Open a private kindergarten. We open our own private kindergarten at home

New Year

Approximate data:

  • Monthly income – 156,000 rubles.
  • Net profit – 30,600 rubles.
  • Initial costs – 315,800 rubles.
  • Payback - from 8 months.
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article we will compile detailed business plan a small private kindergarten with calculations.

Service Description

Private kindergarten provides services to parents to look after their young children (from 3 to 7 years old). The organization is small and is designed to serve 10-12 children at a time. The list of services provided includes keeping children in kindergarten, meals, walks, and classes. Overtime stay of a child in kindergarten is not provided. The organization itself will be located on the ground floor of a residential building; the apartment will be converted into non-commercial real estate in advance. In this business plan we will consider the option of renting real estate. But if you have your own apartment on the 1st floor, then your expenses will be significantly reduced and your profits will increase.

Market analysis

Today the problem of placing a child in kindergarten is very acute. There are not enough government institutions like this. Parents wait a very long time for their turn, sometimes it takes several years. In such a situation, many try to find an alternative solution to the problem. Private kindergartens are becoming increasingly popular.

As a rule, the urgent need for childcare is felt by parents of children who can already talk and walk. Age category – from 3 to 7 years. Older age is not relevant at all, since children are already going to school. Very young children require careful care and supervision. Their mothers usually sit with them, and for this they are given maternity leave and parental leave. The greatest demand is observed in the middle age category. It is these children that the entrepreneur will recruit to the kindergarten.

This type of business is especially relevant for women with pedagogical education. They will be able to simultaneously be a business owner, a teacher, a cook, and a cleaner, if necessary. Therefore, such an enterprise has a certain feminine “accent”.

The limited number of municipal kindergartens causes a large difference between the large (constant!) demand for kindergarten services and supply in this market sector. There will always be clients in this type of business. Moreover, they are likely to become regular customers. This will reduce advertising costs.

In general, it is better to open such a private kindergarten in an area of ​​the city where wealthy families live. They, as a rule, resort to the services of such organizations, having greater confidence in them. Thus, portrait of a potential buyer will look like this: these are families with a child aged 3-7 years, their income is set at an average level and above average (you should focus on the last category).

The main competitors will be other private kindergartens located nearby, and municipal institutions of this type. The main weapon in the fight will be the professionalism of the staff, the provision of quality services, as well as unusual offers (for example, conducting martial arts or dance classes by a professional trainer). It does not make sense to make the cost below the average market - in this case, the costs simply will not pay off and the organization will not bring any income.

SWOT analysis

Before opening a private kindergarten, you need to familiarize yourself with the existing threats and opportunities. The former can hinder the successful development of the enterprise, while the latter, on the contrary, accelerate it and cause additional income.

Factors influencing an enterprise are usually divided into external and internal. A private entrepreneur cannot change the first. However, it can minimize the impact negative factors and use opportunities to your advantage. External factors include:

  1. Possibilities:
  • The level of competition is not great, since opening a kindergarten today is quite difficult; this type of business requires considerable initial costs.
  • Providing a wide range of services.
  • Possibility of attracting investment in this sector of the economy.
  • Low level of advertising costs.
  • Changes in legislative acts.
  • Low fines for individual entrepreneurs (about 1-3 thousand rubles).
  1. Threats:
  • High level of bureaucratization in this area.
  • Decline in the level of income of the population due to the crisis.
  • Presence of financial barriers to entry into the market.
  • The need to prepare documents for transferring from the category of private kindergartens to non-state educational institutions.
  • Strict requirements from the SES and Fire Inspectorate.

The owner can try to eliminate internal factors if they are negative. And those that have a positive impact on business can not only be used for good, but also their influence can be strengthened. Internal factors include:

  1. Strengths:
  • Possibility of further expansion.
  • Selecting a territory where the level of competition is minimal.
  • Convenient location for service users (in in this case the kindergarten will be located in an area where wealthy families live).
  • A large number of specialists in this field (many will agree to work for your organization, since municipal kindergartens offer very low salaries).
  • There may be an increase in the cost of services provided.
  • The entrepreneur has experience in this field.
  • Availability of various advanced training courses.
  1. Weak sides:
  • High level of fixed costs.
  • Lack of any client base, the need to find clients.
  • High responsibility, serious consequences are possible (in case of injury to a child, for example).
  • Inability to meet the increased demand (the availability of a small number of places for children will not allow).
  • Need for serious repairs.
  • High level of costs for necessary equipment and furniture.
  • Decrease in the quality of services due to lack of motivation among staff.

It is important to understand that certain factors may not be present at a particular enterprise. Here it is important to conduct research on the local market and working conditions.

Opportunity Assessment

The private kindergarten will operate 5 days a week. Working day from 7:30 to 18:00. To avoid problems, we hire a teacher at one and a half times the rate.

A drawing and music teacher will come to the kindergarten separately. Only 2 times a week. They can be arranged as part-time workers or carried out as outsourcing. In our case, we chose the second option to eliminate the cost of paying insurance premiums.

One teacher will work with children. His responsibilities include looking after children, doing exercises, taking a daily walk (1-2 times a day), conducting developmental activities (counting, ABC, etc.).

You can hire one of the housewives living in the same building as a cook and cleaner. She will come 3 times a day.

The kindergarten will be located in a 3-room apartment.

Please note that there must be facilities for sleeping, playing and eating. In our case, the kitchen will be a place for ready

ki, 1 room - dining room, 2 room - playroom, 3 room for sleeping. The playroom will also have an activity area.

It is worth choosing an apartment with a separate entrance on the ground floor.

At the time of admission to kindergarten, parents must pay an entrance fee. From one child – 7 thousand rubles. This amount may vary depending on the region. On average from 5000 rub. up to 15,000 rub. We will count this money separately and use it to pay off initial costs. The total amount will be 84,000 rubles.

Organizational and legal aspects

I would like to immediately draw your attention to the fact that there is no home kindergarten as a legal form of business. Remember that if the name contains the words “school” or “kindergarten”, then it will no longer be possible to register as an individual entrepreneur; the owner will have to register as a legal entity. In this case, you will also have to obtain the appropriate license to organize activities from the Department of Education.

  1. . We pay a state fee of 800 rubles. If it is needed, . The OKVED code can be: 85.32 “Provision of social services without providing accommodation”, 80.10.1 “Preschool and primary services general education", 0.10.3 "Additional education of children."
  2. You can use UTII or. In the second case, two options are possible - STS "Income" 6% or STS "Income minus expenses" 6-15% (the rate is determined depending on the region).
  3. Please note that an individual entrepreneur with the appropriate name of the organization does not need to obtain a license.
  4. You must also register with pension fund and the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund.
  5. Child care activities are not subject to licensing. It is only important to choose the right name.
  6. According to Article 48 " Law on Education", individual teaching activities are not subject to licensing.
  7. It is important to prepare a contract for the provision of services. For help in drafting, it is better to contact a lawyer.
  8. Do not forget to comply with sanitary standards and rules fire safety!

Marketing plan

Price policy:

The cost will be the same for all clients. It will be set at a level slightly above the market average. This is due to the fact that the main clients will be wealthy people, for whom cost often becomes an indicator of the class of the service provided.

Marketing strategy:

Since the kindergarten will target families living in nearby houses, it will save quite a lot on advertising. Some promotion methods in this case include:

  • A sign. It should be big, bright, interesting and memorable. It is important to choose a catchy name.
  • Posting advertisements. It is better to do them on high-quality paper, having first written a selling text.
  • Consulting potential clients, conducting parent's day". On such an evening, you can introduce parents to the available programs and conditions.
  • Installation of signs. This will add seriousness to the organization.

But it’s better to exclude apartment crawls. This may put off wealthy clients. In this case, advertisements in newspapers and on television will be ineffective. The number of clients is small, and the costs of such advertising are very serious. In addition, the above methods will help you find potential clients faster.

Calculation of projected income

Average monthly revenue will be 156,000 rubles.

I would also like to say that 13,000 rubles is not the limit. In some kindergartens this figure reaches 17,000 rubles and even higher (If you don’t take Moscow into account, because prices there are 2-3 times higher). We also do not charge additional fees for trips with children to theaters, children's pools, museums and other leisure places.

Production plan

Most likely, the business owner, rather than the landlord, will have to renovate and equip the premises. This will be a minor renovation, the main thing is that the premises comply with all sanitary standards and fire safety measures.

You will have to buy furniture, namely beds (we chose bunk beds to increase the space), armchairs, tables, chairs, kitchen units, cabinets and more. You should not buy very expensive furniture. It is better to choose medium-priced but reliable things.

Equipment you will need is a refrigerator, stove, oven, TV, stereo system. You can also purchase a microwave oven. You don't have to buy a laptop.

It is worth taking care of your leisure time. Let there be soft toys in the kindergarten, Board games, supplies for drawing, writing, notebooks. You also need sports corners with mats, ladders, horizontal bars, etc.

In the beginning, you will have to spend a lot of money searching for clients. But you won’t have to deal with it afterwards.

Payments to the teacher and cook will be fixed. The teacher receives 30,000 rubles, the cook – 25,000 rubles. This includes taxes and insurance premiums.

It is possible to arrange additional stay for the child in the kindergarten. For example, for a fee. After all, not all parents work until 6 o'clock. The main part of the income can be given to the teacher in order to stimulate him and provide additional income.

Organizational plan

Initial costs will be 315,800 rubles.

Financial plan

  • Profit before tax will be: 156,000 – 120,000 = 36,000 rubles.
  • Tax: (we count 15% of the difference between income and expenses) = 5,400 rubles.
  • Net profit: 36,000 - 5,4000 \u003d 30,600 rubles.
  • Profitability: 30,600/156,000 = 19.61%.
  • Payback: (315,800 - 84,000) / 30,600 \u003d 7.6. Therefore, the project will pay off in 8 months.

If the individual entrepreneur himself works as a teacher or the apartment is not rented but owned, then the income will be slightly higher (almost 2 times). Therefore on initial stage It would be advisable to consider this method. Also, do not forget that in 2-3 years there will be new set children and contributions will also replenish the business budget.


When opening a private kindergarten, you must not forget about possible risks. In this area, the main difficulties that an entrepreneur may face are the following:

  1. High bureaucratization in this industry

It is impossible to fight this factor. All requirements are stipulated by regulations and laws.

The consequences of this risk can be small (fines for non-compliance with certain requirements) and catastrophic (up to the closure of the enterprise).

Risk can be avoided. It is only necessary to study in detail the existing laws and comply with the existing requirements.

  1. Frequent checks of the organization

To a greater extent, they will relate to fire safety and the sanitary condition of existing premises. This risk can be considered part of the first.

The possible consequences for individual entrepreneurs are not that significant. are set low and usually do not exceed several thousand.

And yet, it is important that the room meets all the requirements. This will also increase customer confidence.

  1. Low level of professionalism of workers

This risk is typical for almost any enterprise. Possible losses: decreased profits, customer departure. As a result, the company may become unprofitable. The saddest outcome is the ruin of the entrepreneur, the closure of the organization.

There are two ways to avoid this risk:

  • carefully select personnel, set high demands (but remember that this also leads to high wages);
  • recruit workers with low or medium skill levels and provide training.

At the same time, it is important to constantly develop your employees by sending them to training courses, for example. The teacher (educator) must be aware of the latest effective techniques, used when working in kindergartens.

  1. The need for constant use of available funds

Indeed, it is necessary to spend money on wages, food, and various activities. All these costs add up to a fairly large amount. If the entrepreneur does not have these funds, he will not be able to continue working in this area.

There are several ways to protect yourself:

  • create a reserve fund;
  • expand the business, increasing income due to economies of scale;
  • have your own funds that can be invested in the business.

In extreme cases, you will have to contact the bank for loans, which will negatively affect your income. Part of the funds will need to be spent on repaying the loan and paying interest. Therefore, this method is the least attractive of all mentioned.

Important: Remember that you can write a business plan for your business on your own. To do this, read the articles:

Last request: We are all human and we can make mistakes, ignore something, etc. Don't judge harshly if this business-the plan or others in the section seemed incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity or you see a defect and can supplement the article, please let us know in the comments! Only in this way can we jointly make business plans more complete, detailed and relevant. Thank you for your attention!

Opening a private kindergarten at home today is the dream of many women who have decided to start own business. This idea is indeed very relevant. There are many reasons for the demand. Firstly, there is a lack of government institutions. Secondly, the low quality of service in them. Not to mention that some parents want to go to work earlier and send their child to kindergarten, but they cannot do this due to small age children.

Many parents, even having the opportunity to send their child to a regular kindergarten, opt for a private institution. They have some pretty strong arguments for this. After all, a private kindergarten has, compared to government agencies the following advantages:

  • the group contains a small number of children, which allows the baby to quickly adapt;
  • used for each child individual approach;
  • more careful supervision of the child;
  • homely atmosphere.

There are also a number of disadvantages. For example, parents have to pay quite a lot for keeping a child in kindergarten. There is not much space in an apartment equipped for a kindergarten. If the kindergarten does not have a license, then the management educational process impossible in it. And some educators and nannies may not have a pedagogical education at all.

Based on these shortcomings, we can conclude: in order to increase interest in your kindergarten, you need to hire people with a pedagogical education, great attention pay attention to the development of leisure activities for children. Perfect option- obtain a license. Then it will be possible to conduct some training classes in the kindergarten.

Many entrepreneurs wonder where to start opening a private kindergarten at home. The first step is to decide on the format of the future institution. Here you can choose one of the following paths:

  1. Family Kindergarten. The essence of the idea is to open a very small garden. But only a housewife mother with 3 or more children can become a teacher and owner of such an institution. The essence of the idea is that the children become her group, where you can take 1 or 2 other people’s children. For her work, the owner receives an official salary of 18,000 rubles and compensation for food expenses in the amount of 100 rubles per day. A woman is also given seniority and an additional bonus for raising other people’s children.
  2. Non-state educational institution (NOU). This option involves the work of a non-profit organization. That is, the money received will have to be used for the development of the institution. Therefore, this option is not suitable for a businessman.
  3. Development center. This option is the most suitable and cost-effective for an entrepreneur. He will not need to obtain licenses to operate. It will not be possible for such a kindergarten to provide educational services independently. But when you sign an agreement with a teacher who has an individual entrepreneur, you will be able to teach children in a kindergarten without licensing your activities. It’s just that additional agreements on the provision of educational services are concluded with parents.

Legal Features

If an entrepreneur plans to open a kindergarten in an apartment, he must understand that he will have to undergo official registration of his institution. This task is quite troublesome. If a businessman wants to avoid licensing, then the words “school” and “kindergarten” should not be in the name of his organization. Otherwise, you will have to notify the Department of Education and open a full-fledged legal entity.

It is important to choose the right OKVED codes for your private kindergarten. You will definitely need to indicate code 85.32 - “Provision of social services without providing accommodation.” If the entrepreneur nevertheless decides to engage in the provision of educational services, then he will additionally need to obtain a license and indicate code 80.10.1 - “Preschool education”.

When choosing a taxation regime, it is better to immediately abandon the idea of ​​​​using OSNO, since it will be extremely unprofitable. But the entrepreneur will be able to choose UTII or simplified tax system. Moreover, if expenses are quite impressive compared to income, then it makes sense to choose the simplified tax system “income minus expenses”, but then you will have to document not only the receipt, but also the expenditure of funds.

When deciding for himself the question of what is needed to open a private kindergarten, an entrepreneur must first understand whether he should spend his energy, money and time on obtaining a license. In addition, the fines for such organizations are much more impressive than for ordinary private kindergartens.

State subsidies

Work in the field preschool institutions assumes the possibility of obtaining support from the state at the federal, regional and municipal levels. So, an entrepreneur can try to get the following options subsidies:

  • Cancellation of VAT. But this benefit is valid only for private educational institutions. If the kindergarten does not provide such services, then the benefit will not apply to it.
  • Receiving funds for opening an institution, renting premises.
  • Access to participation in municipal orders.

At the municipal level, other benefits may be provided, which you should find out about directly in your city.

Finding suitable premises and purchasing equipment

When opening a private kindergarten in an apartment, you need to carefully select the premises. It is better if it is located in an area of ​​apartment buildings, where young families mainly live. For example, you can buy a room in a newly built house.

It is necessary to look not only at the advantageous location, but also at the compliance of the premises with the required standards. The SES puts forward serious requirements for the future kindergarten. When searching for an apartment and renovating it, you must follow the rules prescribed in SanPiN So, this document states that a kindergarten must have:

  • from 2 m2 of premises for each pupil;
  • places to sleep;
  • playroom;
  • fire alarm;
  • medical corner for first aid.

Ordinary furniture should not be used for small children. Thus, the height of tables should not exceed 58 centimeters, and chairs - 34 centimeters. Having closets for children's clothing is also a must.

It is imperative to ensure that natural light enters the apartment. Additionally, the room is equipped with lighting fixtures. It is important to maintain a certain temperature regime- from 18 to 22 0 C. Consequently, you will need to purchase air conditioners or fans for the summer, and heaters for the winter if the heat from the batteries is not enough.

A private kindergarten in an apartment is designed so that children play, sleep, and study in one place. Therefore, it is imperative to provide an area for children’s lessons and leisure time. for storage various accessories you need to buy cabinets, drawers, shelves. You can place soft toys in them, stationery and much more.

Sanitary standards are put forward for kindergartens and a list of furniture that should be in without fail purchased. This list includes:

  • educational and regular toys;
  • lockers for personal storage of clothes and other things of the child;
  • tables, chairs and dishes intended for eating;
  • everything you need to maintain hygiene (including pots);
  • sleeping places and bed sheets.

Personnel search

For efficient work a private kindergarten needs to hire really good specialists who treat other people's children with affection and care. If you are careless in your search for staff, you can lose all your clients. It is important that the teacher performing the duties of an educator inspires confidence in the parents of the children.

It is important to decide in advance how many people to hire. Much will depend on the age of the children. If these are very young children (2 - 3 years old), then one teacher is hired for 4 children. For older children, you can hire one teacher for a group of 10 people. You can also hire a nanny to help.

When looking for a teacher, you need to pay attention to education and work experience. It is not necessary to hire a specialist who has been working with children for 20 years. You can hire a young, active and proactive teacher for this position.

When opening clubs and educational courses, it is important to contact a methodologist to draw up a work plan. This must be an experienced person, well versed in current techniques. He will be able to choose the most suitable program for the kids.

A serious institution cannot do without child psychologist. It is important that the applicant knows how to communicate with children and conduct testing. It makes sense not to save on the salary of such a specialist. He will be able to advise parents, recognize the child’s abilities and inclinations.


Any entrepreneur knows how important it is to choose the right marketing strategy. The success and profitability of the enterprise will depend on this. You need to start by determining the cost of services. Don't underestimate the price. The services of private gardens are usually used by wealthy people, and too low a cost may scare them away.

The location of the kindergarten in an apartment in an apartment building suggests the need and feasibility of attracting people living nearby. This strategy will allow you not to spend a lot of money on advertising. To promote your private kindergarten you can use following forms advertising:

  • Signboard. It needs to be made large, catchy, unusual and memorable. It is better to place it on the facade of the house on the side where the traffic of citizens is maximum. It is important to choose a non-trivial name for the garden.
  • Ads. They can be posted on porches. It is important to approach the development of leaflets responsibly. The selling text should be catchy and concise. Everything should be designed tastefully, on good paper, preferably on a color printer.
  • Conducting consultations. This point is necessary for working with objections. Hold a meeting for everyone, tell them about training programs and methods, and the conditions for keeping children in kindergarten.
  • Pointers. They will help future clients find out where there is a private kindergarten nearby. Moreover, this will add seriousness and status to the organization, which will attract wealthy clients who value the quality of the services provided.

Some entrepreneurs are starting to go door to door, canvassing potential clients. This may put people off. It is better to abandon this idea, as well as the idea of ​​​​placing advertisements in newspapers. The latter will be effective only for large kindergartens.

Financial results

Opening a kindergarten will require certain investments. So, the following expenses should be included in the starting costs:

  • repairs - 50,000 rubles;
  • purchase of equipment, furniture, toys, dishes, teaching materials - 200,000 rubles;
  • advertising - 20,000 rubles.

In total, at least 270,000 rubles will be required to open the garden.

Monthly expenses will include:

  • rent and utility bills - 30,000 rubles;
  • salary - 40,000 rubles;
  • products - 35,000 rubles.

In total, monthly costs will be 105,000 rubles per month.

By forming a group of 10 people and setting the cost of one day at 800 rubles, you can count on an income of 168,000 rubles (assuming 21 working days per month). It turns out that the profit will be 61,000 rubles. After paying taxes, there will be about 52,000 rubles left.

Consequently, you will be able to recoup your investment within six months. And the profitability level will be slightly more than 30%.

Business in Russia. Guides to starting a business in the regions.
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* The calculations use average data for Russia

100,000 sq.m.

Required area

800,000 rub.

Minimum investment

200,000 rub./month

Income (if 20 children attend)

Business in the area preschool education– a stable and profitable business. Therefore, if you love children and have sufficient capital, implement the idea of ​​a private kindergarten.

Today in Russia, institutions of additional education for children are becoming especially popular. This trend is connected, firstly, with the increase in the birth rate in the country, secondly with the lack of places in state kindergartens, and thirdly with the low quality of preschool education in these institutions.

The development of the market for private gardens and development clubs began in the mid-2000s, and was caused by an active increase in the birth rate. Over time, many people appreciated the prospects of the market - the market began to be filled with players who began to win over consumers with different income levels. If earlier services private kindergartens and similar institutions were regarded as an expensive service for a wealthy category of the population, the current market covers a wider audience - now almost everyone can find an option suitable for their budget.

Even during the crisis, the private segment children's education I felt quite confident. According to experts, this business is capable of not only not shrinking, but also growing during a crisis. This is due to the fact that most consumers believe that they cannot save on children, and therefore do not plan to stop investing in their development and education.

The idea of ​​opening a private kindergarten is most often visited by young parents-entrepreneurs who experience the “queues” for public kindergartens. Many of those who are far behind in the “queue” are ready or forced to pay for a private kindergarten. In addition, the reason for the refusal of state kindergartens may lie not only in the notorious “queues”. Now many parents initially do not want to send their child to a municipal kindergarten, but immediately look for a private kindergarten. This category of parents has an average or above average income, and therefore imposes certain requirements on the quality of food, education and leisure activities for a private kindergarten.

And since there is a demand, why not offer your services?

But before you open a kindergarten from scratch, you need to weigh the pros and cons, evaluate the market and its demand in your city.

We count kindergartens

We’ll start our research by calculating the number of residents in the area and finding out their structure. For example, if the majority of residents of the area are elderly, then a kindergarten would not be appropriate here. It's a different matter when you decide to open a kindergarten in an area without a public kindergarten, which is needed by young families living nearby.

Where to get information from? You can request information about district statistics at the passport office. As a last resort, you can use the Roskomstat website and find the information yourself.

To find out about the existence of “queues”, contact the city administration - the education department. It may also be that in the area you have chosen there are several public gardens with low occupancy - then there is no point in opening another one here.

Having checked this information and found the ideal place for a private kindergarten, you can proceed to the next stage.

We count finances

Before you seriously start implementing an idea, you need to calculate how much it will cost. It is quite difficult to indicate the exact figures that the opening of a private kindergarten will result in, because the amount depends on many factors. And the main one is “how much are you willing to pay?” This is the type of business in which investments have a clear minimum and a vague maximum. Let's deal with the minimum.

Firstly, a significant share is occupied by the renovation of the premises. Even if you have selected a civil premises for the kindergarten, in order to adapt it to the needs of the children and the requirements of the law, you need to spend money. For a small garden designed for one group, 100 sq.m. will be enough. Repairs in such a room will cost about 300 thousand rubles. (including all work and materials).

Ready ideas for your business

Secondly, most of the budget will be consumed by the equipment of the premises. For the kindergarten it is necessary to purchase furniture, bed linen, dishes, household appliances, toys, educational materials. Get ready to spend about 400 thousand rubles on this article.

Thirdly, when opening a new kindergarten, it is necessary to carry out advertising campaign. The minimum amount that needs to be included in the budget is 50 thousand rubles.

Fourthly, paperwork takes not only a lot of time, but also a lot of money. Therefore, budget 15-20 thousand rubles for this cost item.

Fifth, don't forget about unobvious expenses. For example, you will have to pay rent for the premises even before the opening of the kindergarten (unless, of course, you have a suitable 100 sq.m. in your property). And renting such an area will cost about 80 thousand rubles. per month.

Thus, to open a private kindergarten you will need from 800 thousand to 1 million rubles.

We study the pitfalls, weigh the pros and cons

Opening a kindergarten, although a good idea, has its own difficulties and disadvantages. Let's start with the good. Why is it worth opening a private kindergarten?

    relevant and stable business;

    low susceptibility to crises;

    government support spheres of preschool education.

And now about the disadvantages:

    difficulty in recruiting highly qualified personnel;

    high level competition;

    the need for an entrepreneur to be present in business;

    low profitability due to rental costs, employee wages and the cost of services provided;
    - complexity of doing business;

    large initial investment.

However, opening a kindergarten is assessed as a promising business area, characterized by stable income and social significance.

Our verdict - a private kindergarten needs to be opened!

To make a minimum of mistakes in this difficult process, we recommend drawing up a well-thought-out business plan. The more aspects of the business you cover, the easier it will be to implement the idea.

We offer step by step instructions, which will help determine the main stages of opening a kindergarten.

How to complete the documentation?

A private kindergarten can be registered as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, and you can also choose the form of a preschool educational institution (preschool educational institution) or an autonomous non-profit organization. Please note that the registration period depends on the chosen legal form varies significantly: if you spend 2-3 weeks on registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC, then registering a preschool educational institution or autonomous non-profit organization will take 2 months.

The choice of registration form affects the taxation system and the nuances of accounting. By choosing an individual entrepreneur, you can purchase a patent for a period of 1 to 12 months. The patent system is suitable for kindergartens in a small space and with a minimum number of staff. If you open an LLC, then according to the “simplified” method you will pay 6% of income. Preschool educational institutions and independent non-profit organizations also have their own taxation and accounting features.

Ready-made ideas for your business

In accordance with Art. 91 Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, additional education is subject to licensing. Please note that only educational programs are licensed. If the services of a private kindergarten include child care, supervision and development, this does not fall under the definition of educational programs, which means that licensing is not required.

And yet, how to obtain a license for a preschool institution?

This process is very complex; for this it is necessary to prepare the following documents:

    Copies of the business registration certificate and constituent papers.

    Curricula and lesson plans that meet Ministry of Education standards.

    Documents on the qualifications of the manager, hired teachers and educators.

    Data on methodological and technical support.

    Conclusion of the SES and fire service on the suitability of the premises.

    A document confirming ownership of the premises or a lease agreement.

How to choose a place for kindergarten?

This is the next stage of the quest, which requires considerable effort. Finding a suitable premise for a kindergarten is not so easy. In this case, the requirements are strict, and if the premises do not meet at least one requirement from the list, you are unlikely to be given permission from Rospotrebnadzor and Fire Safety.

All standards are specified in SanPin and fire safety rules, which should be carefully studied before you start searching for premises. We list the key ones:

    not less than 6 sq.m. for each child;

    the presence of separate rooms for playing, sleeping, eating;

    even the smallest private kindergarten should have a director’s office;

    cabinet medical worker, with a full set of necessary medicines and first aid supplies;

    gym, equipped necessary equipment;

    separate room for eating;

    toilets equipped for children with washbasins, cabinets for towels and storage household chemicals, child toilet seats;

    availability of changing rooms and lockers for storing things;

    all rooms must be equipped with a fire alarm, illuminated by natural and electric light, have a temperature of 22 degrees, and painted with moisture-resistant paint.

Don't let the impressive list scare you. Still, resolving the issue of premises is not so difficult: the entrepreneur only needs to know the rules and regulations, as well as a thorough and attentive search for suitable premises.

In some cases, the state will help you find a suitable premises. In some regions there are preferential rental rates for municipal premises. Therefore, it is worth considering all the options, calculating the possibilities and finding the optimal solution for yourself.

You can also find cheaper premises by taking advantage of help from the state. In some regions, there are special programs for preferential rental of municipal premises for representatives of the private sector of preschool education or social entrepreneurship. So it's worth exploring everything possible options, calculate the economic model and determine the optimal rental rate for yourself.

How to select employees for a kindergarten?

For a kindergarten, the availability of qualified personnel is one of the main parameters, so you should carefully select personnel. the main problem When opening such an institution, it lies precisely in the small number of highly qualified specialists. Therefore, it is recommended to engage in personnel selection at the business planning stage. It is imperative that employees have pedagogical or psychological education. It should be noted that when drawing up training programs, knowledge in psychological, pedagogical and creative fields will be required. Also, all employees must have a medical record and a certificate from a psychiatrist.

The number of staff depends on the size of the kindergarten: than more groups in your kindergarten, the more nannies and teachers are required.

Ready-made ideas for your business

For one group of 20 people, the minimum list of personnel is: 2 teachers, 1 nanny and 1 cook. It is assumed that this staff combines the functions of teachers and a nurse (of course, if they have the necessary qualifications). If you find such versatile employees, you can reduce the fund wages.

The target audience of a private kindergarten is represented by parents of children preschool age. The institution's services are aimed at middle-income families.

    Placing advertisements in schools, public kindergartens and other places where the target audience gathers.

    Posting advertisements in houses geographically close to your institution. In this case, advertising in elevators is most effective.

    Placing information in local newspapers - this can be not only a commercial advertisement, but also an entire article telling about your business, teachers, methods, results, etc.

    Providing a free trial day in the group;

    Posting information on various thematic forums in cities.

    Providing additional services. For example, this could be a free trial lesson or a video surveillance service that allows parents to monitor how their child’s classes are progressing via online broadcast.

How to conclude an agreement with parents?

Be sure to enter into a service agreement with the children’s parents. A typical contract should include:

    Subjects: the owner of the kindergarten, as the Contractor, and one of the child’s parents, as the Customer;

    Subject of the agreement: services provided by the educational institution: supervision and care, services for additional education etc.;

    Rights and obligations of the Contractor and the Customer.

    Liability measures for violation of contract clauses and the procedure for resolving disputes;

    Prices for kindergarten services and the possibility of recalculation;

    Legal and actual addresses, details;

    Permission to process personal data.

You can seek help from a lawyer who can help you draft a contract correctly. The cost of his services in this case will be small.

What benefits can you get?

One of frequently asked questions– what benefits and support from the state can an entrepreneur receive? If you are in a private kindergarten, you can count on:

    taxes under a simplified scheme (under a patent as an individual entrepreneur);

    benefits for private educational institutions – VAT abolition;

    subsidies allocated by local governments. Subsidies may extend to the creation of a private educational institution and rental of premises, use of premises that belong to the municipality.

You can also receive other types of assistance from the state - check with the local education department that oversees this industry. Also, the profitability of a kindergarten can be increased if you take part in the municipal order. For example, the education of children from 1 to 3 years old - significant amounts are allocated from the municipal budget for this.

Anything is possible if you take the initiative.

What other costs need to be considered?

In addition to the initial investment, monthly expenses need to be calculated.

Fixed expenses consist of rent, utility bills, payroll, advertising costs and depreciation charges. Of these, more than 50% of the costs are wages.

Approximate calculation of the monthly expenses of a private kindergarten

Thus, at least 250 thousand rubles will need to be subtracted from the proceeds received. (after all, taxes are not taken into account here) to calculate net income.

Is it profitable?

To answer this question, you need to know two parameters: the number of children who will attend your kindergarten, and the cost of services for one child.

The average cost of attending a private kindergarten for one child is 10,000 rubles. Accordingly, if you have 20 kids, then your monthly income is 200,000 rubles.

If we take into account the approximate calculation of monthly costs, then for profitable business At least 30 children must attend the kindergarten. And then about 50 thousand rubles. you will have net profit.

As you can see, in order to open a private kindergarten, considerable funds are needed, and the payback for such a project is quite long.

When choosing which kindergarten to open: large or small, you need to understand that the profitability of a small kindergarten is limited by its capacity. Therefore, you need to correctly calculate several options and choose the most cost-effective one.

What business risks should you consider?

The most important risk that can occur when opening a private garden is the lack of clients. Therefore, be sure to conduct market research to identify the real need for private kindergarten services.

Or it may happen that next to your private kindergarten a new municipal one suddenly opens, which is in no way inferior to yours, and also wins in price.

What else should we be wary of and, if possible, take preventive measures?

    an increase in rental costs, which will entail an increase in fixed costs and may affect the financial condition. It is possible to reduce the likelihood of risk by concluding a long-term lease agreement and choosing a conscientious lessor;

    reduction in effective demand. Still, the amount is 10 thousand rubles. for a child’s kindergarten – quite a lot. Therefore, there is a possibility that some clients may simply refuse your services, realizing that this amount is unaffordable for them. This risk can be minimized with the help of discount promotions and the creation of loyalty programs. However, it is impossible to completely avoid the risk due to the specifics of the services provided;

    changes in legislation, which may complicate business processes. This risk cannot be controlled. Therefore, it is necessary to take it into account and form a budget in case of such risks.

    responsibility for the health and safety of children. The presence of an unpleasant incident can significantly damage the business reputation of the establishment and lead to significant problems. Therefore, in order to avoid similar situations It is necessary to conduct thorough instruction for both teachers and parents;

    lack of qualified specialists. This risk will be mitigated by monitoring employees of schools, art, music and choreography schools, university graduates in the required specialties, careful selection of employees and favorable working conditions that can attract quality personnel;

    decrease in the reputation of the institution among the target audience due to errors in management or a decrease in the quality of services. It is possible to mitigate the risk by constantly monitoring the quality of services, obtaining feedback from clients of the institution and carrying out corrective measures.

Let's sum it up

Of course, opening your own private kindergarten is quite a troublesome and responsible task. It can only become successful if you plan your business wisely and are passionate about your business. Then you will be able to achieve stability and high profits. Simply chasing income will not bring the expected results. You can't make money quickly. This is a business for the future, which involves development. Therefore, we strongly recommend: open a kindergarten if this is close to you.

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Do you want to get up-to-date data on income and expenses? Request estimates for starting a business in this area from leading franchisor companies:

100 people are studying this business today.

In 30 days, this business was viewed 39,719 times.

Profitability calculator for this business

rent + salaries + public utilities and so on. rub.

We have previously written about how to organize a private kindergarten at home, which does not require large investments. Quite a lot of time has passed since the article was written, and only now have they been approved...

Business in Russia. Guides to starting a business in the regions.
700,000 entrepreneurs in the country trust us

* The calculations use average data for Russia

100,000 sq.m.

Required area

800,000 rub.

Minimum investment

200,000 rub./month

Income (if 20 children attend)

Business in the field of preschool education is a stable and profitable business. Therefore, if you love children and have sufficient capital, implement the idea of ​​a private kindergarten.

Today in Russia, institutions of additional education for children are becoming especially popular. This trend is connected, firstly, with the increase in the birth rate in the country, secondly with the lack of places in state kindergartens, and thirdly with the low quality of preschool education in these institutions.

The development of the market for private gardens and development clubs began in the mid-2000s, and was caused by an active increase in the birth rate. Over time, many people appreciated the prospects of the market - the market began to be filled with players who began to win over consumers with different income levels. If previously the services of private kindergartens and similar institutions were regarded as an expensive service for the rich category of the population, then the current market covers a wider audience - now almost everyone can find an option suitable for their budget.

Even during the crisis, the private children's education segment felt quite confident. According to experts, this business is capable of not only not shrinking, but also growing during a crisis. This is due to the fact that most consumers believe that they cannot save on children, and therefore do not plan to stop investing in their development and education.

The idea of ​​opening a private kindergarten is most often visited by young parents-entrepreneurs who experience the “queues” for public kindergartens. Many of those who are far behind in the “queue” are ready or forced to pay for a private kindergarten. In addition, the reason for the refusal of state kindergartens may lie not only in the notorious “queues”. Now many parents initially do not want to send their child to a municipal kindergarten, but immediately look for a private kindergarten. This category of parents has an average or above average income, and therefore imposes certain requirements on the quality of food, education and leisure activities for a private kindergarten.

And since there is a demand, why not offer your services?

But before you open a kindergarten from scratch, you need to weigh the pros and cons, evaluate the market and its demand in your city.

We count kindergartens

We’ll start our research by calculating the number of residents in the area and finding out their structure. For example, if the majority of residents of the area are elderly, then a kindergarten would not be appropriate here. It's a different matter when you decide to open a kindergarten in an area without a public kindergarten, which is needed by young families living nearby.

Where to get information from? You can request information about district statistics at the passport office. As a last resort, you can use the Roskomstat website and find the information yourself.

To find out about the existence of “queues”, contact the city administration - the education department. It may also be that in the area you have chosen there are several public gardens with low occupancy - then there is no point in opening another one here.

Having checked this information and found the ideal place for a private kindergarten, you can proceed to the next stage.

We count finances

Before you seriously start implementing an idea, you need to calculate how much it will cost. It is quite difficult to indicate the exact figures that the opening of a private kindergarten will result in, because the amount depends on many factors. And the main one is “how much are you willing to pay?” This is the type of business in which investments have a clear minimum and a vague maximum. Let's deal with the minimum.

Firstly, a significant share is occupied by the renovation of the premises. Even if you have selected a civil premises for the kindergarten, in order to adapt it to the needs of the children and the requirements of the law, you need to spend money. For a small garden designed for one group, 100 sq.m. will be enough. Repairs in such a room will cost about 300 thousand rubles. (including all work and materials).

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Secondly, most of the budget will be consumed by the equipment of the premises. The kindergarten needs to purchase furniture, bed linen, dishes, household appliances, toys, and educational materials. Get ready to spend about 400 thousand rubles on this article.

Thirdly, when opening a new kindergarten, it is necessary to conduct an advertising campaign. The minimum amount that needs to be included in the budget is 50 thousand rubles.

Fourthly, paperwork takes not only a lot of time, but also a lot of money. Therefore, budget 15-20 thousand rubles for this cost item.

Fifth, don't forget about unobvious expenses. For example, you will have to pay rent for the premises even before the opening of the kindergarten (unless, of course, you have a suitable 100 sq.m. in your property). And renting such an area will cost about 80 thousand rubles. per month.

Thus, to open a private kindergarten you will need from 800 thousand to 1 million rubles.

We study the pitfalls, weigh the pros and cons

Opening a kindergarten, although a good idea, has its own difficulties and disadvantages. Let's start with the good. Why is it worth opening a private kindergarten?

    relevant and stable business;

    low susceptibility to crises;

    state support for preschool education.

And now about the disadvantages:

    difficulty in recruiting highly qualified personnel;

    high level of competition;

    the need for an entrepreneur to be present in business;

    low profitability due to rental costs, employee wages and the cost of services provided;
    - complexity of doing business;

    large initial investment.

However, opening a kindergarten is assessed as a promising business area, characterized by stable income and social significance.

Our verdict - a private kindergarten needs to be opened!

To make a minimum of mistakes in this difficult process, we recommend drawing up a well-thought-out business plan. The more aspects of the business you cover, the easier it will be to implement the idea.

We offer step-by-step instructions that will help determine the main stages of opening a kindergarten.

How to complete the documentation?

A private kindergarten can be registered as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, and you can also choose the form of a preschool educational institution (preschool educational institution) or an autonomous non-profit organization. Keep in mind that the registration period, depending on the chosen legal form, varies significantly: if you spend 2-3 weeks on registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC, then registering a preschool educational institution or independent non-profit organization will take 2 months.

The choice of registration form affects the taxation system and the nuances of accounting. By choosing an individual entrepreneur, you can purchase a patent for a period of 1 to 12 months. The patent system is suitable for kindergartens in a small space and with a minimum number of staff. If you open an LLC, then according to the “simplified” method you will pay 6% of income. Preschool educational institutions and independent non-profit organizations also have their own taxation and accounting features.

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In accordance with Art. 91 Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, additional education is subject to licensing. Please note that only educational programs are licensed. If the services of a private kindergarten include child care, supervision and development, this does not fall under the definition of educational programs, which means that licensing is not required.

And yet, how to obtain a license for a preschool institution?

This process is very complex; for this it is necessary to prepare the following documents:

    Copies of the business registration certificate and constituent papers.

    Curricula and lesson plans that meet Ministry of Education standards.

    Documents on the qualifications of the manager, hired teachers and educators.

    Data on methodological and technical support.

    Conclusion of the SES and fire service on the suitability of the premises.

    A document confirming ownership of the premises or a lease agreement.

How to choose a place for kindergarten?

This is the next stage of the quest, which requires considerable effort. Finding a suitable premise for a kindergarten is not so easy. In this case, the requirements are strict, and if the premises do not meet at least one requirement from the list, you are unlikely to be given permission from Rospotrebnadzor and Fire Safety.

All standards are specified in SanPin and fire safety rules, which should be carefully studied before you start searching for premises. We list the key ones:

    not less than 6 sq.m. for each child;

    the presence of separate rooms for playing, sleeping, eating;

    even the smallest private kindergarten should have a director’s office;

    a medical worker’s office, with a full range of necessary medications and first aid supplies;

    a gym equipped with the necessary equipment;

    separate room for eating;

    toilet rooms equipped for children with washbasins, cabinets for towels and storage of household chemicals, children's toilet seats;

    availability of changing rooms and lockers for storing things;

    all rooms must be equipped with a fire alarm, illuminated by natural and electric light, have a temperature of 22 degrees, and painted with moisture-resistant paint.

Don't let the impressive list scare you. Still, resolving the issue of premises is not so difficult: the entrepreneur only needs to know the rules and regulations, as well as a thorough and attentive search for suitable premises.

In some cases, the state will help you find a suitable premises. In some regions there are preferential rental rates for municipal premises. Therefore, it is worth considering all the options, calculating the possibilities and finding the optimal solution for yourself.

You can also find cheaper premises by taking advantage of help from the state. In some regions, there are special programs for preferential rental of municipal premises for representatives of the private sector of preschool education or social entrepreneurship. Therefore, it is worth exploring all possible options, calculating the economic model and identifying the optimal rental rate for yourself.

How to select employees for a kindergarten?

For a kindergarten, the availability of qualified personnel is one of the main parameters, so you should carefully select personnel. The main problem when opening such an institution is precisely the small number of highly qualified specialists. Therefore, it is recommended to engage in personnel selection at the business planning stage. It is imperative that employees have pedagogical or psychological education. It should be noted that when drawing up training programs, knowledge in psychological, pedagogical and creative fields will be required. Also, all employees must have a medical record and a certificate from a psychiatrist.

The number of staff depends on the size of the kindergarten: the more groups in your kindergarten, the more nannies and teachers are required.

Ready-made ideas for your business

For one group of 20 people, the minimum list of personnel is: 2 teachers, 1 nanny and 1 cook. It is assumed that this staff combines the functions of teachers and a nurse (of course, if they have the necessary qualifications). If you find such versatile employees, you can reduce the wage bill.

The target audience of a private kindergarten is represented by parents of preschool children. The institution's services are aimed at middle-income families.

    Placing advertisements in schools, public kindergartens and other places where the target audience gathers.

    Posting advertisements in houses geographically close to your institution. In this case, advertising in elevators is most effective.

    Placing information in local newspapers - this can be not only a commercial advertisement, but also an entire article telling about your business, teachers, methods, results, etc.

    Providing a free trial day in the group;

    Posting information on various thematic forums in cities.

    Provision of additional services. For example, this could be a free trial lesson or a video surveillance service that allows parents to monitor how their child’s classes are progressing via online broadcast.

How to conclude an agreement with parents?

Be sure to enter into a service agreement with the children’s parents. A typical contract should include:

    Subjects: the owner of the kindergarten, as the Contractor, and one of the child’s parents, as the Customer;

    Subject of the agreement: services provided by the educational institution: supervision and care, additional education services, etc.;

    Rights and obligations of the Contractor and the Customer.

    Liability measures for violation of contract clauses and the procedure for resolving disputes;

    Prices for kindergarten services and the possibility of recalculation;

    Legal and actual addresses, details;

    Permission to process personal data.

You can seek help from a lawyer who can help you draft a contract correctly. The cost of his services in this case will be small.

What benefits can you get?

One of the frequently asked questions is what benefits and support from the state can an entrepreneur receive? If you are in a private kindergarten, you can count on:

    taxes under a simplified scheme (under a patent as an individual entrepreneur);

    benefits for private educational institutions – VAT abolition;

    subsidies allocated by local governments. Subsidies may apply to the creation of a private educational institution and the rental of premises, the use of premises that belong to the municipality.

You can also receive other types of assistance from the state - check with the local education department that oversees this industry. Also, the profitability of a kindergarten can be increased if you take part in the municipal order. For example, the education of children from 1 to 3 years old - significant amounts are allocated from the municipal budget for this.

Anything is possible if you take the initiative.

What other costs need to be considered?

In addition to the initial investment, monthly expenses need to be calculated.

Fixed expenses consist of rent, utilities, payroll, advertising costs and depreciation. Of these, more than 50% of the costs are wages.

Approximate calculation of the monthly expenses of a private kindergarten

Thus, at least 250 thousand rubles will need to be subtracted from the proceeds received. (after all, taxes are not taken into account here) to calculate net income.

Is it profitable?

To answer this question, you need to know two parameters: the number of children who will attend your kindergarten, and the cost of services for one child.

The average cost of attending a private kindergarten for one child is 10,000 rubles. Accordingly, if you have 20 kids, then your monthly income is 200,000 rubles.

If we take into account the approximate calculation of monthly costs, then for a profitable business, at least 30 children must attend the kindergarten. And then about 50 thousand rubles. you will have net profit.

As you can see, in order to open a private kindergarten, considerable funds are needed, and the payback for such a project is quite long.

When choosing which kindergarten to open: large or small, you need to understand that the profitability of a small kindergarten is limited by its capacity. Therefore, you need to correctly calculate several options and choose the most cost-effective one.

What business risks should you consider?

The most important risk that can occur when opening a private garden is the lack of clients. Therefore, be sure to conduct market research to identify the real need for private kindergarten services.

Or it may happen that next to your private kindergarten a new municipal one suddenly opens, which is in no way inferior to yours, and also wins in price.

What else should we be wary of and, if possible, take preventive measures?

    an increase in rental costs, which will entail an increase in fixed costs and may affect the financial condition. It is possible to reduce the likelihood of risk by concluding a long-term lease agreement and choosing a conscientious lessor;

    reduction in effective demand. Still, the amount is 10 thousand rubles. for a child’s kindergarten – quite a lot. Therefore, there is a possibility that some clients may simply refuse your services, realizing that this amount is unaffordable for them. This risk can be minimized with the help of discount promotions and the creation of loyalty programs. However, it is impossible to completely avoid the risk due to the specifics of the services provided;

    changes in legislation, which may complicate business processes. This risk cannot be controlled. Therefore, it is necessary to take it into account and form a budget in case of such risks.

    responsibility for the health and safety of children. The presence of an unpleasant incident can significantly damage the business reputation of the establishment and lead to significant problems. Therefore, to avoid such situations, it is necessary to conduct thorough instruction for both teachers and parents;

    lack of qualified specialists. This risk will be mitigated by monitoring employees of schools, art, music and choreography schools, university graduates in the required specialties, careful selection of employees and favorable working conditions that can attract quality personnel;

    decrease in the reputation of the institution among the target audience due to errors in management or a decrease in the quality of services. It is possible to mitigate the risk by constantly monitoring the quality of services, receiving feedback from the institution’s clients and taking corrective measures.

Let's sum it up

Of course, opening your own private kindergarten is quite a troublesome and responsible task. It can only become successful if you plan your business wisely and are passionate about your business. Then you will be able to achieve stability and high profits. Simply chasing income will not bring the expected results. You can't make money quickly. This is a business for the future, which involves development. Therefore, we strongly recommend: open a kindergarten if this is close to you.

Get current calculations for your business plan

Do you want to get up-to-date data on income and expenses? Request estimates for starting a business in this area from leading franchisor companies:

100 people are studying this business today.

In 30 days, this business was viewed 39,719 times.

Profitability calculator for this business

rent + salaries + utilities, etc. rub.

The director of the “Virtuosi” music school, Dmitry Tolstyakov, shared his practical experience of creating his own music school from scratch with readers of the website project.

How to organize a private kindergarten at home

* The calculations use average data for Russia

We previously wrote about how to organize a private kindergarten, which can become a fairly profitable, albeit troublesome, small business. At the same time, we considered the option of opening a kindergarten at home, which did not require large investments. Quite a lot of time has passed since the article was written, and only now have the sanitary standards and rules by which such children's groups should work been approved. In this material we will look at the new format of “home” kindergarten in more detail.

Although the government is trying to eliminate queues for municipal kindergartens and has even achieved some success in this direction (in several Russian regions, according to official reports, it has already been possible to eliminate queues for kindergartens), nevertheless, the problem of a lack of places for children remains relevant for most mothers. This is due to the increase in the birth rate and the desire of many women to return to work as soon as possible after maternity leave (in most cases for financial reasons). And someone, even if there are no problems with placing a child in a municipal kindergarten, would like to provide their child with the best care and more attention educators, which is not very possible in groups with a number of children of 25 or more. For this reason, despite the improvement (at least declared by the authorities) of the situation with state kindergartens, private kindergartens do not lose their relevance.

When opening a kindergarten, the following two factors must be taken into account: private kindergartens are attended mainly by children of primary preschool age - from 9 months to 3 years. Parents prefer to transfer older children to a municipal kindergarten, since the children are already more adapted, their immunity is quite strong, and the cost of a child’s stay in a municipal kindergarten is, of course, much lower than in a private one.

Until recently, open private kindergarten it was very difficult and expensive to comply with all the formalities. Therefore, many parents who were thinking about creating such a mini-business looked for workarounds: registering their garden as an early development center or looking for clients among friends and acquaintances, recruiting small groups right at home and without formalizing it. Since this year the situation has changed somewhat. Now they're like that preschool groups can be fully legalized and even receive financial support from regional sources, like ordinary municipal kindergartens (the corresponding resolution can be found on the website “ Russian newspaper"). There is, however, one condition - for this you will have to obtain a license to conduct such activities.

This kindergarten accepts children under the age of eight. Moreover, it is not at all necessary that they be the same age. At least according to the law. However, in practice, it is still desirable that the children in your group are approximately the same age. In this case, it will be easier for educators to organize activities for children, fewer expenses will be required for purchasing toys, and it will be easier to provide food for children.

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As a room for a mini-garden, you can use both an ordinary apartment and a private house. Even a room with stove heating and without a centralized sewage system is suitable for setting up a kindergarten. However, in the first case, it is necessary to install the stove in such a way that children cannot get to it. If you own a suitable premises or, moreover, if you are going to purchase an apartment or house specifically for a kindergarten, you should consult in advance with your regional office of Rospotrebnadzor whether it meets the established requirements.

The air temperature in the room should be maintained at 21 - 24 degrees Celsius. At the same time, it needs to be ventilated regularly. It is best to create an hourly ventilation schedule, during which children need to be transferred to another room so that they do not catch a cold (we are, of course, talking about the cold season). It is also necessary to ensure daily wet cleaning. In an apartment or private house of a small area, it is quite possible to do it yourself without hiring a cleaner. There are no special requirements for the renovation of premises. The main thing is that this repair, at a minimum, exists (it is unlikely that any parent will send their child to poor conditions) and does not make cleaning difficult. If the walls in the rooms are covered with wallpaper, then it is highly desirable that they be washable, since both the walls and ceilings also need to be washed regularly. In the toilet and bathroom, it is best to tile the floors and walls with ceramic tiles. The floor in the hallway (where children change shoes and take off street clothes) it is recommended to lay it with ceramic granite. When choosing tiles, give preference to materials with a rough, non-slip surface.

There are also no strict requirements for the layout of the premises. Of course, it is desirable that all rooms - a playroom, a bedroom, a dining room (if any) should be separate rooms, but with a small area you can combine a playroom and a bedroom. As in a regular kindergarten, each child should have his own separate bed. To save space in a home children's group, you can use compact cribs - sliding or 2-3 tiers. Please note: bunk beds should not be located on top of each other, but in the form of steps, so that the child does not fall from the top tier. You will also need other children's furniture - chairs and tables.

You can buy inexpensive furniture at stores like Ikea. For example, a table and two chairs made of natural wood will cost 1000-1500 rubles. In the case of a group short stay You can do without beds. With this format, you can do without quiet time and lunches, so this kind of kindergarten is closer to children's center early development. In addition to a minimum set of furniture (tables and chairs will still be required - for breakfast and for activities with children), you will need to purchase racks and boxes for storing toys, as well as the toys themselves.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The standards also specify certain requirements for the latter: they must be made of safe materials and so that they can be washed every day and disinfected from time to time. Toys made of plastic and rubber meet these requirements. And also combined with textile materials so that they can be washed. It is better to avoid purchasing soft toys. A typical set of toys for a kindergarten includes: construction sets with plastic parts (wooden ones, although they look more attractive, are not suitable for hygienic reasons - due to frequent contact with water and, moreover, detergents wood will quickly warp), plastisol dolls, plastic animal figures, PVC play house, various toys for kids (pyramids, labyrinths, etc.). In addition to standard toys and play sets, it is also worth purchasing toys for children's learning. These include, for example, puppet theaters(toys that fit on your hands), puzzles (the main thing is that they do not contain small parts, if intended for children under 3 - 4 years old), playgrounds and sports complexes (if the space is limited, you can get by with a standard wall bars), etc. Please note: in a home kindergarten it is strictly forbidden to keep any pets - from fish to hamsters. So you will have to get acquainted with living nature through paintings and while walking on the street.

The number of children in such a group is calculated based on the area of ​​the room that is used as a playroom: at least 2 square meters must be allocated for one child. meters. Special attention deserves a hygiene issue. As in municipal kindergartens, every child in home group You should also have your own personal potty. Older children can use one toilet, but in this case it is necessary to provide for each of them to have their own seat - a toilet seat. Also, each child needs to have their own towels (separate for the face, hands and feet) and bed linen, which need to be changed regularly.

Home daycare hours may vary. Thus, the law provides for a short-stay regime (up to five hours a day), which is suitable for very young children, a shortened day (8 - 10 hours), full day(10.5 - 12 hours), as in a regular garden, and, finally, an extended day (13 - 14 hours).

The most difficult thing is to provide food for your students. In theory, you can prepare it yourself, but be sure to comply with all the necessary requirements, of which there are a lot. It is much easier to order ready-made food from a nearby municipal kindergarten, school or cafe. The menu deserves special attention. As in state children's institutions, in home kindergartens there must be fresh food every day (feeding children with what is left from yesterday is strictly prohibited), and the dishes must be varied (the same dishes cannot be repeated in the children's diet twice and two days in a row).

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Generally, children's menu quite simple: for breakfast, warm porridge, a casserole, a sandwich and a drink of your choice are served, for lunch - the first thing (soup), the second (for example, mashed potatoes, pasta or buckwheat with a meat dish - cutlet, sausage, sauce, etc.). ), snack (or salad), tea or cocoa. For an afternoon snack, juice or milk plus a sweet bakery product (cheesecake, puff pastry, bun, etc.) are suitable. The serving size depends on the age of the child and is strictly regulated in the rules.

In addition to nutritional requirements, in a home kindergarten it is necessary to comply with set mode day. The latter also depends on age. Children are entitled to walks twice a day (for a total of up to 4 hours a day), if the weather permits, and a quiet hour lasting at least two hours. The rest of the time should be occupied with various activities with children - games, educational activities, creativity, reading books, etc.

If you are going to work according to the law and expect to receive subsidies from the state, then you will need to obtain an educational license. In the case of an individual entrepreneur, you can do without licensing if you plan to carry out such activities yourself. If you intend to involve other teachers in your work, you will have to obtain the appropriate permits.

The number of staff for a “full-scale” kindergarten is quite large. Both teachers and nannies, cooks, a nurse, sometimes a speech therapist and psychologist, cleaners, security guards, and janitors work here. A home kindergarten can get by with a much smaller staff. If you are registered as an individual entrepreneur, then you can enter into contracts with teachers who also work as individual entrepreneurs to provide services for conducting classes with children. In any case, no matter what the number of your staff, all your employees must have medical records, undergo regular medical examinations, receive the necessary vaccinations and have permission to work with children.

Liliya Sysoeva

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