What does an expectant mother need to know about payments and benefits in Russia. Who pays maternity benefits - the state or the employer? Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation


In 2018, a one-time maternity benefit (M&B) is provided for the period of childbirth to women subject to compulsory social insurance(at the place of work or service) and is not paid (except for those officially recognized as unemployed within a year after dismissal during the liquidation of the organization).

The benefit is paid in the same way as in previous years: for the entire period of maternity leave(usually 140 days) as compensation ( insurance coverage) for some time in antenatal and postpartum period (in the simplest case, 70 days before and 70 days after childbirth, respectively), the woman will not be able to work and receive a salary.

Who pays - the employer or the Social Insurance Fund?

Initially, you need to provide the HR department at the place of work (usually combined with an application for the provision maternity leave). Then, upon the fact of payments, an offset occurs between the employer and the Social Insurance Fund - as a rule, against the insurance premiums payable. That is, in fact, it turns out that the money is ultimately paid from the Social Insurance Fund.

Only after judgment comes into force, the child’s mother will be able to receive money (FSS). It is easier to arrange a payment without litigation through the Social Insurance Fund in the regions in which it operates.

If a woman works two or more employers(policyholders) at the same time and worked for them for the last two years, payments in full size she can issue each of them separately. If over the past two years the expectant mother has worked in other places, the benefit is issued for one of the current jobs (at the applicant’s choice).

Pilot project “Direct payments” with registration in the Social Insurance Fund

Some workers have conflict situations with the employer, especially in times of economic crisis, when by law he must pay benefits, but does not do so.

  • In accordance with the terms of the project, usually the employer himself submits documents (sick leave and salary data) to the Social Insurance Fund.
  • In some cases, a woman will be able to do this herself - then she needs to contact the Social Insurance Fund at the place of registration of the employer company.

This opportunity makes life easier for the woman, the company’s accounting department, and the Social Insurance Fund employees themselves. Accountants do not need to calculate the amounts of offsets with the Social Insurance Fund. And a woman who goes on maternity leave, regardless of how her employer’s financial affairs are, will receive the following payment:

  • in a timely manner;
  • correctly calculated;
  • in the required amount.

How to get maternity benefits

The benefit is paid for the number of days that the woman will actually be on maternity leave. The right to go on maternity leave and at the same time receive benefits:

  • 30 weeks (7 months) in a normal pregnancy;
  • 28 weeks - with multiple births;
  • 27 weeks - for women living or working in an area contaminated after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant or Mayak PA;
  • upon occurrence premature birth - in the period between 22 and 30 obstetric weeks.

The important point is that a woman should apply for the maximum within six months after the end of the holiday under the BiR. It happens that for some reason beyond the employee’s control, it is not possible to apply within such a period. Then, if there is a good reason, you can apply for benefits later and.

Good reasons are:

  • insurmountable obstacle ( disaster, fire);
  • long-term illness for more than 6 months;
  • moving to another locality;
  • illegal dismissal and related forced absence;
  • death of a loved one.

If the deadline is missed for another reason, you can go to court with a request to recognize it as respectful.

Procedure for appointment and payment

First, a pregnant employee must go to an antenatal clinic, where she will be given sick leave indicating . This certificate of incapacity for work is presented to the accounting department of the enterprise or directly to the Social Insurance Fund.

An application for benefits is usually submitted on the same day as. This may happen:

  • On the day indicated on the sick leave- this is done most often. Then the benefit will be assigned (in general) from the 30th week.
  • Any other day after the start of the maternity period stipulated in the sick leave - this makes sense if the woman feels well and wants to continue working. Then the vacation days during which the woman worked simply expire, and the benefit is assigned from the day indicated in her application.
  • Any day after giving birth, observing the period stipulated by law - the money will be accrued from the date of actual maternity leave (except for cases of premature birth, when the benefit is assigned for the full period).

In general, benefits are accrued for the standard period of sick leave. If, for example, complications related to childbirth occur, the employee is issued, on the basis of which the payment is recalculated. The additional amount is transferred to her account.

Terms of payment and transfer of money

The law stipulates that when applying for benefits to the employer maternity benefit:

  • appointed before 10 calendar days after submitting and registering the application;
  • transferred on the day closest to the appointment on which it is usually carried out salary payment(the benefit itself is transferred to the salary card).

When applying for benefits via FSS sometimes you have to wait a little longer:

  • the application is also considered within 10 days;
  • if the decision is positive, the money can be paid until the 26th day of the month following for the month of application (then the payment is transferred to the woman’s bank account or credited by postal order).

How to calculate maternity benefits

  • at work with two employers For at least two years, you can apply to each of them to calculate maternity benefits;
  • if before going on maternity leave a woman was in or for some time in the previous two years, she can replace reference years.

When adopting a baby The payment is accrued from the date of adoption until the end of:

  • 70 days from the birth of one child;
  • 110 days from the birth of the adopted twins.

Will fall within certain strict monetary limits. For working women, if the duration of maternity leave is 140 days, it cannot be:

  • less than the minimum amount (from 07/01/2016 - RUB 34,521.20);
  • more than the maximum (from 01/01/2016 - RUB 256,027.40).

What documents are needed to receive benefits?

The basis for calculating benefits is. The woman should contact the accounting department of the company where she works.

Typically, in an organization’s business flow, the registration of benefits is combined with the registration of maternity leave. Woman writes one statement to go on maternity leave and to receive maternity benefits. Vacation registration is prerequisite in order to apply for benefits.

Mandatory documents for assigning payment from the employer are an application and a sick leave certificate. Other documents may also be needed:

You need to apply to the FSS with a passport or other identification document. When submitting documents for payments, please consider the following. A woman should change documents in a timely manner in case of a change of surname upon marriage, otherwise the FSS will return her application back.

Application for maternity benefits in 2016 (sample)

The application for benefits must indicate the following: required information:

  • the name of the organization to which it is submitted (name of the employer, branch of the Social Insurance Fund);
  • Full name of the applicant without abbreviations in accordance with the passport;
  • information about your identity card (passport);
  • information about the place of registration and, separately, about the place of actual residence;
  • please provide (indicate dates from sick leave) and accrue benefits;
  • method of receipt (by mail, bank transfer);
  • grounds for appeal (in in this case- maternity sick leave);
  • applicant's signature, date.

Sample application

The application can be submitted in person, through a legal representative with a notarized power of attorney, or sent by mail. In it, the woman declares her desire to go on maternity leave and apply for benefits under the BiR.

When using the scheme (pilot project), the employer is excluded from the scheme for calculating and transferring benefits. However, he must still accept the application and sick leave from the employee, submit to the Social Insurance Fund a certificate of the woman’s salary for the previous two calendar years.

Certificate 182n about the amount of earnings for calculating benefits

The main purpose of the earnings certificate 182n is to become the basis for. If a woman makes a payment at her enterprise, then no certificate needed. It is provided:

  • transferred from the woman’s additional place of work if she applies for labor and employment benefits from the main employer.

Help form and the procedure for its issuance are approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 182n dated April 30, 2013. The conventional name of the document comes from the order number. In addition to other data (details of the employing organization, full name of the pregnant woman, etc.), the certificate indicates:

  • The amount of salary, other remuneration and payments for which insurance premiums were calculated for the two calendar years preceding the year of maternity leave.
  • The number of days during these periods during which the woman was temporarily unable to work, was on maternity leave, or child care.

If necessary, the certificate is issued by the employer on the employee’s last working day. If the organization in which the woman worked has ceased to exist, or the certificate cannot be obtained for other reasons, salary data is requested independently by FSS employees from the Pension Fund.

Order on the assignment of maternity benefits (sample)

There is no approved order form. The document is published V in any form . The order for the organization usually combines the same information as in the woman’s application:

  • the head of the organization orders the woman to be sent on labor and employment leave and assigned an allowance;
  • the document is drawn up on the basis of an application and sick leave.

Example of an order

In the accounting department, organizations know how such orders are made, and there are usually no problems with paperwork. A copy of the order is given to the woman under subscription for familiarization on the main copy.

Other social benefits for pregnancy and childbirth

In some regions there are analogues of maternity benefits, which are paid through social security from the regional budget on different conditions. For example:

  • The local BIR allowance is paid only to the unemployed, university graduates, and disabled people of groups I and II. The payment amount is small - about 326 rubles. for each full month of pregnancy from 12 weeks.
  • An additional monthly allowance of 500 rubles. can be applied for by a pregnant woman from a family with a low per capita income.
  • In many local supplements are provided to pregnant women with the wording “for food”. So, in 2016, for each month of pregnancy, starting from the 4th, until the very birth, they will give out 300 rubles, in - 580 rubles, in - 566 rubles.

Also, each individual employer By own initiative may establish an additional payment for a woman on maternity leave, but this amount will already have to be subject to personal income tax. An exception is if the additional payment for the birth of a child is issued as financial assistance and represents an amount of up to 50,000 rubles.


Maternity benefits are provided to working women, employees, full-time students - that is, those whose income insurance premiums are deducted. The payment is made together with the place of work, service or study. Those laid off due to the liquidation of an enterprise should apply for benefits from Social Security.

In some regions there are manuals for accounting, which is very convenient to use.

  • She has practical benefits for all parties: women, employer and Social Insurance Fund.
  • The only drawback project - poor awareness of the population that payment can be received in this way.

The payment is accrued for the entire period. IN normal conditions this is 140 days (70 days before and after birth). The payment is due to a woman regardless of her length of service (service), but its size depends on the time she worked in the company. For those who work for less than six months, it will be calculated by minimum wage(will be 34,521.20 rubles for 140 maternity days). In general, the payout will be equal to 100% of average monthly earnings.

Maternity benefit is a type of financial assistance paid to women for the entire period of maternity leave from the Fund. social insurance(FSS). This type of benefit is also popularly called “maternity benefits”.

Who will receive the payment and under what conditions?

The list of those who can count on state support when leaving for maternity leave included:

  • working women;
  • those who recently lost their jobs due to corporate bankruptcy;
  • full-time students of universities, technical schools, colleges;
  • women contract employees in military structures;
  • adoptive parents belonging to one of the above groups.

Maternity benefit (M&B) is guaranteed only to women. Neither the spouse nor other family members can count on corresponding payments. If the pregnant woman continues to work, then the benefit is not paid, since the woman still receives a salary. If a woman simultaneously has the right to benefits for labor and child care, then she must choose one or the other.

Who pays?

Payments to pregnant working women at their place of work are paid by the employer, who reimburses the funds from the Social Insurance Fund. If a woman was fired due to the cessation of the enterprise’s activities, then an application and sick leave are submitted to the social security authorities. There are often cases when the employer delays the payment of funds, then you can contact the Labor Inspectorate or, if there is a delay of 2 months or more, the Prosecutor's Office.

Appointment procedure and terms of receipt

  1. At the place of work. The employer undertakes to schedule the payment of the B&R benefit within 10 days from the date of submission of the necessary documents. The full amount of benefits for all months of vacation is given to the employee with the next salary. If an employee has been working recently and has not provided on time a certificate of earnings for the last two years from previous place work, then the amount of payment is assigned in accordance with the data available to the employer. After the insured person provides the relevant certificate, the benefit must be recalculated. The amount of maternity benefits that was excessively accrued to an employee cannot be recovered. The exception is a counting error or the provision by the recipient of benefits of knowingly incorrect information.
  2. At the place of study. Full-time students need to contact the accounting department educational institution. Funds can be transferred in the same way as a scholarship from the budget allocated to the educational institution.
  3. In organs social protection. Funds are transferred through a bank or by postal order until the 26th next month. The source of money is the Social Insurance Fund.
  4. When contacting the FSS directly. The payment is made directly through the Social Insurance Fund as part of the “Direct Payments” project and does not require the mediation of the employer.

Amount of maternity benefit

The amount of maternity payments depends on the social status of the pregnant woman:

  • employed women receive 100% payment of average monthly earnings (the amount before tax is taken into account);
  • Full-time students receive 100% of the scholarship amount;
  • female military personnel serving under contract can count on the entire amount equal to the size monetary allowance multiplied by the number of months of vacation;
  • if a pregnant woman’s work experience is less than six months, then for each month she will receive an allowance equal to the minimum wage;
  • women dismissed due to liquidation of the organization or termination of individual entrepreneurs receive for each month of vacation - the amount of 628.47 rubles, which from February 2019 will be 655.49 rubles.

Maternity payments are calculated using the following formula:

Income for the previous 2 years excluding tax deductions ÷ 731 or 730 (number of days in the specified period) × number of days of maternity leave.

In 2019, the size of the minimum and maximum maternity benefits increased due to inflation calculated by Rosstat. Indexation of the B&R benefit and other payments is carried out in accordance with inflation based on the results of 2018. Rosstat determined inflation at 3.5%, which corresponds to an increasing indexation coefficient of 1.035, but later changed this coefficient to 1.043, since the actual inflation was 4.3%.

In connection with the indexation of benefits, two more indicators have changed that affect the amount of payment:

  1. Minimum wage increased to 11,280 rubles, which is 117 rubles. more than since May 1, 2018.
  2. Limit base for calculating insurance premiums for the past two years is 815,000 rubles and 755,000 rubles.

The average salary of an employee should not exceed established minimum and maximum. Let's look at the current figures from the table of maximum and minimum payments after indexation.

Minimum benefit, due to women employed (calculated based on the minimum wage for all days of the period of temporary disability).

  • RUB 51,918.90 – with sick leave 140 days;
  • RUB 57,852.49 – with an additional 16 days of vacation, 156 days of maternity leave;
  • 71,944.76 – for 194 days of maternity leave.

Maximum benefit amount, due to working women.

  • 301,095.89 – for 140 days of maternity leave;
  • 335,506.85 – if the vacation is 156 days;
  • 417,232.88 – with maternity leave of 194 days.

The maximum and minimum values ​​may change if the region has regional coefficients that increase the payment. These amounts can only be received by those who became entitled to the corresponding amount after February 1, 2019. Benefits that have already been calculated are not subject to indexation.

Some features of the calculation of funds should be taken into account.

  1. When calculating the average monthly income, periods of illness, maternity leave, and parental leave are not taken into account.
  2. The periods when the employee was released from work, while the salary was retained in full or in part, are also not taken into account.
  3. If the employee has been on maternity or parental leave for the past two years, then these dates will be excluded from the overall calculation. But a woman has the right to replace the time when there was no salary with the previous year or two years. This is allowed if the woman receives a large amount.

Benefit calculation example

Let's consider a possible example of calculating benefits for Birth and Labor using the example of complicated childbirth, for which 156 days of leave are due. Let us assume that during the previous two years there was no period of incapacity for work. Let’s assume that the salary in 2017 was 450,000 rubles, and in 2018, the funds received amounted to 522,000 rubles. The number of calendar days for two years, as mentioned above, is 730 days.

From here we begin calculating the benefit: (450,000 + 522,000)/730 × 156 = 207,715.07 rubles.

This amount will be paid to the employee in a lump sum with her next salary after acceptance of documents and calculation. The maternity benefit is not subject to taxes and fees, so the woman will receive all the money at once.

Read also:

Required documents

To receive maternity benefits to the expectant mother You need to provide the employer with a small package of documents:

  • certificate of incapacity for work;
  • an application for a one-time allowance for accounting (it is drawn up in free form or according to a sample issued by the human resources department);
  • for women who have worked for less than two years in this organization, an additional certificate can be provided with the amount of earnings for the last two years from the previous place of employment or from the enterprise where the woman works part-time.

In 2019, a package of documents can be sent to the employer by mail, then certified copies or in electronic form are attached to the letter.

For the unemployed, maternity leave will be issued based on the provision of the following documents:

  • application for appropriate payment;
  • salary certificate from the place of work or an application for a request for information about the amount wages;
  • certificate of incapacity for work antenatal clinic, signed by an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Sick leave

Payment of benefits for BiR is made on the basis of the document issued to the pregnant woman. sick leave. It is received at the antenatal clinic where the pregnant woman is observed. The document specifies the exact number of days of maternity leave, and sick leave is issued on a certain day. The table will help you figure out when a woman can go on vacation.

The nature of pregnancy and childbirthNumber of days until birthNumber of days after birthThe entire period of maternity leave
Uncomplicated birth, pregnancy proceeds calmly70 70 140
Normal pregnancy, complications in the postpartum period70 86 (16 additional days)156
Childbirth occurred at 22–30 obstetric weeks- 156 156
Multiple pregnancy84 110 194
Multiple pregnancy (determined during childbirth)70 124 194

In addition to obstetricians and gynecologists in antenatal clinics, sick leave can be filled out and signed by doctors general practice(family doctors) or paramedics. If a woman at 30 weeks pregnant refuses to receive of this document due to unwillingness to leave workplace and go on maternity leave, then when the pregnant woman applies again, a certificate of incapacity for work is issued in general procedure. Countdown provided by the state days still starts at 30 weeks.

The sick leave form for BiR is identical to the one issued for general diseases, but there are some features of filling out:

  1. In the “Cause of disability” field, code 05 is indicated.
  2. In the “Exemption from work” section, in the “From what date” column, the start date of maternity leave is entered. The column “By what date” counts the day when a woman can start work or write an application for leave to care for a newborn.
  3. When applying to an antenatal clinic for registration during pregnancy up to 12 weeks, the appropriate mark must be indicated.
  4. The employer does not need to fill out the employee's TIN (the field should be left blank).
  5. The line “Benefit amount” remains blank, since the funds are accrued by the Social Insurance Fund.
  6. All other points are filled out in the same way as for other certificates of incapacity for work.

Important! In the column “Registration in the early stages of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks)” the word “yes” should be checked. This is necessary so that the woman receives lump sum payment. The obstetrician-gynecologist will issue a special certificate confirming your right to receive funds. It will need to be presented to the employer or the Social Insurance Fund.

The main document is issued, including to women going from maternity leave to maternity leave. For adoptive parents of children under three months of age, maternity leave is also provided for a period of up to 70 days; the paper is issued from the moment of actual adoption. But the 70-day countdown begins from the day the baby is born. If parents adopt two or more babies, then the duration of maternity leave increases and becomes the same as when multiple pregnancy, 110 days.

All pregnant women are entitled to benefits and compensation, regardless of whether she is working or not. Financial aid is guaranteed by the state, but the amount of this assistance depends specifically on the woman’s official employment status. What payments are due to pregnant women and what is necessary to receive them will be discussed below.

general information

According to current legislation, every woman in position can receive different kinds benefits if she is a citizen of the Russian Federation.

In this case, all programs are conditionally divided into three categories:
for workers;

  • for unemployed people;
  • as part of medical care.

The latter applies to both workers and unemployed women. As part of health care, pregnant women are provided with a number of privileges and benefits that they can use.
Important! The main document giving the right to benefits and allowances is a certificate from a medical consultation. If a woman does not register, then she does not have rights to benefits.

Medical benefits

First of all, according to Article 41 of the Constitution, all citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to free medical service. Including pregnant women.

At the same time, according to the law guaranteeing the provision of pregnant women with certain medicines, these drugs are provided in state pharmacies either free of charge or with a 50% discount.

For example, necessary for normal development fetus folic acid And ascorbic acid are issued free of charge during all months of registration.
In addition, they are provided free of charge the following types medical services:

  • Visiting specialized doctors:
    • gynecologist;
    • ophthalmologist;
    • dentist;
    • therapist;
    • otolaryngologist (ENT doctor).
Attention! In order for services to be provided free of charge, a referral from the doctor managing the pregnancy is required.
  • Carrying out planned manipulations:
    • fluorography for the whole family;
    • Ultrasound (planned - three, additional - on the recommendation of a doctor);
    • passing all necessary tests;
    • physiotherapeutic procedures.
Attention! For all manipulations, a referral is issued by the doctor managing the pregnancy.

Early registration benefit

Regardless of whether a woman works, she is entitled to payment of benefits for registering with medical organization in the early stages.

The benefit is paid if a woman consults in the first trimester, before 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Funds are paid from the regional fund. The size depends on the regions, on average 500-1000 rubles. around the country.

Required documents

In order to receive benefits, you need to collect a minimum package of documents:

  • passport;
  • certificate from the antenatal clinic;
  • statement;
  • an extract from the employment center stating that benefits were not paid there;
  • extract from the house register;
  • a copy of the personal bank account where the benefit will be transferred (account number, not card number);
  • copy work book or a certificate from the employment center confirming your unemployed status.

You can apply to write an application at “My Documents” (multifunctional centers) in the region of residence or at the place of registration (registration) at the Department of Social Protection of the Population.

Important! The benefit for registration in the early stages of pregnancy is paid only locally permanent registration. If a woman registers at her place of temporary registration, her right to receive benefits is lost. This change came into force in 2016.

Child benefit

Regardless of whether a woman works or not, she has the right to receive benefits for up to 1.5 years per child.

It is paid from the regional fund. You can obtain it by contacting:

  1. USZN.
  2. MFC "My Documents".

Child benefits up to three years of age are paid only to low-income people whose total family income is less than that established in the region.


The family collectively receives 24,000 rubles.

There are three people in the family.

The cost of living is 9,470 rubles.

The family is considered low-income: 24,000/3 = 8,000 rubles.

In this case, benefits for up to three years are assigned and paid monthly.

Important! Every woman has the right to apply for child benefits; the Department of Social Protection reviews the application and decides whether the family is entitled to payments.

Up to 1.5 years, funds are paid regularly, regardless of the financial condition of the family.

Privileges for non-working women

In addition to medical benefits, maternity payments and benefits for unemployed women also include unemployment benefits.

But only if she registers with the employment center and registers as unemployed. In this case, unemployment compensation is guaranteed during pregnancy and until the end of maternity leave.

Financial assistance to unemployed people

For women who were dismissed as a result of the liquidation of the organization, they can count on receiving maternity benefits.

The same payments are due to women who were fired (including on their own initiative) no later than a year before registering for pregnancy.

The state pays for a total of 140 days of maternity leave:

  • 70 days before birth;
  • 70 days after.

If the pregnancy is multiple or the birth was complicated, the number of days increases.

Important! To receive maternity benefits, you must also contact the USZN or the MFC “My Documents”. The benefit is paid only if the woman is not listed as unemployed at the employment center.

And only a woman who is permanently registered at the place of application can receive unemployed status.

Privileges for working women

Women who are officially employed at the time of pregnancy can count on payments from the employer.

Maternity benefits, as well as children's benefits up to 1.5 years, are calculated based on the average salary of a woman. If seniority less than six months, then the calculation is based on the minimum wage ( minimum size wages).
In addition to payments, women can count on labor benefits. For example, if working conditions for a pregnant woman are too difficult or have a negative impact on health, then she has the right to write an application to the employer for a transfer to another position or a reduction in output. The employer is obliged to maintain the wages that the woman previously received. No changes are made to the work book.

Important! An employer does not have the right to fire a pregnant woman, and is also obliged to provide annual paid leave upon request, even if it does not fit into the approved vacation schedule.

One-time benefit

All women, regardless of whether they work or not, have the right to receive a one-time benefit for the birth of a child.

In 2017, the amount of this benefit was set at RUB 16,350.33. The benefit is paid once after the birth of the child. If several children are born, then the amount is allocated for each child.

In 2018 maximum size maternity benefits amounted to 282,493 rubles. 40 kopecks The increase was due to insurance contributions received in 2017 to the FSSP.

From January 1, 2019 this indicator increased to 301,095.20 rubles.

Important! One-time benefit may be paid at the expense of the employer of the child's mother or father. In this case, the right to receive state payments is lost.

A woman has the right to independently decide which benefit is more profitable for her: from the employer or from the state.

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Video about benefits and payments provided for pregnant women.

August 15, 2017, 20:59 March 3, 2019 13:47

After the birth of a newborn, the state pays the young mother benefits for the baby. By the way, this kind of money is needed more than ever for every family, because caring for a newborn requires a rather large budget. Some families spend this money on the necessary furniture and clothing for the child: a crib, a chest of drawers, a stroller, diapers and nappies. If all this is purchased, then the money will also not be superfluous, since as the baby grows up, new financial expenses are required. It is worth knowing that these payments differ from each other in each country and region. But if we talk about Russia, then at the birth of a child, the mother is entitled to maternity benefits in 2018 and accruals for up to one and a half years.

Maternity leave is the time allotted to a woman to care for her baby. The state accrues benefits after the birth of a newborn to the following mothers:

  • a working woman who will receive money from the enterprise;
  • persons who adopted a child;
  • ladies who gave birth to a newborn in the army.
  • non-working mothers who can only count on payments from the state;
  • female full-time students;
  • women entrepreneurs. To do this, the mother must apply for social protection, and the amount of payments depends on the level of income for the working period.

It is worth noting that only women who are registered somewhere can receive benefits from the state. To receive payments, the mother must be registered with unemployment if she does not have official employment. Depending on which category the mother belongs to, you can receive payment in different places. Female students must collect and submit documents in the dean's office, working and serving in the army under a contract in the personnel department, and non-working parents who have adopted a child in social protection.

Changes in maternity leave in the coming year

The conditions for receiving benefits have not changed compared to the previous year. However, the number of days for care has changed.

  • For simple childbirth this is 140 days, 70 of them are allocated for the period before birth, and 70 after birth;
  • for complications 156 days, after childbirth 86 days are required for recovery;
  • in case of multiple pregnancy, maternity leave consists of 194 days, where 84 are allocated before birth and 110 after the birth of twins.
  • for women who have adopted children, maternity leave lasts only 70 days, and for women who have adopted several children, this period increases to 110 days.

Payment types

In 2018, mommy claims to receive the same benefits as in 2017. All women claim the following payments:

  1. Allowance for registration in the residential complex. If the mother visited the gynecologist’s office before the 12th week, then she is entitled to a payment after the birth of the child. It is one-time and amounts to 614 rubles. To obtain it, you need to collect documents at the consultation and submit them to social protection.
  2. Compensation for pregnancy and childbirth. The amount of this payment depends on the woman’s status. If a working mother needs benefits, she will receive 100% of the average salary for the last 24 months. If the company is liquidated, then the payment is due from social security. The amount of benefits in 2018 for a working woman should be 34,500-266,190 rubles. Ladies who serve under contract in the army can count on 30,000 rubles. Girls studying full-time at a university claim 1,340 rubles. If the scholarship was indexed, the amount of the payment may be increased. And they can get the least stay-at-home moms, the amount of payments does not exceed 600 rubles.
  3. One-time payment for childbirth. To receive this benefit, you must collect all documents before the child turns six months old. The payment amount for 2018 is 16,350 rubles. For adoptive parents, the amount may be lower - 15,512 rubles. At the birth of a baby to a military personnel, the benefit is 24,500 rubles.
  4. Payments up to 1.5 years. You can count on a subsidy for up to 1.5 years. If a woman receives money from an enterprise, then the amount is at least 40% of average earnings for 2 years. For the firstborn, the minimum payment is 3065, and for subsequent children 6131. Maximum amount should not exceed 23,120 rubles. If the company is liquidated, then payments will also be 40%. But social security will accrue them, which means the maximum threshold per month cannot be more than 12,262 rubles. For non-working women, the allowance starts from 3065 for one child and twice as much for the second.
  5. Benefit up to 3 years. You can expect compensation from the employer in the amount of 50 rubles for the period from 1.5 to three years of the child.

If a woman worked continuously for two years before pregnancy and was a full-time student, she can count on benefits received from two organizations, but only if the condition is met going concern. It is worth knowing that the amount of maternity benefits in 2018 may differ depending on different regions. The most important thing is to collect on time necessary documents and contact social security to calculate payments.

Look video about the terms of benefits, registration, payment procedures and pitfalls:

Let's look at what each of the payments represents.

Maternity benefit (M&B)

By law, an employed woman can go on maternity leave when her pregnancy reaches thirty weeks. If the ultrasound shows not one child, but twins, then the time for going on vacation is moved forward by two weeks. From now on, the pregnant woman can stay at home, and her salary is replaced by maternity benefits.

But not only employed people are entitled to maternity benefits. Those who lost their jobs due to the liquidation of an enterprise, full-time students, and contract military personnel can also apply for money from the state. Except pregnant women this manual Adoptive parents who belong to the previously listed categories can apply.

Payments for childbirth will not be made if a woman has left one maternity leave for another and is already receiving money to care for her first child. You can only choose one of the payments. It is convenient to compare which benefit will be higher in cost using a maternity benefits calculator.

Also, don't count on financial assistance, if you refuse to go on maternity leave in favor of a workplace. The accrual of benefits will begin only after the application for leave has been written.

To be paid maternity benefit will be the employer or the social security department. To complete it, you must write an application accompanied by a maternity sick leave certificate. You can get the latter at the antenatal clinic. It is issued at thirty or twenty-eight weeks of pregnancy.

To calculate maternity benefits, you will be required to present a certificate of average earnings from all employers if you are registered with several organizations. Documents can be provided in person or sent by email.

The maternity benefit is paid in full, which is why it is a one-time benefit. For working women, the benefit is transferred to the card along with the next salary, for non-working women - by mail or to a bank account before the 27th day of the month following the one in which the application was written.

The calculation of benefits is determined by the employment option. For workers it is equal to the average earnings, for those who lost their jobs due to liquidation - 613.14 rubles, for female students - the amount of the scholarship, for contract workers - the amount of monetary allowance. However, if you work at the place from which you are going on vacation for less than half a year, then the amount of payments is limited to the minimum wage.

The minimum value of payments in 2018 is the minimum wage, and the maximum is limited to: 282,106.70 rubles. - during normal childbirth; RUB 314,347.47 - during complicated childbirth; RUB 390,919.29 - during multiple pregnancy.

Read more about payment of child benefits

Question answer

Can the child's father receive a BiP?

The father and other family members cannot, since this benefit is intended only for women.

What is the application period?

It is better to apply for benefits immediately upon receipt of a sick leave certificate at the consultation. There is no need to delay, since the period is limited when the child reaches six months of age.

When do you receive benefits?

Benefits are paid either until the 27th of the month following the application, or on the day of salary.

To calculate, you need to calculate the average income for the last two years and multiply it by the number of days of maternity leave (140/156/194 days). You can also do this using our calculator.

Salary for what period is taken into account in the calculation and does this period include sick leave and vacation?

Income for the two years preceding the decree is taken into account. For example, if you went on maternity leave in 2018, your income for 2016 and 2017 is averaged. Vacations are also included in the calculations. The exception is sick days and maternity and child care leave. In the case when one maternity leave follows another without going to work, this period can be replaced in the calculation by other years when wages were calculated.

Is it possible to fire a pregnant woman and where can she apply for payment if the company goes bankrupt?

If you are in a position, then you can be fired only in case of bankruptcy and liquidation of the organization, but the benefits will still be paid. To do this, you need to submit an application and the necessary documents to the social security authorities, having the relevant certificates in hand.

How are maternity benefits calculated if a woman worked two jobs?

When combining benefits during the two years preceding the maternity leave, both employers are required to pay benefits.

How will benefits change if I worked part-time?

If a woman worked part-time before maternity leave, the benefit will also be half as much as if she worked full-time.

Is there a benefit if a pregnant woman is studying at a university?

For full-time students, benefits are calculated based on the amount of the scholarship.

Where should the unemployed go?

Payments of benefits to unemployed pregnant women are carried out by social protection authorities.

Birth benefit

If maternity payments BiR are issued and accrued even before the child is born, then this payment can be received only after his birth. The benefit is provided to either parent and is a one-time payment. If you have not one, but two or more children at once, then the amount is allocated to each of them. In case of accidents when a child is stillborn, it is not paid.

For today minimum payments amount to 16,350.33 rubles. The amount may increase by multiplying by regional coefficient, depending on the area of ​​residence. This payment does not depend on income, length of service and other factors.

To receive the money owed, you must contact the accounting department at your enterprise or the nearest FSS department with a corresponding application. You will be asked to attach to it a birth certificate, which is issued upon discharge from the maternity hospital, and a certificate stating that the child’s father did not formalize the payment. When applying to the social security service, unemployed people also need to have with them an extract from their work record book, if available.

Read more about applying for child birth benefits.

Question answer

When should I apply for benefits?

The application and certificates must be submitted no later than the child turns six months old.

When should benefits be paid?

The payment is transferred no later than ten days after writing the application or before the 27th of the next month.

How are maternity benefits calculated at the birth of a child?

The one-time benefit is calculated by multiplying by the basic and regional coefficient, and the number of children born is also taken into account. The calculator will help you calculate them quickly and accurately.

If I am unemployed and my husband is employed, can I apply for benefits for him?

Yes, payment to either parent is allowed. But then he needs to provide a certificate stating that you did not receive this money and do not claim it.

Child care allowance up to one and a half years old

As soon as maternity leave comes to an end, the child’s mother or another relative (not necessarily a close one) can take out a leave to care for him, which will last until he reaches the age of 1 year and 6 months. The benefits due to those on vacation are no longer accrued as a lump sum, but monthly. It is intended to replace the wages of a person who sits at home with a baby.

Monthly maternity benefits must be issued before the child reaches the age of two. They are paid after drawing up an application, to which the child’s birth certificate is attached. If you are adopting a child, you will need a certificate confirming this.

Additionally, you must provide a certificate stating that the other parent (or both, if another relative is with the child) does not receive this benefit. If over the past two years you have managed to change your place of employment, then you also need to take a certificate from your previous employer with the amount of your salary. This certificate will be required to calculate the amount of maternity leave. All documents can be submitted not only in person, but also via the Internet.

Within ten days after submitting the documents, you will be assigned a benefit, which will be paid monthly until the baby turns 1 year and 6 months. The payment day coincides with the salary transfer.

This benefit depends on the average income for two years and amounts to 40% of its value. However, payment options are possible fixed amount. In 2018, the minimum payments are as follows: for the first child - 3788.33 rub., for the second and subsequent children - 6284.65 rub. per month. The maximum is limited to RUB 24,536.57/month.

Read more about the intricacies of applying for child care benefits for children up to 1.5 years old

Question answer

Can someone other than the child's mother receive benefits?

In addition to the child’s mother, any relative can take leave to care for the child. For example, if a wife’s salary is higher than her husband’s, then it is more profitable for her to go to work and to arrange maternity leave for her husband.

How are payments calculated?

Monthly payments are calculated as the average daily earnings over the last two years, multiplied by 40% and an indicator of 30.4. The amount of earnings itself cannot be higher than the established control values, which change annually and are recorded in the Social Insurance Fund database. Our calculator allows you to simplify the calculation of maternity benefits online.

What to do if maternity period is another child born?

At the birth of another baby, the mother can choose the benefit that is more profitable for her to receive. Payments for a second child are usually higher, so women often choose this option. This is permitted by law.

Will benefits continue to be paid if I go back to work and maternity leave has not yet ended?

If you work full time, the benefits will stop being paid. However, you can shorten it by just a couple of minutes, and the benefit will remain, since the law does not stipulate how long the shortened shift should last. There is only a minimum limit of 4 hours. This scheme is only possible when the benefit is paid by the same employer you work for.

How are maternity pay calculated when working two jobs?

You are entitled to payment from only one employer. From whom exactly, you choose yourself. Also take a certificate stating that the benefit was not paid elsewhere.

What to do when liquidating a company?

You must apply for benefits to the social security authorities.

Here is an excerpt from Federal Law dated December 29, 2006 N 255-FZ "On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity"

Article 11.1. Conditions and duration of payment monthly allowance for child care

  1. A monthly child care benefit is paid to insured persons (mother, father, other relatives, guardians) who actually care for the child and are on parental leave, from the date of granting child care leave until the child reaches the age of one and a half years.
  2. The right to a monthly child care allowance is retained if the person on parental leave works part-time or at home and continues to care for the child.
  3. Mothers entitled to maternity benefits, during the period after childbirth, have the right from the day of birth of the child to receive either a maternity benefit or a monthly child care benefit with credit for previously paid maternity benefits if the amount of the monthly child care benefits are higher than maternity benefits.
  4. If a child is cared for by several persons at the same time, the right to receive a monthly child care benefit is granted to one of these persons.