Funny faces from plastic plates. We make crafts from disposable plates


We make a charming whale, juicy fruit, funny crabs, a funny yellow goose from disposable plates! Disposable tableware can do a good job not only during a holiday or at a picnic - if desired, it can be easily turned into a multifunctional material for children's creativity.

Crafts from disposable tableware are distinguished by volume, clarity of form and variety. The kids are happy to turn the usual cups, spoons, forks and plates into unusual images. Disposable plates are especially easy to transform into various products.

Making various crafts from disposable plates with your own hands is a completely doable task for children, regardless of the age and skill of each child. They will gladly act on the instructions of an adult to get the desired result. It is especially interesting to make crafts from paper plates: with your own hands, a child can color them, decorate them with various decorative elements and turn them into the most unusual characters using stationery glue.

Crafts from disposable paper crafts for kids

The easiest way to work is to take one plate as a basis, paint it in the desired color and glue various elements to create the desired image (or do without them). Characteristic details are cut out of cardboard, colored paper, or molded from plasticine.

Brilliant fruit assortment.

Funny carrot patch.

Goat muzzle.

Sea crabs.

Santa Claus.

From a painted large and small plate, a lovely pig is obtained.

A painted and cut paper plate can be a fun crown.

Crafts from parts of a disposable plate

You can use not a whole plate, but part of it - for example, cutting off the edge in a straight line or cutting a piece of the desired shape. Curly pieces of a plate can also be used in crafts as its elements.

By cutting the plate into two parts with a wavy line, you can get two butterfly wings. We make her body from a cardboard cylinder from toilet paper, the antennae are from the same chenille wire.

PlatypusGolden Goose.

Dinosaur (parts of his body can be made movable using stationery cloves);

Frog traveler

By cutting out the embossed edge of the plate and gluing it to pointed cardboard leaves, you can get an unusual flower, which, if desired, can easily be turned into a frame for a photograph. The edging for the photo can be made from fluffy pompoms or plasticine balls.

And cutting the entire plate in a spiral and leaving an oval center, we get a real cobra. We paint it in a suitable color, glue the eyes and a forked tongue. Ready!

By attaching half of the other to one plate, we will create a flower basket. The flowers themselves can be glued from paper or molded from plasticine, salt dough or modeling mass.

Having fastened two plates with a stapler and leaving one edge open, we get the body of a killer whale. It remains only to glue the fins, tail and fix on the back a fountain of splashes of blue chenille wire.

Crafts from folded paper plates

Interesting volumetric figures are obtained from a plate bent in half:

Birdie: a slot is made in a bent plate, into which a sheet of paper (wings) folded like an accordion is inserted. We cut out a triangular orange beak from cardboard, we use ready-made, factory-made, or home-made, paper or plasticine eyes.

The frog princess: a plate folded in half becomes a mouth, eyes and nose are cut out of an egg carriage. We supplement the eyes with paper cilia, and the mouth with a large tongue.

Perhaps there is no cheaper material for New Year's crafts than plastic dishes. Everything can be used:

  • dishes
  • cups
  • bottles
  • spoons and forks

Disposable plates and cups made of paper are suitable for crafts.

In this article, you will see photos of completely simple home interior decorations and Christmas tree decorations made from plastic and paper dishes.

So what can be done from plastic and paper plates to be simple, fast and at the same time unusual, bright and non-standard? Let's fantasize together!

First of all, prepare yourself dishes, A as well as tools and materials needed for work. Plates must be intact and clean. The color can be anything. And from the tools and materials you may need:

  • scissors
  • stapler
  • glue gun and glue sticks
  • felt-tip pens or markers
  • gouache or acrylic paints
  • glue type "Moment Crystal"
  • PVA glue
  • tassel

Let's start simple: let's do "Decoupage" of a plastic (or paper) plate . Glue the top layer of a three- (or two-) layer napkin onto a plate using PVA glue and a brush. When the napkin is completely dry, cover it with acrylic varnish. Christmas plate is ready!

If you do not have a dark green paper plate, a white one can be easily painted with gouache or acrylic paint. Let it dry well and cut into three isosceles triangles. Glue the resulting parts in the shape of a Christmas tree. From above, you can make a hole and tie the twine in the form of a loop. Such Christmas trees decorate curtains or wall. Do not forget that it is customary to decorate any Christmas tree. In our case, small beads, sequins or buttons are suitable.

We use the same technique - cut the plates into triangles. Now from the obtained triangles we will make flags. If you take colored plates, the garland of flags will be more elegant.

It is not necessary to paint the reverse side of the plate if you are not going to hang the flags so that they can be seen from both sides.

From white paper or plastic plates, it is not at all difficult to cut christmas angels . See for yourself: a few cuts with scissors and the silhouette of an angel is already looming.

If you want to make the figure voluminous, look at another way: with a felt-tip pen, draw lines along which we cut out the wings and robe of an angel. Then we bend the lower part of the plate so that we get a “skirt” and fix it with a stapler.

Of course, from the plates are obtained lovely snowmen. It also doesn't take much effort.

Plates are easy to fasten with a regular stapler or stick with hot glue. Several of these snowmen, hung around the apartment, will decorate your home and create

Plates are easily pierced with an awl or hole punch. Thread a strong twine or rope into the resulting holes and do it with your children garland of funny snowmen.

A christmas clock ? From what, if not from plastic or paper plates, can they be made? Don't know where to get the numbers for the watch face? You can take from children's sets of letters and numbers. Usually these are alphabets, where there are also numbers. To make your “clock” also show minutes, take two plates of different sizes and glue them together. On the outer plate, beautifully write the minutes with a felt-tip pen, and on the inner plate, stick the numbers to indicate the hours.

If you can’t find numbers anywhere, you just have to draw them on a plate. Make the arrows and the pendulum out of cardboard.

And how many funny New Year's "faces" can be made using plates. First, this Father Frost.

And secondly and thirdly and…. anyone you can think of.

By the New Year, let them "settled" in the son's children's room pirates.

From small colored plastic (or paper) plates, make "lollipops". They turn out elegant, they can be hung like a garland.

New Year's wreath from a paper or plastic plate even a child can do it. You just need to cut out the middle, paint the resulting bezel in the desired color and glue the decorations.

Easy to make from plastic (or paper) plates "fabulous" animals: Sivku-Burku, for example.

And the symbol of 2017- young cockerel, is made from half of a plate, a mug cut out from the other half, two “eyes”, several feathers and “palms” from colored paper.

If you don’t know how to pack small gifts in an unusual and special way, use plastic plates too. It turns out the original bunny handbag. Similarly, you can make a teddy bear bag.

Probably enough about the plates. Let's move on to another material for New Year's crafts- plastic cups. If you didn’t have time to buy a snow globe, which symbolizes the arrival of winter and the New Year holidays, do something similar with your own hands.

Take a plastic lid or cut out a circle from cardboard (it is important that the size matches the diameter of the glass). Look at home for small figurines (usually found in chocolate eggs). Glue them to the lid with hot glue from a glue gun or glue like "Moment". Pour grated foam around or small white beads, coconut flakes, broken eggshells, semolina, finally! So the New Year's fairy tale has come to you! Place on a windowsill or small table. Trust me, it lifts your spirits! Yes, you can still slightly moisten the side surfaces of the glass with water and sprinkle with a small amount of granulated sugar. Let dry, get a "snowy" glass.

Watch this video, perhaps something will inspire you or give you a new idea on how to decorate your house for the new year.

Maybe decide to do snowman made of plastic cups . It turns out BIG and absolutely wonderful.

And how can you do BIG SNOWMAN from plastic cups, see this video.

Do flock of penguins can be from bottles of different heights. You don't even need to cut the plastic. Just insert a white sheet of paper folded into a tube or a white plastic bag inside the bottle. And cut out the “black plumage” from black colored paper.

If you don’t throw away plastic bottles for a long time, then by the New Year you can quite afford to make one of the bottoms. For you can take a strong wire. And you will have to make holes in the plastic with a hot awl or a drill with a thin drill. It turns out

Another option plastic bottle wreath turns out to be very elegant. You can’t even tell right away that this unusual wreath is made, practically, from garbage. In this case, each bottom of the plastic bottle is cut into the shape of a flower with sharp petals. All blanks are painted with gold paint from a spray can or another suitable for plastic. Collect blanks in a wreath on a strong (thick wire) with an awl or drill.

A simple Christmas tree garland can be decorated with plastic flowers. To do this, cut off the necks of plastic bottles, but do not throw away the corks. In the corks, drill holes equal to the diameter of the mini-cartridges of the Christmas tree garland.

What else can be done from plastic bottles for the New Year? Certainly, candlesticks. In this case, two bottle bottoms are used: one is larger, the other is smaller. Cuts were made in the plastic and the blanks were heated over an open flame. Then the cut and heated strips were bent in different directions. When the workpieces cooled down, hot (or “Moment”) glue was applied to the edges and sprinkled with sparkles. For a candle, a glass bowl with colored bath salts was prepared. Plastic candlesticks were placed inside each other, and a bowl with a candle was placed inside. All is ready!

You can see another way to make plastic candle holders in this video.

And in this video you will see wonderful New Year's crafts from plastic spoons and forks.

That's all! Get ready for the holidays, decorate your home! After all, family happiness always comes to the house where they are waiting for it!

You can make crafts from a variety of items, including plastic plates. In our country, such crafts are not very popular, probably because the plastic plates themselves are not very in demand. It should be noted that they make wonderful children's crafts, you can do anything.

In this image, we see fruits and berries (watermelon on the side). Even a small child can make such a craft. You just need to paint a plastic plate with watercolor paint. We use yellow, we get a lemon, carrot - an orange, green - a green lemon, etc.

To make a lion, in this case, pasta was used, as well as a felt-tip pen and eyes, they can be bought at a specialized store. The plate was first painted, and then spiral pasta was glued on the sides. Mustache depicted using spaghetti. Original craft.

Here are the bugs. To create these crafts, colored cardboard and colored paper were used. Popsicle sticks and buttons can also be observed. These crafts are distinguished by the presence of many colors and elements.

A very simple craft. Again eyes, as well as colored paper in two colors. All you need to do is cut out the beak, wings and paws, and then glue it all together with the eyes to the plate. By the way, you need to use a yellow plate.

Aliens in transparent flying saucers are very original, either on Friday afternoon or on Monday before music lessons. An alien can be cut out of cardboard, and as for the body of an aircraft, any transparent plastic container can be used in its role.

A flock of fish that can be settled anywhere. The child will be happy to coexist with funny fish, especially if he makes them himself.

In this case, the plate was folded in half, and then a ponytail (cotton wool), a mustache with a nose and paper ears were glued to it. True, here the craft looks like a handbag, but who knows what exactly its creator did.

The sun from a plastic plate can be called a classic of children's crafts. We cut out the handles, glue them to the plate, and then draw a happy face and voila, the craft is ready.

Again fish, but there are few of them and they are more thoughtful. Each fish has its own individual look.

A very original piece. In order to make these birds, and it is not clear that it is just a chicken or a turkey, you will need several feathers, they must be painted in different colors, and then glued to the plate, like paws with a head. She has a worm in her mouth, if anything.

As you can see, crafts from plastic plates are very easy to manufacture. By the way, the plates themselves are not very expensive.

When ordinary plates are not enough, paper disposable plates always come to the rescue. Their disposable tableware is quite realistic to create decorative elements that could decorate your life, but for some reason this idea is visited mainly only by teachers of children's institutions.

In this article, you can see photos of crafts from plates, take something into service or advise friends and relatives who are fond of such things.

Work materials

To create something truly beautiful and original, you will need:

  • Disposable plates in various materials
  • Plastic forks, knives or spoons
  • Disposable cups
  • plastic drinking straws

In fact, there is no limit to your imagination, be creative and you can create an infinite number of decor items from disposable tableware.

Use of disposable plates

The most common use of disposable plates as a decor is for children's work - just show a bit of imagination, add a plate with a mouth, mustache, eyes and nose, and now - a cheerful face is ready.

If you are just starting to decorate plates, then you can stop at this version. After you fill your hand, you can move on to more complex solutions.

You can also create clothes for kids from disposable plates with your kids! For example, it could be a lucky hat, which is a clover quatrefoil or a birthday crown. For Halloween, you can make a hat in the form of a bat.

In addition to the benefits of labor for children, it can become entertainment if the guests of the hero of the occasion are invited to come up with their own animal, and then together with them make hats with these animals from plates.

Play a game with them, let none of the children see their animal, and others will ask him questions to which he could only answer “yes” or “no”, whoever guesses first wins! Original crafts from plates are a lot of fun!

You can make a real children's bag from a foam plate - for this it is enough to divide the plate into two parts, fasten them together and decorate at the request of the child. In such a bag it will be possible to put, for example, sweets.

If you do not decorate the bag, but stick small brown strips to it, you will get a chick's nest. Any child, even a very small one, can handle such things.

Got too boring?

Try making cute boxes out of disposable plates that you can put berries, candy or dessert in. At first glance, it may seem that this is not easy to do, but it is enough to cut the plate on four sides, bend the edges, connect with paper clips, and now the box is ready. Such dishes made from other dishes will come in handy at children's parties.

Bird from colored disposable plates

To make a spring bird you will need:

  • Plastic plates in various colors
  • Pencil
  • stapler
  • Scissors
  • colored paper

It is best to entrust this matter to a child of six years old and help him if something does not work out. On the reverse side of the plate, it is necessary to mark the wings and beak of the future bird and cut it with scissors along the drawn lines. Next, you need to fasten the wings with a stapler and glue to the body of the bird with glue.

The next important step is the decoration of the bird and its design. Various shapes are cut out of colored paper, such as flowers, ovals, eyes, etc.

All small elements cut out of paper should be placed on the bird and glued in those places where the child considers it necessary - this is his bird!

Come up with an idea of ​​what kind of plate craft to make and create it with the children.

For example, you can take crepe paper, a plastic plate and tools and make an arrangement that includes flowers on the plates. A child can give such a little thing to his mother for any holiday or just like that.

In addition to entertainment, children can be taught in an exciting process. To do this, it is enough to make fruits and vegetables from disposable colored plates, because vegetables and fruits are basically all round. Such edible toys will be a great example for teaching children, you can teach them how this or that fruit or vegetable looks like.

Try to bend the plate and make a small slit in it, insert the paper folded in the form of an accordion into it, which will look like the wings of a bird. Cut out a triangular beak from cardboard and glue it to the plate. And the eyes can be taken ready-made or also made by yourself. It will take a little time for the child to do everything about everything, and the result will be very amazing.

Simple crafts from disposable plates for children are very exciting and fun. Make a frog princess. If you fold the plate in two, it will look just like a frog's mouth. Eyes and a nose can be cut out of the cells of an egg carton, and eyelashes and a tongue can be cut out of paper. A few simple steps and a charming toy is ready.

Moreover, if you cut off the edge of the plate and add decorative elements in the form of pointed sheets to it, you get an extraordinary flower. Glue a photo of a child in the middle, and decorate the edges of the photo with something - the photo frame is ready. Turn on your imagination and there will be no end to crafts.

If you and your child are not afraid of snakes, then you can cut the plate in a spiral, leaving an oval part in the core, glue on the eyes, forked tongue and paint it in the color you like. The snake toy is very interesting and fun, as it has some kind of mobility.

Master class on handicrafts of killer whale from plates

Fasten the black plate on top and the white plate on the bottom with a stapler, so that one edge is open like a mouth and you get a killer whale. All that remains is to add eyes, fins, a tail and a fountain from the back in the form of wires to the little animal, and you can play with it.

Find detailed instructions for making crafts and create masterpieces of toys with your children, or maybe you can go further and do something that no one has ever done before?

In any case, such games will be an excellent development for your children, besides, this is a very exciting activity, during which time flies by unnoticed.

Photo of crafts from plates

Crafts from cocktail tubes

Straws, which are commonly used for making cocktails, are great craft material. They create everything from them: weave baskets, make photo frames, glue lamps and curtains.

All crafts from disposable tableware presented in the following photos are made using these banal products that are in every home. The most incredible ideas are embodied in them: wreaths for doors and huge chandeliers, giant letters and curtains - all these details can easily fit into interiors decorated in modern avant-garde styles.

Having collected cups and tubes, you can make a table lamp as shown in the photo instructions below.

Complete your collection of plastic crafts with amazing photo frames.

And also invite your household members to make several figures together, some of which can turn out very close to the prototypes.

Global trends in interior design are becoming more and more environmentally friendly, so crafts from disposable tableware may soon be among the very fashionable accessories, especially if you use already used materials for their manufacture, so to speak, as a recycling.

But for whatever creative purpose you decide to use plastic or paper utensils, something very interesting can come out of this idea. Do not forget to turn on your imagination and tune in to the positive!

Plastic and paper plates and cups often come to our rescue at picnics and large events when ordinary ones are not enough. But crafts from disposable tableware are taken seriously only by teachers of kindergartens and schools, while it is more than possible to make an element of interior design out of them.

In order to bring to life all the ideas presented in this article, you will need:

  1. Plates made of different materials (plastic, foam, paper);
  2. Disposable forks and spoons;
  3. Plastic cups;
  4. Tubes.

We hope that such an abundance of creative options from the cheapest materials in the world will inspire you to creative feats.

Working with disposable plates

Children's work using plastic and paper plates themselves come to mind - funny faces and funny animals are obtained from them, you just have to glue the ears and noses, so at the initial stage you can limit yourself to just such creations.

If you want to make something more serious, embody at least one idea presented by us.

At a children's birthday party, invite the kids to make their own disposable tableware - hats of different shapes and colors. Just look at all these wonderful options!

Try to play a game with the guests of the birthday boy - let everyone think of a character, and then depict it on a hat and give it to the selected participant.

Children should ask each other questions about their character (because they can't see what's on their heads), which can only be answered with "yes" or "no". The winner is the one who guesses his character the fastest.

Disposable styrofoam plates are a great material for making a fun candy bag like the one in the photo below. Just divide the plate into two halves, then fasten and decorate as you like.

You can glue the “basket” with strips of brown paper or ribbons, and place the chicks inside. Get a cute nest! A child of even a small age will cope with this.

Do you want something more serious? Make adorable boxes for berries and desserts from paper plates. It's easier to do than you might think, and the result is very pretty. Such crafts from disposable tableware will come in handy at children's and adult holidays.

Step 3: Cut the Marks

Creations from plastic forks and spoons

Plastic cutlery is a material sold in huge packages. It seems that it is very difficult to make something beautiful using them, because this is a common consumable.

Hand-made lovers all over the world have been proving the opposite for many years, making exclusive interior accessories using spoons and forks. Chandeliers, lamps, photo frames and mirrors are glued from them.

Pay attention to the samples of this wonderful art form, otherwise this kind of creativity cannot be called. Such creations can complement a modern interior, and not just demonstrate to relatives by gluing them to the refrigerator.

What a flight of fancy awaits you along the way! Looking at these shades, you can’t say that they are all made of just plastic forks and spoons.

Forks fastened together turn into very original crafts from disposable tableware, such as this cheerful kitten, who did not seem to expect to see so many strangers and suddenly started up and was about to run away.

Handmade from disposable cups

Like plates, cups are very easy to use to create unusual accessories.

But by gluing the nose and eyes, you can only count on a gift for the child.

A more original idea is a snowman made of plastic cups, which was specially made to decorate the yard.

Crafts from disposable tableware can be less playful, and will be used in the decor of an ordinary interior, or become a really worthy decoration for your holiday.

Try making a lamp by assembling red plastic cups, or simply making spacey decorations out of paper cups.