Nude makeup. How to do nude makeup at home

February 23

Natural beauty, tenderness and femininity always remain in trend. Many men would like to see their beloved girl without any makeup on her face, but any girl would like to look attractive. That is why a special nude makeup technique was created, which translates from English as naked.

Nude makeup looks as if the face is completely without makeup, but at the same time it looks gentle and feminine. Behind all this seemingly simple, there is actually a lot of work. Doing such makeup is quite difficult, although the application technique is simple. It takes a lot of effort to achieve the desired effect, but it's worth it.

Basic rules for nude makeup

The secret of this makeup is flawless skin, as if completely untouched by cosmetics. The appearance of the skin of the face is of great importance, it should be smooth, without any imperfections. Therefore, all efforts are primarily aimed at making the skin smooth. This will help not only the foundation, but also concealers, proofreaders and powder.

Eyebrows should not stand out too much, so they are given the most natural shape and emphasized with a brown pencil. The eyes are also highlighted with brown pencil. You can use a highlighter that will add radiance to the face.

For eyelids, you need to take shadows that are as close as possible to the natural skin tone. First, base shades are applied, which should be paler. Pearlescent colors, beige, pale pink are applied to the outer corner and the contour of the eye. Such shades merge with the skin, but at the same time emphasize the natural beauty.

Makeup instructions

If we consider nude makeup step by step, then it consists of several steps:

1. Hydration.

This procedure plays an important role, it helps cosmetics lay down evenly and last longer. Before any make-up, we first cleanse the face and apply a base that gives the skin proper hydration and care. Use lotion or micellar water for cleansing. As a moisturizer, you can take a regular day cream. It is necessary to distribute the moisturizer evenly and leave for 34 minutes so that it is well absorbed into the skin.

2. Dealing with visual imperfections.

There should not be any redness, pimples or bags under the eyes on the face, so you need to carefully work with correctors and concealers. The concealer is selected one shade lighter than the skin tone. We apply it to the areas under the lower eyelid, brighten the upper eyelid.

Be sure to apply a concealer on the wings of the nose, as this is the main problem area. All imperfections must be covered with a corrector - a masking agent. Gray-green corrector removes redness and small rashes. Pink and purple fight yellowness and freckles. Yellow negates the blue under the eyes.

3. Toning of the skin of the face.

A tonal remedy is selected that is most suitable for this type of skin. Such a base can be in the form of a cream or emulsion, it should have a light texture. The foundation is best applied with a brush, and carefully blend it from the center to the edges to make it as invisible as possible.

To fix the tone of the face, and make the skin matte, you need to use powder. Most of all, mineral powder with a transparent texture is suitable for such a make-up, as it helps to remove excess shine from the skin.

4. Applying blush.

To revive the face a little, you need to apply blush. But do not use too bright shades, the color should be as close to the skin tone as possible. Peach, coral, soft pink shades help to refresh the face, while remaining invisible on the face. Swarthy girls can choose a blush with a bronze tint.

5. We form the line of eyebrows.

It must be as accurate as possible. Thick eyebrows can be shaped with a brush. It is unacceptable to draw a black outline, it is better to use a pencil of a lighter color than the eyebrows. Choose shades that best match your hair color. Eyebrows just need to be adjusted a little, that is, to remove excess hairs. If they are too light, then you can only slightly fill in uneven areas with a pencil.

6. Drawing shadows.

Although nude eye makeup can do without eye shadow, it is still better to use them. Skillful overlay of shadows will help to improve the effect of naturalness.

Shadows of dark shades are applied to the outer corner of the eye, and lighter shades are applied to the inner corner and places under the eyebrow. It is advisable to use shades of shades such as hazelnut, milk chocolate, ivory, peach, depending on the color type of appearance. Most importantly, you need to shade the shadows well so that transitions and borders are not visible.

7. We make the contour of the eyes.

To form the contour of the eye, it is better to use a brown pencil. It is enough to bring the upper eyelid and shade it a little.

8. We paint over the eyelashes.

Many makeup artists prefer to leave their lashes intact for a natural look. To make eyelashes lighter, you can lengthen and twist with special means. If all the same, mascara is used, then it is applied in one layer, two layers will noticeably make them heavier. It is advisable not to paint the lower eyelashes at all.

9. We decorate the lips.

It is allowed to take both discreet and bright lipstick, but it must be applied differently than usual. A small amount of lipstick is applied to the middle of the lips and shaded. Do not cover your lips with a thick layer of lipstick, this will not give the desired effect. Lipstick shading creates a natural effect of kissed lips.

When creating nude makeup, you can not use a lip pencil and lipstick with sparkles. The most suitable is the usual lip gloss, which makes the lips look natural. You can use lipstick in soft pink, beige shades. If it is difficult to refuse eyeliner, then it is better to use a flesh-colored pencil.

We create makeup taking into account the color type

First you need to learn how to do nude makeup so that it fits the color type. It will depend on the color of the hair, what cosmetics to use to create this kind of make-up. For example, nude makeup for brunettes cannot include pink shadows. Matte, beige or cream shades are most suitable for them. Brunettes with brown eyes will suit shadows in terracotta, bronze, plum and green tones.

It is better for dark-haired women to shape their eyes with a black, brown, bronze pencil. In no case should lips be highlighted with lipstick of coral, red shades. You can use light brown lipstick, or you can just cover your lips with gloss. Black hair is quite bright, and so that against their background the face does not look dull, you need to try to make the make-up a little brighter. And here it is important not to overdo it.

Nude-style makeup is most suitable for brown-haired women; photos show how it harmonizes with their image. They can use shadows, lipsticks of various shades. Delicate beige shadows give maximum naturalness to the image, which is important for this kind of makeup. A cream or light beige foundation will help even out your complexion. Light pink lipstick is perfect for this look. Such makeup is done according to the standard scheme, that is, one accent is formed on the face.

To make nude makeup for blondes, it is better to use foundation, eye shadow and lipstick with a pink tint. But blondes, doing nude eye makeup, run the risk of getting a faded face. Therefore, it will still be necessary to emphasize the eyebrows and eyes with a pencil, the color of which is as close to natural as possible.

Blondes need face contouring. On the sides you need to apply a dark shade to visually narrow the face. A concealer is applied to the protruding parts of the face (forehead, bridge of the nose, chin). By highlighting the cheekbones, you can make the face visually thinner, which will look more impressive. Neutral shadows can be applied to the entire eyelid, and darker ones can be used to form an arrow.

When creating nude makeup, the color of the eyes must be taken into account. Gray, blue, green eyes are most suitable for cold tones, while brown and black are warm and saturated. You should experiment with the palette of shadows and choose the tone that will look most natural.

Makeup in nude style is suitable for any occasion, both for work on a weekday and for a holiday party. But for the holiday should still make it more intense. You can apply golden shadows or glitters for a party or gala evening. Considering the tips for applying makeup, choosing the right shades according to your color type, carefully blending them to make your face perfectly even and fresh, you will achieve a fresh, delicate and natural look. This makeup will make any woman charming.

Various types and directions in makeup are gaining more and more popularity, among them we can distinguish the nude style, which involves the use of shades and textures that are closest to natural ones. In this form of make-up, everything looks as natural and natural as possible, without focusing on any part of the face. It is quite versatile, as it suits girls of different types, ages and chosen professions.

The very word nude is of English origin and is translated as naked. This is makeup without makeup - it emphasizes the natural beauty of the girl, gives tenderness to any image. Such a make-up does not lose its relevance and relevance. It does not require a set of special skills, it is enough to follow simple tips and recommendations.

For connoisseurs of simple, discreet and neat makeup, this style is a real find. This elegant yet street-ready make-up gives the look a casual and natural beauty.

Naturalness is highly valued by men and never goes out of fashion. Maximum naturalness makes the fair sex even more elegant and fresh.

This make-up is especially popular in spring and summer. However, recent research in the field of makeup shows that this style is becoming more relevant in the cold season.

Nude makeup will adorn a woman of any age. The task of this type of make-up is to focus on the natural beauty of the face. With it, girls try to demonstrate their naturalness and youth. For older women, nude is a great way to look great with as little make-up as possible.

The paradox is that the younger and more natural a girl wants to appear, the more cosmetics she uses to create such an image.

Nude makeup requires special preparation. The skin must be clean, smooth and moisturized. If there are imperfections on the skin in the form of irregularities, various kinds of rashes, then it will not be possible to avoid the use of foundation, corrector and powder.

Before applying, you should determine the color type: dark or light shade of eyes, skin and hair. Thanks to a wide range, each girl will be able to choose cosmetics that will suit her.

For eyebrows and eyes, a soft brown pencil is best. It will add depth and warmth to the image. Fluid bases can be used to give a slight glow to the skin.

As for the choice of shadows, there is where to roam. The palette of shades is quite diverse: from bronze to pale pink or mother-of-pearl. For example, pearl shades are ideal for brown-haired women. The shade should almost merge with the skin tone.

However, don't be afraid to experiment. Picking up all the new combinations of warm and cold shades, every woman will be able to determine the perfect palette.

Make-up nude at home

Remember that the nude style is about naturalness, not highlighting any part of the face. It is suitable for any event, including everyday wear. And the best part is that even beginners can cope with such makeup.

The evening version is characterized by a natural tone of the face. All imperfections must be well hidden.

Evening make-up guide:

  1. The first step is cleansing and moisturizing. Here you can use a cream, serum or primer.
  2. You can eliminate various kinds of imperfections with the help of correctors. The use of green corrective means will help hide redness on the face. Yellow color - hides bruises under the eyes.
  3. You need to use a foundation that suits your skin perfectly. The coating should be as invisible as possible and merge with the natural skin tone. It is desirable that the product be matte, without shimmer and sparkles.
  4. To give a slight glow and create the effect of sleek skin, apply highlighter on the back of the nose, cheekbones and a little above the upper lip. Pink pigment is suitable for fair-skinned girls, and gold is more tanned.
  5. If you want to use blush, you need to remember that they should be barely noticeable.
  6. Shadows can be chosen in different textures: matte, satin, satin, cream. The main thing is that they do not have large sequins. For evening make-up, you can afford shadows with a small amount of small shiny particles. Makeup for green eyes can be done in warm and saturated colors, and for blue and gray - in cold.
  7. If desired, you can bring the upper or lower eyelid with a brown pencil. Do not forget to carefully blend the borders to create a mysterious haze effect.
  8. Eyelashes need to be painted in one layer, refusing bulk mascara.

A distinctive feature of the daily version is the application of the base. Shadows here should be almost invisible.

Day makeup

Day Makeup Guide:

  1. Makeup base will help prepare the skin. You can choose a tool that smoothes pores, fills wrinkles, eliminates bumps. For oily skin, a mattifying base is good, and for dry skin, a moisturizing one. Apply the product in a thin layer. You must wait 2-3 minutes and proceed to the next step.
  2. When choosing a foundation, you should also not forget about the type of skin: a liquid texture is suitable for dry, and mineral products with a matting effect are suitable for oily or combination.
  3. When creating daytime makeup, it is advisable to use matte blush in pastel colors. Apply the product in a small amount with a fluffy brush.
  4. With a gray pencil, you can slightly highlight the eyes. As carefully as possible, draw the space between the cilia. They can be twisted with forceps. It is allowed to apply in one layer of brown or black mascara, as well as shades of sand or beige shades.
  5. It is necessary to shape the eyebrows in the usual way, fixing them with wax or gel.
  6. On the lips, it is better to apply a tint or matte lipstick in a nude shade. Lipstick can be lightly blended with your finger for a more natural effect.

Makeup for hair color

Nude style is the use of decorative cosmetics in beige, peach or pink tones. Each hair color has its own recommendations.

Nude makeup for brunettes suggests more pronounced lines and textures. Dark bright hair should not be the main focus in the image. Therefore, it is important to emphasize the eyes, eyebrows or lips.

Brown or bronze pencil works well for eyes and eyebrows. You can choose shades of beige. Lipstick should be a neutral shade. Shade all lines well.

The flaws and flaws on the face of the owners of dark hair are very clearly visible. Therefore, before applying makeup, it is important to cleanse and moisturize the skin well. A few minutes after these procedures, you can start applying make-up.

It is necessary to even out the tone of the face with the help of a foundation, carefully shape the eyebrows and slightly highlight the eyes. For a festive exit, you can add some sparkles or use golden shadows. Apply some blush and nude lipstick.

Nude makeup for blondes involves the use of soft contour pencils and eyeliner.

Here you will need high-quality facial contouring. To do this, you need to use a bronzer and highlighter. All borders should be perfectly shaded, no clear borders.

You need to highlight the eyes. Apply neutral shadows to the entire surface of the upper eyelid. Then, using darker shades, draw a small thin arrow. Eyelashes underline with a small layer of mascara. For lips, you can choose a transparent gloss or pale pink lipstick.

Nude makeup for brown-haired women goes well with hair color, adds mystery to the image.

You need to use a coating that does not clog pores. Here it is important to highlight one of the parts of the face. Most often, the emphasis is on the eyes with the help of shades of brown or gold. On the lips, you can apply peach or beige lipstick.

Monochrome makeup is the best option for girls with this hair color. Facial features become expressive and deep, and the image itself becomes elegant and charming.

Nude style is a multifaceted makeup that is perfect for both everyday routine and evening out. The main difference is the intensity of application. You should correctly determine the color type and follow the recommendations listed, then the makeup will be perfect.

Day makeup for many women has become a real salvation, because with its help you can not only emphasize all the advantages of appearance, but also visually eliminate minor imperfections in the form of circles under the eyes, redness, and the like. Properly done makeup, of course, will greatly refresh your image!

Features of daytime makeup

Proper daytime makeup is designed to preserve the natural appearance, making the image complete and well-groomed. In this case, the feeling should be created that there is practically no cosmetics on the face.

Using a foundation, you can visually eliminate almost any skin imperfections. Makeup can solve many other problems if you skillfully implement the recommendations received from the articles, as well as take the corresponding photos as an example.

In addition, you should not forget about some basic rules.

  • Cleansing the skin by washing, using tonics, lotions. It's also important to remember to moisturize with a cream that suits your skin type.
  • To make the makeup look neat, you should even out the skin tone with various means - foundation, foundation or concealer. Do not forget about the neckline, eyelids, neck.

  • It is important to select cosmetic decorative products in accordance with your color type. We are talking about eye shadow, lipstick and even face tone.

  • Applying multiple coats of mascara can make your lashes look much fuller, but keep in mind that in daytime makeup, no more than two coats of mascara are usually applied.

  • Choose your blush carefully so that it does not look unnatural or even ridiculous on your skin.

  • With a bronzer or foundation a couple of shades darker, you can shape the face by applying a little product under the cheekbones, as well as along the contours of the face. By studying the technique of sculpting, you can determine which technique is most suitable for your type of appearance, but in daytime makeup it is applicable only when absolutely necessary. If you are not sure that you can do it as naturally and imperceptibly as possible, then it is better to wait a little with sculpting.
  • Before taking on lip makeup, remember that they also need special care, thanks to which even the most “capricious” lipstick can lie perfectly flat. To keep lips always smooth and soft, it is recommended to regularly massage with a toothbrush, apply scrubs, masks, balms.

  • How to do nude makeup step by step

    For several years in a row, nude makeup has not lost its relevance, having managed to become a real classic. What is the idea behind this technique? Everything is very simple - when applying a large number of different cosmetics, the makeup looks as natural as possible and it may even give the impression that there is almost no cosmetics on the face. At the same time, any shortcomings of the skin are corrected and the advantages are favorably emphasized, it is for the naturalness of the nude make-up that the fair sex is so fond of.

    When working on nude makeup, they usually use foundation or foundation, powder, neutral blush, highlighter, mascara, natural lipstick or gloss, light neutral shades of flesh, beige or pinkish.

    Since this makeup is designed to demonstrate healthy and radiant skin, it is imperative to use a highlighter or foundation with light-reflecting particles - the product should be applied to the protruding parts of the face (on the cheekbones, under the eyebrow, on the tip of the nose, above the lip).

    It is very important in such a make-up not to make a mistake with the right choice of tone - for this you need to focus on the undertone of your own skin.

    In addition, eyebrow makeup plays a significant role. No need to draw eyebrows, which have long been famous as "Instagram" - they will be more appropriate in other types of makeup. Just comb your eyebrows, tint them a little with a pencil or shadows - they should look neat and as natural as possible.

    Apply shadows to the entire moving eyelid, taking into account the fact that bright colors in such a make-up are out of place. It is also desirable that the shadows are matte. After applying the shadows, paint over the eyelashes in one or two layers (brown mascara can be used).

    Choose a lipstick in a neutral shade that almost matches your own - pinkish, beige, cream, and so on.

    How to do daily eye makeup

    Most often, in the makeup of brown-eyed girls, warm shades are used in lipstick, eye shadow, face tone. However, if you have blue-black hair and fair skin, then you may be suitable for silver shadows, as well as with pale lilac or deep pink shades. Try experimenting with purple as well. In addition, for sure, brown or black arrows will suit you, but remember that in daytime makeup they should not be wide.

    Light-eyed girls can enhance the beauty of the eyes using blue, gray, blue or green shadows (choose those that match your eye color). You can also choose an eyeliner of the appropriate tone - it will enhance the depth of eye color. In addition, make-up in warm colors - coffee, beige, sand can look very interesting.

    Day makeup with arrows - application technique

    Many girls no longer imagine their daily makeup without arrows, because they make the eyes not only more expressive, but also visually larger. Meanwhile, some are convinced that the arrows are appropriate only in the evening make-up. Perhaps this belief can be applied to classic black wide arrows, which can look a bit “heavy” during the day, but they can be completely different. You can draw them with shadows or a soft pencil in a discreet shade - gray, blue, brown, and so on. Drawing them is quite simple - draw a line along the upper eyelid along the line of eyelash growth, and at the outer corner of the eye, pull it up, thinning the tip.

    In addition, draw a thin arrow along the lower eyelid, starting applying shadows or a pencil from its middle. At the same time, it should be slightly expanded at the outer corner of the eye.

    Day makeup options

    Many girls and women have been using the same makeup technique for many years in a row, while you can try many variations!

    A beautiful daytime make-up will make any woman more attractive, not only by correcting skin irregularities, but also by adding interesting colors to the image. Of course, in this case, the main thing is not to overdo it and not choose too “flashy” tones.

    simple day makeup

    A simple daytime make-up is performed quite quickly, already in the morning relieving women of such troubles as circles under the eyes, rashes, and so on. And in general, it is designed to refresh the appearance, emphasizing all the advantages of the face.

Nude makeup came into fashion a couple of years ago and firmly established its position. Today it is one of the most favorite makeup of girls, and in the summer “makeup without makeup” is especially relevant. The main task of nude makeup is to emphasize the natural beauty of a woman.

Oddly enough, but it is nude makeup that requires more responsibility and a competent approach than ordinary images. Making nude makeup at home for yourself is not so difficult, especially considering that today special palettes of shadows, blushes and lipsticks are sold in stores to create makeup in this style.

Features of nude makeup:

  • healthy skin
  • even complexion
  • clear straight eyebrows
  • emphasized cheekbones
  • no flashy colors

Makeup artists believe that nude makeup looks especially good on women over 30, when the abundance of cosmetics and bright colors no longer decorate, but cause laughter.

Nude makeup step by step

So, how to make yourself a natural makeup at home? If you have elementary skills in applying cosmetics, everything is quite simple! Just three steps and “makeup without makeup” is ready!

Step 1. Tone

The tone of the face sets the whole atmosphere of this type of makeup. If your face is covered with acne, no putty will save you, in this case the skin needs only to be treated. Small imperfections (a small pimple, dark circles under the eyes, etc.) are easy to hide with a concealer. We use it after applying the main tone to the skin.

Both foundation and concealers are best applied with makeup brushes. Remember to blend the products on your face to avoid obvious color lines.

Tip: Never skimp on foundation! There may be any blots in your makeup, but the tone is what should be perfect.

Step 2. Eyebrows and eyes

Beautiful eyebrows are in fashion today. They should be of a suitable shape, carefully plucked and tinted with shadows or ink. The color of the eyebrows depends on your appearance - dark brown and black eyebrows are suitable for brunettes, light brown for blondes, redheads and girls with light brown hair. Use black or brown ink. If desired, you can tint the eyelids with shadows of natural light shades. Nude makeup does not involve eyeliner.

Step 3. Lips and cheekbones

The final stage of nude makeup is the selection of lipstick and blush. Lipstick choose gentle light shades. Nude lipstick and all light brown shades are ideal. Sometimes make-up artists take lipstick in berry shades, but very light, and at the same time there should be no shadows on the eyes.
Blush is better to take peach, pale pink or light brown shades.

For glowing skin, use