Children want to help around the house. Why should a child have household chores?

For a wedding

How great it is when your yesterday, still a baby today, is a faithful assistant, without a reminder, he will clean up the room, take out the trash, walk the dog, help in the garden, etc. But, unfortunately, not all parents are so lucky. Most of us have a daily struggle with children's laziness: a hundred reminders a day, blackmail, mutual irritation ... At the cost of spent nerves, we, adults, sometimes win.

Or maybe there is a way to do without daily monitoring and threats? And where do you look for the origins of children's laziness? Let's figure it out together.

Back to the past...

Let's go back to those bright times when our child was a little over two. Surely our toddler did not mess around! Energy overwhelmed him from morning to evening. He always found something to do, used any object for this.

As soon as we occupy him with a whole basket of toys and quietly slip away into the kitchen, he is right there! He is no longer interested in looking at pots and pans while sitting on the floor. "Me too!" - shouts the fidget, climbing onto a chair to watch the preparation of dinner. And it is not objects that fascinate him, namely our actions. He is ready to cooperate!

What are we doing? “It’s still small!”, “Be careful, you’ll get dirty!”, “You’ll prick!” - we find these and other indisputable facts in order to return the baby to the nursery. But that's me to myself...

You are probably the wisest parents who left the baby at the table. And you are right, because so is the little one:

  • learns different rules and actions with objects (fried in a pan, cut with a knife, drink from a cup),
  • not only observes, but also practices, unconsciously becoming your assistant and partner,
  • feels you need
  • is under your supervision and will not get hurt by chance.

And another distinguishing feature of a baby of the third year of life is that he is already focused on the result and he is concerned about the quality of the action performed. It is important not to miss this time, to give the little one feasible tasks, to praise for success.

If you constantly protect the child from business, he will decide: “I'm bad! I disturb my mother! I still can't! I'm small, I'll grow big and then I'll help. This is how it is formed self-doubt- one of the reasons for subsequent laziness.

Another common parenting mistake is overprotection kids. I want to do everything for them, because it's faster. There will be another chance to teach the child to dress himself, put toys in place and even wash dishes. And a little “master” grows up in the family, all services are at his feet. And tomorrow he will say “I don’t want it myself!”.

The kid has grown...

Let us assume that we have safely survived the first period of the formation of the child's personality. Here he is 3-4 years old, the character is already guessed. We have the first desires to make him do something. But the kid does not understand why it was possible to have fun just recently, and now boring duties suddenly appear. There are first collisions between the adult and the child.

  • read fairy tales to the pupil about the value of labor,
  • learn how to take care of a pet
  • live according to a clear daily routine (fix time for games, rest and work),
  • do not punish with labor,
  • instill good habits
  • introduce the first household duties,
  • convince by example
  • ask to redo what was done inaccurately,
  • conduct “labor training classes” (making handicrafts, postcards, etc.),
  • learn to finish what you start
  • reward with praise for a job well done.

When is it time to fight laziness?

If the child has grown to a conscious age, and the feeling of industriousness is not fully formed, then you have to fight laziness:

  • motivate to complete the task so that the pupil understands the whole perspective of what has been done,
  • explain that work is positive, because its results are true friends, a happy family, prosperity in the future, etc.,
  • supervise the performance of duties,
  • learn to plan things and rationally approach their implementation (for example, start with easy tasks),
  • give feasible work,
  • organize joint family labor landings (cleaning the yard or garden plot, harvesting),
  • eliminate boredom and monotony of the task (turn everything into a game, because this is their leading activity),
  • doing together is more fun together and your example works.

Children's household chores

The results of the school survey of parents every year show that the majority of pupils do not have household chores. Either mothers (dads) are afraid to deprive children of a carefree childhood, or it is easier for them to cope on their own, but the fact remains. This is, of course, a serious omission. Let's fill it up.

What duties can children 3-4 years old have:

Put toys in place

Wash your face, brush your teeth, and dress yourself

Help set the table

Maintain order on your desk

Help mom hang up the laundry

Wipe the dust

Pick up mail from the mailbox.

Responsibilities of a 5-6 year old child:

take care of a pet,

Spread and make the bed

Look after a younger brother or sister

Water the flowers,

Help to clean up the room and apartment,

Put your linen in place.

Responsibilities of a 7-9 year old child:

Taking out the trash,

Wash the dishes,


Packing things for school

Help clean up the garden.

Responsibilities for a 10-11 year old child:

Help to shop for groceries (shared or by list),

Help carry groceries from the store

Ironing simple linen

Clean out your closets

Clean the floor,

Prepare sandwiches and simple salads,

Put laundry in the laundry.

In what cases to give up the fight against laziness?

It happens when a child takes possession of a temporary feeling of laziness. The cause may be fatigue after school, weakness from beriberi, a difficult state of mind (the results of conflict, jealousy, stress, anxiety, etc.). Boring, monotonous things also do not motivate. Give your child a break, because we adults also have such failures.

It turns out that the education of industriousness is a great work on the part of parents. Children's laziness is often the result of our parental laziness. And it, in turn, is due to our lack of time, chronic fatigue, an abundance of various responsibilities. I would like to wish all parents and myself, including patience, strength and desire to work on themselves.

And how do you, dear mothers, teach your children to work hard? Share your secrets in the comments to the article.

Is it possible to force children to do their household chores, or is this an impossible and completely hopeless undertaking? This article is about how to deal with teenage laziness Is it possible to achieve any results in this noble cause, and most importantly, how to achieve them. The ingenuity of children who dodge homework is truly admirable, it would be for peaceful purposes! However, every now and then you have to hear from the ingratiating: “I’ll later, mommy, okay?” to the indignant: “I WILL NOT do this!!!”.

Why children do not want to take on part of the housework?! How force them to take part in household chores of the family?

Why do teenagers not want to help around the house?

To the question "why?" easy answer: because they have more interesting things to do! Friends (online and offline), love, games, social media…

It seems to us, adults, that teenagers are simply lazy and waste time for nothing, but for them all these activities are filled with the greatest meaning. And I, by the way, agree with them on this, because they do nothing else, but finding your place in our world the means available to them. They go out of the family into society, and this is very important for them. And the attempt to “return to the family” is completely opposite to the vector of their interest. Even if this vector is allegedly directed inward (as in adolescent introverts,

An attempt to turn the child 180 degrees is doomed to failure. The chick breaks the egg, the chick flies out of the nest, the wolf cub leaves the lair. How do you imagine a quack mother with such a message: “ Get back into your shell and clean it up!", or mother wolf:" Put the bones in one corner and sweep the floor with your tail!”

Animals are wiser: birds teach to fly, and wolves learn to hunt. Only people, it is not clear why, try to keep the cubs at home, by the skirt. The reason is clear - it’s easier for them and less so that they will do something to their own detriment.

Why do parents force their children to help around the house?

Let's tell ourselves the truth, dear parents, about What is your child's household chores for YOU?. My version (the result of observations and detailed inquiries of parents) is as follows:

  • Parents run a family program . “They did this to me, so it’s necessary!”
  • Way to interact with the child . "Educate", show their power, control, that is, always have an "iron" reason for nitpicking.
  • Worry for the child. “How will you live if you don’t know how to wash socks (vacuum, fold toys, wash dishes, take out the trash ...) ?!”
  • Seeking to make your adult life easier as a parent . “We all live here, why should someone alone keep order?”

This last reason I consider the only and natural reason to fight the child's laziness and accustom him to household duties.

And with other reasons, it is worth understanding in more detail so that they do not create unnecessary “interference” in our parental minds.

Fulfillment of the family program

Of course, I am for family traditions, respect for one's family and so on. However, there are things that require reflection and adaptation to modern conditions. Household chores are one of them. certainly not like your life as a child, and your parents' childhood is not like yours. Why should the requirements be the same?

Often I hear this argument: I was kept in strictness, I had duties, and now I grew up as a decent person!» And when asked how this person treated his parents in adolescence, the answer is something like this: My parents didn't understand me. ».

That is, you were “built” and did not understand, and you do the same with children? For what? Are you taking revenge on them? As in the army during hazing? It is possible, of course, and so, but if you love your children and want reciprocity, why blindly repeat what you yourself did not like? At least change the shape! Deal with teen laziness need more subtle methods, but How namely, this is the main question, and about it below.

Forced to do something around the house is a way of interaction between parents and children.

The second reason from our list. Sometimes parents choose this way of interaction because they don't know another way.. The interests of the child are not suspected, contact has long been lost. They don’t know how to restore it, but in order to maintain some kind of communication, they pester with demands. The hidden message of the parent is “See me, I am!«

This is also way to show your power. Parents need a relationship with their children, and in an emotional relationship! They don’t know how to show their love, so they find a reason to swear: “ Why didn't you take out the trash?!" and off we go...

The child is in a deaf defense or in the open. All he does is come up with new excuses, as if not to do what you force him to do. What you consider laziness is actually resistance - the struggle for one's own. Or, if you suppressed him, he sadly submits and dreams of that happy day when he leaves to study somewhere.

In fact, both he and you need normal communication, and you can choose a more worthy occasion for him, than endlessly pointing out to him that he does not fit the template of an ideal son (daughter).

Worry for the child

From the category " How are you going to live if you don't learn how to clean up after yourself?» Looks like a very worthy occasion. But in practice it does not justify itself.
I have never seen a man who died from the fact that he did not know how to wash dishes, or vacuum. Girls (and boys too!), when they leave from under their mother's wing, very quickly get used to taking care of their special person: cooking, cleaning, washing, and so on.

My friend did not know how to cook anything but scrambled eggs, having left her husband at the age of 20 far from her parents' house, she learned the ideal housekeeping in a year. Asked friends, read cookbooks.

Moreover, if your child is lazy to help you around the house, and you constantly "burden" him with demands to do something, by this you do not at all bring up love for this (as you may think). A cause him a strong aversion to domestic duties.

From personal experience

As a result, when I got married, I really had quarrels about cleaning (I cleaned, of course, but according to my husband, it wasn’t clean enough!), But because of cooking ... no one ever reproached me for anything! I do not consider myself an ideal cook, but I cook with inspiration, but I still clean without a spark ...

So decide for yourself whether you need to put negative programs in the heads of children. I still stand on the positions that the future will take care of itself, and you need to think about today.

When calling on children to help, think about your current interests.

So, let's move on to the only sane reason: desire to make your life easier. It looks like selfishness, very similar! This is what prevents parents from telling themselves the truth: they children need help!

I must say that I have nothing against selfishness. Healthy selfishness does not allow children (husbands, wives, friends, neighbors, bosses) to climb on our heads. Therefore, let's honestly admit that we need the help of children around the house in order to we have there was less work, and more free time (which parents need as much as children!) more. And now we can smoothly move on to the question "How?".

How to get kids to help their parents around the house?

  • Call for justice. Teenagers respect fairness, and if you say, "It's not fair that I do all the housework. You live here too!” This can lead to a dialogue in which you will have the opportunity to list what exactly you are doing and invite the child to take over what he chooses. Agree, it looks better than: "Immediately wash the dishes !!!" You always need to give the opportunity to choose, then a person feels free.

Same here : well, if you don't just ask for help, but talk about your feelings. After all, the child does not know what is inside you when you speak in the voice of an iron lady: "Put your clothes away immediately!" But if it sounds like this: “I’m offended that I have to do everything myself, I feel tired and unloved' is a completely different matter. Helping you, he will feel like a protector, a hero, an assistant, and not a slave.

  • Cultivate a sense of ownership. Responsibility follows ownership, never the other way around! And it occurs only when a person knows that for him (cleaning, laundry, lessons) no one will do it, because no one else needs it!

You have created a home, it is yours. And the child knows that he will leave him, therefore, despite the fact that he lives there, he does not treat him as “his own”, even if he has a room.

Julia Golovkina

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No matter how parents dream of getting themselves helpers around the house early, unfortunately, children are not born with such skills.

Of course, I want the child to wash the dishes and make the bed, and do it without reminders and with high quality. But, unfortunately, most parents make a lot of mistakes, trying to bring up housekeeping and accuracy in their children, and then they wonder why at the age of 10-12 their grown-up child is not eager to go to the store or take out the trash, but prefers to play “tanchiki” around the clock or sit VKontakte.

It happens differently

When the baby seeks to help his mother, and she has no time to deal with him, explain, show. It’s easier to say: “You are still small, go play, and I will do everything myself.” Or even worse, “Just don’t touch, you, as always, will do everything wrong, break, break ...”.

And when the age comes when you need to help around the house (adults believe that this is approximately 10-12 years old), in children, the requests of their parents cause only a negative reaction. It turns out that we ourselves cultivate laziness in our children, and then we are outraged, where did they come from?

When and how?

There is no clear answer, how and from what age children should be taught to help their parents around the house. But this does not mean at all that it is necessary to protect the child from housework until the age of 10, when it will be unthinkable to teach him to perform elementary self-service activities, not to mention something more.

The baby can perform the simplest household chores as early as 2-3 years. Watching from birth what mom and dad do, children try to help, imitate, be useful. And our task is not to miss this moment and to accustom the child to work at a simple household level.

Don't make mistakes

In general, any aspect of raising children requires a lot of patience and strength. It’s the same here - it’s much easier for you to water the flowers yourself, because then you don’t have to wipe the spilled water from the windowsill. Meanwhile, by the age of three, you may well entrust this responsibility around the house to your daughter or son.

At 4-5 years old, children can quite clean their room, vacuum, wash the dishes.

And by the age of 10, daily help to parents in household chores should become as common as washing in the morning.

When your child is 18 years old, he will have to be able to cook a few simple meals, wash and iron clothes and linen, and do a thorough cleaning of the house.

Let it be not the quality that you provide, but he must master these techniques.

Cleanliness: innate or acquired?

Not a single child is born clean - this quality needs to be brought up, just like other positive qualities. Your most faithful allies in this matter should be encouragement and praise. And also - warmth, understanding and love for your child.

The tips that we bring to your attention below should help you raise a clean and tidy heir, and if it so happened that time has already been lost and the desire to help parents has not appeared, try to correct the situation.


Starting at a very early age, reward children for their contribution to the cause. Even if you have to redo everything afterwards - praise, and next time do not refuse if the baby takes the initiative again.

Do it all together

If you are messing around in the kitchen, for example, with dough, let the child help you (by the way, almost all children love this fun). Let him try to mold, roll out, cut out cookies with a cookie cutter.

Buy a children's broom and a scoop for your little helper to clean up with you.

Take a look around - there are a lot of household chores that even such a crumb can handle, of course, with your help. If the child does not succeed in something, it is better not to interfere until he himself asks for it.

Desire is valuable, not the quality of work

Do not scold the baby if he expressed a desire, and then refused and quit the lesson without completing it. At this age, children still do not know how to concentrate on one thing for a long time.

Praise him for the part of the job he has done. When your baby is 6-7 years old, you can make a list of daily tasks for him and hang on the refrigerator for memory. Having completed one of them, he himself will be able to remove the sticker with a sense of accomplishment or cross out a line in the note.

Until the children grow up, do not entrust them with complex independent tasks. Later, you must set a time by which, for example, cleaning should be done: by 12.00 on Saturday. If the child has not taken care of the cleanliness of his room, you can cancel any purchase or, for example, going to the circus as a penalty.

The importance of correct wording

Build the phrase like this: "I noticed that ...". For example: “I noticed that the garbage was not taken out” or “I noticed that the toys were not packed in a box.” This will allow the baby to remember what he forgot to do, but at the same time will not be a reproach. And here is another correct and balanced formulation: "As soon as you make your bed, we can go to the zoo."

Do not punish or scold

Discuss problems that arise peacefully, calmly and with love. Calmly ask the child: “When will you be free so that we can talk?”. At the appointed time, sit down and discuss the problem in a calm atmosphere.

What can a child do on their own:

  • from 3 to 5 years. Set and clean the table, water the flowers, dust, vacuum, make the bed, feed the animals, put away your toys, mop the floors, dress and put on your own shoes.
  • 5 to 8 years. Change bedding, wash fruit, peel vegetables, beat carpets, make sandwiches, take out the trash, walk the dog.
  • 8 to 9 years old. Handle the stove: boil or fry eggs; clean vegetables or fruits, iron clothes (under adult supervision), operate washing machines and dishwashers.
  • 10 to 14 years old. Cooking simple meals, cleaning the house, going to the store, taking care of younger siblings.

We wish you patience and mutual understanding with children!


Children grow up, become more independent - but for some reason, a busy mother does not have more time. Yes, preschoolers and younger schoolchildren no longer need an eye and an eye, but a woman still fails to free her hands and head for some pleasant business or hobby, to be alone with her thoughts and desires. The way out is the distribution of responsibilities.

Some of the duties that we think we must fulfill if we want to consider ourselves good mothers just eat up most of the time, and also wean our children from independence.

The best gift you can give your child is to teach him or her to be independent. In the process of this training, you will be able to gift yourself - you will have time to focus on your "I" and take care of yourself.

Independence in exchange for time

The media takes pleasure in pumping up parents with macabre sensationalism to scare us into constantly monitoring our children. Then we send them to college. We must raise children so that in time they can confidently enter the big world, and for this they need to be able to solve many life issues on their own.

We run around our children like physically or mentally handicapped royalty. This is what I call "a good parent spoils." Loving, devoted, smart parents act like their kids can't even wipe their own ass until they're 35, let alone walk half a block down the street.
Imagine that you have six children. After all, if you had six kids, you wouldn’t have time to wipe everyone’s priests and put a pillow on everyone when he falls. It is important to clarify the concept of extreme necessity. It is not an emergency when the child is a little naughty or slightly hungry.
Family psychologist

You can look at helping your children around the house in the following way: their help frees up time for you to think about what you want to do. However, reducing your workload is not really the point of child care. When children have responsibilities, when they know that they can really help the family, they become stronger. They may initially be reluctant to set the table, pick up the mail, or feed the dog, but when they get involved in the work and realize that they are really helping you, they will definitely feel more significant and needed. They will have a purpose and an understanding that their contribution to the household is really important for the whole family.

Returning to the question of the requirements that we place on ourselves, it should be noted that most often we feel guilty if we do not have time to do at least a small fraction of all our homework.

Madness? Yes, but it happens all the time. Sometimes we don't realize it ourselves. We do our daily work, doing everything for everyone, and it doesn’t even occur to us that we can instruct a child to knock out a dusty rug and everyone will be better for it.

Of course, you wouldn't suggest vacuuming to a three-year-old or cooking dinner to a six-year-old, but there are plenty of age-appropriate tasks that kids can do once they start to understand speech. A two-year-old kid can collect the blocks and put them in a box. A six-year-old is quite capable of getting the dishes out of the dishwasher, even if he just puts the plates on the table, and does not put them away. An eight-year-old child can set the table and clean dirty dishes, a 10-year-old child can load the washing machine, and a twelve-year-old can fold the laundry. A teenager will walk the dog or change the filler in the cat litter box; children of this age can already wash their clothes and even cook a simple dinner.

What can your children do?

At 2-3 years old:

  • clean up toys
  • put dirty clothes in a basket;
  • put away books and magazines
  • put pet food in a bowl (with a little help);
  • wipe up spills;
  • wipe off the dust.

At 4-5 years old:

  • all of the above;
  • make your bed;
  • take out a rubbish;
  • clear the table;
  • water plants;
  • make breakfast cereal.

At 6-7 years old:

  • all of the above;
  • sort laundry;
  • sweep;
  • help prepare and pack breakfast;
  • set the table;
  • clean the bedroom
  • pour drinks;
  • to answer phone calls.

At 8-9 years old:

  • all of the above;
  • load dishes into the dishwasher;
  • disassemble purchased products;
  • help prepare dinner
  • prepare your clothes for washing;
  • clean vegetables;
  • make toast;
  • walk with the dog.

At 10-12 years old:

  • all of the above;
  • take dishes out of the dishwasher, put them away;
  • fold washed linen;
  • clean the bathroom;
  • cook simple meals
  • wash;
  • cut the lawn;
  • make your bed and change bed linen;
  • clean up the kitchen
  • look after younger siblings.

How to organize it

Do not ask children to do anything. Just once discuss what they could take on and assign them their responsibilities. You don't have to become a drill sergeant among recruits, but at the end of the day you are the boss.

Do not force children to do something out of the blue. Remember that part of their work is based on trust. Tell them what needs to be done and let them know how confident you are that they can do it. When they feel that they are really helping, it is very interesting to watch them.

We have a schedule hanging in the kitchen that lists all the daily duties of the children. It indicates the days of the week and the tasks that children must complete on that day. This schedule helped a lot - he guided the children, and they did not need to be reminded of anything. They could look at the schedule at any time and see what they had to do. I'm not saying this is a perfect scheme, but a schedule definitely helps.
Mother of two children


At the age of three, dusting is cool. At five, I agree, mine wipes. But the bed is not yet cleaned. There is something to work on.

Against the backdrop of European bends in education and juvenile justice, the article is strange ... Pos uti - elementary, for very young inexperienced parents without the Internet and the opportunity to ask those who have not read a single book on education ...

Of course, children want and can help. They don’t want to only if they were young, for the very first year, two, three, they didn’t let them go anywhere and to nothing. They didn't give me a broom, a cup, or water. not a rag ... they waited until 5 years and were surprised, but this baby does not want to help ...

And the great harmfulness of this article is precisely in the list of DAILY duties of children ... It is not help that is difficult for them, but daily and duty. For which they will not say thank you - after all, it is you who are doing your duty. There should not be daily indispensable duties, but there should be the ability and desire to help mom, the willingness to join the housework. Then the conflict will have nowhere to come from. Each child's help will be noticed, with the joy and gratitude of mom and dad.

I was lucky and somehow it happened that all children help from an early age. The youngest is the smallest and often cunning, but if I write a to-do list, she does everything.

Useful article! The daughter, at the age of five, loves to help, especially watering indoor flowers, dusting and washing cups. It's good when such an assistant grows up.

A good article, I came across the fact that my daughter helps around the house very reluctantly, at first they tried to interest them in a playful way, when it didn’t help, they explained that since mom and dad clean, cook, wash, then you need to help, it’s not embarrassing, but necessary. Somehow we begin to wash the dishes and tidy up not only on our table, but also in the kitchen.

And I can not teach my kids how to help! I feel sorry for them, and then I myself will pay.

we are 2 years old and my daughter herself folds her toys and vacuums with her even toy vacuum cleaner)
there is a desire to help mommy

Comment on the article "Help around the house: what to entrust children. List of tasks by age"

Not "help mom", but "you are so grown up that you can do some grown-up things." Moreover, you can also slightly single out the eldest, come on. Only this has nothing to do with helping around the house, at all. Two weeks on the farm - just out of curiosity, exotic.

Help around the house: what to entrust to children. Help around the house: what a child from 2 to 12 years old can do. We do our daily work, doing everything for everyone, and it doesn’t even occur to us that we can instruct a child to knock out a dusty rug and everyone will be better for it.

Now my mother will spend two months in a mental hospital on Kashirka (in the self-supporting department). What's next is scary to think about. At first it was very hard to morally realize that my mother was no more, but over the years I slowly came to terms with this. Now, as awful as it sounds, I'm already...

The problem is not with the guy, but with his mother. Everything is just fine with him. The only thing you need to hint about is that you need to wear shorts. And so he will figure out when to masturbate.

Grandfather's mom is now taking him home for the winter with a big scandal, my children and I live in the countryside in the summer, my mother wanted him and wants to take him into the house. Your mother needs a good neurologist now. Taking neurological pills can help a lot with ALL diseases.

home help. Surprisingly, she wants to help, and helps, she often - sorts out things for me, the nanny does laundry and sorts for washing Section: Children and parents (daughter does not want to help around the house). They kicked me... I just wanted to say that every self-respecting...

Child from 3 to 7. Upbringing, nutrition, daily routine, attending kindergarten and relationships with caregivers, illnesses and physical development of the child from 3 to 7. Help around the house: what to entrust to children. To do list by age. But the bed is not yet cleaned.

Help around the house: what to entrust to children. To do list by age. List of cases by age. "Organized transportation of a group of children by bus. My daughter goes to class 1-3 to Natalia Mikhailovna in the building on Svobody 81-1.

Large family: raising children, relationships between brothers and sisters, social benefits and allowances. Help around the house: what to entrust to children. To do list by age. Distribution of responsibilities: time for mom and independence of children.

Help around the house: what to entrust to children. To do list by age. List of household chores for children. It is believed that it is unrealistic to cross the ocean 1. Home regime Having noticed the first signs of illness, leave the child at home, do not send him to kindergarten or school.

Help around the house: what to entrust to children. To do list by age. When children have responsibilities, when they know that they can really help the family, they. An eight-year-old child can set the table and clean the dirty dishes, a 10-year-old child ...

Zero desire to help mom. If they try to attract him, then his arm, leg hurts, and in general he is tired. What do you think, is it worth it in this situation to fight for the son to help around the house, or it will be a waste of time and nerves, let it exist and be passed on ...

How to help mom? She needs a psychologist or a psychotherapist. Many people cannot get out of severe depression on their own. At home I arrange a complete pogrom in the form of general cleaning. I work on the phone, resolving all issues, not sending anyone, and in general I do EVERYTHING that ...

What kind of doctors do you need to go through? Doctors, clinics. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years old: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development To-do list by age. Help around the house: what a child from 2 to 12 years old can do.

My old mother is sick. A disease called old age. She's on a lot of drugs that make her worse and worse. Plus the medications she prescribes herself. All this together leads to allergies, intolerances and deterioration. Not taking medicine at all is also bad.

Help around the house: what to entrust to children. To do list by age. An eight-year-old child can set the table and clean the dirty dishes, a 10-year-old child can load the washing machine, and a twelve-year-old can fold the laundry.

How to help mom? Serious question. About his own, about a girl's. Discussion of questions about the life of a woman in the family, at work, relationships with men. Mom flatly refused to go to the dacha, which we are going to build. As well as to the existing village house and to the husband's dacha.

Help around the house: what to entrust to children. To do list by age. This schedule helped a lot - he guided the children, and they did not need to be reminded of anything. They could look at the schedule at any time and see what they had to do.

Mom is bored at home alone, I’m not interested in her and sometimes I physically can’t listen to this old verbal chewing gum. There are, of course, things in which a blind person cannot do without help, but in fact there are not so many such moments as people usually think.

Help around the house: what to entrust to children. To do list by age. How to teach a child to help around the house: 4 tips. Discussion. We need to help put things in order - we are looking for motivation (we teach by example, etc., for whom what works), because mom's "must" in this case ...

Should children help their parents?? Many parents believe that it is not necessary to burden children household chores. They think that housework will rob children of a carefree childhood that comes only once. Often, parents who come to a psychologist for a consultation believe that schooling is enough for their children and, apart from that, they do not need anything from their children.

However, as a family psychologist, the author of this note Olga Zeitlin believes that it is much more important that when children help their parents, performing household duties, they will feel necessary in the family, able to make their own contribution to family well-being and therefore be its full members.

In counseling, she helps parents understand that by teaching children responsibility for household chores, we develop their social interest and prepare them to take responsibility outside the home.

Children, which help parents and have their own household chores usually do better in school because they interact better with teachers. Without such training, children become consumers and in the future only want to receive something from other people. They just sit at home and wait for someone to come and give them what they want. Sometimes these children get the feeling that they are something of themselves only when someone serves them.

Based on their experience and life situations, adults can come up with a lot of different things that a child can do for the benefit of the family. But sometimes parents are at a loss, not knowing what can be entrusted to children, therefore, further, the author gives approximate lists of household chores for children of different ages, which were taken with slight changes in the book by B. B. Grunwald, G. V. Macaby "Family Counseling" . So what children help around the house at different ages:

Household chores for a 3 year old

Collect and put the toys in the appropriate place.

Put books and magazines on the shelf.

Take napkins, plates and cutlery to the table.

Dispose of leftover crumbs after meals.

Clear your seat at the table.

Brush your teeth, wash and dry your hands and face, comb your hair.

Undress yourself, with a little help - get dressed.

Wipe away the traces of "childish surprise" behind you.

Bring small products to the desired shelf, put things on the bottom shelf.

Household chores for a four year old

Serve the table, including good plates.

Help put away groceries.

Under the supervision of a parent, help in buying cereals, pasta, sugar, cookies, sweets, bread.

Schedule food for pets.

Help clean up the garden and yard.

Help make and make the bed.

Help wash dishes or help load the dishwasher.

Wipe off the dust.

Spread butter on bread. Prepare cold breakfasts (cereals, milk, juice, crackers).

Help prepare a simple dessert (put a decoration on a cake, add jam to ice cream).

Share toys with friends.

Get mail out of the mailbox.

Play at home without constant supervision and without the constant attention of adults.

Hang socks and handkerchiefs to dry.

Help folding towels.

Household chores for a 5 year old

Help plan food preparation and grocery shopping.

Make your own sandwiches or a simple breakfast and clean up after yourself.

Pour yourself a drink.

Serve a dinner table.

Pluck lettuce and greens from the garden.

Add some ingredients to the recipe.

Make and make the bed, clean the room.

Get dressed and put away your own clothes.

Clean sink, toilet and tub.

Wipe mirrors.

Sort laundry for washing. Fold white separately, color separately.

Fold and put away clean linen.

To answer phone calls.

Help clean up the apartment.

Pay for small purchases.

Help wash the car.

Help take out the trash.

Decide for yourself how to spend your part of the family money intended for entertainment.

Feed your pet and clean up after him.

Tie your own shoelaces.

Household Responsibilities of a 6-Year-Old Child (First Grade)

Choose your own clothes according to the weather or for a specific occasion.

Vacuum the carpet.

Water flowers and plants.

Clean vegetables.

Prepare simple meals (hot sandwiches, boiled eggs).

Pack things for school.

Help hang laundry on a clothesline.

Hang your clothes in the wardrobe.

Collect firewood for the fire.

Gather dry leaves with a rake, weed weeds.

Walk pets.

Be responsible for your minor wounds.

Taking out the trash.

Tidy up the drawer where cutlery is stored.

Set the table.

Household Responsibilities of a Seven-Year-Old Child (Second Grade)

Lubricate the bike, take care of it. Lock it in a dedicated place when not in use.

Receive phone messages and record them.

Be on parcels with parents.

Wash your dog or cat.

Train pets.

Carry groceries.

Get up in the morning and go to bed at night without being reminded.

Be polite and courteous to other people.

Leave the bathroom and toilet in order.

Iron simple things.

Household Responsibilities for an Eight- and Nine-Year-Old Child (Third Grade)

Correctly fold napkins and lay out cutlery.

Clean the floor.

Help rearrange furniture, plan the arrangement of furniture with adults.

Fill your own bath.

Help others (if asked) in work.

Organize your closets and drawers.

Buy clothes and shoes for yourself with the help of your parents, choose clothes and shoes.

Change school clothes for clean ones without being reminded.
Fold up blankets.

Sew on buttons.

Sew up torn seams.

Clean out the closet.

Clean up after animals.

Get acquainted with recipes for cooking simple dishes and learn how to cook them.

Cut flowers and prepare a vase for bouquets.

Gather fruits from trees.

Kindle Fire. Prepare everything you need for cooking on a campfire.

Paint the fence or shelves.

Write simple letters.

Write thank you cards.

Feed the baby.

Bathe younger sisters or brothers.

Polish the furniture in the living room.

Household Responsibilities for a Nine- and Ten-Year-Old Child (Fourth Grade)

Change bed linen and put dirty linen in a basket.

Know how to operate a washer and dryer.

Measure out laundry detergent and fabric softener.

Buy groceries from a list.

Cross the street on your own.

Come to appointments on your own if you can walk or bike there.

Bake cookies from semi-finished products in boxes.

Prepare food for the family.

Receive your mail and reply to it.

Prepare tea, coffee or juice, pour into cups.

Make a visit.

Plan your birthday or other holidays.

Be able to provide basic first aid.

Wash the family car.

Learn to be thrifty and economical.

Household Responsibilities for a Ten- and Eleven-Year-Old Child (Fifth Grade)

Earn money on your own.

Don't be afraid to stay at home alone.

Manage some amount of money responsibly.

Know how to ride the bus.

Responsible for personal hobbies.

Eleven- and Twelve-Year-Old Household Responsibilities (Sixth Grade)

Be able to take on leadership responsibilities outside the home.

Help put little brothers and sisters to bed.

Do your own work.

Mow lawn.

Help father with construction, crafts, and household chores.

Clean stove and oven.

Manage your own study time.

Home duties of high school students

On school days, going to bed at a certain time (as agreed with the parents).

Take charge of cooking for the whole family.

Have an idea about a healthy lifestyle: eat healthy food, maintain a proper weight, get regular medical check-ups.

Anticipate the needs of others and take appropriate action.

Have realistic ideas about possibilities and limits.

Consistently implement the decisions made.

Show mutual respect, devotion and honesty in all respects.

Make as little money as possible.

How to organize it

Do not ask children to do anything. Just once discuss what they could take on and assign them their responsibilities. You don't have to become a drill sergeant among recruits, but at the end of the day you are the boss.

Do not force children to do something out of the blue. Remember that part of their work is based on trust. Tell them what needs to be done and let them know how confident you are that they can do it. When they feel that they are really helping, it is very interesting to watch them.

Many have a schedule hanging in the kitchen, which lists all the daily duties of children. It indicates the days of the week and the tasks that children must complete on that day. This schedule is very helpful in guiding the children without having to remind them of anything. They can look at the schedule at any time and see what they have to do. Yes, it's not exactly the ideal scheme, but the schedule definitely helps.