Synopsis of the GCD the world around "Family" outline of the lesson on the world around (middle group) on the topic. Nod around the world Nod around the world


Region Integration:"Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Musical and artistic activity".

Form of activity: joint activities of adults and children.

Program tasks

  • Educational: Let children understand that nature is our common home, expand children's knowledge of nature, continue to form an idea of ​​the role of nature in human life.
  • Developing: develop horizons, thinking, connected speech.
  • Educational: to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

Preliminary work: guessing riddles, reading fiction, conversations.

Materials and equipment: Drawings of an ordinary house and “home-nature”, a model of the globe with traces, a twig for Lesovichok, “garbage”, paper for each child cut out in the form of a circle for posters, felt-tip pens, “The Complaint Book of Nature”, easels.

Lesson progress

The teacher reads the poem:

Our home is our own, our common home is

The land where we live!

We can't count miracles,

They have one name:

Forests and mountains and seas

Everything is called - the earth!

Educator: Guys, look what it is? (Children's answers.)

That's right, this is our land. Our land is our common home.

What do you guys think, what are we leaving on our planet Earth?

These are the traces left after you on the ground. Even if you don't see them, the earth remembers them. And every person living on this planet leaves their mark. See what footprints you see on the ground. (Children's answers.) That's right, big, small, clean, dirty.

Educator: Today we will talk to the swami about what kind of mark we should leave on earth.

If nature is a common home, then each of you has your own home. And everyone tries to maintain cleanliness and order in his house.

Educator: Listen here:

"I love to run barefoot,

splashing puddles,

And leave traces later.

But the sun dries the earth.

I will circle on the asphalt

Your footprints in crayons.

But the wind will bring clouds

And wash them away with rain.

Maybe ask for some paint?

And, having taken sandals, so on the road to inherit,

For everyone to know about it?

And I answered: The earth is your home.

Dirt should not be planted in it. ”

Educator: Children, what conclusion can be drawn? (Children's answers.)

That's right, not only in your home, but also in nature, you can not deliver dirt. The earth is the common home of man. All people in the world are one big family. And everyone is trying to do something for her, someone succeeds, someone does not.

Nature made sure that the Earth was always in "order".

Guys, name what natural phenomena you know. (Children's answers.)

That's right, wind, rain, snow, sun.

Consider how these various natural phenomena help the Earth look like this?

For example, such a natural phenomenon as the wind, how does it help? (Children's answers.)

Yes. The wind brings coolness, cleans the air. And what makes it rain? (Children's answers.)

Rain nourishes plants and provides moisture.

Educator: How does snow help the Earth? (Children's answers.) That's right, it warms the earth, covers it like a blanket, gives warmth, warms the trees so that their roots do not freeze.

And how does the sun help the Earth look like this? (Children's answers.) The sun gives light to all living things. But the sun not only shines, what else does it do?

That's right, heat comes from the sun, it warms.

Guys, each of you lives in a house with walls, but as soon as we go beyond the threshold of our house, we find ourselves in another house.

Listen guys:

"Like a roof over the earth,

Blue skies.

And under the blue roof

Mountains, rivers and forests

And glades and flowers, and, of course, me and you.

So what house are we in? Right in the house - nature.

Look, guys, at these drawings of an ordinary house and a house of nature, let's compare these houses. (Paintings.)

Why is there light in our house? (From the lamp.)

And what can be compared with a lamp in nature? (Sun.)

But the sun not only warms, so it can be compared with something else? ... with a stove, a battery.

It rains in nature, but in our house, what resembles rain? (Shower.)

In nature, the wind, but in the house? (Fan.)

The house has a floor, but in nature? (Earth.)

We have a carpet on the floor, but on the ground? (Grass grows.)

In an ordinary house there are stone and wooden walls, but in a house of nature? (Mountains and trees.)

We have a flame burning on a gas stove, but in nature, where does the fire come from? (Escapes from the volcano.)

Snow falls in nature, ice accumulates on high mountains, but in an ordinary house a person has learned to make snow where? (In a refrigerator.)

What animals live in nature? (Wild.)

In an ordinary house? (Homemade.)

Wild plants in nature, but in the house? (houseplants)

Guys, why in both houses the artist left part of the drawing unpainted, what is that? (Air.)

And why is air needed, what will happen if there is no air? (Children's answers.)

Educator: Let's do a little experiment and find out what will happen if air does not enter our body. Cover your nose with your hand. Can you breathe? Why? We need air, without it we cannot live.

Tell me, please, who else needs air, who still cannot live without air? (Animals, birds.)

Now let's take a break and play a little. Physical education:

Hands raised and waved

These are the trees in the forest.

Elbows bent, brushes shaken -

The wind knocks down the dew.

Let's gently wave our hands -

The birds are flying towards us.

How they sit down, we'll show-

Wings we fold back.

There is a knock on the door, Lesovichok comes in, sad and upset.

Educator: Hello, Lesovichok, what happened to you?

Lesovichok: I visited my possessions, in the forest I heard mournful voices, plants, animals everywhere. I recorded all complaints in the Complaint Book of Nature. Guys, want to know who and what complains? The Christmas tree complains, here is its complaint: “It’s empty and lonely for me in the forest, I was left all alone. But around me once grew Christmas trees - beauties, but on New Year's Eve, cruel people with axes appeared in the forest and cut them down to the very root.

Educator: Is it possible to cut down Christmas trees? (Answers.) Guys, let's do a good deed with you, draw posters about caring for living fir trees and hang them in different places for people to see.

Guys, now we are starting to draw, and do not forget to cross out the Christmas tree with a red line, what do you think the red line means? Children: no, anxiety. (Paper in the form of a circle is on the tables, children draw Christmas trees to calm music.)

Educator: Well done! What wonderful posters they drew. We put the posters on the edge of the table. Guys, tell me, why did you draw these posters?

That's right, children, we urge people not to arbitrarily cut down spruces - this is a very good deed - protecting nature.

Lesovichok: Well done! Thank you for helping the forest. Now people will think before they go to the forest to cut trees.

Lesovichok: Guys, I almost forgot about the clearing that I have in the forest. Before, my clearing was very beautiful, but tourists came and cut down a birch tree for firewood, threw empty jars, candy wrappers, bottles into the clearing.

Educator: How to help the clearing? What should be done? (Children's answers.) We need to get to this clearing as soon as possible, but how can we do this?

Guys, they will help us get to the clearing, magic words:

Educator: let's say the magic words. "Sim-salabim, abra-kadabra"
(Children repeat the magic words and find themselves in the "clearing".)

Educator: (draws the attention of the children to the clearing) Guys, you need to help Lesovichka, put things in order, as this spoils the beauty, the forests, and also these bottles can be dangerous for animals. This is the footprint the tourists left behind. (Three children clean up the garbage.)

Well done! helped Lesovichka, put things in order in his clearing.

Lesovichok: I am very glad that I met you, stay friends of nature, take care of the forest. I give you my Book of Complaints of Nature as a keepsake, and I want it to always remain empty so that no one complains.

Educator: Today we helped Lesovichka, left our good mark in the clearing, it's time for us to return to our group.

Children say goodbye to Lesovichok and with the help of the magic words “Sim-salabim, abracadabra” return to the group.


Let's save the planet

There is nothing like it in the entire universe.

There is only one in the whole world

We need it for life and friendship!

Today, guys, we talked about how our nature needs our protection. Do you want to become friends and protectors of nature? Then let's promise to protect nature and try to make your footprint on Earth useful!

Kalugina Olga Andreevna,


MBOU Primary School - Kindergarten No. 42

the city of Surgut

Target: To clarify and consolidate children's knowledge about the importance of the forest in the life of humans and animals, to cultivate curiosity.

Tasks of the NOD.

Main educational area.

Cognition: to consolidate children's knowledge about trees, to develop ecological thinking and ecological culture, to cultivate interest in plants.

Tasks of integrable educational areas.

Socialization: to educate the ability of children to listen to each other, the ability to maintain friendly relations with peers. Communication: continue to expand, develop the child's dialogical speech.

health e: continue to develop children's activity in games.

Expected result: children can name the structure of the tree, assemble a tree model. Children can talk about the importance of the forest for a person, about how a person can save the forest.

Activities: communicative, motor, game, artistic creativity.

Forms of organizing joint activities: didactic games, a sedentary outdoor game with rules, conversation, discussion, work on drawing up a panel.

Preliminary work: reading literature about the forest; observation on walks; solving riddles; looking at illustrations about the plant world, watching videos of cartoons about nature, making collages.

Material for GCD: illustrations depicting a forest; tree model, birch, mountain ash, pine, oak leaves; blanks for making panels; hoops (red and green); prohibition and permission signs; easel.

Methods and techniques: verbal - didactic games of an ecological orientation, practical - sedentary games, making panels, visual - illustrations depicting various trees.

GCD progress:

Tell me guys, were you with your parents in the forest?

What do you like most about the forest?

(children's answers: relax, pick mushrooms, pick berries, etc.)

Guys, what do you think, why do all the inhabitants of planet Earth need a forest?

Do you want to find out?

But then guys!

We walk one after the other

Forest and green meadow

Motley wings flicker,

Butterflies fly in the field.

One two three four

They flew, they circled.

Here we are in the forest.

- And so, little connoisseurs, for the beginning, guess the riddle.

The teacher asks the children a riddle:

Its spring and summer

We saw dressed

And in the fall from the poor thing

They ripped off all the shirts.

But winter blizzards

They dressed him in furs. (Tree)

That's right, this tree.

Do you think the tree is alive or not?

Why do you think so?

Because, like all living beings, they eat, sleep, reproduce and breathe.

How do trees breathe?

(children's answers).

That's right, with the help of leaves.

Guys, how many of you know what parts a tree consists of?

But then guys!

We walk one after the other

Forest and green meadow

Motley wings flicker,

Butterflies fly in the field.

Game "Parts of a tree» (suitable for the tree model).

(Children approach the parts of the tree, assemble a tree model on an easel and voice the meaning of each part)

Anton start. What part did you take?

Roots, what are they doing? - absorb water and nutrients from the soil. - The roots hold the tree.

Dasha, what part did you take? (trunk)

What is the function of the stem?

The trunk and branches carry water and nutrients to the leaves.

Light, what is on the branches? - there are leaves, flowers, fruits.

Guys, what do the leaves emit? - oxygen, but they absorb light,

The fruits fall, the seeds, falling into the ground, germinate.

When the leaves fall, what happens is they rot, form nutrients for the tree.

Well done.

I suggest you play the game "What is the tree for?".

But then guys!

We walk one after the other

Forest and green meadow

Motley wings flicker,

Butterflies fly in the field.

Y/N “What is the tree for?”- in this game you need to tell about the meaning of the tree.

-Children's answers:

- this is a dining room for animals, insects, birds, as the leaves of trees feed on: elk, birds, caterpillars and other inhabitants of the forest;

- this is a place to build a nest;

for the beetle, this is a dwelling where you can find prey, a place for laying larvae;

- for a hare, this is food, bark in winter, shelter;

- for the artist, this is an object for paintings;

- for a weary traveler, this sprawling tree to hide from the hot sun, to rest;

- a tree for a city dweller is clean air, coolness in hot weather, a place of rest).

Well done.

Guys look here and tell me what is shown?


Birch, oak, spruce, mountain ash, pine, cedar.

The game "From what tree leaf".

Let's pick leaves for each tree.

(children determine the belonging of the leaves to a particular tree and “revive the trees”)

The teacher offers to determine from which tree one of the leaf samples, then the children find a basket with similar leaves and “revive” the corresponding tree.

Well done, look how our trees came to life with leaves?!

Phys. minute "We walked through the forest."

We walked through the forest

And a little tired.

Get up, take a deep breath

Let's spread our hands together.

Miracles in our world:

Children became dwarfs

And then everyone stood up together,

All became giants.

We clap together!

Let's sink a little!

Well we walked and did not get tired!

Do you think it's nice to be in such a forest?


But how should one behave in such a beautiful forest?

A sedentary d / and “It is possible - it is impossible” is carried out (children put the prohibition signs in a red hoop, and the allowing signs in a green hoop).

Suggested responses from children:

(Breaking branches, somersaulting in the grass, kindling a fire, admiring the beauty of nature, picking flowers, picking mushrooms, destroying nests, destroying poisonous mushrooms, picking berries, leaving garbage behind)

Let's check if you have placed the signs correctly?

Well done!

If you come to the forest, do not make noise, do not disturb the forest dwellers. And then the forest will reveal its secrets to you.

- Guys, let's remember what trees grow in our region?

- And let's play the game "What grows in the native land?".

I will name the trees, if a tree grows in our forests, clap your hands, if not, then show “denial” with your finger. (Apple, pear, spruce, raspberry, birch, cherry, aspen, chestnut, lemon, pine, cedar, linden, etc.)

- Guys, what good fellows.

Tell me, without which a tree and a forest cannot exist?

(children's answers: without light, air, heat, soil, moisture).

Guys, if only spruces, pines, cedars grow in the forest, how can you call such a forest in one word?



And if there are most birches, mountain ash, aspens, poplars in the forest, what will we call such a forest?


And what will be the name of the forest, in which there are both coniferous and deciduous trees?


I suggest you create a mixed forest panel so as not to offend either deciduous or coniferous trees.

Children go to the tables, on which the silhouettes of various trees are prepared in advance and pasted, it turns out a panel of a mixed forest.

I read a quatrain

Who saves the forest world
The one who does not break the branches,
The one who does not scare away the bird
Fly agaric will not knock down,
And the fire will not make
Who is always, always in the forest. Respect silence!

Well done boys!

Tell me guys, where have we been?

(In the forest).

Do you think we have found out why the forest is needed for all the inhabitants of planet Earth?

Come on, guys, we will send our panel with you to small children so that they can admire the beauty of nature.


  1. The Big Book of Riddles / Compiled by E. Nefedova, O. Uzorova. - M .: "Planet of Childhood", LLC "Publishing House Astrel": LLC "Publishing House AST", 2001. - 816s.: ill.32.
  2. Vakhrushev A.A., Kochemasova E.E., Akimova Yu.A., Belova I.K. Hello world! The environment for preschoolers. Guidelines for educators, teachers and parents - M .: "BALASS", 2003. - 304 p.
  3. Kovalko V.I. ABC of physical minutes for preschoolers: Practical development of physical minutes, game exercises, gymnastic complexes and outdoor games (middle, senior, preparatory groups). - M.: VAKO, 2005. - 176s. - (Preschoolers: we teach, develop, educate).

We invite teachers of preschool education of the Tyumen region, YaNAO and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their methodological material:
- Pedagogical experience, author's programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed abstracts and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including video), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

Summary of GCD in the middle group on the topic: "With Masha about some water."

Material Description: I offer you a summary of the lesson on the formation of a holistic picture of the world in the middle group. This material will be useful for teachers of the second younger (3-4 years old) and middle group (4-5 years old). This development contains some simple experiments with water, a surprise moment.
Target: To consolidate children's knowledge of water, to improve children's knowledge of the importance of water in human life.
1. Improve children's knowledge about the importance of water in human life.
3. To teach children the skills of conducting simple experiments.
1. To develop phonemic hearing in children.
2. Activate and enrich the vocabulary of children with nouns, adjectives, verbs on the topic of the lesson.
1. Develop social skills: the ability to work in a group, take into account the opinion of a partner, defend one's own opinion, prove one's case. 2. Instill respect for water.
Materials: doll, plates for each child, towels for each child, a towel for the doll, blue sponges for each, two small containers with cold and warm water, a bowl of warm water, liquid soap, a straw, soap bubbles.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational part.
Guys, let's stand in a circle and greet each other:
Hello, sun - friend, (hands up, "flashlights")
Hello, nose - piglet (we show the nose with the index finger)
Hello sponges (show lips)
Hello teeth (show teeth)
Sponges "smacked" ("smack")
Teeth "clicked" ("click")
Raise the handles up (raise the handles up)
And they waved (we wave our hands)
And now all together -
"Hello!" - they said (in chorus we say hello)
Well done!
2. The main part.
Surprise moment.
(knock on door)
Educator: Oh guys, someone else came to us. (opens door, brings doll in).Who is it? It's Masha! Look guys, this is Masha. Why is she so dirty? Masha wants to tell me something. (listens)
Guys, Masha had a problem. She went to her friend's birthday party and got all dirty because she fell into a puddle. She asks us for help. Can we help Masha?
Children: Yes.
Educator: Guys, but I wonder where the puddle came from? How do you think?
Children: When the snow melts, when it rains.
Educator: Right. Where is the rain hiding?
Children: In clouds.
Educator: (refers to doll) You see Masha the rain is hiding in the clouds. When the snow melts, there are a lot of puddles. There are especially many puddles in spring.
Let's sit down on chairs and show Masha where the rain comes from, how puddles appear. And Masha will sit down with us.
Let's take sponges in our hands - these are our clouds. Look - at first the clouds are light, there is no water in them, not a drop of water. And in plates we have seas, oceans, rivers, lakes, from which our clouds draw water. Let's lower the cloud with you, collect some water. Our cloud fills up, and then rises to the top and becomes what? It was easy, but what is it becoming?
Children: Heavy.
Educator: That's right, heavy. And then the rain begins to fall from the clouds. Look Masha, what drops! What are the droplets?
Children: Cold and warm.
Educator: That's right, cold and warm. What else?
Children: Big and small.
Educator: Let's do it again. The cloud rises, rises, and rain comes out of it. Look, guys, how many puddles we have with you.
(refers to doll)
- You see, Masha, how puddles appear.
And now put the sponges, wipe the hands. We showed Masha how the rain was dripping. Now we need to help Masha wash her hands and face. But first, let's think about how to do this?
- Come on, Katya, show us what we need to do.
The child shows and tells the sequence of actions according to the picture.
Child: Take soap, lather your hands, rinse with water, dry with a towel.
Educator: Well, let's help Masha wash her face and hands. And here, guys, we have 2 basins of water. Feel the water in this basin. What is she?
Children: Cold.
Teacher: And here?
Children: Warm.
Educator: Wipe your hands and tell me what kind of water will we wash Masha's hands and face with? Cold or warm?
Children: Warm.
Educator: Warm, right. And why?
Children: Masha can get sick.
Educator: That's right, because our Masha can catch a cold and get sick. Although cold water can be useful for hardening.
Well, let's first help Masha's hands and face, lather with soap.
The teacher, together with the children, perform actions and at the same time sentence a nursery rhyme about some water:
Water, water,
Wash my face
To make the eyes sparkle
To make cheeks blush
To laugh mouth,
To bite a tooth.
Now let's wipe Masha's hands and face. Look how pure and cheerful Masha has become!
- What is Masha? (the teacher listens to the doll) Masha wants to play with us now. Shall we play with Masha?
Children: Yes.
We stand in a circle, Masha is on a chair in the middle:
Drop one, drop two
Very slowly at first.
And then, then, then
Everyone run, run, run.
We will open our umbrellas
We'll shelter ourselves from the rain.
Educator: And you know, guys and Masha, I want to tell you one more secret. Do you know what? With the help of soap and water, we can not only wash, wash ourselves. We can do one more thing. Let's see what's in this bowl, shall we?
Children: Water.
Educator: Let's add soap. Mix water in a bowl. What do you think we did to you?
Children: Bubble.
Educator: Right. We made soap bubbles that you and Masha love to blow so much. Let's show Masha how we can blow bubbles. Let's take Masha. How many colorful bubbles, small and large! Well done! Let's give Masha and her friend a bear for d.r. bubble.
3. The final part.
Educator: Water is very important in our life.
If our hands are in the mud,
If there are blots on the nose,
Who then is our first friend?
Will it remove dirt from the face and hands?
What Mom Can't Do Without
No cooking, no washing?
Without which we will say directly
Man to die?
To make it rain from the sky
To grow ears of bread
For ships to sail
We cannot live without WATER!

Synopsis of the GCD around the world "Getting acquainted with the modes of transport" in the senior group.

Target b: To generalize and systematize the knowledge of children about modes of transport.


Pin titles modes of transport(ground, water, air).

Enrich vocabulary.

Expand knowledge about the environment.

preliminary work:

consideration of visual material "Modes of transport", board games "Modes of transport", puzzles, outdoor games "Colored cars", "Traffic light", guessing riddles, reading poetry and fiction about transport, individual work with children on the lapbook "Rules of the road" .

Equipment: Letter, parcel, attributes for games, pictures "Modes of transport", traffic light.


He is cheerful, groovy,
And a propeller in the back
lifts the mood,
Likes sweet jam
The kid always laughs.
Who is this? Tell me!

Children: Carlson.

Educator: Right. Today we received a letter from Carlson in kindergarten. In the letter, Carlson asks you for help, he has fallen ill, and he needs to send medicine - a jar of raspberry jam. And Carlson himself had a broken propeller.

Well guys, I think we need to help Carlson.

Educator: The kid lives very far away and we need to deliver the parcel to him as soon as possible. Guys, maybe you know how to get to the Kid faster?

Children: Yes, you need to go by car.


Doors, windows, but not a house.
It even has seats.
Headlights shine like eyes
There are four wheels.
Dust curls out from under them.
What's this?… (Automobile)!

That's right, we'll go with you in a car.

Do you think it is possible to transport our package by car?

Educator: Well, then on the road (in the group a car is built from chairs). Guys, what type of transport do you think a car belongs to?

Children: to the ground.

Teacher: Right, but how did you know?

Children: because the car drives on the ground, on the road.

Educator: That's right, a car belongs to a land mode of transport. Let's name the details of the car (children list).

Educator: Why did our car stop, what happened?

Children: red light is on.


"The most important on the road, -
Friends told me
multi-eyed, one-legged,
You can't joke with him."
I got a little scared
Hearing this conversation
But when I saw, I guessed
Well, it's just- traffic light.

Yes, we reached the intersection, where the traffic lights regulate the traffic. And now it's red. Guys, what color of traffic light can we go to.

Children: green. And now we will play the mobile game "Traffic Light".

Children: to the air.

Educator: That's right, but where are the parcels transported on the plane? For luggage there is a special luggage compartment. That's where our package will go.

Guys, where are we going to sit, what is the name of this place.

Children: in the passenger compartment.

Educator: That's right, we will fly in the cabin for passengers, but who controls such a large plane?

Children: pilots.

Educator: Who keeps order on the plane and delivers food to passengers?

Children: stewardess.

Teacher: Well done guys! Name the parts of the plane (children call).

Game: Airplanes.

Educator: Our plane is landing. Where does the plane land?

Children: at the airport.

Educator: Right. And we will continue our way on a beautiful ship.

Guys, to get on the ship we need to answer the following questions:

    Who is the most important on the ship? (captain).

    Who cooks the food on the ship? (cook)

    What is the name of the place where sailors sleep? (cabin)

    What is the name of the device that controls the ship? (steering wheel).

Teacher: Well done guys! Now we go up the ladder to the ship. What type of transport is a ship?

Children: to the water.

Educator: Right. In the meantime, we are sailing on a ship, you can play our favorite game "The sea is worried."

Educator: guys, but we see the pier. Soon our ship will drop anchor and we will go ashore.

It turns out that Malysh, a friend of Carlson, lives in this city.

Now he will get his medicine and be cured. Look, we are met by a mail car. What is it for?

Children: to deliver mail, letters, parcels.

Educator: Guys, maybe we will give this machine a package, and it will deliver it to the address?

Educator: Well, I think this is where our journey ended, and you and I helped Carlson. Guys, what modes of transport did we travel with? What new did you learn? What did you enjoy traveling on the most? What new words have you learned?

And now we will write a letter to Carlson that his package has been delivered to the address.

Synopsis of GCD around the world with children of the younger group

"Let's help forest dwellers find their houses"

Target: Creation of favorable conditions for the use of various types of activities, their integration in order to increase the efficiency of the educational process.


cognitive development e .

Improve the ability to distinguish and name familiar geometric shapes: square, circle, oval, triangle, rectangle. - to consolidate the ability to find one and many objects in the environment.
- to consolidate the ability to distinguish between long - short, narrow - wide, large - small

Fix the signs of spring.

Speech development:

Develop a dialogue form of speech;

- promote the development of speech as a means of communication.

Artistic and aesthetic development:

- develop imagination, fantasy, cultivate creative independence.

Social and communicative development:

- to cultivate a benevolent attitude towards animals, love for nature, a desire to help forest dwellers.

Physical development:

To form the ability to perform movements in conjunction with speech;

Develop and improve motor skills and abilities, enrich motor experience;

Development of general and fine motor skills.

Vocabulary work:
A long and wide river, a short and narrow bridge, one large mushroom, many small mushrooms. Bear, wolf, hare, squirrel, hedgehog.


Hset of toys "wild animals", toy "crow", geometric figures, mushrooms, blue fabric, constructor, trays with cereals.

Course progress.

Guys, look who flew into our group? Crow!
Oh, what is she whispering in my ear!
- Guys, the crow says that the forest dwellers got into trouble and were left homeless. They ask us for help. Can we help?

Then we need to immediately go to the forest. And how can we get there?

(by bus, plane, train, ship…).

And how can you name everything that you have listed in one word? Right! Transport.
- Let's go to the forest. Get ready (to the music).

- Guys, and then we can not go by train.

This is where the river starts.
- River, what? (long, wide).

How can we be, how to cross the river?

Children's answers:

To build a bridge.

- What can a bridge be built from? (from the constructor).
What about the bridge? (short, narrow).

Let's cross the river on the bridge. Be careful not to get your feet wet.
- Look, what a beautiful meadow. What mushrooms grow here.
- How many big mushrooms? (one).
- How many little ones? (a lot of).
- Let's put the mushrooms in the basket.
- How beautiful it is here! Insects fly, flowers grow!

Phys. a minute to the music.

- Let's buzz like bees (wings, zhzhzhzh).
- Smell the flowers.
Let's jump like bunnies.
- They pecked like birds.
- They stomped like bears.
- Let's reach for the sun.
So we got to the forest.

Joint activities of children and educator.

Let's get closer to the forest dwellers.
- What kind of animals do we have here? (we enumerate).
- Guys, we must put the fox in a round house, the hare - in a triangular house, the squirrel - in an oval house, the bear - in a square house, the hedgehog - in a rectangular one.
- What color is the house of a fox, a squirrel, a hedgehog, a bear, a hare?

(yellow, orange, green, brown, blue).
- Well done guys, we coped with the task and helped the animals find their houses. Let's give them the mushrooms that we have collected.

Guys, tell me, please, what season is it now? (spring).
What are the signs of spring (the days have become longer, the sun warms better, the snow is melting, puddles have appeared, etc.).
And let's draw the sun ourselves, and then it will become even brighter and warmer in the spring forest.
We approach the trays with cereals, and draw the sun with our fingers.

Guys, now it's time for us to return to our kindergarten. Let's cross the river on the bridge. Now let's get on the train. Closed eyes, opened. Here we are in our group.
We helped the animals find their homes. And as a sign of gratitude, they sent us a treat of mushrooms - cookies. You made me happy, well done!


- Children what did we do today? Where have we been? Whom did we help today?

What did they draw? What did you like?

Well done.