Summary of joint activities with older children in kindergarten. Summary of the joint activities of the teacher with children in the senior group as part of the week of tolerance Material and equipment

To mom

Description of material: I bring to your attention a summary of joint educational activities in the senior group (5-6 years old) on the topic: “Porridge is our mother.” This material will be useful to teachers of the senior group of kindergarten. This is a summary of an educational lesson aimed at expanding children's knowledge about cereals and developing curiosity in older preschoolers.

Lesson summary for the senior group “Porridge is our mother”

(summary of joint educational activities in the senior group)

Educational area: Cognition

Target: Deepen understanding of the properties, qualities of cereal crops. To form children's idea of ​​porridge as a healthy breakfast product. Cultivate interest in objects in your immediate environment.


1. Communication: develop oral speech, free communication with adults and children; stimulate children's own expressions.

2. Socialization: development of children's play activities.

3. Safety: develop caution and prudence during outdoor games.

4. Cognition: expanding the horizons of children,

5. Physical culture: to create the need for physical activity and physical improvement.

6. Health: maintaining and strengthening physical health, developing coordination of speech with movement, preventing correct posture while working at a desk.

Progress of joint educational activities

Guys, guests came to our group, let's say hello to them.

Good morning to you, good morning to us, good morning to everyone.

We welcome everyone who has found the time.

And he came to our friendly group!

Summer is already knocking on the window,

And in our group it’s warm and light!

And for you guys, I have prepared a riddle. Whoever guesses it will find out the topic of our conversation. Listen carefully. Whoever knows the answer raises his hand.

Cereals are poured into a pan

Fill with cold water

Put it on the stove to cook

And what can happen here? (porridge)

Well done guys - this is a mess. Today we will talk about porridge.

1. Since ancient times, porridge has occupied the main place on the table of both rich and poor people.

2. Porridge - means a food made from cereals, cooked in water or milk.

3. Porridge is a healthy food that will help you become healthy and strong. That's why they said about her: Porridge is our mother.

4. Porridge is a favorite food among Russian people. It was used both on weekdays and on holidays. Not a single feast was complete without porridge. Even at royal feasts, porridge occupied a place of honor.

5. In the old days in Rus' there was even a porridge holiday on June 26th. On this day, they decorated houses with bouquets of buckwheat and asked Saint Akulina to give a rich harvest.

6. Russian princes had a custom - to cook porridge as a sign of reconciliation with the enemy. Without porridge, the peace treaty was considered invalid. Since then they say about intractable people: “You can’t cook porridge with him.”

Guys, what do you think, in order to cook porridge, what is needed for this? (first you need to grow the grain, process it into cereal, and then cook the porridge).

Let's imagine that we planted grain in a field. Come to the table, there are cut pictures of different colors on it. Take one picture each and go to the corresponding table. Collect a picture and say what plant grew in your field.

Guys, tell me, what cereal plant grew in your field? (oats, wheat, rice, buckwheat).

What other cereal plants are grown in the field? (millet, barley, corn, rye).

We have grown cereal plants, and now you need to match your plants with the appropriate grain (children match the plants with the grain).

And now you need to match your grain with cereals (children match grains with cereals).

Guys, what kind of porridge can be cooked from your cereal? From rice (rice), from buckwheat (buckwheat), from oats (oatmeal or oatmeal), from wheat (wheat, semolina). What other porridges do you know? (barley, corn, friendship porridge).

Didactic game “Where, what cereal?”

Children, by touch through the fabric, identify the types of cereals presented (corn, sunflower seeds, rice, peas, millet, semolina).

Guys, now let's play a game of attention. I will name the products, you will say “Yes” to the necessary products for making porridge, and “No” to those that are not used for preparing porridge.

Magpie - white-sided

I decided to cook porridge,

To feed the children.

I went to the market

And this is what I took:

Fresh milk... (Yes)

Chicken egg... (No)

Semolina... (Yes)

Head cabbage... (No)

Pickled cucumber... (No)

Jellied meat... (No)

Sugar and salt... (Yes)

White beans... (No)

Ghee... (Yes)

Salted fish... (No)

Bay leaf... (No)

Prunes and raisins... (Yes)

Bell pepper... (No)

Strawberry jam... (Yes)

Biscuit cookies... (No)

Well done boys! And now I invite you to play the game “Cooking Porridge”. Make a circle. This is a pot. And I will name the products, as soon as you hear the name of your product, go inside the circle. But first, let’s remember what products are needed for cooking porridge. (milk, salt, sugar, cereal, butter).

One two Three,

Cook our pot of porridge!

We will be attentive

Let's not forget anything!

Pour milk...

We will be attentive

Let's not forget anything!

Sprinkle salt...

We will be attentive

Let's not forget anything!

Sprinkle sugar...

We will be attentive

Let's not forget anything!

Pour in the cereal...

We will be attentive

Let's not forget anything!

All products were placed.

The porridge is being cooked: “Puff-puff!” -

For friends and family.

And now everyone is one after another

Let's stir the porridge around!

And let's try ours

Cooked porridge together!

Let's eat it together

We'll treat everyone to porridge.

After all, it was cooking: “Puff-puff!” -

For friends and family."

So our porridge is cooked, try how it turned out? (tasty, sweet, salty, liquid, thick, viscous).

What is your favorite porridge?

How is porridge useful? (Each porridge is tasty and healthy in its own way, it contains many vitamins that are beneficial for the health and growth of children).

Porridge is strength, porridge is mind.

Eat porridge for breakfast

And grow big.

Do you know how to make porridge tastier? (add butter, jam, nuts, raisins, strawberries).

Guys, what proverbs about porridge do you know?

1. Russian porridge is our mother.

2. You can’t spoil porridge with oil.

3. What kind of lunch is there if there is no porridge?

4. Cabbage soup and porridge are our food.

5. Cabbage soup and porridge are our strength.

6. The porridge is good, but the bowl is small.

7. If you don’t forget about the porridge, you will be healthy.

Well done boys! This concludes our lesson. In the next lesson I will tell you how porridge was prepared in the old days. Thanks to all.

Organization: MBDOU D/s No. 29 “Alyonushka”

Locality: Perm region, Tchaikovsky

“People who have learned... from observations and experiments,

acquire the ability to ask questions themselves

and get factual answers to them,

finding yourself on a higher mental level

and moral level in comparison with those

who didn’t go through such school.”

K. E. Timiryazev

Currently, the country is actively undergoing a process of qualitative renewal of education, its cultural, developmental, and personal potential is strengthening. Various forms of children's activities are actively being introduced into the educational process. Here we cannot fail to mention the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education. Preschool education is aimed at supporting children's initiative in various activities. One of these is cognitive-research activity (studying objects in the surrounding world and experimenting with them).

Research is of great interest to children and provides them with the opportunity to find answers to the questions “how?” and why?". Creativity in experimentation determines the creation of new manifestations of the child’s abilities. When a child hears, sees, and does things with his own hands, then everything is learned firmly and for a long time. The teacher only needs to create optimal conditions for independent experimentation and search activity of preschoolers. This is the basis for the active introduction of children's experimentation into the practice of kindergarten work.

The article is aimed at introducing preschoolers to the properties of water and developing skills in conducting laboratory experiments.

In the course of organizing joint cognitive and research activities, program objectives of educational areas are successfully integrated: cognitive, speech, social-communicative, artistic-aesthetic, physical development.

Target: development of research abilities in children 5–6 years old.



Expand children's knowledge about water, its properties (liquid, colorless, odorless, tasteless), forms and types (springs, rivers, seas, lakes, oceans, etc.);

To form ideas about the benefits of water for humans and living organisms.


Develop coherent, grammatically correct speech of children in the process of joint activities;

Develop mental and thinking abilities (analysis, comparison, generalization);

Develop an inquisitive, active, proactive and self-confident personality.


To cultivate children's emotional response to the results of research activities.

Develop the ability to work in a group.


The child acquires knowledge about water, its properties, forms and types;

Preschoolers have an understanding of the benefits of water for humans and living organisms;

Children have developed coherent and grammatically correct speech, express their thoughts and desires quite well, and develop the prerequisites for literacy;

Mental and thinking abilities are developed, preschoolers can analyze, compare and generalize;

Children show curiosity, activity, initiative and self-confidence;

Emotionally express their feelings on the results of research activities;

Preschoolers are able to negotiate and work in groups.


● music center,

● Droplet toy,

● globe,

● pictures depicting a waterfall, diver, algae,

● three glasses: 1 – with water, 2 – lemon, 3 – empty for each child,

● a teaspoon for each child,

● sheets of paper for each child,

● colored pencils for sketching experiences.

Preliminary work:

● while walking after the rain, observing dew, puddles, flowers (where does the earth dry faster: in the sun or in the shade?), damp doll linen hanging on a string on the street;

● riddles about water;

● reading poems about water;

● conversations about water;

● didactic game “Give me a word”;

● word game “The sea is agitated”;

● drawing “Autumn Rain”, “Colored Ice”, “Drops”, “Streams”.

  1. Motivational and stimulating part.

Methods and techniques:

● Listening to music “The Sound of the Sea”;

● Questions for children;

● Activation of the dictionary;

● Teacher's story;

● Display of the Droplet toy;

● Reading a poem about water;

● Shared reflection;

● Looking at the globe;

● Making and guessing riddles;

● Clarification of questions;

● Encouraging children to speak up.

1. Listening to music.

The music of the sound of the sea (water or a tap with water) sounds.

The teacher addresses the children:

- Guys, listen and determine what these sounds are? (turn on sea music)

Expected children's answers:

- Are these the sounds of water?

- Sound of the sea.

- Yes, it's the sound of water.

2. Conversation between the teacher and the children.

- Today we will talk about water.

- The water man-Droplet will travel with us to the Kingdom of Water.

The teacher shows Droplet:

- This droplet travels all over the world.

- (Showing the globe) She’s seen a lot, knows a lot of interesting things about water. On the globe, water is indicated by the color blue or blue.

3. Literary words.

The teacher reads a poem about water:

Have you heard about water, they say it is everywhere.

In a puddle, sea, ocean and in a water tap.

4. Conversation.

- Is it so? How do you think?

Who needs water?

Expected children's answers:

- To people.

- Plants.

- Animals.

- To all living things.

The teacher listens to the children’s answers and confirms:

- Of course, every living thing needs water. Without water there would be no life on our planet Earth. Therefore, it must be protected.

5. Looking at the globe.

The teacher approaches the table on which the globe is located. Invites children to look at the globe and make their guesses about what water can do.

Educator: Water is the basis of life.

Questions for children:

- What do you guys think, what can water do?

Expected children's answers:

- Flow, run, drip, pour, rage, etc.

6. Guessing riddles.

The teacher invites the children to listen to riddles and guess them:

Children, Droplet has prepared riddles for you.

  1. For the ships to sail,

So that the jelly can be cooked,

So that there is no trouble

We cannot live without... (water)

  1. What is the name of the stream of water that falls from a height? (waterfall)
  2. What do you call a person who, in a special suit, goes down to the bottom of reservoirs and studies it? (diver)
  3. What are the names of plants that grow in an aquarium, at the bottom of rivers, seas, oceans (algae)

7. Questions for children.

The teacher invites the children to listen again to the words: algae, diver, water pipe and answer the question: what do they have in common? (A common part " water").

Guys, where is the water in our group? (in the tap, kettle).

II. Organizational and practical part.

Methods and techniques:

  • Travel by plane;
  • Questions for children;
  • Children's hypotheses;
  • Experimental activity.
  1. Journey to the laboratory.

Educator: - Guys, Droplet invites us to move to"Magic Laboratory"on an airplane (started the engines, spread the wings, flew ooooh).

We arrived at the first station of the “Magic Laboratory”.

  1. Experience No. 1

Educator: - Let's go with you to the washroom. I'll open the tap, and you take turns trying to hold the water.

- Why can’t you? Does not work? Why?

Liquid water flows.

Educator: I have prepared a surprise for you. Look, I have different types of vessels on my table (glasses, jars, bowls, cones, etc.).

- I'll pour water into them. What do you see?

- Does water flow out of the vessels? No? What happened to the water?

- The water took the form of a vessel.

Conclusion: water can flow, run. Water is liquid. Water takes the form of a vessel.

3. Experiment No. 2

The teacher invites the children to the second station of the “Magic Laboratory”.

Educator : - Let's sit down quietly at the tables. Guys, there are 3 glasses in front of you: 1 is water, 2 is lemon, 3 is empty.

- A droplet offers to try the water (one sip).

- Does water have a taste? (Water has no taste).

- Smell the water.

- Does the water have a smell? (Water has no odor).

- What color is the water? (The water is colorless, transparent).

- The drop suggests pouring a little water into the glass where the lemon is. Stir with a spoon and taste. What do you say? (The water is acidic).

Conclusion: If you add something to water, the water changes its taste.

- Let's check.

4. Experiment No. 3

The teacher invites the children to put sugar in an empty glass, add water, and try.

- Has the water changed its taste? What did it become? Sweet, i.e. The conclusion we have drawn is correct: if you add something to water (lemon, sugar, salt), the water changes its taste.

5. Experiment No. 4

Educator: Guys, I have prepared one more surprise for you, but I will work with it myself, because... My water is hot. I’ll put an ordinary bag of tea in a glass, pour boiling water, stir with a spoon, what happens? (The water changed color).

Conclusion: water can change color.

  1. Control and evaluation part.

Methods and techniques:

  • Children's stories;
  • Encouraging children to speak up;
  • Productive activity.
  1. Talk about water.

The teacher invites the children to tell Droplet what we have learned about water.

Children say:

- Water without color, smell, taste.

- Water changes smell and taste.

- The water changes color.

- Water is liquid.

2. Creative task

Educator: - Each of you has leaves. In the evening we will sketch this experiment, and at home tell your parents what you learned about water today.

And now we have the tea leaves ready - I invite everyone to drink tea.

List of used literature:

  1. Gorbatenko O.F. “Preschooler System of Environmental Education in D/s”, 2008
  2. Gorkova A.G., Kochergina A.V. “Scenarios for environmental education classes,” 2011.
  3. Obukhova L.A. “Ecological riddles, poems, games”, 2009
  4. Ryzhova L.V. "Methodology of children's experimentation" 2014
  5. Kostyuchenko M.P. “Research activities on walks” 2014

Summary of joint activities with children of the senior group on paper construction. Theme “Rooks have arrived...” Technique: origami Objectives: - To develop children’s powers of observation, to cultivate an aesthetic perception of the world around them; - To consolidate the signs and characteristic features of early spring (high blue sky, the ground is cleared of snow, buds are swelling on the trees, birds are flying in); - Develop paper design skills; - Develop interest in the art of origami; - Show the harmonious relationship between different types of art, such as poetry and painting; Materials and equipment: - Paintings and illustrations depicting early spring, depicting various birds, - Reproduction of I. Savrasov’s painting “The Rooks Have Arrived” - Square sheets of black paper; - Scissors; - Glue. Preliminary work: - Walks in the spring park, forest; - Conversations; - Reading fiction; - Memorizing poems about spring. - Observing signs of the coming spring while walking (thawed patches, puddles and streams, blue sky, snow-white cumulus clouds, changed behavior of wintering birds, return of migratory birds from warm regions) - Examination of reproductions of paintings by famous artists (I. Levitan, A. Savrasov), illustrations , which depict early spring. Organizational moment: Teacher (tells the children a riddle): I open the buds into green leaves. I dress the trees, I water the crops, There is a lot of movement, they are calling me... (spring) Children: Spring! Educator: Correct. As you may have guessed, today we will talk about spring, early spring. People have long loved spring. People called it “spring-red.” Poets wrote poems about spring. How many of you can remember and read us poems about spring? Children read poems that they had previously learned in the group. You can use the poems of I. Pleshcheev and S. Marshak. The snow is already melting, streams are flowing, and spring is blowing through the window. The nightingales will soon whistle, And the forest will be covered with leaves. The blue sky is pure, the sun has become warmer and brighter. The time for evil blizzards and storms has passed for a long time again. I. Pleshcheev Spread, streams, spill, puddles! Come out, ants, after the winter cold! A bear makes its way through the dead wood. The birds began to sing songs, and the snowdrop blossomed! S. Marshak The teacher continues the conversation about spring. The following questions can be suggested for the conversation: 1. Where does spring begin, guys? (Children should list the various signs of spring: drops, the first grass makes its way to the sun in thawed patches, the first spring flowers have appeared: snowdrops, mother and stepmother, buds are swelling on the trees, migratory birds are returning) 2. What birds come to us in the spring? (rooks, starlings, swallows, larks, etc.) Examination of A. Savrasov’s painting “The Rooks Have Arrived” Educator: Look, guys, how the artist I. Savrasov depicted spring. Which spring in this picture is early or late? Children: Early. Educator: How did you determine that it was early spring? Children: The snow has not all melted yet, but it is no longer white, like in winter, but dirty, and thawed patches are visible on it; the rooks have arrived. Educator: Yes, rooks fly to us first of all migratory birds. What are they doing? Children: Rooks repair their old nests or build new ones. Educator: What do rooks build their nests from? Children: From branches. Educator: The whole picture seems to be filled with the fresh breath of spring. What can you call this picture? Children: Spring, early spring. Educator: The artist A. Savrasov called his painting “The Rooks Have Arrived.” Physical education lesson: A lark sang in the sky, (Children perform swinging movements with their arms) He rang a bell, (Rotate their raised hands) Frolic in the heights, Hid the song in the grass. (Waving their hands slightly, they lower them down through the sides) The one who finds the song, (Children squat, clasp their knees with their hands) It will be fun all year long. Practical part: Educator: We have now looked at I. Savrasov’s painting “The Rooks Have Arrived.” It depicts the very beginning of spring and one of the very first migratory birds - rooks. The artist I. Savrasov depicted rooks using paints and a brush, and I suggest you make rooks out of paper. To the accompaniment of calm music, according to the scheme, the children independently complete the craft. And these are the rooks we got.

Target: To form in children basic ideas about rights.

1) Learn to call yourself by your first name and patronymic. Give an idea of ​​the documents: Birth certificate, passport. Introduce new words: cuff, namesake, namesakes.

2) Develop and stimulate creative self-expression.

3) Cultivate respect for each other and for the people around you. Careful handling of adult documents.

Equipment: a globe, two strollers with dolls in different caps and cuffs, illustrations of fairy-tale characters, a recording of a child crying and calm music, a birth certificate, a passport, a notebook, a notebook, a book, a diploma of education, all supplies for artistic creativity, a ball of thread .

Integration of educational areas: socialization, communication, reading fiction, artistic creativity.

Structure of educational activities:

1. Looking at the globe.

2. Consideration of strollers.

3. Reading a letter from parents.

4. D/i “Come up with a name.”

5. Word game “Say your name affectionately.”

6. Familiarity with the birth certificate.

7. D\i “Say your first name and patronymic.”

8. D/i “Find your passport.”

9. We work with illustrations.

10. Guess the riddle.

11. In the country of the name. Compiling a story.

12. Portrait of a name. Let's draw.

13. Summary. We send a letter.

Progress of educational activities.

Educator: Good morning children!

I always want to see you so beautiful, smart and cheerful!

The teacher shows the globe: What it is?

Children: Globe.

Educator: Why do we need a globe?

Children: To view the world.

Educator: A globe is a small model of the globe. Our earth is very large, billions of people live on it. They are all similar. How?

Children: Everyone has a head, arms, legs, body.

Educator: But at the same time, people are different, they differ from each other, each person is unique.

Children, how do you think they differ from each other?

Children: Height, age, skin color, hair, eyes.

(The sound of a baby crying.)

Educator: Guys, who is this crying?

Children: Small child.

Educator: Why do you think they cry?

Children: They want to eat, go to their mother, so that they can be held.

Educator: Look carefully, how do they differ from each other?

Children: The color of the caps indicates a girl and a boy.

Educator: What do they have? Who knows?

Children: Cuff.

Educator: Why do you think it is needed?

Children: So that children don't get lost.

Educator: Let's look at the cuff together. Here is the weight, height and date when these children were born. Look, these children were born in April. What time of year is this?

Children: Spring.

Educator: What time of year were you born?

Tell me guys, if they called you some number, like on a cuff, would you like it?

Children: No.

Educator: Why?

Children: It's not beautiful.

Educator: Why do you think people came up with names? Why do we need them?

Children: So that you can call and find each other.

Educator: Do you know when you were given names?

Children: At birth.

Educator: Who gave you your name?

Children: Parents.

Educator: Guys, look at the letter in the stroller here! Let's read it?

“Hello dear children. The parents of these kids are writing to you. We still can't come up with names for our children. That's why they cry constantly. Help us please".

What, guys, can we help?

D\I “Name the name for the boy and for the girl.”

(Boys come up with ideas for girls, and girls for boys.)

Educator: Guys, you just came up with and named names familiar to you, but for some reason you didn’t say your names, what if the parents of these kids like your names and choose one of them. Let's try to call our names as affectionately and tenderly as you would like to be called always?

Word game “Name it kindly.”

Educator: And when their parents choose names for them, what very important document will these kids have?

Children: Birth certificate.

(Together with the children we look at the document. Its symbolism and content.)

Educator: I, too, was once a little girl like you, and I had a birth certificate. Everyone called me Olesya. And now what do you call me?

Children: Olesya Alexandrovna.

Educator: What has changed in my name?

Children: A middle name appeared.

Educator: That's right guys, when all people become adults they are called by their first name and patronymic. From whom did you and I get our middle names?

Children: On behalf of dad.

Educator: Let's everyone try to say their first and patronymic names?

D\i “Say your adult name.”

Educator: Guys, is it good to call people names if the person has a name?

Children: They answer.

Educator: There are a lot of different names in the world, but there are people with the same names. Do we have those in our group? Name it?

So the guys call such people with the same names “namesakes.”

Listen to the poem and tell me how we can solve this problem?

In 1st grade there are 8 Tan.

This is downright punishment!

After all, no matter where you look,

Everywhere Tanya, Tanya, Tanya!

If they say: “Tanya, get up!”

8 Tan will stand up immediately.

So, guys, how can we call the right Tanya?

Children: Give your first and last name.

Educator: At birth, every person receives not only a middle name, but also a surname, which is borne by all family members. Not only relatives, but also different people can have the same surnames. They are called namesakes.

Educator: When you were born, you were given this document. (Show me my birth certificate.)

What is it called?

Children: Birth certificate.

Educator: When you turn 14, you will have another document that I, your parents and all adults have. What is it called?

Let's try to find him?

D\i “Find a passport.”

(There is a book, album, notepad, diploma, passport on the table.)

We look at the passport together with the children. Its symbolism and content.

Educator: Guys, can small children like you take adult documents without permission?

Children: No.

Educator: What could happen?

Children: Get torn, get dirty.

Educator: Guys, look at the pictures and tell me who is depicted in them?

Children: Aibolit, Snow Maiden, Dunno, Snow White.

Educator: These fairy-tale heroes with different character traits and behavior. And who will explain why they were called that?

Children: Aibolit - treats those who are sick,

Snegurochka is a girl made of snow,

Dunno is a boy. who knows nothing

Snow White is a girl as white as snow.

Educator: Guys, our names also probably mean something and are similar to something. And I invite you to unravel the mystery of your names and go to the fabulous land of the name and if we are lucky, we will be able not only to hear our names, but also to see them. But in order to open the door to the fairyland of the name, we need to guess the riddle.

And grandma has it

And grandpa has

And mom has

And dad has

And my granddaughter has

And the horse has

And the dog has

To get to know him

You have to say it out loud.

The children take turns entering the bedroom, where the chairs are in a circle. They walk into a circle. Calm music is turned on.

Educator: So we have reached the Land of the Name and are in its very heart. Hear the magical sounds of music already greeting us. Let's sit down and get ready to meet your name. Close your eyes and imagine what your name is like and what it looks like. What is it made of? What colors does it have? What does it smell like? How does it sound? How does it move?

Children: Sample answers:

“My name is Masha. It is soft, warm, as if made of fur and like a duvet.”

“My name is Anya, Anyuta, it’s colorful like a pansy flower.”

“My name is Timur. It’s so menacing and looks like a big tank.”

Educator: Well done boys. So you and I have learned the secret of our names, and now it’s time for us to return to kindergarten. To do this, we need to close our eyes and whisper our name.

So you and I have returned, and after we have had a little rest, we will definitely draw portraits of our names and write stories about them. And I will send these drawings to the mother and father of our babies, maybe they will somehow help them in choosing names. Since in our country every child born has the right to a name. This is written into the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Now tell me guys, what new and interesting things did we learn today? What new words did you hear today?

At the next joint activity (artistically creative), children draw portraits of their name (drawing supplies of the children’s choice) and individually write down stories about it.

We seal the drawings and stories in an envelope and send them by mail.


  1. Barannikova O.N. “Lessons in citizenship and patriotism in kindergarten.” Practical guide M.:ARKTI, 2007.
  2. Kozlova S.A. "We have the right." Educational and methodological manual. M.Obruch 2010.
  3. M.D. Makhaneva Moral and Patriotic Education of Preschool Children: A Manual for the Implementation of the State Program “Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation for 2001-2005.”
  4. Magazine "Primary School".

Summary of joint activities with children in the senior group

Topic: “Playing is good!” teacher Orlova E.O

Educational area"Social and communicative development" , "Cognitive development"

Program content :

Target : Create favorable conditions for gamingactivities , positive attitude.

Educational :

Strengthen children's ability to use words - antonyms;

To develop in children the ability to follow the rules of behavior during the game

Developmental :

To develop preschoolers’ interest in various types of games;

Develop fine motor skills of fingers

Develop children's speech, dexterity, coordination of movements, memory and attention of children;

Develop logical thinking.

Educational :

Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other, a sense of teamwork.

Methods and techniques :

- visual : display of a cube with pictures representing games;

-verbal : using counting rhymes during games, reciting texts togames ;

-game : holding various games; surprise moment.

Preliminary work :

We repeated what antonyms are.

We repeated various finger games.

Conversation on the topic : « Playing is good » .

Materials and equipment :

Cube with pictures; opaque fabric, ball, cards with labyrinths, puzzles, audio recordings.

Progress of joint activities

Psychological and motivational

In a wide circle, I see

All my friends stood up.

We'll go right now

Now let's go left

Let's gather in the center of the circle,

And we will all return to our place.

Let's smile, wink,

This morning one of the cartoon characters brought a surprise for us, but before we look at him, let's find out who he is from?(Photo by Masha) . Children stand in a circle, performing movements according to the poem.

They look at the screen and give an answer.

Organizational search Who is this? What cartoon is the heroine from? I wonder what Masha has prepared for us? What shape is this? What do you think this is? You can touch this item. What can be square?(children's suggestions) . Open the fabric and see what's there?

Educator : Ahh! Guys, look how beautiful the cube is, there are bright pictures on it. Why do you think Masha sent us an unusual cube? This magic cube will help us today to choose the games we will Let's get startedplay?.Repeat the magic words after me“Cube-cube, spin around and match us game

The teacher spins the cube and it stops at the picture with the ball.

Educator : Masha has prepared for you a ball game called"Say it the other way around" .

I'll say the word"high" ,

You answer -"low" ,

I'll say the word"far" .

You answer -"close" .

Will you repeat the task?

Young -( old ) Fast -(slow)

Start -(end) Ceiling -(floor)

Wet -(dry) Quiet -(loud)

White -(black) Wide -(narrow)

Clean -(filthy) Dark –(light)

Night -(day) Empty -(full)

Fine (Badly) Solid -(soft)

Cowardice -(bravery) Rich -(poor)

Hot -(cold) Thick -(thin)

Sky -(Earth) Small -(big)

Well done!

Roll the dice and find out what other games Masha has prepared for you?

“Cube-cube, spin around and match us game What do you think this is?a game ?

In fact, Masha loves it very muchplay maze , that’s why she prepared task cards for you too. But before you complete the task, I suggest youplay with your fingers , remembering several finger games.(2-3 finger games for children to choose from) Well done! Now sit down at the tables and complete the task.

Well done, do you like the games that Masha prepared? She is also very happy.

Educator : Guys, do you wantplay some more ? (Yes) . The cube will tell us what game we will playplay on... "Cube-cube, spin around andmatch us game !”Children throw the dice, and it stops on a picture with a musical note.

Educator : Masha loves to dance, do you like to dance? For this musical game we need a driver. How can you choose a driver?(children's answers) Correct according to the counting.

Music is playing“A goat walked through the forest” .

Well done! Tired?

Roll the dice? Look, the picture shows fairy-tale characters. Now we will checkhow well do you know them .

You must correctly name the fabulous onehero :

1. The name of the fairy tale hero who caught the pike.

2. The name of Cheburashka's friend.

3. What was the name of the girl who lost her shoe.

4. What was the name of the heroine who was hurrying to her grandmother with pies.

5. Friend of Winnie the Pooh.

6. The name of a boy made of logs.

7. The name of the brother who turned into a little goat.

Well, now I suggest you relax a little, stand in a circle and repeat after me(Physical education minute with audio recording)

Guys, Masha has prepared envelopes with another game for you. Which one do you think? Go to the table and open the envelopes.

That's right, our Masha loves to put together puzzles, but you will find out what else she likes to do when you put the picture together.

Answer questions.

They look at what’s under the fabric and name what’s there,

Answer the question

Repeat words

Playing a game "Say it the other way around"

They throw the dice.

Guess the game from the picture.

Perform finger exercises

They sit down at the table and complete the task.

Children's answers.

They throw the dice.

They answer.

They choose a driver using a counting rhyme.

Performed to a soundtrackround dance game .

They throw the dice.

Guess the fairy-tale hero from the description

They stand in a circle and repeat the physical education lesson after the teacher. Children's answers.

Complete the task(putting together puzzles)

Reflective Well done guys! Ava loves to draw (I suggest going togroup and draw, whatever you want. And we’ll take the cube with us and we’llplay with him in a group! children's answers based on the resultsactivities, pass intogroupand draw something at their own discretion.