Pension. Latest pension indexation news


Topics are being actively discussed that pensions will no longer be indexed, and that working pensioners will generally be canceled their old-age allowance. Let's just clarify that the vast majority of these speculations are unfounded. Yes, the pension reform did not meet with support among the population, and about 90% of Russians oppose the adoption of this bill. However, the government is trying to soften the reform process as much as possible, so no one will definitely cancel the indexation of pensions.

Pensions in 2020: what's new

Let's try to understand the issue of indexation of pensions in the coming year for employed and non-working pensioners. These categories of citizens have already earned the right to retire and receive social benefits. However, the income of some pensioners consists exclusively of the allowance appointed by the state, while others have wages added to the pension. Quite naturally, this puts pensioners in an unequal position, and therefore the indexation of pensions is carried out in different ways.

What 2020 has in store for retirees

Let's start with the fundamentals. So, starting from January 1, 2019, the life of Russian pensioners and citizens of pre-retirement age has changed as follows:

  1. The retirement age has increased. Now men will retire at 65, and women at 60. Note that the age will increase gradually, and this principle will be fully established by 20028. In addition, the procedure for assigning preferential pensions and access to a well-deserved rest with a long working experience will be revised;
  2. The age of social pensions is being raised. Such payments are due to citizens who could not earn the required number of points to receive an insurance pension. Taking into account the general increase, you can apply for the appointment of such payments only after celebrating your 70th birthday for men and 65 years for women.
In general, such innovations are conceived in order to gradually equate the pension to the size of the average salary in the country. By raising the age, the government reduces the burden on the budget, and equalizes the ratio of working citizens and pensioners.

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What awaits retirees who continue to work

Directly in 2020, pension payments to employed citizens will be carried out without changes. Note that the indexation of pensions does not affect working pensioners. This order was approved in 2016, and in the foreseeable future, the government is not going to change anything in this matter.

In fairness, it must be clarified that when a pensioner ceases to carry out labor or commercial activities, he will be recalculated in cash, taking into account all indexations made during this time.

How will the indexing be done?

Let's start with a little clarification. Indexation of pensions is a regular increase in the amount of social benefits. This is done in order to offset the depreciation of the purchasing power of money due to inflation. We add that the amount of indexation is determined by the increase in prices for certain categories of goods.

Here you need to understand that indexation invariably affects the salaries of public sector employees, student scholarships, other social benefits and payments.

Indexing steps

In 2019, pensions were increased as follows:

  1. The insurance pension has increased by 7.05% since January 1, 2019. On the basis of this increase, an increase in the pension of 1,000 rubles was promised. Let us clarify that such an allowance is not a fixed amount, and the real amount depends on the amount of the pension received. For example, if a person receives 8,500 rubles, 595 rubles were added to him;
  2. Social payments. Allowances, lump-sum cash payments and other subsidies can be included in this category. Indexation was carried out on February 1, 2019, and the growth of this type of income amounted to 4.3%;
  3. Social pension. As mentioned above, such pensions are received by citizens who have not managed to earn the required number of pension points and insurance experience. Indexation of this type of pension maintenance took place on April 1, the growth was 2%.

Let us clarify that after indexing, the average insurance pension in the country amounted to 15,430 rubles. Note that starting from January, the cost of the pension point will also increase to 87.24 rubles.e

The size of indexation in 2020 will be known later.

Indexation of pensions for working pensioners

As noted above, the indexation of pensions for this category of citizens does not provide for an increase in the size of the pension content. The President of the country has repeatedly stated that this issue is under consideration, but so far the moratorium introduced in 2016 continues to operate.

As grounds for refusal, the head of the Ministry of Finance announced the following reasons:

  1. Stable increase in the level of income of the working part of the population;
  2. Regular increase in the level of wages, which generally exceeds the ongoing indexation of pensions;
  3. Guaranteed recalculation after termination of employment.

It should be noted that, despite the lack of indexation, working pensioners fit into the general concept of the government to increase the well-being of the elderly. After all, the incomes of these citizens are growing along with the increase in wages.

How to calculate the pension for working pensioners

Citizens of retirement age will receive an increase in their pension by increasing the cost of the IPC - a personal pension coefficient. The recalculation will be carried out on a non-declared basis, so there is no need to contact the Pension Fund about this. This will happen in August 2020, however, the recalculation procedure itself has a number of limitations.

In particular, only the IPC earned in 2018 will become the basis for the pension increase, and a maximum of 3 pension points will be taken into account for the calculation. Note that such an increase will mainly affect those citizens who retired in 2018. For the rest of the pensioners, there is a moratorium that keeps the amount of the IPC at the level that was in effect at the time of entering a well-deserved rest.

If we talk about specific figures, the size of the increase will be 244 rubles in the maximum value.

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Last changes

In March 2019, the issue of changing the procedure for indexing the insurance pension was resolved. Now, when indexing, the pensioner's subsistence level (PMP) in the region will be taken into account. For those whose pension was below the PMP, it will be recalculated according to the new rules - the increase will be in excess of this minimum.

The recalculation was made on a non-declared basis and affected about 40 million non-working pensioners. Payments were made from 05/01/2019 to 07/01/2019.

In January 2020, it is planned to index the insurance pensions of non-working Russians in the amount of 6.6%. In April of the same year - social pensions and other state security pensions in the amount of 7%.

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January 16, 2019, 01:10 Oct 10, 2019 13:22

In 2017, the issue of indexation of old-age pensions was most acute due to the latest changes in pension legislation in the previous year - the abolition of annual indexation for working pensioners, a low percentage of its increase (only 4% with inflation of 12.9%) for those who no longer works, and the replacement of the planned second indexation with a lump sum payment of 5,000 rubles, which was paid only in January 2017. The increase in the size of pension payments is carried out by the state in order to compensate their recipients for the decrease in the purchasing power of benefits due to inflation. Its size for 2016 was determined as 5.4% - this value is laid down when raising pensions in February. Indexation of old-age pension in Russia in 2017: latest news now.

Latest pension indexation news


By the way, in 2019 and 2020, the old-age pension is planned to be increased by 4% per year.

The authorities promise an indexation of 3.7 percent. Previously, a decision to increase this year is made in order for pensioners to feel the bonus.


If you make a calculation, then this is an amount in the region of 400 rubles.

It is planned to increase the social pension by 3.9% in 2019, and by 3.5% in 2020.
In 2017, the authorities promised to carry out the indexation of pensions in full, that is, at the level of inflation in 2016.
According to official data from Rosstat, inflation in Russia in 2016 amounted to 5.6 percent.

As a result, in February 2017, the insurance pension was raised by 5.4 percent, and in April by another 0.38 percent.

“For working pensioners, we provide for the preservation of the regime that was in effect this year: that is, we do not provide for any indexation in terms of working pensioners,” Siluanov said.

Indexation of pensions in 2017

What are you leaders! This means that you did not want to accept the regressive scale for personal income tax (since it will hit your pockets), but found a way to save on pensioners.

Correctly! They are tenacious - they will endure everything. You would make the deputies' salaries less and introduce a regressive scale.


Immediately in the budget surplus formed. According to the Pension Fund, insurance pensions are indexed every year based on the growth in consumer prices over the past year and the value of the individual pension coefficient (IPC); According to him, the department provides for the preservation of the previous regime, according to which the pensions of working pensioners are not indexed.

This law has been in force in our country since January 2016, despite proposals often made in Parliament and the Federation Council to abolish this act in relation to low-wage pensioners.

Indexation of pensions for non-working pensioners in Russia in 2018

Indexation of survivor's pensions The Cabinet of Ministers decided to index the survivor's pensions from April 1, 2017 in full, as required by law.

From April 1, 2017, survivors' pensions will increase, and from February 1, 2017, social payments and the cost of preferential services will be indexed.

By how much will pensions be increased for families who have lost their breadwinner? The size of the indexation of survivor's pensions will be 5.4 percent, this figure was announced in the Cabinet of Ministers.

The government promised to index pensions twice in 2017, from February 1, social payments to all categories of pensioners are increased, and from April 1, pensions for the loss of a breadwinner are increased.

Pensions will be increased according to actual inflation, there will be no one-time payments as for 2016.

The increase in pensions will proceed as before.

About pension

For several years, pension reform has been subject to constant changes.

All the amendments that have been proposed are aimed only at improving the material well-being of pensioners.

Recently, the topic of increasing pension payments has been in the spotlight.

The increase in payments last year failed to meet the expectations of pensioners.

In addition, experts argue that the size of these payments could not even cover real inflation. Now everyone is interested in the same question - what pension will pensioners have in 2018? Indexation of old-age pensions in Russia in 2018: latest news Pensions are divided into three types: 1) Labor. They are paid only to those persons who have seniority, as well as those who have worked.

Will there be a second indexation in 2017? Back in 2016, the issue of the possibility of re-indexing pensions was discussed for a very long time, and in May 2016, during his visit to Crimea, Dmitry Medvedev noted that there was no money in the budget for an additional increase in pension payments.

When deciding to carry out partial indexation in 2016, the Government provided by law for an additional increase in insurance pension payments, but taking into account the current economic and social situation in the country in the first half of this year. Thus, held on August 23, 2016, the fate of post-indexation of pension payments was decided: instead of raising pensions to the level of inflation last year (12.9%), it was decided to make a one-time payment in January 2017 of an amount that partially compensates for indexation, equal to 5 thousand rubles .

What indexation of pensions was in 2017 for non-working pensioners

Disabled persons who have been assigned the 3rd group 4279.14 4403.24 Disabled people who have been assigned the 1st group 10068.53 10360.52 44 Increase in state material payments to the military The procedure for indexing pensions for the military depends on their category: For citizens who served on conscription as sailors, sergeants or foremen In the same manner as for social pensions, and by the same coefficient For the Ministry of Internal Affairs, State Border Service and employees of other law enforcement agencies According to Law No. 4468-1 Details: Military conscripts can receive a disability pension, the amount of which depends on what caused it (military injury or illness) According to Art.

Russian pension legislation requires annual indexation of pensions in accordance with the inflation rate achieved in the previous year. But in 2016, this rule was grossly violated. Instead of increasing insurance pensions by 12.9% (this was the official inflation in 2015), they were indexed only once: from February 1, by 4%, and only for non-working pensioners.

The second indexation seemed to be promised in the second half of the year, but there was no money for it. Indexation, which would increase the monthly pension of each pensioner, but by different amounts, was replaced by a one-time lump sum payment of 5 thousand rubles for all pensioners living in Russia (both non-working and working) in January 2017. Now this money is being paid.

The decree signed by the head of government on January 19, which was made public on January 23, means a return to the usual rules for indexing pensions: the figure of 5.4% is fully consistent with the inflation rate for 2016, according to Rosstat.

The certificate attached to the document states that “the increase in the size of insurance pensions from February 1 will affect all non-working recipients of insurance pensions (about 30 million people), as well as about 450 thousand non-working military pensioners who receive insurance insurance along with state pension provision. old age pension.

The average insurance pension after recalculation will increase by 384 rubles, for which about 130 billion rubles will be spent by the end of 2017.

Recall: after indexation by 4% in February 2016, the average insurance pension in Russia was 13,200 rubles per month ...

Together with the insurance pension, from February 1, 2017, the fixed payment will also increase by 5.4%, and again only for the unemployed (this is stated in another government decree of January 19).

Now the base amount of this addition to the insurance pension or disability pension is approximately 4,559 rubles, which will be, respectively, 4,805 rubles.

For some categories, a fixed pension payment is set at an increased rate: those who have reached the age of 80, orphans, pensioners with disabled family members who have worked for at least 15 years in the Far North ...

And for some categories, according to the law, they are paid extra for a pension in a reduced amount: for disabled people of group III, for example, a fixed payment is 50% of the base amount. The Pension Fund's expenses for the growth of the fixed payment in 2017 will amount to about 99 billion rubles.

This is not the last indexation of insurance pensions in 2017. From April 1, as Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets said, they are planned to be recalculated upward by another 0.4%: the fact is that the budget of the Pension Fund included money for indexation in the amount of 5.8% (this was the predicted level inflation at the end of 2016), and it was also decided to spend these funds.

The amount of insurance pension payments and social pensions for state pensions.

  • The insurance pension is increased by a coefficient determined inflation results for the past year.
  • For social pensions, the determining factor is last year's minimum living standard pensioner in the Russian Federation.

But due to the current difficult situation in the country's economy, at the end of December 2015, a law was adopted that suspended the provisions on the procedure and conditions for indexation. The same law of insurance payments for working pensioners. The only possible option for increasing their pension remains, carried out at the expense of contributions to the Pension Fund received from employers over the previous year.

April 19 in the report on the work of the government Dmitry Medvedev mentioned that the issue will be considered in the near future return of indexation of pensions working pensioners, and on April 21, the Ministry of Economic Development began to study this issue. No specific decisions have been made so far.

When is the pension increase planned?

In connection with the rise in prices for goods and various services, an annual increase (indexation) of pensions is carried out to provide disabled citizens with basic livelihoods.

Indexation is an increase in the size of pension payments to compensate for the decrease in the purchasing power of pensions due to inflationary processes taking place in the country.

To increase the insurance pension (formerly the insurance part of the labor pension), the term adjustment.

The upgrade should take place:

The calculation of the pension is made taking into account all indexations for all years in total.

From 2018, an increased pension will begin to accrue. In order for the fund to become aware in a timely manner of the termination of employment, it is advisable for a pensioner to apply to the PFR department with an application, providing documents confirming the fact of termination of employment or other activities:

  1. work book;
  2. employment or other contract concluded with the employer;
  3. a document on the termination of activities as an individual entrepreneur, lawyer, notary (certificates and other documents of the Federal Tax Service);
  4. passport or other identity document.

In the event of a subsequent employment of a pensioner for work, his insurance payment will remain at the same indexed amount.

Procedure for applying to the Pension Fund (PFR)

Since the second quarter of 2016, the procedure for reporting by employers to the Pension Fund has changed. In addition to the quarterly, they are required to submit monthly reports on all persons working for them. This is information about employees with whom employment contracts were concluded or terminated during the reporting period, as well as civil law contracts for the performance of work or the provision of services, for which insurance premiums are accrued from the remuneration paid.

As a result of these changes The FIU automatically learns about the termination of employment with all citizens, including pensioners. That's why:

  • if the dismissal occurred after March 31, 2016, then you should not apply to the fund. The FIU will index the pension payment on an unannounced basis, based on the information it already has.
  • if the pensioner stopped working in the period from October 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016, then in order to receive an increased amount of payments, the pensioner should still apply with an application and documents to the FIU in order to avoid various errors.

Other options for increasing the pensions of working pensioners

Despite the abolition of indexation, the amount of insurance payment for working pensioners is increasing every year.

August 1 is made, as a result of which its size increases due to the accumulated contributions transferred by employers or self-employed pensioners for the previous year. Contributions unrecorded at the time of appointment (previous recalculation) are converted into individual pension coefficients (IPR) or pension points.

However maximum IPC value limited by law and takes into account:

  • no more than 3 points - for pensioners who have only an insurance pension;
  • 1,875 points - for those who wished to make pension savings.

An annual adjustment is carried out in the event that one year (full 12 months) has passed since the date of assignment (previous recalculation) of the pension payment.

Recalculation is carried out PFR authorities according to the individual personal account automatically, without a pensioner's application.

In addition to the recalculation of the insurance pension, annually on August 1, funded pension adjustment(Article 8 of Law No. 424-FZ) based on contributions received during the year to the pension account of this pension.

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In 2017, the issue of indexation of the old-age pension became the most acute due to latest changes in the pension legislation in the previous year - the abolition of annual indexation, a low percentage of its increase (only 4% with inflation of 12.9%) for those who no longer work, and replacement with the planned second indexation, which was paid only in January 2017.

The increase in the size of pension payments is carried out by the state in order to compensate their recipients for the decrease in the purchasing power of benefits due to inflation. Its size for 2016 was determined as 5.4% - this value is laid down when raising pensions in February.

How and when are pension payments indexed?

Conducted by the state annually:

  • On February 1, pension benefits increase.
  • On April 1, and increase.

The increase in the size of pension payments to Russian citizens depends on the inflation rate, which is determined based on the results of the previous year and is established by the Government.

Depending on the growth in income of the Pension Fund itself and according to the economic situation in the country, the law provides for the possibility of holding a additional indexing insurance pension by increasing and (clause 7, article 16 of the law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ).

Percentage of indexation of pensions in 2017

Until 2016, in accordance with the law, the increase in pensions took place at the level of price increases over the past year. By the same principle, in 2016, taking into account inflation in 2015, pension benefits should have increased by 12.9%. However, due to the difficult financial situation in the country, the Government made a number of decisions:

  • From January 1, 2016 to January 1, 2017, certain legislative provisions were suspended that establish the procedure for the annual increase in pension payments to citizens based on the price growth index and based on the income of the PFR.
  • Indexation of insurance and social pensions was carried out only for a fixed amount 4% well below the real inflation rate in 2015.
  • Insurance old - age pensions are indexed .
  • Additional increase in insurance payments on April 1 not carried out.

However, already in 2017, the usual indexation procedure was returned, thus, insurance pensions and social payments were indexed in full.

Increase in insurance (labor) pensions

Change in the amount of insurance pensions in the direction of their increase in accordance with the law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ "About insurance pensions" occurs through the annual (February 1) increase in the value of the pension coefficient (IPC) and the size of the fixed payment.

In 2017, there was an increase in insurance pensions by an amount equal to the level of price growth in the past 20176 - 5.4% (according to Rosstat).

In this way, from February 1, 2017 the cost of IPC has risen to 78,28 , the size of the fixed payment - up to 4,805.11 rubles. As a result of indexation, the average amount of insurance pensions increased:

  • - about 400 rubles;
  • - about 160 rubles;
  • - for 315 rubles.

Additionally, on April 1, 2017, the cost of the pension point and the fixed payment was increased by 0.38%, which, together with the February indexation will be 5.8%. At the same time, now the SIPK is 78.58 rubles, and the value of the FV is 4823.37 rubles. This amount of the components of the insurance pension will remain until until February 1, 2018.

Increasing the state pension provision

The procedure for increasing the size of state pension benefits, including social benefits, is provided for by Federal Law No. 166-FZ of December 15, 2001 "On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation". Legislative restrictions on the increase in pension payments in 2016 also affected these benefits, as a result from April 1, 2016:

  • the size of social pensions, indexed by 4%, increased on average to 8,562 rubles;
  • (EAV) for recipients of state pension benefits increased by 7%.

At the same time, an increase in social pension provision by 2.6% was planned for April this year, but in reality it was carried out only 1.5% This is due to the declining growth rate of the subsistence minimum for pensioners. EDV indexed on February 1 by 5.4%.

Will there be a second indexation in 2017?

Back in 2016, there was the issue of the possibility of re-indexing pensions, which was discussed for a very long time, and in May 2016 during his visit to Crimea Dmitry Medvedev noted that in the budget for an additional increase in pension payments no money. When deciding to conduct partial indexation in 2016, the Government provided for by law an additional increase in insurance pension payments, but taking into account the current economic and social situation in the country at the end of the first half current year. Thus, held on August 23, 2016, the fate of post-indexation of pension payments was decided: instead of raising pensions to the level of inflation of the previous year (12.9%), it was decided on an amount that partially compensates for indexation, equal to 5 thousand rubles.

Already in 2017, we planned indexation according to the level of actual inflation (5.4%), which was determined by Rosstat in the first half of January. However, earlier YES. Medvedev reported that indexing "will be 5.8%", after which the PFR budget included the value of the pension coefficient as of April 1, 78.58 rubles, which would be an increase in pensions by the previously assumed 1.054 times.

According to Maxim Topilin, in April, additional indexing to a total value of 5.8%.

Problems of indexing pensions for working citizens

Until 2016, pension payments were indexed to all pensioners, regardless of their continued employment. Since this year, the procedure for increasing state and social pensions has remained the same, which cannot be said about insurance payments.

An important feature of the indexation of insurance pensions in 2016 was that its payment applies to insurance benefits only non-working pensioners(Article 26.1 of the law "About insurance pensions"). At the same time, the legislation provides for the conditions under which a pensioner will again be able to receive an increased pension:

  • the recipient of the pension benefit needs to be income-generating;
  • from the 2nd quarter of 2016, the increase in benefits takes place in an informal form, that is, it is no longer necessary to apply to the pension fund, the calculation will take place on the basis of.

After the dismissal of a pensioner, the amount of his old-age pension will be increased using all indexations which he missed. At the same time, he will be able to receive an increased payment in the month following the month in which the pension authority became aware of the termination of the pensioner's employment.

Receiving an indexed pension payment does not prohibit its recipient to get a job again, while payments will not be reduced..

At the same time, working retirees received a one-time payment of 5 thousand rubles, which should serve as compensation for the lost pension income in 2016 for both the unemployed and the old-age pension.

Cancellation of pensions for working pensioners in 2017

For quite some time now, the Government has been talking about reduction of the rights of working pensioners, linking this to their total monthly income (pension + salary). Therefore, back in 2015, a draft law was created, according to which, with an annual income of more than 1 million rubles, the payment of pensions would be canceled.

It was never adopted, but the issue of other restrictions on working pensioners is already being rather vigorously discussed. Based on the results of meetings held in the Government at the beginning of 2016, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation prepared a plan for the next change in the pension system during the crisis, some of the points of which contains suggestions:

  • Cancel the payment of pensions to working pensioners, or at least a fixed part of it.
  • Stop pension payments to workers in hazardous and hazardous industries who continue to work in the same conditions that they were given the right to receive.

The measures proposed by the Ministry of Finance were discussed at the level of ministries, and whether they will be accepted for implementation is not yet known, but already now they have a number of negative reviews. To implement such a plan, it is necessary to properly calculate everything and predict the possible consequences of its application.

However, in 2017, the payment of pensions to working citizens will not be canceled.