Summary of an open lesson on developing self-care skills and cultural and hygienic skills on the topic: “Water, water.

For a wedding

State budgetary professional educational institution"Chelyabinsk teacher training college No. 2"

Self-care plan

V senior group


Student 2 / 4 groups

Kilchurina Albina

Chelyabinsk 2016

Lesson summary on developing self-service skills

“Every thing has its place”


    Teach children to keep order in game room, bedroom, dressing room;

    Timely and immediately put every thing in its place, help adults and peers in household work;

    Develop skills independently and with the help of adults and peers, maintain and restore order in the group;

    To cultivate diligence, respect for working people: the ability and desire to value one’s own and others’ work;

Equipment: Household items and object pictures, Little Brownie toy.

Progress of the lesson.

    The day before, the teacher reads L. Voronkova’s story “Masha the Confused” to the children and conducts a conversation on its content:

Who is the story about? Who woke up Masha in kindergarten?

Why was Masha late for kindergarten one day?

Why couldn't she find her things right away? Where were the socks? Where did she find the shoes? Where was the dress thrown? Where did she meet the children at kindergarten? Who is to blame that Masha was late?

    Educator: -Who keeps order in the house?

How do you help your mother with this?

Who keeps order in the group?

Do you help adults with this? How?

Children: We put the toys away, hang the clothes in the locker, put them on the high chair before going to bed, put the shoes on the shelf, set the table, remove the dishes from the table after eating.

Educator: Well done! Everyone is attentive and helps maintain order in the group.

We will now go on a tour of the group and see if all the things are in place. If someone does not put the toy back in its place, then the toys may become offended and hide from you.

Educator: Suitable for sports corner, and asks the children to name what is missing.

Children: Skittles and ball.

Educator: He approaches the music corner with the children and asks them to name what is missing?

Children: Baskets with rattles.

Educator: You see, children, many things have been hidden. But I will tell you who will help you find them.

You don't know this hero. This is Brownie, he lives in every house and knows everything that happens in it. The teacher shows the children Brownie and pays attention to his appearance, and says that he is kind, attentive, caring and in his hands he has a bag in which there may be missing toys.

Brownie wants to play with you.( Didactic game)

« Wonderful pouch»

The teacher calls one child at a time and asks them to take any item out of the bag. The child takes out the object, names it and takes it to its place. After the game, the teacher talks with the children:

Why should every thing be in its place?

Children: So as not to waste time searching, and you could take it right away.

Educator: Who should keep order?

Children: Adults and children.

Educator: You know where each of the things should be. But in every group and home there are many small items and they should also have their place.

Brownie suggests playing the game “Every thing has its place” (Didactic game)

On the table there are many small items (sewing supplies, pencils, ribbons, hairpins, elastic bands, decorations for dolls) and boxes, boxes, baskets, cups.

The teacher and Little Brownie ask one of the called children to find a place for each item. After the game, Brownie rewards the children with stars for their help.


classes on developing self-care skills with the development of fine motor skills in children.

"Big Wash".

Target: Formation of necessary self-service skills.


1. Give an idea of ​​why you need to keep your clothes clean.

2. To develop labor skills when washing clothes in a certain sequence:

a) Sort laundry into white, colored and dark;

b) Soap laundry and rub between hands;

c) Rinse thoroughly, wring out, straighten and hang on a rope.

3. Develop coordination of movements, fine motor skills, cultivate accuracy and hard work.

Methodical techniques:practical actions with objects, conversation, explanation, demonstration, use of literary words, game.

Material and equipment:oilcloth, basins, soap, soap dishes, aprons, clothespins (according to the number of children), drying rack. Toy bear in pants, handkerchiefs, basket.

Didactic games: “What’s extra?”, “Big wash”, “Sort out the laundry.”

Duration: 30 minutes.

Number of participants:10 children with parents.

Age of participants: middle group(4-5 years)

Progress of the lesson:

Educator. I was walking down the street today and suddenly I saw a bear in dirty pants lying on the road (toy bear display), and he has a basket in his hands. I asked him how he ended up here and what was in his basket.

Bear. I was carrying handkerchiefs for the children in a basket, it started to rain, I slipped and fell into a puddle. The handkerchiefs fell out and got dirty.

Educator. Let's go to our Rodnik. There the children will clean you up and help you.

Our bear is very ashamed to sit in front of you in soiled panties. What to do? How can I help him?

That's right, you need to change the bear into clean clothes and wash the dirty ones.

(children with a teacher dressing up a teddy bear)

Look how happy the bear is, because he has clean laundry, and we will wash this dirty laundry.

What do we need to do to work?

Properly prepare your workplace and prepare yourself. What will it take?

Didactic game “What’s extra?”

Children look at picture cards, choosing images of items needed for washing. The teacher asks why we need this or that thing, what is its necessity. The teacher prepares the workplace together with the children, naming objects.

Oilcloth - do not wet the table.

Basins - wash clothes in them.

Aprons - do not get dirty or wet clothes.

Soap - to wash clothes.

Clothespins – to secure clothes.

Dryer - dry things.

What water will we wash in? Why?

Educator . Workplace we're ready. But to start washing, you need to sort your laundry into white and colored ones. The white is washed off first to avoid staining.

Didactic game “Sort the laundry”

In multi-colored layouts washing machines(black, colored and white) children sort cards with images of clothing items (black, colored, white).

Educator. Guys, what do you think, in order to wash our clothes well, what kind of water should we get? That's right, hot water, but be sure to carefully check it with your hand so as not to get burned; if the water is very hot, then it needs to be diluted with cold water.

(The teacher helps to pour water for the children, place basins on the tables, and distributes handkerchiefs to the children.)

Educator. Well, guys, let's get to work: I'll take the bear's pants, and you wash the handkerchiefs, which are also dirty. We put them in water, leave them in the water for a few minutes, that is, soak them. And let's remember, finger game“Big wash”, it will help us stretch our fingers so that they become obedient and can wash our clothes well.

"Big Wash"

I will help my mother

I'll wash my own clothes

(three fingers touching each other imitating washing)

I wash my socks with soap

(run your fist over your palm)

Fists rub hard

(three fists touching each other)

I'll rinse my socks deftly

(move your hands left and right)

I'll squeeze it really hard

(press the cams together and rotate simultaneously different sides)

And I'll hang you on a rope

(raise your arms up, bend your hands, imitation of hanging socks)

This is how I will help my mother!

Educator. Well done guys, our laundry is in hot water and now it's time to start washing. We take soap, lather and wash with both hands - three clothes between fists. After soaping, do not leave the soap in the water, but put it in a soap dish, otherwise it will get wet in the water.

(show with verbal accompaniment)

Educator. We washed the handkerchiefs, wring them out with both hands, twist the fists in different directions, and place them on the table.

What do we guys need to do now?

That's right, rinse, and for this we need to change the water - pour clean water for rinsing.

(water change)

Now we start rinsing the clothes in clean water, rinse carefully, trying not to splash the water. Guys, I know one poem about washing, listen to it and try to remember it.

And we have a big wash

We are not too lazy to wash clothes,

We will pour some water into the basin

And we do laundry all day long.

(we repeat the poem together - 2-3 times)

Educator. Well, guys, we rinsed our clothes, now we need to squeeze them out well so that water doesn’t drip from them.

Our laundry has been washed, but what needs to be done now?

That's right, it needs to be hung out to dry, but before drying it needs to be shaken so that the laundry is straightened out and then carefully hung on the dryer.

(children wring out the laundry, shake it, hang it on the dryer, secure it with clothespins)

Educator. Guys! You washed the handkerchiefs, I washed the bear’s pants - we finished the work, but what do we need to do now?

Of course, to put things in order in our workplace - pour out the water, put helper items back in place, wipe down the tables.

(joint task completion)

Educator. Look, bear, how many handkerchiefs the guys washed. Yes, they are all so clean! We also washed your pants and carefully hung them on a string.

Bear. Thank you, guys, for the clean pants and handkerchiefs. And now I need to say goodbye to you. The rain has already stopped. I have to go. Goodbye!

Educator. Guys, we did a great job! Are you satisfied with your work?

I suggest you repeat the entire washing process yourself. Sit on the mat.

Didactic game “Big Laundry”

Children are given cards with the stages of washing clothes. Children reproduce the washing process and comment on individual stages.

Educator. Now you can safely help your mother and grandmother wash their clothes at home and be sure to tell us about our big wash.

Lesson No. 1 “Cleanliness is the same as beauty”

Subject: “Formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children”



To promote the formation and consolidation of cultural, hygienic and self-care skills in children.


Develop the basics of social interaction.


Foster culture friendly relations in a children's group.

Form: meeting with parents.

1. Educator. Dear guests! Today we have gathered to talk once again about cultural and hygienic skills and daily routine.

Daily routine is the basis healthy image child's life. If his daily routine largely depends on individual characteristics, then the rules of personal hygiene, on the contrary, are universal.

We all want our child to grow up strong, beautiful, and healthy. Therefore, with early childhood and throughout his life a person must carefully care for his body, skin, hair, nails, teeth, etc.

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene is an indispensable condition for a healthy lifestyle. Among the rules of personal hygiene, skin care rules are of paramount importance.

2. Educator. Skin not only protects your body from heat, cold and infections. It helps a person breathe and get rid of toxins. The best way skin care is a weekly bath.

  1. Educator. In the rules of personal hygiene, an important place is given to foot care measures.
  2. Educator. Feet need to be washed warm water with soap daily (before bedtime). After washing, wipe them dry with a clean towel. To avoid foot disease, you should change your socks more often and avoid wearing tight shoes.
  3. Educator. It is very important to teach your child to properly care for their teeth and oral cavity.
  4. Educator. Teeth should be brushed daily morning and evening Toothbrush should be bright and attractive to children. It moves vertically from the gums to the teeth. With the help of a fairy tale I invented, I taught my daughter to brush her teeth.
  5. Educator. Careful care require face, neck and ears. In children, these parts of the body get especially dirty, so they need to be washed at least twice a day - in the morning and before bed.

A girl appears, dirty and unkempt.

1st child.

Oh you dirty girl
Where did you get your hands so dirty?
Black palms
There are tracks on the elbows.

I was lying in the sun
She held her hands up.
So they got tanned.

2nd child.

Oh you dirty girl
Where did you get your nose so dirty?
The tip of the nose is black, as if smoked.

I was lying in the sun
She kept her nose up.
So he got tanned.

3rd child.

Oh you dirty girl
She smeared her legs with stripes.
Not a girl, but a zebra
Legs - like a black man's.

I was lying in the sun
She kept her heels up.
So they got tanned.

4th child.

Oh really, really?
Was that really the case?
Let's wash everything down to the last drop.
Come on, give me some soap!
We'll wipe it off.

2. Educator. Guys, let's wash the grimy girl. Bring all supplies. (Children bring) Tell us how to wash your face properly? What would happen if there was no water? (Children answer) We have prepared the water, but what else is needed to wash such dirt? (soap)

5th child (makes a riddle)

Foams with soap suds,
I'm not too lazy to wash my hands.
Slipping away like something alive
But I won't let him out.

Educator. Guys, tell me what soap is for (children answer) Well, now there is water, the same soap. We can wash our grimy girl. But I just don’t think we can wash away such dirt with soap. What else do you think we need?

6th child. (makes a riddle)

Elastic band Akulinka
I went for a walk along the back.
And while she was walking,
The back became pink.

Children. Sponge

Children wash the girl.

7th child.

The girl screamed loudly
When I saw the washbasin.
She scratched like a cat.

Don't touch your palms!
They won't be white:
They're tanned!

8th child.

And my palms were washed.
They wiped their nose with a sponge -
I was upset to the point of tears.

Oh my poor nose!
He can't stand soap!
It won't be white:
He's tanned!

Educator. And my nose was washed.

Oh, I'm ticklish!
Put away the brushes!
There will be no white heels:
They're tanned!

Children. And the heels were also washed.

10th child.

Now you're white
Not at all tanned.
It was dirt.

1. Educator. Guys, let's dry her with a towel and put her in a clean dress. But look at the hair, how disheveled it is! What should be done?

Children. Comb.

2. Educator (makes a riddle).

Frequent, toothy
He grabbed the curly forelock.

Children. Comb, comb.

The girl's mother.

Grow, braid, to the waist,
Don't lose a hair.
Grow, braid, to the toes
All the hairs are in a row.

Grow, braid, don't get confused -

Mom, daughter, listen.

1. Educator. Now we are all pleased to look at our girl. And neat, and clean, and with a beautiful hairstyle. All girls want to have beautiful hairstyles. Let's have a hairstyle contest.

Parents do their children's hair.

2. Educator. We thank all guests, parents and children for participating and preparing our meeting. We invite everyone to the samovar!

Summary of a lesson on developing self-service skills.

Topic: “Rules for ironing clothes.”

Target: familiarizing children with the rules of ironing clothes.


Educational and rehabilitation:

- to form neatness in children;


Development, coordination of hand movements;


Familiarize children with the rules for ironing towels and handkerchiefs.

Equipment : picture of a cast iron iron, ironing board,

iron, handkerchiefs, towel.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

Educator:Guys, today we will talk about clothing care. Namely, how to properly iron clothes. Listen to a short poem on our topic.

I iron clean clothes,

I remove the folds.
And not only for order,

For my little son.

Motivational - orientation stage .

Educator: The process of ironing clothes has come to us since ancient times; our great-grandmothers and great-great-grandmothers ironed clothes. But they had large cast-iron irons, which were heated not by electricity, but by hot coals. Look at the picture and you will see an old iron.(The teacher shows a picture of an iron)

2. Main part.

Educator:Now, guys, guess the riddle, and you will find out what will be discussed next.

He doesn't fall on his side

It has a hump on top

Or rather, a pen.

Straightens out after washing

Things are this thing. (Iron)

Educator:For comfortable ironing, you need to choose the right iron and install it correctly. ironing board. The distance between the board and your elbow should be 27cm, regardless of the position in which you iron, whether sitting or standing. Inconsistency will lead to rapid hand fatigue, and pain may appear in the wrists.

Educator:Before you start ironing, check the condition of the iron sole: it should not contain any traces of dirt or carbon deposits. Depending on the sole material, clean the iron if necessary. The manufacturer's recommendations will help you decide on the cleaning method. Do not clean the soles sharp objects And household chemicals. It has long been practiced to clean the soleplate of an iron using fine sifted salt; To do this, go over it with a hot iron.

Educator:Guys, listen to some useful tips that will come in handy when you iron your clothes.

1. It is better to start ironing clothes with items made of thinner and more fragile fabrics. Such items should be ironed low temperatures. Lastly, iron items made from thick and rough materials. This order is due to the fact that the iron requires much more time to cool than to heat up. Therefore, by adhering to this order, you can save things and save time.

2. K different tissues necessary different approach. So, it is better to iron linen items slightly under-dried. When doing this, use gauze or iron from the inside out, otherwise your items will begin to shine. That is why clothes made of flannel, wool, corduroy, and tweed are ironed through gauze. The same approach is necessary for suits made of dark fabrics.

3. Iron linen linen and knitted sweaters with smooth, leisurely movements up or down, avoid fussy moving the iron in a circle or from one side to the other.

4. If in front of you is an item decorated with beads, embroidery or rhinestones, iron it through a washcloth, having previously moistened it. This will protect the finish from damage.

5. After you have ironed things, do not rush to hang them up right away, let them cool. To avoid repeated ironing, carefully fold or hang ironed items. It’s good if the width and length of the hangers match the clothes. For trousers, it is better to use hangers with clips that hold them in a hanging straight position.

Educator:Children, please tell me why and why you need to iron your clothes?(Children's answers: so that clothes are not wrinkled) . That's right, guys, linen and things need to be ironed not only for beauty and neatness, but also in order to beat all harmful microbes and infections with hot steam.

Educator:To consolidate the knowledge gained, I suggest you try ironing your towel or handkerchief. (Children, under the supervision of the teacher, take turns ironing their handkerchiefs or towels)

Educator: Well done guys, you did a great job today.

Physical education minute.

Together we help mom -
We will iron the linen ourselves (they move their hand along the table)

One, two, three, four, (moves the hand to the sides)

Stretched, (hung up the laundry)

We stopped.

Well done! (we pat ourselves on the head with our hand)


1.What should you do before ironing?

2.Which useful tips Did you remember from ironing?

3.Why and why do you need to iron clothes?

Target: Continue to teach children to independently care for their appearance and the condition of their clothing.


1. Strengthening children’s ability to put things back in their place

2. Formation of clothing care skills;

3. Formation of a desire for neatness; to the ability to notice and correct imperfections in appearance in oneself and other children;

4. Improving the ability to dress independently in the correct sequence;

5. Enrichment of vocabulary with the help of proverbs and sayings on the topic

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Children, this morning we received a letter, unsigned, no return address. Let’s read what is written there: “Hello! I need your help! I’ll come in the morning!”

Very interesting! ( intercom call) And here, probably, is our guest!

(A doll enters the group, introduces itself, starts filming outerwear and throws things around as he goes.)

Doll: "Hello! My name is Katya doll. I'm upset. My girlfriends don't invite me to their place! They say I'm sloppy, sloppy! What kind of words are these, what do they mean? And what should I do now? You know everything here, so I decided to turn to you for help!

Educator: We know, Katya, how to help you! First of all, children, what do these words mean - sloppy, slob? ( This is a person who does not take care of his things and his appearance.)

What did Katya do wrong when she entered? ( She scattered her things.) Let's tell you what you actually need to do with them.

Children's individual answers:

Put your boots under the bench,

Hang the jacket on a hanger,

Put the hat on the shelf.

Educator After the children answer, she helps put their outerwear back in its place. “So that our advice is not forgotten, remember the proverbs and sayings about neatness that our children know. Misha S. “Take care of the dress from new” (“means that all things need to be looked after not only when they are old, but also when they are still new”).

Doll: Oh, I still have a lot of things here! They're all mixed up and I don't know what to do with them! Teach me how to lay things out! ( He pours things out of the bag.)

Children: Several children help the doll sort things into pairs, and neatly fold unpaired things or hang them on a chair.

Educator: “Things need to be put away, you don’t have to look for them.” Children, you know that things need not only to be neatly put in their places, but also to be worn carefully and to take care of your appearance. Look at our guest - what's wrong with her outfit?

(Children notice flaws in the doll’s clothes, and take turns going out to correct them.

Untied bow on the head

Socks of different colors,

Slippers on the wrong foot

The blouse is not tucked in completely.)

Educator: Remember one more lesson - “They are greeted by their clothes, but they are seen off by their minds” (means that first of all people pay attention to appearance other people, on their “Clothes”, and only then on everything else).

Doll: Well done! Yes, you know a lot! You told me everything, and now I want to see - do you know how to do all this yourself? I'll give you a test - who will dress correctly for a walk?

(The teacher selects 2 children who will show how they know how to dress. And the rest come to the table, where cards with pictures of clothes are laid out, and show them in the correct sequence.)

Doll: Well done boys! Now I also know how to dress properly!

Educator : So we helped the doll Katya! I hope she doesn't have any problems now! Let's remember what we taught our guest today? What proverbs and sayings does Katya need to remember?

Kate: Thanks guys, you helped me a lot! I will remember your advice!