Organization of work in preschool through effective forms of collective creative activity of children, teachers and parents. Teamwork

February 23

In the middle group, group work is already practiced in applique classes. Such joint activities bring special joy to kids: it raises self-esteem, develops friendly relationships. An interesting topic for creativity is "Magic Garden", which allows the children to feel like magicians, creating unusual images, seeing the miraculous in familiar things.

Features of the application lesson in the middle group

The children of the middle group very quickly replenish their cognitive experience, in the process of playing activity, figurative representations are enriched. This naturally leads to the development of visual skills. At the age of four or five, children already know how to properly hold scissors in their hands and cut a paper part in a straight line. Children are able to cut round and oval shapes - respectively, from a square and a rectangle.

At this age level, the skills of neat gluing and drawing up a beautiful composition are being improved - children learn to harmoniously arrange the image on the base, add elementary patterns from geometric shapes and plant elements.

The task of the teacher in the middle group is to clarify ideas about the shape of objects (in this case, trees, flowers). At the same time, such techniques are used as hand movement along the contour, the inclusion of special didactic games in the lesson (for example, make up a flower from details - petals, stem, leaves), observation of environmental objects, looking at pictures and illustrations. The teacher shows the children different options for composing from the details of the same subject.

Preschoolers learn to make flowers of various shapes from different geometric shapes.

In addition, the teacher's task is to develop a sense of color in pupils, to select contrasting shades that will look beautiful next to each other.

At the same time, in the middle group, kids learn to perceive the word of the teacher: based on the experience of children, from knowledge and skills, he can sometimes explain the task without using visual actions. For example, when creating an image of a magical garden, the children's attention is drawn to the unusual shape and color of the details from which trees and flowers can be made, while the teacher does not demonstrate individual elements to the children.

Toddlers are always inspired by collective activities, and joint application is easier for them than drawing. The guys like to create a big picture, in the course of work they consult with each other, help their comrades.

In the process of children's creativity, the teacher gives advice to the children: what elements to choose, how best to arrange the details, but refrains from direct instructions.

The teacher should remember about the individual approach: to stimulate the activity and independence of children. Since working with scissors at the age of four or five is still quite difficult, kids who have difficulty should additionally show key cutting techniques on a separate sheet of paper.

Before starting to create the “Magic Garden” composition, the teacher invites each child to think about what object he wants to cut out and stick on the general background. Those guys who are at a loss with a choice should submit an idea for creativity.

In the middle group, sufficient attention is paid to the analysis of the work received. The children are invited to admire the created picture, talk about it, decorate the group room with it. The teacher highlights especially expressive details, notes their interesting shape or color scheme. At the same time, you should not focus children's attention on unsuccessful elements.

Preparing for the lesson, making parts

In the middle group, the main work on preparing the details for the applicative lesson is carried out by the teacher. He must take care of a large base (for example, a sheet of drawing paper) painted in a suitable background. The teacher can offer the children ready-made shapes and silhouettes of trees, and they, in turn, will decorate them with various elements that they have already cut out on their own.

The teacher offers the kids ready-made silhouettes of trees, and they already decorate them with suitable elements

If the topic of the lesson sounds like “Wonderful tree”, then the kids are offered a pre-drawn or glued trunk of an unusual color, with patterns (the kids can stick them in the process of work), which needs to be supplemented with the necessary details: leaves, fruits, birds, insects, etc. .

On a pre-prepared trunk, guys can stick unusual leaves, fruits, insects, birds, etc.

To create leaves, fruits, etc., the teacher offers preschoolers paper squares, rectangles, triangles. At the same time, the material on the table for collective creativity should be evenly distributed: each child should have free access to it (put several trays with details).

Preschoolers work in subgroups: the material should be available to every child

You can offer the guys ready-made silhouettes of details for decoration, for example, original carved leaves. In this case, you need to focus on the beautiful arrangement of elements and the harmonious combination of colors.

The basis of the image of a fairy garden can be beautiful leaves of a bizarre shape.

What types of applications are appropriate to use to create the composition "Magic Garden"

Creating the image of a magical garden, pupils can be offered various applicative techniques. In addition to the traditional flat appliqué, you can include volumetric elements in the composition that always look original. It may be leaves that are not completely glued, butterfly wings, grass in the form of a strip of paper with cuts that remain unglued, bending some parts of flat parts.

Application with three-dimensional elements

The effect of volume is also given by a mosaic application, for example, from lumps of multi-colored napkins. For the development of fine motor skills, a breakaway technique is perfect, as well as a bulk application (using cereals or coarse salt).

Application using bulk and breakage technique

Kids will be happy to make an application-collage - they will stick cut out images from magazines, postcards on the base. For this purpose, by the way, colorful store catalogs can also come in handy.

The most suitable material for the job, including for the base

Such an unusual lesson topic as "Magic Garden" involves the use of a variety of materials - both familiar and non-standard. So, in addition to the traditional shades of paper, the guys should be offered gold and silver colors, velvet paper.

In addition, to make the work more interesting and exciting for kids, you can provide them with fabric parts, natural and waste materials. These can be satin ribbons, tree leaves, seeds, fluff, shiny candy wrappers, chocolate wrappers, cut-out elements from juice and milk packs, etc. An interesting three-dimensional effect is provided by the use of foam rubber or cotton wool.

Photo gallery: materials for the application "Magic Garden"

Application using waste material (chocolate wrappers, juice boxes, etc.) Application from fabric Application from foam rubber Application using natural material

Elements of drawing and modeling will help to supplement the application, make it more original.

Application with drawing elements

Specific options for the collective composition "Magic Garden" in the middle group

The collective application "Magic Garden" is offered to pupils of the middle group at the end of the school year (May). By this time, the guys already have the skills of such work - in the first half of the year (November) they created a joint composition “Basket of Mushrooms”.

In the lesson, preschoolers are given freedom of creativity, they independently determine the content of the image: they include outlandish trees, flowers in the picture, it can even be unusual animals, birds and insects (at the request of the children). The main goal of such a lesson is not only the consolidation of visual skills, but, above all, the development of imagination and figurative perception.

You can make the topic of the lesson more specific and invite the children to create a wonderful apple orchard where apple trees with unusual fruits will grow. The teacher prepares the base in advance with painted tree trunks and crowns, and each child cuts out an apple of the color and size he likes (they can be, for example, blue or silver) and sticks it on any place.

The theme can also be described as a wonderful tree: in this case, the kids decorate one large blank (trunk and crown) with outlandish fruits and leaves.

At the age of four or five, kids do not yet separate the game from directly educational activities, therefore, in order to interest them as much as possible in a creative activity, the teacher must think over an exciting beginning of the lesson. For example, a letter from a kind wizard may come to the group. He has a wonderful garden with unusual trees, on which flowers of fabulous beauty bloom and delicious fruits grow. But because of the tricks of the evil sorceress, the flowers did not bloom this year. Kids should help - decorate the trees with their outlandish flowers.

Another option - a girl Masha comes to visit the guys from a fairy-tale country (a doll is shown). She tells an interesting story. Once she went for a walk in a wonderful forest to admire its beauty: all the trees there were bright, elegant. And so she walked and met one sad tree: it was worried that it did not have beautiful flowers and fruits. Masha felt very sorry for the tree, but she does not know how to help him - she cannot cope alone.

When telling preschoolers such stories, it is imperative to provide them with illustrations for them - pictures depicting magical nature. These can be gardens and clearings where apple trees grow with huge fruits, trees with pale lilac foliage, bizarre plants, between which fairy-tale characters (fairies, unicorns, anthropomorphic insects, etc.) walk.

Photo gallery: pictures depicting magical pictures of nature

A tree with huge roots and wonderful fruits An apple tree with huge appetizing apples Fairies and unicorns are located between delicate trees Multicolored trees among which cute bugs and birds rest

Kids always love to transform into representatives of any profession, fairy-tale characters. Therefore, they will enthusiastically accept the offer of the teacher to become magicians for a while and create the image of a magical garden, which they can populate with unusual trees, flowers, birds, beetles, butterflies at will.

On the eve of the lesson, it is good to invite the children to collect puzzles on the theme "Garden".

Before a creative lesson, it’s good to offer preschoolers puzzles on the appropriate topic

You can start visual arts with a short fairy tale or an episode from a suitable work (after all, a story that is too long will tire the children). For example, in the fairy tale story "The Magic Garden" by Elena Zheryakova, the girl Lilya has a dream in which she goes to a wonderful castle and meets her cat there. It turns out that the animal can talk and invites its owner to take a walk in the garden. Lilya sees beautiful flowers: some her mother grew in the country, while others she had never seen before. There was a wonderful smell in the garden, and a bright rainbow shone in the sky. The girl's mood was just wonderful. The cat told her about the names of flowers and various interesting facts from the life of plants (not without reason, in the summer they took her with them to the country). She also told Lilya that this garden is magical: if you look at the flowers and breathe in their wonderful aroma, then everything bad will be forgotten.

The following fairy tale with the same name, which was invented by the schoolgirl Efimova Margarita, is also suitable for the lesson. One family had a large garden where various fruit trees grew: apple and pear trees, plums and apricots. And one day beautiful birds flew there. The son grabbed a stick and began to drive them away. The father scolded the boy. And the next day the garden became sad, and all the fruits became bitter. It turns out that the birds were magical, and sang magical songs to the trees, but now they are offended and no longer fly. Mom told her son that he should go to the forest, find the birds and apologize to them. The boy did so, and then the garden revived again and the fruits became tasty.

The story of Elena Pishchulina-Volkova “The Tale of Love. Magic Garden" (intended for children and adults). Here we are talking about a wonderful kind garden that talked with the sun.

“Sunlight took Joy and Warmth by the hands (although there was always a little warmth left to warm the conversation) and quietly and calmly walked through the Garden. The warmth caught up with them a little later, having already warmed the communion of the Garden and the Sun, it hurried after Joy and Sunlight.
Ah, my God! How wonderful it was in this Garden - everyone loved each other in it: trees, flowers, and cheerful bees and light-winged butterflies, and carefree dragonflies, and bugs, and spiders - after all, the Sunlight was nearby, and Warmth entered the Soul of the Garden and warmed her, and the Joy that the guests carried filled the hearts of all its inhabitants.

After reading such works, you can invite the children to create images of anthropomorphic trees that inhabit an unusual garden: glue them, among other details, eyes and a smile (the details are provided by the teacher).

To convey figurativeness, expressiveness, it is good to include an artistic word (riddles, poems, sayings) in the lesson.

Birds, bees, flowers, trees,
Everyone lives in our wonderful garden,

In our little kindergarten.
We all worked together and
This garden blooms on paper
Very bright, beautiful, wonderful
Made by our skillful hand.

Kids are very fond of outdoor games and dynamic physical education. They must be used in the classroom, choosing the appropriate topic.

Physical education "Trees"

Finger gymnastics "Tilted hazel branches ..."

Physical education "We are flowers"

Mobile game "Live flower bed". Children are divided into three teams: Golden Balls, Daisies, Marigolds and Marigolds. Golden balls grow in the center of the flower bed - they are the highest. The guys raise their hands up and circle around them. The second circle is marigolds, they form a round dance around the golden balls. And the third circle is marigold babies: they squat down, because these flowers are the lowest.

The wind blew, the flowers come to life and move: the golden balls are spinning, the marigolds move in a circle in one direction, and the marigolds in the other.

Lesson notes

Name of the author Abstract title
Selishcheva T.
(collective application)
Educational tasks: learn to create a collective picture, independently choosing the content of your image (tree, flower), consolidate the ability to cut with scissors in a straight line, round the corners of a square and rectangle.
Development tasks: develop figurative representation, imagination, compositional skills, color perception, continue to work out the ability to carefully stick parts to the base.
Educational tasks: to cultivate interest in the natural world, art.
Integration of educational areas: "Artistic creativity", "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Health".
Handout: brown rectangles (for the trunk), green and yellow squares of different sizes (crown and fruits), glue, glue brushes, scissors, oilcloths.
Lesson progress:
The teacher invites the children to close their eyes and mentally find themselves in a magical garden where fabulous apple trees grow with golden apples, and wonderful birds fly next to them.
The teacher remembers with the children the structure of the tree (trunk, crown, leaves, fruits), the color of each part. Demonstrates techniques for cutting a triangle from a rectangle to obtain a crown (fold the rectangle in half and cut off from the middle to the edges of the corner). Decorated with cloves.
Apples are cut out of a square by rounding the corners.
Finger gymnastics "Tilted the hazel branch ..." is being carried out.
Before the independent work of children, the teacher reminds them how to properly hold scissors in their hands.
Productive activity of preschoolers.
Consideration of the finished composition: it is analyzed what is common in the trees, in what way certain details were cut out. The teacher invites the children to come up with a story for their application.
Shornikova E.
(collective application)
The teacher invites preschoolers to remember what they saw while walking in the kindergarten. The children are invited to consider a branch of a plant with blooming flowers.
The teacher makes a riddle about the garden:
  • Inseparable circle of friends
    Pulls hundreds of hands to the sun.
    And in the hands of a fragrant load,
    Different beads for different tastes

Conversation with children on the topic: how they imagine a magical garden. A picture with a suitable image is shown, questions about it.
The teacher explains the techniques for cutting and composing flowers (they need to be glued to the crowns of trees).
Independent work of preschoolers. Toddlers who quickly complete the task are additionally invited to cut out butterflies, fighting cows and flowers on the grass).

Applicative creativity of pupils of the middle group on the theme "Magic Garden" with comments on the performance of the work

Children's collective works are always charming and unique. So, a beautiful gentle image was created in the composition “Magic Rose Garden”: the guys used different shades of pink to create flowers. The details are not completely glued, so there is an original effect of volume.

The application of maple leaves looks great - we see an elegant and majestic autumn tree with falling leaves (“Magic Autumn Tree”).

Deliberately large butterflies and birds are organically included in the painting “My Magical Garden”, and the orange sun with long rays makes the composition even more joyful.

Application with volumetric effect Traditional flat application with drawing elements Application from maple leaves Flat application Application with drawing elements (veins on the leaves and tree trunk are traced) Application with drawing elements and volume effect

Collective applicative work is a fascinating activity in kindergarten. It brings joy to children, promotes their cohesion. Especially if the teacher selects such an unusual topic as the “Magic Garden” for the lesson: the guys create wonderful images of trees, flowers, perhaps even birds and insects. Kids learn to navigate on a large sheet of paper, improve cutting techniques, and each child contributes to the common cause, feels involved in creating a beautiful composition.


An important factor in the personal development of a child is the satisfaction of his need for positive emotional contacts with loved ones - primarily with his parents. The joint activity of the teacher, parents and children not only develops the relationship between teachers and parents, parents and children, but also contributes to the development of relations between the families of pupils, there is a need to unite people to achieve a common goal. Emotional contact is established between all participants, positive emotions of joint work are fixed. Relationships of partnership and cooperation between a parent and a child are developing in the process of creative interaction, which is reflected in drawings, crafts, stories, books of one's own composition, and projects.

“Children should become people with a clear mind,
noble heart, golden hands and
elevated feelings. The child is a mirror
families; like a drop of water reflects the sun,
so it is reflected in children
moral purity of mother and father ... "

(V.A. Sukhomlinsky).

Preschool childhood is the most important stage in human development, a sensitive period of the formation of the basis of the personality of culture, creative self-realization and the formation of adequate self-esteem. In this regard, special attention must be paid to the living conditions of the child, to create such an educational environment that will make it possible to realize the tasks of introducing him to the outside world and initial socialization. A special place in the "adult-child" system belongs to the family. The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" (Art. 44) states that parents are the first teachers and therefore are obliged to lay the foundation for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child's personality already at an early age. The Family Code of the Russian Federation (Article 63) defines the rights and obligations of parents in the upbringing and education of children, it is noted that parents are responsible for the upbringing and development of their children and have a priority right to their upbringing. However, the same document (Article 67) enshrines the right of other relatives, namely grandfathers, grandmothers, brothers, sisters, etc., to communicate with the child.

Childhood is an unforgettable time in the life of every person. It is filled with love and care of parents. It is in the family that the first ideas of the child about the world around, goodness and justice, about a healthy lifestyle are formed. Many researchers believe that a family in which there are representatives of three generations is the best and most valuable educational environment.

It must be remembered that the age of preschool childhood is the period when the child is especially attached to the home, family. For him, it is important, first of all, those values ​​that are recognized by his parents. Therefore, the effectiveness of the work carried out in kindergarten depends on the attitude towards it in the child's family. The ability to establish close contact with the family of a preschooler, to assist parents in the proper organization of the upbringing of children, all this should be able to be done by a teacher. “... The art of education has the peculiarity that it seems familiar and understandable to almost everyone, and even easy to others - and the more understandable and easier it seems, the less a person is familiar with it ...” (K.D. Ushinsky)

Currently, as a result of economic and social changes in society, there is a tendency to increase the number of nuclear families arising from the division of a multigenerational family into a young family (parents with a child or children) and a family of grandparents (grandparents, great-grandparents). The younger generation strives for autonomy and independence, which leads to a "territorial" stratification of generations and the displacement of older ones from the educational process. This reduces the educational opportunities of the family.

How to establish spiritual communication of children not only with parents, but also with grandparents?

The teaching staff of MKDOU Kindergarten No. 1 "Fairy Tale" has long been working to involve mothers, fathers, grandparents in the educational process, not only in the family, but also in kindergarten; they try to instill in children a respectful attitude towards the older generation, arouse interest in their knowledge and life experience. The preschool educational institution has accumulated rich experience in planning and holding events addressed to the pupils of the preschool educational institution, the family (parents, grandparents of the pupils).

Various events are held for parents, children, grandparents: joint holidays "Day of the Elderly", "Mother's Day", open classes with the participation of parents "Vitamin Kaleidoscope" (for older groups), joint physical education and speech classes from the cycle "Together fun walk”, contests: “Let's get to know each other”, “New Year's window”, “Merry Fair”, leisure activities: “Come on moms”, “Dad, mom, I am a friendly family”, “My grandmother and I are best friends ”, exhibitions: “By the hands of my family”, “Mustache and scratches”, “Do-it-yourself dolls”, drawing up a genealogical tree of the family, a story about my family “My family tree”, meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

Such activities help to establish partnerships with the family. With them, the introduction of children to the history of the family, the history of the country begins. Family relics, fairy tales, songs, sayings and proverbs, riddles and toys from the childhood of grandparents are a source of historical knowledge. All ongoing work with the families of pupils contributes not only to the enrichment of the educational potential of the family, but also forms an idea of ​​the family in children. Children begin to realize that each new generation lives in different conditions than the previous one thinks and looks differently. There comes an understanding that people, events, things have their past, present, future. This is how ideas about the connection between generations are formed.

“A family is when there are adults and children, when everyone loves, respects, takes care of each other, when everyone performs the necessary duties, work together, when everyone relaxes, plays, and celebrates together.”

Is it so important to start a conversation about the family with the questions: Who am I? What am I? The implementation of this orientation is available to children of senior preschool age due to their psychophysiological characteristics. An older child already has an idea of ​​his physical "I" (I am a member of the family). It is better to start introducing preschoolers to the family from middle age. The work begins with getting to know the families of the pupils. Filling out the questionnaire by parents does not give a complete picture of the family, and most importantly, they are not available to children. In working with parents, such a form of work as “Child Presentation” has successfully proven itself.

The presentation can be presented in the form:

Album(parents make it at home together with the child, the album is used by both teachers and children in the classroom). The album contains photographs of the child, his family members, favorite animals. Each of them must be signed;
collage(drawn out on a sheet of drawing paper indicating the name of the child). You can recommend parents to use the sections: my family (with photos of its members); The house I live in; my best friend; favorite pet; favorite toy; cartoons and fairy tale characters; I love doing it; I love to eat it; my favorite musicians, singers; my first poems, drawings, creative works, etc. When creating a collage, it is better to use illustrations cut out from a magazine. This facilitates the work of parents and allows the child to actively participate in its creation;
Newspapers. It differs from a collage by a large amount of text and the presence of headings: “Summer at the sea”, “In the village with my grandmother”, “That's what I like to do”, “My story about myself”, “My story about my family”, “What I do in free time";
Parents' essays. It is written in an arbitrary form and is used only in individual conversations and trainings of a psychologist. Also, the information received is taken into account in working with the child.

It should be noted that the presentation is a great opportunity to get acquainted not only with the child himself, but also with his family.

The use of the “Child Presentation” in work with parents is primarily due to the fact that when working on a presentation, children use both theoretical knowledge gained in the classroom and practical knowledge. The presentation allows parents to be actively involved in the work of the group, consolidate the skills acquired in the classroom at home, and show their creative abilities.

The children brought the created albums to the group. The albums turned out to be different, unusual, and the children had their first ideas about the family. Using the album, the children learned to compose stories about their family using the visual material of the album.

Project activities are currently very popular in the work of our kindergarten. Familiarization of preschool children with the family is a wide field of activity for a variety of projects based on close interaction with the families of pupils. "A family for a child - a preschooler - is the first and main link that connects his life with the social environment."

In MKDOU kindergarten No. 1 "Fairy Tale", projects were implemented together with children and parents: "It's fun to walk together", "I have the right", "Hello, dear birch!", "Let's be friends with Fluffy", "Our friends are underground inhabitants - earthworms", "I will know the world", "Man-made book - children's verbal fantasy" (Application)

The beginning of joint actions uniting the older generation, parents and children was the creation of the book "Vitamin Kaleidoscope", in which cognitive information on this topic was recorded. The content of the book was supplemented by teachers and family members. And then they looked at it with the children, looked at pictures, photographs, discussed the meaning of proverbs, sayings, sayings, encouraged them to use them in speech. In search of pictures, proverbs, sayings, older people united in a creative group, which made it possible to involve most of the parents in the educational process in this area.

Continuing the work to acquaint the child with the family, we created the project “I Explore the World”. The purpose of this project is to educate parents and the older generation (grandparents) in various forms of communication with their child. Based on the questions of interest to parents, grandparents, they jointly outlined topics for discussion: “Do as I do!”, “We teach order”, “Difficulties of age”, “Grandma, I myself!” and others. In the course of the work, parents, grandparents received a lot of useful advice: how to teach children to discipline, independence, work, how to instill a love of reading.

Attracting wise grandparents to help young parents, we saw how the bond between generations in the family grew stronger.

One of the effective means of forming a positive attitude towards grandparents is to get acquainted with the family photo album, compiling the genealogy “My Family Tree” and stories about the family. Here is an example of one of these stories. My name is Sasha Gribanova. I am 6 years old. Together with my mom and dad, I came up with the coat of arms of our family. The science of heraldry deals with coats of arms. We created our family coat of arms according to the rules of this science. The basis of our coat of arms is a shield. Yellow is justice, blue is a clear sky, which means peace in our home. Two mushrooms are drawn in the middle: the big one is the parents, and the small one is the children: me and my brother Kirill. Mushrooms - means our surname-Gribanovs. At the bottom we are tied by a red ribbon - red means love in our house. On the ribbon is the motto of our family - We are together, and this is our strength. Classes and conversations were held with the children, the purpose of which was to enrich the experience of the child and form a cognitive interest in the representatives of the older generation. In the classroom (“How much am I in the word “family”?”, “Who do I look like?”, “Who am I, what am I?”) preschoolers got acquainted with the biography of loved ones, family history, genealogy. Speech games help to cultivate a respectful attitude towards parents, a sense of compassion and love for the elderly, they teach to express a kind attitude towards elders, find the right word, overcome the false fear of expressing their emotions (games: “Compliments”, “Letter to Grandma”, “That's what Mom!" etc.).

At present, the function of the family in organizing leisure and recreation is increasing. Leisure is understood as non-working (free) time, which a person manages entirely at his own choice and discretion. Free time is one of the most important social values, an independent means of restoring the physical and spiritual strength of a person, and the comprehensive development of a person. Family leisure includes: reading, watching movies, meeting with relatives, friends, relaxing together, walking in nature, playing sports, etc. All this entails knowledge of the surrounding world. Children learn a lot of new, useful things. There is an interest in learning something else, thus expanding the horizons of the child, increasing the motivation to talk about his family, about family traditions.

Reading fiction, watching videos, filmstrips that touch on the topic of attitudes towards the elderly, allow the child to penetrate the mood of a loved one, enrich the experience of empathic experiences.

“Respect, reverence for older generations is the law of our life. It is necessary to respect elders because they are wiser, spiritually richer than you. In every minute of your communication with your elders, be able to learn from them.

Conversations on the works read contribute to the clarification of ideas about the norms of behavior in communication with elders, develop the ability to act tactfully, delicately in a problematic situation to help grandparents. Literature becomes a source of knowledge about the relationship between people, about good and bad deeds, about people's experiences, about their aspirations. Of great importance here is the emotional speech of the educator, its sensual coloring, affecting the emotional sphere and activating the mental activity of the child.

Release of congratulatory posters (wall newspapers) addressed to parents and older people, a concert for mothers, fathers, grandparents, an exhibition of children's drawings “That's what a mother!”, “Grandma through the eyes of children”, “Dad can, dad can do anything !" contributed to the formation of respect for family members and representatives of the older generation.

Meetings with parents, grandparents, leisure, holidays have become traditional in the work of preschool educational institutions. Representatives of all generations of the family are waiting for them and willingly take an active part. In every leisure or holiday, in addition to the performances of children, mothers and grandmothers, joint songs, dances, games, various competitions are held. The most beloved leisure contests are “Come on, moms!”, “Grandmothers and grandchildren”: “Know yourself” - portraits painted by children are hung on the wall, adults recognize themselves; “Know your grandson” - grandmothers are blindfolded, and they are looking for their grandson by touch; "Guess the melody" - parents, grandparents will recognize children's musical works; "An old fairy tale in a new way" - children, together with adults, remake the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" in a new way.

The main attention of children should be directed to expanding their understanding of what a family is, the assimilation of family relations by children, the rules of communication and behavior with relatives, children should know the names of mom and dad by name and patronymic, know the name and patronymic of grandparents. We carry out this work in a complex way, not only games, conversations, works of art about the family, but also the inclusion of family photography in the educational process. "Language of photographs" gives the child an idea of ​​the family. The “Our Families Honor Gallery” stand is represented by photographs of families, joint drawings by children and parents, as well as children’s answers to the questions “What is a family?”, “Who is the head of the family?”, “What kind of family will you have when you grow up?”

Psychologists have come to the conclusion that the need to be loved is the basic emotional need of a person. Sometimes parents don't realize how easy it is to show love! They don’t think about how often words of love are heard in the house, how often they affectionately hug the child, how much “quality time” is given to him - such time when their attention is completely given to the child, when they do something together.

Kotkova Galina Nikolaevna,
teacher GBDOU kindergarten №57
Kirovsky district of St. Petersburg

"What we can't do alone, we'll do together"
V. Mayakovsky

Relevance .

Analyzing the actions of children in kindergarten and on the streets of the city, one can see that they strive to satisfy, first of all, their needs, desires, interests, regardless of the aspirations of the people around them, and sometimes not even knowing about them. It is in kindergarten that a child must learn to live among people. And teamwork will unite children.

The development of children to work creatively in a team is one of the most important tasks of modern education. Collective creative work is a unique and at the same time natural social and pedagogical phenomenon that can be taken as the basis of all the activities of the team. Therefore, it is a vital, socially necessary matter. It is collective, because it is planned, prepared, carried out and discussed jointly by pupils and educators as junior and senior comrades in common life-practical care. It is creative, because it is planned, prepared and discussed each time in a new version, as a result of the search for the best ways, means of solving certain vital tasks.

It is known that children's creativity is a unique phenomenon. Many teachers and psychologists, both domestic and foreign, emphasize the great importance of artistic creativity in a comprehensive, especially in the aesthetic development of the individual. The modern view on the aesthetic education of a child assumes the unity of the formation of an aesthetic attitude to the world and artistic development by means of various types of fine and decorative arts in aesthetic activity.

In joint and independent activities, most often children perform an image individually, each drawing, modeling, and application. But the creation of common pictures, compositions, where images of all the children of the group are combined, brings special satisfaction to children. Such paintings are called collective works. They are more significant in terms of results for children, they arouse admiration in them, truly, as in the poem of V. Mayakovsky: “What one does not do, we will do together.”

The collective form of organization enables each child to form the skills and abilities to work together, build communication, develop the habit of mutual assistance. Collective work with children is created (starting from primary preschool age) in drawing, modeling, appliqué, one type or two or three types in one lesson (modeling and appliqué, appliqué and drawing, appliqué and art work).

If in the younger groups the creation of collective work, first of all, gives the child the opportunity to see how his personal creativity complements the creativity of other children, turning into an integral colorful image, then in older groups, when performing collective work, children learn to agree among themselves on joint work and its content. Do one thing together, give in and help each other, plan work, rejoice in the success of your comrades.

Any teamwork must have a purpose. The teacher leads the children to make a picture together that would be difficult to do alone. During the performance of collective work, children learn to communicate with adults and with each other. If at the initial stage of such work, children communicate mainly with the teacher, then a little later, communication with each other begins. Gradually, under the guidance of an adult, children plan, negotiate, ask, suggest, empathize. The task of the educator is to teach children how to negotiate, give in to each other, appreciate the help of a friend.

On the way to the formation of a collectivist orientation in a preschooler, a number of successive steps will have to be taken: from forming a child's focus on peers (at the first stage) to creating a sense of self-importance for them (at the second stage) and consolidating the child's sense of his significance to obtain a general result with support each by all (on the third).

Solving the problem of the development of collective creativity, the teacher should be based on the following principles:

creative realization of each pupil as a condition for the development of collective co-creation;

taking into account the individual characteristics of children in determining their role in collective interaction;

managerial directing in the resolution of the process of collective activity;

the comfort of the child's stay in a group of peers.

The guidance of the teacher at different stages of the implementation of the plan of collective creative activity has its own characteristics. At the first stage, when planning collective actions, the teacher seeks to create a motivational resonance - the emergence of a desire in each child to be involved in a collective business. It is important to unite children with a common goal, the attractiveness of the future result of the activity, to cause an emotional upsurge, good business excitement. The attraction to the common cause is to provide children with a variety of visual materials. So, for example, for application it is advisable to use not only ready-made colored paper, but also clippings from newspapers and magazines, ready-made drawings of children; for modeling, use both dough and plasticine with clay; in drawing, wax and colored pencils, watercolor and gouache, and various building materials.

The next stage in collective interaction is the distribution of the roles of the forthcoming activity among the children. In order for participation in the common cause to help each child to reveal his best qualities, it is important for the teacher to identify the individual abilities and inclinations of each participant. At the same time, his task is not just to study the child, but to “present” the manifestations of his individual uniqueness and help all children see his best features. Identification of the individual characteristics of children allows the teacher to outline the prospects for the development of collective creativity.

Another option for organizing children's cooperation is that the overall goal of the activity is carried out by several subgroups and the final result depends on the quality of the work of each subgroup. Activities of this type cause a sense of satisfaction in each of its participants, the child has a sense of usefulness and personal contribution to the common cause, which gives him confidence in his abilities. Dividing into subgroups of their own accord, the children independently decide what plot will be reflected by their group on a common visual field.

The final stages of collective interaction are associated with the achievement, awareness and assessment of the significance of the result. At the same time, the teacher focuses the attention of children on the personal contribution of each to the common cause, emphasizes that without joint efforts, the implementation of the collective plan would be impossible. It is good when the success of collective activity is evaluated not only by the children themselves, but also by people whose opinion they value - parents, other educators, children of other groups.

The main forms of joint activities of children :

"jointly - individual", "jointly - sequential" and "jointly - interacting".

a) "Joint - individual" - is characterized by the fact that the participants in the activity at the beginning work individually, taking into account the general plan, and only at the final stage, the work of each becomes part of the overall composition.

The task is given to everyone immediately, at the beginning of work individually and then adjusted depending on what others have done. When doing his part of the work, the child knows that the better he himself will do what he is entrusted with, the better the work of the team will be.

On the one hand, this creates the conditions for mobilizing the child's creative abilities, and on the other hand, it requires their manifestation as a necessary condition. The advantages of this form of organization of activity also include the fact that it makes it possible to involve in collective creative activity a rather large group of children who have no experience of working together.

b) “Joint-sequential” - involves work on the principle of a conveyor, when the result of the actions of one participant is in close relationship with the results of the previous and subsequent participants.

c) "Joint-interacting" - the work is performed by all participants simultaneously, the coordination of their actions is carried out at all stages.

For the systematic conduct of classes on collective creativity in each kindergarten, a long-term plan is created, topics, materials are selected, forms of organization are thought out. Collective work can be done in one or more classes. At the same time, it is important that each lesson has the appearance of completion of a certain stage. The collective visual activity of children can be organically connected with all aspects of children's lives, and especially with other artistic and creative activities (with different types of games, musical, artistic, communicative).

When planning classes, the teacher chooses for each topic one or another form of organization of collective work, taking into account the equipment, age characteristics of children. In the classroom, the teacher uses different types of art: fine and decorative, music, dance, literature. Integration makes it possible to show children an artistic image by various means of expression, to see it in their own way, to understand the creative workshop of the artist, to learn to look for ways in creativity, to create their own image. When performing collective work on visual activity, the teacher actively uses game methods and techniques. At the heart of each is a specially designed game plot.

Planning the stages of work on collective activities .

Preparatory stage

To deepen the children's own knowledge on the topic of future work, to form vivid images in them that give rise to a desire to embody them in their own visual activity (examination of reproductions, illustrations, excursions, conversations)

Main stage. Stage of work.

Planning and evaluation of team work.

Purpose: to provide children with the opportunity to embody images of the world around them in the composition, to create conditions for creative interaction in the course of collective work, to develop their skills to work creatively in a team.

The final stage. Interaction of children with completed work.

The composition made by children is best left in the group room. It will become the object of a variety of discussions, games, stimulates the birth of creative ideas, proposals to complement the already created composition.

Tasks for the development of the collective activity of children, developed on the basis of the program "from birth to school".

Second junior group

To teach, create both individual and collective compositions in drawings, modeling, applications.

middle group

Continue to develop the ability to create collective works in drawing, modeling, and appliqué.

Lead children to evaluate the work created by comrades. Learn to be friendly when evaluating the work of other children. Learn to highlight the means of expression.

Senior group

To improve visual skills and abilities, to form artistic and creative abilities. To develop decorative creativity of children (including collective). Continue to improve the ability of children to consider work (drawings, modeling, applications), enjoy the result achieved.

Approximate thematic lesson planning

middle group





Drawing on fabric

"Carpet of autumn leaves"


"Gold autumn"


Modeling plot

"Help the Hen find the chickens"

Artistic labor



Drawing with elements

"Coloured Blanket"


"Christmas tree"


Modeling plot

"Making Snowmen"


"Winter forest"


Modeling plot

"Congratulations Dad"

Decorative drawing

"Flags for the holiday"



"Flowers for Moms"

Drawing with non-traditional technique

“Closer to the sun we want!”


Modeling plot

"Tumblers are dancing"


"Fly's birthday - Tsokotukha"

Senior group





Drawing with elements


Drawing on fabric

"Autumn flower bed"


"Autumn forest"

Drawing and application

"Riches of Autumn"



"Colorful Flight"

Drawing and

"Frog traveler"

Plasticine drawing
(3-4 children each)

"The wind blows across the sea..."

(3-4 children each)

“The wind walks on the sea and the boat drives…”


Drawing and
Artistic labor


Breakaway appliqué
(3-4 children)

"Winter day"


"Christmas tree"

(3-4 children)

"Winter fun"



"Helping the Birds"


"Animal world"


We create the "Red Book of Nature"


(Dymkovo painting)


Drawing (ornament)


(Gorodets patterns)

"Wonder Tree"

decorative drawing

"Service for Fedora"


The application is voluminous



"Poultry yard"


"Under the Mushroom"

Drawing in pairs

"At the seaside, a green oak"





Drawing in pairs

"Let's play, Shurale!" (based on the work of G. Tukay)


"Beautiful flowers bloomed"

preparatory group






"Bouquet of flowers"




"Autumn Mood"


"Autumn Mood"


Modeling plot

"Our little brothers"

Drawing and

"At the bottom of the sea"

Modeling plot

"Sea bottom"

Modeling plot

"The fish are playing, the fish are sparkling"


Modeling plot

"White Sea and the Arctic Ocean"

Drawing and
Artistic labor

“Oh, how fun in winter!”

Drawing in pairs

"Carnival dance"


"The Book of Winter"




Drawing and manual labor

"Children in a Cage"

Drawing with appliqué elements



Drawing (Dymkovo painting)

"A toy shop"

Drawing (Gzhel painting)

"Patterns on Glass"

Drawing (Gorodets painting)

"Oh you horses, my horses..."

decorative drawing

"Patterned Scarf"


The application is voluminous

"Gift for Mom"


"Flower World"

Drawing and Application.
(in pairs)

"At Cinderella's Ball"

(Ladies and gentlemen)



"The amazing world of hot countries"

Manual labor


Drawing (2 groups)

"Victory Park"


"My native city"


  1. Gribovskaya A. A. “Collective creativity of preschoolers. Summaries of lessons”. Moscow Creative Center Sphere, 2004.-192p.
  2. Dubrovskaya N.V. "Invitation to Creativity". - "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2004. - 128s.
  3. Doronova T.N. "The development of children in visual activity." - "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2005. - 96s.
  4. Kazakova R.G., Saiganova T.I., Sedova, Smagina T.V. “Drawing with preschool children. Moscow, TC Sphere, 2004-128s.
  5. "Collective creativity of preschoolers" / Gribovskaya A.A. - "TC Sphere", 2005. - 192 p.
  6. Komarova T.S., Savenkov A.I. "Collective creativity of preschoolers". - M .: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2005. - 128 p.
  7. Komarova T.S. Children in the world of creativity. M.: 1995.
  8. “Moral and aesthetic education of a child in kindergarten” / Vetlugina N.A., Kazakova T.N., Panteleev G.N. - M.: Enlightenment, 1989. - 79 p.
  9. Trunova M. Collective work in the classroom for creative activities // Preschool education. - 2005. -№2. - S. 60.

It is known that children's creativity is a unique phenomenon. Many teachers and psychologists, both domestic and foreign, emphasize the great importance of artistic creativity in a comprehensive, especially in the aesthetic development of the individual. However, appropriate conditions are necessary for such development to take place. And if conditions are created for the development of creativity in a group, in a kindergarten, children are happy to draw, sculpt, cut and paste, design various objects, they are ready to spend a lot of time doing these activities. And what are these conditions? Firstly, it is a positive psychological climate in the children's team; secondly, the use of such activities for the development of the child's creative abilities in a group, such as modeling, appliqué, design, manual labor.

Children are especially satisfied with the creation of common paintings, compositions, where the creative works of all the children of the group are combined. Such work is called collective work. The collective form does not reduce the importance of the activity of each child, does not disregard his own efforts, and the overall result depends on the quality of the work of each pupil: after all, the better the child completes his part of the image, the more beautiful and interesting the overall composition will be. And most importantly, children understand that together they can get a greater image than each one individually.

Collective artistic creativity forms communicative abilities in children, that is, the ability to communicate with each other, and also contributes to a more free communication of the child with adults.

In the process of performing collective work, the moral and aesthetic education of children is carried out, the following skills are developed:

  • agree on joint work, its content
  • work together, give in to each other, help, suggest
  • plan your work, determine its sequence, content, composition, additions
  • rejoice in the success of one's own and comrades in the creation of work.

All teamwork must have a purpose. The teacher leads the children to create a picture together, make decorations for the holiday, decorate the group, the hall, perform a congratulatory composition for parents, for the child’s birthday, etc.

When organizing collective activity, there are 3 stages:

  • the preparatory stage allows children to deepen their own knowledge on the topic of future work, to form vivid images in them that give rise to a desire to embody them in their own creative activity (excursions, conversations, looking at reproductions, etc.)
  • main stage - the stage of work execution, which includes planning, execution and evaluation of collective work. Its goal is to provide children with the opportunity to embody images of the world around them in the composition, to create conditions for the creative interaction of children in the course of collective fine art, contributing not only to the aesthetic and artistic development of children, but also to the formation of their skills to work in a team.
  • the final is the period of interaction of children with already completed work.

Collective work can be implemented in several classes. A cycle of classes on one topic provides for a gradual solution of the task. For example, topic "Fairytale City" : in the first lesson, a city is created (from bushings and cardboard), in the second lesson - snails that will live in this city (from shells and plasticine), at the end of the lesson, a composition is assembled. In the third lesson, we supplement the city as we wish. (trees, flowers, etc.)

For successful joint creative activity, benevolent, trusting, partnership relations between the children themselves, as well as between the teacher and the children, must be created. This is the only way to create unique, unforgettable collective creative works.

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Analyzing the actions of children in kindergarten and on the streets of the city, one can see that they strive to satisfy, first of all, their needs, desires, interests, regardless of the aspirations of the people around them, and sometimes not even knowing about them. It is in kindergarten that a child must learn to live among people. And teamwork will unite children.

In joint and independent productive activities, most often children perform an image individually, each drawing, modeling, and appliqué. But the creation of common pictures, compositions, where images of all the children of the group are combined, brings special satisfaction to children. Such paintings are called collective works. They are more significant in terms of results for children, cause them admiration, truly, as in the poem by V. Mayakovsky: “What one does not do, we will do together.”

The collective form of organization enables each child to form the skills and abilities to work together, build communication, and develop the habit of mutual assistance. Collective work with children is created (starting from primary preschool age) in drawing, modeling, appliqué, one type or two or three types in one lesson (modeling and appliqué, appliqué and drawing, appliqué and art work).

If in the younger groups the creation of collective work, first of all, gives the child the opportunity to see how his personal creativity complements the creativity of other children, turning into an integral colorful image, then in older groups, when performing collective work, children learn to agree among themselves on joint work and its content. Do one thing together, give in and help each other, plan work, rejoice in the success of your comrades.

Any teamwork must have a purpose. The teacher leads the children to make a picture together that would be difficult to do alone. During the performance of collective work, children learn to communicate with adults and with each other. If at the initial stage of such work, children communicate mainly with the teacher, then a little later, communication with each other begins. Gradually, under the guidance of an adult, children plan, negotiate, ask, suggest, empathize. The task of the educator is to teach children how to negotiate, yield to each other, and appreciate the help of a friend.

Solving the problem of the development of collective creativity, the teacher should be based on the following principles:

· creative realization of each student as a condition for the development of collective co-creation;

taking into account the individual characteristics of children in determining their role in collective interaction;

managerial directing in the resolution of the process of collective activity;

the comfort of the child's stay in a group of peers.

Thus, collective activity is defined by teachers as an equal personal interaction of children, aimed at coordinating and uniting common efforts in order to achieve a high level of activity, collective community and individual satisfaction, manifested in an adequate assessment of oneself and others, the realization of creativity and comfort. But it is necessary to take into account the age characteristics of preschool children. The educator plays a special role in organizing the collective activities of preschoolers.

Collective activity in drawing classes has ceased to be a rarity in the practice of kindergarten, it is popular among educators and arouses great interest in artistic creativity among the children themselves.

Collective compositions: drawings, appliqué, modeling - delight children not by chance. After all, the overall result is always richer in content, brighter than the individual work performed. However, in mass practice, such classes are carried out sporadically. And the questions are often asked: “What are collective activities? In what age groups can they be carried out? What forms of interaction are available to preschool children?

Research problem: what is the role of collective classes in the process of organizing the visual activity of older preschoolers, the system of methods for organizing it.

Object of study: collective activities of older preschoolers.

Subject of research: variability of the forms of organizing the collective activity of older preschoolers in the process of visual activity.

The purpose of the study: to study different forms of organizing collective activities in the classroom with productive activities with children of older preschool age.

Research objectives:

1. Conduct an analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the problem of collective interaction;

2. To adapt the features of the organization of collective classes to the age characteristics of children 5-6 years old;

3. To identify the level of visual skills and abilities of children in drawing,

4. Analyze the relationship between children in collective activities.

Research methods:

Theoretical - analysis of scientific and methodological literature; study of regulatory documents.

Empirical - analysis of the developing subject-spatial environment; pedagogical observation, analysis of children's drawings, statistical processing of observation results.

Research base: MDOU "Kindergarten No. 40" of the city of Votkinsk, the older age group "Tsvetik - Semitsvetik".

1. Theoretical foundations for the organization of collective visual activity of older preschoolers

1.1 Forms of organizing collective activities in the classroom for fine arts

pictorial preschool creativity collective

In the practice of organizing productive activities, there are several forms of collective interaction and a large number of methods for organizing it. This situation is explained by the fact that collective activity is popular among educators and teachers as the most effective method of introducing children to drawing. Therefore, both theorists and practitioners need a clear, verified classification of the types of collective activity, a system of methods and techniques for its organization.

Forms of collective visual activity and their classification.

There are three classifications of collective forms of visual activity in the methodology of teaching fine arts.

The author of the first classification is M.N. Turro, who studied back in the 70s. educational and upbringing possibilities of collective works on fine arts. His classification of collective work was based on the peculiarities of organizing the joint collective activity of children. He singled out three forms of collective visual activity: frontal, complex, collective - production.

1. Frontal form, in which collective work is a combination of individual drawings of children, made taking into account the task set by the teacher or with knowledge of the meaning of the overall composition. The process of joint activity is observed only at the end of the lesson, when individually performed parts, elements of the composition are assembled into a single whole.

2. The complex form involves the performance of collective work on the same plane, when each child does his part of the task, having an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe overall result and coordinating his activity with what others are doing.

3. A collective production form, in which the activities of children are built on the principle of a conveyor, when each performs only one specific operation in the process of manufacturing a product.

But in the drawing classes in the 70-80s. only the easiest form of joint activity was popular - frontal, which later received the name individually - collective. The method of organizing the collective activity of this form is as follows: break a large image into identical or similar elements performed by children individually, and then combine the fragments into a single one and finalize it. Thus, only in conclusion did the children's activity resemble a collective one. The complexity of the organization of the collective result was that the skills of the children were of different levels, and there was no consistency in the aesthetic ideas of the children.

B.M. Nemensky systematized collective activity on the basis of the number of participants in the process of joint labor. According to this approach and the classification of joint activities, all the collective work of children in the process of performing a collective composition.

A more accurate and complete systematization of the types of collective visual activity is presented in the classification developed by T.S. Komarova and A.I. Savenkov. It is based on three main forms of organizing joint activities identified by psychologists: jointly - individual, jointly - sequential and jointly - interacting.

Joint-individual form of organization of collective visual activity.

Joint-individual activity is one of the simplest forms of organizing work on a collective composition. This form of activity assumes that each child individually performs an image, which at the final stage becomes a part, an element of a collective composition. The coordination of the actions of each of the participants in the joint work is carried out at the beginning of the lesson, at the last stage and when the collective composition is compiled and generalized.

Despite the apparent simplicity of organizing joint-individual activities, the teacher in the drawing class needs to think over a number of issues, the solution of which will determine the success of creative work on drawing up a joint composition and its aesthetic quality.

The methods and techniques of organizing jointly-individual activities of children are diverse. They depend on the complexity of the topic and the technique of execution, but a number of general provisions can be distinguished in the method of organizing work:

· Think over in advance the composition of the collective work, choose the color, size and position of the common plane - the background;

· Choose a single visual material and image technique, both for the background and for the details of the collective composition;

Determine the proportionality of details in the overall composition and the means of achieving proportionality in individually performed elements;

Determine the technique of "assembly" of the collective composition, i.e. think over how and how they will be connected to each other, or separate parts will be attached to the general background;

Think over the process of performing a collective composition, appoint assistants from among the children to complete the work

The role of the organizer of collective activities in kindergarten is performed by the educator.

In frontal work with the group, he sets a learning task or an entertaining problem, directs the search for ways to solve it, formulates and defines individual tasks (topic, volume, size, etc.). During the individual work of children, the educator corrects their work depending on what others have done. At the final stage, when a collective composition is organized, the educator is helped to collect elements, details, parts of the overall composition by assistants from among the successful children. At the end of the lesson, all children take part in the analysis of the result of collective activity. The level of creative activity of children in the process of joint - individual work in the classroom largely depends on the result of collective activity, i.e. collective composition.

The advantages of a jointly-individual form of organizing activities in a drawing lesson include the fact that it allows you to mobilize the creative personal capabilities of each child.

The advantage of the joint - individual activity of children in the drawing classes is not only the simplicity of its organization, but also the ability to trace the contribution of each child to the collective result.

Jointly - consistent activity and forms of its organization in the drawing classes.

Jointly - consistent activity as a form of collective creativity is quite rare. This can be explained, on the one hand, by the complexity of organizing joint labor, the process of which resembles the work of a production line; on the other hand, the opinion that exists among teachers that this type of joint activity generally excludes creativity.

Indeed, joint-sequential activity suggests the consistent performance by children of a certain technological operation, when the result of the work of one child becomes the subject of the activity of another. It cannot be denied that monotonous labor, involving the mechanical execution of a separate technological operation, excludes a creative approach. But the lesson does not recreate an industrial conveyor, but a game is offered, according to the conditions of which each child is likened to a master, plays the role of an artist - a master working on an art production conveyor line.

Jointly - sequential activity in the classroom consists of two main stages:

1. Individual work of the child on an element, part of a common product

2. Sequential work on the conveyor associated with the assembly, a certain technological sequential installation of a collective product.

As a rule, the conveyor is “turned on if” in the classroom, the children are faced with the task of completing a large number of identical products in a short time, for example, Christmas decorations, decorative decorations of the hall, etc. From the topics of the examples given, it can be seen that the joint activities of children, organized on the principle of a conveyor belt, always have a practical, socially significant result. The joint-sequential form includes the visual activity of children, organized according to the principle of a relay race. During the “pictorial relay race”, children take turns approaching a common sheet and perform elements of a joint composition, complementing the image that has already been made by previous children. A palette with paints and a brush can be used as a relay baton in a drawing lesson, and if the work is done using the application technique, then a tube of glue can play the role of a baton.

It is easier to organize joint activities on the basis of a relay race than the work of an assembly line.

Organization of collective creativity on the basis of a jointly interacting form of children's activity in drawing classes.

The joint - interacting form is the most difficult in organizing the collective activities of children in a drawing lesson. The difficulty lies in the fact that this form of organization involves either the simultaneous joint work of all participants in collective creativity (work on one sheet, plane), or the constant coordination of the actions of all participants in collective activity. This form is called the form of cooperation or co-creation. Cooperation as a form of organizing collective activity in the classroom requires certain organizational skills from teachers, and from children - the ability to communicate in the process of perception and in practical activities. This form of collective activity requires each child to have a certain communication experience: the ability to cooperate, respect someone else's initiative, defend their own ideas in the process of agreeing on issues of content and form, the use of materials and techniques for performing a composition, and objectively evaluate the results of joint creativity.

It is very difficult to organize the process of broad cooperation of children in a drawing class, therefore this form is most appropriate in drawing classes, where collective work in small groups is possible.

The very method of organizing the process of collective activity in a jointly interacting form differs from jointly individual work. Firstly, by the fact that the original composition is not set by the educator, but is composed by a group of children, that is, already at the first stage of creating a collective panel, there is a creative interaction of children, co-creation. Secondly, while performing a fragment of a collective composition, children are united in small groups in which direct interaction takes place in the course of work.

In practice, there is often a combination of various forms and methods of organizing joint work of children in the field of fine arts, which indicates the relative independence of each of the forms of organizing collective fine arts. In drawing classes, the educator, when organizing the collective activities of children in large and small groups, allows individual work of individual children, the result of their work finds a place in the collective composition.

1.2 Conditions for the organization of collective activities

The success of any activity depends on its organization, and collective work is generally impossible without a carefully thought-out method of introduction, without a clear idea of ​​the composition of the future collective work.

The organization of collective activity in drawing classes requires more effort from the educator than individual. It is especially difficult to organize collective work in a collaborative form in which it is necessary to take into account the interactions both within groups and between groups. But sometimes the work of an educator is not at all complicated by the form of collective activity, but by other reasons. In order to protect the young educator from unjustified expenditure of energy, and children from disappointment in joint activities and its results, we will set out the main conditions that the educator should be guided by when choosing the form and methods of collective work.

The teacher in the drawing classes, when choosing a topic and methodology for collective visual activity, must take into account the following:

· The place of collective activity in the thematic plan and in the structure of the drawing class;

· Age features of children - participants of collective visual activity;

· The feasibility of the task and the availability of visual technology for its implementation.

Let us consider in more detail these basic conditions, which must be taken into account when organizing the process of collective activity of children.

The place of collective activity in the educational process.

Collective pictorial activity assumes a single informational level of preparedness of its participants and a relatively equal level of their pictorial skills, as soon as this guarantees equal responsibility of children for the quality of the result of joint activity. Therefore, it is necessary that each collective work be as limited as possible connected with the system of tasks previously performed by children, being, as it were, their result.

Collective activity is defined as a method of summarizing the knowledge of children obtained during a cycle of classes, united by a single theme.

Collective compositions look very impressive at an exhibition of children's fine arts, so the teacher thinks in advance about the process of children working on a collective thematic or decorative composition. The preparation and execution of the work may take several classes, united in a cycle by a single theme and goal.

Joint activity can be used in a drawing lesson as a game technique aimed at activating the processes of perception and visual creativity of children. In this case, carefully consider:

· The place of the organizational moment in the scenario of the lesson - goal setting, group formation, analysis of the stages of joint work, so as not to destroy the emotional background of the game;

· The relationship of individual and collective action, creativity of children in the process of practical work and in the structure of the lesson as a whole.

In a drawing lesson, a game moment can, on the one hand, contribute to the development of children's interest in a joint result, activating the organizational moment of the children's collective activity. On the other hand, joint visual activity is in many ways similar to a role-playing game, when children or their group, like magicians, frost, craftsmen, artists or teams, artels, workshops, performing creative work, easily solving complex educational and technological problems.

Thus, the choice of a form or methodology for organizing joint activities largely depends on the type of drawing lesson, its main goal: to inform new material, consolidate what has been passed, or generalize the knowledge of children obtained over several lessons. Collective activity can be used as a means of activating the educational process aimed at achieving the tasks set in the lesson.

Age features of children and collective visual activity.

When choosing the form and methodology for organizing the joint work of children, it is equally important to take into account their readiness for collective activity. Readiness is determined by age characteristics and the level of acquired communication experience of children, which largely depends on their age-related predisposition to communication. Age characteristics of preschoolers impose specific features on the methodology of conducting joint artistic activities in drawing classes. Consider, on the one hand, what age characteristics of preschoolers should be taken into account when organizing the collective activities of children, and on the other hand, we will determine what personality traits develop in collective activities, contributing to its improvement and activating the collective creativity of children.

We list the main age features of a preschooler that affect his artistic interest and activity in visual activity:

high emotionality;

Integrity of perception;

Developed imagination;

Specifically - figurative thinking;

· High level of manifestation of individuality and independence in work;

· Enthusiasm for the process of activity;

· Low focus of interest on the quality of the result;

Easy switching from one type of activity to another;

Quick fatigue from monotonous work.

In connection with the consideration of the problem, all age characteristics can be divided into two main groups. The first group includes parameters that make joint actions difficult: a high level of independence, a low focus of interest on the result, and rapid fatigue with monotonous activities. In the second - a positive impact on collective activity: high emotionality, specifically - figurative thinking, easy switching from one type of activity to another, enthusiasm for the work process.

Considering the age characteristics of children aged 5-6 and the known forms of organizing collective activities, we can conclude that the joint - individual form of collective fine art is the most appropriate for working with older children. It is the easiest to organize. In the process of joint - individual activity through work in pairs, in a small group and further to joint - interacting activity.

Thus, knowledge of the age characteristics of children aged 5-6 gives the educator the opportunity to choose such a form and method of organizing collective activity that would not interfere with the manifestation of the individual abilities of children - both visual and organizational, and would make visual activity feasible, contributing to success in joint creativity.

The feasibility of classes and artistic techniques for the collective creativity of children in a drawing lesson.

Accessibility and feasibility are one of the main didactic principles of organizing collective creativity in a drawing class. Earlier, forms of joint activity that are available to children of different age groups were considered. The method of organizing classes also depends on the age characteristics. Collective visual activity for preschoolers should have an emotional color and features similar to the game.

The feasibility of engaging in joint labor is another requirement for collective activity, which must be observed in work with all age groups. Accessibility and feasibility, ease in completing the task and obtaining a high-quality result of joint work at first is a good incentive for the development of children's creative activity and their interest in collective activities. The accessibility of a lesson largely depends not only on the level of readiness of children for visual activity, the amount of skills and abilities, but also on the ability to work together in one or another visual technique. If the result of collective creativity is lower in quality than the result of individual work, and does not meet aesthetic requirements, then it can cause children to have a negative attitude towards joint activities. Difficulties in the implementation of the plan, underestimation of the individual contribution to the result of joint work negatively affect the interest in joint visual activity.

The main reasons for failure in joint visual activity, which primarily affect the quality of the result, can be:

The complexity of knowledge, the implementation of which requires more than one lesson;

· The complexity and inaccessibility of fine art for joint activities;

Lack of dimension and color unity in the collective composition;

· Eclecticism of visual materials and means in the execution of details, part of the overall composition.

Thus, in order for the content and process of collective activity to be accessible to each of its participants, it is necessary to know the level of readiness of each child for this work, his interests.

Collective fine art, as well as individual art, is impossible not only without a certain amount of knowledge and skills, but also without preparing children for active artistic and imaginative thinking and creative creation. Therefore, in the drawing classes, collective creativity is inextricably linked with the aesthetic perception of reality, the artistic perception of works of fine and decorative art, combined with music and artistic word. To activate the creative potential of children, it is recommended to use the techniques of the game and pedagogical dramatization. Exercises aimed at developing visual skills should not be neglected, the inability to draw can hamper the child's creative activity in the same way as a lack of knowledge of the phenomenon or subject of the image.

Introductory conversation or acquaintance with new material;

· Game motivation;

· Analysis of the task, through consideration of the subject, discussion of the idea;

Organization of joint activities and management of its process;

· Drawing up a collective composition and its analysis;

Evaluation of the result of joint creativity.

For the organization of collective classes in the senior group of the kindergarten, as mentioned above, joint-individual activity is more suitable, since it is easier to organize, and with its help, it is possible to trace the contribution of each child to the collective result and adequately evaluate his work . Many authors agree with this: Dronova T.Ya., Komarova T.S., Kazakova T.G. And others. Children 5 - 6 years old begin to show an active interest in their peers and their fine art. Children develop an active desire to communicate and interact with each other. It is important that these relations have a benevolent character, respect for each other. But such interaction does not arise by itself and is not formed in traditional drawing and modeling classes. Special work is needed that can be carried out simultaneously with teaching children to draw, but include, in addition to visual tasks, tasks aimed at teaching children to interact with each other. This work begins with the formation in children of an interested attitude towards a common product.

To solve this problem, it is important to show the children that together they can do what is beyond the power of any one of them. Therefore, in the first lessons, a common product should be created by the whole group. So that children feel that a common product is a qualitatively common whole, just as a whole, someone needs it. The easiest way is to show it in any game or fairy-tale situation, especially since such situations are always close and understandable to preschoolers. The collective composition itself can be solved in different ways.

There are basic principles of organizing joint - individual activities.

The first of the principles, the simplest one, is the principle of free placement, when elements of future collective work are placed freely against the general background. For example, when working on the collective composition “Flower Meadow”, individually drawn flowers are glued onto a sheet of colored paper, the size and color of the image may be different. Their placement on a common plane is not due to anything. Children, performing the task individually, may not guess about participation in collective work until the end of the lesson. The collective composition that appeared at the end of the lesson becomes a pleasant surprise for them. Large and beautiful, it brings children a sense of joy and pride, as children realize that they are part of a real “work of art” that can be used to decorate the interior of the group.

The main condition for success in joint - individual activity on such collective compositions is the children's ideas about the subject of the image, their skills and abilities in working in a given technique. It does not even require matching the size of the images, and their position in the space of an individual sheet. Templates can also be used to depict the shape of a product or blank that children paint or decorate on their own (butterflies, silhouettes of dishes, toys, mittens, etc.).

The two subsequent principles of organizing collective composition - the principle of frieze and the principle of mosaic - involve children getting to know the future composition before their practical activities, since a number of conditions should be observed that would contribute to obtaining compositional integrity.

The main problem in organizing a decorative and ornamental frieze is the observance of a single language of decorative stylization of elements - patterns in the ornamental composition of the frieze. This problem is partly solved by the fact that the teacher gives the children paper and patterns of a certain color. It is easier to organize the work of children on a frieze collective composition, with a realistic drawing of children. But, despite the apparent lightness of the frieze composition, here, too, when performing an individual fragment of collective work, the following conditions must be observed:

· Unity of visual material and technique;

A certain color palette, if the work is done with paints or colored crayons;

· A certain size of the image;

· The exact location of the element on the sheet.

The educator faces the same problems when organizing the joint work of children on a composition that is composed according to the principle of a mosaic. Conditions for joint-individual work on such compositions may be different.

Thus, the conditions for individual work, which is a constituent element of a collective composition created according to the mosaic principle, are the same as when performing a fragment of a frieze collective composition:

· Unity of material and image technique;

· Unity of language and stylization techniques in decorative composition;

The unity of the color scheme;

Compliance with the rules for placing an image on a sheet of individual work.

The fourth principle of organizing joint work on a collective composition also implies that children are aware of participation in joint activities, since at the beginning of the lesson the overall collective composition is analyzed.

Thus, collective visual activity plays an important role in the development of the personality of a preschool child, his interaction with peers and the teacher, and the development of his own visual activity. There are different forms of organization of collective activity, and the choice of one form or another in the classroom is not accidental - it is always due to a number of reasons:

the main goals and objectives of the lesson;

formed visual skills and abilities of children;

age characteristics;

integrative processes and relationships with other activities;

artistic and organizational skills of the teacher himself.

2. Experimental study of the problem of organizing collective classes in visual activity with children of senior preschool age

2.1 Analysis of the state of the problem of collective creativity in visual activity in the practice of pre-school education

Experimental - experimental work was carried out on the basis of MBDOU No. 40 of the city of Votkinsk in the senior group "Tsvetik - Semitsvetik", which works under the "Childhood" program. The content of the program "Childhood" is human-oriented and aimed at educating a humane attitude towards the world (V.I. Loginova). The goal of the program is to create an opportunity for every child in kindergarten to develop their abilities, interact widely with the world, actively practice in various activities, and creative self-realization. The program is aimed at developing independence, cognitive and communicative activity, social confidence and value orientations that determine the behavior, activities and attitude of the child to the world.

The teacher is Vdovina Olga Veniaminovna.

In the group "Tsvetik - Semitsvetik" -19 people. Most children are very active, mobile, sociable, often behave noisily. Children are very fond of drawing, engaging in visual activities and are happy to prepare for this type of activity. Classes in fine arts are conducted in accordance with the requirements of the work program, long-term and scheduling. The individual form of organization of classes is mainly used. Collective interaction is rarely used, mainly it is a joint-individual form of organization. The educator (head of visual activity) collects the work of children in a common composition, children do not participate in this process. They can only observe the final result of their activity in the overall composition. Children's works are used to decorate the interior of the group, art studio, corridors and flights of stairs.

The developing subject-spatial environment in the group allows children to engage in visual activities: perform various applications, drawings, compositions. For children, a visual activity corner in a group is specially equipped so that they can be creative, a lot of material is available to them: pencils of various colors, felt-tip pens, watercolor, gouache, cardboard, whatman paper, colored paper, scissors and a lot more. Aesthetically attractive items for children appear on the shelves of the art and development zone from time to time: folk toys, reproductions of paintings, arts and crafts, small sculptures, illustrations, children's work or examples of joint creativity of parents with children. The corner of visual activity corresponds to the age of children, it is aesthetic. Children often turn to visual materials in their free time.

Thus, according to the requirements of the Federal State Standard for Preschool Education (FSES DO), the spatial subject-developing environment in the artistic and aesthetic direction in kindergarten No. 40 in the “Tsvetik - Semitsvetik” group: content-saturated; transformable; polyfunctional; variable; accessible; safe; health-saving and aesthetically attractive.

Analysis of plans for educational activities.

An analysis of the plans of the educator was carried out. As a result, it was found that the educator has a long-term and calendar planning of work on the organization of the visual activity of children.

The teacher uses various non-traditional forms of work in productive activities, organizes exhibitions of art objects (mini-vernissages), introduces children to the culture of their native land, organizes games, introduces color, shades of color.

The teacher has planned and carried out individual work with children, gender-role differences, individual inclinations and interests are taken into account.

The works of children in the group are stored for a long time, they are removed to the lower pedestal. Sometimes children take "their work of art" home with them.

Private lessons are held frequently. According to the planning of the educator, collective classes of children are held once every six months. The work is carried out against a good emotional background, according to the teacher, they give children pleasure and joy. Children love to work together. The subjects of collective works are varied - seasons, traditional holidays, folk crafts, fairy tales and others.

2.2 Comparative analysis of collective and visual creativity in children of senior preschool age

The pedagogical experiment was carried out during the production practice.

Purpose of the experiment:

To identify the level of visual skills of children in drawing;

the attitude of children to the individual and collective form of organizing classes,

attitude to the work of comrades, the ability to engage in joint activities.

The pedagogical experiment was carried out with a subgroup of children - 10 people:

Polina is a sensible, friendly girl, emotional, loves to draw people.

Nastya is a girl with character, developed in intellectual activity, loves to draw fairy-tale characters.

Vasilisa is a sociable, active girl, easily finds a common language with her peers and adults, loves to draw.

Sofia is an active girl, independent, loves to draw.

Dasha is a positive, active girl who likes to draw trees.

Masha is a passive girl, she does any work slowly, loves to draw.

Danil is a friendly boy, finds a common language with everyone, enjoys reading literature, loves to draw.

Denis is a cheerful boy, sociable, active, loves to draw.

Alyosha is a passive boy, kind, loves to draw plants.

Ksyusha is an active girl, sociable, she likes to work with her peers, loves to draw at home.

Diagnostics was carried out in two stages.

At the initial stage, a drawing lesson was held on the topic "Figure Skating".

The form of organization is individual.

Purpose: to identify the level of visual skills in drawing, the attitude of children to the image process and to the final result.

In this lesson, the children were asked to draw a figure skater on ice.

At the beginning of the lesson, the children were told about winter sports, then the plot of the drawing was discussed in detail.

The children were asked questions:

Guys, what do you know about figure skating? What is this sport?

What do skaters look like?

What are the skaters (girls) wearing?

What do skates and ice look like on which skaters skate?

Then the task was set for the children - to draw a figure skater on the ice in a jump.

Before drawing, the children were asked about the content of the idea (in what clothes, pose the figure skater will be drawn), they clarified the pictorial actions and the sequence of the work.

In the process of drawing, the children practically did not interact with each other, everyone was busy with their own business. Masha and Alyosha often asked for the help of a teacher, as they could not depict a person in a certain position. Polina, Nastya, Vasilisa, Ksyusha, Dasha, Danil, Denis and Sofya coped with the proposed task. They were satisfied with their drawing, they could not objectively determine their shortcomings or incompleteness of the drawing. They showed no interest in the work of their peers. Each stated only his own result.

The following criteria were evaluated: visual skills, attitude to the drawing process, attitude to the finished drawing.

Polina, Nastya, Vasilisa, Sophia, Dasha, Ksyusha, Denis and Danil have an average level of visual skills. In general, according to the results of the table, it was found that Masha and Alyosha had a low level of attitude to the process, and the rest of the children in the experimental group (Polina, Nastya, Vasilisa, Sophia, Dasha, Ksyusha, Denis, Danila) had an average level.

Thus, despite the fact that at the beginning of the lesson visual material was used, in the conversation they turned to the personal experience of the children, the attitude towards the final result among the children of the experimental group was not high enough. In diagram 1, there is no high level, the average level was 75% and the low level was 25%.

At the next stage, they held a drawing lesson “A green oak near the seashore ...”

Form of work - jointly interacting

At the beginning of the lesson, the children's attention was drawn to the poem by A.S. Pushkin "Green Oak by the Seaside".

As a preliminary work, the children were shown pictures on the theme of this poem: a large oak wrapped in a chain; scientist cat; the mermaid sits on the branches; stupa with Baba Yaga; thirty knights; Koschei, Sorcerer and many other characters.

The children were given a task - to draw several heroes of the poem and an oak wrapped in a chain on a piece of drawing paper with various pictorial materials.

During the lesson, the children actively communicated with each other. Discussed the composition of the picture. Together with the teacher, they made a sketch of the future drawing, which should be depicted in the general work of the children; discussed the sequence of work.

Polina and Nastya were painting an oak, once they asked for help from a teacher; Sofia, Danil, Denis, Dasha and Vasilisa drew a chain on an oak tree and fairy tale characters; Ksyusha drew a hut; Masha and Alyosha drew nature, painted, painted the background. Almost all children asked for the help of a teacher, they found it difficult in some situations, because the experience of working together is insufficient.

In this lesson, we used the form jointly - interacting. The work was carried out on a common sheet format. The children worked together. The children saw the result of all the children at the end of this work, felt the importance of their contribution to the common work.

All children have increased interest in the lesson, enthusiasm for work, communication between children has appeared about the concept of work.

Assessing the attitude towards the drawing process and the final result, the children (Masha and Alyosha) remained at a low level, which is 20%, for children (Sofya, Denis, Dasha and Vasilisa, Danila and Ksyusha) - an average level of 60%, for the rest of the children ( Polina and Nastya) - a high level of 20%.

Thus, the ascertaining experiment confirmed the theoretical conclusions that collective activity is an important means in shaping children's sustainable interest in the visual activity itself and in the final result, children experience brighter and deeper emotions, begin to interact with each other, and a friendly type of communication develops. .


The study of scientific and methodological literature on the problem led to the conclusion that the collective visual activity of children of senior preschool age can be organized in different forms: jointly - individual, jointly - sequential and jointly - interacting.

Collective types of work help to form interest and a sense of responsibility for the results of practical activities when two, three or the whole group of children are working on the same idea. Children are happy to participate in the performance of collective work, as they know that the result will be an extraordinary picture, a magnificent panel or an amazing layout, and everyone will be able to find a particle of their labor in the common work. Despite the apparent complexity of the work, the guys do an excellent job with their tasks, because they explain the implementation of all the elements in stages.

The methodology for organizing collective activities at the initial stage assumes the leading role of the teacher: the educator, as a director, distributes responsibilities among all project participants. Over time, preschoolers gain experience in joint actions, among them “main artists” are identified: children who are able to distribute roles among performers. Here it should be remembered that the roles of "leader" and "slave" are interesting and important in their own way, each role involves the performance of certain duties and coordination of actions.

Collective works created by the whole group are usually large, colorful, decorative and expressive. The analysis of such works is carried out with great interest, children actively express their attitude to the results of joint work, rejoice at the result of collective efforts and the consistency of their actions.

Approbation of the form of collective interaction in the pedagogical process of a preschool educational institution showed the effective influence of collective work on the formation of interest in fine arts, high-quality final results, the development of creative activity, the formation of friendly relationships in a group of children. Thanks to the collective form of organizing the lesson, the visual tasks were successfully solved by the children.

Thus, the aim of the study was achieved. In the theoretical part of the work, various forms of organizing the collective activity of children in the process of productive activities are studied. In a practical experiment, the conditions for organizing collective activity on the basis of practice are analyzed. A joint-interacting form of drawing organization was tested.

Collective activity is of great importance in the artistic education of preschoolers as a means of activating the development of their creative potential, forming and improving teamwork skills, developing the need for aesthetic communication and interest in visual activity. Collective activity as a game technique contributes to the active involvement of children in the educational process of their systematization and consolidation. The result of collective activity is of great importance in the education of a socially active position of preschoolers.


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