International day of environmental protection and Russian day of ecologist. World Environment Day June 5th.

Other celebrations

June 5 is World Day environment. It was established by the UN General Assembly in 1972. The choice of date is justified by the fact that on this day the UN Conference on the problems of human environment environment (Stockholm, 1972).

The conference adopted a declaration containing 26 principles that should guide all states in their activities aimed at protecting the environment and rational use of natural resources. For the first time, it was proclaimed that the protection and improvement of the environment for present and future generations is the primary task of mankind.
World Environment Day is one of the main ways for the UN to draw the attention of the world community to environmental issues, as well as to stimulate political interest and related action.

Environmental protection is a system of state and public measures (technological, economic, administrative and legal, educational, international) aimed at the harmonious interaction of society and nature, the preservation and reproduction of existing ecological communities and natural resources for the sake of living and future generations. Today, environmental problems are among the most important and determine the level of well-being of the entire world civilization and, in particular, our country. Russia plays key role in maintaining the global functions of the biosphere, since in its vast territories occupied by various natural ecosystems, a significant part of biodiversity Earth.

Topics are determined annually world day environment. In 2012, the day was dedicated to the green economy, hosted by Brazil. In 2013, World Environment Day is dedicated to the problem of rational use of food and reducing wasted food, he.
Every year, about 30% of the world's food is lost or wasted. In monetary terms, this volume is equal to a trillion dollars.
Food waste is a major problem in developed countries, most often driven by retail chains and consumers throwing food that is still edible into the trash can.
At the same time, one in seven people in the world go to bed hungry and more than 20,000 children under the age of 5 die of hunger every day. Food waste is also a huge depletion of natural resources and a contributor to negative environmental impacts.

Mongolia was chosen as the host for World Environment Day 2013. The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) reported that Mongolia was given this honor due to its efforts to promote a green economy, including green technologies in the mining sector. The country's government has introduced a moratorium on the development of new coal deposits, and also announced plans to switch to energy from renewable sources. In addition, the achievements of Mongolia in the environmental education of young people were noted.
On World Environment Day in many countries of the world, environmental events and actions aimed at protecting the environment and ecology are held.

June 5 professional holiday domestic ecologists also note. The corresponding decree was signed on June 21, 2007 by Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Ecologist Day was first held in 2008.
The appearance of this holiday in Russia emphasizes the importance of the professional activities of state environmental institutions at all levels, non-governmental environmental organizations and everyone who contributes to the conservation of nature and the environment.
Environmental issues are among the priority political, economic and public life country, being one of the tasks of national security. The right of citizens of the Russian Federation to a favorable environment is enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

In Russia, according to estimates for 2012, there are about 12 thousand specially protected natural areas (SPNA) of various levels and categories. The basis of the federal system of protected areas is 102 reserves, 43 national parks and 70 federal reserves. According to the Concept for the Development of the Protected Area System, which was approved in 2011, it is planned to create 11 more reserves, 20 national parks and one federal reserve in the next eight years.

Within the framework of the World Environment Day and the Day of the Ecologist, actions are organized annually in nature reserves and national parks in order to attract public attention to environmental problems. Guided tours, clean-up events, environmental education programs and open days are held in specially protected areas.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

June 5 is World Environment Day. It was established by the UN General Assembly in 1972 and has been celebrated annually by the entire world community ever since.

The reason for holding this worldwide action was the famous "Cop Appeal" received on May 11, 1971 by the UN Secretary General, which was signed by 2,200 scientists and cultural figures from 23 countries of the world. They warned humanity of the unprecedented danger posed by environmental pollution. "Either we will do away with pollution, or it will do away with us", - this is how the question was put in this appeal. And a year later, in Stockholm, a world conference on environmental protection was held, which was attended by plenipotentiaries of 113 states of the world, including Soviet Union. The participants of the conference decided to hold the annual World Environment Day on June 5th.

Environment Day is by no means a professional holiday for ecologists, but an occasion to think about environmental problems. It is probably not a secret for anyone that the ecology on the planet is only getting worse every year. Today, in every civilized country there are many organizations responsible for environmental protection. Yoti structures constantly carry out various environmental actions. In addition, within the framework of the UN, several times a year it is customary to celebrate the days of protection of water, air, and so on. Similar days of protection of various ecological environments give rise to environmental protection measures. On this World Environment Day, the world celebrates various events, indicating that environmental issues are taken to heart.

Today it becomes obvious that the future of mankind largely depends on our ability to decide acute problems in the field of the environment: pollution of nature, natural or man-made disasters, depletion of biological diversity, destruction of natural or cultural landscapes.

The information network, as well as the process of globalization, which generates drastic changes in the economic and social plan and at the same time many environmental problems can be useful to combat these problems. They must be based on a sound environmental strategy and on the support of an informed public opinion. Education and public awareness of environmental issues are of paramount importance.

Scientists also talk about the need to increase global investment in research and scientific capacity building in developing countries. In order to ensure the ability of people to solve the growing environmental problems in the world, it is necessary to expand scientific research in this area and include the environmental aspect in the development strategy.

Every year on June 5, the inhabitants of the planet celebrate international holiday- World Environment Day. Today it is a traditional event aimed at awakening in every person an interest in the problems of the environment, the desire to make the world cleaner and more environmentally friendly.

Habitat pollution and related problems of the further development of human civilization began to excite the minds of scientists and fighters for a land without waste more than 40 years ago, when the first prerequisites for the occurrence of environmental disasters in one or another part of the planet arose.

In May 1971, more than 2,000 well-known politicians, researchers, writers and artists from 23 countries signed and sent the so-called Cop Appeal to the UN Secretary General. The document cited facts that warned humanity of the danger threatening it associated with the widespread pollution of nature.

The thesis spelled out in the appeal clearly characterized the attitude of the best representatives of the scientific and creative elite to the lawlessness that is happening in relation to the environment: either we will end pollution, or it will end us. Officials considered the document for a year, which resulted in the World Conference on Environmental Problems, in which representatives of more than 100 states, including the USSR, took part.

It was with the conference that the history of World Environment Day began. A commission for the protection of nature was created, the authorized representatives of which carry out their activities in each of the countries of the world. There were special organizations aimed at protecting the environment. Employees of organizations not only strive to minimize the harm caused to nature by the developing industry, but also carry out activities and actions aimed at protecting the human environment.

Today, the world community is taking all available measures to improve the environmental situation. Any deviation from the generally accepted standards in the implementation of industrial activities serve as a reason for environmental protection measures and investigations. On World Environment Day, environmentalists urge citizens not to contribute to the violation of the ecological balance of their native planet, but to actively embark on the path of solving complex but vital tasks.

World Conservation Strategy

World Environment Day, announced on June 5, has also become the starting point of a specially developed strategy aimed at improving the environmental situation on the planet.

The World Foundation took part in its preparation. wildlife, UNESCO, International Union for the Conservation of Natural Resources, the United Nations Committee on the Environment and other environmental non-governmental organizations. The main directions of the strategy:

  • global changes in human consciousness;
  • identification of animal species and ecosystems in need of protection;
  • an accessible explanation for both ordinary people and the highest circles of the public why environmental protection measures are an inseparable element of the development of human civilization.

The global strategy, which is constantly being refined and updated with new ideas, offers a system rational methods use of environmental resources. All of them are designed in such a way that humanity not only does not experience a shortage of consumer products necessary for life, but also does not pollute nature.

The date of June 5 was the day when the most important project in the life of society was launched, aimed at solving the snowballing problems of ecology: expanding research, investing and building the scientific potential of the environmental forces of the world community.

Holiday in Russia

Despite the fact that June 5 is World Environment Day, this holiday has a special significance in modern Russia. It was at this time that Russian environmentalists also received congratulations.

Ecologist's Day was timed to coincide with the global celebration, due to the fact that Russia has not only vast natural areas located in several climatic zones, but also a developed industry, as a result of which the level of environmental pollution is quite high. Today, our country plays a major role in environmental protection, since the security of other states largely depends on the environmental well-being of Russia.

Environment Day every year has new theme and runs under the original motto. For example, "One Earth - One Family", "For the sake of life on Earth, let's save our seas", "Green Cities", etc. The venue for the main celebrations is also determined by the UN Commission.

On World Environment Day in different countries settle down festivities, the scenario of which includes colorful events: street rallies, campaigns for the collection and processing of household waste, children's competitions on environmental themes, planting trees and shrubs. This date allows you to draw public attention to pressing issues.

Russia does not lag behind the world community. The first ecologist's day in the country was held in 2008.

By signing a decree on his appointment, the President of the country noted that June 5 is World Environment Day, and supporting this idea is a priority task underlying the issue of national security.

At the same time, the symbol of the holiday appeared - a light green ribbon, which characterizes the desire of every citizen to live in a clean environment and fully support all measures to preserve it.

Scenario Russian Day ecologist includes many activities for children, during which employees of environmental organizations acquaint the younger generation with the features of this profession.

Ecologist's Day or
World Environment Day

Global changes in nature and the environment in general are visible to everyone today. The world is worried and has long been trying to recognize the course of further cataclysms, to take measures to stabilize the situation. Back in May 1971, more than two thousand prominent figures of science and culture from many countries of the world addressed the UN General Assembly with the so-called "Cop appeal", in which they warned of the danger threatening humanity due to environmental pollution.

In an effort to involve the entire world community in the problem, the Assembly announced June 5 World Environment Day. The holiday was established by a resolution adopted in June 1972 at the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment. The celebration of this Day is designed to awaken in every person the desire to contribute to the protection of the environment.

In 2007, the professional holiday of ecologists was approved in Russia. The holiday was adopted on July 21, 2007 by the Decree of the President V.V. Putin No. 933 "On the Day of the Ecologist" thanks to the initiative of the Committee on Ecology, working under State Duma. However, the date of the celebration was left appropriate world holiday- June 5th. Today, Ecologist's Day is dedicated to all employees of the Ministry of Natural Resources, bodies involved in environmental protection, authorities that control the use of the country's natural resources, as well as employees of public and private environmental organizations.

This is not just a celebration of professionals. Its essence is to concern everyone with threatening problems, to make people not just think about protecting nature, but to teach, to make society fight for the cleanliness of the planet, to mobilize state structures and public organizations for a good cause. Environmental campaigns are held everywhere: days of protection of water, forests, fields, air, there is a constant fight against pollution of nature, work to reduce or prevent man-made disasters, strengthening and improving natural and cultural landscapes.

Every year this holiday is held under a certain motto, the theme of the Day and the venue for the main events. international events determined by the UN. Yes, in different years the themes of World Environment Day were: “Only one Earth”, “Water is the key resource of life”, “Only one future for our children - development without destruction”, “Managing the collection, disposal and disposal of hazardous waste: acid rain and energy”, Tree for Peace, Youth: Population and Environment, Climate Change. The Need for a Global Partnership", "Poverty and the Environment - Breaking the Vicious Circle", "One Earth - One Family", "For Life on Earth - Save Our Seas", "Enter the World Wide Web of Life", "Green Cities: A Plan for the planet!”, “We need seas and oceans! Alive, not dead”, “Forests: using the services of nature”, “Think. Eat. Save", "Raise your voice, but not the sea level!" and others.

In 2015
- "Rational consumption",
- "Seven billion wishes. One planet. Consume carefully"
- Italian Milan

When is this holiday held? World Environment Day is celebrated annually on June 5th.

How is Environment Day celebrated?

How is the celebration going? The holiday program includes seminars, round tables, conferences, forums dedicated to the conservation of bioresources.

Competitions of school and student works dedicated to environmental issues. Trees and shrubs are being planted, subbotniks are being held; Those who wish can take part in the improvement of yards and streets. Films devoted to nature are broadcast on television.

History and traditions of World Environment Day

Environment Day was established by the UN General Assembly at its 27th session by Resolution No. A / RES / 2994 (XXVII) of December 15, 1972.

The date of the holiday is timed to the day of the beginning of the Stockholm Conference on Environmental Problems, also held in 1972.

The conference adopted the Stockholm Declaration, which defined 26 principles of environmental conservation. The forum placed the responsibility for preserving the ecology on the planet on the governments of different countries of the world.

Each year, World Environment Day is dedicated to a different theme:

  • in 2012 - "Green economy: are you part of it?",
  • in 2013 - “Think. Eat. Save",
  • in 2014 - "Raise your voice, but not the sea level!",
  • in 2015 - “Seven Billion Dreams. One Planet. Consume with care,
  • in 2016 - "Zero Tolerance Policy for Illegal Wildlife Trade".

In Russia, the Day of Environmental Protection is also celebrated as the Day of the Ecologist.

On International Environment Day, environmentalists remind that soil and water resources, plants and animals are significantly damaged by the activities of industrial enterprises.

Every year, 11 million hectares of tropical forests disappear from the face of the Earth, which is 10 times the rate of restoration of forest lands.

About 21 million barrels of oil are poured into the seas and oceans every year. On water surface oceans formed giant landfills, equal in size to small countries.

For half a century, the number of plant and animal species has decreased by a third on the planet. The number of cities in which the allowable World Organization Health care pollution rates exceed 50%.

These and other environmental issues are called to draw attention to the Day of Environment Protection.

Also in different countries of the world are noted:

  • World Habitat Day,
  • International Day for Biological Diversity,
  • international earth day,
  • World Water Day and other holidays dedicated to environmental protection.