers are regulated by the following legislative provisions:

  • dated 05/19/1995 (amended 07/03/2016) “On state benefits for citizens with children”;
  • dated 12/29/2006 (amended 03/09/2016) “On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity”;
  • By order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated 12/23/2009 (from 04/05/2016)

These documents determine the legal rights of the owners, as well as the types and amounts of maternity payments. According to these standards, the B&R benefit is equivalent to sick leave.

A non-working woman is not paid for temporary disability, and accordingly, she cannot count on this benefit, with the exception of certain categories listed below.

Maternity payments to the unemployed

Non-working women can count on paid maternity leave, that is, unemployment benefits:

  1. Individual entrepreneurs who pay social insurance contributions for at least six months. Even if the female individual entrepreneur has stopped conducting business activities.
  2. Expectant mothers who became unemployed due to the liquidation of the enterprise and bankruptcy of the employer.
  3. Full-time students.
  4. Women lawyers who ceased private practice due to the expiration of their license and termination of powers.

These unemployed mothers need to register with the Central Employment Service to be assigned official unemployed status.

Moreover, this must be done no later than twelve months after the termination of one’s employment.

Which ones are required?

The type and amount of payments due depend on the circumstances and the moment the woman ceases to work.

Conditionally unemployed expectant mothers can be divided into three main categories, each of which is entitled to certain payments:

  1. Full-time undergraduate and postgraduate students can count on benefits for early medical examination, according to BiR, at the birth of a child, and for caring for a baby up to one and a half years old.
  2. Women who stopped working due to certain circumstances (liquidation of a company, bankruptcy of an employer, lawyers in private practice and individual entrepreneurs) can count on the same payments.
  3. Those who never work anywhere will receive only benefits for the birth of a child and for caring for him up to one and a half years.

If the baby has an employed father, then he will be able to receive a lump sum payment for the birth of a child at his place of work.


Current amounts of maternity payments to the unemployed in 2019:

  1. One-time payment for pregnant women registered at the clinic for up to 12 weeks - 581.73 rubles.
  2. The B&R benefit is calculated based on the duration of the certificate of incapacity for work. The standard is 140 calendar days, for multiple pregnancies 194, for complex births 156. For female students, the amount of the benefit depends on the scholarship. For women who stopped working due to certain circumstances - from the minimum wage (minimum wage).
  3. The lump sum payment at the birth of a child today is 15,512.65 rubles. All new parents can count on him.
  4. Wives of military personnel undergoing military service can receive a lump sum of 24,565.89 rubles for the birth of a baby and 10,528.24 rubles per month for child care. Spouses of professional military personnel are unfortunately deprived of this privilege.

How to get it?

It is a standard procedure that requires collecting a certain package of documents and submitting them to the appropriate authority.

Expectant mothers who officially have the status of unemployed and are registered with the Central Health Care Center can go on maternity leave in case of multiple pregnancy at 28.

All that is required of them is to bring a certificate from the antenatal clinic.

Full-time and full-time undergraduate and graduate students receive maternity benefits at the place of study from the fund of the educational institution. You should know that a young mother should receive a scholarship during her academic leave, provided she successfully passes her final exams.

Wives of conscripted military personnel and unemployed mothers who are not registered with the Labor Protection Center receive benefits through the social security authorities at their place of registration.

Where to contact?

The answer to this question depends on the type of payment that the expectant mother intends to receive. If we are talking about B&R benefits, then not all unemployed women can receive it. Legitimate copyright holders must apply for this payment to the central registration center where they are registered.

Pregnant students and graduate students contact their educational institution.

A one-time benefit for early medical examination is also issued at the place of study or at the Central Health Center. But those women who have never worked anywhere before but received official unemployed status during pregnancy can also count on its payment.

A one-time payment upon the birth of a baby can be received at the father’s place of work or service. You can also contact the Social Protection Service (SSPS).

A monthly child care allowance is also issued to the SSZN at the place of residence; a prerequisite for its assignment is the registration of the child at the same address as the mother.

Documents for accrual

for payment of maternity benefits includes:

  • passport;
  • a certificate from the social security authorities stating that the benefit has not been paid;
  • an extract from the work record book or student ID, depending on the status of the unemployed mother;
  • a certificate from the tax office on termination of activity (for employees - employer, for individual entrepreneurs - entrepreneurial, etc.).

Before making a payment, you should clarify the required list of documents at the place of their presentation.

A student who applies for payment to the SSZN instead of a student card must provide a certificate confirming the form of study.


A woman can apply for maternity benefits both when she goes on maternity leave (week 28-30) and after the birth of her baby within six months.

The decision to assign maternity payments, as well as benefits for birth and child care, must be made within ten days from the date of submission of documents.

These time frames are determined by Russian legislation, since the payment is assigned after a thorough check of the entire package of the applicant’s documents.

Maternity payments to the unemployed are made by social protection authorities through postal or bank transfers. A woman can agree on the most preferable way to receive money with service employees when submitting documents.

Benefit for single mothers

Unfortunately, today single mothers have very few privileges. Single mothers receive maternity payments, as well as benefits for the birth of a child and for caring for him, in the same amount as other mothers.

Additional payments are determined by regional budgets and may differ in different regions of the Russian Federation.

Local authorities, whenever possible, support this category of women in various ways:

  • preferential tariffs for utilities;
  • free medicines for their children under three years of age;
  • in the form of in-kind assistance, including clothing and food.

Single mothers can find out about the required benefits and allowances from the social security authorities at their place of residence. Along with them, mothers of disabled people and large families can count on social support.

Video about the issuance of benefits


  • Due to frequent changes in legislation, information sometimes becomes outdated faster than we can update it on the website.
  • All cases are very individual and depend on many factors. Basic information does not guarantee a solution to your specific problems.

The mechanism of social support for families with children in our country has been functioning for a long time and is quite well established. The legislation defines a list of child benefits that are paid both to parents raising children and to people who are just preparing to become parents. However, to assign a particular benefit, as well as to determine its size, many factors are taken into account, including the fact that the parents are employed.

Obviously, the highest social guarantees are received by those families in which the parents are officially employed, because in this case they are subject to compulsory social insurance. By paying contributions to the Social Insurance Fund (SIF), they receive a guarantee of payment of various monetary benefits in the event of temporary disability, including in connection with the birth of a child.

However, non-working parents are not deprived of state social support. They are also guaranteed by law some child benefits. However, in this case, payments are made in the minimum established amount.

The right of non-working parents to receive child benefits

Speaking about benefits for unemployed mothers, it should be noted that if the parents were employed for at least several years before the birth of the child, then they receive quite significant maternity payments from the Social Insurance Fund. The amount of these payments depends on the average monthly income for two full calendar years preceding the year of birth of the child. Of course, the cash benefit will be high provided the official salary is high. But even with insignificant official earnings, the availability of employment when a woman goes on maternity guarantees quite tangible financial support for the family. What can parents who are unemployed or work illegally count on? Is a non-working mother entitled to receive child benefit?

According to current legislation, the lack of official work for parents is not an obstacle to social support for a child. Children's social benefits are provided to non-working parents who:

  • do not work due to the employer’s bankruptcy proceedings;
  • recognized as unemployed in accordance with the procedure established by law due to the liquidation of the organization;
  • dismissed due to liquidation of the organization during maternity leave or parental leave;
  • are not subject to compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability or in connection with maternity (unemployed women, students).

Types of child benefits provided for by law for non-working parents

Federal Law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995 “On state benefits for citizens with children” establishes several categories of unemployed citizens entitled to receive children's social benefits. For each of these categories of citizens, the types of benefits, their amounts and assignment criteria are established separately. Let's consider this point in more detail (hereinafter in the article, the amounts of benefits are indicated as of 2017).

Employer bankruptcy

If it is impossible to carry out work activities in connection with the bankruptcy procedure of the employer, a woman can apply for compulsory social insurance in full in the form of “direct payments” from the territorial body of the Social Insurance Fund in accordance with the social guarantees established for employed citizens. In this case, she receives the following benefits:

3. One-time benefit for the birth of a child in a fixed amount of 16,350.33 rubles.

4. Monthly child care allowance until the child reaches 1.5 years of age in the amount of 40% of the average monthly earnings for the previous two full calendar years for each child, but not less than RUB 3,065.69. for the first child and 6131.37 for the second and subsequent ones (for three children or more - not more than 100% of the average monthly income before dismissal).

Dismissal due to termination of the organization's activities

If a woman is recognized as unemployed in accordance with the established procedure for a period not exceeding 12 months from the date of dismissal from her previous place of work due to the liquidation of the organization (termination of activities as an individual entrepreneur or self-employed population), she has the right to benefits in the form of compulsory social insurance in the social protection authorities (SZN) at place of residence:

1. Maternity benefit in the minimum established amount of 613.14 rubles. per month:

  • 2861.60 rub. in 140 days;
  • RUB 3,188.64 in 156 days;
  • RUB 3,965.36 in 194 days.

2. Additional payment for early registration up to 12 weeks in a fixed amount of 613.14 rubles. in addition to maternity benefits.

In addition, in the form of state social security through the territorial bodies of the SZN, a woman receives:

  • A one-time benefit for the birth of a child in a fixed amount of 16,350.33 rubles.
  • Monthly child care allowance until he reaches 1.5 years of age in the minimum established amount of 3065.69 rubles. for the first child and 6131.37 for the second and subsequent ones.

Dismissal due to cessation of the organization's activities during parental leave or maternity leave.

When dismissed during the period of maternity leave or maternity leave in connection with the liquidation of the organization, as well as when the husband is transferred from military units on the territory of foreign states, the woman receives compulsory social insurance in full at the place of work until dismissal or in the form of “direct payments” from the Social Insurance Fund the following payments:

1. Maternity benefit in the amount of 100% of average earnings for the previous two full calendar years or according to the minimum wage. When calculating on the basis of the minimum wage, payments will be:

  • RUR 34,521.20 - during normal childbirth (140 days);
  • RUR 38,466.48 — during complicated childbirth (156 days);
  • RUB 47,836.52 - in case of multiple pregnancy (194 days).

2. Additional payment for early registration up to 12 weeks in a fixed amount of 613.14 rubles. in addition to maternity benefits.

3. One-time benefit for the birth of a child in a fixed amount of 16,350.33 rubles. (before dismissal - in the form of compulsory social insurance, after dismissal - in the form of state social security through the territorial bodies of the SZN).

4. Monthly child care allowance until the child reaches 1.5 years of age in the amount of 40% of the average monthly earnings for the last 12 calendar months preceding the month of maternity leave (for mothers also - the month of dismissal during maternity leave ), but not less than RUB 3,065.69. for the first child and 6131.37 for the second and subsequent ones (in the form of state social security through the territorial bodies of the SZN).

In the absence of work.

Unemployed women who are not subject to compulsory social insurance (including schoolchildren and full-time students) receive the following benefits:

  1. in the amount of a scholarship (only for pupils and students, in the form of state social security at the place of study).
  2. Additional payment for early registration up to 12 weeks in a fixed amount of 613.14 rubles. in addition to maternity benefits (only for pupils and students, in the form of state social security at the place of study).
  3. A one-time benefit for the birth of a child in a fixed amount of 16,350.33 rubles. (in the form of state social security through the territorial bodies of the SZN).
  4. Monthly child care allowance until he reaches 1.5 years of age in the minimum established amount of 3065.69 rubles. for the first child and 6131.37 for the second and subsequent ones (in the form of state social security through the territorial bodies of the SZN).

It is also important for non-working parents to know that unemployed citizens who are entitled to both monthly child care benefits and unemployment benefits receive only one of these benefits. The right to choose benefits is given to an unemployed citizen.

In addition to the listed child benefits, unemployed parents may be provided with other social benefits for children, the list and amounts of which are established individually in specific constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Can an unemployed father qualify for child benefit?

The list and amounts of social benefits for families with children, as well as the list of citizens entitled to receive certain benefits, are determined by Federal Law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995 “On state benefits for citizens with children.”

In particular, not only mothers, but also fathers, other relatives, and guardians who actually care for the child have the right to a monthly child care allowance. If several persons are caring for a child at the same time, the right to receive a monthly benefit is granted to one of these persons.

The right to a lump sum benefit upon the birth of a child is also granted to any of the parents or a person replacing a parent.

At the same time, of course, maternity benefits are provided only to mothers, as well as benefits for the timely registration of pregnant women with medical organizations.

What benefits are available to unemployed women during pregnancy and childbirth?

According to the law, employed women during pregnancy and childbirth receive maternity benefits, as well as additional payment for early medical registration (up to 12 weeks of pregnancy). Unemployed women can receive the same benefits if they have lost their job due to bankruptcy or termination of the employing organization, or are full-time students.

The following two types of benefits do not depend on the fact of employment or training. This is a one-time benefit at the birth of a child, which can be paid to both the mother and the father (or another person replacing the parent), as well as a monthly allowance for caring for a child up to one and a half years old - it can be issued to the person directly caring for the baby.

Are there other benefits for mothers besides maternity payments?

Federal Law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995 establishes other types of child benefits, the payment of which does not depend in any way on the parents’ employment.

In particular, when a child is placed in a family, a one-time benefit in the amount of 16,350.33 rubles is assigned. This benefit is paid in the form of state social security for any form of transfer of a child to a family (adoption, guardianship and trusteeship, foster family).

One-time benefit in the amount of 25,892.46 rubles. is assigned to the pregnant wife of a conscript soldier during a pregnancy of at least 180 days.

A monthly allowance in the amount of 11,096.76 rubles is paid for a child of a conscripted soldier under three years of age. Payments are received by the child's mother during the period of his father's compulsory military service.

Low-income families with many children are provided with benefits for the third child and subsequent children under 3 years of age. The benefit is assigned to each child in the amount of the subsistence minimum established in a particular region and is paid to one of the parents.

In addition, upon the birth or adoption of a second child and subsequent children in the period from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2018 inclusive, regardless of the social status of the parents, they are provided with maternity capital. In 2017, the amount of maternity capital is 453,026 rubles.

What documents must be submitted to the Social Insurance Fund for non-working parents to receive child benefits?

When talking about benefits for unemployed mothers, it is necessary to take into account that for employed parents, child benefits are paid directly at the place of work. If parents are unemployed, issues of receiving benefits are resolved in the territorial body of the Social Insurance Fund. If your job is lost due to the bankruptcy of an organization, you need to go to the territorial body of the Social Insurance Fund to which the employer was “assigned”. Full-time students with questions about receiving maternity benefits should contact their place of study. In other cases (including to receive other benefits for children), you should contact the social protection authorities at your place of residence.

The list of documents required to receive a particular benefit will be provided at the local social security office. As a rule, when contacting the Social Insurance Fund regarding child benefits, you must have the following documents with you:

  1. passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (original and copy);
  2. birth certificate of the child for whom the payment will be assigned;
  3. birth certificates of all other children in the family;
  4. for guardians - a document confirming adoption or establishment of guardianship;
  5. a certificate from the second parent’s work or from the social security service stating that he is not receiving the requested benefit;
  6. for those previously employed - a salary certificate for the two years preceding maternity leave and for the current year (an application to request this data from the Pension Fund, if it cannot be obtained from the employer);
  7. in the event of bankruptcy of the employer - a court decision that has entered into force on the actual impossibility of receiving payment through the employer;
  8. application for assignment of payments (filled out on site).

The necessary documents can be submitted not only in person, but also electronically on the official website of the Fund, as well as through the public services portal of the Government of the Russian Federation or through the “My Documents” service of the MFC.

The decision on payment of benefits must be made within 10 days after submitting the application. If the decision is positive, the applicant is awarded a payment, otherwise he is given a reasoned refusal. Payment of monthly benefits from the Social Insurance Fund is carried out before the 15th of each month. At the request of the applicant, payment is made by bank transfer to the recipient's bank account (bank card) or by transfer to the address of the post office.

Article last updated 03/03/2019

Investment in the future!

Fateful for the development of the institution of motherhood and childhood in Russia, the annual Address of the President of the Federal Assembly contains a number of social proposals aimed at implementation next year:

  1. Increase the monthly allowance for children at birth (first and second) in families where income is no more than two subsistence minimums for each family member. In the current 2019, such payments for children are awarded to families where income does not exceed one and a half times the minimum required for each person’s life.
  2. Up to 10 thousand rubles increase the amount of benefits for caring for a disabled child, group I disabled since childhood (since 2013, the amount of the benefit of 5,500 rubles has not changed).
  3. Reduce the tax burden on real estate for large families: deduct 5 m2 for each child from the area of ​​the apartment subject to taxation; in an individual house they will not pay tax on 7 square meters for each child. The current benefit for large families allows you not to pay tax for 20 square meters of housing.
  4. 6 preferential mortgage interest per annum upon the birth of the second and third child will remain for all years of the mortgage, and not just, as now, for the first 3 years for the second child or 5 years for the third and subsequent ones. Such a measure should attract more than 4.5 thousand young families to solve the housing problem through a mortgage loan.
  5. When a third child appears, the state will additionally repay the mortgage by RUB 450,000. It is assumed that this measure of support and motivation for large families will work “retroactively” from the beginning of 2019. The new payment can be added to maternity capital in the current amount - 453,026 rubles.
  6. It is proposed to develop a new program to support individual housing construction (IHC) for families with children. The land tax for such families will be revised.
  7. It is planned to develop infrastructure specifically for families with children, with the obligatory presence of clinics, schools and sports grounds in the microdistrict. The President gave instructions to solve the problem with the nursery by the end of 2021. To achieve this, developers will be exempt from income tax and VAT during the construction and transfer of social facilities. By the end of next year, the activities of the public service system should be transferred to a higher quality, more efficient level, and a simplified form.

Since 2019, at the birth of their second child, parents not only receive maternity capital from the state, but also have the opportunity to use its funds for monthly financial assistance if their family is classified as low-income.

The birth of a child in a family, the second or tenth, is fraught with additional expenses. And parents, planning to initiate an addition to the family, are obliged to make sure that they are able to do this. In every sense - financial, psychological, organizational and physical.

As for the financial side, the state undertakes to help low-income families with children, introducing more and more new types of benefits and other measures for them.

Help for families with children in 2019

If in recent years the emphasis in this regard has been on maternity capital, now, from the beginning of 2019, in addition to the extension of its program (until 2021) and expansion of functions, additional innovations are being introduced.

Thus, the number of regions in which, from the beginning of 2019, monthly payments will be made in the event of the birth of a third child in the family has increased. These are the so-called regions with a low birth rate; the government considered it necessary to increase the coverage of such constituent entities of the Russian Federation from 50 to 60. In them, with the birth of the 3rd child, payments are made every month until he turns 3 years old.

Those who seriously plan to have a 2nd or 3rd child and at the same time take out a mortgage on the primary housing market will receive a subsidy from the state: it undertakes to pay a mortgage rate of 6% or higher. That is, for parents the interest rate will be only 6% for the entire duration of the mortgage (as proposed by V.V. Putin).

Additionally, payments have been introduced to low-income families at the birth of their first child and second child. In both cases, the benefit will be paid until the child reaches 1.5 years of age, in the amount of one and a half monthly minimum wages for children in a given region.

If we are talking about a second child, then the source of funds is maternity capital, in contrast to the option with the firstborn, when funds are taken from the budget.

In addition, existing benefits relating to children and families with children will be increased in 2019, since at this time Federal Law No. 444-FZ of December 19, 2016 comes into force. It prescribes an indexation procedure that is uniform for various social benefits, including including child benefits, regular and one-time. Thus, on February 1 of each year, benefits will increase in accordance with the inflation figure for the past year.

In particular, in 2017 inflation was 2.5%, which is how much payments will be increased.

The only exception is maternity capital, which will not be indexed until 2020 and will remain at the level of 453,026 rubles.

Payments for a second child in 2019

In 2019, the benefits due for the second child are basically the same as those assigned for the first. A significant addition is maternity capital, which really is serious financial support.

1. Maternity capital

If the second child was born or adopted between 2007 and 2018, then a certificate for maternity capital can be obtained from the local branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. To do this, you will need a minimum of documents - a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a child’s birth certificate and an application filled out under the guidance of a specialist.

Since 2018, the capabilities of maternity capital have been expanded: Now his funds can be used to receive regular monthly payments. This opportunity is given to low-income families. In addition, maternity capital funds can be spent on caring for children.

This payment remains from February 2019 its size has changed taking into account inflation, became equal to 17,479.73 rubles. This is a one-time payment assigned to one of the parents. It has a similar size and does not depend on the order of birth of the babies or the fact of employment.

For working spouses, the application is submitted at the place of work; it should be accompanied by the necessary documents, in particular, a certificate stating that the second spouse did not receive the expected payment.

Wives of military personnel receive an increased allowance of 27,681 rubles. (versus RUB 26,721.01 in 2018). They need the same documents plus a marriage certificate; they are attached to the report and submitted to the military unit at the father’s place of service.

Mothers who do not work or study turn to the social security service. In addition to the same documents, they must attach to the application copies of the passports of both parents, the mother’s work record book and her insurance policy.

3. Benefit at 12 weeks of pregnancy

This is a one-time payment, and not automatic, but upon request, it can be used by women who register early in pregnancy.

With a certificate from doctors documenting 12 weeks of pregnancy, you can apply at your place of work and receive money. In January 2019 it is about 656 rubles. If the pregnant woman is a student, then she submits an application at her place of study. The money is added to the next payment of salary or scholarship.

Unemployed women are not entitled to this type of benefit.

The amount of this benefit greatly depends on the length of maternity leave and the status of the pregnant woman. All the nuances are spelled out in Art. 255 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

A working woman receives compensation in the amount of 100 percent of average earnings calculated for the last 2 years (plus vacation pay). But, if her insurance period does not reach six months, the compensation is equal to the minimum wage.

If a woman is a full-time student, she is paid an amount equal to the scholarship.

In 2019, unemployed women are paid 655.49 rubles upon the birth of a child. per 1 month (almost 25 rubles more compared to last year).

5. Allowance for children under 1.5 years of age

Allowance for children under 1.5 years of age. This monthly allowance is paid at the mother’s place of work. The value is 40% of average earnings calculated over the last 2 years.

There is a limit below: the payment should not be less than 6554.89 rubles. for the second child and all subsequent ones (versus RUB 6,284.65 last year). The minimum amount is paid to unemployed mothers; they apply for benefits to social security services.

If a woman with a baby under 1.5 years old is the wife of a conscripted soldier, then the amount of the benefit will be 11,863.27 rubles. (instead of RUB 11,451.86 in 2019)

6. For children under 3 years old

In the period from 1.5 to 3 years of age, mothers receive only 50 rubles. per month from the state. The benefit is compensatory in nature, and its amount has not changed since 1994. It is believed that children go to nurseries during this period, and no large expenses are required for their maintenance.

The issue of increasing the amount of this benefit has been discussed for several years. It would be logical to extend the one that is due to children under 1.5 years old, further, to 3. However, the budget does not have an extra 50 billion rubles for this. Today, they are trying to patch up this unfavorable period locally, in the regions, using their own budget funds.

7. New benefit for the birth of a second child

New benefit for the birth of a second child. According to the provisions of the law on the introduction of regular monthly payments at the birth of the first-born and second child and the amendments made in 2018, the amount of the benefit is determined by 1.5 monthly wages established in a given region for children.

Low-income families living in Russia will receive such benefits by spending maternity capital funds if the child was born in 2019.

Parents who wish to receive such payments apply to the local branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, which is in charge of maternity capital. There they will assess whether a particular family has the right to receive benefits: for this, the per capita income must be less than one and a half monthly minimum for an able-bodied resident of a given region.

In Russia today there is a trend towards state support for maternity, and benefits were introduced for non-working mothers in 2019.

  1. One-time, at the birth of a child, standard value 17,479.73 rubles.
  2. Regular menstruation, for caring for children up to 1.5 years old. For the first child they give 4512 rubles, for the second and each subsequent child - 6554.89 rubles.
  3. Standard monthly allowance accepted in a given region for a child.

Since non-working mothers do not go on sick leave, they are not entitled to maternity benefits. For the same reason, benefits are not paid for 12 weeks of pregnancy.

To receive the payments that non-working mothers are entitled to, you need to contact local social security services.

250 thousand rubles. additionally - yes or no?

In Life (formerly LifeNews) in the spring of 2017, the following tempting news appeared: if the age of the mother who gave birth to her second child is less than 35 years old, then she receives an addition to the maternity capital in the amount of 250 thousand rubles; this fact is reflected in the certificate, and you can spend the money received at your discretion.

Allegedly, there was a leak from an informed source in the government, and the authorship was attributed to Olga Golodets, Deputy Prime Minister, and the start of payments was expected in 2018.

Despite the uproar in the media, no confirmation of such intentions came from any authoritative source. Apparently, there are no funds; it is no coincidence that even the indexing of maternity capital has been postponed to 2020.

And the idea itself contradicts logic, because it does not contain any meaningful stimulation for action. By the age of 30, a woman herself is trying to fulfill her task of having children, the first, the second, and the third - as long as her health allows. It’s too late to rush her to give birth at 35 years old.

They are also trying to provide assistance to mothers with children at the regional level, introducing payments for this purpose that are feasible for the local budget. Locally, special programs are being developed to support families in which a child was born.

In the Kursk region, for example, mothers receive 2,000 rubles every month. to care for a second child under 3 years of age. In the Kaluga region, they took the path of increasing maternity capital by 2,200 rubles. after the birth of the second baby.

Moscow has the richest program designed for families with children, this is especially evident in comparison with other regions. Here are examples of some benefits.

  • If both parents are Muscovites, then at the birth of a child registered in Moscow, a one-time benefit of 14,500 rubles is paid.
  • Young parents, both under the age of 30, receive a one-time benefit in connection with the birth of a second child in the amount of 7 minimum wages.
  • Low-income Moscow families receive benefits in the amount of 10,000 rubles, starting from the birth of a child until he reaches 3 years of age; and 4000 rub. – from 3 to 18 years.
  • A support program has been developed for large families, containing many positions. Measures to support single Moscow mothers with children are considered separately.

Throughout Russia, with the adoption of new laws, a situation is emerging where the birth of every child in a family is accompanied by financial support from the state. Particular attention is paid to low-income and young families.

Efforts are being made not only by the federal authorities, but also at the regional level. Governor's payment programs and other local initiatives are being introduced. Not only in the capital, but also in certain regions, the matter is taken very seriously.