Do miracles happen in real life? There are miracles in life!!! How to feel about miracles


There is a place for miracles in the lives of each of us, and sometimes these miracles happen in reality. Sometimes we find information that in such and such a year, in such and such a place and with such and such a person, an unheard of miracle happened and often many of us do not believe in it, since we, as adults, believe that miracles It doesn’t happen, but it’s very in vain. It's logical that we don't believe in what we can't see with our own eyes, but you should believe in at least 10 truly amazing stories that await you further.

Saint Clelia Barbieri

Clelia Barbieri was born in Italy in 1874. She helped found the women's monastic congregation "Little Sisters of the Sorrowful Virgin Mary" and at 23 years old she was a very influential person. Unfortunately, she soon died of leukemia. However, before her death, Clelia told her followers: “Be brave, I am going to heaven, but I will always be with you, I will never leave you.” A year after her death, while the sisters were singing, a high voice filled the church, merging with their voices. Since then, her voice has always echoed them in prayers. They say that Clelia's voice can still be heard within the walls of her church.

Martin de Porres

Martin de Porres was a simple man who worked like all the other poor and sick people of Peru. During his lifetime, many miracles were attributed to him: levitation, magical healing and the ability to be in two places at the same time. For example, in 1956, a cobblestone fell on a man’s leg and crushed the bone. He developed gangrene and was diagnosed with hepatitis. Doctors were going to amputate the leg, but one woman prayed over it all night. The next day, when the bandages were removed, the leg was unrecognizable. Amputation was no longer necessary.

Michael Crow's Heart Failure

At 23, Michael Crow suffered from a condition called acute myocarditis. His heart was functioning at only 10 percent, and this was harming his entire body. A transplant was necessary, otherwise he would not survive. However, doctors categorically ruled out the possibility of a transplant, considering it too risky. An hour after the doctors’ decision, his blood pressure rose, and a little later the left chamber of his heart started working on its own. An MRI scan showed that there was not a single scar on the heart. Now the young man has already been discharged from the hospital and is completely healthy.

19 year coma

In 2007, Jan Grzebski woke up from a 19-year coma to find that Poland was no longer under communist rule and that everyone now had a mobile phone. But the most amazing thing is that he was able to survive such a long coma, because the doctors said that he would live no more than a few years. Ian credits it to his wife, who took care of him all these years and moved his body for several hours a day, thanks to which he avoided bedsores.

Miracle in Lanciano

In the 7th century AD, a monk in the Italian town of Lanciano doubted the doctrine of transubstantiation (the Catholic teaching that the wine and bread of believers are the blood and body of the Lord). One day, when he was reading the words of transubstantiation, the wine and bread actually turned into blood and meat. He told other monks about this, then this blood and meat were placed in a special container and are still a relic among Catholics.

Mysterious voice

In 2005, Lynn Jennifer Groesbeck lost control and her car fell into the river, leaving the road. In the back seat was the young woman's one-and-a-half-year-old daughter. Lynn died instantly, and the girl hung upside down over the icy water, but was still alive. She spent 12 hours like this. Four police officers who arrived at the scene of the accident claim that they heard a distant voice asking for help. Finding the little girl, they rescued her. No one understands how she could survive such an accident.

Church cures cancer

At 57, Greg Thomas learned that he had terminal cancer. He lost his job and was ready to say goodbye to his family, with no hope of getting out. One day he was walking his dog and came across an abandoned church. Not knowing what to do with himself, he decided to restore this church and asked the city for financial assistance in exchange for the fact that he would restore the temple himself. After the church was restored, it turned out that the disease had subsided.

Virgin Mary of Guadalupe

Apparitions of the Virgin Mary have occurred throughout world history; in 1531, she appeared to the Mexican peasant Juan Diego. The Mother of God told him to ask the bishop to build a temple. Diego went to the bishop, but he did not believe him and demanded proof. Then the Virgin Mary told Diego to pick roses from a barren hill and put them in his cloak. Having done so, he took these roses to the bishop, and, unfolding his cloak, he saw there an image of the Virgin Mary. This portrait has survived to this day in excellent condition.

Saint Joseph of Copertino

Saint Joseph of Copertino liked to levitate. They say he defied gravity more than seventy times and had to restrain himself to stay on the ground. Today he is considered the patron saint of aviators.

Incorruptible bodies

Catholics and Greek Orthodox believe that the bodies of some saints do not decompose, or that their decomposition is slowed by divine intervention. Embalmed or mummified bodies cannot be considered incorruptible; those that achieve this status are often put on display.

Find out if there is a miracle in our life on Earth. Here you will find the opinions and comments of other users, whether there are miracles in reality, whether there are miracles in the Catholic faith.


We can answer positively the question of whether there is a miracle in our lives and on earth in general. Even from a psychological point of view. They are just waiting for people to believe themselves and begin to create their own happiness. Anyone can live a life full of joy and simple miracles. To do this, you don’t need to do anything - just feel what brings positive emotions.

Miracles will never happen if you just sit and wait for them. Both science and religion agree on this opinion. Any people can create their own miracles. But blind faith can be destructive for a person. Or the confidence that something will happen by itself if you just wait.

Some scientists say that only 5 percent of people are able to truly believe in miracles and have the so-called “visual vector.” In fact, a lot depends on whether we strive to see miracles ourselves? And do we have enough of this desire?

If we tell ourselves that there are no miracles, we are simply saving ourselves from solving a rather complex and interesting problem. But, taking their existence on faith, we constantly worry about how conclusive and significant this decision is. Many people say that miracles do not violate any laws of nature. And that they are completely natural.

Is there a miracle in our life?

Miracles are found within us and around us. This is definitely known. Whether there are miracles in the Catholic faith and in fact - everyone answers for himself. But many have already found their confirmation.

Sometimes we don't appreciate them and don't notice them. The strength of a person expecting a miracle becomes the main driving element. After all, when we are waiting for something, all our thoughts are focused on it. We seize every opportunity that comes our way. Imperceptibly but surely we are moving towards our dream.

The main thing is the mood to win, the necessary incentive. Without this we will not be able to achieve anything. And without faith. Even Christianity teaches us that it is impossible to have the right to a miracle. We need to do something ourselves, then the necessary events will happen in our lives. Don't be afraid of your dreams. On the contrary, the more concretely we imagine something, the better. That's when the results will be better. Often we unconsciously notice opportunities that allow us to achieve our goals. But they appear all the time. If you really believe in a miracle, and not just wait for it to happen just like that, without any reason or justification. And everyone has their own miracles. The main thing is not to go astray, to go towards the goal.

But a miracle is a miracle, and a miracle is God.
When we are in confusion, then in the midst of confusion
It hits you instantly, by surprise.

B. Pasternak

, and the more they believe,

the more often they happen.

Denis Diderot

A miracle must come from faith, not faith from a miracle.

Nikolai Alexandrovich Berdyaev


What can you write about on the eve of such a holiday!? Yes, of course, oh MIRACLES! Even the most pragmatic, conservative and skeptical people, on the eve of such a holiday, at least a small amount of warmth will form inside, because we were all children, believed in Santa Claus, received gifts...

Well, now, having become adults , do we believe in miracles? Has a miracle happened to you personally? Many people now consider themselves believers, go to church, observe fasts, and probably know that Jesus Christ commanded us: "Be like children." Do we keep this wise commandment? Or have they become ossified and shriveled up in the process of a “hard life?” Then it’s time to throw off this burden, get rid of the negative and oppressive and leave this trash in the old year, and enter the new one with ease and fun! Moreover, adult girls and boys don’t need to ask anyone’s permission, they gave themselves permission and that’s it ! FORWARD! MEET A MIRACLE! Imagine how simple it is!

Miracles happen often in my life, because... I haven't lost my ability in them believe. After all, what is “VE-RA”?! Previously, in pre-Christian times, the word "Faith" had nothing to do with religion. This word was born as an abbreviation of the phrase "Vedat Ra", which meant « possess the Knowledge of the gods» , similar to the god Ra. Here under the term "God" understood Human, having reached a very high level of evolutionary development. Such a person could manipulate space and matter within certain limits corresponding to his current level and acquired skills. Those. word "Faith" actually meant enlightenment of your consciousness by certain knowledge quite a high level and constant movement upward along the path of evolutionary development. And, as is known from the latest achievements of science: we all have high knowledge from the very beginning, it is embedded in us, only we have lost the ability to connect to it, we drown out intuition with logic, we kill common sense with our minds, stuffed with sheer ignorance since childhood, we cannot distinguish TRUTH from DECEPTION ...

Story : I studied at a rural school, the prospects for further education, for those who, like me, studied very well, were as follows: a referral to the Pedagogical Institute or the Agricultural Institute, other universities were inaccessible to us, as the teachers openly told us about, they say, the grade is “5” ”, which they give us, in a city school will be translated into a solid “3”, plus, in our school a foreign language was not taught fully, i.e. the teachers who were sent to our school by September 1, by the end of the year, left for various reasons, despite the fact that our village is located 20 km from a large regional city... And many universities included a foreign language as an entrance exam... And so Once again, while discussing our future in class, the class teacher named UNIVERSITIES: in Moscow you can’t get into MGIMO, but here, probably, it’s the law faculty of the university, there is a competition for up to 20 people for 1 place. And so I was hooked, and I began to say that this is where I would study... And work began with me to dissuade me and convince me that I would “never go there,” in addition to school teachers, relatives got involved, and among them there were people who had made a good career and so they convinced me that everything was already planned there in advance, for several years, who would study there, that I didn’t know life, but would only lose time and achieve nothing, I would wash the floors... but the most, Of course, a compelling argument against which I could not object was that “Well, you won’t pass English!?” It was really serious, but inside myself, I answered this: “I don’t know how, but it will come true anyway.” I did not enter the 1st year and the 2nd, and it was like this: English was the fourth exam, the first was an essay for which I was given a “2” and the admission ended there, to the delight of everyone “who knew and warned” but now the 3rd year has come, exams have begun and what do you think? The English language test for the correspondence department is canceled, it was the only time and in the only department, I realized that this was just for me! I didn’t even understand, but I felt it with my whole being... And I immediately wrote the essay at 4+ (the dean’s office said that + can play a role in a controversial situation), I also passed the other subjects well and entered, and then they offered me to transfer to the full-time department, but I had a very interesting job, so I had no desire arose. I never subsequently found out the reasons why English was canceled, I’m still not interested in this, as they say in one of my favorite films, “Journey of the Unicorn”: “When it comes to magic, you shouldn’t ask unnecessary questions.” THIS IS HOW FAITH WORKS! And it is FAITH that precedes MIRACLE, and not vice versa!

FAITH is a beautiful, shining crystal bridge that goes from a person’s DESIRE to the SOURCE all possibilities. Doubts are the stones that break this bridge! If a person manages to maintain FAITH (LIGHT in the head!), and not allow all kinds of “stones” to break it, then any desire will come true, in spite of everything, God, as you know, has many ways and his ways are inscrutable...

To our great regret, we all once fell into a trap a long time ago and still cannot get out of it... And this trap is very cunning, it is not immediately recognizable... That's what it's about!

Our family and friends, of course, wish us well and only good things, they believe that they know life better than us (just like we ourselves, having matured, we think the same way in relation to their children), they impose their experience on us and make a choice for us, motivating that “your dreams are stupid, you won’t make money from it, or: you can’t do it, let’s go “here”, You’ll be full all your life and grateful to me.” Right? And as a result: the young man gets this very “well-fed” life, but along with it a lot of complexes and disappointments, because... He didn’t realize his God-given gift!? I don’t know what percentage, but I personally know many people who hate their job, but believe that it’s too late to change anything, and if it were up to them, they would never choose it...

Looking for these easiest paths, a Person becomes spineless, weak-willed, characterless, joining the ranks of the “gray faceless mass” hiding behind the word “we”; such a Person will never say: “I am responsible for this,” but always: “... and what could I do? We are …". Answer with your hand on your heart: Are you happy with everything? Are your profession and job responsibilities the embodiment of your dreams?

Story: This spring I met a woman, LYUDMILA (Dear People) her name is, she recently retired and took up her favorite thing: growing different seedlings, but she gives special preference to tomatoes, loves to look at these fruits and admire... So she told me, that she worked all her life as an accountant, then as a chief accountant, several times she seriously wanted to leave her job, but her husband did not allow it, he was afraid to be left without money, he recently died of illness... but she has a great passion since childhood for growing various plants, in her the office had a whole garden - her outlet, like a free moment, she was already digging and watering, and when she left, the girls, her co-workers, brought her almost all the pots and tubs, because... there was nothing they could do, the plants were drying up and that was it... And here she was in the garden from morning till night, setting up small greenhouses and growing seedlings there from her own seeds, everyone was wondering how her back didn’t hurt, but she answered that she had a back She was sick and very sick when she was an accountant, but now she can’t get sick. “I have a small house, he says, but a big garden, my husband insisted on building a 2- or 3-story house, but I insisted that one floor would be enough, because I have to clean there, but I mostly clean the garden, and the children have their own houses...” So, we went to her later to get seedlings; there are simply too many varieties of tomatoes to count, so for each variety she can tell you endlessly how to add salt: you need to add sugar to these, to these you must add half a bell pepper, to these... We planted the seedlings in our garden and witnessed the present MIRACLE! Firstly, every single sprout began to sprout, secondly, they grew by leaps and bounds and grew into tall bushes with an unprecedented harvest, from a small plot we collected 4-5 buckets of tomatoes every other day, and then there were aphids from neighbors in the area I ate tomatoes and cucumbers... and our tomatoes were like a spell, so we distributed them to our neighbors: some had two buckets, and this continued until mid-October, autumn this year was good, dry and sunny. Can you imagine!? All the neighbors have already completely cleaned up their gardens, burned the dry tops, but our tomatoes are ripening! Several boxes were laid in green and until the end of November they all ripened with us... We, as they say, also live on earth all our lives, but this didn’t happen, somehow everything was normal... Apparently Lyudmila puts so much Love into her business that it’s just like that everything happens! See what kind of diamond has our agriculture lost!?

It turns out that while wishing us good, our close people, at the same time, direct us along the wrong path, which completely deprives a person of the opportunity to develop his own Strength, show talent, achieve what he wants and generally live a bright, interesting life... and, as a result, a HAPPY one. ! An easy path and good earnings do not always lead to happiness. Sweet is the fruit that you got through hard work. I will never agree with those who believe that “it’s too late now” Yes, it's never too late, even if you are 80 years old! Break stereotypes and do what you like, right now you are your own boss! If Mikhail Lomonosov had not left his house at night, and even in the cold, can you imagine what kind of diamond our entire science and culture as a whole would have lost!?

Maybe someone knows better than us and has more experience, but for us it’s ANOTHER’S EXPERIENCE, ANOTHER’S PATH AND ANOTHER’S LIFE! If someone eats your lunch, you will not become full, even if they do it for you: whoever eats is full, right!? Only, having found his path in life, does a Man open up, his eyes begin to shine, it is about such people that they say: “Doctor from God! Teacher from God...etc.” And only FAITH helps a Man in this!

But the fact is that we are not taught this, the most unpleasant thing is that today something completely different is presented as FAITH. Today this means thoughtless, fanatical belief into something unexplained, poorly formulated, deceitful and extremely harmful - into religion! In fact, the church is imposing on people a worldview that is more typical not a Homo sapiens, but a weak-willed creature. I do not at all want to offend the feelings of people who attend church. But the Truth, it must be revealed sooner or later. And the fact that the church does not contribute to the evolutionary development of man is a fact! And it contributes to the evolutionary development of man knowledge of God! And it starts with knowing yourself! " MAN KNOW YOURSELF- written on the ancient temple.

And how bright our life would become if we learned we BELIEVE for real, right?! And believe me, just New Year's Eve is the best time, because... a person’s energy level increases, a state of joy, a heightened sense of feeling, a feeling... what if?!

Story: Marina, my friend, could not leave the city where she was for work to celebrate the New Year at home because... the money was not transferred to her (for an objective reason, it was not in the account of the organization in which she worked), there were times of non-payments everywhere. And tomorrow, December 30, and she couldn’t buy a ticket and was going to her temporary home, on the way she was stopped by a man who had been a little drunk and asked for money “for bread.” Marina opened her wallet, and there were only 100 rubles, she looked at them and says to the man: “Here, take this.” The man apparently also noticed that this was the only bill in her wallet, and it seemed that he felt uncomfortable taking it, but Marina added: “These 100 rubles still don’t do any good for me, I can’t go home, so take it, even if It will benefit you! She came home, it was getting dark, and therefore the possibilities of her departure were fading... When suddenly there was a knock on the door, she opened it, and on the threshold was a woman whom Marina helped in resolving her issue, absolutely disinterestedly, but this woman came and said that she wanted to thank Marina for the time spent, and besides, the help turned out to be effective, she received her pension today, she stood in line for a long time and was afraid of being late, she didn’t know exactly when Marina was leaving... “even if it’s not much, but it’s from the Soul, for the help...”. Marina accepted with gratitude, she already had a quarter of the ticket... And 30 minutes later there was a knock on the door again, and the time was already about 10 p.m. A man from the management of their company stood on the threshold and said the following: “I just found out that you are leaving, you know, I want to ask you: 3 years ago I purchased a plot of land in your area, but I have never paid tax, the deadline is already 3 years, you never know... I wrote everything here, I don’t know the amount, but I brought it so that it’s sure to be enough, please pay and hand over the receipts...” Marina was happy; she celebrated the New Year at home. And the amount she received to pay the tax was ten times more, but that was exactly what Marina needed to leave. Of course, she fulfilled the order and returned the change along with the receipts... Isn't it a miracle?! The most real! When it seems that there are no chances... besides, it turned out that this Man has a lot of acquaintances in her city and one of them was very surprised why N. didn’t turn to him?!

Let's remember our miracles, tell about them more often, especially to children, develop and strengthen our FAITH, strive for the truth, be guided by our inner knowledge, it will not let you down! And the main secret that promotes miracles: we ourselves become a SOURCE OF MIRACLES for other people, people of very different backgrounds live next to us (lonely elderly people, low-income families with children, etc.), we congratulate them, give gifts, sometimes a small chocolate can warm Soul to man, let's be generous, everything always comes back...

I wish everyone many, many miracles! HAPPY NEW WONDERFUL YEAR TO YOU!!!

For miracles!!!

My toast to sometimes
There have been miracles in the world,
And we laughed like children
And they always believed in miracles...


What is a miracle? Where can we meet him? How important is a miracle in the life of a Christian? We are talking about this with priest Alexy Uminsky.

The question about is a very important question. The most important miracle occurs when a person can manifest himself to God. Then miracles happen - gradually and imperceptibly.

You cannot count on a miracle, miracles do not happen with the wave of a magic wand, this is a magical idea of ​​a miracle. A miracle is when a living God meets a living person.

Of course, we understand and rejoice that our lives are open to miracles. As it is sung in one church hymn: “The rules of nature are conquered...” (“The rules of nature are conquered in You, O pure Virgin, for the Nativity is virgin and the life is betrothed,” - church hymn for (canon 9 of the canon)). After all, the laws of nature are the laws of the fallen world. Whatever you throw up, it will definitely fall down.

If you grab a bare wire, you will definitely get an electric shock. Physical laws talk about dying, except maybe the Second Z Law of Thermodynamics. These laws say that everything that has a beginning will have an end. If the energy was very bright at the beginning, then it will become scarce and end. There is no such thing as a perpetual motion machine. These are the laws that a person cannot overcome. And when God’s mercy bursts into our lives and it turns out that where God is, the laws of this world cease to work, and the manifestation of God’s love and mercy takes the place of physical laws. Of course, this is an absolutely wonderful miracle.

Now many books about famous priests and saints contain living testimonies of real miracles. Take, for example, books about Theodosius of the Caucasus. An attitude towards a miracle is being formed, as some kind of magical act - I went to the saint’s grave, took some earth, put it under the sick person’s pillow and that’s it! - wait for healing!

Without any doubt, a person can receive a miracle from God, but does he have the right to this? Of course not. It is impossible to have the right to a miracle. At all times, the Lord, in His mercy, expanded the boundaries of our time and entered into our lives, revealing His infinite power of mercy - He healed, resurrected, gave consolation, gave a person the opportunity to bear his cross with special miraculous phenomena that were exceptional. And in our people’s heads it has become a rule that this is how it should be. That the saints should work for us, and their direct duty, lying with their holy relics here on earth, is to act at our request, at our request.

When we turn to the saints for help in prayer, this happens in the same way as we turn to acquaintances and friends in difficult life circumstances, but this does not mean that the saints should work for us, that it is their direct responsibility to rest with holy relics here on earth , act on our requests, at our request. Often people do not understand that when receiving help from St. Nicholas, Blessed Matrona, or other saints, one must not only bow in gratitude and light a candle. Still, they are for us a rule of faith and an image of meekness. Gratitude for a miracle is the imitation of their life, in some, even a small repetition of their feat. The saints give us miracles so that we, receiving help from them, become like them in our lives. But, unfortunately, people do not understand or feel this at all.

A huge number of people come to - thousands, tens of thousands of people every day, and many of them do not even know that they need to go to church, confess, and receive communion. And for some reason, it doesn’t occur to anyone in the monastery, which has colossal income from visitors, to print for free a certain number of Gospels, for example, or a certain number of affordable good missionary brochures to distribute into the hands of every person, explaining how he must relate to the miracle, what he should do first, how he should come to the temple, how he should confess.

We talk all the time about missionary work, about the need to go to people, to go outside the church, outside the church fence, that we need to preach in stadiums... But here you don’t have to go anywhere, people themselves go in crowds to the church fence. But the consciousness of most of these people is not at all ecclesiastical; the idea of ​​miracles is magical, which they convey to each other in these queues.

For example, for a miracle to happen, you need to approach the relics of Matrona three times, or take holy water in seven different temples. And the fact that holy water relates only to the church, to the holiness of the church, to the structure of spiritual life, that it is inseparable from the church, no one wants to hear, but no one wants to talk about it either.

This year, for the first time, at the distribution of Epiphany water, which people also regard as miraculous water, with the blessing of Patriarch Kirill, who, Thank God, is thinking about this, everyone was given a special leaflet in which it is written what holy water is and what is right attitude towards her. And I am sure that even this small leaflet had its correct, good effect. In the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, people stand for days to venerate the holy relics, and how it would seem simple to help these people is to distribute popular brochures explaining the foundations of our Orthodox faith. At the same time, sectarians pass by, hand out their literature, people excommunicated from the church for their unchurch behavior pass by, say, followers of Diomede, hand out the banned newspaper “The Spirit of a Christian,” etc.. And the Orthodox Church remains silent. It is enough that people come to light a candle.

This always remains a huge question for me - where is the miracle then? People come, bow, leave their penny in the temple, leave, but remain the same! A real miracle will happen if they leave the church as changed people, if after this they come to confession, if they organize their spiritual life based on the Gospel word. Then a real miracle will happen, and everything else is some kind of magical perception. A lot of magical ideas about miracles develop in the heads not only of people who are far from the church, but also of people who seem to live a church life.

Many parents hope for a miracle that grace will visit their child in church and he will be able to know God.

Oh, the hope of parents that some kind of grace will visit someone besides them and do everything for them... This is such a lie! This is the desire of parents to live in the illusion that now we will put the child under grace, and he will be all illuminated.

When parents rely only on a miracle in raising their children, they will lose one hundred percent. Forcing God to act according to our wishes is impossible. This will never happen. In itself, this is not a magical effect. This is communication with the living God. There is no concept of grace in itself. Grace is an action of God. God's action is always a response to human action. And there is no other way.

But what about the prayer for children: “Lord, send down grace...”?

Yes, but not like the rain that will fall on our children. Yes, we pray, we call on God. God answers our prayer.

You can count on some kind of miracle and even receive it in response to your fervent prayer. Take this miracle with you, put it in your pocket and continue to live the same life. Where is the miracle? In what case did the miracle happen? Where a person became different, or where a person received a big, big gift from God, truly a miracle, and remained the same?

Often people want their sorrows to stop and life to go on as usual. It happens that people who come to the relics, who stand for long hours to touch the shrine, do not understand at all what is happening and what, in fact, the miracle requires from a person in response.

It is indeed a very big responsibility to receive a gift from God and become a participant in a miracle. An amazing gift and a huge responsibility. In response to your request, God gives you a miracle, and you take it into your pocket and leave as if nothing had happened. God is probably waiting for something after this? It happened that people into whose lives God entered through a miracle, after that they abandoned everything and went into the desert. And they devoted their whole life to being with God.

“We ask for relief from suffering, otherwise we will not be able to withstand the sorrows.”

A man asks for health from someone who has been tortured, tortured with terrible, terrible torture. A person wants someone who has suffered so much to stand up for him. When we turn to Saint Panteleimon, we, too, must be courageous in our suffering, in our faith, firm, that there is God’s discretion for each of us and God’s will for each of us. This is a sober attitude towards what we ask for, what words we use, and what will happen next. Are we ready to live with this miracle to the end?

Unfortunately, our human consciousness is not configured to recognize God present in our lives, not only when we feel good, but also when we feel bad. The external circumstances that happen to us are also the presence of God in our lives - sorrows, sorrows, what burdens our lives, what we call our cross. Many people, by the way, come to know God not in miracles of healings or fortunate coincidences of circumstances, but come to know God precisely in sorrows. And for them it is also a miracle. Although grief can be so powerful that, like a sword, it can cut a person and crush him. And Christians, real Christians, in sorrows can see God very close, very, very close to them. And through this, a person’s life can change, truly change deeply.

I read this story on another site, posted by a girl

If only 2 years ago someone had told me a similar story, I wouldn’t have believed it! A healthy dose of cynicism and doubt would make one argue and look for elements of fiction, or even outright lies, in the story. And if this hadn’t happened to my own sister, I probably wouldn’t have believed it either!
And now, actually, the story!
This story began on New Year’s Day, on January 1, 2009, the whole family and I were visiting my older sister Katya. At that time she had two children - the eldest Sashenka (now she is 7 years old) and Maksimka (4 years old). As usual, we had a good time at the festive table. My sister taught me and our mother to drink tequila))) we drank, got drunk and went home. February 7 is my daughter’s birthday, Katyukha and her children arrived. I see that she has gained a little weight, and our girl is thin, loud, and she immediately lost an extra couple of kilos. I ask - Katya, what are you doing? She answers - yes, it’s winter, I eat without measure, so I decided - I need to lose weight, I’m working on my abs, I don’t eat after 18.00, I’ll be back to normal by spring. We talked and forgot.
On February 25, we met Katyukha on a sad occasion - at her aunt’s funeral. I look, and Katya has a really big belly. Well, this was not the event to find out what was going on. The next day at lunchtime I ran to her. I ask - Katya, what are you doing, such a belly has grown in 2 weeks! Maybe you're pregnant?
She sits, all upset - Yulia, what a pregnancy, I carried two and gave birth, shouldn’t I know how this happens? but here my back doesn’t hurt, my breasts haven’t enlarged, my periods are like clockwork, and I only cauterized the erosion in the fall, there was nothing. And if it were, the child would already be moving! And it’s as quiet as a tank!
In general, she decided to go to the doctor. And to which one? By the way, on the female side we often have all sorts of bad things - my grandmother and aunt had breast cancer, my mother had fibroids... in general, heredity sucks. Suspicion of cancer. Well, what else could grow in your stomach in 3 weeks? It wasn’t there and BAM – it is! tumor? We hoped that it was at least benign. In short, the only way out is ultrasound. Before this, a difficult conversation with my sister. I am her daughter’s godmother, she is mine. Here's Katyukha to me, almost through tears - Yulia, don't abandon my children...
Can you even imagine how we all felt at this time? A young woman, 29 years old, was about to die, two small children, a husband, a dog, a cat...
In general, Katya went for an ultrasound with her mother-in-law and children. But my mother and I can’t find a place for ourselves at home.
Then Katka tells me - I’m lying on the couch, the doctor is moving over my stomach, and I look at the monitor and don’t believe it, although I already see what’s there! and then the doctor says, “Girl, what a tumor this is! You’re 32 weeks pregnant, and it’s not moving, but the fetus is just big, it’s a boy!” Katyukha almost passed out right on the same couch. She went out into the corridor, sobbing. At first she said not to tell anyone, she might have to do something, interrupt it, there might be deviations or deformities... after all, she drank alcohol, and medications, and carried weights, and the same erosion... in general, in complete shock, we went to the Maternity Center and childhood for an extended ultrasound. The result is that the baby is absolutely healthy - the brain is in place, the heart is normal, all the fingers are present... Katya is in shock, my mother and I are crying with happiness! The deadline is April 8. By the way, Katyukha herself was born on April 3, Maksik on the 6th, and Sashulya on the 19th)))) we are waiting for an Aries again!
On March 15 in the morning I called my sister - how are you? she says, her stomach hurts a lot, maybe I’m giving birth, but it seems early. It was probably 10:30 somewhere. At 12.30 her mother-in-law calls - we have a boy! Nikita! Emergency birth, while the ambulance arrived, full dilatation, pushing, we barely got to the maternity hospital, we were going to stop and deliver the baby on the side of the road! Five minutes in the delivery room and here he is – Nikitos!)))) Weight 3900, height 54 cm!
For another six months, Katya’s husband’s ICQ status was “shocked”)))).
So our little boy, my godson, didn’t ask anyone, wanted to be born and was born! Our miracle is wonderful!