What foods are useful when planning pregnancy. Nutrition menu for pregnancy planning

To mom

Nutrition when planning pregnancy is directly related to the ability to conceive. Both partners need to eat right.

In many ways, the normal functioning of the reproductive function of the body depends on the foods consumed.

What should you pay attention to when choosing food products in preparation for pregnancy?

What nutrition do you need to conceive a boy or girl? What food habits should you give up before conceiving? This is what this article will discuss.

    Nutrition when planning pregnancy for women

    Nutrition before pregnancy in three months and before planned conception should be complete, balanced, rich in vitamins.

    When planning a pregnancy, expectant mothers should definitely eat fresh vegetables and fruits, natural meat and dairy products. But in urban conditions this is not available to everyone and not always. How should most ordinary women who want to become mothers eat?

    1. Minimize the consumption of semi-finished products, canned food and fast food.

    2. Pay attention to foods rich in folic acid. Folacin or vitamin B9 necessary for conception and normal bearing of the baby. It is found in greens - parsley, spinach, broccoli, there is a lot of it in cabbage, peas, beans, pumpkin, beets, carrots, cucumbers, melon, bananas, porcini mushrooms and champignons.

    This vitamin is present in all nuts. And for those who are used to eating well, there is no need to switch to a low-calorie diet. After all, B9 is found in pork, beef, cheese, cottage cheese, salmon and tuna, as well as barley.

    Foods High in Folic Acid

    3. Meat, dried fruits, bread, herbs and cereals are rich in iron.

    4. And calcium is present in milk and its derivatives.

    5. B vitamins, vitamins E, D, C are also necessary for the expectant mother. Their deficiency causes problems with reproduction and complicates pregnancy.

    6. Drink at least 1.5 liters of clean drinking water.

    7. Diets associated with dietary restrictions and fasting are contraindicated for women preparing to conceive. But weight control necessary before pregnancy. Fasting days do no harm, but without fanaticism. Excess weight is an unnecessary burden on the body.

    REFERENCE! Folic acid is necessary for the normal construction of proteins and the transmission of hereditary characteristics, for complete hematopoiesis, and improvement of appetite, for protection against poisoning, etc.

    Nutrition when planning pregnancy for men

    The process of birth of a new life involves two people, which means that a lot also depends on the nutrition of the future dad 2-3 months before this event. A man's diet to conceive a child should contain:

    1. Products containing selenium. This is lean meat, fish, beef liver, millet.

    Selenium-rich foods

    2. Zinc is also important for the full reproduction of men. There is a lot of it in seafood and fish, mushrooms, spinach, asparagus and legumes.

    3. Vitamin-rich vegetables and fruits.

    4. Folic acid reserves, replenished from food, are necessary for the future father no less than for his other half - the future mother.

    5. Need to drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day, incl. water, juices, herbal teas.

    6. A man needs it too watch your weight, because Excess weight causes disorders.

    ATTENTION! Often the cause of male infertility is a deficiency of selenium in the body.

    What should you avoid when planning a pregnancy?

    Both partners will have to be long before conception give up some habits and products that can harm the health of mother and child:

    1. Products containing fast carbohydrates: white bread, sweets - worsen the composition of sperm lead to excess weight.

    2. Flavorings, dyes, preservatives and others with which they are loaded smoked meats, sausages, semi-finished products, sweet soda.

    3. B coffee, black tea, Coca-Cola contains a large amount of caffeine. And it must be strictly limited.

    4. For expectant mothers Too much vitamin A is harmful, which can adversely affect the development of the fetus. Therefore, they need to eat less organ meats and avoid cod liver.

    5. even in small quantities can lead to fetal pathologies, a malfunction in the chromosomal apparatus and even congenital deformities in the baby.

    ON A NOTE! The maximum permissible daily dose of caffeine is 300 mg. A cup of coffee contains 75 mg, a cup of tea – 50 mg, a glass of cola – 40 mg.

    Diet for conceiving a boy

    To conceive a boy, a sufficient amount must be present in the parents' food sodium and potassium. These microelements are found in salted fish, fried potatoes with herring, pickled cucumbers and mushrooms. It is also necessary:

    1. Increase your meat consumption.

    2. Use only whites from eggs.

    3. Don’t forget about fish in any form.

    4. Rich in potassium: potatoes, tomatoes, pumpkin, eggplant, spinach, mushrooms.

    5. As for fruits, preference should be given to bananas, peaches, apricots, melons and juices from them.

    6. Prunes, dried apricots, and raisins are useful in this sense.

    7. It is better to drink juices, hydrocarbonate mineral water, teas, compotes.

    INTERESTING! Our ancestors noticed that during the famine years, mostly girls were born. Therefore, they believed that in order to conceive a boy, they needed to eat heartily and densely, giving preference to meat dishes.

    Diet for conceiving a girl

    To conceive a girl you need to eat food rich in calcium and magnesium, and prefer sweet to salty. Here is a list of products that will help with this:

    1. Chocolate, honey, marmalade.

    2. Milk, which should also be added to purees, porridge, tea, cocoa, coffee. Cottage cheese, sour cream, yoghurts should not be forgotten either.

    3. Eggs in any form - omelets, scrambled eggs, soufflé. They should also be in the dough, but salt and yeast should not be put there.

    4. Vegetables without restrictions, but not in pickled form.

    5. Apples, pears, grapes, citrus fruits, raspberries, cherries, and strawberries are rich in calcium.

    6. Calcined mineral waters are preferable.

    7. Any nuts, pumpkin seeds, and sesame are also useful.

    Approximate nutrition menu before pregnancy

    Those who set out to become happy parents need varied and nutritious diet before pregnancy. Products should be included in approximately the following proportions:

    1. Vegetables and fruits - 5 servings per day.

    2. Potatoes, pasta, whole grain bread and other foods rich in carbohydrates - 1-2 times a day.

    3. Meat, fish, eggs, legumes - daily. Moreover, fried fish or meat should be eaten twice a week, and boiled fish - every other day.

    4. Dairy products - daily.

    5. You also need to saturate your body with iron every day, which is found in red meat, legumes, and greens.

    6. Vitamin C-rich juices, teas, berries and others that help absorb iron should also be included in the diet every day.

    When preparing for pregnancy, the menu can be composed of the following dishes:

    • For breakfast, oatmeal with dried fruits or cottage cheese or eggs. You can complement these dishes with fruit salad and yogurt.
    • Lunch can consist of vegetable or fish soup or borscht. For the second course you can eat boiled or stewed meat or fish. Garnish: potatoes, pasta or buckwheat porridge with vegetable salad.
    • For dinner, the best choice would be fruit salad, cottage cheese, cheese, kefir or yogurt.

    Preferable drinks include pure water, natural juices, fruit drinks, rosehip infusion, milk, and green tea.

    Expectant parents, several months before the expected conception, need to eliminate alcohol from their diet and limit caffeine consumption. Vegetables and fruits are always healthy. You can’t go hungry or take long breaks between meals. You have to think not only about yourself, but also about the health of the unborn child.

  • Complete health check of future parents. You need to go to many doctors and undergo the necessary tests.

    You must be confident in your health. If any problems emerge during the examination, they must be eliminated immediately.

  • Stage of preparation for pregnancy and childbearing. It concerns both parents and involves giving up smoking and alcohol and strengthening the immune system.

    It is important to lead an active lifestyle, adding small physical activities that will help a woman cope better with childbirth.

    Following the principles of proper nutrition, both partners are recommended to start taking fortified complexes. Folic acid and vitamin E are especially important.

  • Determining a favorable day for conception. This is the day of ovulation, which usually occurs on days 12-14 of the menstrual cycle.
  • Basic principles of the diet

    Proper nutrition before conception must be approached wisely. Someone will decide that it is enough to exclude harmful foods from the diet. This is partly true.

    Let's take a more in-depth look at the nutritional principles that you need to adhere to if you want to have healthy offspring.

    • Eat often, but in small portions. It won't do anyone any good to eat huge meals once a day.
    • Don't overeat high-calorie foods. The norm of calories per day for an active woman is 2000-2500 kcal, and for a man - 2400-3000 kcal. To conceive, parents must maintain a normal weight.

      After all, extra pounds for a woman can mean a disruption in the menstrual cycle, and for a man – poor sperm production.

    • Avoid fried, fatty foods. The best choice for you is boiled, baked, stewed, steamed food.
    • The menu should be rich in proteins, healthy fats, carbohydrates.
    • Exclude fast food, soda, flour, spicy, smoked. Food should contain less sugar and unhealthy fats.
    • Complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages. Men are forbidden to even drink beer. It reduces sperm motility.
    • It is necessary to drink enough liquid. Scientists claim that it is possible to calculate your individual norm of fluid required by the body per day. It is enough to know your weight. There should be 30 ml of water per 1 kilogram. Drink herbal drinks, fruit drinks. Avoid coffee and strong tea - they remove beneficial substances.
    • Taking vitamin complexes is important, which will include vitamins C, A, B, D, F, H, K. They strengthen the body both before and during pregnancy.

    A healthy diet will have a positive effect on your well-being and mood, and improve the functioning of your body.

    "Right" products

    A greater burden of responsibility lies on the shoulders of a woman, because she will need a lot of strength and health to prepare herself for conception and to prepare her body for the entire period of bearing a baby.

    The expectant mother's menu should include:

    • Eat more green vegetables, citruses, watermelons, peaches. They contain many essential vitamins.
    • For meat, give preference to beef and cod liver. Dairy products and egg yolks will be beneficial.
    • The body needs healthy fats. Fish oil, butter, cream are an excellent source of these elements.
    • Cereals, grains, cereals. If you choose flour, then coarsely grind it.

    It is not only important for women to maintain a healthy diet. The stronger sex needs to think about this too.

    A deficiency or excess of any substance in the body in men can affect sperm motility. And this problem causes difficulty in conceiving.

    What should a man's diet consist of?:

    • Products containing vitamin A. Do not give up nuts, milk, liver, eggs, and vegetables.
    • B vitamins. These elements make ejaculation more complete. There are many of them in meat, bananas, and legumes.
    • Vitamin C. There is enough of it in citrus fruits, kiwi, strawberries, apples.
    • Sea delicacies. They have a positive effect on the production of healthy sperm.
    • Foods that help produce testosterone: chocolate, sesame or pumpkin seeds. Include lamb and beef in the menu.
    • Cereals, corn grains, and almonds improve sexual activity.

    "Junk" food

    Any diet will not be effective unless harmful foods are completely eliminated., negatively affecting the body’s ability to conceive.

    • When preparing for pregnancy, throw out everything that contains preservatives and dyes from your diet. They can cause hormonal imbalance, and the viability of eggs and sperm will be in question.
    • Caffeine can cause problems with conception in both sexes. The consequences of its use are hormonal imbalances and lack of ovulation.
    • Bakery products and sugar promote active insulin production. And this hormone leads to female infertility.

    Sample menu for each day of the week

    There is nothing better than a varied and nutritious diet. Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits.

    Every day you should eat meat, fish, legumes, preferably boiled or steamed.

    You can have fried fish twice a week, just make sure that it is not very fatty.

    Don't forget about the benefits of dairy products. Its use should be daily. Saturate your body with iron, eat red meat and greens. Keep short breaks between meals. You shouldn't feel hungry.


    • Breakfast: oatmeal, apple.
    • Lunch: orange.
    • Lunch: chicken soup, fresh vegetable salad.
    • Afternoon snack: low-fat kefir, banana.
    • Dinner: boiled fish with herbs.


    • Breakfast: corn porridge, a glass of freshly squeezed juice.
    • Lunch: yogurt without sugar, berries.
    • Lunch: fresh cabbage borscht, mashed potatoes with boiled veal.
    • Afternoon snack: cottage cheese, apple.
    • Dinner: fish baked with vegetables.


    • Breakfast: rice porridge, kiwi.
    • Lunch: kefir, banana.
    • Lunch: pickle soup, pasta.
    • Afternoon snack: dried fruit compote, fruit salad.
    • Dinner: fried fish with vegetables.


    • Breakfast: cottage cheese with berries.
    • Lunch: banana.
    • Lunch: pea soup, vegetable salad.
    • Afternoon snack: kefir
    • Dinner: boiled beef with fresh vegetables


    • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge, juice.
    • Lunch: yogurt without sugar, fresh berries.
    • Lunch: veal broth, vegetable stew.
    • Afternoon snack: herbal tea, a piece of cheese.
    • Dinner: baked veal with vegetables.


    • Breakfast: oatmeal with fruit.
    • Lunch: banana.
    • Lunch: chicken soup, fresh herb salad.
    • Afternoon snack: cottage cheese with berries.
    • Dinner: boiled fish with vegetables.


    • Breakfast: cottage cheese with berries.
    • Lunch: juice, grapefruit.
    • Lunch: veal soup, pasta with vegetables.
    • Afternoon snack: kefir, banana.
    • Dinner: fried fish with fresh vegetables.

    This is a sample menu. For example, men can add lamb instead of beef, more seafood, nuts and milk. Rely on your taste, excluding harmful foods.

    Some expectant parents believe that proper nutrition before pregnancy should be done about three months before the expected event. Is it correct?

    Preparing the body for conception is not a one-day process. Even 2-3 months before the planned event, it’s too late to start eating right.

    Nutritionists believe that you need to prepare for pregnancy no later than 6 months before it. This is the optimal time to improve all processes within the body, improve health and be saturated with useful substances. Have patience and everything will work out!

    Conception is one of the most important steps in life. You need to prepare for it with all responsibility.

    After all, with a reasonable approach to pregnancy planning and fulfillment of all requirements, future parents will give their child a chance to be born healthy and strong! All in your hands!

    In contact with

    Nutrition when planning pregnancy partly influences the success of conception. Proper and healthy nutrition must be adhered to not only by the expectant mother, but also by the father. Experts advise reviewing your diet at least 3 months before the planned conception: include foods that have a positive effect on reproductive function and exclude junk food. Let's take a closer look at the principles of nutrition and what approximate menu is suitable for future parents.

    First of all, it is necessary to normalize the weight if it is not normal. Weight problems can cause disruption of the menstrual cycle and lack of ovulation in women, and insufficient sperm production in men. The following basic principles should be followed:

    1. Switch to a healthy and proper diet. The diet should consist of sufficient protein, healthy fats and carbohydrates. You need to eat often and in small portions; consuming large quantities of food once a day will not benefit anyone. It is also important that all foods are fresh and try to eat less fried foods. The ideal option is to boil, bake or steam dishes.
    2. Avoid unhealthy and heavy foods: fatty, spicy, flour and smoked. Fast food, carbonated drinks, store-bought sweets, margarine, sauces and other junk foods contain huge amounts of sugar, fats, dyes and simple carbohydrates, which contribute to the growth of fat mass and the deterioration of sperm count in men and the production of androgens, which suppress ovulation in women.
    3. Avoid alcohol. Alcoholic drinks have a negative effect on reproductive cells. Men are not even allowed to drink light beer; it increases the female hormone and suppresses testosterone.
    4. Proper fluid intake. Daily consumption of sufficient fluid helps improve blood circulation and has a positive effect on metabolism and sperm parameters. It is believed that it is necessary to consume 20-30 ml of liquid per 1 kg of weight. In addition to clean water, it is useful to drink herbal teas, fruit drinks, compotes, but strong tea and coffee can remove iron and folic acid from the body, as well as slow down their absorption. Only a small amount of them is allowed in the diet.

    It is important to remember that exhausting diets during pregnancy planning can only harm the body and prevent successful conception.

    Nutrition when planning pregnancy for women

    During the period of planning a baby, the expectant mother faces an important task - to prepare the body for pregnancy. When planning a pregnancy, the diet should consist of the most healthy foods, containing a high amount of vitamins and microelements that can eliminate the deficiency of nutrients.

    For women preparing to conceive, the following will be useful:

    1. Animal protein. A lot of protein is found in chicken, turkey and rabbit, which are “famous” for their dietary and lean meat. It is also necessary to add beef liver and lean red meat to your diet; it contains a lot of easily digestible iron, the deficiency of which contributes to a decrease in hemoglobin, which is undesirable for pregnant women.
    2. Fish and seafood. Salmon, salmon, Atlantic herring, cod liver, and mackerel contain omega-3 and selenium, which has a particularly beneficial effect in early pregnancy. Octopus, crabs, clams, squid and shrimp contain large amounts of zinc, which is beneficial for the body of the expectant mother.
    3. Cereals and wholemeal flour containing a lot of vitamin B6. It is responsible for the synthesis of amino acids from which proteins are formed. Cereals contain a lot of fiber, iron and healthy carbohydrates.
    4. Vegetables and greens. Broccoli, spinach, carrots, asparagus, green peas, baked potatoes, watercress, bell peppers, beets, cabbage, pumpkin, cucumbers are rich in folic acid and vitamin C, which is necessary to strengthen the immune system.
    5. Fruits. Fresh seasonal fruits and berries are rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements: citrus fruits, peaches, watermelon, black currants, cherries, apples and others.
    6. Dairy products. “Milk” contains calcium, it is necessary to include in the diet: cottage cheese, yogurt, hard cheese and kefir.
    7. Legumes: lentils, beans, chickpeas are rich in vegetable protein.
    8. Nuts. There is a lot of folic acid in: almonds, walnuts, peanuts and hazelnuts.

    Nutrition in preparation for conception for men

    Proper nutrition at the planning stage of a baby is important not only for women. A man's diet can influence testosterone production, as well as the development and viability of sperm.

    The following foods help improve sperm quality:

    1. Lean meat. Chicken, turkey, and veal are rich in protein, which is essential for the health of the male body. Lean varieties of beef and young lamb are also allowed. Instead of frying, it is better to give preference to steamed, baked or boiled dishes.
    2. Fish and seafood. Several times a week you should replace meat with fish and seafood: red fish, perch, cod, tuna and oysters - they are rich in non-fatty acids that improve the condition of blood vessels, as well as protein.
    3. Dairy products. Among the “milks” the following are preferred: cottage cheese, hard cheese, kefir and yogurt. They contain calcium, vitamins and proteins.
    4. Fruits and dried fruits: bananas, apples, pomegranates, avocados and dates. Fresh fruits are rich in vitamins that have a positive effect on hormonal levels and the production of healthy sperm.
    5. Vegetables. Among vegetables, tomatoes containing lycopene in their peel and asparagus, rich in vitamin C and having a positive effect on the health of the future dad, are especially useful. In addition, you should include jacket potatoes in your diet; they contain a large amount of folic acid.
    6. Nuts. Nuts contain a lot of protein, vitamins and microelements - selenium, zinc and folic acid. It is worth including in your diet: walnuts, cashews, pistachios and almonds.
    7. Pumpkin seeds are an affordable dietary supplement that boasts high levels of vitamin E and omega 3s.

    Nutrition when planning pregnancy menu for a week

    The menu for a week when planning a pregnancy may be approximately as follows:

    The first day:

    • breakfast – oatmeal, herbal tea;
    • snack – bread with cheese;
    • lunch – pureed soup from seasonal vegetables;
    • afternoon snack – yogurt, fruit;
    • dinner – buckwheat with fish and vegetable salad.

    Second day:

    • breakfast - omelet with vegetables;
    • snack – nuts, berries;
    • lunch – borscht with a slice of whole grain bread, vegetable casserole;
    • afternoon snack - cottage cheese soufflé;
    • dinner - baked turkey with porridge.

    Day three:

    • breakfast – cheesecakes with sour cream;
    • snack – whole grain bread with a slice of baked meat;
    • lunch - fish soup, buckwheat porridge with vegetables;
    • afternoon snack - yogurt or kefir;
    • dinner - warm salad with meat;

    Day four:

    • breakfast - porridge with vegetables or berries;
    • snack – baked apple;
    • lunch - salad with mozzarella and tomatoes, pasta with vegetables;
    • afternoon snack – cottage cheese casserole;
    • dinner – fish with buckwheat, vegetables.

    Day five:

    • breakfast – scrambled eggs with herbs;
    • snack – vegetable salad;
    • lunch – chicken soup with meatballs;
    • afternoon snack – hard-boiled eggs, hard cheese;
    • dinner - pilaf with veal;

    Day six:

    • breakfast – cottage cheese with sour cream;
    • snack – rice cakes with peanut butter;
    • lunch – lentil soup;
    • afternoon snack – kefir, fruit;
    • dinner – baked potatoes, poultry fillet;

    Day seven:

    • breakfast – oatmeal with berries;
    • snack – fruits, nuts;
    • lunch – vegetable soup with meatballs, salad;
    • afternoon snack – yogurt, nuts;
    • dinner - baked meat with durum pasta.

    Nutrition in preparation for pregnancy: vitamins, dietary supplements and other supplements

    When preparing for pregnancy, you should replenish your body's supply of vitamins. The most important among them:

    • vitamin B9 or folic acid;
    • B vitamins;
    • vitamin E;
    • vitamin A;
    • vitamin D3.

    Don't forget about microelements: iodine, zinc, iron and calcium are the most important for the body during the planning period. In the pharmacy you can find a huge number of vitamin complexes containing all the most essential vitamins and microelements. However, before purchasing, you should consult your doctor; an excess of vitamins can also be harmful. Often, future parents are interested in dietary supplements, but their benefits have not been confirmed.

    Bottom line

    When preparing for pregnancy, you should pay attention to proper nutrition. This applies not only to women, but also to men. A well-balanced diet will only benefit the body, not only improving the general condition of the body, but also contributing to successful conception.

    During pregnancy, proper nutrition for the expectant mother becomes the key to health and full development for the baby. But the menu should change seriously even at the stage of planning a child. We make up a diet.

    Doctors believe that proper nutrition during preparation for pregnancy should not only be as complete and varied as possible, but should also contribute to the formation of viable healthy eggs, proper fertilization and maintenance of pregnancy. Is it possible to achieve such a result? Yes, if you follow the rules.

    Nutrition rules when planning pregnancy

    Bad habits are prohibited

    The very first nutritional rule for girls planning pregnancy is.

    Alcohol and nicotine have a mutagenic and teratogenic effect: in the first weeks of expecting a baby, this often leads to impaired implantation (a fertilized and developing egg cannot attach to the endometrium) or impaired pregnancy development (spontaneous miscarriage or fading of pregnancy due to damage to fetal cells).

    Sometimes the pregnancy continues to progress, but there is a huge risk of having a child with developmental defects or mental retardation.

    No "harm"

    It is better to exclude all kinds of “harmful things” from your diet when planning a pregnancy (fast food, foods enriched with simple carbohydrates, fats, flavors, preservatives and dyes, sweet carbonated drinks, etc.). Such food does not contain vitamins and minerals, but adds calories to the diet. Excess weight, in turn, reduces the chances of successful conception and is responsible for a number of problems during pregnancy itself. And the various chemical ingredients in such food (flavors, sweeteners, preservatives, etc.) create the prerequisites for the development of allergic manifestations and a tendency to diathesis in the baby in the future.

    Diversify your diet

    The more complete and varied your diet, the more vitamins and minerals your body receives. An organism suffering from a lack of biologically active substances is in a state of stress, which sharply reduces the likelihood of conception. Our body is a unique system that cares, first of all, about preserving the life and health of “our loved one,” and secondly, about procreation. Therefore, as long as there is a threat to our health, the body will block the possibility of conception and further development of pregnancy.

    Get rid of stress

    A similar mechanism operates in the case of constant chronic stress in which the girl is.

    Pregnancy and the birth of a child is not only a happy event and joy for the whole family, but also significant stress for the expectant mother. Our wise body blocks the process of ovulation, conception and full development of the fetus if the level of chronic stress in everyday life is so high that additional experiences will cause a serious deterioration in the girl’s health.

    If there is a lot of stress in your life and it is not possible to eliminate it, try to correct the situation at least with the help of nutrition. Products that have an anti-stress and adaptogenic effect will help you: add healthy herbs to your diet in decoctions, solutions or capsules (ginseng, Rhodiola rosea, Eleuthorococcus, chamomile, valerian, etc.), drink a glass of warm water or milk with tea at night spoon of honey (milk promotes relaxation, and honey is rich in biologically active substances and adaptogens) or eat citrus fruits more often (vitamin C is an excellent adaptogen), whole grain cereals (promote the release of serotonin) and chocolate (reduces the level of cortisol - the stress hormone).

    Don't forget that chocolate is very high in calories. Consume no more than 20 grams of this delicacy per day and prefer bitter dark chocolate to milk.

    Down with excess weight!

    Fat is a hormonally active tissue that can interfere with the process of ovulation and conception. Often, excess weight is associated with a number of gynecological diseases: polycystic ovary syndrome, anovulation, infertility, endometriosis, and frequent spontaneous abortions. If you are overweight, you need to gently adjust your daily diet and lose weight before you start planning.

    It is best to create a new menu under the supervision of a nutritionist so as not to harm yourself. Pregnancy itself is an additional burden on the body, because over the entire period a girl on average gains 10-15 kg in weight. Therefore, if you want to avoid the risk of toxicosis of the 1st and 2nd half of pregnancy, the threat of miscarriage, back and joint pain, varicose veins and other risks, you need to reduce your weight to normal criteria.

    Finding out if you are overweight is very simple. To do this, calculate the body mass index (BMI): you need to divide your body weight in kilograms by your height in meters squared. It is believed that the normal BMI level ranges between 20 and 26. If your indicator is between 26 and 30, you are overweight; after a BMI above 30, obesity begins.

    Forget about diets!

    The other side of the coin when planning a pregnancy is lack of weight and strict diets, which many girls adhere to who are watching their figure. During the planning period, it is better to forget about strict diets with calorie restrictions and mono-diets, and make a choice in favor of a healthy, nutritious diet with the proper amount of vitamins and minerals. Do not forget that any diet is stress for the body.

    Often, due to lack of weight, there are disturbances in menstrual function, ovulation, etc. If underweight is not associated with diets and is not a normal variant (for example, with an asthenic physique), you should consult a doctor and undergo an examination. Perhaps weight deficiency is a symptom of some neuroendocrine, digestive or other disease.

    Make friends with folic acid

    Many expectant mothers are aware of the miraculous effects of folic acid during the planning and pregnancy stages. This vitamin is considered one of the most important when planning pregnancy: it is responsible for the full maturation of a healthy egg, the process of conception and implantation, helps the proper development of the fetus, forming the neural tube - the rudiment of the entire central nervous system of the child.

    With folic acid deficiency, spontaneous abortion often occurs, as well as defects and deformities of the nervous system (impairments in the size or functions of the brain, delayed neuropsychic development, defects of the facial skull, etc.).

    Doctors most often recommend taking folic acid in tablet form, but you can further increase the content of this beneficial vitamin in your diet. It's very simple. There is a lot of folic acid in green leafy vegetables (spinach, sorrel, dill, cilantro, lettuce, broccoli), nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, etc.), cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal), most vegetables (pumpkin, horseradish, beans , peas, etc.), fish (salmon, tuna), offal, eggs and red meat, dairy and fermented milk products.

    Don't forget about vitamin E

    This unique vitamin helps restore the menstrual cycle, development of the uterus and ovaries, endometrial growth, egg maturation, ovulation and timely conception, and subsequently, thanks to its progesterone-like effect, full implantation and the development of a healthy pregnancy. By increasing the amount (or tocopherol) in your diet, you can speed up the onset of the desired pregnancy and maintain it until childbirth.

    Try to eat whole grain cereals (brown rice, oatmeal, buckwheat), vegetables (lettuce, spinach, nettles, celery, asparagus, broccoli, avocado), eggs, organ meats (especially animal liver), nuts (walnuts) as often as possible , peanuts, almonds) and vegetable oils (olive, grape seed, sunflower). But do not forget that many foods are quite high in calories.

    Rule out iodine deficiency

    It is because of iodine deficiency that thyroid problems in women and men have become so common in recent years. During pregnancy, the importance of this mineral increases several times: the fact is that iodine is involved in a number of metabolic processes and is responsible for the normal development of the nervous, endocrine and hematopoietic systems of the fetus. With a lack of iodine, missed or spontaneously terminated pregnancies are often observed, and if prolonged, developmental defects and the birth of children with mental disabilities are observed.

    If you do not take iodine in tablets, try to diversify your diet with foods rich in this mineral: a lot of iodine in sea, river fish and seafood (squid, tuna, pink salmon, hake, pollock, haddock, cod, shrimp), sea kale, fish oil , feijoa, persimmon, spinach, sorrel, apples along with seeds.

    “Eating” iron

    One of the most common diseases during pregnancy is anemia associated with iron deficiency. With its deficiency, the placenta is formed worse, the risk of disturbances in the circulatory system in the walls of the uterus is higher (risk of bleeding, thrombosis, etc.), toxicosis of the first half of pregnancy. In addition, iron is necessary for the full functioning of hemoglobin, a special substance contained in erythrocytes (red blood cells), which is responsible for the transport of oxygen in the mother’s body.

    If there is little oxygen, the baby faces hypoxia, impaired growth and a slowdown in development. It is better to exclude the possibility of developing this condition at the stage of pregnancy planning.

    Introduce iron-rich foods into your diet: animal and poultry meat (beef, rabbit, turkey, chicken, game), legumes (beans, peas, lentils), fish or seafood, some vegetables (apples, pomegranate, red cabbage, all green leafy greens) vegetables), mushrooms, eggs, cheeses and dairy products, nuts and dried fruits.

    Increasing the amount of omega-3 fatty acids in the diet

    The role of fatty acids in planning pregnancy is much higher than previously thought. It turns out that when taken regularly, they promote proper growth of the endometrium and the formation of its correct structure, reduce the risk of blood clots in the uterine wall (helps implantation), promote timely ovulation, prevent the occurrence of inflammatory and cardiovascular diseases, restore the immune system of the expectant mother, and significantly reduce stress levels and increase the possibility of bearing a fetus.

    You can either take them in the form of tablets and capsules, or increase their amount in your diet through food. The highest levels of omega-3 fatty acids are found in fatty fish (salmon, pink salmon, trout, sardines, mackerel), as well as in walnuts and flaxseed oil.

    Be careful with vegetarianism!

    Most vegetarians who do not eat eggs, cheeses and dairy products, and who have compiled their diet without regard to the intake of vitamins, minerals and other biologically active substances, constantly experience a lack of protein, essential amino acids, calcium, iron, zinc, vitamin D and vitamin B 12. If maintaining a vegetarian lifestyle is important, you need to contact a nutritionist at the stage of pregnancy planning to create an individual menu.

    Reduce the amount of coffee and tea

    There is some scientific evidence that caffeine in tea and coffee has a mild negative effect on a girl's fertility health, slightly reducing the likelihood of conception and implantation. If you do not want to risk the desired pregnancy, reduce the amount of caffeine to 300 mg per day. This is approximately two cups of freshly brewed coffee or 6 cups of strong tea. Frequent consumption of tea and coffee accelerates the excretion and slows down the absorption of iron and folic acid.

    No to dangerous products!

    Planning a pregnancy is not the right time for experiments, so try to exclude from your diet raw milk, raw water, fresh eggs, unheat-treated meat, poultry and fish, home-canned products, exotic dishes and poorly washed vegetables.

    Keep hydrated

    Do not forget to follow the norm of fluid intake during pregnancy planning: a sufficient amount will reduce the risk of blood clots and edema, improve blood circulation throughout the body (including the endometrium). It is believed that the norm for fluid intake is 20-30 ml per 1 kg of weight, but if you have always drank little, you should not sharply increase the amount of fluid in your diet. Add water gradually and always focus on how you feel.

    And, of course, try to introduce your man to a healthy lifestyle: planning a pregnancy is a common matter for the couple.