Personal qualities of a modern educator. Professional and personal qualities of a preschool teacher


Municipal budgetary children's educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 189 "Sun"



Chapter 1

Personality requirements modern teacher

Chapter 2

Personal qualities of a teacher

Chapter 3

Self-regulation of a teacher, methods of his work on himself



“Only he who controls himself can rule the world.”

Francois Voltaire

In other words, only a person with high moral qualities can achieve much. We must be more perfect for ourselves and our children, and our chosen profession – Teacher – obliges us to do this.

The demands currently placed on teachers by modern society are very high. His professional qualities are judged not only by how much he owns various methods, but also by how well he was raised. Cultured man The kind of teacher we want to be, must possess the achievements of behavioral culture and be able to use it in professional activities and personal life. As Rousseau believed, a teacher should be devoid of human vices and morally stand above society. Pestalozzi believed that a true teacher should be able to discover and develop positive personal qualities in any child, and he promoted the ideas of labor and moral education.

1. Requirements for the personality of a modern teacher

Pedagogical theory evaluates the teacher, first of all, as the leader of the educational process, which means that the teacher for correct execution This function must have great skill and certain personality qualities.

What requirements of modern society should a modern teacher, including a primary school teacher, meet?

It should be:

– comprehensively developed, creative, business-minded;

– possessing national and universal values;

– spiritually developed, having an understanding of religions, respecting the feelings of believers;

– to be a real citizen - a patriot;

– have a perfect command of scientific knowledge in the field of their specialty, as well as pedagogy, psychology, private methods, etc.;

– who love children and their profession, trust their students, strive to form a comprehensively developed personality in each of them;

– free and creative thinking, demanding and fair.

Pedagogical activity, due to its complexity and versatility, requires great responsibility from teachers, because they are responsible not only for the knowledge of students, but also for their preparedness for further study, work and life in society.

A person who has chosen the profession of a teacher must be healthy, balanced, calm, his speech must be correct and understandable to everyone. The teacher must be able to find mutual language with each student, be fair and demanding of everyone equally, including yourself. He must be able to cooperate with work colleagues, psychologists, doctors, as well as with students’ parents.

The famous teacher L.N. Uznadze, assessing the importance of the teacher’s personality in teaching children, emphasized: even if the child does not realize the importance of learning, through the process of cognition he develops his abilities and capabilities.

Pedagogical activity, due to its intensity, requires a person to constantly search for new technologies, methods and means that meet modern requirements.

A master teacher can only be one who has dedicated his life to children, who himself possesses the qualities that he instills in his students. The new generation can only be educated by a teacher who thinks in a new way and works creatively. In the process of mastering teaching, a teacher must constantly communicate with more experienced colleagues, study and creatively apply their experience.

2. Personal qualities of a teacher

The individual participates in the personnel training system as a consumer and as a performer educational functions. From this point of view, the teacher must be a comprehensively developed person, possessing, in addition to professional necessary knowledge, abilities, skills and abilities with certain personal qualities.

IN primary school children 6-7 years old come, and this special group children with their own specific spiritual world, with their own interests and capabilities.

What kind of person should a teacher be who teaches and educates younger schoolchildren?

Firstly, the teacher should perceive children as they are, with all their shortcomings, and not choose the best. Doing good to children is not a desire, but the purpose of a teacher is to bring goodness and mercy to people.

Secondly, the teacher must understand the children.

Thirdly, he must take care of their future.

When teaching and raising children, a teacher must take care of instilling in them respect for national and universal values. For younger schoolchildren, the first teacher is the main source of information about these values; through him, children learn the world and internalize its values.

The teacher must be a true patriot, since only a true patriot can instill in children a love for the Motherland.

The activity of a teacher-educator requires from him great social responsibility, ideological fortitude, consciousness, political reliability, spiritual culture and high morality. These and many other qualities of a teacher should be a guide for students, since in the younger school age One of the powerful means of education is the example of adults, including the personality of the first teacher.

The teacher must know each child well, his interests and needs, his abilities and capabilities. Awareness of the importance of national values ​​in moral development personalities junior school student, his worldview and spirituality are an integral part of the personality of the teacher himself and the key to his successful work.

The main personal qualities of a teacher also include strong conviction, high morality, civic responsibility, humanism - in a word, he should be an ideal for his students.

Also important is the teacher’s ability to quickly get close to people, communicate with them, avoiding conflicts, since communication is the basis pedagogical activity.

The behavior of a teacher, his communication with colleagues, students and their parents must be subject not only to national, but also to universal moral standards. He must build his activities on the basis of the norms (rules) of pedagogical tact and ethics, subordinating his behavior and worldview to them. Professional ethics helps the teacher in the most difficult situations to remain calm and self-controlled, which ensures successful work and increases his authority in the team.

The following personality traits of the teacher can be distinguished:

1. Modesty is one of the most important qualities of a teacher, necessary for both the leader and the ordinary teacher. This quality helps him maintain his authority, be objective when assessing any situations and solving problems.

2. Generosity - traditionally has always been inherent in teachers; it reflects, regardless of gender and age, the humane nature of pedagogical activity.

3. Openness - characterizes the teacher’s behavior and attitude towards people at work, at home, and in public places.

4. Personal positive example- for this, the teacher should try:

– be natural and modern;

– be tactful in behavior;

– have a perfect command of the culture of interpersonal communication;

– be intelligent, independent and creatively thinking;

– be convinced, have a broad worldview.

5. Tolerance - manifests itself in the following situations:

– in relationships with discipline violators and underachievers;

– in expressing one’s opinion on various conflict situations;

– in the process of overcoming difficulties associated with the internal regulations of the educational institution.

6. Soulfulness - manifests itself in the following situations:

– in the formation of human ideals and needs;

– in the culture of interpersonal communication;

- V everyday behavior;

- V friendly attitude to people.

7. High morality of the teacher:

– allows you to strictly adhere to moral standards, regardless emotional state, stress;

– in the implementation of behavioral skills;

– in a speech culture that requires avoiding offensive words, rudeness and obscene language, boasting and arrogance.

In addition, young teachers should try to master such qualities as high spirituality, dedication to the profession, social activity, entrepreneurship, organization and others, since they really help improve efficiency pedagogical work.

2. Self-regulation of the teacher, methods of his work on himself

The work of a teacher is honorable, but very difficult, since his work consists of many diverse and rapidly changing situations, and this requires the teacher to have great self-control and the ability to regulate his emotional state.

Self-regulation is the highest level of human self-improvement, his ability to manage his mental and emotional state.

Each person is different from others as a person, which means that all people have different degrees of self-regulation and the external signs of expressing emotions are different for everyone. Some people openly express their feelings (facial expressions, gestures, speech, etc.), others skillfully hide them, and still others betray their feelings with their voices and eyes. It is very important for a teacher to be able to manage their emotions - when it is necessary to hide them, and in certain situations to specifically express their attitude to what is happening. If a teacher does not master the culture of communication, if he does not know how to control himself, he can complicate what is already difficult situation. At the same time, if he learns to manage his feelings and hide them, this will help him, while maintaining external calm, find the right way out of a difficult situation and thereby prevent a conflict or alleviate it. It must be remembered that lack of endurance, external manifestations anger can lead to a stressful state, which, naturally, harms not only the health, but also the authority of the teacher.

In such cases, as the Roman poet Horace said, “... in anger, hastily decision indicates a lack of intelligence." A stressful state can be prevented or alleviated only at the very beginning of an “explosive” situation - a person must inspire himself “I must be calm, I must extinguish my emotions, I must not show them to other people” - repeating these words several times until he calms down .

As Jonathan Swift rightly noted, “. being angry with others is the same as taking revenge on yourself.” A person who realizes the correctness of these words and accepts them as the rule of his life can be an optimist. Of course, in difficult situations When you have to fight for the truth, protect the weak, the expression of anger is appropriate, and then the teacher does not need to suppress his emotions. However, in such situations a person loses the ability to objectively assess the situation and may make a mistake.

To be cheerful, optimistic, you need to learn to avoid negative emotions, conflict situations, see the causes of conflicts in a timely manner, and repay them in a timely manner.

Let's remember the words famous teacher A.S. Makarenko: “... first you need to be a citizen in order to fully devote yourself to the fight for justice.”

A teacher should not waste time on trifles, he should devote all his attention to important matters, otherwise everyday quarrels and scandals that cause negative emotions can consume him. If he is constantly angry and spoils his relationships with people around him, then this is unacceptable when it comes to the teaching profession.

Of course, even a highly morally developed teacher may have certain shortcomings. But every person, in principle, is capable of improving his spiritual world. To do this, he needs to change his moral views, first of all, expand the range of his positive human qualities.

The process of self-education of a teacher includes the following stages. 1 - self-analysis, 2 - self-esteem, 3 - self-programming, 4 - self-control and 5 - self-correction.

The success of self-education depends on the teacher’s ability to constantly work on himself; in this, a school psychologist should provide him with practical assistance, but the teacher must gradually learn to independently analyze his strengths and weaknesses and determine ways of self-improvement.

Only a teacher who systematically works on himself can become a true master.


Teaching is an art, work no less creative than the work of a writer or composer, but more difficult and responsible. The teacher addresses the human soul not through music, like a composer, or with the help of paints, like an artist, but directly. He educates with his personality, his knowledge and love, his attitude towards the world.
However, a teacher, to a much higher degree than an artist, must influence his audience, contribute to the formation of the worldview of his students, give them a scientific picture of the world, awaken a sense of beauty, a sense of decency and justice, make them literate and make them believe in themselves, in their words . Moreover, unlike an actor, he is forced to work in feedback: he is constantly asked a variety of questions, including insidious ones, and all of them require comprehensive and convincing answers. A real teacher, a teacher with capital letters- this is a person who gives birth and shapes other personalities (ideally, together with the family). To do this, he needs not only attention and respect from his students, from the whole society.
A teacher is not only a profession, the essence of which is to transmit knowledge, but also a high mission of creating personality, affirming man in man.

I would like to remind us all of the requirements of the code of pedagogical ethics in relation to children:

Never punish children;

Do not compare children with each other, do not set others as an example;

Do not expose children to shame (do not scold them in front of everyone, do not force them to ask for forgiveness);

Do not reproach children;

Don't complain to your parents about them;

Don't insult;

Do not order, do not demand harshly;

Ensure success in all matters, and especially in creativity, through a reasonable dose of help;

Praise from the heart;

Believe and trust unconditionally;

Agree, find a common opinion, give in to desires;

Forgive sincerely

List of sources used

- Kovalev A. G. Personality educates itself. / A.G. Kovalev - M., "Iris-press", 1993

L36 Legal pedagogy: textbook / K. M. Levitan. - M.: Norma, 2008.

Amonashvili Sh.A. Personal and humane basis of the teaching profession. –Minsk, 1990.-P.27

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In studies on the psychology of teacher activity, a number of qualities are traditionally identified that are considered professionally important: pedagogical tact, pedagogical observation, love for the child, individual approach etc. Recognizing the need for these qualities, many researchers consider the main thing in a teacher’s work to be his pedagogical position (a kind of focus on the child).



Characteristics of professionally important qualities of a teacher

In studies on the psychology of a teacher’s activities, a number of qualities are traditionally identified that are considered professionally important: pedagogical tact, pedagogical observation, love for the child, individual approach, etc. Recognizing the need for these qualities, many researchers consider the main thing in a teacher’s work to be his pedagogical position (a kind of focus on the child).

Currently, as opposed to focusing on the child as a means pedagogical process, characteristic of directive pedagogy, is the pedagogy of cooperation, using a person-oriented model of education, which is characterized by focusing on the child as the goal of the pedagogical process.

Researchers agree that in order to improve professional training, opportunities for professional self-education should be more actively used.

Professional and pedagogical self-education is defined as a purposeful process of generating ways of self-creation of theoretical and practical training processes, a form of awareness of value systems, one’s own pedagogical goals.

The teacher must constantly be aware of modern achievements of pedagogical science in the field of didactics and preschool education. For the successful implementation of the educational program of upbringing and training in a preschool institution (complex or partial), health-saving and health-forming technologies are being introduced. The educator must clearly know these technologies, their goals, objectives, content, conditions for implementation in the educational process, and the effectiveness of the intended result.

To the question of what a kindergarten teacher should be like, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor T. Komarova answers as follows: “I would highlight two aspects in this issue. Firstly, have the personal qualities to work successfully with children; secondly, professional skills in order to form a comprehensively developed personality, creative, active, and possessing high moral qualities.”

An important quality that a kindergarten teacher must have is the ability to be creative. Creative personality The teacher is characterized by a special pedagogical passion, a clear understanding of the “super task” of pedagogical work - the upbringing of a person, a focus on the optimal results of his free and happy development, deep respect for the personality of each child, and faith in his capabilities. Pedagogical passion is one of the most important prerequisites for pedagogical creativity. The importance of the deep and versatile erudition of the teacher, his general culture, erudition, and breadth of interests is great. That is why the development of the creative qualities of a teacher’s personality is impossible only within a narrow subject-methodological framework; it requires a wide general cultural baggage, continuously replenished and deepened.

One of the necessary and natural conditions education is called love for children. Reasonable love, which does not presuppose coddling, caressing and satisfying whims, but genuine work, friendly communication, attentive attention to healthy needs, tactful persistence in developing useful skills and habits.

The individual identity of the teacher, his uniqueness determine the stylistic features of the activity, which are associated with specific ways of its implementation. Each educator is inclined to make the most of his individual characteristics, which ensure success in his activities, and to overcome those qualities that hinder this success.

The method of self-manifestation of the subject of activity is designated by the concept of “style”. In the broadest sense, style is a stable trend in the ways of implementing activities, that is, an individually unique system of psychological means that a person resorts to in order to best balance his individuality with external conditions activities. E.A. Klimov highlights following signs individual style:

  1. a sustainable system of techniques and methods of activity;
  2. this system is conditioned by certain personal qualities;
  3. this system is a means of effectively adapting to objective requirements.

The style of activity combines such interrelated components as the nature of the goals put forward by the teacher, the methods and means he uses, and the methods of analyzing the results of the work. The style can be used to judge the degree of professional maturity of the teacher.

An expanded understanding of style makes it difficult to resolve the issue of typology of styles. There are several criteria for classifying teaching styles. By the nature of the goals and objectives put forward, one can judge the purposefulness of the teacher’s style of activity and distinguish between projective and situational styles. Representatives of the projective style have a clear idea of ​​the goals of their activities, anticipate difficulties and strive to prevent them. The decisions of such educators are clearly aimed at eliminating the causes of negative phenomena. Teachers of the situational style do not know how to foresee difficulties, are not puzzled by planning their daily activities, specific situations are perceived as separate, not related to others.

Based on the degree of involvement in activity, active and passive styles can be distinguished. Since the activities of the teacher are aimed at managing the activities of children, the styles of activity are considered in accordance with those identified in social psychology leadership styles (authoritarian, democratic, permissive). Each of these styles clarifies and specifies, on the one hand, the content side of the teacher’s interaction with children, and on the other hand, the formal side - the technique (techniques and methods) for implementing this interaction.

The functions of professional self-improvement - self-education and self-upbringing - are currently assigned a particularly important role. Its importance is highly appreciated by teachers and psychologists, scientists and practitioners. As I wrote famous doctor and teacher Janusz Korczak, “whoever looks after the children entrusted to him, unable to approach himself critically, is in great danger.”


  1. Amonashvili Sh.A. Personal and humane basis of the teaching profession. – Minsk, 1990.
  2. Bratus B.S. To the problem of man in psychology // Questions of psychology. 1997. No. 5.
  3. Isaev I.F. Professional and pedagogical culture of a higher school teacher as a self-developing system // Gaudeamus. - Tambov, 2002. - No. 1. - P. 20-30.
  4. Mitina L.M. Formation of professional self-awareness of a teacher // Questions of psychology. 1990. No. 3.
  5. Samorodova A.P. Theoretical foundations for the development of professional and pedagogical culture of a preschool teacher educational institution.
  6. Tolochek V.A. Styles of professional activity. M., 1999.
  7. Gorelova G.G. Personality and profession: Professional personal readaptation in conditions of a “triple” crisis. Chelyabinsk, 2001.

As I said earlier, I remain true to my position that our profession is human upbringing, the problems of children should arouse our professional interest. The professional activities of our school’s teachers are aimed at developing a comprehensive developed personality students, for their assimilation of the required minimum knowledge of academic disciplines, for the acquisition of professional skills by students, and the development of a person as an individual. Any activity of a teacher is aimed at changing students in positive side, to increase his work capabilities, to develop his self-esteem and significance as a person.

At this stage of our work in SUVU, problems arise that did not exist before. This is due, first of all, to the fact that the personnel composition of teachers, masters and regime service workers is changing, and secondly, the social situation in the country is changing, and the children are arriving more cynical than in the past; they have no respect for the older generation, for teachers in particular. Many come from orphanages with developed sense consumer. And therefore, the teaching staff of the institution faces the primary task of developing and consolidating in students correct attitude to any adult. But the teacher himself, first of all, must prove himself so that the student does not even think about familiar communication or turning to an adult. This should be facilitated by the employee’s pedagogical inner core: don’t lie to anyone; do not flirt with the child; set specific and fair demands; treat different guys with equal respect; know how to listen to the student’s point of view, but also know how to correct it in the right direction.

The most important observation I have made over the years of work is the teacher’s ability to remain calm and balanced when explaining tasks. The calmness of the teacher, do not forget, has a therapeutic effect on the children. The contingent of students who come to us, especially in Lately very different from the previous ones for the worse. Therefore, it is very important for the teacher not to break down, not to respond to their whims, their lack of understanding of tasks with rudeness or insult. If you show aggression towards them, even in a civilized form, they will understand that you are just like them, without the ability to endure. . But it is especially important to remain patient when communicating with children, in daily, minute-by-minute contacts, when they are asked about the same thing a thousand times. Naturally, the guys come to us already, albeit incorrectly, but formed on the street, in companies, etc. standards of behavior and communication. Where brute force has always prevailed against intelligence, cunning and resourcefulness instead of practicality, arrogance and rudeness against courtesy and tact. When communicating with the guys, we interact with each other through mutual influence.

One of the ways I used mutual influence for myself was persuasion.

Persuasion is the process of logical justification of any judgment or conclusion. Conviction involves such a change in the consciousness of students or one student that creates a willingness to defend this point of view and act in accordance with it.

Persuasion is a way to influence a student or department, which affects, in addition to the practical, the emotional sphere of the individual. Often the process of persuasion is a discussion in our department, but we always try to achieve understanding, and often experience, of a particular problem. But I never try to make a conviction a monologue. I think that this is becoming a notation to which our students have become accustomed and have learned to “fence themselves off” each in their own way.

Persuading with words is an extremely difficult method; it is necessary to find a special logic, tone of conversation, time for a particular topic of discussion. The second method of mutual influence is much more effective - imitation - it is aimed mainly at reproducing certain external features behavior, manners, actions, deeds.

Therefore, convincing that nicotine is poison with a cigarette in your hand, or reducing points to a child in the department for obscene language while scolding him with the same obscene words, at least this is not pedagogical, but from a human perspective it is simply ugly. But the guys imitate!!!

Imitation psychology is divided into external and internal.

Look around, you will notice that the departments differ from each other in terms of educators, i.e. The majority of the children in the department who have lived for 1 year or more, perhaps unconsciously, adopt the habits of the teacher, his manners, tone and style of conversation. The rest, due to character traits or for some other reasons, not being able to imitate externally, experience changes in character traits and internal behavior.

You should not build relationships with children on constant nagging. There is no need to reproach the guys for their inability, much less joke about it. It is necessary to give the student the opportunity to make sure that you are on his side and are ready to help. There is no need to tell the child to learn on the job, but simply show how this or that work is done. Of course, you can argue that the guys in production should learn to use tools, it’s true, but when a student in the department does a simple job at your request, this will be much better “learning”. After all, female educators will not send children to production so that they can learn how to iron trousers and sew buttons. The student should see the teacher not as a critic of his activities, but as a mentor, an adviser who can be trusted. And without trust, there will be no opportunity to influence the guys.

The authority of the teacher has become less and less lately, but still dominates our children; with orders alone, we cannot bring anything good out of them. It is high time to move away from the methods of work that were previously cultivated. Children are all different, sometimes unpredictable, and the more unbalanced they are, the more flexible the teacher needs to be. I strictly adhere to the pedagogical rule that I have understood for myself - this is that calm, good relations between children, both when doing work and in everyday life, are possible only with the kind attitude of the teacher towards each of his children! I do not encourage students to follow their lead, to indulge them on every occasion, no. Here the question arises whether, in addition to general school punishments, children should be scolded and punished for their offenses at work, at school, and also in the department. Necessarily! It is necessary, but do it in such a way that the child feels, knowing that your attitude towards him as an individual will not change. I believe that children should be praised for the work they do. Sometimes it is enough to say thank you, but (if the job is done well) words of gratitude are also necessary. Don't be embarrassed to tell your children good words, praise them in front of other guys.

But first of all, we must learn to educate ourselves, no one gave us the right, neither moral nor legal, to judge children - to educate them! This is our purpose! As L.N. Tolstoy said: “Education seems to be a complex and difficult matter only as long as we want, without educating ourselves, to educate our children or anyone else.” Therefore, every teacher in the institution, and simply any employee of our institution, must begin education with himself.

Completed by: senior teacher Ovsyannikov V.F. 1 sq. category

Illustration by Anna Lukyanova.

The teaching profession appeared in the 19th century. Due to the fact that women began to engage in social work, there was a need to create a network of preschool institutions. In the process of developing the kindergarten system, new profession– preschool teacher. And in modern society this is one of the most important professions. Of course, no one can replace a child’s communication with his parents, but the reality of our life is that modern parents, grandparents are busy at work most of the time. Therefore, it is the teacher who teaches the child independence, rules of behavior, and prepares him for school.

A preschool teacher is not just a profession, but a calling and a huge daily effort. Many people leave this profession very quickly because they don’t see themselves in it.

Where can I get a profession as a preschool teacher?

In modern society, serious demands are placed on preschool teachers. Therefore, a kindergarten teacher must have special education. Secondary vocational education can be obtained in pedagogical college. Or you need to undergo appropriate training at a pedagogical institute or university at the faculty preschool pedagogy and psychology. You can get an education in educational institutions on a full-time or part-time basis on the basis of incomplete secondary and secondary education. In addition, training is possible on a budget and paid basis.

Any preschool institution will welcome not only a specialist with a secondary or higher diploma vocational education, but also a specialist with additional specialization. For example, an instructor physical culture, speech therapist, visual arts specialist and others.

What are the responsibilities of a teacher?

In a number regulatory documents The responsibilities of the teacher are clearly stated. These are legal documents such as:

  • an employment contract concluded preschool teacher and employer;
  • job description;
  • sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN

In accordance with these documents, the preschool teacher will perform his duties.

The current stage of development of preschool education is characterized by a rapid pace of implementation innovative technologies into the practice of kindergartens. The Federal State Educational Standards (FSES) being introduced into practice impose certain requirements on the structure of the general education program and the four educational areas identified in it (communicative-personal, cognitive-speech, artistic-aesthetic, and physical development). And also, based on the interaction between an adult and a child, it is expected to build educational process in kindergarten. Therefore, the requirements for the professional qualities of a teacher are being improved.

A new concept has appeared "professional competence", which manifests itself in the ability to effectively carry out pedagogical activities, defined job responsibilities, and is based on scientific education and an emotional and value-based attitude to teaching. Professional competence presupposes that a preschool teacher has the necessary base of professionally significant attitudes and personal qualities, theoretical knowledge, professional skills that he will improve in the process of self-education.

Submitted for discussion project called “Professional Standard of a Teacher”(concept and content), which is planned to be operational by September 2014. In this project in clause 4.5. The professional competencies of a preschool teacher (educator) are listed, reflecting the specifics of work at the preschool level of education.

According to this project, a preschool teacher must:

Know the specifics of preschool education and organizational features educational work with children of early and preschool age.

Know the general patterns of child development in early and preschool childhood; features of the formation and development of children's activities in early and preschool age.

Be able to organize the main types of activities in preschool age: object-manipulative and playful, ensuring the development of children. Organize joint and independent activity preschoolers.

Possess the theory and pedagogical methods of physical, cognitive and personal development children of early and preschool age.

Be able to plan, implement and analyze educational work with children of early and preschool age in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (FGET).

Be able to plan and adjust educational tasks (together with a psychologist and other specialists) based on monitoring results, taking into account individual characteristics development of every child of early and/or preschool age.

Participate in creating a psychologically comfortable and safe educational environment, ensuring the safety of children’s lives, preserving and strengthening their health, supporting the child’s emotional well-being during their stay in an educational organization.

Be proficient in methods and means of analyzing psychological and pedagogical monitoring, which allows assessing the results of children’s learning educational programs, the degree to which they have developed the necessary integrative qualities of preschool children necessary for further learning and development in primary school.

Know the methods and means of psychological and pedagogical education of parents (legal representatives) of children of early and preschool age, be able to build partnerships with them to solve educational problems.

Possess ICT competencies necessary and sufficient for planning, implementing and evaluating educational work with children of early and preschool age.

What qualities should a teacher have?

The specifics of professional activity impose certain requirements on a preschool teacher. And in order to fulfill his professional duties, he must have certain personality qualities. Here are some of them:

  • Professional orientation.

The basis of such personality quality as professional direction is interest in the teaching profession and love for children, pedagogical vocation, professional pedagogical intentions and inclinations. It is these factors that motivate the desire to master pedagogical knowledge and constantly improve your professional level.

  • Empathy.

This feeling is characterized by the ability to empathize and sympathize, to respond emotionally to the child’s experiences. Preschool teacher knowing age characteristics preschoolers, must carefully notice the slightest changes in the child’s behavior, show sensitivity, caring, kindness, and tact in relationships.

  • Pedagogical tact.

Tactfulness is a sense of proportion, which is manifested in the ability to observe the rules of decency and behave properly. When the teacher’s actions find the optimal combination of affection and firmness, kindness and exactingness, trust and control, humor and severity, flexibility of behavior and educational actions, we can talk about the teacher’s tact.

Along with being demanding of the participants in the educational process (children, parents, colleagues), the preschool teacher remains friendly towards them and believes in their strengths and capabilities.

  • Pedagogical optimism.

The basis of pedagogical optimism is the teacher’s faith in the strengths and capabilities of each child. A preschool teacher who loves children is always tuned in to their perception positive qualities. By creating conditions for the manifestation of the abilities of each child, the teacher helps the preschooler to reveal his personal potential. An optimistic teacher will not talk badly about the child or complain to parents about him. An optimistic teacher is characterized by the ability to inspire, cheerfulness, and a sense of humor.

  • Culture of professional communication.

A preschool teacher must be able to build proper relationships with children, parents, colleagues, that is, with all participants in the pedagogical process.

Firstly, have a high cultural level and impeccable behavior. Children are good “imitators”; it is the teacher’s behavior that they imitate in the first place.

Secondly, try to establish partnerships with parents, be able to prevent and resolve conflict situations.

Thirdly, treat colleagues with respect and attention, exchange experiences, and accept criticism.

  • Pedagogical reflection.

The success of a teacher’s professional activity largely depends on the ability for pedagogical reflection. Reflection implies the ability to analyze the steps taken, evaluate the results obtained and compare them with the planned goal. Based on the findings, the preschool teacher adjusts subsequent activities in order to obtain better results.

  • Authority.

Parents' trust is the first step towards gaining authority. To enjoy authority among children, parents and colleagues means to be appreciated by your moral qualities, culture, erudition, dedication to the profession. The ability to fight for your authority, value it, and support the authority of parents and colleagues is given only to a teacher who is dedicated to his work.

Among the necessary personality traits of a teacher, one can also highlight: conscientiousness, self-demandingness, initiative, patience and endurance. It’s good if a preschool teacher knows how to make crafts, draw, sing well, and has acting skills. In this case, he will always be interesting to his students. Not the least role belongs to the appearance of the teacher. Children like charming, neat teachers who have fashionable hairstyle and dressing stylishly.

Thus, it can be noted that a modern teacher today needs special professional training.

A preschool teacher must be proficient the latest technologies in the field of education and upbringing of children, and also have broad erudition, pedagogical intuition, highly developed intellect and high level moral culture.

Conference: Modern kindergarten

Organization: Children's and recreational center "Aistenok"

Locality: Primorsky Territory, Vladivostok

Good afternoon.

We all know that a kindergarten teacher every day is a witness and participant in the process of shaping the people of the future, helping, and sometimes perhaps hindering their development. Our lives are structured in such a way that children spend most of their daylight hours not with own parents, and with kindergarten workers and teachers. This fact confirms the high social significance of the teaching profession.

Along with this, we see and know that the world is constantly becoming more informationally complex. Today, it is no longer enough to once receive a basic education and work in your specialty. In order to meet modern requirements and maintain the level of competence, it is necessary to constantly study and engage in self-education. Continuing education must become a necessity.

The need to improve the level of knowledge, skills and abilities penetrates all spheres of life - professional, family, social, personal, and of course the sphere of teaching is no exception.

Today we will talk to you about the personal and professional qualities of a modern preschool teacher and the features of the educational process in a modern preschool institution.

About the professional skills of a preschool educational institution teacher.

Name the most important, in your opinion, professional skills of a preschool teacher (statement by educators).

The activities of a teacher are multifaceted in their functions and content. It involves mastering a variety of professional skills. These skills are conventionally divided into gnostic, constructive, communicative, organizational and special.

Gnostic skills are skills with which a teacher studies a child (individual characteristics, age, personal qualities, relationships with peers, adults, degree of emotional well-being). The object of study is the family. Gnostic skills are used when studying teaching experience other educators. It is important for a teacher to develop his or her ability to understand the child’s inner world.

Constructive skills - for designing the pedagogical process, raising children, taking into account the prospects of educational work. The teacher designs the material equipment of the educational process (craft equipment for games, activities, organization of exhibitions artistic creativity children and their parents, etc.). Constructive skills are embodied in planning work, drawing up notes on educational work, scenarios, holidays, and leisure activities.

Communication skills - manifest themselves when establishing pedagogically appropriate relationships with individual children and with the entire group, with parents of students, with work colleagues, with the administration of a preschool institution.

Organizational skills extend to the activities of students, parents, and colleagues. Important decision, what he will do himself, and what can be entrusted to the children, what is more expedient to involve parents in.

Special skills - the ability to sing, dance, read poetry (write), knit, make toys, show (dramatize) puppet show and other.

Personal qualities of a modern preschool teacher.

Teacher, what is he like?

Now we will conduct a quick survey with you. In a circle, everyone names one characteristic.

The teacher in the group is the bearer of a certain model of behavior, and children, being nearby during the day, see and hear how the teacher speaks, what his facial expression, intonation, and timbre of voice are. In some ways, consciously or unconsciously, they copy him. They believe that if a teacher constantly speaks raised voices, screams, it means that’s how it should be, this is the norm.

It is in kindergarten that children get their first experience of communicating in a group, in a team, and the teacher is in charge of it all.

Experience shows that, in general, the behavior of a group of children is in many ways a mirror of the behavior of the teacher.

Now let's talk about the qualities of a teacher.

The important qualities of a teacher are hard work, efficiency, discipline, responsibility, the ability to set a goal, choose ways to achieve it, organization, perseverance, systematic and systematic improvement of one’s professional level, the desire to constantly improve the quality of one’s work, etc.

In a number personal characteristics we should name the qualities that become professionally significant prerequisites for creating favorable relationships in the educational process. These qualities include patience, responsibility, commitment, objectivity, respect for people, optimism, emotional balance, the need for communication, interest in the lives of students, goodwill, restraint, responsiveness and many others.

All modern researchers note that it is love for children that should be considered the most important personal and professional trait of a teacher, without which effective teaching activities are impossible.

Modern children are more active, mobile in their self-expression, more informed, more different from each other, they have more different conditions living and raising in a family. All this places certain demands on the personality of the teacher. To meet modern requirements, a teacher must be:

Active (to support children in their manifestations of activity, to correspond to them). A teacher who sits on a chair most of the time and directs children's activities from there can hardly be called active, striving for the diversified development of children;

Capable of change - to keep up with the rapidly changing world and changing children and their parents;

Attentive - to yourself, your behavior, verbal expression, to how your own behavior and speech affects others, including children. Teacher (screaming) - “get up”, “let’s go”, “come on, sit down”, “shut up.” Again, screaming, he turns to the children: “Well, why are you shouting?” And another variant of behavior: “Now we’ll decide, now we’ll talk.”

Competent - striving to improve self-education, competent in the profession.

Currently, in educational psychology, much attention is paid to the analysis of the subjective properties of a teacher that determine the effectiveness (productivity) of his teaching activities.

Let us pay attention to the personal qualities of a teacher that cause difficulties in his professional activities:

1) lack of special pedagogical and internal orientation

2) discrepancy between the level of abilities and the requirements of the pedagogical process

3) lack of special pedagogical, methodological, socio-psychological competence.

Thus, a teacher may have both qualities that ensure the success of his activities, and, on the contrary, personal qualities that cause a number of difficulties.

Features of the educational process.

Pedagogical activity, like any other, is a system that has a certain structure.


The motives for teaching activity appear at the stage of professional self-determination: what exactly motivates one to choose the teaching profession and devote oneself to educational activities. The purpose of pedagogical activity is determined by society. Each teacher’s character is transformed into an individual attitude, which he tries to implement in his activities. For example, the purpose of education is diversified development child - from preschool teachers for modern stage is specified as the full preparation of a child for school, strengthening skills, developing creativity. The uniqueness of pedagogical activity lies in the specificity of the subject. The main tools of pedagogical work - voice (loudness, intonation, expressiveness), facial expressions, gestures (pedagogical technique) - these are various skills of the teacher’s personal influence on students. The teacher must be able to choose correct tone and style of communication with children depending on specific situation. Mastering pedagogical techniques allows you to achieve better results with less energy.

Now let's look at the process of education. This is a process of personality development, which includes both targeted influence from outside and personality development. An important place is occupied by the process of education (educational process). To better understand the role of this process, let us consider it in a more structured manner general process personality formation.

In that part where the formation of personality has a controlled, controlling nature, where people are guided by conscious intentions, act not spontaneously, but according to a pre-planned plan in accordance with the assigned tasks, education is manifested. Education is support in the development of personality, specially organized, managed and controlled interaction between educators and students.

This structure is based on identifying the main stages of the educational process. A criterion for the sequence of stages that a process must necessarily go through in order to achieve a high-quality solution to the assigned tasks. This structure is very important for understanding the underlying pattern of unity and gradualism of the educational process. Knowledge must turn into beliefs. Beliefs are strong, principle-based worldviews and attitudes that serve as a guide in life. For example, already in kindergarten, all children know that they need to say hello to their teachers. Why don't all children do this? Because they are not convinced. This means that education stopped at stage 1 - knowledge, without reaching the next stage - belief. And another important component is the formation of feelings. By sharpening their senses and relying on them, educators achieve a correct and quick perception of the required norms and rules. And finally, the formation of the general orientation of the individual, which concludes the entire process, is the development of a stable habit of behavior that becomes the norm.

One of the most important components of the educational process in a preschool educational institution is the creation of conditions for the identification and development of the full-fledged personal resource of each child. Last changes V preschool education(with the development of FGT) place emphasis on this, that is, the work of each teacher should be aimed at the formation of a common culture, the development of physical, intellectual and personal qualities, the formation of prerequisites educational activities, ensuring social success, maintaining and strengthening the health of preschool children. The work of preschool educational institutions should ensure the diversified development of children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics in the main areas. The main goal is the development of the child’s personality.

In this regard, some changes are required from us. Changes are a tribute to the times. The computerization of our lives, the availability of various types, types and quality of information, changes in the social system, of course, have affected children.

Each teacher in the group is a bearer of a certain model of behavior, and children, seeing every day examples of the teacher’s attitude towards them, towards some activity, hearing speech, the timbre of intonation of the teacher’s voice, the younger they are, the more trustingly they believe that this is how they should behave to behave, to speak, to do so - that this is the norm. Children of a specific group are in many ways a mirror of specific behavior

Kindergarten teacher playing important role in raising a child. The psychological climate in the group and each child’s attitude towards kindergarten depend on the teacher. Some children go to kindergarten with pleasure, communication with the teacher brings a certain satisfaction. Others, at the sight of a teacher, begin to be capricious or cry, in a group they withdraw into themselves, and visiting kindergarten turns into torture. When choosing a kindergarten, you first need to get to know the teacher, understand his values, attitude towards children, and find out the level of professionalism. It is almost impossible to find a person who would satisfy all the requirements of parents, but you can look for someone close to the ideal. So what does the portrait of an ideal teacher look like from the parents' point of view?

Firstly, the teacher must be able to get along with children. He must understand the problems, interests, and needs of each child. Many kids enter kindergarten without knowing how to speak. Many people don't know how to ask or ask for something. After all, at home, his mother responded to any of his needs, understanding everything without words. The teacher must establish contact with the child in such a way that the latter is not afraid or embarrassed to approach even the slightest difficulty.

Secondly, the teacher must be able and want to take care of the child. U good teacher children are fed, put to bed, washed, washed, dressed on time, combed and occupied with useful activities.

Thirdly, the teacher must be a specialist, that is, know using different methods education and upbringing. He must prepare the child for school as best as possible, set him up according to one program, and the teacher must be well versed in it.

Fourthly, the teacher must be able to communicate with parents, resolve conflicts, listen to different opinions and wishes. No question should be left unanswered. The teacher must give recommendations on how to raise each child.

The profession of a teacher is complex and responsible. There are many demands placed on her, including from parents. Finding a reliable, intelligent, well-mannered, balanced, sensitive and child-loving person is not easy. But you shouldn’t trust your child to an incompetent teacher either. Each parent, focusing on his ideal educator, is able to choose a worthy option for his child.