What date is Teacher's Day celebrated in Russia, history and traditions of the holiday. Teacher's Day

Church holidays

Each of us studied at school at one time (and some of those reading this article are still studying), and our current successes are partly shaped by our teachers. With age comes an understanding of how important this profession is. By teaching and revealing the potential of students, teachers form a developed society. And that’s why there is even a professional holiday for teachers.

In this article you will find out when Teacher's Day is, what the history, features and traditions of this holiday are. Of course, we will also pay attention to gift ideas, as well as congratulations.

When is Teacher's Day in 2020

Now this holiday has a clearly fixed date, repeating from year to year. That's why Teacher's Day 2020 will be October 5th (Saturday). But not everything is so simple.

It is worth noting that even before 1994 in Russia this holiday was celebrated on the first Sunday of October. Therefore, many people living in the post-Soviet space still have some confusion in their heads. Information about the history of the holiday will be provided below, but for now let’s once again clarify the current dates.

  • In Russia, Teachers' Day is celebrated on October 5 (simultaneously with the "World Teachers' Day" from UNESCO);
  • In Belarus, Latvia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan, they celebrate according to the old tradition on the first Sunday of October (the 6th will be this year).
  • In Uzbekistan – October 1.
  • In Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Estonia - October 5.

history of the holiday

Many people in Russia associate Teacher's Day with the Soviet past and memories of that time. In general, it is believed that this is our original holiday. And this is not without reason! It so happened that it was in the USSR that teachers’ holiday began to be celebrated for the first time.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated September 29, 1965, Teacher's Day was established. It was celebrated on the first Sunday in October.

The importance of the school teacher profession in the Soviet Union was appreciated long before UNESCO approved World Teachers’ Day in 1994.

In 1966, UNESCO and the International Labor Organization adopted the Recommendation on the Status of Teachers at a joint conference. This was the first international document to define the working conditions of teachers. And this happened exactly on October 5th.

Russia, too, in 1994 joined the celebration of International Teachers' Day (which is on October 5). According to many, this is even better than the old format. After all, a floating date, and even Sunday, is not very convenient, everyone has days off.

Celebrating Teacher's Day

This holiday concerns educational workers, mainly teachers of primary and secondary schools. Accordingly, each school has its own traditions of celebrating this event.

Most often, various concerts, skits, and performances with the obligatory participation of students are organized in school assembly halls. Poems, school choir, KVN, you need as much fun and humor as possible.

Teachers do not always manage to sit in the hall as a spectator; they often have to participate in funny competitions that witty students have prepared for them.

They also often organize a self-government day. Students take on almost all of the teachers' responsibilities. High school students prepare some programs, topics in various subjects, and then teach lessons to the lower grades. Naturally, there is no talk of quality learning on this day. On the one hand, there is an element of play and fun here, on the other hand, schoolchildren begin to understand how difficult the work of a teacher is.

Of course, it’s also worth mentioning drawing wall newspapers, original jokes, gifts, bouquets, congratulations from the whole class and thanks.

By the way, in Russia there is even a special award - “Teacher of the Year”. The competition itself started in 1992, and now every year Russian teachers compete for the title of “Best”. It is worth noting that the winners are given a crystal pelican.

Also at the local and regional level, awards are given for excellence in teaching and for long professional activity.

What to give to the teacher

Firstly, they almost always give flowers, especially if the teacher is a woman. This is a familiar, traditional way to show your gratitude to the teacher. But here it is worth noting that there are teachers who, to put it mildly, do not like all these bouquets for various reasons.

The flowers can be complemented in the form of a box of good chocolates or a set of quality chocolate. Elite tea, coffee in gift wrapping - all this is pleasant, practical, and useful.

Also, students often collect a certain amount, with which they buy some household items. A set for a tea ceremony, some special dishes. You can also take a closer look at household appliances and electronics. Coffee makers, coffee machines, some “smart” kettles, e-books - it all depends on the budget. But here you need to be careful. Firstly, the gift may be unnecessary, it will be at home and that’s it. Secondly, you should not embarrass a person with some expensive things for personal use. It’s better to take something necessary for the class: a magnetic board or something else. Some schools don't even have enough printed paper or crayons.

Ideally, the gift should be practical and useful in work. By the way, the same large flash drive (or external hard drive) is a very practical option. And then there are laser pointers, which is a benefit for everyone. Well, how can we not mention the beautiful branded pens.

You can give tickets to the theater or some other cultural event. It's original and intelligent. Of course, you need to take tickets for two.

A gift certificate for purchases in a store is also suitable. It is better if it is a diverse shopping center, so that the teacher can choose what she needs: from stationery items to cosmetics.

You can order a calendar with a class photo, a mug with a print. Someone is editing a video with congratulations from each student - there are a lot of ideas.

Many teachers say that they are actually much more pleased to receive just a good congratulation from the bottom of their hearts. Not poetry, not prose from the Internet. And yours, in your own words, from your heart.

Congratulations on Teacher's Day

What could be simpler than a simple phone call and heartfelt congratulations? If this is not easy for you, or you want to congratulate by text message (on social networks or via SMS), you can use these preparations.

On October 5, schoolchildren and teachers in many countries around the world celebrate Teacher's Day. The holiday was established by the UN in 1994. The date of the celebration was the day of adoption of the Recommendation “On the Status of Teachers” - the very first official international document describing the rights and status of school teachers.

Let the notebooks rustle
Autumn leaves,
Let success surprise you
Bright, magical.

And let them always make you happy
Children and parents
Let your dream come true.
Happiness! Happy Teacher's Day!

Happy Teacher's Day today
We want to congratulate you!
May your health be strong,
And the class brings joy!

Let success await you in your work,
And love lives in the family!
May happy moments
The school year will bring!

A great and noble word - teacher! You are happy people because you work according to the calling of your heart and soul! Even if it is not always easy, even if your everyday life is sometimes filled with troubles, troubles or worries, but you bring wisdom, teaching and kindness to your children! On Teacher's Day, allow me to congratulate you and wish you unfading optimism, good health, beautiful body and good spirits! Love and be loved! Warmth and patience in communicating with students, respect and high praise from colleagues, gratitude and appreciation from parents! Love and understanding in your families, health, happiness and peace!

On this day we congratulate
The best of people -
Our dear, fair,
Dear teachers!

Your work is an everyday feat,
Let's put it bluntly, without embellishment.
You have honor and respect,
We love you endlessly!

We know that light is teaching.
Knowledge is power, let us confirm!
For your care and patience
We say thank you!

We wish you to always bloom
And enjoy every moment,
Carry knowledge with a smile,
It's easy to achieve all your goals!

May your students appreciate you
Let your colleagues respect you
And let the working days
They only bring you joy!

Bow to you for your kind heart
And your amazing work.
For leading from childhood
On an adult and correct path.

Energy to you and patience,
And creative new successes.
Teaching is always useful
In solving difficult problems.

We sincerely congratulate you on Teacher's Day!
We wish you happiness, a lot of joy, warmth,
I wish you health, strength and patience, of course,
May all tasks and undertakings be successful!

We wish you only bright sensations,
Busy and colorful days,
More wonderful moments
And only your diligent students!

Let inspiration come
Not easy to work with,
More courage, patience,
Positive attitude.

Difficulties will not break
The flag of knowledge will not fade -
Only success in your studies,
Happy Teacher's Day, all the best!

On Teacher's Day we wish
To all teachers in the country,
So that work is paradise,
Everyday life was not difficult!

So that you smile more often,
When you enter your class,
So that the students try
And they only made you happy!

We wish you inspiration,
Only fruitful days
And, of course, performance
Bright creative ideas!

Being a teacher is your calling,
Your work is very valuable and important,
After all, you give everyone knowledge,
Everyone loves and appreciates and honors you!

May your salary increase
I wish you success, victories,
And may this bright date
It will shine like sunlight!

It may be far from school
Stay away from business!
Think about it, teacher
Gave a ticket to life!
The work is not easy
And now it’s triple!
After all, nerves quickly melt,
It's like they're at war.
Of course they will be happy!
...congratulate them now!
Since they have no time for rewards -
Stay with them for at least an hour!

Teachers. On this day, it is customary to congratulate those who, sparing no effort, nerves and time, give us knowledge, say “thank you” to them for their sometimes difficult work and, of course, give gifts.

History of Teacher's Day

It was no coincidence that October 5 was chosen as the “date of teachers”: it was on this date that many years ago, in 1965, a general meeting of two organizations took place in the French capital - the International Labor Organization and UNESCO. And it discussed issues related to educational activities, for example, who is a teacher, what are the goals and objectives of teaching, how and where should they be trained. As a result of the conference, the so-called decree “On the Status of Teachers” was adopted, in which all existing pedagogical regulations were prescribed.

International Teachers' Day on October 5 became 29 years later, in 1994, at the initiative of the UN. Now this day is marked in red on the calendars of more than a hundred countries around the world. Before the advent of World Teachers' Day on October 5, the holiday was celebrated “by all means” - in different countries in different ways. However, as a rule, they tried to ensure that it was held in early October, closer to the date of adoption of such an important document.

Every year Teacher's Day is celebrated under a new motto. For example, last year it sounded like “The high status of a teacher is recognition of the value of the profession,” and the current slogan is “Teaching freedom, empowering teachers.” This topic is an attempt to focus attention on the need for academic freedom.

Teacher's profession

Teaching is the oldest profession. This term itself comes from Ancient Greece, where teachers were people who were involved in children's education. At that time, such people were slaves who accompanied the little master to school, watched over him at home, and provided him with the necessary assistance.

The first schools arose in the Ancient East and were conventionally divided into three types: priestly, where religious ministers were trained, scribes, where future officials were taught, and palace schools, where the children of the nobility went there. Education in these schools took place according to one of three systems - Spartan (the main thing is the military spirit), Athenian (diversified development) and Roman (synthesis of Spartan and Athenian). Schools began to exist because there was a need to transfer accumulated life experience. The word “school” itself also comes from ancient Greek. Fun fact: their "schole" means leisure - the Greeks believed that the best relaxation was doing something.

Holiday in Russia

In Russia, or rather back then in the USSR, they did not immediately begin to celebrate Teacher’s Day on October 5th. They began to celebrate in 1965, but at first there was no specific date - there was an order to celebrate on the first Sunday in October. And this continued until 1994, until the international holiday Teacher’s Day was established - October 5th. In the same year, a similar decision was made in Russia, so that the national holiday coincided with the world holiday, as in some other countries.

Teacher's Day traditions

Since Soviet times, traditions have been alive to congratulate teachers on Teacher's Day on October 5 (or on the nearest day if the fifth falls on a day off). It is customary to give something homemade - postcards, posters, souvenirs. And, of course, bouquets that make schools bloom with colors and smiles on this usually gloomy autumn day.

Since time immemorial, there has been a tradition on this day to give teachers a little relaxation and rest - Self-Government Days are held in schools. High school students come to the kids and teach lessons instead of teachers, who at this time can sit in the teacher’s room, drink tea and chat with each other. The children also prepare holiday concerts for their teachers, sing songs, and perform funny skits. It is customary on this day to visit your former teachers - graduates come to schools.

Not only children, but also senior leaders congratulate teachers on October 5th on Teachers' Day. The results of the “Teacher of the Year” competition are summed up; the best of the best receive prizes and awards.

In other countries

Most countries also celebrate Teachers' Day on October 5th. But there are also “distinguished” ones, those who have it scheduled for a different date. For example, Brazilians congratulate teachers on October 15, Vietnamese on November 20, Spaniards on January 29, Peruvians on July 6, and Taiwanese on September 28. In the countries of the former CIS, teachers receive gifts on the first Sunday of October, but in Australia - on the last Friday of the same month.

The traditions of different countries are also interesting. In France, for example, they don’t give gifts to teachers, but they do have tea with sweets (at the parents’ expense) for teachers and students. In Poland, not all teachers are congratulated, but only the class teacher. In Argentina, this day is a national holiday, a day off throughout the country. The British give teachers tea, of course, but the Austrians do not celebrate this holiday at all.

October 5: Congratulations on Teacher's Day

Children go to such lengths to congratulate their teacher in a beautiful, unusual and original way! What creative children's minds can't come up with! Nevertheless, poems are the most popular in the form of congratulations on Teacher’s Day on October 5th. They can be found both in various sources (in large quantities) and composed by yourself (especially capable).

Children also love to draw greeting cards or posters, where they often paste photographs with teachers or write quotes about them.

What to gift?

As a rule, teachers receive flowers, a sweet present and some general gift from the parent committee of the class for their holiday (not counting, of course, hand-made tokens from students). It is considered unethical to give a teacher items of clothing or perfume, as well as household appliances - the first may not be suitable, the second is too expensive a gift that will be inconvenient to accept. The best option is a certificate to a store: the teacher himself will be able to choose what he (she) likes. You can also donate something to the class: a projector, a printer, and so on.

  1. In Russia, the “Teacher of the Year” competition has existed since 1992, and the title “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation” has existed since 1995.
  2. The first public school in Russia was only for men, and it was founded by Peter the Great.
  3. In some countries, the school year begins on January 1 or March 1 (but these countries are few).
  4. In Germany and the Czech Republic, the best rating is one, the worst is five.
  5. Chinese schoolchildren are required to do exercises every day before classes.
  6. In Japan there are no canteens in schools.
  7. The English are only allowed to speak the correct literary language in schools.
  8. Canadians issued a stamp in honor of Teacher's Day.

No matter how much we, as schoolchildren, suffer from the amount of homework, no matter how hard it is for us to get up in the morning and sit at school half the day, most of us, having left the walls of this educational institution, remember it with a nostalgic smile, even harmful ones , it would seem, teachers. All of them, if, of course, they are Teachers with a capital T, wish only the best for their students, even if they seem demanding and strict. Health to you, dear teachers! Happy holiday!

Mentors play a very important role in the life of every person. They instill a love of learning and acquiring knowledge in children, discover new talents and hobbies in their students, and help them decide on their future vocation. For a long time after graduation, teachers and students communicate with each other, remembering the best school years. That is why Teacher's Day is considered one of the main school holidays. Be sure to congratulate all teachers on this day, expressing their respect for their hard, but so necessary work.

How did the holiday arise and what date is it in 2019?

Many people still don’t know what date this holiday is celebrated.

Teacher's Day in 2019, like every year, will be celebrated in Russia on October 5th, so you can still have time to prepare to surprise and please your respected mentors.

Why did they start celebrating Teacher's Day in Russia, and what is the history of the holiday? Teachers' Day was first added to the calendar of official holidays in 1965. The Presidium of the Supreme Council decided that Teacher's Day will be celebrated on the first Sunday in October.

The history of the holiday dates back to 1965

In 1994, an official change took place and the holiday was set for the fifth of October. However, some countries in the post-Soviet space still celebrate Teacher's Day on the first day of October. Ceremonial events in educational institutions are usually held before Sunday.

In 1966, on October 5, UNESCO adopted a legal act aimed at the rights and responsibilities of educators throughout the world. The document was called "Recommendation on the Status of Teachers." Many countries celebrate Teachers' Day on October 5, and the Russian Federation is also one of them. This is the history of the holiday.

Teacher's Day in Russia is celebrated on October 5, and in 2018 we will also congratulate our dear mentors on this day.

Teacher's Day Abroad

Teachers' Day is celebrated in all countries of the world

Currently, there are no strict rules on how to congratulate teachers on their professional holiday. Each school or even each class can come up with its own teacher's day tradition. Usually the parent committee collects a certain amount for a present for the class teacher. Children present their mentors with bouquets of flowers, sweets, postcards and hand-made souvenirs. Many educational institutions hold festive events.


Australia also celebrates the holiday in October, but on the last Friday of the month. On the streets in honor of Teacher's Day, you can see noisy carnival processions during the day, and in the evening, fireworks and fireworks displays begin.


Armenia congratulates its teachers on the first October Saturday. It should be noted that in this country teachers enjoy special honor, they are respected, their opinions are listened to, and they are consulted. On Teacher's Day, Armenian mentors are given gifts, bouquets of flowers, and best wishes.


Unlike Russia, Teacher's Day in the USA is celebrated not in the fall, but in the spring. On the first Tuesday of the first full week of the last month of spring, American children bring lunches, souvenirs and fresh bouquets to their teachers.


In Indian schools, the auspicious day falls on September 5th. Some schools practice swapping positions between students and mentors in honor of the holiday. And in some educational institutions all classes are canceled altogether.


China celebrates this holiday with great reverence. The Cultural Revolution undermined the prestige of the teaching profession, and only in 1989 was Teacher's Day named an official holiday. The authorities began to do everything possible to restore respect and honor to the mentors. Currently, Teacher's Day in China is considered a very important holiday. Mentors receive gifts, bouquets of flowers and warm words of gratitude for their calling.


The best present for Polish mentors is the official holiday on Teacher's Day - October 14. On this day, they can calmly relax at home, and for teachers this is perhaps the ideal option for relaxation. Russian teachers can only envy their colleagues from Poland.


In Lithuania, a significant day is celebrated, like ours, on the fifth of October. High school students can try themselves as teachers, and mentors take places at their desks. There is also a tradition of giving flowers to both mentors and all other school employees.

Beautiful bouquets of flowers are considered the main gift as a token of gratitude to teachers all over the world.

Presents for teachers

In addition to the festive concert and bouquets of flowers, I would like to please my beloved mentors with gifts on this day so that they have a memory of this wonderful day.

Primary school teacher

Parents, of course, choose a gift for a primary school teacher. What would be relevant as a gift in honor of Teacher's Day?

  1. Photo frame with a memorable inscription: “ To the best teacher», « To my beloved mentor" etc.
  2. Original book box
  3. Wall Clock
  4. Desk lamp
  5. Photo album
  6. Engraved pen
  7. Stand for stationery

On a note! A wonderful gift option would be one that children can make together with adults.

To the class teacher

The senior classes themselves come up with a gift for the class teacher. Usually it is somehow connected with the subject that the teacher teaches.

  • You can give your geography teacher a souvenir in the form of a globe.
  • A biology teacher will probably be delighted with a flower in a pot or an original microscope.
  • Give your math teacher a glowing pointer or a desk calculator.
  • If the class teacher teaches physical education, as a gift, choose a T-shirt with a general photo of the class printed on it. Balls, dumbbells, and tennis rackets are also suitable.

Another gift option for your favorite teacher or class teacher is.

Holiday traditions

One of the main traditions is holding holiday concerts in schools. Children demonstrate everything they are capable of: they read poems, sing songs, dance, act out entire performances, and come up with competitions.

Congratulatory concerts are held in all schools in honor of the holiday.

Students decorate school corridors and classrooms. Many people organize a tea party with a sweet table for their teachers. Communication in an informal setting brings the teacher very close to his students.

The purpose of this holiday is to congratulate teachers on their professional day, but it also has a larger meaning. Teacher's Day draws attention to education issues, many of which remain unresolved every year. In many localities there are not enough teachers, there is no opportunity to improve the qualifications of teachers, etc.

A teacher is a person who has a direct influence on the future of our children. Therefore, it is so important that he is a highly qualified specialist who loves his job and treats it with full responsibility. And for this it is necessary to improve working conditions, increase salaries for specialists, attract a reward system and career prospects.

On an autumn day, when the first frosts are still creeping timidly, the school celebrates Teacher's Day. Teacher is a dear word for each of us; its sounds contain our childhood and youth, the first steps towards knowledge, the first word read, the joy of first victories. Teacher's Day is the brightest and most wonderful holiday, because for each of us the teacher, like a guiding star, leads us from the first days of school through a complex but interesting land of knowledge. Any discovery in the world begins with a teacher; it is difficult to imagine what would happen on earth if there were no such specialty as a teacher.

In what month is Teacher's Day in Russia?

According to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated October 3, 1994 N 1961 “On the celebration of Teacher’s Day,” Teacher’s Day in Russia is celebrated on October 5. Although quite recently this day was celebrated on the first Sunday of this month. Now, by decision of UNESCO, the Teacher's Day holiday has become International. On this day, schoolchildren throughout the country present their teachers with flowers and congratulations on Teacher’s Day, organize gala evenings and amateur art concerts. On this holiday, teachers receive government awards for their outstanding services.

Who's celebrating

This date is celebrated not only by school teachers, teachers of colleges, technical schools, but also by the teaching staff of higher educational institutions. Teacher's Day is a holiday for all teachers who invest their work in the development of every young person, in preparing him for independent life and in choosing his own path in life. Each of us had our own first teacher, who put a piece of her warmth of soul and heart into each of us. She taught us to read and write, to think and create, to rejoice in our every success and victory. She, like a mother, taught us to love work, to understand the beauty of nature, not to be indifferent to other people's misfortune, to value true friendship and to love.

A little about the profession

The teaching profession has always been considered the most important and respected. It is the teacher who is the blacksmith of human souls, helps the creative development of the child, helps to identify those inclinations that in the future can develop into giftedness, and subsequently result in a talented personality, which is so necessary in modern society. Teaching is a talent, a special work, which is characterized by a great love for children; teachers teach and educate young people - the future of our country.

history of the holiday

Initially, in our country this holiday was established in 1965 by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council. On October 5, 1966, a special conference was held in Paris, which adopted a decree on the status of teachers, as a result of which the document “Recommendations concerning the status of teachers” was signed by the participants of UNESCO and the International Labor Organization. After this, the holiday began to be celebrated on the first Sunday in October. And since 1994, the celebration was moved to October 5, although in many countries (former Soviet republics) they celebrate it as before.