Conclusion on the topic of what true friendship is. What is true friendship


On the FIPI website in the section Demos, specifications, codes draft documents defining the content of control measurement materials for the 2020 main state exam in the Russian language, mathematics, literature and other subjects have been published for public and professional discussion.

In the 2020 KIMs in the Russian language, the number of tasks has been changed from 15 to 9, and the primary score for completing the work has also been changed from 39 to 33.

The specifics of the text for presentation have changed (texts of various genres can be offered (travel notes, notes, essays, reviews, diaries, etc.). There are 7 tasks in the test part.

Sample summary

What is friendship? How do they become comrades? You will most often meet friends among people with a common destiny, the same profession, but people engaged in different types of activities can also become friends.

Opposite characters can also be friends. Friendship is equality and similarity, but at the same time inequality and dissimilarity. Friends constantly need each other, but do not always receive equal amounts from their friendship. One gives his experience, helping a helpless comrade, learns his strength, maturity, the other is enriched by experience, finds the other has your ideal. Friendship based on similarity, but manifests itself in difference.

A friend confirms that you are right; talent, lovingly, exposes you in your weaknesses.

(According to V.S. Grossman)

Detailed text

(1)What is friendship? (2) How do they become friends? (3) You will most often meet friends among people with a common destiny, the same profession, and common thoughts. (4) And yet we cannot confidently say that such a community determines friendship, because people of different professions can become friends.

(5) Can two opposite characters be friends? (6) Of course! (7) Friendship - equality and similarity. (8) But at the same time, friendship is inequality and dissimilarity. (9) Friends always need each other, but friends do not always receive equal amounts from friendship. (10) One is friends and gives his experience, the other is enriched by experience in friendship. (11) One, helping a weak, inexperienced, young friend, learns his strength and maturity. (12) Another, weak one, recognizes in a friend his ideal, strength, experience, maturity. (13) So, one gives in friendship, the other rejoices at gifts. (14) Friendship is based on similarities, but manifests itself in differences, contradictions, and dissimilarities.

(15) A friend is one who affirms your rightness, talent, merits. (16) A friend is one who, lovingly, exposes you in your weaknesses, shortcomings and vices.

(According to V.S. Grossman)

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I would like to begin my discussion with the definition of the term friendship. Friendship is a close relationship based on mutual respect, care, and a willingness to share grief and joy. A friend is a person you are always happy to see. A friend is the person you can rely on, who will come to your aid in difficult times.

Seneca also wrote: “Friendship ends where mistrust begins.” Thus, he wanted to show us that friendship is based on immense trust in a person. There are often cases when a person gives his life into the hands of a friend. That's how much trust there can be among friends. After all, a friend is a person who will not betray. But if mistrust arises during a friendly relationship, then the friendship can be terminated. Seneca thought so.

Without true friendship, life becomes harder. Because when hard times come and a person needs support, there will be nowhere to get it from. After all, money can't buy friendship. Cicero wrote: “There is nothing better and more pleasant in the world than friendship: excluding friendship from life is the same as depriving the world of sunlight.” So a friend is another person's light.

It seems to me that every person is capable of friendship. It’s just that some people do not fully possess the qualities that are attributed to an ideal friend. However, we know that there are no ideal friends, just as there are no ideal people. Therefore, people can either be friends all their lives or quarrel, becoming enemies for a long time. Omar Khayyam also wrote that if you offend a friend, you will make an enemy, if you hug an enemy, you will gain a friend.

What is the most important thing in friendship? Of course, the ability to forgive. Understand and forgive very important moments in friendship. Without this, no friendly union will be strong.

In modern society there is an opinion that friendship is like a ghost. Everyone talks about it, but no one has really seen it. In other words, people don't really believe in friendship. But I believe that true friendship exists. I believe that friendship is the most beautiful feeling on Earth. This is a gift to humanity given from above. All ages are submissive to friendship. A friend can be a father and mother, a sister, a grandfather, or a neighbor at school.

Friendship is like family. She is strong and strong, but at the same time very fragile. Friendship is built on trust and the ability to understand and forgive a person.

A true friend is found in trouble. Because in joy everyone wants to be with you, but as soon as bad moments happen in life, then only friends remain with you.

I choose friendship and I am ready to fight for it!

Friendship is a very versatile and complex concept. Every person in the world can give completely different definitions to this word.

People have formed friendships since the beginning of time. When someone is surrounded by his close friends, it seems to him that he is not alone in this world, there is always someone to rely on, who can help in difficult times in word and deed, to listen. Comrades are ready to come to the rescue; they take their side even when they are wrong.

Very often, people confuse the definition of “friendship” with some other type of interpersonal relationship and expect unusual actions and words from others, which often leads to mutual disappointment. It is important to be able to distinguish friendly interaction from all other types of communication. Understanding and realizing what it means will help you not only to be and remain a real, true, devoted friend, but also to adequately evaluate the words and actions of those around you, those whom we call friends.

The essence of friendship

What is friendship? According to the definition given in Ozhegov’s explanatory dictionary, friendship is a relationship of a high degree of intimacy that is based on deep trust, mutual affection, common interests and views. A true comrade is deeply connected with a friend, can always count on mutual assistance, provide support, be faithful, honest in word and deed.

This word always implies a large amount of warmth, a high level of affection, trust and intimacy.

In psychology, friendship is classified as an attraction. This word means “attraction, emotional attraction to another person.” It includes:

  • A person’s need for communication and interaction, which encourages him to choose different partners.
  • Various qualities of a partner that contribute to attraction and interaction.
  • Features of building relationships that encourage further communication, trust, search for meetings and the desire to connect life and destiny with a person.

There are several most popular features of its manifestation:

  • Understanding the sensations, feelings and needs of your comrade.
  • Deep similarity of interests up to the same perception of material objects, such as objects of art.
  • Complete separation of emotional, mental, moral, physical state.
  • The ability to partially or completely replace another person’s psychological assistance, conversation, or simply by touch, bring significant relief from mental pain.

Sometimes empathy can go to such an extreme that people’s attitudes, thoughts and feelings become almost identical. Such perception not only helps to get to know your friend better, but also brings high pleasure from intimacy, the feeling of a kindred spirit in this endless Universe.

What is considered friendship?

The word "friendship" has different meanings for many people. This may depend on how close a person is willing to let people get to him. One is able to call fifty acquaintances real friends, another can count his comrades on the fingers of his hand. The third will say that he is not able to call anyone the word “friend”.

In Ancient Greece, this concept was divided into two, highlighting:

  • friendship, which was based on mutual interests and common goals of the team;
  • the friendship that was called “noble” could arise only between two people as an attachment of high purity.

Today, what is most often mistakenly called friendship is:

  • Communication with friends. However, such people, as a rule, are not trusted with their deepest desires and deepest needs.
  • Expression of solidarity and common interests of the team.
  • Similarities in work or political functioning.
  • Showing sympathy for another person because of her isolation, uniqueness, and manner of standing out. You can call a simply pleasant person the word “friend,” but such connections are, as a rule, very unreliable, since people often change.

In those relationships in which there is no trust, sincerity and love, the concept of “friendship” simply has no place.

Types of friendship

In cases where the level of mutual affection and depth of understanding between comrades is great, the resulting feeling of friendship can be classified according to certain criteria:

  • Creative. Preservation, understanding, acceptance of the personal qualities of another, approval of manifestations of self-expression and fantasy, a fruitful union of two actively self-expressing people.
  • Spiritual. Mutual development of each other. Each is capable of receiving a significant share of the enrichment of his individuality at the expense of the other, complete mutual understanding. They say about such people: “They talk without words.”
  • Everyday. It starts with territorial proximity. People say: “We’ve been friends since school (army, sandbox, university).” Often this interaction is reinforced by mutual reasons to meet. Sometimes this type of friendship can develop at work - people prefer to be friends with representatives of their profession.
  • Family. When entire communities become everyone's friends.

It is important to remember that the one whom we call the word “friend” is always sincere, loving and loved. He doesn't need a barrage of questions after a long separation to understand how the person he's close to is doing. He can express everything that is in his soul now and is able to accept the same confession himself.

A friend is a person who evokes boundless respect and a desire to take care of him. He himself is always ready to help and be there. True friendships are always mutual. They often say: “Friends are the family we choose.”

Every schoolchild should write an essay about friendship. This is one of the simplest tasks that can be assigned to a student. However, even this can cause some difficulties in writing. To make working on an essay on this topic as simple as possible, it is worth giving several relevant examples.

About the structure

An essay on friendship, like any other essay, is structured in accordance with a three-part form. It includes an introduction, main body and conclusion. The second part is the middle of the work, and it should be the largest in volume. In general, the introduction and conclusion should be as brief as possible. They usually occupy 30% of the entire text. The main task of the introduction is to familiarize the reader with the topic and bring him up to date. The main idea will be revealed in the content. And the conclusion usually sums up everything previously said.

By the way, it is best to draw up a preliminary thesis plan. Break it down into several points and write several keywords in each that will help you navigate. Looking at them, the student will remember what else he wanted to write about in his essay. This way you won’t miss a single important thought.


An essay about friendship can be started in different ways. A good option would be the following paragraph: “The word friendship comes up very often in the lives of each of us. Sometimes we say it without even thinking. What meaning does it actually carry? Who can we really call our friend? What qualities should this person have? And can there be several friends? Each of us has asked these questions at least once. And you should know the answer to them.”

This kind of introduction is really considered good. Firstly, it poses several questions at once, which makes the author’s task easier. He doesn't have to think about what to write next in the main part. You just need to give answers to the questions you pose yourself. Secondly, this introduction immediately makes it clear to the reader what will be discussed next, which is also important.

Main part

An essay about friendship must contain statements and evidence. This work teaches students to reason. And this process is usually accompanied by attempts to prove the correctness of one’s opinion. Keeping this principle in mind, you can begin the main part as follows: “Without friendship, life can hardly be called complete. Yes, we can make acquaintances, friends, comrades. But each of us needs a friend. After all, this is the person who can always support you in difficult times. Someone close, who you can trust, and it will be mutual. Anyone for whom your problems will not seem empty will perceive them as their own. With a friend you can not only have fun, have fun and spend time interestingly. You can still tell him about the most secret things, ask for help, advice, and count on understanding. A friend becomes a person whom each of us calls a soul mate. Because it really is. Then, after many years of close communication, it’s even strange to remember that moment of acquaintance, when both were still strangers.”

In this character, you can write an essay “What is friendship?” Writing provides freedom for creativity and thought. You can choose any topic. This could be an essay on the topic “Friendship of Peoples,” for example. No one prevents a student from writing about his own experience. The main thing is that the text has meaning and reflects the topic.


This part should be as short and succinct as the introduction. It might look like this: “Friendship is sacred. Anyone who has a loved one will confirm this. We all need a friend. After all, this is the person you can trust. And real happiness lies in the fact that everyone has someone with whom they want to share their innermost and secret. With whom you can be yourself. And to know that you are accepted and loved this way.”

This could be the ending. In principle, there are various other options for concluding an essay on this topic. The main thing is that after reading it there is no feeling of incompleteness.

Friendship is a relationship between people that anyone can create. Although this is not the same relationship as with a mother, father, sister, brother or any other relative, it is still one of the best relationships a person can have. People who have best friends consider themselves the happiest people on earth.

“Friendship is not a necessity, like philosophy or painting... it lacks the value of survival; it is rather the thing that gives survival value.”. – C. Lewis

Every friend is important, and their importance is recognized in those problems that can only be solved by our friends. No one can feel lonely if he is surrounded by true friends. On the other hand, loneliness reigns in the lives of those who have no friends, despite the billions of people on this planet. It is true what they say: friends are made in adversity.

Friendship is a beautiful relationship in every sense. But before making friends, a person should know that there are differences between real and false friends.

True friends are determined to be by your side, even if there is a dark streak in your life. False friends are unlikely to stand the test when difficulties come knocking at your door. Most of them will turn their backs on you, or team up with your enemies, or go to successful people. We must always try to feel such people. As soon as success and wealth leave you, false friends will pretend not to know you; you will become a stranger to them. As already said, only in a difficult situation will you know who is a real friend and who is not. It is always wise to stay away from such people to maintain your peace of mind.

It is extremely important to be able to make the right choice, especially when you are choosing the social circle with whom you plan to maintain relationships for the rest of your life. Choosing a friend is a difficult task, but not impossible. People prefer to choose friends who are disciplined and punctual. This is important because we adopt the habits of those with whom we interact. If, for example, there are a couple of people in the company who smoke, drink or use drugs, sooner or later we will follow their example. This is the reason why you need to make the right choice when looking for a friend.

True friendship is actually a blessing that only a few enjoy. Those who have best friends should thank God for these true gems in their lives. And those who don't have them must make every effort to find them. A whole company will never replace a true friend who will be there if necessary. You will be happy even in a one-room apartment if you are surrounded by friends, but on the other hand, even the largest home of your own will not bring joy if you are alone.

There may be times when your family is not able to solve all the problems in your life, but you can easily overcome them if you are connected with your friends.

People who are incredibly happy usually have some amazing friends who support them through all the hardships and tribulations of life. If a person does not have a single friend, he feels very bad. Providing true friendship is the key to success in all areas of life. I ask God that everyone will have at least one true friend throughout their life.

To sum it up, we can say that love, the most beautiful feeling on planet Earth, is incomplete if it is not supported by friendship.