Federal payments to large families per year. Benefits for large families

New Year

Natalya Kaptsova

Reading time: 12 minutes


In the coming year, large families from Russia can partially rely on the state. A number of privileges, benefits and benefits are designed to support large families at the federal and regional levels.

Which family is considered to have many children - 2019 requirements

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides a clear definition of a large family. First of all, this is a family with three or more children under 18 years of age.

At the same time, it is believed that children can be both relatives and non-relatives (adopted, adopted), and born in more than one marriage (for example, in the past).

Thus, if a woman has children from her first marriage and children from her second, then in the new marriage the family will be classified as having many children.

The main requirements for confirming the status of a large family include:

  • Russian citizenship for each family member.
  • Official residence (registration) in the region where the family plans to receive benefits.
  • The number of children required to confirm status in a particular region (from 3 children - for most regions).
  • Children's age is up to 18 years.
  • Permanent residence of all children with their parents (with the exception of military service or studying at a university).

Which children are taken into account when determining status:

  1. Minors, until they turn 18 years old.
  2. Students under 23 years of age studying full-time at a secondary/higher educational institution.
  3. Adopted, foster and foster children.
  4. Stepsons/stepdaughters are officially adopted children.

Does not take into account:

  • Children whose parents are deprived of their rights (or have their rights limited).
  • Children who live in orphanages or boarding schools.
  • Children who became fully capable ahead of schedule. That is, independent (before the age of 18) - for example, married.
  • Children separated between parents during the process of mom and dad's divorce.
  • Children who were sent to educational colonies.
  • Children whose adoption decision has been cancelled.

Often, the definition and parameters by which it is decided whether a family has many children or not are considered by regional authorities. Most adhere to the National Standard, adjusting it at their own discretion.

For example, in Moscow and the Moscow region, children who are under 16 years old are taken into account, and if a child is studying at a university, then parents have the right to receive benefits for having many children before he turns 20 years old.

In some large regions of the country, this right is reserved until 18 or 23 years of age.

It turns out that in order to determine whether you belong to a large family or not, you must contact the Social Security Administration at your place of residence or the local Administration. There they will tell you exactly whether you fit the established regional parameters and whether you can receive assistance from the state as a family with many children.

The status of a large family today is granted as both parents(note – married!), and one parent with whom these children live.

It is important to remember that moving a family to a new Russian region requires re-registration of status!

Registration of status is carried out at the regional social protection authority.

Federal benefits for families with many children in 2019

All benefits and payments due to parents with many children can be divided into federal (allocated by the state regardless of place of residence) and regional (they are determined by local regional authorities).

According to the law, in 2019 federal benefits include...

State support large families may be provided at the federal level.

That is, the provision of assistance will not be affected by where the family lives. Benefits and allowances will be allocated and paid from the federal budget.

Let's list what federal benefits can be paid to families with many children in 2019:

  1. One-time benefit for the birth of a child in size RUB 16,350.33. All families with a third or subsequent children can receive this benefit.
  2. Monthly payment for child care up to 1.5 years. At the state level, mothers can receive RUB 3,065.69 for the firstborn, and for other children - RUB 6,131.67. Maximum size benefits cannot exceed RUB 23,089.04. Let us remind you that the wives of military personnel are entitled to another payment - RUB 10,500 .
  3. . According to Federal Law No. 256, families are given a certificate for a certain amount for the birth of their second and subsequent children. It turns out that this rule also applies to families with many children. Size maternity capital in 2019 will be RUB 453,026 .

Other payments are established by the regional authorities.

The family will also be able to receive funds from the state if they receive awards.

Parents will be awarded not only badges of honor and state orders, but will also be rewarded with a certain amount.

For example:

  • Upon receipt of the Order of "Parental Glory" payment is due in 100,000 rub. for the whole family, and a one-time payment to the parent in 25,000 rub.
  • What if the family is awarded the “Parental Glory” medal? , then the amount of incentive for one parent will be 15,000 rub.

Let’s also consider what benefits are provided for families with many children under federal law in 2019:

  • Benefits for purchasing medicines. Parents will be able to receive free medicines for children under 6 years of age. They can be prescribed by the baby's attending physician.
  • Benefits for paying for housing and communal services. The discount is at least 30%. The family can get back the money spent on paying for water, heating, electricity, sewerage and various types fuel.
  • Free travel tickets. Issued to students for public transport.
  • 50% discount on suburban bus routes.
  • Free food in school canteens (two meals a day).
  • Free school and sports uniforms for children. Can provide for a family or school uniform, or a set of clothes that can replace the uniform.
  • Benefits for “cultural education”. For example, free tickets to museums, theaters, parks, exhibitions, etc.
  • Priority admission to preschool-type children's institutions. As a rule, children from large families are among the first to be included in the lists.

All of the benefits listed will apply to both natural and adopted children.

Let us remind you that labor benefits are provided for parents of large families.

These include:

  1. Early retirement.
  2. Additional 2 weeks vacation, unpaid.
  3. One additional paid day off per week if the parent works 40 hours a week and the other parent also works.
  4. Assistance in employment.
  5. Accrual pension points V maternity leave for every baby born. The amount of points will increase your future pension.

If you work officially, with a conclusion employment contract, then you can contact your employer with any request. He does not have the right to refuse you, for example, additional leave.

Regional benefits for families with many children in 2019

In every region of our country, large families are supported. Benefits and allowances are accepted by local authorities, so in one region or region they will be one, and in another - different.

Let us explain what regional assistance large families can receive in 2019:

  1. Land or cash compensation , which can be spent on purchasing a plot of land.
  2. Housing. If the region has additional funds for the construction or purchase of housing for a large family, then they will be able to obtain ownership of a new living space. If the region does not have such an opportunity, then you should not count on donated housing.
  3. Compensation for the purchase of housing under the “Housing for Young Families” program . The family must take out a mortgage, a certain percentage will be allocated from the state.
  4. Reduced mortgage rates for large families . This innovation should be effective recently throughout Russia. At the birth of the third baby, parents will be able to take mortgage loan at a lower interest rate.
  5. Compensation for rent. A cash refund will be available as a percentage of the full rental payment.
  6. Tax preferences. For example, property and transport taxes will be reduced. And if the parent is individual entrepreneur, then the tax will be charged at a lower rate.
  7. Monthly child care allowance up to 1.5 and 3 years.
  8. One-time compensation for the birth of the third and subsequent children . Each region has its own. For example, in St. Petersburg there are 37,000 rub., and in Moscow - 180,000 rub., in Krasnodar, Samara, Novosibirsk, Chuvashia they pay the amount up to 100,000 rub.. There are regions where compensation is very small, and amounts to 7,000 rub.
  9. Compensation for starting a farm , if parents want to run their own business. A subsidy or financial assistance will be provided from the local government.
  10. One-time payments for students , for example, when preparing for school.

Other measures to support families with many children may also be provided. Each region has its own incentive system.

For example, in St. Petersburg, such families can count on...

  • Any number of visits cultural institutions- free of charge.
  • A one-time payment in the amount at the birth of the 3rd and subsequent babies.
  • Allocation of a plot of land (approximately 0.12-0.15 hectares in size).

In the capital, such benefits include:

  • Allocation of a plot of up to 15 acres.
  • Monthly allowance.
  • Monthly compensation for increased prices for consumer goods/baskets.
  • Reimbursement for telephone/call bills.
  • Targeted assistance for the holidays.
  • Providing vacation vouchers.
  • Payment of half the cost of transport within the Russian Federation.

How to obtain the status of a large family, and where to apply for benefits and allowances?

The status of a large family must be confirmed with the social welfare authorities at your place of residence.

To obtain a certificate confirming the status of having many children, you must:

  • Step 1. Collect documentation. You must prepare parent documents(copies of passports), documents for children (birth certificates), certificates of marriage/divorce, a copy of a book to take home or a certificate of family composition. They may require additional papers; the social security department will tell you about them.
  • Step 2. Submit all documents to the social security department of your city or district. This can be done by both the mother and father, guardian or adoptive parent - or a representative of the parents.
  • Step 3. Get your ID.

Please note that when contacting the social security department, a citizen does not have to pay a state fee! This service is provided free of charge.

To receive benefits and allowances, you must contact the authorities that provide them. For example, in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Housing Inspectorate, Tax service, Rosreestr, local municipality - or to the same Social Security department.

The main document for obtaining discounts is a certificate confirming the status of a large family. The applicant can apply with it to any organization and institution. There you will have to write a personal statement and submit some other documents (depending on what type of benefit is provided).

The decision on granting benefits is made within a month. The competent authority reviews the parent’s appeal and gives either a positive or negative response.

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The legislation of the Russian Federation does not allow precise definition concept of "large family". The question of who can claim this status is the responsibility of regional authorities. If we take average indicators as a basis, then in Russia in this category includes families raising three or more children (natural, foster or adopted) under the age of fourteen, and in some regions - the age of eighteen.

At the same time, a large family does not include children in respect of whom their parents were deprived of their rights, as well as children whose material needs are fully provided for by the state.

Over the past few years in Russia, the number of families where a third and subsequent child is born has been steadily increasing. For example, in 2016 their number increased in some regions by more than 10%. They play an important role in this benefits for large families and other support measures.

Of great importance is the fact that not only a full family with many children, but also a father or one with three or more children is entitled to receive benefits.

Benefits for large families

Benefits are understood as one of the forms of material support provided by the state to citizens in need. IN Russian Federation child benefit in 2017 large families begin to be issued from the moment of the birth of the third child (in some regions - the fourth or fifth). Parents with many children, along with all families in which a child appears, can count on the following:

In St. Petersburg this type payments amount to 1500 rub.. and is intended for the purchase of school and sports uniform. If a large family is low-income, the benefit will be 2500 rub. (regional).

In Nizhny Novgorod, benefits for first-graders in 2017 large families for preparation for school, like other schoolchildren, amounts to 500 rub., according to .

In Novosibirsk you can receive an allowance for a first-grader in a large family equal to 5 thousand rubles. If a child enters a university, a payment in the amount of 10 thousand rubles. Also for each child from low-income family where 3 or more children are being raised, it is necessary 300 rub. These social support measures are prescribed in.

Payments are made once a year by September 1. To receive financial assistance you must contact the social security authorities at your place of residence with necessary list documents and application. After reviewing the information provided, a decision on the accrual of benefits is made within 10 days.

Payments of benefits to large families in the regions

Benefits for large families in 2017 allocated not only from the federal, but also from the regional budget. The authorities of various constituent entities of the Russian Federation provide support parents of three and more children not only in the form of payments, but also in the form of various benefits. For example, in cities like parents with many children is issued a special certificate giving them the right to receive and school supplies. Upon presentation of this document, the family can also receive a discount on a trip to a sanatorium or camp. Until 2009, a similar certificate was issued to residents of the city.

In the city, large families can count on free medicines and travel passes, which can be used on all types of municipal transport. When each child enters first grade, parents receive lump sum allowance in size 5000 rub. And if a member of a large family under 23 years of age enters a university, he receives a payment in the amount 10,000 rub.

The city authorities provide assistance to families of this category material support in size 1500 rub.- if you have at least four children, and 2000 rub.- if there are at least five children in the family.


Large families are entitled to the following payments:

  1. One-time benefit for the birth of a child - RUB 16,350.33
  2. Monthly allowance for child care up to 1.5 years.
  3. Regional payments for children under 16 (18) years of age.
  4. Compensation payment that reimburses the costs of rent and housing and communal services.
  5. Payment for food for a child in a large family - 675 rub.
  6. Additional financial support.

INEach subject of the Russian Federation has different criteria for recognizing families with many children. In Moscow large family is recognized where 3 or more children were born, including adopted children, stepsons, stepdaughters before they reach the age of 16 years. And children studying at universities under 18 years of age. In this article we will cover such a topic as Benefits for large families in 2017.

The Moscow Law of November 23, 2005 No. 60 “On social support for families with children in the city of Moscow” contains such a concept as low-income family is a family whose average per capita income is below living wage.

In this law there is also such a concept as student family, which is understood as a family where both parents or a single mother (father) are studying full-time at a university.

In the city of Moscow, there are several measures of social support for families with children, these include:

  • one-time, monthly and annual cash payments,
  • providing in-kind assistance,
  • provision of benefits,
  • social service organization.

Benefits for large families in 2017: one-time cash benefits

E simultaneous cash payments are intended to effect social assistance population that is financially insecure. Such payments include:

  • additional maternity benefit,
  • a one-time payment to reimburse expenses in connection with the birth (adoption) of a child,
  • compensation payment for the birth of three or more children,
  • additional one-time benefit in connection with the birth of a child for young families,
  • a one-time benefit for pregnant women who registered with medical institutions in Moscow before 20 weeks of pregnancy,
  • pregnancy benefits for women dismissed due to the liquidation of the organization,
  • additional maternity benefit is paid for a period of 70 (in case multiple pregnancy — 84) calendar days before birth and 70 (in the case of complicated births - 86, for the birth of two or more children - 110) calendar days after birth,


It is also necessary to point out that when stillbirth any child no payments are due. Also, receiving one type of compensation payment does not deprive a family of the right to receive other one-time cash payments.

Such payments do not depend on the average per capita income of the family; these are funds that are guaranteed to be paid to the family in the presence of a legal fact.

Benefits for large families in 2017: a one-time compensation payment to reimburse expenses in connection with the birth (adoption) of three or more children at the same time (clause 3, part 1, article 6 of Law No. 60; clause 1.1.4 of the Appendix). Right to this payment has one of the parents (adoptive parent, guardian) RUB 50,000.

One-time payment to parents (adoptive parents) awarded the Honorary Badge “Parental Glory of the City of Moscow” (Regulations approved by Resolution N 678-PP; clause 1.3.11 of the Appendix). The specified honorary badge is awarded to parents (adoptive parents) who have permanently resided in Moscow for at least 10 years and are married, or, in the case of single-parent family, one of the parents (adoptive parents), upon their fifth child reaching the age of five - 125,000 rubles.

Benefits for large families in 2017: monthly cash payments

Such payments include:

  • monthly compensation payment to reimburse expenses due to the rising cost of living for families with three or more children;
  • monthly compensation payment to compensate for the increase in food costs for certain categories of citizens for children under three years of age;
  • monthly compensation payment for the purchase of goods children's assortment families with five or more children;
  • regional social supplement to a pension for a child receiving a pension due to the death of one or both parents;
  • monthly compensation payment to reimburse expenses for housing and utilities for families with three or more children;
  • monthly compensation payment for telephone use for families with three or more children;
  • monthly compensation payment to reimburse expenses for living quarters and utilities and for using a telephone in the residential premises in which a minor under guardianship (trusteeship) actually lives;
  • monthly compensation payment to disabled children who have lost their breadwinner and those disabled since childhood up to the age of 23;
  • monthly compensation payment for a child under the age of 18 living in a family in which both or the only parent do not work and are disabled people of group I or II.

What payments are due monthly to large families?

Benefits for large families in 2017: monthly compensation payment to compensate for the increase in the cost of food (clause 4, part 1, article 12 of Law No. 60; clause of the Appendix). For children under 3 years old - 675 rub.

Monthly compensation payment for using the telephone (Article 17.2 of Law No. 60; Clause 1.3.9 of the Appendix). It is established for one of the parents (guardian, trustee, stepfather, stepmother) until youngest child age 18 years - 230 rub.

Monthly compensation for reimbursement of expenses due to the increase in the cost of living (Article 11 of Law No. 60; clause 1.3.1 of the Appendix). Established for one of the parents (adoptive parent, guardian, trustee, stepfather, stepmother) for each child under 18 years of age - 600 rub. - (families with 3 - 4 children); 750 rub. — (families with 5 or more children).

Monthly compensation for reimbursement of expenses for living quarters and utilities(Article 17.1 of Law No. 60; Clause 1.3.8 of the Appendix). Established for one of the parents (guardian, trustee, stepfather, stepmother) regardless of whether the family receives social support for paying for housing and utilities and the number of living quarters until the youngest child reaches 18 years of age - 522 rub. (families with 3 - 4 children); RUB 1,044 (families with 5 or more children).

Monthly compensation for the purchase of children's goods (Article 13 of Law No. 60; clauses 1.3.2 - 1.3.3 of the Appendix). Entitled to large families with 5 or more children under 18 years of age, or families with 10 or more children with at least one child under 18 years of age in the family - 900 rub.

Benefits for large families in 2017: annual compensation payments

Such payments include:

  • annual compensation payment to International Day family – 10,000 rub.
  • annual compensation payment for Knowledge Day – 15,000 rubles.

Such payments are established regardless of the average per capita family income. Such payments are established for families with 10 or more children.

Benefits for large families in 2017: tax benefits

One of the parents of a large family is exempt from paying transport tax for one car (Moscow Law No. 33 of July 9, 2008 “On Transport Tax”). The Moscow Government also provides benefits for free parking in the city of Moscow. This benefit applies to one car.

Benefits for large families in 2017: provision of land plots

IN in accordance with paragraphs. 6 tbsp. 39.5 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation, large families have the right to receive a free plot of land. Cases and procedures must be established by state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In Moscow, such an opportunity is provided on the basis of the Law of 06/01/2011 No. 73/2011 - OZ “On free provision land plots large families in the Moscow region."

To obtain a plot of land, you must first contact the administration municipality at the place of residence of a large family. Currently, the provision of garden, vegetable or dacha land plots, as well as the acceptance of applications for the provision of such plots, is not carried out.

Procedure for receiving social assistance

WITH There are several ways to apply for social assistance for large families and others. You can submit an application to the MFC, directly to the social protection authority, or via the Internet.

In order to receive separate payments the application is submitted to electronic form via the Internet. This can be done on the website: https://www.mos.ru/services/catalog/cat/54532/item/65532/ (Benefits for large families in 2017)

Benefits and natural help are provided on the basis of .

What payments are there in Moscow for families with children?

Families with newborn children:

  1. One-time payments in connection with the birth of a child -
  2. Social support in connection with pregnancy, childbirth and child care -
  3. Amounts of additional one-time benefit in connection with the birth of a child for young families and one-time compensation payment in connection with the adoption of a child -
  1. Families with disabled children
  2. Payments to single mothers
  3. Families in which one of the parents evades paying child support -
  4. Families of conscripted military personnel -
  5. Student families -
  6. Families of disabled parents -
  7. Payments to children of deceased military personnel -

Monthly benefit for low-income families:

  1. Low-income families

Large families:

The state demographic development program, which was adopted in the Russian Federation in 2006 with the aim of increasing the population, has proven to be effective. Today many Russian families raising three or more children. So that parents can provide each of their children with everything necessary and provide them with opportunities for development, they are provided with government support. In 2018, large families will retain all the benefits that were provided previously. At the same time, the amount of payments is planned to increase.

Types of benefits

According to Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 431 of May 5, 1992, local authorities independently determine which families in their region are classified as large. In most regions of the Russian Federation, assistance is provided to families with 3 or more children. The benefit continues until the eldest turns 18 years old. In some regions benefit document extended until the eldest child reaches the age of 23 if he is studying in an educational institution (full-time education). At the federal level, the following benefits apply to large families:

  1. Reduction by 30% of the amount of charges for provided utilities.
  2. Free provision of medications to children under 6 years of age (according to a pediatrician’s prescription).
  3. Priority enrollment of children in kindergartens.
  4. Subsidizing food in preschool, general education and vocational educational institutions.
  5. Free provision of school and sportswear during the entire period of schooling.
  6. Free entry to exhibitions, concert halls, theaters, circuses, zoos and other cultural places once a month.
  7. Use of city transport (except taxis) and suburban transport without payment (for schoolchildren). Right to free travel is received by the accompanying parent.
  8. Parents are given the opportunity to take extraordinary leave (2 weeks per year without pay).
  9. Federal Law No. 173-FZ of December 17, 2001 “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation" provides mothers who have raised 5 or more children with the right to early retirement at 50 years of age, subject to availability length of service(15 years old). Women who have raised 10 or more heirs are provided with additional monthly assistance.
  10. A mother with many children receives pension points. Everyone is included in the insurance period maternity periods(no more than 4.5 years in total).
  11. Spouses can take advantage of an additional day off. At the same time, in working week must be at least 40 working hours.
  12. Parents are given the opportunity to get an education or acquire a sought-after specialty for free.
  13. Father and mother are provided with assistance in finding temporary or remote work.
  14. Families who are planning to start a farm or commercial enterprise, is entitled to government assistance. Spouses receive a discount on land tax, rent and registration fees.
  15. Spouses with many children can receive all types state aid provided for by Federal Law No. 81-FZ for families with children.

The amount of benefits for children under 1.5 years of age is tied to the mother’s salary. Its size is 40% of the average earnings. There is a lower and an upper limit on the amount. From February 1, 2018, benefits for large families will be indexed by a factor of 1.032 (an increase of 3.2%). This is provided for by Law No. 444-FZ of December 19, 2016. In 2018, the amount of assistance to parents with many children should not be lower than 6,327.57 rubles and higher than 26,116.52 rubles.

What changes will there be in 2018?

In accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 487 dated October 18, 2017, in 2018 it is used new criterion selection of subjects of the Russian Federation to participate in the program to stimulate the birth rate. After the total fertility rate was increased to 2, the number of participants increased to 60.

Support for large families will also be provided in Bashkiria, Kalmykia, Udmurtia, North Ossetia- Alania, Astrakhan, Irkutsk, Omsk, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk regions and in Perm region.

In 2018, the state will provide new benefits for spouses with many children. In accordance with the adopted Resolution No. 1711 of December 30, 2017, large families will have the opportunity to get a mortgage at 6% per annum. The state will compensate the difference between the preferential interest rate and the weighted average rate in the housing lending market for 5 years after the birth of the third or subsequent child.

Financing to compensate Russian financial institutions for lost profits on housing loans issued to borrowers with many children will be provided from the federal budget. If a family has previously taken out a mortgage, it can refinance it on a preferential basis.

After expiration grace period mortgage rates will increase. It will be 2% higher than the Central Bank key rate (not higher). To take advantage of the preferential program, a family must take out a loan in the amount of no more than 3 million rubles (for Moscow, the Moscow region, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region - 8 million rubles). In this case, the down payment amount must be 20% or higher.

According to Law No. 432-FZ of December 28, 2017, the maternity capital program has been extended until 2021. At the same time, new opportunities have emerged for using the amount provided for by the certificate. Low-income families who will have two or more babies born at the same time in 2018 (the second and subsequent ones) will be able to receive part of the maternity capital funds in cash. The amounts will be paid to parents with many children every month.

Right to monthly payments Maternity capital funds are received by families whose income per person is less than 1.5 times the subsistence level. As maternity capital money is paid out, its total size will decrease.

Parents will be able to use maternity capital money to preschool education, supervision and care of a child up to 3 years old. Having the opportunity to place the baby in a nursery (from 2 months), the mother will be able to go to work or continue her studies. The amount of maternity capital in 2018 will remain the same, since indexation does not apply to it. It will be 453,026 rubles. Spouses will receive a certificate for maternity capital if they have not previously been issued one.

Benefits and allowances for large families in Moscow

In Russia, regional authorities have the right to provide citizens with fringe benefits if they have the means to do so. Moscow is a financially prosperous region of the country. Therefore, large families living in Moscow are provided with good assistance.

So, children from such families under 7 years old will be allowed baby food no payment. Free medicines are provided for children up to the age of 18. The basis for receiving assistance is the conclusion of a state pediatrician medical institution. Schoolchildren have the right to free food V secondary schools 2 times a day. They can attend clubs in government institutions without paying for them.

Monthly child benefits for large families in Moscow in 2018 will increase by 2-6 times. They will be paid for each child until he turns 18 years old. Basic value benefits will be: for children from 0 to 3 years old - 10,000 rubles, from 3 to 18 years old - 4,000 rubles. If an increased benefit is assigned, the spouses will receive 15,000 or 6,000 rubles, respectively.

In 2018, large families will be subsidized due to increased food prices (675 rubles per child under 3 years old). Citizens living in Moscow are entitled to payments in the amount of 1,044 rubles (with 3-4 children) or 2,088 rubles (with 5 or more) to compensate for the amount of charges for utilities, as well as assistance in the amount of 250 rubles to pay for using a home telephone.

For each child from a large family, there are social benefits in the amount of 1200 rubles (in a family with 3-4 children) or 1500 rubles (in a family with 5 or more children) to reduce the impact of inflation on the standard of living. Schoolchildren can use city (except taxis) and suburban transport for free in the Moscow region.

Citizens with 5 or more children will be able to use monthly assistance from the city budget in the amount of 1800 rubles. Families raising more than 10 children will receive an additional 1,500 rubles.

The Moscow Government provides children from large families with the right to visit the zoo free of charge and pay reduced prices for tickets to museums, cultural and entertainment centers, exhibitions and sports competitions in institutions run by the Moscow Government. Once a month, schoolchildren can attend any event for free.

Regional payments

In the Vologda region, additional regional benefits are provided for large families in 2018. Low-income parents are given the right to receive a monthly payment for the 3rd and subsequent children in the amount of 10,613 rubles. Additionally, one-time assistance will be provided from the state. Its size depends on the number of children in the family. Mothers with many children who have raised 10 or more children under 3 years of age will receive 500 rubles monthly. In Cherepovets, payments will be slightly higher, since a different coefficient is used there.

Large families from the Krasnodar Territory will continue to receive benefits in 2018. After the birth of the third child and subsequent parents, 9,665 rubles will be paid monthly for 3 years. For everyone minor child 4,552 rubles will be allocated from the local budget per year.

In Bashkiria, benefits for large families will be 3,000 rubles in 2018. It will be paid on 3, 4, etc. child until he is 3 years old. The benefit will begin to be paid when the baby turns 1.5 years old. Families with 4 children will receive assistance in the amount of 1,500 rubles every month. Parents with 5 or more children will receive 2,000 rubles. Regional support in the Republic of Bashkortostan is low, as there is a high birth rate and positive population growth.

Benefits for large families in Tatarstan will be provided to the extent provided for by federal laws. Low-income parents will additionally receive a monthly (4,908 rubles) and compensation allowance (600-750 rubles) for each child under 16 years of age. Children under 3 years old will be given free baby food with a pediatrician's prescription.

In the Perm Territory, benefits are provided for low-income large families. For each student aged 7-23, the amount of 321.29 rubles is allocated. The regional government provides compensation of 246.75 rubles for utility bills. When 3 or more children are born at the same time, parents with many children are paid a one-time benefit for each child in the amount of 4,618.45 rubles.

The Middle Urals have good birth rates. Although the benefit for the third and subsequent children is not mandatory for this region, it is paid. In Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk region, a large family will receive monthly payments in the amount of 10,207 rubles in 2018 until the baby turns 3 years old. Regional coefficients are applied to monthly benefits.

Large families in the Rostov region will receive monthly payments in the amount of 8,013 rubles for the third and subsequent children throughout the year. Low-income parents with 8 or more children living in the Rostov region for at least 5 years will be provided with a minibus.

Large families of Samara will have benefits for utility bills (23%) and kindergarten(70%) throughout 2018. After the birth of 3 and all subsequent children, low-income spouses will be provided monthly assistance in the amount of 9,121 rubles.

State provision of land and housing

In 2018, large families are entitled to housing benefits. Parents who want to increase their living space must register with local authorities. According to Article 49 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, low-income parents with many children who do not own housing or have insufficient living space have the right to preferential housing. Each region has its own area standards per person. Spouses living in a dilapidated house can receive living space.

Registered large families may be allocated living space under a social rental agreement or for free use. Parents can receive a subsidy for housing or buy it on credit for up to 30-35 years. Local authorities can provide parents with many children with a temporary place to live. The contract for the temporary provision of living space is drawn up for 5 years. It is renewed regularly until the youngest family member reaches the age of 16.

Mothers and fathers of many children are provided with free land plots with the right to transfer them into ownership. The procedure for the distribution of land plots is determined by local authorities. The area of ​​the allocated plot ranges from 6-15 acres. In some regions, instead of a free plot of land, local authorities may give the family monetary compensation.

Procedure for applying for benefits

In order for a large family to receive state financial assistance in 2018, it must issue a preferential document. Immediately after the birth of the 3rd child, parents must contact the regional office of the Social Security Administration with a corresponding application. All benefits will be provided to a large family only after the certificate is issued. Parents must also present:

  1. Passports of spouses and children over 14 years of age.
  2. A 3x4 photo of both parents.
  3. Birth certificates (all children).
  4. Documents establishing paternity, transfer of the child to foster family, about adoption and guardianship (if any).
  5. Marriage certificate or divorce document.
  6. Help from educational institution that the son (daughter) is studying full-time department(for regions where benefits are provided to students under 23 years of age).
  7. Extract from the house register. It must indicate all family members living in the same living space.
  8. Agreement between spouses on establishing the child’s place of residence (for divorced parents).

Documents can be submitted through the multifunctional center (“one-stop service”). Parents or legal representatives of children who have formalized the marriage can apply. You can receive the document in 2 weeks.

The latest population census showed that in the Russian Federation there are more than a million large “cells of society”. Fortunately, this number is constantly increasing from year to year, and the state is trying to support parents who decide to have three or more children.

However, due to constant changes and additions to various legislative acts, not everyone understands what benefits a large family is entitled to in 2017.

It is important to understand that benefits, material payments and other assistance will be available only after receiving an official certificate of large families.

Currently (2016) in the Russian Federation, a large family is a family in which parents are raising three or more children. How big is this number? Until 1917, three children in seven nobles and merchants was considered a kind of norm.

There were even more children in peasant houses. Before the collapse Soviet Union The status “large” was assigned to a family that raised at least five children.

It would be logical to assume that the very concept of “large families” should be defined in Family Code 2016, but there is still a legislative gap.

But there is a presidential act on measures to help large families, which transfers the rights and responsibilities to the authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation:

  • determine which families should be considered large, and the regions should be based on demographics, economics, as well as national and cultural characteristics (the authorities of the constituent entities set ahead of time, at the end of 2016, how much money should be spent on helping large families in 2017);
  • provide families like this the opportunity to receive financial assistance, including benefits, allowances and various payments (including regional preferences).

It should be understood that even after the birth of a third child, parents will not automatically receive the status of having many children. There are certain features of obtaining such a “title” and signs of having many children:

  1. The age of the child is the main factor. The status of having many children is revoked from those families in which the eldest offspring celebrated his 18th birthday. But if parents provide documents and evidence confirming that the child is a full-time student, payments will continue until the age of 23.
  2. An important step in confirming your official status is obtaining a certificate (certificate). To apply for it, parents need to contact the Social Security Administration at their place of residence, having first collected necessary documents and writing a statement.
  3. The “title” of a parent with many children can be presented to both spouses who are married, mother or single father or one parent who is raising children (if the spouses have broken off official relations).
  4. If a family moves to a permanent place of residence in another region of the Russian Federation, parents will need to re-register the status of large families, since it is possible that regional legislation imposes slightly different requirements for large families.
  5. Upon receipt of a certificate and assignment of the status of having many children in 2016-2017. Social protection authorities will not take into account the child(ren):
    • if the father and/or mother were deprived of his parental rights or have significantly limited them;
    • who was transferred to the care of completely different people due to the fact that his father and mother began to evade his upbringing;
    • who is under the full care and support of the state (for example, brought up in a boarding school).

To obtain the status of having many children, you must also indicate a child from a previous marriage if you are raising him together with other children. For example, after a divorce, a child remains with his mother, stepfather and stepbrothers/sisters.

How to register the status of a large family in 2016-2017?

If the legislative acts of your constituent entity of the Russian Federation allow you to count on receiving the status of a large family, you need to apply for and receive a special certificate.

It confirms your claims for payments, benefits and other financial assistance.

For example, the presentation of a certificate will serve as the basis for accelerated advancement in the queue to improve living conditions.

To obtain a document, one of the parents (guardians) needs to contact the local social security authorities. If the spouses are divorced, the parent who is raising the children applies for a certificate.

A big plus is that paperwork does not require payment of state fees!

So, to obtain a certificate in 2016-2017, you need to present the following documents to the local Social Security Administration:

  • a statement in which one of the parents states a request to give the family a document confirming the status of having many children (the paper is written in a certain form, which will be prompted by social protection specialists);
  • ID cards of both spouses;
  • photographs of spouses;
  • paper confirming the conclusion marital relations between spouses, or a certificate of their divorce;
  • documents that indicate the place of residence of the children (usually this is data from house books);
  • for a child who is already 18 years old, you need to bring a certificate from the place of study;
  • if there are adopted children or teenagers in the family, it is necessary to provide the authorities with the appropriate judgment, which confirms the fact of guardianship over them.

After submitting these certificates, applications and other documents, specialists from the Social Security Administration will issue you a certificate of a certain form. With it you can receive all benefits, payments and other material benefits, which are officially provided for large families.

Payments and other benefits for parents with many children in 2017 are divided into two types - prescribed in the federal legislative act and appointed by regional authorities.

Let us list the main preferences that are provided to parents after the birth of their third child.

Innovations in 2016-2017:

  1. Compensation payments for heating residential premises. If a large family lives in a house or apartment with no central heating, then the household must be returned the funds that were spent on firewood and coal. Of course, when purchasing firewood, you need to keep all receipts.
  2. After the birth of their third child, parents receive the right to preferential admission of children to preschool educational institution. The Large Family Card allows you to enter without waiting in line.
  3. In addition, in 2017, parents can demand the return of part of the payments for attending kindergarten. For example, for the first children, parents receive a refund of 20% of the amount paid, for the second - half, for the third - about 70%.
  4. In 2016, it became possible to receive benefits for both natural children and adopted children. Sum monthly allowance usually does not exceed minimum sizes wages.
  5. Parents received the right to receive educational services according to preferential conditions. Retraining of adult household members occurs only taking into account the economic needs of a specific subject of the Russian Federation.

Regional benefits in 2017:

  1. Regional authorities can provide certain financial support when purchasing any building materials, if a large family decides to build a house.
  2. Local authorities have the right to partially exempt parents with many children from paying land tax or reduce the tax rate for an individual payer.
  3. Local authorities are constantly developing a variety of benefits for this category of citizens, which allow them to expand their living space and issue funds as one-time financial assistance.
  4. Local authorities have the right to issue compensation to a large family that rents housing while construction of a home is underway on an allocated plot of land.
  5. If parents with many children decide to open their own business, local authorities can allocate funds from the local treasury.

Unfortunately, not every family with three or more children knows what social support entitled to parents with many children. And even those parents who are well aware of the privileges and benefits often face bureaucratic obstacles.

That is why it is extremely important to learn more about tax benefits for families with many children, the possibility of receiving benefits and payments, since any help will be most welcome.

Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a specialized psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on issues of raising children. I use the experience gained, among other things, in creating articles of a psychological nature. Of course, I in no way claim to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help respected readers deal with any difficulties.