Healthy lifestyle in kindergarten Tasks: To form the attitude of children to their own health; Education from an early age of healthy habits and skills; - presentation. Healthy lifestyle of preschool children in preschool conditions


A healthy lifestyle is the basis for harmonious development child, and the earlier healthy habits and routines begin to be instilled in a person, the more effective it becomes .

Period preschool age is truly unique: a person never experiences such intensive development - in 7 years, his formation reaches incredible heights, which becomes possible due to the special development potential of children - mental and physical. At preschool age, basic life concepts are formed, including the concept of health and proper healthy behavior. The ideas received at this age are sometimes unusually persistent and form the basis for the further development of a person.

The components of a healthy lifestyle for a preschool child are almost identical to those for a lifestyle of any other age, however, of course, there are certain nuances that are specific to the age of 2-7 years.

Rational daily routine

The daily routine implies a special distribution of time and the alternation of various activities during the day. Compliance with the regime makes it possible to establish the functioning of all organs and systems, facilitate the learning process, make the processes of work and recovery of the body the most effective. That is why the daily routine becomes the basis for the formation of health from the very first days of life.

What should regime activities for preschool children be based on?

1. On the full satisfaction of the needs of the child's body (sleep, nutrition, movement, communication, etc.).

2.On rational care including cleanliness.

3. On the involvement of the child in labor processes.

4. On the formation of generally accepted hygiene skills.

5. On emotional well-being and communication.

6. Registered individual characteristics child.

The importance of the last component of a healthy lifestyle, we considered in detail in the article " . Unfortunately, individual approach when planning any component of a healthy lifestyle in kindergarten is practically impossible: education in a group is based mainly on compliance with general rules and principles. Therefore, at preschool age, an individual approach to building a lifestyle is carried out mainly by parents: on weekends and in the evening after visiting kindergarten. In this regard, parents in the formation of the regime should adhere to two main principles: stability and flexibility. Stability implies constancy, flexibility - the ability to quickly rebuild the regime to the changing needs of an intensively growing organism.


Due to the importance of such a component of nutrition as regularity, on weekends and holidays, parents are advised to adhere to the same meal schedule as in preschool. Of course, a deviation from the diet is quite acceptable, justified, for example, by going out into nature, however, in this case, it is better to take food as close as possible to the usual time.

As a rule, in kindergarten, a healthy lifestyle is realized, in particular, by regular physical activity. Daily exercises, physical education and dancing, outdoor games are mandatory in almost any preschool institution. Weekends should not be an exception. It is unacceptable to leave a child at home all day in front of the TV - this is fraught not only with health problems, but also with the development of a pathological stereotype, in which the preschooler forms an idea of ​​\u200b\u200brest precisely as passive “lying” and “doing nothing”. Try to organize field trips, visit gyms and stadiums together, and at the age of 5-6 years it is quite possible to start playing some sports in sections.

Except active development bone skeleton and muscles rational exercise stress teaches a preschooler to feel his body and control it, besides, the movement activates appetite, improves metabolism and digestive processes, trains will and character, gives the child a lot of positive emotions.


The benefit of hardening procedures is to increase the child's body resistance to various infectious diseases. In addition, it has been noted that hardening contributes to an increase in working capacity and the development of a whole range of compensatory reactions.

Despite the fact that on weekdays the child attends kindergarten, parents, if desired, can carry out effective hardening procedures. For example, daily dousing with cool water can be done in the morning or evening. In the latter case, it is worth considering the tonic effect of exposure to cold - in some cases, after dousing, the child may experience a violation of falling asleep. However, healthy children with a sufficient daily load fall asleep easily under any circumstances.

Hygiene measures and skills

Hygiene measures should become common and subjectively necessary for a preschooler - this can be achieved by regularity and their earliest possible introduction. However, despite all educational activities, it should be borne in mind that a preschool child in most cases needs control. Remind your child about the need to wash their hands, control his washing, encourage his independence in these matters.

Basic hygiene rules for a preschool child:

1.washing and brushing your teeth in the morning and evening;

2. washing hands after walking and before each meal;

3.washing the legs and pelvic area (genitals and anus) before going to bed;

4.change underwear once every 1-2 days;

5.Washing the whole body and hair once in 5-7 days;

6.replacement bed linen once every 2-3 weeks;

7.regular replacement of individual towels;

8.using toilet paper.

We have listed only those points that relate to cleanliness, however, the concept of hygiene also includes compliance with visual hygiene (lighting, proper fit when reading and drawing, limiting TV viewing), hearing hygiene (comes down mainly to limiting the volume of programs and music), requirements for clothes and shoes (corresponding to size, natural fabrics, loose fit) and some other indicators.

Good psychological environment

Regarding the psychological situation in preschool age, two aspects are important: family relations and the situation in a preschool institution. Relations in the family are the basis of the psychological state of the child: it depends on them how confident the child is in his abilities, how cheerful and inquisitive he is, how open to communication and ready to true friendship. If a child knows that loving parents are waiting for him at home, to whom he can trust all his anxieties and failures, from whom he will receive a new charge of love and warmth, he will be able to endure many troubles and hardships.

As for relationships in kindergarten, then, as a rule, any conflict situation can be resolved. Difficulties in communicating with specific children can be resolved by contacting a psychologist and planning a solution to the problem jointly with the educator. Conflict situations with the educator can most often also be resolved - albeit sometimes by contacting the head of the preschool institution.

Parents should remember that kindergarten can become a source of serious childhood experiences leading to neuroticism and psychopathization, therefore, in no case should they be ignored - problems must be solved. By the way, a conflict situation in kindergarten can play a positive role in education: a child, seeing the parent’s interest in his problems and competent behavior during a conflict, receives a model for solving problems, learns to find a way out of difficult situations. Therefore, make every effort to resolve the conflict as rationally as possible and take place without screams and threats.

For the development of a psychologically complete personality, you should use all possible ways: creativity, in which the child enjoys the process of creating something new and learns to express his feelings and emotions; communication with peers; independent activity and help around the house; endurance training and self-restraint skills (read more about this in the article " Formation of a healthy lifestyle of a student» ).

The child does not go to kindergarten: building a healthy lifestyle

When raising a child at home, the formation of a healthy lifestyle of a child goes in a slightly different way, although, of course, all the components remain the same. TO negative aspects non-attendance of kindergarten can be attributed to difficulties in observing the daily routine, limited communication and, as a result, difficulty in the formation of socialization; limited opportunities classes (absence professional educators equipped sports hall, a team for outdoor games, etc.). However, under the conditions home education parents get a valuable opportunity to build a healthy lifestyle based on an individual approach: only at home you can create an individual menu, choose the method of hardening and the type of exercise, adjust the regimen, adjusting to the needs and desires of your child.

It does not matter whether or not your child attends a preschool institution - it is important that you are attentive and understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle for the formation of a healthy body and a full-fledged personality of your child.

Doctor Kartashova Ekaterina Vladimirovna

The process of maintaining health and strengthening the immunity of a child at preschool age is a decisive stage in the formation of a healthy personality. It is in this time is running enhanced formation of organs, on which, in fact, future life depends little man. Therefore, maintaining a healthy lifestyle in kindergarten plays a crucial role in the development of the child.

The results of recent studies have clearly shown a trend of deterioration in the physical and mental health of children. Children, after kindergarten, come to school unprepared for even minor loads. Surely, you yourself often met information in the media about fairly frequent cases of sharply poor health or even death in physical training classes.

In addition, scientists note that the child's body should develop as much as possible. ideal conditions. Therefore, they strongly recommend buying only high-quality products for them: personal hygiene products, food, toys, dishes, vitamins, medicines.

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Preschool age is one of the shortest in a person's life. Until the age of 7, a person goes through a large stage of his development, which will never be repeated in his entire life.

Good habits, maintaining and strengthening health are the main tasks of the institution where the child spends maximum amount time in kindergarten.

Improvement of pupils of kindergartens should be carried out by forces not only of teachers, educators, psychologists. This is a big chain, where parents must be connected and work in tandem with teachers.

On should bet, first of all, their parents.

10 health conditions

  1. Outdoor stay.
  2. Variety of food in kindergarten(vegetables, fruits, cereals, dairy products) without any coercion.
  3. Hardening of children.
  4. Unrestricted in movement and cognition of objects.
  5. Personal hygiene habits. It is best to set a personal example (washing hands, washing, bathing, changing clothes).
  6. Physical exercise. Of course, it is better not to duplicate such forms of activity as running, jumping, etc. here. This is all inherent in the child himself without outside help. Charging, gymnastics, dancing, all kinds of relay races, active games - these are all aspects of a healthy lifestyle used in kindergarten. Therefore, it is extremely bad if such a position is lost on a day off. It is not good to show that rest can consist in lying on the sofa or sleeping for a long time. Physical exercise give you the opportunity to learn how to control your body. They lead to an improvement in appetite and normalization of metabolism.
  7. Planning and observance of the daily routine in kindergarten. Rational mode helps all organs to work according to the mode. The day should be spent on natural needs (sleep, food) and involved in various labor processes, helping to master skills.
  8. Calm. There are 2 aspects here. Calmness should reign in the family and be preserved in kindergarten. The child should know that he is expected and loved at home, then he will be able to cope with any task. As for the preschool institution, for peace and quiet there is a psychologist who will help resolve difficult situations.
  9. Educational games, interesting stories about good and bad with summing up. In addition to games for physical development, play.
  10. Love.

Some kindergartens hold talks with parents and jointly choose recreational activities aimed at maintaining health. This really shows the connection and contact in the kindergarten-parents chain. Do not forget that the preschool institution itself cannot show constant initiative, for many things it needs the permission and approval of the parents.

Rehabilitation in kindergarten

  • Morning gymnastics.
  • Walks and excursions (during a warm season in nature, use children's organic means from insects).
  • Sleep on orthopedic mattresses.
  • Vitamin and herbal teas.
  • Thoughtful nutrition, including natural vitamin supplements.
  • Didactic games that contribute to the knowledge of the basics of a healthy lifestyle and its.

The main goal of such preschool institutions as kindergartens is to ensure the correct and thrifty attitude of children to their health, develop responsiveness, dexterity, strength and speed, teach them to regulate their emotional state, make the right decision, guarantee a qualified diagnosis of the child’s health condition. .

The introduction of a healthy lifestyle in kindergarten gives rise to the development of human values ​​in children, such as health, responsibility for oneself, choosing the right behavior in various life situations.

Speech - a report on the teachers' council in the preschool educational institution. Creating positive motivation for the formation of a healthy lifestyle for children

They talk about health, argue about health, wish for health. From the early childhood Each of us is aware of the importance of a reasonable attitude to our health.
Preschool age is a particularly important and crucial period when the functioning of many systems is restructured. child's body. Therefore, any preschool institution should become a “school of a healthy lifestyle” for children, where any of their activities (educational, sports, leisure, as well as eating and physical activity, etc.) are of a health-improving and pedagogical orientation and contribute to the development of habits in them, and then and needs for a healthy lifestyle, the formation of acceptance skills independent decisions regarding the maintenance and promotion of their health. The habit of a healthy lifestyle can become the condition that will allow each child to grow and develop. The formation of this value quality of a person is possible only if it is purposefully formed both in kindergarten and in the family.
Healthy lifestyle- one of the most important factors in maintaining the health and well-being of the child, it determines the quality of life, and preschool age is the most important period when the human personality is formed.
Therefore, it is at the stage of preschool age that the priority is the task of educating children in motivation for health, orienting their vital interests to a healthy lifestyle.
We understand the motives of a healthy lifestyle as an integral system of conscious motives, and guiding manifestations of the personality (moral, spiritual, physical) in various spheres of life from the standpoint of the values ​​of one's health. Understanding, the essence of the motivation for a healthy lifestyle requires understanding such a basic category as a "healthy lifestyle".
The problems of raising a healthy child have been and remain the most relevant in the practice of social and family education. preschool education and dictate the need to find effective means of their implementation.
To motivate him to health behavior, it is necessary to interest, create positive emotions, when mastering knowledge, to make you feel the pleasure of healing methods, to use positive examples from surrounding life, a personal example of parents.
The formation of a healthy lifestyle is carried out in the process of classes, regime moments, walks, in the game, in labor activity. The attitude of the child to his health is the foundation on which to build the building of the need for a healthy lifestyle.
In order to actively influence the child's position in relation to their own health, it is necessary to know that the state of health itself is formed as a result of the interaction of external (natural and social) and internal (heredity, gender, age) factors.
There are several components of health:
1.Somatic health is the state of the human body, individual development.
2. Physical health is the level of growth and development of organs and systems of the body.
3. Mental development - the state of the mental sphere.
4. Moral health - setting the motives of human behavior.
Often, children have no interest in recreational activities. In addition, the execution necessary rules a healthy lifestyle requires significant volitional efforts, which is extremely difficult for a preschooler who has an insufficiently formed emotional-volitional sphere. Therefore, when working with children, it is important to remember and observe the commandments formulated by the brilliant Russian director K. S. Stanislavsky: “the difficult must be made familiar, and the familiar must be made easy and pleasant.”
Senior preschool age - preparation for the stage of awareness and emotional and evaluative attitude to one's health, the time of formation of ideas about the factors affecting human health; formation of a healthy lifestyle.
The goal of our work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle was:
Creating positive motivation for the formation of a healthy lifestyle.
-Preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children;
- the formation of pupils' responsibility in maintaining their own health.
- Upbringing cultural and hygienic skills;
- Contribute to the accumulation of knowledge about the factors affecting human health.

Contribute to the formation of ideas about spiritual beauty and mental health of a person;
In order to improve and improve the health of pupils in the group, health-improving work is carried out in accordance with the programs:
Comprehensive "Rainbow" Program of education and training in kindergarten The team of authors under the guidance of T.N. Doronova
"Fundamentals of Safety for Preschool Children" by R.B. Sterkin, "Health" by V.G. Alyamovskaya
Educational work on healthy lifestyle is carried out in the following sections cognitive development:
1. "Me and my health." The reserves of my health are my wealth.
2. "Me and other people." Interaction in the team as a condition for the health of the child.
3. "I and society." Phenomena public life, social institutions.
4. "I and the world of things." Fascinating attitude to the creations of human hands.
5. "The world of nature." Interaction with nature as the basis of health.
T.B. Filicheva, G.B. Chirkina
Multifaceted work is underway to carry out preventive measures contributing to the reduction of morbidity in children:
-vitamin therapy
- barefoot
- breathing exercises
-finger games
-Tempering event "Contrast foot baths"
- special corrective exercises
Health-saving learning technologies are based on:

An individual approach is implemented based on the diagnosis of physical development and a health journal, which includes the main indicators of the child's health.
The group has developed a systematic approach to the organization of sports and health work with kids.
Health-saving learning technologies are based on:
- On age features cognitive activity children;
- Variability of methods and forms of education;
- Optimal combination motor and static loads;
- Use of visibility and various forms presentation of information;
- Creation of an emotionally safe atmosphere.
In our work, we use the manual by Sharygina T. A. “Conversations about Health”, where we taught children to take care of their health, we educate children in the desire to be healthy. In work, with children, we try to form personal hygiene skills, wash our hands thoroughly before eating, after going to the toilet, after a walk, to know and name parts of the body. For the assimilation of hygiene skills used didactic games How " medicinal plants”, “Masha doll receives guests”, “The sun, air and water are our best friends". Much attention in working with children was paid to the formation of self-service skills. Considering the clothes, we explain why we put on socks, tights, a scarf, a hat, mittens. All these conversations help to enrich children's knowledge, vocabulary, develop the knowledge to take care of their body.
Conducted conversations:
1) “Where do diseases come from” - the purpose of this conversation was to form ideas about health, diseases, microbes, provided elementary information about infectious diseases, ways of spreading diseases, teach them to take care of their health.
2) “To keep the skin healthy”, keep it clean, where she introduced the structure of the skin, fixed the rules for skin care. We give children basic information about their body, we form personal hygiene skills in children (take care of hair, teeth, skin). We teach to see beauty and usefulness in cleanliness and tidiness, through conversations: “Personal hygiene”, “Cleanliness and health”, “To be healthy”, etc.
3) “What is exercise for” - where children were introduced to regular physical education. We also widely use educational presentations in our work: “Me and my body”, “We different people”, “Eyes”, “Rules of personal hygiene”, “Amazing transformations of food”, etc.
Talking with children, she drew attention to how important it is to protect one's health, take care of it, and avoid situations that are harmful to health.
Also taught to be careful when dealing with strangers, with homeless animals, were taught the basic rules of safe behavior on the streets.
They read fairy tales "Zayushkina's hut", "Cat, rooster, fox." These fairy tales were used to help children understand how to behave at home, communicate with strangers, and keep themselves safe. After reading the fairy tale "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse" by S. Marshak and analyzing the content of the fairy tale with the children, they tried to help understand why it happened to the mouse that he got into trouble ?. We pay great attention to the hardening of children "Contrast foot baths". Conducted a lesson: "My body", "Miracle - water", "Where is health hiding?".
We found out which products are useful, because. healthy foods help the body grow, nourish it with vitamins. She played games: “What do we eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner?”, “Who loves what”. Through games, conversations I give knowledge about healthy food, "Excursion to the grocery store", creating panels with the children. We pay great attention to individual work with children on a walk. We give preference to outdoor games that help to train nasal breathing, improve breathing in general. For these purposes, we use such games as “Owl”, “Blow on the ball”, “Roly-stand up”, “Fly feather”, “Ears”, “Cat”, “Hug your shoulders”, turns.
All efforts aimed at maintaining and strengthening the health of children do not have the expected results without the understanding and support of parents. We build joint work with the family on the following principles: unity, systematic approach, individual approach, mutual trust. Realizing that a lot depends on how adults relate to health, we worked with parents: group and individual conversations. Conducted jointly with parents Parent meeting where the issue of healthy lifestyles was raised. Folders were exhibited for parents - shifts on the topic "Health".
Thus, the joint work of all adults surrounding a preschooler, through the choice of methods, means and forms of education, as well as monitoring changes in lifestyle, creates the foundation of a healthy lifestyle culture, which includes positive motivation and knowledge, skills, and habits of a healthy lifestyle. Children have a strong motivation for a healthy lifestyle, they become aware of their responsibility for their health, and it gives results in reducing morbidity and improving children's health.
List of used literature
1. T.L. Goddess. Health protection of children in preschool institutions. M.: "Mosaic-synthesis", 2006
2. M.Yu. Kartushina. We want to be healthy. Moscow shopping center Sphere, 2004
3. T.A. Shorygin. Health talk. creative center Moscow, 2008

Healthy lifestyle- the way of life of an individual in order to prevent diseases and promote health. A healthy lifestyle is a concept of human life aimed at improving and maintaining health through appropriate nutrition, physical fitness, morale and the rejection of bad habits.



Message for parents

What is HOS

“I’m not afraid to repeat again and again:

child health care

This is the most important work of education.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

Very important today is the formation of motives, concepts, beliefs in preschool children in the need to maintain their health and familiarize them with a healthy lifestyle.

There is one legend: a long time ago they lived on Mount Olympus - there were gods. They got bored, and they decided to create a man and populate the planet Earth. They began to decide what a person should be. One of the gods said: "A man must be strong", another: "A man must be healthy", the third said: "A man must be smart." But one of the gods said this: "If a man has all this, he will be like us." And they decided to hide the main thing that a person has, his health. They began to think, decide where to hide it? Into the blue sea, beyond the high mountains. But one of the gods said: "Health must be hidden in the person himself." This is how people have been living since ancient times, trying to find their health. Yes, not everyone can find and save the priceless gift of the gods!

Therefore, a conscious and responsible attitude to health as a social value should become the norm of life and behavior of every person.

The main thing for us, teachers, should be the formation of a culture of health, as part of the general culture of a person - awareness of health as a vital value, education of a responsible attitude to one's health, the health of those around them and the environment.

Our health does not take first place in the hierarchy of human needs and values, but if we teach children from the very early age appreciate to protect and strengthen our health, if we will personal example demonstrate a healthy lifestyle, then you can hope for positive results.

What can we offer children in kindergarten, using our capabilities, creating certain conditions:

Every day, in your work with children, you need to use such a form as finger games, which is a powerful tool for increasing the efficiency of the brain. These are finger games without objects in your free time, on walks, in classes in the morning, in games, use exercises with objects: clothespins, corks, counting sticks, buttons, hedgehog balls, handkerchiefs.

To strengthen vision, you need to make visual pauses, at any time of the day, children close their eyes and open them, you can press your eyelids with your finger.

Eye massage - performed during morning exercises and in the classroom. Massage helps children relieve fatigue, tension, improves metabolism in the tissues of the eye.

Visual gymnastics - allows the eye to cope with a significant visual load. Gymnastics must be used in drawing classes, looking at pictures, with prolonged observation.

Training exercises for the eyes can be done several times a day, depending on the activity that causes tension.

Visual landmarks (spots) - relieve eye fatigue and increase motor activity during the day.

* Orange, yellow - correspond to a positive working mood. It is warmth, optimism, joy.

* Blue, blue, green - has a calming effect. This is communication, hope, inspiration.

* Red - encourages children to work. This is the power of attention.

All these means contribute to the development of the psychological comfort of children, which ensures their emotional well-being, relieves stress during classes and games.

Children like emotional warm-ups (let's laugh; let's scream so that the walls tremble; as if a huge, unknown beast is screaming, etc.). We call them "minutes of pranks."

Use the opposite exercises more often - “minutes of peace”: we will sit silently with our eyes closed, we will sit and admire the burning candle, we will lie on our backs and relax, as if we rag dolls Let's dream to beautiful music.

To introduce children to a healthy lifestyle, we offer you "Gymnastics of little wizards." Children here do not just "work" - they play, sculpt, wrinkle, smooth their body, seeing in it an object of care, affection, love. By massaging the abdomen, neck, head, hands, ears, etc., the child affects the entire body as a whole. He has complete confidence that he is really creating something beautiful, all this develops in the child a positive value attitude towards own body. Children perform this gymnastics in any free time from classes.

During the day, you can find a moment to please the children by doing the following exercises: stretch like a cat, roll around like a tumbler, yawn, opening your mouth to your ears, crawl like a snake without the help of hands. This is very important for the development and strengthening of the musculoskeletal system of the child.

You can put a "dry pool" in the group. Bathing in it, children rejoice, admire and receive a general massage without a massage therapist, as well as a lot of pleasure, a positive emotional effect. The need to keep their body on the surface of constantly escaping "waves" - balls, encourages children to coordinate movements, while the musculoskeletal system successfully develops.

Music therapy is one of the methods that improves the health of children, gives children pleasure. The melody is especially effective for hyperactive children, increases interest in the world around, and contributes to the development of the child's culture. Melodies are used in the classroom, while eating, before going to bed and during sleep.

Big health effect has "Aromatherapy" - the process of breathing aromas. This has a positive effect on nervous system and brain. So smells can cause joy, excitement, calmness, inspiration. Parents can sew magic pouches". These bags hang at the head of the child's bed. Babies breathe in healthy scents while they sleep. In the process of breathing, children lie quietly and enjoy the aromas of herbs:

* smells of pine - cleanse the respiratory system, increase tone;

* the smell of birch - improve the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory system;

* the smell of spruce and poplar - cleanses the digestive tract.

Together with parents, you can create in the “Health Corner” group, where there will be: aspen bowls, walnuts, a variety of smells (aromatherapy, bark, beads, rosaries, paper, schemes for expressing emotions, massagers, schemes for acupressure etc.) All these items relieve tension, aggression, negative emotions. Children, being engaged in these subjects imperceptibly for themselves, heal.

* Colored pebbles, leaves - prepared for pleasure, joy, warmth.

* Sponges, paper - to relieve stress.

* Balls, massagers - for removal fine motor skills etc.

Collect books, encyclopedias, illustrations, charts in the health corner. Considering them, children show interest in their health. Design didactic games: “The structure of the human body”, “Sport is health”, “We brush our teeth correctly”, “We take care of our ears”, etc. all these games teach children to control themselves and their behavior, mood, reinforce cultural and hygienic skills, make them think about health.

It is known that hygiene products also promote health and stimulate the development of adaptive properties of the body: personal hygiene; ventilation; wet cleaning; diet; dream; proper washing hands; Teaching children elementary methods of a healthy lifestyle; limiting the level of training load to avoid fatigue; training in the simplest first aid skills for cuts, bites, burns, etc.

We know that Fresh air improves health, so you can create “Phytomodels” in a group from indoor plants, which are not only an interior decoration, but will also become assistants in the improvement of children. All plants are selected taking into account favorable influence on the well-being and health of children.

All these techniques allow us to gradually stabilize the health of children, reduce morbidity, and introduce them to a healthy lifestyle.

Testing "Growing up healthy"

  1. How long should you air out a room after you put in a new carpet?
  • a few days;
  • few hours;
  • one night.

2. Which water is more dangerous for health?

  • cloudy tap water;
  • coming through lead pipes;
  • with fluoride additives.

3. What is the risk of asthma in a child with one or both parents smoking?

  • none;
  • the risk is large, but not such that it is worth worrying;
  • the risk is doubled.

4. Who is the least likely carrier of germs in the home?

  • mice;
  • cockroaches;
  • ants.

5. What to do if you are caught by a thunderstorm?

  • hide in the car
  • stand under a tall tree;
  • sprawl on the ground.

6. Which of these common plants is poisonous?

  • amaryllis;
  • African violet;
  • rubber ficus.

7. What provides the best protection in a car accident?

  • seat belts;
  • inflatable pillow;
  • seat belts and airbag are equally effective

8. What should be the optimal distance from the screen when working with a computer?

  • 15 - 36 cm;
  • 36 - 61 cm;
  • 61 - 76 cm.

Let's count the points.

1(a); 2(b); 3(c); 4(c); 5(a); 6(a); 7(a); 8(b) - correct answers. For each correct answer you earn one point. Now put them together and see what happens.

8 - 10 points - You are quite aware of the dangers of modern life and seem to be careful about environment and your own health.

7 and less - your knowledge about yourself and the world around you is clearly not enough. Expanding your knowledge necessary information, You could make your life healthier and more careful.

Lenara Kazakova
Healthy lifestyle of preschool children in preschool conditions

concept « health» has many definitions. But the definition given by World Organization health care: « Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Health characterized by biological potential (hereditary capabilities, physiological reserves vital activity, normal mental state and social opportunities for a person to realize all the inclinations (genetically deterministic) .

concept « healthy lifestyle» definitely not defined: P. A. Vinogradov, B. S. Erasov, V. A. Ponomarchuk, V. I. Stolyarov and others consider healthy lifestyle as a global social problem, component the life of society as a whole. P. Aksenov, V. K. Balsevich, M. Ya. Vilensky, R. Dittles, I. O. Matynyuk, L. S. Kobelyanskaya and others. healthy lifestyle considered from the point of view of consciousness, human psychology, motivation. There are other points vision: for example, biomedical; but there is no sharp line between them, because they are aimed at solving one problem - strengthening health of the individual.

The problem of education of culture health of all participants in the educational process in the preschool educational institution is relevant at the present stage of development of society. Modern living conditions place higher demands on human health, especially preschool children.

preschool age is decisive in the formation of the foundation of physical and mental health. After all, it is up to seven years that intensive development of organs and the formation of functional systems organism, the main personality traits are laid, the character is formed. It is important at this stage to form children base of knowledge and practical skills healthy lifestyle, the perceived need for systematic studies physical culture and sports.

Therefore, in preschool institution, any activity (educational, sports, as well as eating and physical activity, etc.) will be wellness-pedagogical orientation and contribute to the education of their habits, and then the needs for healthy lifestyle, the formation of skills for making independent decisions regarding the maintenance and strengthening of one’s own health.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that each age the period is characterized by its own characteristics, which should be taken into account in the work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

Since under healthy lifestyle is understood as active human activity aimed at preserving and improving health,

That Special attention should be given to the following components healthy lifestyle:

proper nutrition;

compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;

hardening of the body;

rational physical activity;

full sleep;

maintaining a stable mental state.

Proper nutrition ensures the normal course of the processes of growth and development of the body, as well as the preservation health. Proper organization nutrition is of great importance for the development of the child's body, in the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

It is necessary to pay serious attention to cultural and hygienic skills, to form habits proper washing, wiping, caring for the oral cavity, using a handkerchief, proper behavior when coughing and sneezing.

An effective remedy fortifications health man is hardening.

The success and efficiency of hardening are possible only if a number of principles:




taking into account individual characteristics.

During the physical education health work, namely morning exercises, wellness gymnastics after daytime sleep, physical culture minutes, minutes health, elements of relaxation, etc., physical, mental and moral qualities children, independence and creativity are brought up.

chief way in laying the foundations healthy lifestyle for preschoolers and proper attitude towards health are relevant games, watching movies, cartoons, reading and discussing fiction, quizzes, hiking, days health, sports holidays .

These events are the most interesting for children, and in this process it is more productive to form right attitude To healthy lifestyle for preschoolers.

It is necessary that children have the opportunity to systematically move. To do this, it is necessary to contribute to the development of basic motor qualities, to maintain working capacity at a high level throughout the day.

However, it must be taken into account that healthy lifestyle for preschoolers involves alternating active and quiet games so there is a reasonable balance between motor activity and rest must be saved.

To one of the main health conditions refers to normal night sleep. To organize it, you must adhere to the following rules:

The child must be taught to go to bed at the same time.

1-1.5 hours before bedtime, the flow of active impressions of TV and radio should be reduced. 30-40 minutes before bedtime, you can safely take a walk. It is recommended to take before bed warm baths duration 8-10 minutes. The room in which the child sleeps should be well ventilated.

Psychological health is an important factor healthy lifestyle, which determines the mental, emotional well-being of a person. According to the studies of L. A. Abramyan, M. I. Lisina, T. A. Repina, "emotional well-being" preschool children can be defined as a stable emotionally positive well-being of the child, the basis of which is the satisfaction of basic age needs: biological and social.

Term "psychological health» introduced by I. V. Dubrovina. It emphasizes the inseparability of the bodily and the mental in a person. Generalized portrait psychologically healthy human is creative,

cheerful, a cheerful, open person who knows himself and the world not only by reason, but also by feelings, intuition. Such a person takes responsibility for his life, is in constant development.

According to I. V. Dubrovina, the basis of psychological health constitutes a full mental development child at all stages. The authors argue that psychological health should be considered from the point of view of the spiritual wealth of the individual, orientation to absolute values (kindness, beauty, truth) .

To save psychological health care must be taken to prevent neurosis in children. Important factors in the prevention of neurosis are healthy psychological climate in the family and in the preschool educational institution, a benevolent psychological atmosphere in interpersonal relationships and observance of a properly organized hygienic regimen.

In questions health improvement of children Doctors, teachers, psychologists, specialists and parents should go hand in hand. The main task should be to educate healthy lifestyle in children, needs to be healthy to protect and strengthen health to appreciate happiness health.

Wellness pupils cannot be effective if it is carried out only by medical workers. This work requires close cooperation with the teaching staff and parents.

Parents should not forget that they are role models at all times. life for their baby, and how mom or dad behaves in a given situation depends on the behavior and construction vital principles of the child.

Teachers and parents should teach the child the right choice in any situation. Only useful for health and renunciation of all that is harmful. To vaccinate a child from an early age right attitude to my health and responsibility for it. These tasks should be solved by creating an integral system for the preservation of the physical, mental and social well-being of the child.

Formation healthy lifestyle is not just the assimilation of certain knowledge, but a style life, appropriate behavior in different situations on the street and at home. Everything we teach our children, they must apply in real life. Needs to be educated children motivation for a healthy lifestyle through the understanding of health as a leading indicator of ecological beauty, as a means of achieving life success.

Healthy lifestyle is a prerequisite for the development different parties human life, full implementation social functions and achieve active longevity.

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