How to lift sagging eyelids at home. Independent problem solving


A problem such as a hanging upper eyelid may be encountered not only women aged 40-50 years, but also very young girls.

This may be due to heredity or individual characteristics appearance.

The overhanging eyelid forms deep fold the corners of the eyes look downcast, appearance becomes sleepy and tired, others can observe a sad expression on a girl’s or a woman’s face, although she is not upset by anything.

Such an unpleasant phenomenon can be observed in the representatives of the fair half, who lost a large number of kilograms of weight, for example, after significant weight loss.

An unpleasant fold formed by the impending eyelid, serves as a barrier to the application of cosmetics on the eyes. Dirt and residues of cosmetics can clog into it, for skin care around the eyes.

Almost every girl or woman would like to eliminate this minor but unpleasant defect. Is it possible do something on your own to solve this problem?

You can learn how to do eye makeup with impending eyelids from ours.

Is it possible to get rid of without surgery?

How can you get rid of the impending upper eyelid?

When visiting the clinic plastic surgery, girl or woman will get fast and lasting results. The specialist will perform an operation called blepharoplasty.

Although the operation is quite simple, and any experienced plastic surgeon can perform it with high quality, there is a number of negative consequences.

This operation cannot be performed for women who have problems with thyroid gland suffer from diabetes and heart vascular diseases. In addition, after such an operation, the cut of the eyes may look unnatural, the effect of stretched skin may form.

You can try to get rid of the impending century at home, with the help of cosmetic and folk remedies.

To do this, you need to use tightening products that are designed specifically for the thin skin of the eyelids.

In addition to cosmetics, masks and compresses, you can carry out a simple massage and special exercises.

Purchased ointments and creams

How to tighten up without leaving home? There are a lot of creams and ointments, whose manufacturers promise customers instant effect. The following are the most effective means, the price of which corresponds to their quality:

Moisturizing and tightening cream, which is applied to the skin of the eyelids with a roller. Saturates the cells with moisture and fights against initial signs aging.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, Special attention It is worth paying attention to the creams that you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of creams of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are referred to as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens negatively affect the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalances. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, our editorial experts analyzed natural creams, where the first place was taken by funds from Mulsan Сosmetic, the leader in the production of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Recipes for tightening masks

How to remove the hanging eyelid at home? Recipes for masks against impending eyelids:

  1. Squint with all your might. Sharply open your eyes and make a couple of circular movements with them.
  2. Raise your eyebrows as much as possible, close your eyes for 2-3 seconds. Open your eyes, and only then lower your eyebrows. Repeat.
  3. With the middle, ring and index fingers, pull the eyebrows up as much as possible. Slightly pull them towards the ears. Blink your eyes quickly for 5-10 seconds.

Contraindications and frequency of use

Owners of dry and sensitive skin, as well as allergy sufferers, it is better to abandon potato compresses and masks.

Cucumber mask and aloe mask should be applied no more than 3 times a week if the skin is dry, prone to redness, then 1 time per week. If the skin is too thin and fair, it is better do not use parsley, which has a bleaching effect.


Approximately 80% of girls and women who used the masks and compresses listed above noted that the upper eyelid became more elastic and rose by 1-2 mm for a month of regular procedures.

Those girls and women who practiced exercises and massage daily noted that skin became smoother, finer mimic wrinkles become less visible. The effectiveness of such actions was noted by about 75% of people.

In order to short time to get rid of the impending upper eyelid, it is necessary to systematically perform simple exercises and periodically apply effective creams and home masks.

Proper nutrition and consumption of 1.5-2 liters pure water per day will enhance the effect of the use of these funds.

Lifting mask recipe to get rid of impending eyelids in this video:

Not everyone is lucky to be born with perfect features faces And beautiful skin. Some imperfections, such as bad skin, with problems (acne, rosacea, rosacea, etc.) can be corrected with the help of the achievements of modern cosmetology.

But some of the problems arise with age and are associated with natural processes occurring in the body.

These can include ptosis, as this phenomenon is called by a professional term. talking plain language- these are hanging over the eyes upper eyelids.

Why is this happening?

The causes of impending eyelids can be very different. The first, as already mentioned, is age. In this area, the skin is very thin, it has little elastane and collagen, it does not stretch well and is much more susceptible than the dermis in other areas of the face. The muscles of the eyes weaken, the nerve impulses responsible for this zone no longer work in the same mode as it was in 20-30 years.

All this shows the world a sad picture - the eyelids hang over the eyes. The reasons may be different.

Specialists call congenital causes genetic predisposition person to a similar appearance or national characteristics this kind of face. IN this case it is difficult to do something significant to change the upper eyelids, you can get by with only a visual correction.

If ptosis of the eyelid happened for acquired reasons (age, violation of the water-salt balance in the body, excessive fluid intake, sudden weight loss), then today cosmetology can offer several ways to get rid of impending eyelids.

Is it necessary?

Look at the photo of eyes with hanging eyelids. You must decide for yourself whether you want to change something in your own appearance, whether it is worth it. Still, “swollen” upper eyelids give the face a sullen expression, plus they add a few years in addition, which can make a person seem older.

The performed operations to remove ptosis show photos before and after the procedure. The result is amazing. Both men and women began to look much younger, their eyes became more open and joyful.

Ways to treat ptosis

Hanging eyelid - what to do? Cosmetology and plastic surgery can answer this topical question.

Everything is about the same as in the presence. Exists several ways problem solving.

The very first thing you should take care of is health. Normalize your diet and lifestyle, consume enough water, give up alcohol - all this wears out the body, slows down the metabolism. Tea and coffee at night are also harmful. A sedentary lifestyle can also lead to puffy eyes.

Folk remedies removing puffiness of the eyelids also helps in this problem. For a long time our ancestors used compresses with chamomile, parsley root, birch leaves. Also considered to be helpful potato juice.

Review your shelf cosmetics. Swelling of the upper eyelids is sometimes caused by poorly selected cosmetics. Purchase cosmetical tools with , it is best that it be organic cosmetics, with natural ingredients.

Exercise and massage for eyelid correction. There are many movements - both with your hands and with the facial muscles themselves, in which you will significantly change your appearance. There are also a lot of them on the World Wide Web, choose any and start doing it regularly.

The easiest way to get rid of an overhanging eyelid is to correct this problem with makeup. This is very good decision that does not require a lot of time and money. There are a lot of tutorials on the Internet on how to do this kind of makeup.

Here is a good resource to help you with this: . Various make-up communities are gathered here.

Last thing effective remedy- This impending eyelid surgery. It's called blepharoplasty. This is not a very difficult manipulation, although there are contraindications for it. It's important to find a good plastic surgeon to prevent embarrassing mistakes and complications.

It was also recently invented - just for those who are afraid surgical intervention. However, this method is not suitable for everyone, because the laser is able to simply "pull" excess fluid from the upper eyelid, it is not able to remove fat and muscles.

As you can see, there are many options, available and not very, simple and complex, how to bring our facial features as close as possible to the ideal.

Many women wonder why their eyelids hang over their eyes. The reasons for such an aesthetically important trouble must be determined on an individual basis. There may be anatomical factors associated with heredity, and often cause a symmetrical overhang of the two eyelids. In addition, acquired pathologies are often encountered, manifested mainly by asymmetrical drooping, swelling of the eyelids, or overhanging of only one of them.

Causes of eyelid ptosis in women

Eyelid ptosis due to aging and chronic fatigue

Vulnerable tissues around the eyes can change even in youth. For those who constantly lack sleep, overload the psyche, are in a state of stress, do not dare to give themselves extra minutes of rest, their face often suffers. Along with the impending eyelids, bags under the eyes appear. This problem is solved by normalizing the rhythm of life, excluding strong feelings, correct mode sleep and wakefulness. It happens that a woman rests enough, but still faces the problem of swelling of the eyelids. In this case, it is necessary to analyze the state of the body as a whole, perhaps aging processes are already taking place in it. To prevent premature withering of a woman, a comprehensive preventive approach is required - healthy lifestyle life.

Eyelid drooping due to improper facial care

Women have a problem excess weight. Thanks to all sorts of diets, sports and drugs, many people manage to lose weight quickly, but this joy has side effects. For example, ptosis of the skin of the whole body, in particular, this can be seen on the eyelids. If a woman fails to organize proper care for her rapidly changing body, then she will have problems. In most cases, it is possible to gradually restore the eyelids; for this purpose, special exercises are used, home and salon procedures. It should also be mentioned that ptosis of the tissues around the eyes may indicate allergic reaction for cosmetics. To protect against this undesirable effect, you need to choose proven, expensive products for the whole body that include natural ingredients.

Ptosis of the eyelids in congenital and acquired pathologies

There are diseases manifested by ptosis of the eyelids. A person can inherit from one of the parents underdevelopment of individual facial muscles. If congenital blepharophimosis is diagnosed, this means that the palpebral fissures are narrowed in both eyes, this is due to underdevelopment of the muscles that lift the upper eyelids. Also known is the disease Hunn's syndrome, which can be recognized by the involuntary movement of the drooping eyelid during mouth manipulation, as well as by accompanying anomalies such as strabismus or amblyopia. There are known cases of lowering of the eyelids due to problems with the oculomotor nerve, which directly affects the correct position of the tissues near the eyes. It should be said about the acquired pathologies of the eyes. The cause of ptosis may be paralysis of the oculomotor nerve, poor condition of muscle tissue, scarring and tumor formations.

this happens due to the natural aging of the body, chronic fatigue, improper care for a person or in case of diseases, it is better to choose restorative measures together with a doctor

Restoration of impending eyelids

If a woman at any age has eyelids hanging over her eyes, the reasons must be sought together with the doctor. The specialist will help to identify the factor that provoked this trouble, neutralize it and get rid of the consequences.

Professional approach to eyelid lifting

In all cases, you can find a solution, the main thing is to approach the issue of eyelid correction seriously and have the required amount of money. Today there are many methods for beauty and health. female body, therefore, if desired, each lady manages to restore her face. A set of measures is selected based on the cause of eyelid ptosis, which is why it is so important individual approach. Radical measure is blepharoplasty, as part of the operation, an excess tissue fragment is excised, in most cases the process is successful, the intervention goes unnoticed by society, and the face is soon rejuvenated by lifting the eyelids. Various salon procedures are also offered to help tighten the skin of the eyelids and the entire face. Some help more simple measures, such as means traditional medicine. For example, contrast lotions with herbal decoctions are effective.

Supportive Measures for Eyelid Recovery

In addition to the main part of the activities, you also need to take care of yourself at home. You will definitely have to stop taking any alcohol and nicotine addiction, after a while you will notice a complete renewal of the body, and, accordingly, an improvement appearance faces. Each person needs proper rest, for the sake of the beauty of the eyes and eyelids, you will have to sleep well for at least 7 hours a day. To fully care for the skin, you should regularly remove all cosmetics every evening, using the right products.

Massage and exercises for the prevention of eyelid ptosis

So that the skin does not lose its tone and blood circulation is normal, massage is done twice a day:

  • do to warm up steam bath or repeatedly wash hot water, then you can apply good cream around eyes;
  • perform light massaging movements ring fingers for 5 minutes, moving along the upper eyelids from the nose to the temple.

Together with massage, exercises work great (each exercise 10-15 repetitions):

  • the session begins with a warm-up, for this you should open your eyes wide and blink them several times, you also need to make rotational movements with your eyeballs in different directions;
  • having opened your eyes, you need to hold out at maximum voltage for up to 5 seconds, then close your eyelids with force for the same period of time;
  • holding the muscles of the eyebrows with your fingers, you should try to frown and draw your eyebrows together, while there should not appear vertical wrinkle on the forehead;
  • keeping the muscles in intense tension, carefully pinch the eyebrows for a while, moving from the nose to the temple.

You can avoid ptosis of the eyelids if you visit doctors in a timely manner, avoid stress, fully relax and properly care for the whole body. If the problem is already running, then choose the safest possible recovery methods.

One of the desires of every woman is to look young and fresh. And some lucky women do not have to make any effort to do this, especially at a young age. The first thing you look at when you look at a person is the eyes. It is they who, like a mirror, reflect our inner world, state of mind, and sometimes well-being. Therefore, it is more difficult for owners of heavy impending eyelids to hide fatigue, lack of sleep or a couple of extra years. The eyes look sad and sleepy, and additional wrinkles appear due to the formed folds, which is not at all pleasing. But it's fixable! There are many methods that can correct this shortcoming.

Over time, the skin on the face ages, wrinkles and sagging appear. And first of all, this is subjected to tender and thin skin around eyes. From the loss of elasticity and firmness, the upper eyelids can become heavier and hang over the eyes, and the lower ones can stretch in the form of circles. Before you start to deal with the problem, you need to understand the cause of this deficiency, because the overhang of the eyelids can be not only a consequence of age, there are other factors:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • allergic reactions;
  • violation of the kidneys;
  • malnutrition and violation of the drinking regimen;
  • sleeping in the wrong position;
  • overweight, sudden weight loss;
  • improper use of cosmetics or an incorrectly selected product.

At different reasons the appearance of this deficiency is recommended various ways fight it:

  • if you inherited the impending eyelid, only surgical intervention can help;
  • if this happened due to improper use of cosmetics, you just need to stop using it, choose a product that is more suitable for you, or simply apply it more carefully without stretching delicate skin century;
  • if any disease could affect the weighting of the skin above or under the eyes, you should remove the problem from the inside, that is, apply the appropriate drug treatment prescribed by the doctor.

Violation of the structure of the eyelid, associated with aging and the action of damaging factors, is corrected in a non-surgical way, which involves the use of various cosmetic products and techniques, or by surgical intervention, which is more radical. Here are the main ones:

  • blepharoplasty;
  • lymphatic drainage;
  • thread lift;
  • laser tightening;
  • endoscopic lift.

The skin around the eyes of the stronger sex is subject to aging no less than that of women, but often the visible signs of aging of the male eyelids are more pronounced due to anatomical features. Men are prone to significant weighting of the upper eyelids due to low eyebrows. In addition, there is often a significant protrusion of fatty hernias (“bags”) under the lower eyelid on the face. This gives fatigue and extra years to the appearance of the eyes.

Non-surgical eyelid lift at home

Cosmetic procedures for tightening the skin around the eyes cost a lot of money, not to mention surgical intervention. Not every woman can afford such an expensive, although quite efficient way improving the appearance of the face. But in some cases, procedures carried out independently at home can help. They do not involve large monetary costs, but require regularity and perseverance.

Gymnastics for the eyelids

Even if you have heavy hanging eyelids from birth, the situation will only get worse with age. Therefore, it is worth starting to deal with possible deterioration from the age of 35. Tightening the eyelids is not difficult with the help of special gymnastics. After age 40, the ligaments that connect the upper eyelid to the levators (muscles that lift the eyelids) weaken. Therefore, doing the following exercises, you can return the muscles of the eyelids to tone, thereby lifting the upper eyelids and strengthening the lower ones. The advantage of this procedure is that the exercises can be performed by combining with other processes - watching TV, being idle in a traffic jam, as well as a minute of rest right at work. It takes only a few minutes a day, and the result will be noticeable after a month of small efforts.

Important: before starting the exercises, it is worth applying a small amount of cream to the skin of the eyelids.

Before starting gymnastics, it is necessary to conduct a small warm-up, which will strengthen the muscles of the eyes and increase their mobility. To begin with, look into the distance for a few seconds, then look as far as possible to the left and alternately turn your eyes clockwise along the dial, lingering on each number for a few seconds. Do 2 circles in each direction. Then blink rapidly 50 times.

  1. Squeeze your eyelids tightly, holding them in this position for several seconds, then open your eyes as wide as possible, looking into the distance. The forehead and eyebrows remain motionless. Do this exercise several times.
  2. Put your index fingers on the corner of your eyebrows, pull them up a little, trying not to wrinkle your forehead. Look down and blink for 30 seconds. Do the same exercise, slightly pulling the skin on the temples back with your index fingers.
  3. With index and thumb with your hands, lightly pinch the eyebrow in the direction from the base to the outer edge, while slightly pulling the upper eyelid. Do 2 sets of 8 reps for each brow.
  4. Relax with your eyes closed. index fingers lightly press the skin at the outer base of the upper eyelid. While resisting pressure, open your eyelids as wide as possible. Stay in this position for a few moments. Repeat the exercise 8 times.

Video: eyelid gymnastics

eye stickers

Special stickers for eyelids - this is the most fast way lift the upper eyelids. However, the effect will end immediately after they are removed. This remedy is a month-shaped sticky strips that are made of breathable fiber and medical glue. They are almost invisible and allow you to apply makeup over them, which will make the stickers even more invisible.

These wonder strips are pretty easy to use - just apply them where you want to create a crease. But it is recommended to remove them using fat cream or other cosmetic product to avoid stretching the skin. These thin stickers do not cause discomfort or other discomfort so you can wear them every day. And after daily prolonged wear the eyelid will gradually rise on its own.

Use of ice

One of the effective folk remedies for solving the problem of the impending century is a massage with ice cubes from herbal decoctions. Should just boil useful herbs that help relieve swelling. The most suitable collection is parsley, chamomile, mint. If you don't have any of these, you can use mineral water with addition lemon juice. Freeze the prepared liquid and every morning wipe the skin of the eyelids with ice cubes, gently moving them from inner corners eye to the outside. Ice tones the skin and improves blood circulation.

Important: after the procedure, do not wash your face with hot water, so as not to nullify the effect, just wait for it to dry and apply a moisturizer.

Folk remedies for eyelid tightening

There is no need to despair if effective cosmetics for skin care around the eyes are not affordable for you. Many products available in the refrigerator will help you easily cope with the problem of a heavy eyelid. For example, potato juice has a tonic effect, it is able to increase skin elasticity and make it more elastic. Just put the potatoes grated on a fine grater on the gauze strips and apply to the lower eyelids for 15-20 minutes. Cucumber gives the same effect. You can use a grated vegetable or just sliced ​​\u200b\u200bcircles. cucumber mask gives a fresh look healthy look relieves puffiness and circles under the eyes. It is good to add parsley juice to the grated pulp of the listed vegetables, which will not only double the effect, but also improve skin color and nourish with vitamins.

Has excellent lifting properties different oils. For example, sesame is good to use as a means to remove decorative cosmetics. And the oil from grape seeds It will be a good alternative to moisturizer. a small amount lubricate cleansed skin, and before going to bed, remove unabsorbed residues with a paper towel.

Oatmeal based mask is very effective. To prepare it, boil 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal in milk, add 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal and 1 tsp. honey. Let the mixture cool down. You need to apply a thick layer of the mask directly on the eyelids, hold for 20 minutes, then remove with a sponge and wash with warm water.

Excellent tightening and rejuvenating effect protein mask which will help restore skin firmness and elasticity. Grate half a cucumber on a fine grater and squeeze out the juice, which must be mixed with whipped protein. Add 1 tsp to the resulting mass. wheat flour. Keep the mask on until complete drying- approximately 15 minutes.

Special cosmetics for eyelids

When caring for heavy skin around the eyes, you should choose the right cosmetics. Think carefully about what exactly led to the overhang of the eyelid, and then use the following recommendations:

  • in case of loss of elasticity, weakening of the skin, it is worth choosing cosmetics containing fruit acids. Such funds stimulate the production of collagen;
  • with increased exposure external factors, such as UV rays, you need to look for antioxidant creams. They protect the skin, refresh it, fight wrinkles;
  • after 35 years, products containing vitamin A will be most useful. They are effective in deep wrinkles, able to refresh the look;
  • "bags" and swelling under the eyes are eliminated with the help of hyaluronic acid, caffeine, seaweed.

One of the mandatory items in the fight against impending eyelids is the use of collagen masks. They are quite convenient to use if you do not like cooking with your own hands. Such products are usually sold in the form of a powder, which must be mixed with water before application, or in the form of ready-made sheet mask, wetted special fluid. collagen masks it is recommended to use a course of 10 sessions with a break of 3 months.

Lymphatic drainage

IN Lately among cosmetologists, lymphatic drainage of the eyelids is a success. This procedure is aimed at restoring the functioning of the lymphatic system. Indeed, due to the impact negative factors lymph circulation slows down lymphatic vessels clogged, resulting in the accumulation of toxins in the body, harmful substances and excess fluid. That's why this procedure helps relieve puffiness from the skin around the eyes, remove dark circles under the lower eyelid, smooth wrinkles. In addition, lymphatic drainage is recommended for use in preventive measures to increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin. Massage is manual and hardware.

Manual lymphatic drainage

Manual lymphatic drainage is performed as in beauty salons hands of a specialist, and at home. In the first case, the effect will appear faster, but you can still master the technique of this massage and do it yourself.

Important: the procedure should be performed in the morning on cleansed skin of the eyelids with the application of a special massage cream or oils.

You need to work synchronously with both hands, gently acting on the eyelid so as not to damage the eyeball:

  • in the area of ​​​​the outer corner of the eye, gently massage the skin clockwise, sliding over the skin with three fingers (index, middle, ring);
  • draw a finger along the edge of the lower eyelid, slightly pressing, moving towards the inside of the eye;
  • make a few gentle pressures on the inner corners of the eyes;
  • now return to the outer corner along the edge of the upper eyelid, swiping with two fingers (index and middle) with light pressure;
  • with light pressure, move your fingers from the nose to the temples along the edge of the lower eyelid.

The duration of lymphatic drainage massage is 15-20 minutes. The effect will be noticeable after 7-10 regular procedures.

Video: performing lymphatic drainage massage at home

Hardware lymphatic drainage

Hardware lymphatic drainage is well tolerated by patients of any age category, owners of skin of any type, after it does not occur side effects and the result will not be long in coming. There are several techniques for this procedure, but a microcurrent device using electrical impulses is used for the skin around the eyes. As a rule, the procedure is carried out using special cosmetic products based on natural ingredients, such as aloe, chamomile, etc. Several sessions of this technique will not only relieve swelling of the eyelids and remove "bags" under the eyes, but also remove scars and wrinkles.


Blepharoplasty is an operation to correct the shape and structure of the eyelids, remove excess skin and fatty tissue from the upper and lower eyelids. It occurs most frequently in plastic surgery and is often performed in combination with other anti-aging procedures. The goals of blepharoplasty are:

  • lifting of the hanging upper eyelid;
  • removal of "bags" under the eyes;
  • elimination of folds and wrinkles around the eyes;
  • change in eye shape.

The procedure itself consists in incising the eyelid, excising excess skin and fat that protrudes. After that, the incisions are sutured with special medical threads. After the operation, bruising around the eyes and swelling may occur, which disappear after 2-3 weeks. Scars after incisions are usually located in places of natural folds, so they are invisible. After some time, they become lighter and may disappear altogether.

If you decide to undergo eyelid lift surgery, you should consult an ophthalmologist, therapist, surgeon and other necessary specialists and find out if you have one of the following contraindications for this type of plastic surgery:

  • oncological diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • high intraocular pressure;
  • retinal detachment, glaucoma, dry eyes;
  • violations of cardiovascular activity;
  • severe chronic diseases.

There are several options for this operation, which can be carried out both simultaneously and separately.

Upper eyelid blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids is performed to lift the upper eyelid, the structure of which has been disturbed for any reason - whether it is a congenital feature, a consequence of some disease, or as a result of muscle weakness. This type of surgery can be done simultaneously with a forehead skin tightening. The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia.

Blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids

Blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids eliminates bags formed as a result of loss of skin elasticity, in which excess fat and fluid accumulate. When diagnosing, the surgeon determines the level of skin elasticity and selects required option procedures:

  • transconjunctival blepharoplasty - an incision is made on the inside of the eyelid, which will help to avoid scars;
  • plastic of the lower eyelids - the incision is made under the eyelashes, due to which the scars are also almost invisible;
  • removal of excess skin - an incision is made below the line of the lower eyelid.

Circular lift

A circular lift is a radical solution to correct several problems associated with a violation of the structure of the eyelids. It consists in lifting both the upper and lower eyelids at the same time. Incisions are made in the crease of the eyelid and under the lash line. Circular tightening allows you to get maximum result for the minimum amount of time.

Laser blepharoplasty

Laser blepharoplasty is performed without deep surgical intervention, lasts about 3-4 hours under local anesthesia. During the operation, the area of ​​fiber around the orbit of the eyes is affected using a laser device. Full recovery takes place within a week.

Pros of holding laser procedure undeniable:

  • the size of the wound from the laser is much smaller than the incision from the scalpel, which means fast healing and a significant reduction in the rehabilitation period;
  • thanks to high temperature beams are immediately cauterized small vessels, resulting in a decrease in the likelihood of swelling and bruising under the eyes after surgery;
  • no scar after wound healing;
  • minimal risk of infection;
  • no need for hospitalization;
  • persistent effect lasting 4-5 years, sometimes more.

Thread lift (thread lifting)

The essence of thread lifting is that special biocompatible threads are introduced under the overhanging skin, which become a frame, moving tissues to the desired position. At the same time, wrinkles are smoothed out, and overhanging skin returns to its previous position. The threads have a special strength, and specific cones with polylactic acid securely fix facial tissues. They stimulate active neocollagenesis, that is, the formation of young cells. This increases the elasticity of the skin, as the frame is already formed from its own tissues.

For thread lifting, several types of threads are used:

  • non-absorbable (surgical) - polypropylene threads which are injected into the subcutaneous fat layer. They can be perfectly smooth, or they can have notches and cones that firmly fix them in the right places;
  • absorbable (biodegradable) threads made of caprolac with lactic acid. Known as "bionity". Most often they have notches, are overgrown with natural tissues, forming a strong frame;
  • APTOS Needle - threads of special strength related to surgical appearance. Used for clients over 50 years old with pronounced age-related changes.

The procedure is performed within 30-40 minutes under local anesthesia. It is easy to carry and excellent result up to 2.5 years.

Lifting with the help of special threads does not require long-term rehabilitation, has a small number of contraindications and practically does not provoke the development of complications.

Pay close attention to possible contraindications:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • diabetes;
  • atrophy and ptosis of tissues;
  • oncology;
  • various inflammatory processes;
  • cicatricial changes in the skin;
  • some eye diseases.

Endoscopic lift

Endoscopic lifting is used when it is necessary to correct the incision of the eyes, eliminate "bags" and lacrimal grooves. This is a minimally invasive operation in which minimal incisions are made on the skin, into which an endoscope is inserted, and with its help tissue correction is carried out. No sutures are required upon completion, healing is quick and without complications. The incisions are usually made in hidden places, so they are almost invisible. The procedure can be performed even under local anesthesia and lasts up to 70 minutes.

Compared to blepharoplasty, this procedure has several advantages:

  • the duration of the procedure is much less;
  • tissues do not move to the temples, which ensures the invariance of the appearance of the face;
  • long-term result - up to 8 years;
  • the natural section of the eyes is restored;
  • minimal risk of complications.

There are many ways to tighten and correct the skin around the eyes. So there is no reason to get upset and grumble at fate for an unsuccessful eye cut or a sad look due to the heavy impending century. Having determined the cause of the problem, choose the most pleasant and convenient way of self-improvement, prepare the necessary “tool” - cosmetics or products for it. homemade, be patient, and - to fight! And remember that the main condition for success is regularity.