July 3 is traffic police day for how many years. Day of traffic police (traffic police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation)


In 1919, the first traffic police was organized in Moscow at the auto part of the transport department of the Moscow City Council. And in 1925, the Department for Traffic Regulation appeared in Moscow.

The task of ensuring road safety and creating an organization that would supervise traffic arose in connection with the development of the road network and the growth of the car fleet not only in Moscow, but also in many cities of the country. Therefore, on July 3, 1936, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, by its resolution, approved the "Regulations on the State Automobile Inspectorate of the Main Directorate of the Workers' and Peasants' Militia of the NKVD of the USSR." This day is considered the birthday of the traffic police, whose employees monitor and supervise compliance with the standards, norms and rules in force in the field of road safety.

In June 1998, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the State Automobile Inspectorate was renamed the State Inspectorate for Road Safety (GIBDD) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, and from July 2002 the old name was returned - GAI.

The professional holiday of the Russian traffic police - the traffic police - appeared not so long ago. But it's official. And in an unofficial way, it existed before, and it was celebrated on the same day. Recall what date the Traffic Police Day is in 2019, why exactly this date was chosen for the holiday, when this day received its official status.

What date is traffic police day in 2019

The date of celebration of the traffic police Day in 2019 is the same as in any other year - 3 July. The holiday of the traffic inspectorate is tied to a specific number, and not to any summer weekend, as is sometimes the case.

The date chosen for the Day of the traffic police officer, of course, is not accidental. It was on July 3, 1936, that the State Automobile Inspectorate was established under the then workers' and peasants' militia of the NKVD.

Until the early 1960s, there were no unified rules of the road in the USSR. Moreover, traffic rules in different republics and regions of the country were not subject to any general concept at all. Only in 1961 the rules became common for the whole country. Then, in the 1960s, the Soviet Union signed the International Convention on Road Traffic. The rules for driving on the roads of the USSR became generally the same as in other countries of the world.

The Soviet name of the traffic police in 1998 was transformed into the modern name of the department - the traffic police.

Despite such a long history, there was no professional holiday for the traffic police until the 2000s. Only on July 3, 2009 - exactly ten years ago - the then Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia finally signed an order declaring the Day of the Traffic Police and celebrating it on July 3 of each year.

In 2019, the future of the traffic police as a department remains unclear. Not for the first year there have been persistent rumors about reforming the road inspectorate. It is possible to disband the traffic police and form a traffic police with slightly different, broader functions and tasks. Be that as it may, it is simply impossible to do without a special police service on modern roads. Therefore, in one form or another, the automobile inspection will exist, even if it completely ceases to resemble the Soviet traffic police, the anniversary of the appearance of which is celebrated today as the Day of the Traffic Police.

On March 9, 2020, the deadline for submitting compositions for participation in the Eurovision Song Contest 2020 expired. Russian viewers waited all day in vain - on the official website of the competition in the section "Participants" the song from the group representing our country "Little Big" did not appear. Instead of the title, it says "No song yet" and "To be announced later".

But you should not worry - the organizers reported that the song was received on time. And the delay is explained simply - the Russian "sponsors" decided to "warm up" the public's interest in the event and arrange a show out of the premiere of the song.

We tell when, what time and on what channel will the presentation of the song "Little Big" for the Eurovision Song Contest 2020 take place.

Very soon - on Thursday 12 March 2020, we will find out with which song "Little Big" will represent Russia at the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest.

Announced that the presentation of the song "Little Big" will happen on Channel One live broadcast "Evening Urgant". The program is scheduled to start on 23:30 Moscow time March 12, 2020.

Previously, the broadcast with the "Little Big" group in the program "Evening Urgant" was planned by the "First" channel on Friday, March 13, 2020 (starting at 23:20 Moscow time).

That is, the presentation of the song "Little Big" for the Eurovision Song Contest 2020:
* When will take place - March 12, 2020 (Thursday).
* On the "First" channel, in the program "Evening Urgant".
* What time - at 23:30 Moscow time.

The band's frontman Ilya Pruskin announced that the song would be fun and with a "Brazilian touch". Perhaps the composition for the European song contest will be the song "Uno", a 15-second segment of which has already appeared on YouTube.

Updated on 03/12/2020 at 23:45: The composition with which the band will perform at Eurovision was (as we expected) song "Uno". You can watch the clip on the site of the "First" channel in the "Music" section.

What date the traffic police day is celebrated is known to everyone who is somehow connected with this service. Unlike many other professional holidays, which are assigned exactly the days of the week of a particular month, and not the number, Traffic Police Day (as this holiday is called in the old way) is celebrated every year on July 3rd. So, you can mark this day in your calendar.

Once again, I would like to emphasize that the date of this holiday does not change from year to year and it is set precisely on the third of July, and not on any particular day. Interestingly, in 2020, the date falls on a Sunday, so on this legal day off, you can have great fun and celebrate the traffic police Day in Russia. In honor of the holiday, you can cook.

We can say that this is a new holiday with old roots. The order to celebrate the Traffic Police Day in Russia was signed in 2009 by the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, then it was once again noted that the holiday falls every year on the third of July - this is the number assigned to it. But the choice of this date was not at all accidental. Because, the State Automobile Inspectorate or GAI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR was created on this very day back in 1936. So, in June 1998, when the traffic police in Russia was renamed the traffic police, the holiday began to be called that way.

About the rules of the road

It has already been noted above that the traffic police in the USSR was created in 1936, which means that the holiday in 2020 will be 83 years old. This date is round and, of course, the people who serve in the inspectorate will want to celebrate it in a big way. Some people are wondering if it is possible on the Day of the Traffic Police, as in honor of the holiday, not to follow the rules of the road?

Of course, the answer to this joke question will be serious and negative. Compliance with the rules of the road by each of its participants is the key to peace of mind on the roads. This peace of mind is provided not only to pedestrians, but also to every driver behind the wheel.

No need to think that on July 3, in honor of the holiday, there will be no traffic police officers on the roads, they say, they will all celebrate their day with their families. There is a clear work schedule, which is completely independent of what date is on the calendar today. Therefore, in order to please the employees of the road service, on this day, on the contrary, it is recommended to follow the rules especially carefully. Suitable for any holiday.

How to congratulate

The date does not change from year to year, moreover, this year the service, which used to be called the traffic police, will celebrate the 80th anniversary of its creation. On this holiday, all people, regardless of rank and rank, who work in this structure, will be waiting for congratulations and wishes in honor of the holiday. Therefore, you should not skimp on kind words, wishes of health and happiness, peaceful service.

Despite the fact that our society has developed a rather complicated relationship with the traffic inspectorate, every person should understand that these people are on guard of the observance of traffic rules. If we stop following these rules, not only motorists, but also pedestrians, then chaos will be created on the roads.

Again, on a holiday, especially this year, when it is an anniversary and it falls on Sunday, there will not be many patrols on the roads, but certain brigades, of course, as always, will inspect cities and towns day after day. If you have already committed some kind of offense, then it is better to pay a fine without disputes and simply congratulate the employee on his professional day.

Every year in July, all traffic police officers celebrate their professional holiday. The holiday is necessary so that people do not forget the importance of the State traffic inspectorate, which ensures road safety. About what date the traffic police day will be in 2019, about the history of the holiday and its traditions, read further in the article.

Almost every specialty has its own special holiday. What date is the traffic police day celebrated in Russia? It is celebrated on July 3rd.

The date of the celebration of traffic police day does not change. Every year this date is marked in the solemn calendar as a holiday. Despite the solemn date, everyone is working, even the traffic police. In Russia, the holiday began to be celebrated not so long ago. The order "On the announcement of the Day of the State Inspectorate for Road Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation" was signed in 2009 by the Minister of Internal Affairs Rashid Nurgaliev, that is, in 2019 this solemn day will be 11 years old.

Looking into the history of the appearance of the holiday date of the day of the traffic police, we note that the first traffic police service appeared in 1936 back in the USSR, the decision of which the Council of People's Commissars signed on July 3 of this year. Therefore, the employees of the State traffic inspectorate made an unofficial holiday date for their profession.

When the Soviet Union collapsed and was replaced by the Russian Federation, where traffic police officers were also needed to control traffic, the government of the Russian Federation decreed the "Regulations on the State Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia." In subsequent years, everything remained in its place, until in 1988 the State Traffic Inspectorate was renamed the State Inspectorate for Road Safety, since it seemed to the authorities that the traffic police more correctly reflects the essence of the work. But in 2002, the authorities decided to return the previous name, and more specifically, provide another historical name for the traffic police - GAI. By the day of the traffic police officer, employees are given bonuses and festive concerts are organized.

Traditions for traffic officers

According to tradition, on the day of traffic police officers - July 3, traffic inspectors wear a solemn snow-white uniform. Besides:

  1. They organize a festive line, at which persons of a higher position read out a solemn text and award diplomas and medals to the best traffic police officers, or raise their ranks.
  2. They show exemplary training and presentation of special equipment that helps traffic police officers to ensure road safety.
  3. As early as July 3, it is customary to arrange concerts that are dedicated to the employees of this activity. Famous Russian pop stars take part in the performances, who during the concert greet the employees of the State Inspectorate, congratulate them on their holiday and wish them success in their professional activities. Also, thank them for their hard work.

In Russia, on the day of the traffic police, new stars on shoulder straps are usually washed, in other words, a new position. As a rule, traffic police officers put the received stars in a glass filled with alcohol and drink alcohol in one gulp, holding the stars with their teeth.

About the profession

Traffic cops monitor compliance with traffic rules, can resort to issuing fines and detain those who do not follow traffic rules. They solve issues related to emergencies, accompany the transportation of goods, and also ensure safe traffic on the highways.

In 2019, traffic police officers can be distributed by types of units, such as:

  • registration and examination bodies of the road inspection;
  • search post of road transport;
  • road patrol service;
  • those. inspection and registration.

The day of the traffic police is celebrated for a reason, because in order to become a traffic police officer you need to serve in the Armed Forces or have a specialized education received in the structures of the Ministry of the Russian Federation. An applicant for the title must be trained in this specialty, know the laws, the procedure for operations during the period of duty. The ability to use weapons and the ability to drive a car should be shown.

Units have ranks similar to army ones. Entry into office is made strictly depending on age and stars on shoulder straps. Those who have worked in the State Inspectorate have every chance of prematurely retiring, according to the length of service and acquiring social benefits. a package that gives privileges for paying for public services, vacation in a rest home, hospitals. Employees celebrate the day of the traffic police officer in 2019, even in small towns in Russia.

In fact, the road police appeared in 1683, when Peter 1 signed the order “prohibition of travel without drivers and on unbridled horses”, which meant that you need to drive quietly, and those who disobey were exiled to hard labor. Accidents have also been common in the past. It turns out that the first traffic inspectors were employees of the National Decree who observed public order, who in our time are police officers.

There are several interesting factors about the traffic police:

  1. Technical inspection of cars appeared in the XIX century. In 1866, the authorities established the amount of fines for non-compliance with traffic rules and approved a permanent vehicle inspection.
  2. The work of traffic inspectors was carried out by street cleaners. At the end of the 19th century, janitors had great opportunities, watched the situation on the road and had the opportunity to fine violators.
  3. Instead of a black and white rod, there was a white cane, with which they regulated the movement and safety of pedestrians on the road. The mayor of St. Petersburg, Daniil Drachevsky, ordered the issuance of canes back in 1908. The length of the cane was 50 cm. If necessary, the policeman stopped the carriage, car or bicycle, and sometimes even a whole row, raising the stick at the top according to the direction of movement of the stopped vehicle. In 1922, the cane was redesigned to be yellow with a burgundy handle, and instructions for the proper use of the wand were written. The authorities believed that such a bright coloring would attract more attention. On April 27, 1939, the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the Soviet Union began its work, which designed the introduction of a black and white striped cane. At the moment, the wand has an empty space inside to place an LED that lights up at night.
  4. Before ORUD, after GAI. In the 20s of the last century, the first traffic police appeared, which had a name - the Department for Traffic Regulation. The department was educated not in military units, but as a department under the civil authorities, where the MOSSOVET was present. This body appeared due to the fact that the situation on the roads was getting worse and worse. Then the intensive formation of the sidewalk and road network began, due to the fact that in the city there were more than 1 thousand trucks and more than a hundred vehicles for transporting people. The State traffic inspectorate itself began its existence on July 3, 1936 under the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the Soviet Union. Despite this, the Department of Traffic Regulation was present as a separate department until 1950, and traffic controllers did not enter the staff of the traffic police.
  5. The State Inspectorate for Road Safety, which is worthy of a monument. There are a large number of monuments dedicated to traffic police inspectors in such areas as: Belgorod, Tomsk, Finland, Helsinki in the place of Tapiola.
  6. During the wartime, the State Inspectors had a special function. During the Great Patriotic War, the usual work of workers who monitor traffic went by the wayside. The traffic police carried out the write-off of cars, regulated the correct use of spare parts and issued driver's licenses. This means that the main task of the traffic police was to provide the territory and the front with cars and chauffeurs.
  7. Traffic police officers were not only men, but also women. Nowadays in Russia it is customary to believe that men perform the duties of a state traffic inspector better than women, but earlier foreign countries believed that women are much better at working in the State Inspectorate. In Lima, only women worked in the traffic police, but General Arturo Davila held the position of head.


This holiday is considered quite honorable among traffic police officers. But in addition to solemn wishes and celebrations in a narrow circle of employees, the day of the State Inspector certainly has an official part, which is organized, as a rule, by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

On the day of the traffic police, various procedures are carried out aimed at reducing countless accidents on the roads and increasing the culture of actions of drivers and pedestrians, such as: lectures to students in schools and other institutions, reward the best workers, street performances are carried out.