Formation of patriotic consciousness of students. Formation of civic-patriotic consciousness of students with disabilities through history and social science


MBOU "Secondary School No. 9", Nefteyugansk


"Formation of patriotic consciousness of students as one of the main civic qualities"

Lecturer - organizer of the basics of life safety of a municipal educational budgetary institution

"Secondary school No. 9"


    Abstract ……………………………………………………………..2


    Fundamental principles and directions for their implementation…….7

    Project Implementation Stages…………………………………………...9

    Resource provision……………………………………………….12

    Project Implementation Plan ……………………………………………………………………………14

    Expected results………………………………………………….23

    Criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the project………………………… 24

    The results of the activities of stages I and II…………………………….25

    Foreseeable risks and ways to overcome them………………..28

    Prospects for further development of the project………………………29


    Appendix …………………………………………………………..31


In the conditions of the formation of civil society and the rule of law in modern Russia, the concept of "citizen" is enriched with new content.

This project represents a modern understanding of the importance of civic-patriotic education as one of the priority areas of the education system as a whole. The concept of the project is revealed through the presentation of a set of basic ideas that determine the direction, nature and other components of the civic position of students, patriotic feelings.

The main goal of the concept is to determine the place and role of educating students capable of socially justified actions, which are based on the universal, moral and ethical values ​​of a patriot, a citizen of their homeland, and for this it is necessary to determine a set of conditions that ensure the effectiveness of civil and patriotic education in school .

The project is implemented through all age categories and is designed for 5 years (from 2008 to 2013)


In modern conditions, one of the most important priorities for updating the content of education is the modernization and development of civic and patriotic education . Today, the relationship of a Russian citizen with the state and society is radically changing. . Therefore, when shaping a personality, it is necessary to combine civil, legal, political culture and it is the modern school that should make a tangible contribution. 2010 became the year of launching the President's initiative "Our new school". Its essence is to create a school capable of revealing the personal potential of children, instilling in them an interest in learning and knowledge, a desire for spiritual growth and a healthy lifestyle.

The school conducted a psychological and pedagogical study to determine the level of upbringing, which is revealed in behavior, in relation to a person to the world around him, to people around him, to himself, to what he does.

This attitude is formed as a result of the assimilation of values, norms, rules, ideals of a given society. Students of the 9th and 10th grades took part in this study.

Value attitude is the attitude of the subject to the object as a value. Personal growth is associated with the development of precisely the value attitude of the individual to those objects of reality that are recognized as a value within the framework of the civilization with which the individual identifies himself. Pupils in grades 9-10 demonstrate, on the whole, a prevailing situational-positive attitude towards knowledge, land (nature), culture, and man as such.

In the 9th grade, about half of the students (39%) reported a situationally negative attitude towards the Fatherland, the world (49%), and the family (26%).

Based on the data obtained, it can be concluded that students understand and accept patriotism as a value, but poorly represent it in practice.

According to the President of the Russian Federation D. Medvedev, civil-patriotic education " we need to study both at school and in student groups, but do it in such a way that it creates a corresponding desire among our young people, schoolchildren and students to study the history of the country, creates a sense of belonging to today and pride, of course, for the events that took place in former period ».

Civic-patriotic education is a multifaceted, systematic, purposeful and coordinated activity of the educational system of the school to form in students the properties inherent in the characteristics of a citizen, patriot of their country:

Ability to live in market conditions, ensuring economic independence;

Ability to integrate into the existing system of relations;

Ability to establish contacts with other people;

Willingness to unite to solve personally and socially significant problems, to cooperate and agree;

Rejection of aggression, rigidity, violence against a person;

The ability to love your country.

The methodological base of pedagogical experience consists of:

Traditional theories of understanding patriotism as the highest value of Machiavelli, Krizhanich, Rousseau, Fichte;

The ideas of K.D.Ushinsky, A.N.Vyrshchikov, I.F.Kharlamov on the need to educate patriotism at school;

Proceedings of P.P. Blonsky, A.S. Makarenko, I.N. Russu, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, S.T.

Methodological developments of teachers-innovators. I.A. Pashkovich, T.A. Kasimova, N.K. Bespyatova, Butorina T.S., T.A. Oreshkina about solving problems related to the formation of patriotism among the younger generation.

Objective of the project: creation of conditions for the formation of the personality of a worthy citizen and patriot of Russia with its inherent values, views, attitudes, motives for activity and behavior.


1. Carrying out science-based activities to create conditions for effective civil and patriotic education of students.

2. Approval in the minds and feelings of students of ideas about universal values, views and beliefs, respect for the culture and historical past of Russia, for its traditions.

3. Creation of an effective system of civic-patriotic education, providing optimal conditions for the development of basic civic qualities and feelings of patriotism in students.

4. Creation of a mechanism that ensures the effective functioning of an integral system of civil and patriotic education of students.

Hypothesis: the formation of the personality of a worthy citizen and patriot of Russia with its inherent values, views, attitudes, motives for activity and behavior is possible only if an effective system of civic-patriotic education is created at school, which provides optimal conditions for the development of basic civic qualities and feelings of patriotism in students.

Project object: organizational and pedagogical conditions of patriotic and civic education of students of MOBU "Secondary School No. 4"

Project subject: pedagogical activity aimed at the formation of civil and patriotic education of students.

Forms of work with students:

training sessions on life safety, excursions to virtual museums of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, tournaments, competitions, olympiads, design, developing hours (reflection, self-development, methodological thinking).

Teaching methods: methods of formation of consciousness of the person; methods of organizing activities and forming the experience of civic behavior; methods of stimulating activity and behavior.

Technical training aids: laser printer; universal (multimedia) video projector with a screen; VHS - DVD player and TV; music center with microphone; robotic simulators "Gosha", "Maxim"; interactive board; a set of films on CD on the subject of OBZh-OVS.

Fundamental principles and directions for their implementation

Among the determining principles which are an important condition for the implementation of the goals and objectives of civic-patriotic education include the recognition of the high social significance of citizenship, patriotism.

Civil-patriotic education has a high level of complexity, that is, it covers all age categories of students, all aspects of life and interaction of the individual with the outside world.

Among the fundamental principles of civic-patriotic education, which are the initial guidelines for the implementation of practical activities in this area, the following stand out:

Science, humanism, democracy;

Priority of the historical and cultural heritage of Russia, its spiritual values ​​and traditions;

Consistency, continuity and continuity in the development of students, taking into account the characteristics of its various categories;

The variety of forms, methods and means used to ensure the effectiveness of education;

Its focus is on the development of the capabilities, abilities and qualities of each individual based on an individual approach;

Close and continuous connection with other types of education.

The main directions of the project implementation


    formation of a conscientious attitude to learning;

    the formation of tolerance for someone else's faith (religious relations);

    formation of a culture of interpersonal relations (including interethnic ones);

    fostering respect for family traditions;

    the formation of mutual understanding in the family;

    education and development of the need for a healthy lifestyle, through the formation of an active social position;

    formation of the ability to effectively and efficiently perform social duties and achieve specific goals, predict and implement plans for their professional growth.


    education of legal culture;

    formation of understanding of political and legal events;

    the formation of a consistent, firm, reasoned active civic position of a patriot of his country.

3. Moral:

    fostering a sense of beauty;

    education of love for the motherland;

    knowledge and formation of respect for Russian traditions (including religious ones);

    formation of universal values.

Stages of project implementation:

Stage 1. 2008-2009– study and analysis of the level of civic-patriotic consciousness among schoolchildren, selection of criteria for assessing the level of civic-patriotic consciousness among schoolchildren.

Stage 2. 2009-2011- development of a comprehensive strategy aimed at shaping the patriotic consciousness of students as one of the main civic qualities. Selection and development of methods, techniques for the project, the introduction of modern technologies.

Stage 3. 2011-2013- evaluation of the effectiveness of measures aimed at civil-patriotic education.


    introduction into the educational process of modern educational technologies based on the competence and activity approach;

    organization and holding of subject weeks, olympiads, competitions, reviews of knowledge, intellectual marathons, games;

    study and promotion of the best national and family traditions;

    holding cultural and sports events together with parents;

    organization of joint collective creative affairs;

    organizing and conducting charity events;

    organization of work with parents.


    the study of the symbolism of Russia, district, district, village, school;

    design of the symbolism corner;

    holding events and actions dedicated to memorable and significant dates of Russian, district, district and settlement significance;

    study of the native land and country through the organization of trips, correspondence trips;

    improvement of the system of class and school self-government;

    organizing a cycle of programs on school radio;

    organization of meetings with school graduates, war veterans, production leaders;

    organization of patronage over veterans of the Great Patriotic War and equivalent categories of the population;

    action "Veteran lives nearby";

    creation of a club system of legal work “Teenager and Law”.


    observance of the moral code of relations between all participants in the educational process;

    the study of culture, Russian traditions (including religious ones), the history of Russia, the small peoples of the North;

    participation in holidays, events, theatrical performances, competitions;

    familiarization of students with universal human values, with social norms of behavior;

    familiarity with various types of art;

    study of the history of Russia, symbols, heraldry;

    holding school-wide traditional events (gathering of excellent and good students, creative reports, subject weeks, theme evenings, etc.);

    holding cultural and mass sports events; design of stands: “Excellent students”, “Our graduates”, etc.;

    organization of various exhibitions;

    organization of cultural events for creative self-realization:

    organization of vocal and theater studios, teachers' choir.

Resource support of pedagogical experience.

A) Regulatory Resources:

State program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2010-2015", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 5, 2010 No. 795;

Convention on the Rights of the Child;

Law of the Russian Federation "On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child";

RF Law "On Education";

National Educational Initiative "Our New School";

Federal law "On military duty and military service"

Development Program of MOBU "Secondary School No. 4" for 2008-2012;

B) Human Resources:

Assessment of the state of the pedagogical community:

    level of creative and professional potential;

    readiness to develop new programs, methods aimed at the civil and patriotic education of students; mastering new technologies;

    team cohesion, cooperation and co-creation;

    respect for the personality of each member of the OS.

C) Information resources:

    acquisition and study of literary sources on the topic of the project.

    seminars, workshops on the topics of the project.

    maintaining information and computer communication with the innovation community.

    mutual learning and mutual enrichment between members of the pedagogical community of the educational institution.

D) Program and methodological resources:

    Development and implementation of work programs in the areas of the program.

    Formation of an information bank of teachers' ideas, including innovative methodological developments of active forms of activity.

    Creation of the library fund of the school of reference, educational, fiction

    Development of software and methodological support for teachers based on modern educational technologies.

    Selection of methods, technologies and elements aimed at civil-patriotic education.

    Preparation of a project work plan for each year.

E) Material and technical resources:

    the availability of an equipped material and technical base of the school for the civil and patriotic education of students.

    the presence of classrooms with multimedia equipment, an armory, an obstacle course, sports and assembly halls;

    availability of necessary literature and electronic media;

    availability of training programs, stands, posters, simulators;

    availability of consumables for the production of methodological materials and collections;

    availability of computer and copying equipment in the required quantity;

    mastering information and computer technologies by teachers.

E) Financial resources:

      Budgetary and extrabudgetary financing

Project implementation plan by stages

Activities to create a system of patriotic education




Stage I (design)

Creation and programming of the work of the creative team


Discussion and approval of the program at the pedagogical council

Lecturer-organizer of life safety, teachers

The study of scientific and methodological literature

Lecturer-organizer of life safety, teachers

Definition of conceptual provisions for studying the effectiveness of the educational process

Lecturer-organizer of life safety, teachers

Organization of the seminar on the theory and practice of patriotic education

Lecturer-organizer of life safety, teachers

Designing a Graduate Personality Model

Lecturer-organizer OBZh, class

leaders, parents

Scientific and practical conference of class teachers "Patriotic education: problems, ways to solve them"

Resource support for the implementation of the program for the patriotic education of schoolchildren


Stage II (practical)

Creation of personal development monitoring

Teachers, teacher-organizer of life safety, teacher-psychologist

Updating the content of education and methods of educational activities to ensure the development of the student's personality

Lecturer-organizer of life safety, teachers

Introduction into the educational process of modern educational technologies based on the competence and activity approach

Lecturer-organizer of life safety, teachers


Implementation of health-saving technologies

Lecturer-organizer of life safety, teachers


Program Effectiveness Study


Holding holidays, seminars, exhibitions, meetings, competitions, festivals, competitions, etc. on the basis of the school.

Lecturer-organizer of life safety, teachers, students, parents


Organization of joint creative activities with parents

Cl. leaders, teacher-organizer of life safety, parents, students


Discussion at teachers' councils of problems related to updating the content of education of students

Lecturer-organizer of life safety, teachers


Implementation of work programs on civic-patriotic education

class teachers, teacher-organizer of life safety,


Organization of search work to collect materials about graduates of school No. 4 - fighters of "hot spots"

Teacher-organizer of life safety, class teachers, students, parents


Stand design: “Military uniform to face”, “Our defenders of the Fatherland”, etc.

Lecturer-organizer of life safety, students


IІІ . Final stage (reflexive)

    Monitoring and analysis of civil, patriotic socialization of schoolchildren.

Teacher-organizer of life safety, teacher-psychologist, class teachers

    Use the material of the work on civil-patriotic education when planning the educational work of the school, class.

Lecturer-organizer of life safety, class teachers

3.Create objective, adequate, open criteria and forms

evaluation of your work.

Lecturer-organizer of life safety,


project implementation activities


event title



I.Events aimed at the formation of patriotic consciousness as one of the main civic qualities at the appointed time

Conducting lessons on patriotic themes


History teacher, teacher - organizer of life safety,

Conducting integrated lessons of history, life safety and literature on patriotic and civic topics


teacher of history, literature,

Conducting class hours of civil and patriotic orientation


teacher - organizer of life safety, students

Class hours on the topic "Caring for parents is a matter of conscience for everyone"


teacher - organizer of life safety, class teachers, students

Photo exhibition on the theme "Native school in faces"


Teachers-organizers, teacher-organizer of life safety, students

Classroom hours on the topics of family and family relations


teacher - organizer of life safety, students, teacher-psychologist

Conversations about the domestic and international situation


History teacher, teacher-organizer of life safety

II. Extracurricular activities for civil and patriotic education

2.1 Holding mass events

Events dedicated to the celebration of Victory Day


April May

Teacher - organizer of life safety, teachers-organizers, students, parents

Conducting a month of military-patriotic and defense-mass work


January February,

Teacher - organizer of life safety students, parents,

Organization and holding of competitions in military-applied sports


Physical education teachers, teacher - organizer of life safety students.

Conducting meetings of students with cadets of military schools


January February

Lecturer - organizer of life safety, school graduates, students

Conducting meetings of students with former military personnel

Lecturer - life safety organizer, students

Conducting a review - a contest of order and song.

Annually, during the military-patriotic month

Teacher - organizer of life safety, class teachers, students

Holding exhibitions of children's drawings on military-patriotic themes

Every year, during the military-patriotic month, on memorable dates

Organizing teacher of life safety, art teachers, students

Conducting patriotic song contests


Teacher-organizer of life safety, music teacher, students

Involvement of the parent community in holding public events


Lecturer - life safety organizer, students, parents

Conducting a Memory Watch:

Providing patronage assistance to veterans of the Great Patriotic War and labor, home front workers;

Congratulations to veterans of the Great Patriotic War on Victory Day;

Annually, April-May

Teacher-organizer of life safety, teachers-organizers, students, parents

Participation in regional competitions, quizzes, festivals on patriotic education


teacher - organizer of life safety, students

Round table: Criminal liability of minors (grades 9-10)


Social pedagogue, teachers-organizers, teacher-organizer of life safety, employee of the JDN

Carrying out career guidance events


teacher-organizer of life safety

2.2 Physical culture and health-improving activities

Conducting a school competition

Annually during the academic year

Physical education teacher, teacher-organizer of life safety

Carrying out the autumn track and field athletics cross.


Conducting a spring athletics cross-country


Teacher-organizer of life safety, physical education teachers, students

Conducting school tourism competitions


Teacher-organizer of life safety, physical education teachers, students

Holding competitions "School of Safety"



Physical education teachers, teacher - organizer of life safety, students

Conducting a district meeting of cadet classes


Physical education teachers, teacher - organizer of life safety, students, class teachers

2.3 Conducting collective creative activities and events

Conducting class hours on civic topics using regulatory documents related to the protection of children's rights:


class leaders,

a history teacher,

teacher-organizer of life safety, students

Conversation about the school Charter "My rights and obligations"

1 quarter

Class teachers teacher-organizer of life safety

Conducting educational events and games dedicated to the Days of Military Glory of Russia, Defender of the Fatherland Day, Victory Day, Independence Day, historical dates


Teachers-organizers, class teachers, teacher-organizer of life safety, students

Conducting reader conferences on books about defenders of the Fatherland


Librarians, students

Organization of showing and discussion of documentary and feature films on military-historical topics


Class teachers, teachers-organizers, teacher-organizer of life safety

Conducting class. hours, talks, lectures, holidays on civil and patriotic topics


Class teachers, teacher-organizer of life safety

Participation in regional competitions among youth in patriotic education


teachers-organizers, teacher-organizer of life safety, students

Labor landing

September, May annually

Teacher-organizer of life safety, class teachers, students


    Creation of a bank of methods to track the qualitative indicators of children's development in the development of innovative pedagogical technology. Issue of collections of descriptions of experience in educational institutions.

    Issue of a collection of generalizations of experience in the patriotic education of students

    Involvement in the process of implementing the program of the entire teaching staff of the educational institution and pupils.

    Creation of a collection of civil-patriotic events.

    Psychological and pedagogical education of teachers on the problems of civil and patriotic education.

    Holding contests and competitions of a civil-patriotic orientation in the educational institution.

    Increasing the level of development and manifestation of patriotism of the individual.

2 . At the district and county level:

    Presentation of collections and materials for conducting lessons and events of a civil and patriotic orientation.

    Conducting seminars and master classes on civil and patriotic education

    At the federal level:


At the educational institution level:

    Conducting lessons, activities with maximum coverage of students.

    Availability of collections of descriptions and generalizations of the experience of civil-patriotic education.

    100% coverage of the teaching staff of the educational institution during the implementation of the program.

    Maximum involvement of students for holding events of a civil and patriotic orientation.

    Participation in competitions and competitions of civil and patriotic orientation at various levels.

Availability and quality of diagnostic data on the development of the teaching staff (professional development);

At the district and county level:

    The number and quality of activities carried out and the participation of students in them.

At the federal level:

    Participation of teachers and students in competitions and seminars of a civil-patriotic orientation.

The results of work on the project in 2008 - 2011 (IAndIIstages)




Participation of students in olympiads, competitions and competitions

3-All-Russian Distance Olympiad in Life Safety


All-Russian contest-game on life safety "Ant"


7th class - laureates

7th class - 1,1,3,3 place

class 11-1.2 place

In the Tyumen region


2009 2010 2011 2012

2nd place 1,3rd place 1,1st place 1,1,3,3rd place



"School of Safety"

"School of safety" 10-district competition


1,2,3 place in events and stages

7-collection of pupils of cadet corps and schools from the regions of the Russian Federation


3rd place in combat training

8- collection of pupils of cadet corps and schools from the regions of the Russian Federation


2nd place in disassembly and assembly of AKM

Fire-military relay race "Sturm"

2009 2010 2011

3rd place 3rd place 2nd place

According to the results of all military-patriotic competitions and competitions

2009/2010 academic year

2010/2011 academic year

Military sports game "Zarnitsa"

1st place 2nd place

"Young Shooter"

2009 2010 2011

3rd place 3rd place 2nd place

Military applied all-around

2009 2010 2011 2012

2nd place 1st place 3rd place 3rd place

Spartakiad of pre-conscription youth

Dissemination of pedagogical experience

At the educational institution level:


Open Lessons

"Types and types of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation"

"Acts during terrorist attacks"

"Orders of Russia"

"Convention on the Rights of the Child"

"Thin ice"

Contests and competitions

Combat Song Contest


Competition "Come on guys"

Competition "Safe Wheel"

Game "Zarnitsa"

Gathering of cadet classes

Tourist rally

At the district and county level:

Presentation of collections and materials on civil and patriotic orientation

Speech at the August conference "Key competencies in life safety lessons as a necessary condition for acquiring the skill of preserving life and health in various conditions"

Master class "First aid for injuries"

Workshop "Conducting class hours on a patriotic theme"

Single lesson "Heroes of the Fatherland Day"

Participation of students in competitions and competitions of a military-patriotic orientation.


At the federal level:

Participation of teachers and students in various correspondence competitions and seminars of a civil-patriotic orientation.


Indicators characterizing the effectiveness of experience over several years

    The high level of professional and pedagogical qualities of the teacher makes it possible to achieve sustainable positive results in students' learning in the subject: with 100% absolute progress over the past 10 years, quality progress has increased to 88% with a consistently high level of students' cognitive interest.

    Over the years of work on the project, there has been a positive trend in the personal growth of students associated with the development of a value attitude towards knowledge (by 14%), the Fatherland (by 24%), the world (by 16%), and family (by 20%).

    The number of participants and winners in civil competitions and competitions is growing every year. - patriotic orientation at various levels (from 2008 to 2011 by 12%)

Thus, the formation of the patriotic consciousness of students has become not a separate element, but one of the main links in educational practice, the activities of all participants in the educational process.



Forecast of possible negative phenomena

Ways to overcome them

    Increasing the volume of work of teachers, overload

Precise distribution of working time

Holding events at fixed times.

    Different levels of teacher training

Additional education of young teachers, individual consultations

    High degree of pupils' employment

Variety of activities and activities

    Insufficient funding

Raising additional funds: grants, sponsorship funds, voluntary donations from parents


    Diversify activities and activities.

    Expansion of the project area: transfer of experience to educational institutions.

    Implementation of a creative approach to the patriotic education of students.

    Wider involvement of students in correspondence competitions of civil and patriotic orientation.

    Widespread use of innovative technologies in the conduct and preparation of events and classes of civil and patriotic orientation.

List of used literature:

1. Military-patriotic education at school. Collection of events for the celebration of Victory Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day and other patriotic holidays: scripts for solemn lines, evenings, literary and musical compositions, class hours, military sports games. Author-compiler M.V. Vidyakin. - Volgograd: "Teacher", 2006.

2. Vyazemsky E.E. Civic education in basic school.// Teaching history and social studies at school. - 2001. - No. 9.

3. Citizenship, patriotism, culture of interethnic communication - the Russian way of development. // Education of schoolchildren. - 2002. - No. 7.

4. Ioffe A.N. Modern challenges and risks of the development of civic education in Russia. // Teaching history and social science at school. - 2006. - No. 9.

5. Kuznetsova L.V. Development of the content of the concepts of "citizenship" and "civic education" in the pedagogy of the twentieth century. // Teaching history and social science at school. - 2006. - No. 9.

6. Patriotic education. Normative legal documents. 2nd edition, revised. M.: 2006.

7. Patriotic education. The system of work, planning, lesson notes, lesson development. Author-compiler I.A. Pashkovich. Volgograd: "Teacher", 2006.

8. Salikhova R. Education of a citizen. // Education of schoolchildren. - 2003. - No. 1.

9. Sledzevsky I.V., Vyazemsky E.E., Savateev A.D. The concept of civic education in educational institutions. / / Teaching history and social science at school. - 2002. - No. 4.

Annex 1.

Scroll evaluation indicators for the implementation of the project "Formation of patriotic consciousness of students as one of the main civic qualities"

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the project implementation is based on the use of a system of objective criteria.

Moral and spiritual parameters:

    the level of development and manifestation of patriotism of the individual (through the use of questionnaire methods, analysis of performance results, testing, the method of independent characteristics and classification):

    High level

    The pupil is deeply interested in the history and culture of Russia. Patriotic conviction and readiness to act in the name of national interests. Awareness of personal responsibility for the fate of Russia. The manifestation of social activity and civic maturity. Initiative in patriotic activity and purposeful participation in it.

    Average level

    Perception of the history of the Fatherland as one of the most important subjects in the system of education and upbringing. Possession of the content of such concepts as "Motherland", "patriotism", "civic duty", "courage". Understanding the need to protect the interests of the Fatherland in connection with an objective assessment of the political situation in the world. The manifestation of activity during mass events and the organization of collective affairs. High responsibility, awareness of civic and patriotic duty. Experience in overcoming the moral, volitional overload of patriotic activity in its various forms.

    Low level

    The concepts of "patriotism", "civic duty" are at the formal-verbal level. Ideas about civic duty, patriotism and the modern development of Russian society and its problems are poorly developed. Responsible, but passive, without showing initiative, the implementation of educational and public assignments. The desire to overcome the difficulties that got in the way, but on their own, without the support of comrades, peers.

    Zero level

    The interests of the state and the prospects for its development do not occupy any place in life plans, they are not associated with life prospects. Understanding the need to protect the interests of the Fatherland has an abstract, abstract character. The manifestation of an indifferent attitude to learning in general and passivity. Lack of interest in the humanities, including the history of the Fatherland. Low responsibility when performing public assignments or ignoring them. Lack of understanding of civic duty and patriotism. Weakly developed moral and volitional qualities. The manifestation of weakness and deviation from the intended goal when faced with difficulties.

    Diagnostic methods

    1. "Personal differential", D.A. Bogdanova, S.T. Possokhov.

      "Ladder of motives", A.I. Bozhovich, I.K. Markov.

      "House - tree - man." Evaluation of aggressiveness and other types of behavioral disorders.

      Express diagnostics I.M. Yusupov. Methodology "Orientation of the personality" to determine the spiritual culture in the field of moral activity of students.


    The level of efficiency of the process of civil-patriotic education ( determined by the use of methods of comparative analysis, analysis of performance results, classification and systematization )

High level

The process of civic-patriotic education is characterized by activity, purposefulness, a high degree of organization, interaction of its subjects, rhythm, balanced use of means, forms, methods, technologies to achieve the expected results. Subject-object relations are optimal, the interests of educators and students coincide, the relationship is quite harmonious, the motivation in the process of joint activity is positive and stable. The expected result is achievable.

Average level

The process of civic-patriotic education is characterized by relative organization, minimal activity, unbalanced, ill-considered use of forms, methods and means to achieve immediate goals. Promising and innovative areas of activity, as a rule, are absent. Subject-object relationships are unstable, the interests and aspirations of educators and educatees coincide only partially, relations are unstable, have no essential foundations. Positive motivation in the process of joint activity manifests itself inconsistently and along with negative aspects. The expected result is not fully achieved, that is, partially.

Low level

The process is unmanageable, unorganized, spontaneous. There is no interaction between its subjects. Subject-object relationships are formal or absent. Positively oriented motivation does not manifest itself in the process of activity, as a result of which the expected result is not achieved.


Kolesnikov Anton

GAOU SPO TO "Tyumen Railway College"

Scientific supervisors: ,

Patriotism as a moral feeling and a set of socio-political relations is a powerful factor and a necessary condition for the protection of national interests, the revival and strengthening of Russia. In the context of the fight against international terrorism, the patriotic education of citizens should be determined by the national interests of Russia and ensure the active participation of citizens in ensuring its security.

The future of Russia depends on the readiness of the younger generations to adequately respond to historical challenges, readiness to defend the interests of a multinational state. Only a civil society built on respect for human rights can become a reliable barrier to extremism.

The attention of the state to the problems of education is associated with the designation of its priority areas, one of which is the civil-patriotic education of the younger generation.

An analysis of scientific research and practice shows that patriotic education in the education system is in crisis. The main reason for this was the lack of study of the problem of the formation of patriotic consciousness at the present stage of development of Russian society. Based on this, we made an attempt to combine the experience of patriotic education accumulated in pedagogy with the realities of today, which determined the choice of the topic of our study: "Formation of the Patriotic Consciousness of Modern Youth".

These contradictions made it possible to formulate the research problem.

Purpose of the study– To study the process of formation of patriotic views among modern youth. Object of study– Civic-patriotic education of youth.

Subject of study– Modern views on the patriotic education of the younger generation.

Patriotic education is one of the priority areas in the education system in Russia, as it contributes to the formation of high patriotic consciousness among young people, readiness to fulfill civic duty, the most important constitutional duties to protect the interests of the Motherland.

The word "patriot" first appeared during the French Revolution of 17. Patriots then called themselves fighters for the people's cause.

More modern concepts of "patriotism" connect a person's consciousness with emotions on the manifestations of the influences of the external environment at the place of birth of a given individual, his upbringing, childhood and youthful impressions, and his formation as a person. Patriotism is called upon to give a new impetus to the spiritual improvement of the people, the formation of a unified civil society in Russia.

The features of Russian patriotism are the humanistic orientation of the Russian patriotic idea, religious tolerance, catholicity and law-abidingness, community as a stable inclination and need for collective life and a special love for native nature.

In the spiritual and moral education of the new generation, the most important task is the formation of the properties and qualities of a patriot among young people, the development of a sense of patriotism, duty to their country, homeland. As in other countries, love for the Motherland has always occupied and occupies a leading place among people. This feeling was especially aggravated in connection with great historical upheavals. For example, the Caucasian War, the Great Patriotic War and subsequent dramatic events demonstrated the mighty spirit of patriotism to the whole world.

Work on the patriotic education of youth must begin with the restoration and development of an integral system of patriotic education. In this system, the most important link should be patriotic consciousness, which should be enriched with positive information. Before falling in love with their Motherland and arousing in themselves a readiness to defend it, the younger generation should know everything about their country, about its glorious past, real present and predictable future. The most important element of patriotic consciousness is the patriotic ideal. The formation of at least a patriotic "minimum" among boys and girls is impossible without the participation of the patriotic ideal, the ideal of a patriot - the defender of his people, the land of his ancestors, his Fatherland.
But the concept of Fatherland should also include our country as a whole, which is called the Russian Federation.

The patriotic consciousness of students is formed as a synthesis of spiritual, moral, civic feelings, views, beliefs, constituting the worldview of the individual, on the basis of which the individual develops the desire and readiness to protect and multiply the values ​​of the Motherland, the best traditions of the people.

In a broad philosophical sense, consciousness means the highest, specifically human form of active reflection of reality. More specifically, it is a person's understanding of the world around him, the processes taking place in it, his actions, thoughts, his attitude to the outside world and himself. By virtue of all this, a person carries out a preliminary mental construction of the intended actions and the prediction of their results, which constitutes his consciousness. In a philosophical context, consciousness exists both as an individual and as a social one. In the first case, this is the property of an individual and reflects his individual mental properties and qualities. Public consciousness reflects ideas, views that are characteristic of a particular social group or for a given society as a whole. Between individual and public consciousness there is a constant interaction and mutual influence.

In materialistic philosophy, the position is substantiated that consciousness is a social product that nourishes individual consciousness, serves as a source of moral prescriptions, attitudes, and beliefs of an individual. If we proceed from this thesis in order to solve the tasks facing us, then it is advisable to develop the mechanisms for the formation of patriotic consciousness in two directions.

Firstly, in order to be coordinated, regulated by society, its political, legal, moral, religious, philosophical ideas, concepts, ideas. Without their regulation, public consciousness will not have the core that feeds the individual's personal consciousness with social value.

Secondly, it is necessary to find ways of positive influence, the influence of public consciousness on the formation of the individual consciousness of each citizen. All this is clearly seen in the analysis of public consciousness in the history of the state.

The process of Christianization of the country, the baptism of the inhabitants of Kyiv in 988 and the subsequent rooting of the Orthodox faith had a huge impact on the public consciousness of Russian society. The public consciousness in Russia has always been greatly influenced by the moral content of this religion. Orthodoxy viewed the world as God's creation, man as a unity of soul and body, and perceived history as an eternal struggle between the forces of Good and Evil. It preached the spirit of humility and non-violence, catholicity (religious collectivism) and the spiritual unity of all people.

In the IX-X centuries. with the advent of writing in the annals, the questions of the world and the existence of a person in it, public life were revealed. Thus, in the "Tale of Igor's Campaign" the problem of the unity of the Slavic peoples and service to their Fatherland was raised. In this work, the moral norms of social life were formulated, the social relations of that historical time were comprehended. This document is the first in the territory of Ancient Rus', which addresses the problem of the formation of patriotic consciousness.

The geographical position of the state left a corresponding imprint on the development of public consciousness in Russia. Russia, located at the junction of two continents, is, by definition, a kind of huge "East-West". It seems to be reminiscent of the crossroads of various streams of world culture, a vast field of their meeting and active interaction. By the will of its historical fate, Russia was, as it were, doomed to absorb all the wealth of world social thought and synthesize it. Russian philosophy is widely open to interaction with world philosophical culture, borrowing its best examples.

Public humanism rebels against the beginning of national exclusiveness: no nation in the world has the right to such self-esteem. No matter how great its economic and cultural achievements, it cannot claim to be chosen and privileged. Each nation, by virtue of its historical position, has certain historical obligations to itself and to humanity. And every person experiences patriotic feelings.

As emphasized above, the formation and development of patriotic feelings and consciousness of people are closely connected with the knowledge of the history of one's people, one's country, in the process of assimilation of which a feeling of pride in the deeds and creations of previous generations arises.

People, both in their biological nature and in accordance with the universal laws in which they are originally inscribed, and in their social essence, are members of a single “planetary family”. Everyone is a citizen of this or that state, at the same time, in a broad sense, a citizen of all mankind. Indeed, to some extent, a person bears on his shoulders the burden of moral responsibility for everything that happens in the world community.

Hence, patriotism develops along with tolerance in interethnic relations. All human communities, living on one planet, interact objectively. The interaction of societies can be at the level of confrontation, which often leads to wars, to mutual destruction. This is evidenced by the history of the Russian state.

During the first, relatively calm period of history - until 1237 - Rus' had to repel invasions every four years. Then followed the terrible Tatar-Mongolian devastation, and for 220 years Russia, bleeding, beat off two hundred battles, that is, almost every year.

From the 14th century to the end of the 19th century, Russia fought against aggression for 329 years, two thirds of its history. Even more bloody for our Fatherland was the 20th century. Russia found itself in the center of the most violent storms and battles, including two world wars. The Great Patriotic War of 19 occupies a special place for us in the history of the 20th century, when the USSR took the brunt of the aggressor, bore the brunt of the war with Germany and its allies, saved humanity from enslavement and death. The victory in the Great Patriotic War was and will forever remain a source of pride, a vivid evidence of the greatness of Russian statehood. The memory of this has become a reliable shield protecting the national identity of the peoples of Russia. Everything created by the people needs protection from the encroachment of external and internal enemies. The nature of wars is always political. War is the continuation of politics in a violent way.

The war in defense of the Fatherland in Rus' has always been considered a sacred, nationwide matter. The military exploits of many generations of Russians live in the genetic memory of the people. After all, they are connected not only with the strengthening and development of the Russian state at all stages of its history, but also with Russia's influence on the course of world events.

At all times, poets composed the best poems and songs about the Motherland, writers and artists dedicated their best works to it. Repelling countless hordes of enemies from the borders of their beloved Motherland, with her name in their hearts and on their lips, the best sons and daughters went into battle, performed unprecedented heroic deeds, and if necessary, they gave their lives for the honor and independence of their beloved Motherland - the most precious thing a person has.

However, there is another interaction of human communities based on tolerance, tolerance of people and their groups towards each other. The interaction of societies on the basis of understanding each other, tolerant attitude towards each other is the way of development of peoples, their mutually beneficial and equal partnership. Such interaction enriches the patriotic consciousness of people, pride in their homeland, which cooperates on an equal footing with others.

In this regard, there is a problem of social, spiritual, moral preparation of the younger generation for active participation in resolving issues related to mutual understanding and trust between peoples. We are talking about international (from lat. inter - between natio - people) education, the philosophical basis of which is tolerance. We believe that tolerance enriches the patriotic consciousness of a person, bringing him to a higher level.

The formation of a high patriotic consciousness among young people,

loyalty to the Fatherland, readiness to defend their homeland

Malezhina E.I. teacher

Bogucharsky branch of GOBU SPO VGPGK


Patriotism does not mean only one love for the Motherland. It's much more. This is the consciousness of one's inalienability from the motherland and the inalienable experience with her of her happy and her unhappy days.

A.N. Tolstoy

The creation and maintenance of a balanced system of patriotic education of youth is an important condition for the development of the Russian Federation as a free and democratic state.

Patriotic education and civic development of Russian youth in modern conditions is of particular relevance and significance. The presence of a feeling of love for one's Motherland and its awareness is of great importance in the social, spiritual, moral and physical development of a person's personality. Patriotism is one of the most important components of the national idea of ​​the Russian state. Within the framework of this direction, a set of measures is being carried out aimed at forming among the Russian youth a high patriotic consciousness, loyalty to the Fatherland, readiness to defend their Motherland.

Much has been written about the importance of familiarizing with the culture of one's people, since turning to the father's heritage brings up respect, pride in the land on which you live. Therefore, we need to know and study the culture of our ancestors. It is the emphasis on knowledge of the history of the people, their culture that will help in the future to treat the cultural traditions of other peoples with respect and interest.

The patriotic education of youth in modern conditions is of particular relevance and significance. It should be emphasized that at present there is a lot of methodological literature on this issue. Often, it covers only certain aspects of patriotic education in specific activities, and there is no coherent system that reflects the fullness of this issue. Apparently, this is natural, since the feeling of patriotism is multifaceted in content. This is love for one's native places, and pride in one's people, and a sense of one's inseparability with the outside world, and a desire to preserve and increase the wealth of one's country.

In various strategic documents devoted to the theme of the development of the Russian Federation, as well as in program speeches by the leaders of our country, including statements by the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, not only the importance of state attention to the sphere of patriotic education of youth was repeatedly determined, but also the presence of a state order for the education of a citizen with an active life and professional position, hardworking, highly moral, respecting the rights and freedoms of the individual, traditions and cultures of different peoples - a patriot of his Motherland.

Socio-economic changes within our country, as well as the difficult geopolitical situation in the world, require well-functioning work of the entire system of patriotic education of youth. In this regard, the role of teachers responsible for the implementation of the state youth policy in the matter of the moral and patriotic formation of the younger generation, preparing it for independent life, has significantly increased.

Military-patriotic education is a multifaceted, systematic, purposeful and coordinated activity of state bodies, public associations and organizations to form young people with a high patriotic consciousness, an exalted sense of loyalty to their Fatherland, readiness to fulfill civic duty, and the most important constitutional duties to protect the interests of the Motherland.

The purpose of military-patriotic education is the development of citizenship, patriotism among young people as the most important spiritual, moral and social values, the formation of professionally significant qualities, skills and readiness for their active manifestation in various spheres of society, especially in the process of military and other her, types of public service, fidelity to constitutional and military duty in peacetime and wartime, high responsibility and discipline
Patriotism and internationalism are the most important moral qualities of a person. They act as components of his worldview and attitude towards the Motherland, other nations and nationalities. Patriotism and internationalism are the key concepts of the pedagogy of interethnic communication.

Patriotism (from the Greek patris - homeland, fatherland) is defined in philosophy as "a moral and political principle, a social feeling, the content of which is love and devotion to the Fatherland, pride in its past and present, the desire to protect the interests of the motherland."

Patriotism as the highest moral value includes such components as love for the family, Motherland, native language; knowledge of the history of their homeland, respect for the traditions and customs of their people; understanding of the general political situation in the world and the tasks facing the country; intolerance to racial and national hostility; the desire to uphold the honor and dignity of the Motherland, the readiness to defend the Motherland; awareness of one's civic and patriotic duty, readiness to serve the interests of the Motherland; active and conscious participation in labor activity with a combination of personal and public interests.

Patriotism is a natural feeling of every person. Having been born, a person constantly absorbs the energy of the place where he was born. A child, developing and maturing, transfers his love for his parents to his native land. Already in early childhood, the image of the Motherland arises along with the awareness of one's own “I”. In the future, this ideal image is combined with real objects located in the sensually perceived world. The feeling of the Motherland is closely connected with its nature, the beauty of the native land. This feeling materializes with special fullness, becomes the initial inner experience.

In recent years, there has been a trend towards a gradual loss of traditional Russian patriotic consciousness. In some regions of the country, patriotism began to degenerate into nationalism.

Patriotic education, like moral education, cannot be carried out according to instructions and through voluntary-compulsory games that are appropriate in a military school and alien in general educational institutions. In order for a person to defend his Motherland without hesitation in case of danger, he must feel love for this Motherland. Patriotic education is an integral part of the educational process as a whole. Patriotic education is the education of citizens of a high patriotic consciousness, a sense of loyalty to their Fatherland, readiness to fulfill civic duty and constitutional obligations to protect the interests of the Motherland.

The main methodological principle of the patriotic education of students should be to ensure their knowledge and awareness of their small homeland. In pre-revolutionary Russia, the subject “Motherland Studies” existed in school curricula, which was later renamed “Local Studies”. In the Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language V.I. Dahl we read: “Local history is a body of knowledge about individual localities or the country as a whole, it is a comprehensive study of one’s locality – nature, economy, history, life of people – mainly by local schools.” Defeated in 1929, local lore science again occupied a worthy place in the life of society.

Patriotism is considered, first of all, as love for one's Fatherland and is a deep and strong human feeling. On the agenda of today is the task of educating a citizen and a patriot who is aware of his duty to the Fatherland and the small Motherland, his Russian identity.

Fundamentally new tasks set by the XXI century. before the education system, require a rethinking of the used pedagogical categories, concepts, definitions, expansion of the conceptual field of pedagogy. The solution of new state and public problems that arise in the field of educational work, to a large extent, slows down the insufficient legislative, regulatory, scientific, financial, economic, personnel and managerial support for ongoing processes. It is also necessary to note the lack of attention of the legislation of the Russian Federation to the issues of educating young people, which is considered mainly in the context of education.

The uncertainty of spiritual and moral guidelines in the upbringing of young people has led to the lack of a clear social order for the family, school, educational institutions, which negatively affects the behavior and beliefs of young people. Socio-pedagogical diagnostics, sociological studies show a radical change in the values ​​and priorities of young people in the new Russia and their deep differentiation by region, society, level of education, age, etc., which cannot be ignored in the informal organization of educational work. So, a new, previously unfixed value was “the desire to be born abroad” (32.1% of the respondents, another 21.6% found it difficult to answer this question). The main reasons for this are: low standard of living in the Russian Federation (45.6%), low legal and social security (23.2%), low cultural level in society (10%), difficulties in manifesting one’s abilities in Russia (12, 4%) . An alarming trend is the inflated self-esteem of young people, their uncritical attitude towards themselves. The different level of exactingness to society, the state and to oneself testifies to the trends unregulated by society in the formation of the life values ​​of young people.

The events of the last twenty years give every reason to believe that economic disintegration, social differentiation of society, devaluation of spiritual values ​​have had a negative impact on the public consciousness of the majority of social and age groups in Russia; the country failed to create a fairly fair system of social and state relations, the educational impact of Russian culture, art and education as the most important factors in the formation of patriotism was sharply reduced. The gradual loss by our society of the traditional Russian patriotic consciousness has become more and more noticeable. Society does not have a generally recognized ideal, and its spiritual and moral guidelines are pushed into the background by the priorities of the market economy. The growing alienation of young students from the state (low level of civic consciousness, loss of patriotic orientations, aggressiveness, extremist tendencies), educational institutions (loss of interest in learning, knowledge), family (weakening of the educational function of parents), collective (weakening of social activity of young people) is becoming obvious. and even from themselves (deformation of consciousness).

Being in an ideological "vacuum", Russian society is searching for a new ideology, which, in the first approximation, should be understood as a system of ideas that can unite Russians, activate their intellect, will and strength to get Russia out of a protracted crisis, stimulate their patriotic feelings and optimize them. activity.

Patriotism is called upon to give a new impetus to the spiritual improvement of the people, the formation of a unified civil society in Russia. The development of scientifically based conceptual approaches to the organization of patriotic education of citizens, its theoretical foundations is an urgent task.

Closely connected with the concept of "patriotism" is another concept - "internationalism". Internationalism is defined as views and policies that express the coincidence of fundamental interests or aspirations to unite different states, ethnic groups or their representatives. The objective basis of internationalism is the process of internationalization of production, information exchange, scientific, technical and cultural development. Internationalism implies respect for other peoples, their culture, traditions and customs.

Internationalism is the principle of solidarity and cooperation of various peoples or social groups, based on the commonality of their interests, equality and independence. It is the basis of mutual understanding, mutual trust, interpenetration of cultures, values, knowledge, technologies. Internationalism presupposes close cooperation, equality, friendship and mutual assistance between countries and the peoples living in them, guarantees the correct solution of national and international problems. Internationalism is based on respect for all large and small nations and nationalities, their state sovereignty, readiness to live in peace and friendship with all states.

Excessive enthusiasm for both patriotism and internationalism can give rise to negative phenomena, which, in turn, does not contribute to the adoption of constructive decisions in emerging conflict situations. The extreme manifestation of internationalism is cosmopolitanism, which can be defined as a rejection of national traditions, culture, and patriotism. A cosmopolitan is indifferent to the fate of his people, his Motherland, and what matters, first of all, is his own well-being. The formation of internationalism, the cultivation of a sense of respect for another people, as a rule, begins with acquaintance with its traditions, customs, culture, art, and especially literature. Specialists in international education advise teachers to acquaint students with the cultures of those peoples whose representatives are in this institution. This creates an atmosphere of respect for the cultures of different peoples, understanding that their representatives may well live in peace and harmony.

It is impossible to bring up patriotism and internationalism in words, through appeals and slogans. Serious attention should be paid to the formation of a person's own civic position. It is practical activity on the scale of an educational institution, city or even region that stimulates civic activity, allows you to move from words about love for the Motherland to concrete actions that confirm these words.

Communication, play, study and work are not only activities, but also the most important factors (means) of education, including the education of tolerance, the culture of interethnic communication.

Academician D.S. Likhachev wrote: “I adhere to the view that love for the Motherland begins with love for one's family, one's home, one's school! She is gradually growing. With age, it also becomes love for its city, for its village, for its native nature, for its countrymen, and when it matures, it becomes conscious and strong until death, love for its ... country and its people. It is impossible to skip over any link in this process and it is very difficult to reattach the whole chain when something has fallen out in it or, moreover, was absent from the very beginning.
Patriotic education is a complex pedagogical process that will eventually help:

    raise patriotic consciousness, moral and ethical guidelines;

    reveal the understanding of true patriotism;

    get rid of indifference, cruelty, selfishness;

    to increase the prestige of military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

    form a strong patriotic position;

    increase the need for spiritual enrichment;

    educate respect for work, the worker.

An educational institution is the institution that introduces young citizens into the world of our fatherland, and in order for this world to continue to exist, it is necessary not to interrupt traditions. At present, this work is relevant and especially difficult, because it requires great tact and patience.

The technological component of the process of patriotism education involves the use of a wide range of forms and methods of patriotic education, i.e. those forms and methods of work that have an accentuated patriotic orientation. It is possible to single out specific directions in the content of patriotic education: cultural-historical, military-historical, spiritual-moral, legal, military-technical, physical, mental, professional-active.

The cultural-historical component involves familiarization with significant events in the history of Russia, its turning points, where the people showed selflessness, steadfastness and heroism; fostering pride in the Russian people, their patriotism, manifested during the years of severe trials; education of love and gratitude to the ancestors, the talent of the Russian people and their creative work.

The military-historical component involves the study of the stages of the heroic past of our Motherland, the struggle of the Russian people from numerous enemies; study of the stages of development and strengthening of new military traditions.

Spiritual and moral - instilling such values ​​as citizenship; formation of high social activity; development of correct approaches to the definition of true and coming values ​​in matters of patriotism and citizenship.

The legal component involves the study of laws, clarification of responsibility for their implementation as a factor in the development of civic maturity, a conscious attitude to one's behavior; fostering respect for the laws of the Russian Federation, the norms of collective life.

The military-technical component involves fostering conviction in the need to defend the Fatherland in modern conditions; understanding by each person of his role and place in the fulfillment of the tasks of protecting the Fatherland; the formation of the basic qualities, properties, skills, habits necessary for the performance of duties in military service.

Physical component - preservation, strengthening and correction of health, improvement of physical condition; developing the ability of a young person to maintain his health and life.

The psychological component involves the formation of a stable positive attitude towards military service; education of moral and psychological readiness to defend national values ​​in the field of patriotism; prevention of negative phenomena and manifestations of deviant behavior, removal of psychological tension.

Professional activity - the formation of a conscientious and responsible attitude to work related to serving the Fatherland; claims and focus on achieving high performance; developing the ability to perform duties effectively and with high efficiency and achieve specific goals; formation of the ability to predict and implement plans for their professional growth.

To implement these components, it is supposed to use the appropriate forms of organization of activities in the classroom, after school hours, non-college and public organizations:

Verbal forms (meetings, gatherings, rulers, lectures, reports, conferences, debates, meetings, student newspapers);

Practical forms (hikes, excursions, olympiads, competitions of works, search work, environmental activities, circles, subbotniks);

Visual forms (school and class museums, gallery of heroes, exhibitions, thematic stands).

Forms of organization and management of the life of the student team (meetings, conferences, meetings of the asset, duty, reports);

Information and mass forms (lessons, reports, conversations, theme evenings, lines, conferences, meetings);

Effective-practical (propaganda team, expedition, hiking trip);

Synthetic forms (student club, light, watching and discussing movies, TV shows, books);

Forms of individual work (consultations, conversations, performance of tasks and assignments).

In the formation of civic-patriotic education, it is necessary to rely on the appropriate forms of organization of activities. All of them undoubtedly contribute to raising the level of civic-patriotic education.

Also, when organizing civil and patriotic education, one can rely on the classification of upbringing methods proposed by Yu. K. Babansky:

Methods for the formation of consciousness (concepts, laws, views, beliefs, ideals), that is, verbal and visual methods;

Methods of organizing activities and forming the experience of behavior (setting tasks, presenting requirements, instructions, exercises, taming to the implementation of norms of behavior);

Methods of stimulating and motivating behavior (encouragement, punishment, creating situations of emotional experiences, game situations);

Methods of control, self-control, assessment and self-assessment of activities and behavior.

An important side of the content maturity of the organization of patriotic education in educational institutions is its involvement in its main activities: educational, methodological, educational.

Transferring knowledge to children, it is necessary to take into account that they should have educational value, contribute to the formation of moral feelings.


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The structure of patriotism

Patriotism is a complex phenomenon. The vast majority of researchers distinguish three elements in the structure of patriotism: patriotic consciousness, patriotic activity and patriotic relationship Krupnik A.A. Patriotism in the system of civil values ​​of society and its formation in the military environment: author. ... cand. philosophy Sciences. - M.: VU, 1995. - S. 14; Kochkalda G.A. Patriotic Consciousness of Warriors: Essence, Trends in Development and Formation (Philosophical and Sociological Analysis): Abstract of the thesis. ... cand. philosophy Sciences. - M.: VPA im. IN AND. Lenin, 1991. - S. 8; Spirituality of the Russian officer: problems of formation, conditions and ways of development / otv. ed. B.I. Kaverin. - M.: VU, 2002. - S. 73; Patriotic education of military personnel on the traditions of the Russian army / Ed. S.L. Rykova - M.: VU, 1997. - S. 27?28. . Y. Trifonov adds a fourth component to them - patriotic organization Trifonov Yu.N. Essence and main manifestations of patriotism in the conditions of modern Russia (social and philosophical analysis): author. ... cand. philosophy Sciences. - M., 1997. - S. 9. .

Patriotic consciousness forms a special form of social consciousness, combining political, social, legal, religious, historical, moral components.

Political the system of society, through the influence of power structures, leaves a special significant imprint on the consciousness of citizens. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to distinguish State, represented by the power elite, and Fatherland, which is much broader than its political component. A true patriot does not blame his homeland for the fact that in an era of change it is not easy to live in his native land. It is during such periods that the strength of patriotic feelings is tested. Just as one cannot blame one's mother for being tormented by illnesses, one cannot blame the Motherland for the fact that corrupt and greedy political elites rule. The disease must be treated, and traitors must be fought.

Social the element in the patriotic consciousness is determined by the class relations existing in society and the corresponding criteria for their evaluation.

Right influences the formation and functioning of patriotic consciousness through legal norms, enshrined primarily in the Constitution of the state.

The role of religions in the formation of patriotic consciousness. Its complexity is due to the presence in society of representatives of various faiths, as well as convinced atheists. Such spiritual heterogeneity, of course, implies a different understanding of patriotism.

Of great importance for the formation of patriotic consciousness is story Fatherland. The factual material reflecting the past of our country contains knowledge that contributes to the formation of patriotism. In this regard, it is appropriate to recall the words of A.S. Pushkin, addressed to P. Chaadaev: "... I swear on my honor that for nothing in the world I would not want to change the Fatherland or have a different history, except for the history of our ancestors, such as God gave it to us" Correspondence of A.S. Pushkin: In 2 volumes / Ed. K.M. Tyunkin. - M., 1982. V.2. - S. 290 ..

An important role in the formation of patriotic consciousness is played by the category morality. Time has shown the inconsistency of political emphasis in the education of patriotism, which was typical of the Soviet era. A real patriot can only be considered one who has managed to turn patriotic duty from a socially significant requirement into a deeply conscious inner spiritual need. patriotism motherland fatherland spiritual

Patriotic consciousness can be represented as a kind of "section" of public consciousness on everyday psychological And theoretical and ideological levels Patriotic consciousness: essence and formation / A.S. Milovidov, P.E. Sapegin, A.L. Simagin and others - Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1985. - S. 16. .

The ordinary psychological level of patriotic consciousness is a system with a fairly static, practically unchanged "core" in the form of traditions, customs, archetypes inherent in a given society. Apparently, the very formation of this core, which began in the primitive era, was a thousand-year process. Ordinary consciousness is also represented by a dynamic, constantly changing “shell”, which includes feelings associated with patriotic experiences, empirical concepts and primary value judgments, as well as the psychological state of the masses when they perceive the nature of the situation, one way or another related to patriotism. It is in this sphere of consciousness that the direct motivational basis is formed, on which the patriotic behavior of people is formed. The ordinary psychological level is the sensual stage of patriotic consciousness.

The theoretical and ideological level of patriotic consciousness includes rationally systematized scientifically organized knowledge and ideas about patriotism, expressed in political programs, statements, legislative acts relating to issues related to patriotism, expressing the fundamental interests of individual social groups, as well as society as a whole. In a concentrated form, this level of consciousness is expressed in ideology, which is a reflection of the social interests and goals of society. However, society is not a homogeneous entity, all members of which would have the same goals and interests. Mismatched or conflicting interests of social groups, of course, leave an imprint on patriotic consciousness, but it is love for the motherland that can be the ideological basis that can unite various social strata around itself.

Analyzing patriotic consciousness, I would like to focus on the fact that patriotism is not ordinary feelings, and even more so it is not a rationalization of sensory perception. Here there is an exit of human consciousness to the level of unity of emotional, intellectual and volitional perceptions and manifestations, which just creates patriotic heroes who are ready to sacrifice their lives for the sake of the Motherland.

Patriotic consciousness acquires value only when it is realized in practice in the form of specific actions and deeds, representing in the aggregate patriotic activity. Human behavior can only be considered patriotic when it has a positive meaning for the Fatherland and does not harm other ethnic groups and states. For the Motherland, it is important to work to preserve its potential in all areas, but primarily in the spiritual. As in any kind of activity, static and dynamic aspects can be distinguished in the structure of patriotic activity.

From point of view static aspect in patriotic activity, one can single out the subject, object and means. Subject patriotic activities are people who are members of a particular society. An object Patriotic activity represents the Fatherland (Motherland). Facilities Patriotic activity can be represented by the whole spectrum of means of human activity. But it makes sense to divide them into two groups: the first group is the means of peaceful labor or creative activity, the second - the means of armed struggle or destructive activity. A feature of the second group is that, despite their destructive nature, the means of armed struggle play a leading role in the defense of their Fatherland.

From point of view dynamic aspect in the structure of patriotic activity, one can single out the goal, process and result. aim patriotic activity is the achievement (upholding) of the interests of one's Fatherland, both with the help of peaceful labor and armed violence. Process patriotic activity is the activity of the subject of patriotic activity in the interests of achieving the goal. This activity can take place both in peacetime and in wartime. result patriotic activity is one or another degree of achievement of the goal. The results achieved in peacetime are seriously different from the results of the war. The main difference parameter is concentrated in the price paid for the result. If in peacetime this is, as a rule, selfless labor, then in conditions of armed struggle, the cost of achieving the result of patriotic activity can be not only the loss of health, but also the loss of the life of the subject.

Thus, within the framework of patriotic activity, the subject not only seeks to change or preserve the objective reality, personified for him in the concept of the Motherland (Fatherland), but also significantly changes his inner world, bringing it into line with the main patriotic interests and goals.

The third structural element of patriotism is patriotic relationship. They represent a system of connections and dependencies of human activity and the life of social individuals and groups in society regarding the defense of their needs, interests, desires and attitudes related to their homeland. The subjects of patriotic relations can be both individuals and various communities of people who enter into active interaction with each other, on the basis of which a certain way of their joint activity is formed. Patriotic relations are the relationships of people with each other, capable of taking on the character of a friendly cooperation or conflict(based on match or collision interests these groups). Such relationships may take the form of direct contacts or an indirect form, for example, through relations with the state.

A certain place in the system of patriotism is occupied by patriotic organizations. These include institutions directly involved in patriotic education - patriotic clubs and circles. Great work on patriotic propaganda and patriotic education is carried out by veteran, creative, sports, and scientific organizations.


Chapter 1. Pedagogical foundations of patriotic education

1.1. Tasks and principles of patriotic education

1.2. Local history work as a form of patriotic education

Chapter 2




The patriotic education of the younger generation has always been one of the most important tasks of the modern school, because childhood and youth are the most fertile time for instilling a sacred sense of love for the Motherland. Patriotic education is understood as the gradual and steady formation of students' love for their homeland. Patriotism is one of the most important features of a comprehensively developed personality. Schoolchildren should develop a sense of pride in their homeland and their people, respect for its great achievements and worthy pages of the past. Much is required of the school: its role in this regard cannot be overestimated.

Unfortunately, at present, school patriotic education has practically come to naught, as they say. Many factors have contributed to this in recent years: the intensified instillation of opinions in the media about the erroneous path of Russia's development, the absence of a common state, so to speak, basic ideology. In addition, the education of patriotism is hampered by the lack of methodological literature in which teachers could find recommendations and advice on this issue.

Their meaning lies in explaining the real concepts of good and evil, turning the consciousness of schoolchildren to the high ideals of national history and thereby creating in them independent ideas about the worthy global significance and self-worth of Russia. If the teacher in his daily work begins to regularly refer to the materials of the collection, then their use will allow raising a generation of people who are convinced, noble, ready for a feat, those who are usually called the short and capacious word "patriot". As schoolchildren grow older, as researchers note, the so-called “spring of heroism” (A. Ya. Brushtein) begins to form, requiring implementation, but, no matter how insulting it is to state, it most often remains unclaimed. On the other hand, the awakening forces of the growing organism can find their application in adhering to anti-social organizations, the flow of which is growing year by year.

Therefore, the topic is relevant.

The purpose of this work is to identify the methods and techniques used in educational work to form the patriotic consciousness of younger students.

Substantiate the tasks and principles of patriotic education;

To identify methods and techniques of patriotic education of younger students;

Show effective forms of patriot education in elementary school.

The object of research is the process of patriotic education of schoolchildren.

The subject of the research is the pedagogical conditions of work on the patriotic education of younger schoolchildren.

Research hypothesis: if you approach the work of patriotism education of younger students, then the process of education can be made more natural, effective. It can be assumed that if, on the basis of the basic program, a set of classes is developed aimed at improving the work on the patriotic education of schoolchildren, then the following results can be obtained:

- to increase the level of development of schoolchildren;

— provide an integrated approach to the harmonious development of schoolchildren;

- to increase the effectiveness of educating children's cognitive interest in their native land, in their country

Research methods:

The study of pedagogical and methodological literature on the research problem;

Monitoring the activities of schoolchildren; conversation

The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references.

Chapter 1. Pedagogical foundations of patriotic education

1.1. Tasks and principles of patriotic education

The historical experience of the formation and development of our Fatherland indicates that the most important means of forming a civil society, strengthening the unity and integrity of the multinational Russian Federation is the patriotic education of citizens. However, the collapse of the Soviet Union, the changes that took place in Russia and other CIS countries, caused by the transition from one economic formation to another, led to the degradation of the previously established system of patriotic and international education. Lack of ideas, egocentrism, cynicism, aggressiveness, moral relativism began to penetrate into the consciousness of people. It is a matter of concern that this is happening in Russia against the background of strengthening patriotic education in the leading countries of the world, where loyalty to the motherland, respect for the state flag and emblem are cultivated.

In conditions of social instability and the absence of effective ideological attitudes, it turned out to be very difficult to develop a concept that would allow teachers to determine what kind of citizen should be educated, what personal qualities should be formed. As a result, various views of a nationalist, chauvinistic and even fascist persuasion have spread with an inadequate interpretation of the concepts of "Fatherland", "citizenship", "patriotism", "internationalism", "nationalism", "chauvinism", "fascism", "Zionism", " anti-Semitism", "cosmopolitanism", etc. In such a dangerous situation, there is a departure of Russian citizens from the former Soviet patriotism and the gradual formation of a new one - Russian patriotism, in which the traditions of the heroic past and today's realities of life should be harmoniously combined, taking into account the prospects for the development of society in the foreseeable future.

Describing the situation that has developed in the country, Vladimir Putin says that even the word "patriotism" itself is "sometimes used in an ironic or even abusive sense. However, for most Russians it has retained its original, completely positive meaning. This is a feeling of pride in one's Fatherland ", its history, accomplishments. This is the desire to make their country more beautiful, richer, stronger, happier. When these feelings are free from national arrogance and imperial ambitions, there is nothing reprehensible, inert in them. This is a source of courage, stamina, strength of the people. Having lost patriotism, national pride and dignity associated with it, we will lose ourselves as a people capable of great achievements" (Russia at the turn of the millennium // Nezavisimaya gazeta. 12/30/1999).

In recent times, society has become more and more aware of the detrimental nature of moral degradation for the future of Russia, and the word "patriotism" is regaining its lofty meaning. The difficult situation in the country aroused the concern of employees of educational and cultural institutions, scientists, government, public and religious figures. In their opinion, patriotic education is an important means of forming a civil society, strengthening the unity and integrity of the Russian Federation. An important step in increasing the attention of the country's leadership and the population to the problems of patriotic education was the development of the state program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2001-2005" (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2001, No. 122).

In the implementation of this program, disclosure of the essence of the goal, tasks and principles of educating citizens in the spirit of patriotism and friendship of peoples is of great importance. Let's look at the key concepts.

As they say in textbooks on political science, Russian patriotism is the attitude of citizens towards their homeland - the Russian Federation, expressed in their readiness to serve and defend it. This is an attitude to the vast expanses of the country, its natural resources, the heroic historical past and today's contradictory realities, the peoples inhabiting it, their national merits); cultures, traditions, compatriots.

Friendship of the peoples of the Russian Federation is the relationship of nations, nationalities, based on the ideas of humanism, democracy and good neighborliness. It also represents the processes of implementing these ideas in the sphere of interethnic relations, which find their practical expression in the form of joint coordinated creative actions aimed at achieving common goals.

The friendship of the peoples of Russia and Russian patriotism are interconnected and complement each other. This is explained by the fact that in a multinational state, the national (inherent in individual peoples) and civil-patriotic (inherent in the entire federation) are combined as general and special. Patriotism under these conditions does not divide and separate the nations of the country, but brings them together, unites them.

Russian patriotism does not oppose the peoples of the country, but unites them within the framework of a single Federation, strengthens their ties with the peoples of the CIS and other foreign countries. In Russian patriotism, the all-Russian feeling of a citizen is combined with his feeling of a small homeland. native republic, region or national district.

In Russian patriotism, they must find a combination of the idea of ​​the peoples of Russia with a national, all-Russian idea, which is perceived by citizens of a multinational, multi-confessional country as a value core, as the meaning of life. Russian patriotism must also combine the personal, inherent in every citizen (regardless of national and religious affiliation) and public, connected with the development of the power of the country, its progress, the strengthening of the Federation.

Political scientists note that the goals of education and upbringing in a multinational state are formed in accordance with the interests of the ethno-confessional composition of the population, the nature of the relationship between peoples and national-territorial formations that are part of the federation. These goals, of course, reflect the level of development of society. At the same time, it is important to note that a society free from dictate is able to put forward realistically achievable goals if it has come to understand that only well-conscious perspectives of what has been planned give teachers the right direction and help them achieve success.

For Russia, one of the largest multinational and multi-confessional countries in the world, the most important goal of upbringing and education is the formation of Russian patriotism, a sense of friendship between peoples and religious tolerance among its citizens. The general goal defined by the state - the upbringing of a culture of interethnic communication - is differentiated in a system of actually feasible (family, educational institutions, cultural institutions, media, public organizations) specific tasks. The tasks determined by the common goal are designed to take into account the needs of the development of a multinational, multi-confessional society and social ideals that could become attractive to the peoples that make up the federation.

The tasks of education stem not only from the general goal determined by the essence of the social system of a multinational state, its ideology and politics, but also from the nature of the relations of the peoples inhabiting the state. Guided by this starting position, which is typical for multinational states, based on an analysis of the relationship between the peoples of Russia, taking into account their desire to live together and strengthen the common federal Fatherland, we have identified the following system of tasks for the patriotic education of citizens, namely, educating them: love for the Fatherland - the Russian Federation and its multinational people; Russian patriotism, in which the all-Russian feeling of a citizen (willingness to serve the Motherland, to defend it) is combined with his love for his small motherland (native republic, region or national district); respect for all the peoples of the Russian Federation, for their history, traditions, languages, cultures, national honor and dignity; love for the native language, culture and history of their people; respect for the Russian people and understanding of their role in the formation and development of Russian statehood; respect for the Russian language as the most important means of interethnic communication and mutual rapprochement between the peoples of Russia and the CIS; friendly attitude towards the peoples of the CIS, the formation of a sense of belonging to the Commonwealth of Independent States;

respect for international norms of human and peoples' rights, which involves the formation of legal consciousness and legal culture;

deep respect for the Constitution and other laws of the Russian Federation;

respect for the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, regardless of gender, race, nationality, language, origin, property and official status, place of residence and attitude to religion;

deep respect for universal human values, universal civilization (peace, security, freedom, the opportunity for each people to determine their own destiny, the triumph of reason and humanism, ensuring the rights and freedoms of the individual);

respect for world languages ​​and languages ​​of interethnic communication, accompanying this work with an explanation of the unconditional right of all peoples to the free use of their native language;

respect for the national dignity and feelings of people, for their ethnic views and beliefs;

respectful attitude to the national and confessional affiliation of a person, to the ethno-cultural and religious needs of people;

irreconcilable attitude to all forms of manifestation of nationalism, chauvinism, racism; instilling hatred for genocide, apartheid, preaching fascism and other racial, national or religious exclusiveness;

religious tolerance and respect for the religious feelings of people;

respect for the provisions of the Constitution that Russia is a secular state, where religious associations are separated from the state and equal before the law, all citizens are guaranteed freedom of conscience and religion, education is secular.

So, we have considered the purpose and tasks of the patriotic education of citizens. Let us turn to the consideration of the relevant principles, which, as is known, in pedagogy are considered to be the fundamental, fundamental ideas, initial provisions and systems of requirements arising from the goal of education and the theoretical provisions established by science, the observance of which ensures the effective functioning of the educational process. The principles of education express the basic requirements for the content, methods and means of educational work.

When solving educational problems, the teacher is guided by the principles of education. It is designed to take into account both the nature of education itself and the various circumstances and conditions under the influence of which the process of socialization of the young generation takes place.

The authorities and the public are called upon, guided by the principles of state national policy, to regulate the relations of the peoples of the country, to establish their joint peaceful life, to strengthen the common multinational homeland. Such regulation is carried out at the level of ethnic communities and national-territorial formations.

Teachers, guided by the principles of patriotic education, are called upon to help strengthen friendly relations between the peoples of Russia (at the psychological, interpersonal levels) through the education of citizens of feelings of Russian patriotism, friendship of peoples and religious tolerance.

The principles of patriotic education constitute an interconnected, integral system, guided by which teachers ensure the effective fulfillment of the goals and objectives of education, embody the content of education and upbringing in pedagogical practice, subject to the obligatory condition of public and state regulation of the activities of educational and cultural institutions, public organizations, the media and the family for patriotic education . The principles of patriotic education include the focus of education on:

strengthening the unity and integrity of the Russian Federation;

taking into account in the upbringing of the characteristics of various categories of the population (preschoolers, younger schoolchildren, adolescents, senior schoolchildren, students, employees of state institutions, military personnel, residents of cities and villages);

preservation and development of historically established friendly relations between the peoples of Russia, their consolidation in a single federal state;

promoting the development of national cultures and languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation;

assistance to the peaceful resolution of inter-ethnic contradictions and conflicts;

debunking propaganda of racism, nationalism and religious hatred;

ensuring equality of peoples and national minorities of the country;

ensuring equality of rights and freedoms of man and citizen, regardless of his race, nationality, language, attitude to religion;

strengthening the positive in the relations between the peoples and religious confessions of the country;

humane, respectful attitude to people of different nationalities and races, to their historical heritage, cultures and traditions;

a combination in the education of the national, civil-patriotic and universal;

ensuring mutual understanding and cooperation between people, peoples, racial, ethnic and religious groups;

the formation in each new generation of national self-consciousness, open to the perception of the values ​​of other peoples;

prevention of interethnic conflicts;

taking into account in the education of the religious and confessional characteristics of various peoples, the observance of the equal status of religions; cooperation with traditional religions in fostering a sense of respect and trust between peoples, religious tolerance;

dissemination of objective information about the joint life and problems of the peoples of Russia, the ideas of their spiritual unity, international peace, cooperation and mutual assistance;

taking into account the national and cultural needs of the scattered peoples and national minorities of the country for the preservation and development of their identity, traditions, languages, culture, education;

preservation of the original culture, languages, traditions and habitat of the indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East;

taking into account in education the ethno-political situation of the North Caucasus, its historical and cultural specifics, special geopolitical position and consequences of armed conflicts;

protection of the rights of refugees and internally displaced persons, taking into account their national and cultural characteristics;

mastery of the Russian language - a means of interethnic communication and mutual rapprochement of the peoples of Russia and the CIS;

ensuring cultural interaction between the Russian Federation and the CIS countries within the framework of the common Eurasian ethno-cultural space.

1.2. Local history work as a form of patriotic education

Until quite recently, one could only say “military-patriotic education”, since patriotism was associated only next to the image of the enemy. The demilitarization of the school, which is somewhat more successful than democratization, removed from the curricula the course of initial military training, the obligatory "Zarnitsa" and "Eagles", although it retained "arming with knowledge" in the vocabulary of teachers and administration.

Patriotic education, like moral education, cannot be carried out according to instructions and voluntary-compulsory games that are appropriate in a military school and alien in a general education school. In order for a person to stand up for his Motherland without hesitation in case of danger, he must feel love for this Motherland that pierces to the point of pain in his heart. The love that we not only feel, but also, as it were, hear both in the words of M. Sholokhov and in the prose poem by Fyodor Kryukov “Dear Land”: Dear Land ... Like a mother’s caress, like her gentle call over the cradle, warmth and joy the magic sound of familiar words trembles in the heart.

The quiet light of dawn is melting a little, a cricket is ringing under a bench in a corner, a young month is minted from silver in the window ... It smells of dill from the garden ... Dear land ...

The crosses of my native graves, and over the levada the smoke of kizek, and the spots of white kurens in the green frame of willow groves, grain with brown straw and a crane frozen in thought - excites my heart more than all the wondrous countries beyond the distant seas, where the beauty of nature and art have created the world of charms. I love you, dear land.

Singing the drawn-out songs of antiquity, melancholy and daring, the beauty of parting and boundless sadness - ache my heart with the sweet pain of sadness, inexpressibly close and dear.

The wise silence of gray-haired mounds and the cry of a gray eagle in the sky, in the pearly haze of visions of the zipun knights of the past, poured with the blood of the brave, strewn with Cossack bones the expanse of green and dear ... Isn't it you, dear land?

In the days of stagnation, in a troubled time of collapse and downfall of spirit, I, hating and loving, mourned You with bitter tears, my Native Land ... "

This work, created in 1918 (given in abridged form), has not lost its freshness and relevance even today.

Much connects a person with the place where he was born and raised. The native land, its people, nature, having passed through consciousness, become part of human destiny. Wherever we live, no matter what language we speak, Russia is our common, great, and only Fatherland. However, each of us also has his own, sweet corner of the earth, where he saw the light of the sun, took his first steps, got a start in life. This place - a city or a farm - is incomparable with anything else. This is our threshold of life, the Little Motherland.

Many methodologists believe that the main methodological principle of the patriotic education of students should be the knowledge and awareness of their Little Motherland. The patriotic education of students begins with the knowledge of the Little Motherland, with the knowledge of the smells of spicy steppe herbs, the mysterious breath of the sea depths, the singing of the lark in the sky. It is no coincidence that in pre-revolutionary Russia, the school curriculum included the subject "Motherland Studies", which was later renamed "Local Studies". In the explanatory dictionary of V.I. Dahl we read: “Local history is a body of knowledge (historical, geographical, etc.) about individual localities or the country as a whole, it is a comprehensive study of one’s locality — nature, economy, history, life of people — mainly by local schools” ...

“Local history is, first of all, local love,” recalled Professor S.O. Schmidt. “The most massive type of science,” Academician D.S. Likhachev. High science merges here with the masses. Not only figuratively, but also literally. After all, the local history club is perhaps the only place where a gray-haired professor can discuss a common problem with a young teacher or a schoolboy from a distant farm.

The contribution of local historians to many sciences can hardly be overestimated.

After all, without a comprehensive, comprehensive study of the native land (which is what local history does), it is impossible to form a person of culture.

And how not to recall here the words of Vitaly Zakrutkin:

"Love to motherland. Inescapable love for the place where you first saw the sun and your mother's head bowed over you, and heard the words of your father, and repeated them, knowing the beauty of your native language! Whose soul was not disturbed by this bright, pure, incorruptible love?

The motherland can do without us, but we are nothing without it. This great truth, to which V.A. Sukhomlinsky, every child should understand and feel. Any student interested in local history can choose an occupation to their liking. There are the following areas of local history work: geographical, artistic, historical, literary, environmental.

Geographic local history studies the climatic features of the area and their dynamics, forest and steppe tracts, hills, ravines, individual trees, mounds, fragments of landscape and sea areas, steppe mounds, individual mountains and dunes, soils, wildlife, streams and springs. Sculpture, architecture, art crafts, oral folk art, musical folklore, wood carving, dance art, etc. can become the object of artistic local history research.

The subject of attention of local historians is the history of cities, towns, individual buildings, prominent personalities, enterprises, schools, social processes and phenomena, population

In pedagogical science, the purpose of literary local history is to identify two dependencies: how this or that city (village) shaped the personality of the writer (poet) and how this writer reflected this or that locality in his work.

The main sources of local history information are:

Periodical press (newspapers, magazines, almanacs);

Fiction (but it must be remembered that n (every writer-artist reliably reflects reality);

archival funds;

museum funds;

all kinds of plans and maps;

material traces of culture (works of sculpture, painting, architecture);

Materials of statistics;

Oral testimonies of the elders. Basic principles of local history work:

Systems approach;

The ultimate reliability of the facts;

The synchronism of individual areas of search (for example, art or nature of the region cannot be considered in the historical context).

Forms of local history work - classroom and extracurricular, both active (search itself, tourism, field work) and passive (working out field materials, excursion services in school museums).

Extracurricular local history work is search expeditions, tourism, local history theoretical circles, theme evenings, competitions, olympiads, plein air (painting sketches from nature).

The end result of serious local history work is the school museum.

It is good when school research work on local lore is consistent with the work of local state museums or is carried out under their patronage. In this case, success is guaranteed. For example, the search expeditions of schoolchildren from the city of Taganrog gave a lot to the literary museum of A.P. Chekhov; schoolchildren in Rostov, under the guidance of a history teacher, who excavated the wreckage of more than 10 dead aircraft, handed over a lot of materials to the regional museum of local lore; State Museum "Post Station" in Aksai began with a modest museum of one of the schools in the city.

The quality and volume of local history work, the enthusiasm of children and the scope of their activities largely determine the personality of the teacher. You cannot count on success if you treat your work formally, without much personal interest. After all, children will immediately feel the official taste in communication.

Only after a good methodological preparation can one approach the practical implementation of one's ideas, because intuition alone is not enough in local history work. The content, topics and forms of work with children, the depth of elaboration of individual tasks, of course, depend on the age group.

In order for younger students to be able to fully feel the features of the school, imbued with its traditions, and then continue them, adults must know the kids well, their features.

In Sh. A. Amonashvili's book "At school - from the age of six" the author names a number of properties that are of particular importance for the effective organization of educational work with them in school conditions. These properties include: lack of social and moral experience; the predominance of urgent needs and impulsive activity; desire for gaming.

Let's try to follow the examples of the work of many schools, how the tasks of military-patriotic education of younger schoolchildren are solved, taking into account the characteristics of this age, what can be done in order to become a defender of the Motherland in the process of educational work.

Many teachers from the first school days form in children such important concepts as "Motherland", "patriot", "feat", "soldier-liberator". Students are brought to the realization that patriotism is love for the Motherland, active, effective love, the desire to strengthen its power on its own.

Awakening children's interest in history, exploits, teachers make lists of books on military-patriotic topics for extracurricular reading. Some of them are discussed in extracurricular activities, for example: “Volodka is a partisan son” by A. Perventsev, “Captain Gastello” by A. Belyaev, “Storm of the Reichstag” by B. Gorbatov, “Kortik” by A. Rybakov, “What did you do good” L . Tatyanicheva, and others.

In a number of schools, the reading of works of art dedicated to young heroes is skillfully used. It seems to us that third-graders will read with great interest "The Tale of the Military Secret, Malchish-Kibalchish and His Firm Word" by A. Gaidar, and others, unfortunately now forgotten books. War veterans must be invited to a meeting with the guys. They will acquaint schoolchildren with concrete, vivid facts of the heroism of Soviet soldiers, with the heroic deeds of children - pioneers and schoolchildren. Then you can hold military-patriotic games, which are also forgotten, you can revive Timurov's work, providing constant assistance to war veterans and not only on holidays.

Of interest are the lessons of courage held in the primary grades. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War arrive at the school to participate in them. Then you can conduct a review of the troops. Each class has its own uniform: pilots, tankers, border guards, sailors .. Judging is organized by high school students. The honorary jury is veterans. Thus, the review of the troops actually opens the lessons of courage, refracting the continuity of generations in the military-patriotic activities of schoolchildren.

Every year, together with their parents, teachers, veterans, schoolchildren can participate in the laying of wreaths at the grave of soldiers. On the eve of this day, primary school students, under the guidance of teachers, make artificial flowers and weave them into the frame of wreaths. The kids are well aware that they have been given a great honor - to prepare an important school-wide business and directly participate in it.

In schools, it is advisable to conduct cycles of conversations devoted to the symbols of the country: the creation of the State Emblem, the flag, the text and music of the anthem of the Russian Federation (such work in an accessible form can be started in the lower grades); specifically for younger students, one could advise the following topics: “Why is the flag of our Motherland a tricolor?”, “The coat of arms of the Russian Federation”, “How the coat of arms of the Russian Federation was created”.

Thus, the military-patriotic education of younger schoolchildren is characterized by the emergence of a number of new forms, and those that involve the inclusion of students in direct military-patriotic activities: "Zarnichka", parades of formation and songs, the search for materials about the exploits of relatives and friends, heroes-compatriots, assistance in equipping the exposition of the school museum of military glory, participation in military-patriotic ceremonies. An important prerequisite for the effectiveness of the military-patriotic education of younger schoolchildren is their timely familiarization with the traditions that were born at school and aimed at training patriots.

But non-patriotic education can also be carried out in the classroom. The lesson was and remains the most important link in the system of educational work with students. It is at the lessons that the foundation of patriotic consciousness, patriotic feelings and behavior of a citizen - a builder and defender of the Fatherland - should be laid. Practice shows that no interesting extracurricular and out-of-school educational work can ever compensate for the gaps made in the matter of upbringing in the classroom.

So everyone is in favor of going to the lessons in the beginning - given their importance and the paradoxical circumstance that the most important link in the system of military-patriotic education - the lesson - has not received proper disclosure in the works of specialists.

Discipline as one of the most important qualities necessary for the successful fulfillment of military duty is formed in the classroom.

When and where is high discipline formed at school - in the classroom or in the process of extracurricular activities, in primary, middle or high school? The answer can be unequivocal: both in the classroom and outside of them, from the first minute of schooling to the last. But, calling a spade a spade, we recognize that the formation of discipline in such a range of time and space is possible only in those schools where there is a team of like-minded teachers-educators. And what is an indicator, a litmus test of the presence of such a team (that is, a real one, and not just in the state) at school? The unity of the requirements of teachers to students - in big and small, in the classroom and outside the classroom, etc.

Therefore, if the unity of the requirements of teachers-educators in big and small is not achieved, neither the content of the educational process, nor the high individual skill of individual teachers will help out. It teaches, educates, disciplines, instills a high culture of work, first of all, the very organization of the educational process, in which there can be no trifles, everything is “close-up”: and how the teacher entered the class, how the mutual greeting passed, whether it was heard report of the duty officer in the class, what is the state of the workplace of each student, are everyone ready for the lesson, etc.

Is the school clean? Is the design style of the lobby, assembly hall, stairs, etc., the same? Do all lessons start and end strictly on call? Does every teacher know how to listen to the student to the end, will not allow himself to shout at his pupil, make comments in an insulting, degrading form of the child? All these and many other questions are components of one big question: is there a real school?

The unity of the requirements of teachers in the field of military-patriotic education of students finds its concrete expression in a productive school regime, without which it is impossible to successfully solve the problems of education, or education in general. A clear regime of school life, academic work and extracurricular activities is an important, effective factor in instilling discipline in students.

The correct mode determines the efficiency of the team, the clarity of its working rhythm, educates the culture of mental and physical labor. Increasing the level of exactingness to the pupils, it has a positive effect on their emotional sphere, disciplines externally and internally, educates the will and tempers the character.

The importance of discipline is great for carriers of any profession. Another thing is also obvious: without high discipline there is not and cannot be a warrior, just as there cannot be an army without discipline of the highest order. It is discipline that is not only an indispensable prerequisite, a tool for solving problems, but also a stable fusion of moral, political, intellectual, emotional and volitional characteristics of a person. That is why there is a need to use in the practice of secondary school, and in particular in the organization of a clear regime of schoolwork.

If a proper working atmosphere is not created in the school, if firm discipline is not established in the lessons, breaks and extracurricular activities, teachers will never be able to solve general educational and educational tasks, including military-patriotic education.

Apparently, there is a need to draw the attention of secondary school teachers to the importance of a strict and clear regime of educational and extracurricular activities. In conclusion of the conversation about the routine of school life, we note that the attention paid to this issue in our work is objectively justified. Firstly, the address of the conversation is quite wide: the whole school, all the teachers, the organization of work in the classroom and after school hours. And secondly, we agree that the routine of school life is an integral part of the educational atmosphere created by the efforts of all teachers and students.

Chapter 2

Patriotism, according to Methodists, is a deep awareness of one's inseparability with the Fatherland, not only in its historical, cultural and territorial aspect, but also in inseparable involvement with its nature.

Teachers, unjustifiably relegated to the background the problem of the formation in children of true love and respect for the Motherland, for its historical past, for Russian original culture, for folk art and art

So, for the education of patriotism in the work, you can use folk themes: folklore, folk poetry, fairy tales, epic, phraseology and vocabulary of the native language, a variety of types of arts and crafts, folk rituals and traditions, i.e. all those spiritual values ​​with which our great Motherland is rich, which is the core of the national character. At first, this work was carried out in the classroom, then through a folklore circle, through elective courses in aesthetics.

The author's program of the teacher of Russian language and literature from the city of Kirov N.V. Chernykh "Russian traditional culture" was developed. Where necessarily several lessons are devoted to the small Motherland. Their goal is to reveal to children the meaning of the concept of "small Motherland". Understand why the Motherland is the most precious thing?

At the lessons, the works of M.I. Glinka, P.I. Tchaikovsky, bell chimes, fragments of sacred music, Russian folk songs, poems about Russia, about the Vyatka region are heard. Then the work on Russian subjects deepens and expands. Students meet folk craftsmen. Lessons are conducted in an entertaining way. More historical material is included in the content of the lessons. Be sure that students get acquainted with the traditions, rituals, traditions of their people (after all, each nation is rich in its own national characteristics), they talk about ancient Russian cities, about their hometown. Outside school hours, various holidays and excursions are held. For example, "Russian Matryoshka Festival" or "Russian Forest" Children went on city tours, museums, workshops of cities

Interesting and informative meetings with famous people of their region. So, writers, museum workers can be invited to the school. Together with the craftsmen, conduct classes where schoolchildren will get to know and learn how to make, make all kinds of national clay products.

Based on the program of N.V. Chernykh, it is possible to conduct a lesson that is unusual at first glance. "Native Side" The lesson is always preceded by a walk through the streets, where there are old buildings. The disciples were surprised to rediscover the beauty of these houses. After the tour, they enthusiastically work on creating an image of the house. Someone made it out of paper, someone drew it, and it turned out to be a beautiful street that will remain in children's memory for a long time.

In the work it is necessary to use the interaction of three types of art - words, painting, music, which shows how the same phenomenon is depicted by different craftsmen.

Working in this direction, we can say with confidence that: students will study material related to folk culture with interest, especially when they themselves are participants in the creative process. Their cultural level is rising, there is a need to obtain new knowledge about the Motherland, about folk traditions. All this is very important for the formation of patriots, worthy citizens of their Fatherland.

A concrete understanding of the role and place of native nature in the life of society and the fate of the Fatherland is manifested in each of us in a personal interested, indifferent attitude towards it. Recently, the undeservedly pejorative, for any reason, wording "the revival of Russia" has firmly taken root in the media. However, let's think about it: Russia still remains a unique natural complex, the only country in the world, in the bowels of which the entire periodic table is present, so statements about the "dying of Russia" look, to put it mildly, premature.

Another thing is taking care of the natural treasures that we have inherited. Development of teaching and educational tools used in communication with schoolchildren to form their views and beliefs on the conservation and reproduction of natural resources.

It is possible that, thanks to the activities implemented in the school environment, schoolchildren who have become adults, depending on their field of activity and social status, will try to do everything in their own power to preserve Russia's natural resources.

But the symbols of Russia are not only the white birch tree and the mighty oak. Many more wonderful features are considered characteristic of our country - from Russian heroes and beauties to national cuisine and art crafts.

Of course, in one event it is impossible to fully cover the entire history and traditions of, say, such art as Vologda lace. But it is possible and necessary to talk about the most valuable, striking and noticeable phenomena and events all over the world, recognized as typical only for Russia.

And if a child takes care of his national symbols from childhood, then with more confidence we can say that he will become a patriot of his country. In elementary school, patriotic education can start with extracurricular activities. For example:

Russian forest

Participants: Presenter, children in costumes depicting plants of the Russian forest - Rosehip, Dandelion, Pine, Cowberry, Blueberry, Ivan-tea, as well as the Doctor, vocal and dance ensembles.

Preliminary preparation: musical screensavers are being prepared, montages, songs and dances are being learned. To decorate the audience, you can use reproductions from paintings by famous artists, images of forest plants, reproduced posters with recipes for healthy preparations and forest gifts.

On stage, a vocal ensemble performing the song "Russian Forest" (music and lyrics by M. A. Davydova).

Ensemble (sings).

Forest, Russian forest, pines, spruces, aspens, birches,

Forest, Russian forest, winter evening and summer thunderstorms,

The forest, the Russian forest, is full of mystery and full of beautiful

Forest, Russian forest, once stood as a wall for Russia

The forest, the Russian forest, was terrible for foreign soldiers.

Forest, Russian forest, always make people happy and grow to heaven.

Forest, Russian forest, Russian forest.

The ensemble leaves. The leader appears.

Leading. The Russian forest is, without a doubt, worthy of admiration. Forests generally play an important role in maintaining moisture on the ground, regulating the flow of water into rivers. Merciless deforestation entails an increase in moisture in the soil, an increase in the water level in local rivers during floods and a greater likelihood of floods. Imagine rainwater flowing unhindered into the rivers, falling into their river valleys and devastating everything that comes across the path. Of all the countries of Europe, Russia is the richest in forests. In Western Europe, as a result of mismanaged deforestation, by the beginning of the 21st century, alas, negligible forests remained. Residents of Germany, Italy, France, Belgium have forgotten what ordinary forest mushrooms are. Now they feast on only champignon mushrooms grown in greenhouses. But forest mushrooms are much tastier.

No wonder Russian people most often like to go during their holidays not to country resorts, but, guess where? That's right, in the nearby forests and groves. After all, here you can spend the whole day with health benefits. And besides, you can make useful supplies for the winter and take away not only mushrooms, flowers and berries, but also unforgettable impressions, which will later become the basis of long pleasant memories.

The Doctor appears.

Doctor. Good afternoon. I hear you talk about the benefits of forests? May I also join your conversation?

Leading. Hello. Of course you can, just introduce yourself, please. Although I guess from your white coat that you are a doctor.

Doctor. Quite right. May I join your conversation? After all, the forest is indeed a great blessing for all of us. The forest air is healing. It has few microbes and many useful trace elements. Therefore, sanatoriums for sick people and rest houses are always built near forests. Let's remember what useful medicinal plants that grow in forests do you know.

The children answer.

Look, there are recipes on our walls, which indicate how to use this or that plant correctly and what can be prepared from it.

Leading. Let medicinal plants themselves take part in our conversation about the forest today, and let each of them tell a little about himself.

Children appear in costumes of forest medicinal plants. Each of them talks about himself.

Host. And here are our guests. Dear Doctor, will you introduce them?

Doctor: I think the guys will now name each of them themselves. Guys, listen to the riddle that each of the guests will ask you and answer it.

Rose hip.

vitamin jam

Let's surprise everyone.

My name is rose hips, I have smart bright pink flowers and sharp thorns for protection. My berries are champions among plants in terms of the amount of vitamin C. But few people know that you can use not only my berries, the decoction of which is drunk for stomach pain or a lack of vitamins, but also my flowers. When they begin to bloom in the spring, their rose petals are brewed and taken for colds, and if boiled in sugar syrup, you get a delicious rose petal jam.


I am a well-known plant.

In summer, I am yellow, like the sun.

I will fade - I will change color.

And you will see in the window

What else am I wearing.

White as a bunny in winter

Your cheerful...


My flowers are among the first to appear in the spring, and when they ripen, they scatter in cheerful parachutes. Dandelion leaves are also used for colds. And if you pick up a few handfuls of my mature, bright yellow flowers, add lemon sliced ​​\u200b\u200bwith the skin to them and boil with sugar, you will also get delicious jam. Pine.

evergreen tree,

It is hardened by the sun.

And in the winter there is no time for sleep.

Growing up on the mountain...

Decoctions of pine needles soothe the nervous system, help with flu and sore throats. You can cook an excellent delicacy from young pine cones. First they must be cleaned, pour boiling water for a minute to soften, and then boil in thick syrup. Cowberry.

Good beauty!

Everyone loves berries.

Only under the snow is very wild

See a berry...

Yes, even in winter you can dig up bright red cranberries from under the snow. Oh, and my berry soaked in sugar syrup is delicious. A decoction of a lingonberry leaf is used if a person has kidney problems, as well as nosebleeds.


I am a humble forest berry. In the clearing together in a row My berries look. From under the leaves, look, It appeared ... (Blueberry).

Yes, I am blueberry. A decoction of my leaves helps with heart disease. Blooming Sally.

Bees curl back and forth - Collect sweet honey. In front of us, by chance Appeared ... (Ivan-tea).

Yes, my name is Ivan Chai. People have learned to use everything that grows in the spring on my root. Ivan-tea leaves are eaten as a salad, soup is cooked from the stems, the roots are boiled, and they can replace meat in terms of satiety and number of calories. And you can also dry the whole Ivan-tea plant, grind it into flour and bake bread from it. I’m not talking about the flowers of my plant: they gave me the name - Ivan-tea, which means they can be brewed and drunk as a tasty and healthy drink.

Leading. Great, we are very glad to see you, dear medicinal plants. And what do you guys think, which tree is most often remembered if they want to talk about Russia? Hear a riddle about him:

And not a girl, but a beauty, Everyone will love it, everyone will like it, Black and white dress on her, Her fame rolls about curls.

Children answer: "Birch".

That's right, these are riddles about birch. Even one of the most popular Russian folk songs sings of the birch, remember, "There was a birch in the field."

The round dance song "There was a birch in the field" is performed.

The Russian forest is not only a doctor and comforter. He is a protector. After all, only in the forest can a person find everything necessary for life - trees to build a dwelling, plants and game - for food, and a person can sew warm fur coats from the fur of forest dwellers. And a completely unusual role was taken by the Russian forest during the years of difficult trials of our Motherland. Remember, at music lessons you listened to a song about the Russian forest, which became protection and protection for partisan fighters who liberated their homeland - Russia - from Nazi invaders. This song is called "Severely Noisy Bryansk Forest". Here is its beginning:

Noise severely Bryansk forest.

Gray mists descended

And the pines heard around how they walked,

How did the partisans go to battle? Let's listen to this song again. Pay attention to how the song will sound: it starts quietly, as if we see a dense forest in the predawn fog and partisans going to battle with the enemy. And in the middle, the song sounds loud - the music here paints a picture of the battle itself. The end of the song is again quiet, the battle ended in victory, and again we see only the Russian forest, sheltering its defenders in its heart.

The beginning of the song “The Bryansk Forest Sternly Noisy” by S. Katz sounds.

During the difficult years of military trials, the Russian forest became a home for those who did not surrender to the enemy, but fearlessly fought for their homeland, their loved ones, for the future of their country. And now let's remember one more tree, it is often called the symbol of Russia when they want to emphasize its inflexibility, heroic strength. What is my riddle about?

By the valley, above the steep

The hero stands mighty,

Thunder and winds are not terrible,

Acorns are visible on it.

Children answer: "Oak".

That's right, it's oak. This tree is sung in the Russian folk song "Among the Flat Valley", where the oak is compared to the hero standing on the clock. In the Russian forest there are many trees, remembering which you want to sing songs. Let's remember the names of songs about forest plants ("Oh, viburnum blooms", "What are you standing, swaying, thin mountain ash", "Curly maple, carved leaf", etc.). And one of the most popular Russian plants was, of course, viburnum. All over the world they know the tune of the folk song "Kalinka".

A dance is performed to the melody of "Kalinka".

With this well-known melody, we will end today our conversation about the Russian forest - its beauty, usefulness and musicality.

Educational work in the classroom will yield noticeable results if it is part of the whole work of the school in the patriotic education of children, and if it becomes more complicated in content and methods of implementation from class to class.


So, from all of the above, we can conclude that the core of all civic education is patriotism and internationalism.

The school has always developed in the children of all the peoples of Russia a sense of freedom, unity, equality and brotherhood. The essence of the concept of "patriotism" includes love for the Motherland, for the land where he was born and raised, pride in the historical achievements of the people. Patriotism is inextricably combined with internationalism, a sense of universal solidarity with the peoples of all countries. A special place in international education is occupied by the formation of feelings of unity, friendship, equality and brotherhood, uniting the peoples of Russia, the culture of interethnic communication; intolerance towards manifestations of national narrow-mindedness and chauvinistic swagger. In this process, the role of a truly folk multinational culture, true to the truth of life, is great.

The content of education occupies the leading place in the process of formation of the patriotic and international consciousness of schoolchildren. For example, the study of history introduces the rich patriotic and international traditions of the peoples of Russia, reveals to children the essence of the reform of the political system, which opens up space for the self-government of society, creating conditions for the full development of citizens' initiative; smoothing the mechanism of democratic identification and formation of interests and will of all classes and social groups; providing conditions for the further free development of each nation and nationality, strengthening their friendship and cooperation on the principles of internationalism; radically strengthening law and order; creating an effective mechanism that ensures the timely self-renewal of the political system, the development and implementation of the principles of democracy and self-government in all spheres of life.


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