Theoretical foundations of environmental education of preschool children. Environmental education of children of senior preschool age in joint activities and in everyday life

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The development of human society is impossible without relationship with the environment, without the use of natural resources, and therefore without influence on nature.

The rapid development of the scientific and technological revolution, the rapid growth of industry, motor transport, chemicalization Agriculture, population growth and urbanization - all these factors have an impact on the environment. The higher the level of development of production forces, the deeper the knowledge of the laws of nature, the more natural resources can serve the interests of humanity, however, quite often changes in nature are negative and necessitate its protection.

The current environmental situation in our country determines the urgent need for the formation of new ecological thinking, “ecolonization” of all sciences, all spheres of human activity.

The development of the environmental education system in Russia is hampered by a number of objective and subjective reasons:

The deep-rooted trends of consumer attitudes towards nature in the consciousness of a significant mass of various segments of the population, the destruction of positive folk traditions various environmental management;

The disastrous and crisis state of the economy and the natural environment;

Lack of effective environmental legislation.

In these conditions, it is necessary to ensure environmental literacy of teaching staff, create an educational and methodological basis for the development of a system of continuous environmental education, which has become actual problem pedagogical theory and practice of educational institutions.

Assessment of the situation in the field of environmental education and training in last years There have been progressive changes in environmental education, namely:

More and more people have become involved in the problem of environmental education in recent years, and progressive changes have emerged in environmental education, namely:

Along with the ecolonization of academic disciplines, specialized environmental subjects are being introduced;

Going qualitative change content of the methodological base and the process of advanced training of specialists in the field of ecology, environmental management and environmental protection.

1. The concepts of “ecological education” and “environmental education”

The main goals of environmental education and training are the development and formation ecological culture personality and society, ecological consciousness and thinking, spiritual experience of human interaction with nature, ensuring his survival and development. All this will contribute to a healthy lifestyle of people, sustainable socio-economic development, environmental safety of Russia and, ultimately, the survival of all humanity.

Environmental education is a continuous process of education, training, self-education and personal development, aimed at developing norms of moral behavior of people.

Environmental education is a process of continuous, systematic and purposeful formation of emotional, moral, humane and careful attitude man to nature and moral and ethical standards of behavior in the environment.

Basic principles of environmental education and training:

Universality and continuity;

Integration (vertical and horizontal) of formal and informal educational and educational cultures;

Humanization, orientation towards the development of a socially active personality, ecological consciousness, thinking and culture.

The structure of the system of universal comprehensive and continuous environmental education and training. It can be represented by the following main interconnected links:

Preschool environmental education in the family and in specialized educational institutions;

Environmental education of mid-level specialists (training in technical schools, higher vocational and pedagogical schools);

Environmental education in higher education, as well as environmental training of teaching and scientific personnel;

Informal environmental education and training, self-education for children and adults.

2. Objectives of environmental education and education of young children preschool age

Environmental education of preschool children is of great importance, since at this age the foundations of an individual’s ecological culture are laid, which is part of spiritual culture. Environmental education of children, therefore, is a purposeful pedagogical process. ecological preschool flora fauna.

The result of environmental education is the ecological culture of the individual. The components of the ecological culture of a preschooler’s personality are knowledge about nature and their environmental orientation, the ability to use them in real life, in behavior, in various activities (in games, work, everyday life).

The main objectives of environmental education and education of preschool children are:

1. Formation of elements of environmental consciousness in children. A child’s mastery of the elements of environmental consciousness is determined by the content and nature (degree of complexity) of knowledge about nature. This should be knowledge of environmental content, reflecting the leading relationships of natural phenomena.

2. Formation of practical skills and abilities in children in a variety of activities in nature; At the same time, children’s activities should have an environmental nature. In the course of real activities in nature (caring for animals and plants in a corner of nature and on a site, participation in environmental work), children master the ability to create conditions for plants and animals that are close to natural, taking into account the needs of living organisms. Important are the skills children master to foresee the consequences of negative actions, behave correctly in nature, and maintain the integrity of individual living organisms and systems. It is the development of practical skills and abilities by children that makes the attitude towards nature not contemplative, but consciously active.

3. Education humane treatment to nature

The attitude towards nature - humane, cognitive, aesthetic - is closely related to the content of the knowledge acquired by the child. Knowledge of environmental content regulates and guides the behavior and activities of children in nature. Special place Knowledge about the laws of nature, accessible to children’s understanding, plays a role in the formation of attitudes towards nature.

The teacher must be able to evoke in children compassion for a living being, a desire to take care of it, joy and admiration from meeting nature, surprise, pride in the right thing to do, the pleasure of a task well completed. It is equally important to teach children to evaluate their actions and the actions of peers and adults in the process of communicating with nature.

The pedagogical process of environmental education requires solving all of the listed problems in unity. The implementation of the tasks of environmental education is possible only under the condition of the teacher’s ecological culture and his readiness to carry out this activity.

4. Methods of working with children of primary preschool age on environmental education and education of children of primary preschool age

environmental education education preschool

Teaching methods are ways joint activities educator and children, during which the formation of knowledge, abilities and skills, as well as attitude to the world around them, is carried out.

In the pedagogical process of kindergarten they use various methods training: visual, practical, verbal. When introducing children to nature, all of these methods are widely used.

TO visual methods include observation, examination of paintings, demonstration of models, films, filmstrips, and transparencies.

Practical methods are games, elementary experiments and modeling.

Verbal methods include stories from the teacher and children, reading works of art about nature, and conversations.

4.1 Observation method in environmental education and education of preschool children

Observation is a specially organized by the teacher, purposeful, more or less long-term and systematic, active perception by children of objects and natural phenomena. The purpose of observation can be the assimilation of various knowledge - the establishment of properties and qualities, the structure and external structure of objects, the reasons for the change and development of objects (plants, animals), seasonal phenomena.

The inclusion of various senses in the observation process ensures the completeness and specificity of the knowledge being formed. Observation must be accompanied by precise speech from the teacher and children so that the acquired knowledge is assimilated.

The observation method in environmental education of children is the main one. The need and significance of its use are associated, first of all, with the nature of the knowledge available to preschool children. The main stock of knowledge accumulated by a child in preschool age is ideas, i.e. images of previously perceived objects and phenomena.

Observation allows you to show children nature in natural conditions in all its diversity, in the simplest, clearly presented relationships.

The systematic use of observation in getting to know nature teaches children to look closely, notice its features and leads to the development of observation, and therefore, the solution of one of the most important tasks of mental education. When conducting observations, the teacher builds his activities taking into account three main stages.

At the first stage, it is necessary for students to gain a general understanding of the object. Children are given time to examine it in detail. Pupils must satisfy their curiosity, find out what it is, and express their attitude towards it.

At the second stage, the teacher, taking into account the age capabilities of the children, uses a variety of techniques to identify the properties, qualities, signs of an object, behavioral characteristics and lifestyle of the animal, the state of the plant, etc., and establishes the necessary connections.

The teacher asks the children questions, makes riddles, offers to examine the object, compare one with another. Work activities, play techniques, as well as poems and excerpts from works of art are widely used. This causes children to have an emotional attitude towards the observed object.

At the third stage, the results of the observation are summed up and the knowledge gained is generalized.

Each subsequent observation must be related to the previous one. Thus, a system of knowledge, skills and abilities of children is formed, and a caring attitude towards natural objects is fostered.

It is important that during observation children behave freely, naturally, so that they can show their attitude towards animals and plants. At the end of the observation, in order to enhance the emotional impression of children from communicating with animals or plants, it is advisable to sing them a song, read a poem related to the topic of observation, or play a game where the corresponding character acts.

4.2 Illustrative and visual material - as a method of working with children of primary preschool age on environmental education and training

Introducing children to nature, the teacher uses a variety of illustrative and visual materials: didactic paintings, reproductions of artistic paintings, photographs, transparencies, models, filmstrips. Illustrative and visual material helps to consolidate and clarify children’s ideas obtained through direct perception of natural phenomena. With its help, you can form knowledge about objects and natural phenomena, which this moment or it is impossible to observe in a given area (for example, wild animals or domestic animals of other climatic zones can only be shown in a picture).

Illustrative and visual material makes it possible to give children an idea of ​​long-term phenomena in nature (for example, the growth and development of plants and animals, seasonal natural phenomena). With the help of illustrative and visual material, it is possible to successfully generalize and systematize children’s knowledge.

These problems are successfully solved using the method of viewing paintings. In the environmental education of children, subject, plot and artistic pictures are used.

The pictures are used by the teacher in all age groups. Examination of paintings should be carried out repeatedly, since it is necessary to ensure the perception of both individual details of the painting and the image as a whole.

The assimilation of “living” knowledge evokes an emotional response in children, which is important for the formation of a careful and caring attitude towards nature.

4.3 Games with ready-made content and rules as a method of working with children of primary preschool age on environmental education and training

Didactic games are games with rules that have ready-made content. In progress didactic games children clarify, consolidate, and expand their existing ideas about objects and natural phenomena, plants, and animals. At the same time, games contribute to the development of memory, attention, observation, teach children to apply existing knowledge in new conditions, activate various mental processes, enrich their vocabulary, and contribute to the development of the ability to play together.

Didactic games can be played with children both collectively and individually, making them more complex taking into account the age of the children.

Based on the nature of the material used, didactic games are divided into subject games, board-printed and verbal.

Object games are games using various natural objects (leaves, seeds, fruits). In object games, children’s ideas about the properties and qualities of certain natural objects are clarified, specified and enriched.

Printed board games are games such as lotto, dominoes, cut and paired pictures. In these games, children’s knowledge about plants, animals, and inanimate natural phenomena is clarified, systematized, and classified. Games are accompanied by a word that either precedes the perception of the picture or is combined with it, and this requires a quick reaction and mobilization of knowledge.

Word games are games whose content is a variety of knowledge that children have and the word itself. Verbal games develop attention, intelligence, speed of reaction, and coherent speech.

Outdoor games of a natural history nature are associated with imitation of the habits of animals and their way of life. By imitating actions, imitating sounds, children consolidate knowledge; The joy gained during the game helps to deepen interest in nature.

Creative games with natural history content. Creative games related to nature are of great importance for the development of children. In them, preschoolers reflect the impressions received during classes and Everyday life. Main Feature creative games: they are organized and carried out on the initiative of the children themselves, who act independently. One type of creative games is construction games with natural materials (sand, snow, clay, cones, etc.). In these games, children learn the properties and qualities of materials and improve their sensory experience.

In each age group conditions must be created for playing with natural materials at all times of the year.

4.4 Simple experiments and experimentation

To ensure that children’s knowledge about nature is conscious, simple experiments are used in kindergarten. An experiment is an observation that is carried out specifically organized conditions. Experiments contribute to the formation of children's cognitive interest in nature, develop observation and mental activity. Experiments are most often carried out in older groups of kindergarten. In the junior and middle groups, the teacher uses only individual search actions.

In kindergarten, experiments are carried out with inanimate objects, plants and animals. Simple experiments can be used in children's games; they can be associated with their work in a corner of nature and in the garden, and be included in classes.

4.5 Simulation

The process of learning about the world around us is not easy for a child. it begins with sensory perception. Modeling is considered as a joint activity of the teacher and children to build models. The purpose of modeling is to ensure that children successfully acquire knowledge about the characteristics of natural objects, their structure, connections and relationships that exist between them.

Modeling is based on the principle of replacing real objects with objects, schematic images, and signs.

The model makes it possible to create an image of the most significant aspects of an object and abstract from the unimportant in this particular case.

Thus, modeling allows us to reveal important features of natural objects and the natural connections that exist in it. On this basis, children form generalized ideas and elementary concepts about nature.

4.6 Teacher’s story about objects and natural phenomena

During classes, excursions and walks, and in everyday communication with children, the teacher uses stories about nature. The main goal of this method is to create in children an accurate, specific idea of ​​an object or natural phenomenon being observed at the moment or previously seen. The story is also used to inform children about new, unknown facts.

The story should attract children's attention, give food for thought, awaken their imagination and feelings. The topic of the story is chosen by the teacher taking into account the content of knowledge determined by the kindergarten program.

A story is a type of creative artistic activity of a teacher, requiring from him certain knowledge about nature, observation, the ability to compare natural phenomena, and reflect on them. It is necessary to tell the story to children with enthusiasm, figuratively, and colorfully. And for this you need to be able to select precise, vivid, figurative words that characterize events. When composing a story, the teacher must take care to include in it not only words known to children, but also new ones that enrich their speech. It is good to accompany the story with illustrations, photographs, slides, etc. This helps children understand its meaning.

4.7 Use of natural history fiction

Reading a work of fiction for preschool children helps the teacher enrich them with knowledge, teach them to look deeper into the world, look for answers to many questions.

Fiction about nature has a deep impact on children's feelings. This helps to cultivate ethical ideas: love and respect for nature.

Children should be taken very seriously and responsibly when choosing a book to read. Children's natural history literature is useful for all age groups. In each age group, the method of using a book about nature has its own specifics.

Reading fiction can accompany observations in nature. This helps children to more fully experience the beauty of nature, as well as the expressiveness and precision of language, and to comprehend what they see.

After reading works of fiction, a conversation is organized about one or more books read. The purpose of the conversation is to help children gain a deeper understanding of natural phenomena, generalize and systematize knowledge about what they have read.

4.8 Conversation as a method of introducing children to nature

The conversation is used by the teacher for various didactic purposes:

To create interest in the upcoming activity (before observation, excursion);

To clarify, deepen, generalize and systematize children’s knowledge about nature.

In each conversation, the problem of developing children's speech is solved. Depending on the didactic goals, conversations about nature are usually divided into the following types: installation, heuristic and final.

An introductory conversation helps the teacher gather the children’s attention, arouse interest in the upcoming activity, update existing experience in order to establish a connection between the knowledge acquired earlier and the upcoming excursion, observation, etc.

Heuristic conversation involves establishing the causes of various natural phenomena using reasoning. Such a conversation is based on the children’s existing knowledge gained during the observation process. It is aimed at deepening knowledge about the relationships that exist in nature, independent decision children's cognitive tasks, speech development - evidence.

The final conversation is used to generalize and systematize children’s knowledge about nature, obtained in the process of observations, games, reading works of art, and work. The final conversation is organized by the teacher starting from the middle group. It is carried out as children accumulate ideas about nature and only if these ideas are mastered by all children. The teacher thinks through what essential features or connections will underlie generalizations of knowledge.

The conversation begins with an analysis of the children’s knowledge about nature. Visual material During the conversation, not only paintings, but also models serve. Pedagogical techniques should ensure the active participation of all children in the conversation, encourage them to think, solve cognitive problems, be independent in forming conclusions, and prove their judgments.

4.9 Child labor in nature

Varied work in nature brings children a lot of joy and contributes to their all-round development. In the process of work, a love for nature and a careful attitude towards it are cultivated. Children develop an interest in labor activity, conscious, responsible attitude towards it. In a team, children learn to work together and help each other. The teacher teaches children to focus on the properties of natural objects to perform labor actions.

Working in nature, children learn in practice the dependence of the condition of plants and animals on the satisfaction of their needs, and learn about the role of man in managing nature. In the process of working in nature, children develop knowledge about plants and animals. Children learn to make connections between conditions, the way of life of an animal in nature and ways to care for it in a corner of nature.

Work in nature contributes to the development of observation, curiosity, and inquisitiveness in children; it arouses in them interest in objects of nature, in human labor, and respect for working people. feasible and interesting job brings them joy, and this is the basis for instilling in the future a desire to work, a sustainable interest in work.

5. Forms of work with children of primary preschool age on environmental education and education of children of primary preschool age

5.1 Classes

Classes are the leading form of organizing work to familiarize children with nature. The teacher conducts classes with the entire group of children at a strictly allotted time. Classes allow the teacher to form knowledge about nature in a system and sequence, taking into account age characteristics children and the natural environment.

Under the guidance of the teacher, children develop a system of elementary knowledge in the classroom and develop basic cognitive processes and abilities. This is an important condition for children to master elementary methods cognitive activity and their development mental activity and independence. The number of classes is determined in the kindergarten program. It increases from group to group. The duration of classes also increases.

There are several types of activities that are fundamentally different from each other. didactic tasks, the logic of construction, the course of organization and implementation.

1. Primary introductory type of classes - during the preschool period, a significant proportion of initial environmental information about different sides the life of nature and human activity in it is transmitted to children precisely in classes of this type. Most often, these classes are devoted to introducing children to species of animals, plants, their living conditions and habitats, which are not represented in the immediate natural environment and cannot be known through observation. The main component of such classes are various demonstration and teaching aids, i.e. clarity that allows children to form clear and correct ideas. Children learn in such classes through looking at pictures and talking. Often their components include reading children's literature, looking at illustrations, viewing filmstrips or slides, and a teacher's story.

2. Generalizing type of classes - systematic work in everyday life to familiarize children with various phenomena and objects of nature in their immediate environment allows them to accumulate a large number of specific knowledge based on sensory examination and perception. Over the course of a number of years, children of younger and middle age become thoroughly acquainted with vegetables, fruits, trees, and seasonal natural phenomena. This allows, in older preschool age, to form generalized ideas about homogeneous objects and natural phenomena, which is what happens in a general-type lesson, when the goal is to identify a number of significant features for a group of familiar objects - and on their basis, a generalized idea is formed.

3. In-depth cognitive type of classes are classes that are built on a variety of specific knowledge acquired by children during observations of natural objects in their immediate environment in everyday life, and in which the teacher supplements the knowledge with new information, deepens it by demonstrating adaptive dependencies, environmental connections in the natural community. In classes of this type, the teacher uses paintings, models, dummies, makes vivid messages, and reads educational literature to preschoolers. On the basis of the same specific sensory knowledge, the teacher can plan classes of an in-depth cognitive type that differ in content.

4. Complex classes are classes that, within the framework of one topic, solve different tasks development of children and are built on different types activities. A complex lesson is a creative activity for the teacher; they can be organized in different ways. In all cases, they effectively and comprehensively develop the child’s personality, and the combination various types activity contributes to easier and faster formation personal attitude to the content contained in the lesson.

5.2 Hiking and excursions

A trip with children of senior preschool age to the immediate natural environment is an interesting and useful pedagogical event. At the same time, various tasks are solved: health, cognitive, moral and aesthetic. A hike is a complex event, primarily in its organization: it is planned, thought through, prepared and carried out by several adults - an ecologist, an physical education, nurse, teacher-methodologist and, of course, group teacher.

The mental development of children on a hike is influenced by various educational activities: observations of natural phenomena. A hike in the forest involves familiarizing preschoolers with the plant community - they need to be shown and named the trees and shrubs that are leading in the forest. The grass cover, the presence of mushrooms and berries depend on them. It is important to introduce children to forest animals, primarily through the various traces of their activity.

Hikes should be organized in different seasons, which allows you to observe the different state of plants and periods of their development.

Only those trips that are properly prepared and organized have health, educational and developmental significance. Such preparation creates a good mood for all participants in the hike, and the event itself leaves a deep emotional mark on every child.

Excursions differ from a hike in the smaller volume of all its parameters: duration of stay in nature, pedagogical tasks to be solved, types of activities, preparation and equipment. They are easier to organize, so they can be carried out more often than hikes.

Excursions are one of the main types of activities and a special form of organizing work to familiarize children with nature, one of the most labor-intensive and complex forms of education. Excursions are conducted outside the preschool. It's a kind of outdoor activity.

The advantage of excursions is that they allow children to become acquainted with objects and natural phenomena in a natural setting. Excursions contribute to the development of observation skills and interest in nature.

It is advisable to conduct natural history excursions to the same places in different times year in order to show children seasonal changes in nature.

5.3 Ecological holidays and leisure activities

The pedagogical meaning of holidays and leisure is to evoke in children a positive emotional response to their “natural” content. Emotions give rise to attitudes and affect the child’s personality as a whole, so holidays and leisure activities should be held regularly, ending the season or any meaningful block with them. The scripts for these events use material that children are familiar with.

Ecological holidays can be dedicated to the seasons, harvests, snow and ice sculptures, and the spring revival of nature. In the summer, holidays dedicated to water and sun, flowers, and health holidays are held.

5.4 Introducing children to nature in everyday life

Observations during classes and excursions are carried out in close connection with work in everyday life. Walks are widely used to introduce children to nature. They make it possible for children to accumulate ideas about such natural phenomena that occur long time. The teacher introduces pupils to the daily changes of nature according to the seasons, organizes various games with natural materials - sand, clay, ice, leaves, etc. Children accumulate sensory experience, cultivate curiosity and observation. Walking gives children joy and pleasure from communicating with nature and helps them feel its beauty. When conducting walks, various forms of organizing children are used (entire group, small subgroups, individually).

Starting from the second junior group, targeted walks are carried out around the site with access beyond its boundaries. Targeted walks Unlike excursions, they are short-term, and a small volume of problems is solved during them. Children get acquainted with the striking natural phenomena of a particular season.


At the stage preschool childhood an initial feeling of the surrounding world develops: the child receives emotional impressions of nature, accumulates ideas about different forms life. Thus, already during this period the fundamental principles of ecological thinking, consciousness, and ecological culture are formed. But only under one condition - if the adults raising the child themselves have an ecological culture: they understand the problems common to all people and are concerned about them, show little man the beautiful world of nature, help the little person, the beautiful world of nature, help establish relationships with him.

Working with children involves cooperation, co-creation between teacher and child and excludes the authoritarian model of teaching. Classes are structured taking into account the child’s visually effective and visually figurative perception of the surrounding world and are aimed at developing environmental knowledge (knowledge about the animal world; knowledge about the plant world; knowledge about inanimate nature; knowledge about the seasons) and an environmentally correct attitude towards natural phenomena and objects.

In general, the research carried out solved the set tasks and confirmed the main provisions, which allows us to draw the following general conclusions. Observation is one of the methods of direct perception. In the process of observation, figurative ideas accumulate, which provide reliable material for the formation of concepts. Observations constantly enrich the child’s consciousness with new knowledge. Observations play important role in environmental education of preschool children. This work examines a number of methods and forms of environmental education for preschoolers, understanding of the planet’s environmental problems, the need to solve them, the values ​​of nature, and ways of human interaction with nature. We also examined the concept and variety of methods and forms of work with children of primary preschool age on environmental education and education of children of primary preschool age, and highlighted that the method is the path to achieving the goal, and the forms of work are specially organized by the teacher, purposeful, more or less less prolonged and systematic, active perception by children of objects of natural phenomena.

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Natalia Pugina
Fundamentals of environmental education for children of primary preschool age

MBOU No. 35 "Baby"


Environmental education is the formation of a consciously correct attitude children to natural objects. This attitude includes intellectual, emotional-aesthetic and effective aspects. They combine organically and make up moral position child, which manifests itself in his behavior. An adult must help the child discover the natural world around him, love it as a common home, equally necessary for everyone who lives in it. This problem can be solved if early age actively introduce the child to the natural world.

The idea of ​​introducing a child to nature and its knowledge has deep roots in educational science. Famous teacher-thinkers Ya. A. Komensky, J. J. Rousseau, I. G. Pestalozzi, F. Frebel, M. Montessori, K. D. Ushinsky, E. I. Tikheyeva and others saw nature as a powerful source of knowledge for the development of the mind and feelings. Thoughts of past teachers on the influence of nature on development children have not lost their relevance to this day.

Relevance of the problem environmental education, its essence and conditions are quite widely presented in the works of P. G. Samorukova, I. S. Freidkin, N. N. Kondratieva, L. S. Ignatkina, S. N. Nikolaeva, E. I. Zolotova, N. A. Ryzhova and others. All these authors convincingly showed that upbringing From early childhood, respect for all living things, awareness of one’s neighborhood and the need to cooperate with the inhabitants of the surrounding nature introduce the child to nature and to its knowledge.

From early childhood, a child explores the world around him and is drawn to the beautiful and bright. The novelty and brightness of early impressions remain for life. Never in the future life will a person have such freshness perception and freshness of feelings, as in early preschool age. Therefore, the task of adults is to help children accumulate the first baggage of vivid, emotional, lively impressions and reliable ideas about nature. If a child knows from childhood that in the world around him, besides himself, his parents and friends, there are also living organisms that breathe and eat just like he does, then he will have formed:

Respect for the environment;

Introduction to different forms life: plants are also living organisms, just like animals;

fundamental principles of ecological culture.

This relationship is possible as a result of using teacher various methods and forms of working with children: cycles of observations and classes, creation and maintenance of a developmental environment for environmental education, games environmental content, etc..

Extremely important for the formation fundamentals of environmental consciousness to awaken the child’s interest in nature, in the life of plants and animals, in the phenomena of inanimate nature. Constant communication of a child with nature gives noticeable healing effect, relieves psychological tension, helps relieve stress and aggressiveness, and sets up a friendly relationship with all living things.

Very important teacher constantly show children your interest in nature, its objects and phenomena, the desire to learn about them; by his behavior the teacher proves that he has not lost the ability to be surprised and rejoice at green grass, a bright flower, a tree, a bird, the sun, wind, snow, etc. Under the influence of the emotions of an adult expressing delight, joy, surprise, sympathy, grief, the child learns in a certain way treat grass, a flower, a broken tree, a hungry animal.

From the first years of a child’s life, adults, through word and deed, form in him an idea of ​​nature as the greatest value, an understanding of it immunity, a sense of responsibility for all living things.

Technology of work environmental education with children from 2-4 years old is full of conversations, games, excursions, observations and work on caring for plants and animals, objects and phenomena of inanimate nature in combination with games, search activities, experiments, reading children's natural history books, using sayings, nursery rhymes, using simulation.

As studies by I. A. Khaidurova, N. I. Vetrova, P. G. Samorukova, S. N. Nikolaeva and others show, knowledge of natural phenomena is possible not only through observation, big role models can play, i.e. an objective, graphic image of an object or natural phenomenon. Modeling is, first of all, the study of any phenomena or processes by constructing and studying models. The peculiarity of modeling is that it makes visible what is hidden from the immediate perception of property, connections, relationships of objects that are essential for understanding facts, phenomena, in the formation of knowledge that is close in content to concepts.

In addition, a visual demonstration allows you to formulate children correct, true friendly attitude to living beings, lays down the elements ecological consciousness and culture. Working with various models allows children to clearly demonstrate the natural connections of natural objects, relationships of a cause-and-effect nature.

For children junior preschool age we can suggest using the “Dry” model (unfortunate) tree”, developed by A. I. Shemshurina. The model helps show children that one of the most important tasks ecology is a certain place of man in the biosphere. The methodology for working with this model allows us to demonstrate the role of humans in nature conservation.

For environmental education, according to S. N. Nikolaeva, a series of graphic images of an object on different stages its transformation. This transformation can be very clearly observed in calendars of observations of natural phenomena. For is a bird watching calendar. Calendar for younger preschoolers filled with cards with images of birds flying to the feeder. Observations are recorded using this method every day. The main content of the calendar is the composition of birds. Entering data into the calendar once every two weeks at the height of winter feeding in youngest group allows children to become well acquainted with the diversity of wintering birds.

A number of researchers (A. R. Luria, N. N. Poddyakov, A. N. Davidchuk, I. S. Freidkin) emphasize special role search activities for mental development preschoolers. In the process of experimentation, the child makes various transformations. At the same time, the object being studied appears before him with a wide variety of properties. It is important that in the process of experimentation the child’s independence develops. In conditions preschool educational institution V environmental Education can be used, as I. S. Freidkin, P. G. Samorukova, L. N. Manevtsova, T. V. Zemtsova and others believe, only elementary experience. According to I. S. Freidkin, preschoolers it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the available age phenomena of inanimate nature, learn to independently examine various objects and make simple transformations with them. With kids younger preschool age find out, which objects sink, which float on water, children lower objects from different materials and different designs, compare the results, examine objects - sand, stone, soil, water, etc. and phenomena - thunderstorm, snowfall, rainbow, etc.

Connecting with the natural world young children is the first initial stage in the system of continuous environmental education. Only through interaction with the family can the problem be solved environmental education for children of primary preschool age. Increasing the pedagogical culture of parents on this issue, care should be taken in the family to create a natural developmental environment: if possible, have a living corner with indoor plants and animals; use a garden, vegetable garden, flower garden at the dacha, near the house; pick up games on a natural history theme, books, toys. Such regular communication with nature will allow the baby to get more vivid impressions and ideas, than the most interesting books, pictures, stories. Of great importance is the atmosphere of love, a humane attitude towards nature in the family, and the disposition of adults towards harmony with the natural world.

Thus, it is important to specifically teach children of primary preschool age admire, rejoice and admire the beauty of the natural world, bring up observation and curiosity, a kind, caring attitude towards natural objects. The process of introducing a small child to nature should be carried out in an interesting way. game form, emotional, cause joy, fun mood, surprise from learning new things and from first successes. All this will help children more easily and better understand the properties, qualities, signs of natural objects, the simplest connections and relationships.


On modern stage In the development of civilization, the most pressing problems are the relationship between man and the environment. Socio-technical progress is accompanied by the transformative influence of man on nature with many negative consequences socio-ecological nature.

Just twenty years ago there was no talk about ecology and environmental education for preschoolers. At present, it has become one of the important areas of preschool pedagogy and is implemented in many preschool institutions in the country. Almost all modern comprehensive, basic programs have sections on environmental education of preschool children; there are a number additional programs. All-Russian, regional, city conferences on environmental issues are held, special courses are taught in pedagogical universities and colleges, in a number preschool institutions environmental educators appeared. It would seem that everything is fine. However, experience shows that not all problems in this area have yet been solved. There are discrepancies in the understanding of the terms “ecology”, “environmental education (education)”, in defining the goals, objectives, content and methodology of environmental education.

In this regard, scientist-teachers dealing with environmental problems at different age stages (A.M. Galeeva, S.N. Glazachev, I.D. Zverev, I.T. Suravegina, V.S. Shilova, etc.), draw attention to the fact that environmental education should become compulsory at all levels of the education system. Great importance is given to preschool education, which lays the foundation environmental development personality. During this period, it is necessary to create conditions for the formation of the principles of ecological culture, consciousness, and an appropriate attitude towards the surrounding nature.

Solving the problems of environmental education for preschoolers is carried out with the direct and obligatory participation of the teacher. It is he who must help the pupils do right choice, ensure the transfer of environmental culture values. It is the teacher who is called upon to lay the foundations for a caring attitude towards nature at this age. The formation of such an attitude among preschoolers is impossible without appropriate training of future system specialists preschool education.

What is ecology?

Ecology emerged as a special branch of science in the 19th century. At that time, it was only a part of zoology and examined the relationships of animals, communities with each other and with the environment. The word “ecology” itself was introduced by the German naturalist Ernst Haeckel. It was defined as the science of the relationships of living organisms with their environment and with each other. Translated from Greek, “ecology” is the science of home, dwelling (“oikos” - house, “logos” - science). Now this direction is called biological, or classical, ecology. Of course, ecology is not an easy science. But in order to understand it and meaningfully work in the field of environmental education, you first need to remember four laws, formulated in popular form by the American scientist Barry Commoner:

· everything is connected to everything;

· everything disappears somewhere;

· everything is worth it (nothing is given for free);

· nature knows best.

As society developed, ecology increasingly acquired social significance and in our century went beyond the scope of the natural sciences. In the mid-twentieth century, ecology became widely known among all people, regardless of their specialty. It has become a science that should help people survive, make their habitat acceptable for existence.

In recent years, new directions in ecology have been rapidly developing - social ecology, which examines the relationship between society and nature, applied ecology, human ecology, video ecology and others. From the problem of “organism - environment”, ecology approached the problem of “man - nature”. It was at this stage of development that we realized the role and need for environmental education, starting from a very early age. The existence of various areas of ecology is also taken into account when selecting the content of environmental education for preschool children. We must not forget about the ideological significance of ecology, and therefore about its connection with all aspects of life - history, culture, geography, etc. At the same time, one should not blur the boundaries of this concept by using it as fashion direction without any reason. Nowadays, the word “ecology” has become extremely popular, and, as a rule, it is used in combination with such not very pleasant words for us as “catastrophe”, “danger”, “crisis”. In addition, this concept has acquired a new meaning, often completely far from its original meaning, in the expressions “ecology of the soul”, “ecology of music”, “ecology of speech”, “ecology of culture”, which I already mentioned above. Of course, each of these terms carries its own meaning, but the word “ecology” is often used only for the sake of fashion and a beautiful sound. Thus, when dealing with the problems of the “ecology of the soul” (that is, problems of morality), teachers touch upon a very important educational aspect - the formation of personality, including the child’s relationship to nature and the surrounding world. But ecology as a science has nothing to do with it. There is no doubt that the moral principle is very important for the environmental education of a child, but this is only one of its aspects, albeit a very significant one. Moreover, not all laws of nature are moral from a human point of view. A person may have excellent moral qualities, but, not knowing the laws of nature, will commit anti-ecological actions. For example, following the laws of human morality, a child, trying to save a chick that has fallen from the nest, takes it in his hands. After this, in most cases the chick dies. Consequently, moral qualities must be combined with basic environmental knowledge; only then will human behavior in relation to nature be environmentally appropriate.

You can often hear the expressions “bad (“good”, “terrible”) ecology.” However, it should be remembered that ecology as a science cannot be bad or good (we are not saying “bad” physics or mathematics). You can only evaluate the environmental situation (normal, bad, dangerous, safe, etc.).

Preschool age is an important stage in the development of human ecological culture. During this period, the foundations of personality are laid, including a positive attitude towards nature and the surrounding world. At this age, the child begins to distinguish himself from the environment, an emotional and value-based attitude to the environment develops, and the foundations of the moral and ecological positions of the individual are formed, which are manifested in the child’s interactions with nature, in the awareness of inseparability with it. Thanks to this, it is possible for children to develop environmental knowledge, norms and rules for interacting with nature, develop empathy for it, and be active in solving some environmental problems. At the same time, the accumulation of knowledge in preschool children is not an end in itself. They are a necessary condition for developing an emotional, moral and effective attitude towards the world.

Kindergarten is the first link in the system of continuous environmental education, so it is no coincidence that teachers are faced with the task of forming the foundations of a culture of rational environmental management among preschoolers.

Fostering a caring attitude towards the natural environment in young children begins in the family and continues to develop in preschool years in kindergarten. In the “Program of Education in Kindergarten”, instilling in preschoolers love and respect for nature is provided for in a special section.

The program puts forward two important tasks:

1) instilling in children a love for their native nature, the ability to perceive and deeply feel its beauty, the ability to treat plants and animals with care;

2) imparting to preschool children basic knowledge about nature and, on this basis, forming in them a number of specific and generalized ideas about the phenomena of living and inanimate nature.

Environmental education is carried out in kindergarten through the entire pedagogical process - in everyday life and in the classroom. In implementing the tasks of environmental education, the natural environment in kindergarten is of great importance. These are corners of nature in all groups, a nature room, a winter garden, a properly designed and cultivated area, providing the opportunity for constant direct communication with nature; organizing systematic observations of natural phenomena and objects, introducing children to regular work. On the site, you can create a special nature area, a natural corner with wild plants, establish a nursery, outline an ecological trail, select an “Aibolit” corner for helping living things, a “Green Pharmacy” corner, make a stream, a swimming pool, etc.

In addition to creating the conditions described above, environmental education requires a unique approach to children. I have developed an ecology program “Friends of Nature”, according to which environmental education is not carried out in isolation, but in connection with moral, aesthetic, and labor education. The developed program is aimed, first of all, at developing a humane attitude towards nature and involves the participation of children in feasible labor to care for plants and animals, as well as their development of norms of behavior in the natural environment and environmental protection skills. The study of material proceeds from age to age according to the principle “from simple to complex.” As children's knowledge and skills improve, the content of activities related to caring for plants and animals becomes more complex.

Program objectives boil down to the following:

2. To instill in preschoolers a humane and valuable attitude towards nature.

3. Cultivate a love for the animal and plant world.

4. To develop children’s environmental knowledge, culture and attitude towards nature.

5. Inform preschoolers about the environmental situation in the city, region, world and its impact on people’s health.

The success of the implementation of this program depends on the close cooperation of preschool teachers, administration and parents.

Teachers' tasks boil down to the following:

1. Create conditions for the formation of elementary biological concepts:

  • introduce the development of life on Earth (talk about the origin, diversity of life forms: microorganisms, plants, animals, their origin, characteristics of life, habitat, etc.);
  • provide the opportunity to master educational material in an accessible form;
  • to form an emotionally positive attitude towards nature.

2. Provide conditions for the development of environmental consciousness:

  • introduce representatives of living and inanimate nature;
  • talk about the relationship and interaction of all natural objects;
  • contribute to the formation of a consciously correct attitude towards planet Earth (our common home) and towards man as a part of nature;
  • introduce the problem of environmental pollution and personal safety rules;
  • promote the development of a careful and responsible attitude towards the environment;
  • create conditions for independent activities to preserve and improve the environment.

Active assistance from the administration of the preschool educational institution and adherence to the sequence of the main stages of work (goal setting, analysis, planning, selection of programs and technologies, practical activities, diagnostics) are the key to the effectiveness of solving the problem of introducing environmental education into the pedagogical process.

Program implementation success is provided with the following pedagogical conditions:

1. Creation of an ecological environment in preschool educational institutions.

2. The teacher’s readiness to implement environmental education for children.

3. Personality-oriented interaction between an adult and a child in the process of mastering the program.

4. Active participation parents in the educational process.

5. Establishment of connections by the teacher with the school, public organizations, and institutions of additional education.

The preschool institution “Golden Fish” has created the following conditions for carrying out environmental work with preschool children:

  • Winter garden with live pets (goldfish, parrots, guinea pig, rabbit);
  • Greenhouse;
  • Summer greenhouse;
  • Nature corners for all age groups.

A feature of environmental education is the great importance of a positive example in the behavior of adults. Therefore, educators not only take this into account themselves, but also pay significant attention to working with parents. Here it is necessary to achieve complete mutual understanding.

Parents must realize that they cannot demand that their child follow any rule of behavior if adults themselves do not always follow it. For example, it is difficult to explain to children that they need to protect nature if the parents do not do this themselves. And the different demands made in kindergarten and at home can cause them confusion, resentment, or even aggression. However, what is possible at home does not necessarily have to be allowed in kindergarten and vice versa. It is necessary to highlight the main things that will require joint efforts from teachers and parents. It is necessary to consider and discuss the results obtained and make a joint decision regarding the final list of vital rules and prohibitions. Having chosen as a sample several techniques for positively regulating children’s behavior, you can reveal them using specific examples.

It is possible to instill in children a positive attitude towards nature only when the parents themselves have an environmental culture. The effect of raising children is largely due to the extent to which environmental values ​​are perceived by adults as vital. A noticeable influence on the upbringing of a child is exerted by the way, level, quality and style of life of the family. Children are very sensitive to what they see around them. They behave like the adults around them. Parents need to realize this. That is why, before starting environmental work with children, I started working with parents.

I work with parents in the form of meetings (general and group) in order to inform parents about working together and encouraging their active participation in it:

  • familiarizing parents with work of preschool educational institution on ecology ( open classes, special exhibitions, videos, etc.);
  • organization various events with the participation of parents (including using their professional experience medical worker, forester, fireman);
  • familiarizing parents with the results of their children’s learning (open classes, various general events, information in corners for parents, etc.);
  • hiking trips into nature, competitions “Dad, Mom, Me - a healthy family,” etc.

At the general parent meeting, parents got acquainted with the subject of ecology, the components of ecological culture, the process of developing environmental knowledge and attitudes towards nature, methods of environmental education of children, listened to a story about how much learning about nature brings to the mind and heart of a child, saw group corners of nature, Winter garden, greenhouse and greenhouse of the kindergarten, which amaze with the variety of exotic plants, an aquarium with huge goldfish, parrots, guinea pig, beautiful bouquets of autumn leaves, ekiban, etc. Testing and questionnaires were conducted among parents. Together with the kindergarten staff and the parents of our students, a plan for working with parents was drawn up.

We advised parents to ask their children more often about how our animals live and what we feed them. Children often bring food for the inhabitants of the living area.

We told parents what simple tasks children in kindergarten perform to care for animals and plants: pour food into the feeder, pour water into the drinking bowl, feed the fish.

The kindergarten annually organizes open days, where parents are invited to see what animals and plants are in the “winter garden.”

Parents were very interested in the literature exhibition “Man and Nature”. An exhibition of methodological literature on keeping animals at home, as well as articles from the magazines “Preschool Education” and “Zozh”, were organized here.

In preschool age, the child’s imagination rapidly develops, which manifests itself especially clearly in play and in the perception of works of art. Parents often forget that the most accessible, most enjoyable and most useful of all pleasures for a child is when interesting books are read aloud to him. This must start in the family. Interest in the book arises long before the start of school and develops very easily. The book plays an important role in the aesthetic education of children. A lot depends on what this first book will be like. It is very important that the books that a child gets acquainted with are accessible to the young reader not only in terms of subject matter and content, but also in the form of presentation. The specificity of literature makes it possible to form a love of nature based on the content of works of art. The works of such writers as V. Bianki, M. Prishvin, K. I. Chukovsky, S. Ya. Marshak, A. L. Barto, S. Mikhalkov and others are suitable for children. The book for children contains a lot of interesting, beautiful, mysterious, because they really want to learn to read, and until they have learned, listen to their elders read.

Children love fairy tales very much. Children of primary preschool age are most interested in fairy tales about animals. Older preschoolers prefer fairy tales.

In early preschool age, children are attracted to light comic poems, nursery rhyme poems, and impossible poems. In order for poems, fairy tales or stories to be perceived by a child with interest and their aesthetic impact to be maximum, it is necessary to use a variety of expressive means of artistic reading: intonation, facial expressions, gestures, but at the same time a sense of proportion must be observed. The task is to introduce the child to the beauty of nature through the depiction of plants and animals.

Seeing how children develop a caring attitude towards all living things, parents readily respond to all requests. They made lightweight, durable equipment for working with children in nature.

At the parent meeting, the principles of environmental education of a child in the family were discussed. Interested parents were invited to join the environmental club “Nature – Love – Beauty”, which operates once a week. The plan for working with parents in the club is reflected on the stand “For you, parents.” Here, throughout the school year, parents are given recommendations, various interesting tests, crosswords, and consultations.

Parents freely attend environmental classes. All this is carried out with the aim of informing parents about joint work, stimulating their active participation in it, etc. Thematic exhibitions of drawings on nature conservation are organized for children and parents.

In addition, a radio lecture was held for radio listeners on radio “Ksenia” of the Khangalassky ulus on the topic: “Love nature and you will be loved,” where listeners were offered a conversation about the fact that every child should be in the fresh air as much as possible - this is absolutely necessary for his health. Small children do not walk alone - they are usually accompanied by their mothers, fathers, and grandmothers. In any case, a walk is a wonderful time when an adult can gradually introduce a child to the secrets of nature - living and inanimate, and talk about the life of a wide variety of plants and animals. This can be done anywhere and at any time of the year - in the courtyard of a city or country house, in a park, in a forest or clearing, near a river, lake or sea.

By introducing a child to the natural world, an adult consciously develops various aspects of his personality, awakens interest and a desire to learn about the natural environment (sphere of intelligence), arouses in the child sympathy for the “hard” independent life of animals, a desire to help them, shows the uniqueness of life in any, even the most weird shape, the need to preserve it, treat it with respect and care (sphere of morality). The child can and should be shown various manifestations of beauty in the natural world: flowering plants, shrubs and trees in autumn dress, chiaroscuro contrasts, landscapes at different times of the year and much, much more. At the same time, an adult must remember that in nature absolutely everything that lives in full (unspoiled, not poisoned, unlimited) conditions is beautiful - this is the sphere of aesthetic feelings, the aesthetic perception of a child.

So, instilling in children a love for nature and the ability to perceive its beauty is one of the important tasks of a kindergarten. In this work, his first assistants should be his parents.

After familiarizing parents with the environmental process and obtaining consent to work with their children, I began environmental education for children according to the original “Friends of Nature” program, which is designed to work with children from 2 to 7 years old. The very name of the program already contains the main idea and goal: to help a child learn to be friends with nature, to let the child understand that nature is our health, our life, without which everything else means nothing.

The long-term work plan of the environmental center “Friends of Nature” was drawn up taking into account the age characteristics of children according to the principle from simple to complex with a developmental component. When drawing up the plan, I relied on the developments of M.D. Makhaneva, I.V. Tsvetkova, L.I. Grekhova, S.N. Nikolaeva and others. The plan is based on the principle of repeatability. Each age group includes the following sections:

  1. Animals, birds and insects.
  2. Vegetable world.
  3. Inanimate nature.
  4. Seasons.
  5. Attitude to the natural world.
  6. Labor in nature.

Ecology classes are held once a week in subgroups (8-12 people), simple and complex. The concept of preschool education aims at the use of non-traditional forms of activities with children (travels to the forest, KVN, “What? Where? When?” “Field of Miracles”, “Ecological Kaleidoscope”, etc.). Interesting are combined and complex classes in which knowledge of nature is combined with artistic activity (speech, music, visual arts).

I use a wide variety of forms and methods of working with children. These are excursions, observations, viewing paintings, classes - conversations of a cognitive and heuristic nature, a variety of role-playing, didactic and educational games, game exercises, experiments and experiments, environmental tests and tasks, video and audio recordings.

Whenever possible, depending on the topic, I include correctional exercises in classes, exercises to relieve emotional and muscle tension (“Flower”, “The Bears Have Recovered”, “North Pole”, etc.). Using different types of classes, in my work on environmental education I give priority to in-depth cognitive and generalizing classes, which are aimed at identifying causal relationships in nature and at forming generalized ideas. Classes with children on experimental activities in the “Nature Laboratory” are very interesting. I ask the children questions: “Which sand is lighter - dry or wet?”, “What sinks in water - stone, sand or wood?”, “What happens to salt, sugar, sand when they are immersed in water?”, “What happens to a lit candle if you cover it with a jar?” etc. After the children answer the questions, we conduct experiments.

A conscious, correct attitude towards nature is based on initial knowledge about living things. Systematic observations show that the difficulties of forming a humane attitude towards living things in nature are a consequence of children’s insufficient knowledge about plants and animals as living organisms. This information should be provided in the form of a system of knowledge about plants and animals, a living organism based on a central connection - the interaction of the organism and the environment. Such a program contains knowledge about the complex essential features living things (the ability to feed, breathe, move, grow, develop, reproduce), its morpho-functional integrity, the specific relationships of plants and animals with their habitat, the peculiarities of existence in an ecosystem (forests, meadows, reservoirs).

In order to activate and consolidate the environmental knowledge acquired in the classroom, together with the music director, we conduct musical and environmental entertainment and holidays (“Priceless and necessary water for everyone”), leisure evenings (“I love the Russian birch tree”), and puppet theaters for children on environmental themes.

Skillful organization of work with children to care for animals in a corner of nature allows us to solve the problem of instilling in children a humane and caring attitude towards the natural world.

Thus, in the work on environmental education of children, it is necessary to use different forms and methods in a complex, and correctly combine them with each other. The choice of methods and the need for their integrated use is determined by the age capabilities of the children, the nature of the educational tasks that the teacher solves.

The effectiveness of solving problems of environmental education depends on their repeated and variable use. They contribute to the formation of clear knowledge in preschoolers about the world around them.

The development of systematized knowledge about plants and animals as living organisms forms the basis of ecological thinking and provides maximum effect mental development of children and their readiness to master environmental knowledge at school.

In preschool institutions, good organization of diagnostic work on environmental education is necessary. Diagnostic work is included in the annual and calendar plans; there are diagnostic programs and conclusions on the analysis of diagnostic results. A psychodiagnostic examination of children is carried out using diagnostics containing game tasks.

To determine the level of development of environmental knowledge of preschoolers, I use control tasks proposed by the candidate of pedagogical sciences O. Solomennikova. Analyzes of diagnostic results allow us to draw the following conclusions:

Firstly, at the present stage, the problem of environmental education of preschool children is relevant, which allows preschool teachers to take a creative approach to solving this problem.

Secondly, an analysis of the indicators of greening the pedagogical process in kindergarten, the results of testing and questioning among teachers and parents, the success of instilling an environmental culture at different age periods of the educational process and at all stages of preschool childhood allows us to conclude that all the work carried out on ecology effective and gives positive results.

Thirdly, children of preschool age have become more literate in the field of ecology, namely: preschoolers have formed a system of knowledge about the environmental problems of our time and ways to solve them, motives, habits, the needs of environmental culture, a healthy lifestyle, the development of a desire for active protection activities environment within the kindergarten, your village.

Thus, it is clear that the work being carried out on the topic “Features of environmental education of preschool children” is effective.

Well, the most important thing in environmental education is the personal conviction of the teacher, his ability to interest the entire team, to awaken in children, educators and parents the desire to love, cherish and protect nature and thereby be a role model for preschoolers.

From the experience of working as a kindergarten teacher

Conditions for environmental education of preschool children

Russians know firsthand about the progressive deterioration in the health of adults and children. This is facilitated by various pollution of the soil, water and air, as a result of which people eat poor-quality foods, drink bad water, and breathe air with a large admixture of exhaust gases. Therefore, scientists define the current situation on Earth as an ecological crisis. And today there is no more relevant, more important task than finding a way out of it.
The growing importance of ecology for modern society necessitates the introduction of this course into the system of preschool education and upbringing in order to develop environmental knowledge and environmental culture among the younger generation. Environmental education is a new direction in preschool pedagogy.
Psychological and pedagogical research of recent decades makes it possible to define and specify the subject, the content of this direction of preschool pedagogy is to connect them with the initial concepts of ecology. In preschool pedagogy, research was carried out on the selection and systematization of natural history knowledge, reflecting the leading patterns of living (I. A. Khaidurova, S. N. Nikolaeva, E. F. Terentyeva, etc.) and non-living (I. S. Freidkin, etc.) nature. In studies devoted to living nature, the leading pattern was chosen to govern the life of any organism, namely the dependence of the existence of plants and animals on external environment. These works marked the beginning of an ecological approach to introducing children to nature. It is the scientific-ecological approach that makes it possible to reorient children’s familiarization with nature to environmental education. Psychologists A. V. Zaporozhets, N. N. Poddyakov, L. A. Venger substantiated the position that preschool children can learn a system of interrelated knowledge that reflects the patterns of one or another area of ​​reality, if this system is accessible visual-figurative thinking, predominant at this age.
The formation of the principles of environmental education is the formation of a consciously correct attitude directly towards nature itself in all its diversity, towards the people who protect and create it, as well as towards the people who create material or
spiritual values. It is also an attitude towards oneself as a part of nature, an understanding of the value of life and health and their dependence on the state of the environment. This is an awareness of your abilities to interact creatively with nature.
A condition for environmental education is the organization of a nature zone in a preschool educational institution. A nature area is a part of the premises and area of ​​a preschool institution in which any animals are kept and which is subject to landscaping. The nature zone includes: group corners of nature, a special room or hall with natural objects, a winter garden, a microfarm, a greenhouse, a nature playground, an ecological trail, green areas on the site. It does not matter how many facilities a kindergarten can create on its territory. Two conditions are important: the presence of such objects and their correct design. Proper organization nature zones presupposes that preschool employees understand two things: an ecological approach to the life of plants and animals and the specifics of the methods of environmental education of children. A characteristic feature of the method of environmental education for preschoolers is the child’s direct contact with objects of nature, live communication with plants and animals, observation and practical activities to care for them, and comprehension of what he saw during the discussion process.
It is necessary to follow an ecological approach to the installation of nature areas in kindergartens. This will allow children to see:
1) the inextricable and most general connection of a living organism with the external environment;
2) morphofunctional adaptability to certain elements of the environment;
3) the emergence of a new organism, its growth, development and conditions that ensure these processes;
4) the specificity of a living organism (plant, animal) and its difference from an object;
5) diversity of living organisms and different ways interaction with the environment.
For the environmental education of preschool children, I organized a system of work in the nature area. The lessons were structured taking into account the child’s visual-effective and visual-figurative perception of the world around him. I conducted cycles of classes in the nature room, on the ecological trail, aimed at developing environmental knowledge (knowledge about the animal world; knowledge about the plant world; knowledge about inanimate nature; knowledge about the seasons) and an environmentally correct attitude towards natural phenomena and objects.
Practical activities of children in a corner of nature were of key importance. Independent and joint work with an adult in a corner of nature: she taught the children to systematically care for the inhabitants of a corner of nature: indoor plants, fish, a parrot. She involved the students in creating a vegetable garden in the window where they grow onions, herbs, and legumes. Children independently conducted experiments on reproduction indoor plants different ways.
On the nature playground, she conducted play exercises in the form of imitative movements and games in which the child had to reproduce familiar images of animals, birds, insects, and trees.
The main tools I used were:
- direct observation not only of nature, but also of human activity;
- a system of games for cognition and classification of objects in the surrounding world; games that promote the formation of the foundations of environmental self-awareness; games to develop sensory perception; games - imitation, games - dramatization, various environmental holidays, entertainment.
One of the most common forms of work on the formation of the beginnings of environmental education were conversations that preceded or completed events with an environmental content.
In a group corner of nature, in a winter garden, on a nature playground, during a walk, in order to awaken ethical and aesthetic feelings for nature in a child, I used the following methodical techniques:
- made it possible to more fully perceive a natural object, to note the color, smell, shape, beauty of a flower, branch, leaf.
- sought to evoke in children a good feeling towards the natural object in question.
- taught to talk to an object of living nature (birch tree, grass, Christmas tree), endowing it with human qualities.
- introduced elements of poetry into observation and children's folklore, talked about man’s kind attitude towards nature, admiring its beauty;
- identified a natural object with a person, encouraged children to address him affectionately. For example, a beautiful birch tree, an ant grass.
- introduced elements of play, encouraging the child to playfully interact with natural objects.
- in the presence of children, she did not allow unseemly behavior towards nature on the part of other people, she condemned their actions with the words: “This is ugly,” “You can’t do that.”
Children need to be instilled with a love of nature from a very early age. Already during this period, the fundamental principles of ecological thinking, consciousness, and ecological culture were formed. The child must understand that man and nature are interconnected, therefore caring for nature is caring for man and his future. And what harms nature harms humans.