How to make your wife want to s. What should a husband do to prevent his wife from cheating, from the point of view of emotional intelligence?

February 23

If there is a discord in family life, or rather in the intimate part of it, then we will tell you what to do to make the wife want her husband; a conspiracy will help with this. We will describe a magical ritual that can awaken a wife’s feelings for her husband and unbridled passion. We will also tell you about a conspiracy that will help the husband, if necessary, to awaken passion for his wife.

Why does sexual desire for each other fade away among spouses?

  • Not all couples manage to maintain passion and sexual desire for many years. Over time, and this happens due to many factors.
  • The reasons for the cooling of passion are that, for example, a woman stops taking care of herself, and her husband often sees her with dirty hair, in unsightly, baggy clothes and with bags under her eyes. We must remember that a man comes first loves with his eyes, so you should always try to look good. You need to think through your image to the smallest detail in order to feel like a confident woman. This also turns men on.
  • Passion can also fade because the woman herself expresses the desire to do with my husband sex, even insists on it. Men are hunters by nature and remain so even after marriage. You must always try to be a little inaccessible, even to your husband.
  • Reproaches and endless demands from both men and women can lead to a cooling of feelings. You need to give each other more freedom and trust your life partner 100%.

Conspiracy to make a wife want a husband

“Flowers, flowers, you dear friends, awaken my wife’s interest in me. Let her feel desire for me again. Let her eyes burn with fire, and she will be happy with me for many, many more years. How beautiful this bouquet is, so let me be beautiful and fragrant for my wife. As she looks at these flowers with admiration, let her look at me the same way. Forever and ever, so be it!”

  • As soon as the wife wakes up, the bouquet must be given to her immediately. The husband should pamper his wife with flowers more often and every time he should whisper this conspiracy to them. Then sex will happen much more often in the family.

Conspiracy to make a husband want a wife

  • If a woman wants to become the most desirable for her husband, then she needs to whisper magic words over red wine.
  • The conspiracy must be carried out in the morning, as in the first case.
  • You need to take quality wine. You can read the words for both a glass of wine and a whole bottle. In the evening of this day, I will need to give this wine to my husband to drink. You can keep him company and drink a bottle of the enchanted wine with him.
  • At the same time, put not just a bottle of wine on the table, but prepare a beautiful and tasty dinner. This will only strengthen the effect of the conspiracy.
  • The words of the conspiracy are:

    “Help me, Mother Moon, make me, in the eyes of my husband, the most beautiful and desirable woman on earth. Awaken a violent desire in him and let a hot passion attack him when he looks at me. Forever and ever, amen!”

  • Organize such dinners with enchanted wine at least 2-3 times a month, and you will no longer have to complain about the lack of sex.

Now you know what to do to make your wife want her husband. We have provided you with a plot to help with this.

Hello! I’ll start from the beginning. My wife and I have known each other for almost 9 years, we’ve been married for a little over 8, my beloved is 29, I’m 27. I was her first man. We lived happily together, albeit with my parents. My wife loved me madly, doted on me , me too, but she was very jealous. A year ago we moved, rented an apartment. I lost interest in my wife a little, began to pay little attention, two friends began to come to visit me often, sometimes they drank, sat on the Internet. Then I noticed, that the wife was also becoming cold, that something was wrong in bed, that there was talk about divorce. But after talking seriously (the conversation was about the fact that I had stopped satisfying her, that she had warned me before that her feelings could cool, that I was in No, I communicate, I don’t show her, I drink a lot, which she’s tired of, etc.) he said that she would think about it and if I improve, then everything will be fine with us. But another two months passed and in August she packed her things and said that is leaving, will soon file for divorce, and then will tell you what the reason is. Things were standing at the doorstep, I told her that if you leave, I will take our five-year-old son from you. She is in tears, and I began to extort from her the reason why she doesn’t want to save our marriage. Why is she crying, where were you before with your passionate love and care, when I blew away specks of dust from you, now I love someone else, I want to be with him, he gave me care, love. I am with you cheated on him. She didn’t leave, she went to live in her son’s room, there were a lot of conversations, sexual intimacy gradually resumed. Her relationship gradually began to warm up. But there were a lot of silent tears, little revelation, I found out who this new chosen one was, it turned out it was one of those two my friends who often came to visit me. And he drinks, and a lot, he’s 7 years older than me, he has neither a job nor a conscience, he drinks almost every day. And then the other day my wife was forced to confess, she started tell: You cheated on me morally, by communicating on the net, you drank, your friends told me that you cheated (although I didn’t cheat, they did it to achieve her), I stopped trusting and respecting you, I prepared myself mentally for cheating, one started writing to me, I received affection from him, I slept with him, over time I realized that he didn’t love me, and I asked him not to pester me anymore, but then the second one immediately started, the one I love now, he began to look after you, give gifts, say words that I haven’t heard from you, don’t worry, I won’t leave you, only together we can give our son a good upbringing, that’s the only reason I didn’t leave right away, because you said you’d take him away son, but if my new lover didn’t drink, I would leave, I wanted to change my life, and you be strong, don’t control, maybe soon your feelings will return, don’t remember my betrayal, know, I don’t regret it, I got it then what was not in the family, but I fell in love, and as much as it doesn’t hurt you, I love him now, but he did not fulfill his promises to stop drinking, find a job, etc. And I found out that this new beloved (Vitya) tells his friends that my wife is a reliable slut, that he will put her to bed whenever he wants, I told my wife this, but she didn’t believe me, saying that I don’t trust him yet bye to you, and he loves me so much, he sought me out so much, anyone wouldn’t get tired. And just the other day I found out that she calls him back very often, is looking for meetings, maybe she’s sleeping, that all these tears of hers are everyday because Vitya brainwashes her, she asks him not to call, and he gets drunk, calls, with his warm words, begs to leave me, and again puts rose-colored glasses on my wife. literally the day before I proved that he was simply using my wife, calling her a whore, finding himself a new passion, and at the same time swearing his love to my wife, that secretly from my wife he had taken her naked. And he said, but could not prove, that now the goal is to break up our family, to do everything so that we are not together. He’s just a monster. He probably got excited. My wife called Vita after that and said that everything would melt away with him, asked him not to pester her, said that she knows something , and that she won’t be with him anymore. To which Vitya replied to her: You still won’t be with your husband, I have dirt on you. this is a conversation from the words of his wife. Then he sent her an SMS: sorry for everything, and my wife replied: forgive me too. And we had a conversation again, where my wife said: I don’t regret that I changed, I’ve been myself for a long time you justified and are to blame for my betrayal, and if you loved me, cared for me, as you do now (I stopped drinking completely, quit smoking, now I often call her and she already calls me too, I care, I help) then nothing would have happened, don’t worry , he tells me, I won’t sleep with him, even though I forgave him, like you, but Vitya and I will have nothing, I don’t want to, but I love him, I don’t know, maybe you’ll win what’s mine again heart, but for now common sense is completely for you, I know, I am confident in the future with you, I see that you love, although I can’t fully open up to you yet, and I don’t want to pretend, but with my care and warmth with love, he says, that I will achieve a lot from her. But my heart still belongs to Vita. She says that you can’t order your heart. She said: I’m in love, but such feelings as for Vita were only for me. And she said that if I have such a warm relationship with her always, then her conscience will not allow her to cheat and betray me. She said that she hoped that he would not call her again, that he would show his human qualities in at least one way. And now, if my wife is telling the truth, he hasn’t called her for about five days, the crying has disappeared, which sometimes reached the point of hysterical crying, sometimes a tear rolls down from her, she says that she remembered something good with him and it hurts her soul, but that he still can’t open up to me completely and tells me not to ask, not to be a masachist. I brought my wife back, brought back a little of her warmth, probably made sure that she didn’t cheat on me, didn’t run to him. But there was so much deception, even when after almost a divorce, for which she also prepared herself and, according to her, she was mentally already in a new life, but I didn’t let her do something stupid, that was also a lie. I forgave her, I really didn’t treat her very warmly last year, although in the depths of my soul cats scratch, I was betrayed by my wife and friends, I trusted my wife more than myself, and here it’s like a bolt from the blue. And trust is spoiled. But I love my wife, I’m crazy about her, I rejoice at her smile, I miss her very much when she’s gone, I’m happy with her, I need her warmth, she inspires me .But I have these stupid thoughts in my head, that she can or is now cheating and how to make sure she doesn’t cheat, and most importantly, how to return her love, how to convince her to open up for me again one hundred percent, what should I do for this and how behave. I am sure that if she falls in love again or old feelings awaken, I will regain confidence in her. And now, even though she says, don’t worry, I’m with you, can’t you see, learn to hear me, but there is such suffering in my soul, Now it’s so hard for me. I ask for your wise advice, HOW TO GET MY WIFE’S LOVE BACK, HER TRUST AND MINE, and continue to live happily?

Do you know what is the secret of family happiness and prosperity? It is very simple: the main thing is that the wife is happy, then she will take care of everything else. How can I make her happy? Everything is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance.

Marital happiness is often compared to a honeycomb that two bees build, and the harder they work, the sweeter the honey inside. Many people ask why they are deprived of happiness and harmony in family relationships and how to get them back? There is no doubt that the happiness of the family primarily depends on the spouses themselves.

The main condition is that there is mutual understanding between them. It is important that they are united by love, but not that frivolous love that flares up and goes out suddenly, but one that combines spiritual harmony and tender noble feelings. But how can you still make your wife happy?

1. It is important that you both have common views on life.

2. Try to help your wife with household chores.

3. Try not to pay attention to some of your wife’s shortcomings and always remember that her virtues and noble qualities will outweigh minor shortcomings. If you don’t like one quality about her, then you will be pleased with another quality.

4. Be gentle and affectionate towards your wife, joke with her, look after her.

5. Listen to your wife's criticism with patience and generosity.

6. Be kind to your wives and children. The best of you are those who treat their family better.

7. If you treat your family members kindly, then they will treat you kindly, filling your life with happiness.

8. Don't be stingy with your wife, yourself or children, but spend your money only on good things. All your expenses for your family will be rewarded. Prophet Muhammad said: “The best money is that spent on the family.” Do not reproach your wife for supporting her. This is your responsibility. If you reproach your wife for this, then you lose the reward for this good deed.

9. Never humiliate your wife because it will leave a mark on her heart for a long time. The most dangerous humiliations are those that your wife can forgive in words, but can never forgive in her heart - an insult when you are angry, curses against her parents, accusations of infidelity, etc.

10. If you treat your wife well, she will reciprocate. Let her feel that you put her happiness before yours, that you care about her health and are willing to sacrifice a lot to cure her during her illness.

11. Remember that your wife always wants to be aware of everything that is happening with you, so talk to her more often. When you return home, try not to be gloomy, gloomy, silent and gloomy. All this can cause fear and suspicion in your wife.

12. Don't expect your wife to be interested in your professional interests. Therefore, if you, for example, are a professor of astronomy, do not expect that your wife will be concerned about the state of the stars and planets.

13. Be direct and honest, and then your wife will be the same. Do not leave any omissions - this can lead to doubting each other.

14. Beware of causing your wife to feel jealous, either intentionally or accidentally, by saying that you have been offered to marry your second wife. Don't show your admiration for another woman. All this can deeply hurt your wife's heart, making her worry and doubt you, which, in turn, will negatively affect her health, as well as her attitude towards you.

15. Don't remind your wife of her physical flaws or mistakes, especially in front of strangers. Don't blame her.

16. Watch your behavior and try to transform and educate yourself, because not only your wife is obliged to do this. Don't hold on to your old bad habits. Avoid anything that might make your wife angry, even if it's just a joke.

17. Try to adopt the positive qualities of your wife.

18. Always be calm and never get angry, for anger is the source of hatred between people. If you have offended your wife, then immediately apologize to her. Don't go to bed angry with your wife while she is offended and crying. Try to understand that what you were angry and swearing about is a small thing, not worth your wife’s tears.

19. Make your wife feel confident. Do not make her your shadow, which meekly follows you, fulfilling all your whims. On the contrary, encourage her to have her own correct views on life. Consult her in all matters. Listen to her decisions, if you see that she is right, and tell her about it. If you do not agree with her, then try to tactfully and politely convince her.

20. Every time your wife deserves praise and gratitude, do not skimp on kind words addressed to her.

21. Don't reproach or scold your wife. Do not compare her with your relatives whom you admire, and do not strive for your wife to imitate them in everything.

22. Try to give your wife the opportunity to get an education. If she wants to get a degree in some field, then support her, as long as it does not contradict the principles of our religion and does not interfere with her fulfillment of her marital duties and household chores. Every time she achieves success, encourage her, do not be stingy with praise.

23. Listen carefully to your wife when she starts a conversation, as this helps her to pour out her soul and get rid of many mental problems. Avoid accusing her of lying during a conversation and don’t make her angry. However, there are also women who talk excessively, like to gossip, and criticize their husband’s relatives. In such cases, it is necessary to treat them wisely, calmly, and warn them against such conversations and their undesirable consequences.

24. Let your wife always feel safe from any trouble, let her be sure that you will never offend or leave her.

25. Let your wife feel that you will always take care of her financially, no matter how rich she is. Never try to take possession of her inheritance, which she inherited from her father. Don't be stingy with her, even if she is very rich, because she needs the feeling that you are truly a father figure to her.

26. Let your love for your wife not prevent you from loving your parents or relatives. Each of them should receive their share of your love. Love everyone without depriving anyone. This will ensure harmony in family relationships.

27. In all areas of life, treat your wife the way you would like her to treat you.

28. Visit her family and relatives, maintain good relations with them, full of love and respect.

29. Don't make your wife jealous of your work, which brings you a livelihood. Don't stay at work any longer than necessary. Don't let work take up too much of your time, especially at the end of the week. Do not deprive your wife of the joy of spending time together with you at home or somewhere else, so that she does not get bored and sad.

30. When leaving the house, ask your wife to smile and pray for you. When returning, do not come home unexpectedly. Let her be ready to meet you in the form in which she wants to appear before you, especially if you are returning from a long trip.

Modern representatives of the fair half of humanity are no longer the weaker sex, as they once thought. Wives try to rise above their husbands, trying to infringe and humiliate them. Some ladies openly cheat on their husbands, showing disrespect and causing pain. Will such persons treat their spouse with due respect? Perhaps, but a man needs to try hard.

This is interesting. The sensational story of a wife’s disdain for her betrothed made the male population rejoice. The Egyptian lady showed her husband dissatisfaction with his salary and the constant lack of money in the family. The country's authorities have introduced a law that states that a husband has the right to file for divorce if his wife accuses him of insolvency. The Supreme Judge supported the decision in every possible way, considering such a harsh statement groundless.

Method 1. Love your own “I”

The wife will not respect a husband who disdains his own person.

Husbands who please their wives in everything need to change their strategy. Do you buy expensive things and perfume for your loved one, but wear faded jeans? Be careful, girls quickly get used to good things. Perhaps this is why your wife stopped respecting you; she got the impression that your husband is unworthy of more.

Don't let yourself be humiliated. Refuse tasteless food if this is actually the case. You are an adult, worthy man who needs high-quality and healthy food. Watch your figure, eat right, join the gym. Ladies love sculpted abs and broad shoulders.

Did your spouse buy a T-shirt on sale that looks terrible on you? Make her a doormat.

A girl dresses in expensive boutiques, spends half her salary on shoes from Botticelli, and at the same time buys her husband cheap T-shirts with crooked prints? Stop allocating money to whims, making it clear that you are the “leader of the pack.”

The situations described are a drop in the ocean of humiliation of male pride. Stand up for your point of view even in petty situations, love yourself and don’t let your wife suppress your man’s ego. Go to a good store, buy an expensive watch and beautiful shoes, after all, the budget is shared.

Method 2: Become self-sufficient

Constantly look for options for additional income. Don't live off your salary and struggle to make ends meet. Most women blame their husbands for material poverty, as a result of which they cease to respect them. It's logical. There are no such ladies eager to marry a man sitting at home watching TV with a bottle of beer in his hand instead of doing business.

The question arises about a small salary? Convince the woman that you are trying to provide for your family. She made a vow at the altar to be with her husband in sorrow and in joy, in wealth and in poverty; reproaches here are extremely inappropriate. However, the advice about additional income remains relevant.

Get rid of laziness, read literature, develop yourself and lead your loved one. The man is the guiding line, the wife is the guided one. Take the initiative and don’t shy away from funny ideas; women love an unconventional approach.

Method 3. Engage in re-education of your spouse

Tied the knot with an eccentric lady? You'll have to sweat a lot. Temperamental girls are difficult to “train”; they have already developed a certain character and, by and large, such girls do not want to change anything.

Men who praise their women should reconsider their position. Stop indulging her, learn to say “No!” when a controversial issue arises. Pay attention to what exactly your spouse is unhappy with, then try to convey your own point of view in a calm voice.

Is your wife complaining about your constant absence due to work? Make it clear that making money while at home is quite difficult. If the arguments are unconvincing, invite the girl to start working while sitting on the couch next to you.

Are you quarreling with your wife because, in her opinion, you are not paying enough attention to your child? Make a compromise, show the qualities of a caring father. Show that even when you are tired, you care about your family.

Method 4. Become an attentive lover

You can often hear the phrases from women: “My husband and I have boring and monotonous sex!” or “My husband doesn’t satisfy me!” Become an attentive lover so that your wife will look forward to you coming home from work in the evenings.

Sex for married people often loses its spark and becomes routine. Watch an erotic film together, flirt on the phone, discuss secret fantasies. For every talented lover there is a more experienced male, improve your skills and experiment. Light the wish candle again!

Method 5: Leave room for a riddle

You earn good money, occupy a high position, but your wife has lost respect for you? Stop spoiling her. It is clear that you are ready to fulfill any whims, but in everything you need to know when to stop. It’s not for nothing that Pushkin wrote “The more we love a woman, the less she likes us...”. Don’t run forward to fulfill all your beloved’s wishes, leave room for some mystery, you are not an open book. Let the lady ask for a favor, showing her need. This way you can gradually remove the crown from her.

Did your spouse give you a beautiful (totally unnecessary) writing pen for your birthday? Reciprocate.

Is the girl in no hurry to share family stories? And you shouldn't amuse her with stories about the events that happened last weekend.

As a rule, wives stop respecting their husbands because of their own considerations. Some are dissatisfied with the lack of attention to their person, others want to live like queens, and others do everything themselves without outside support. Identify the true motives of behavior and begin to act. Where the carrot is powerless, try the stick.

Video: how to teach a woman to respect a man

The Internet is filled with discussions on the topic “How to make your husband love you for the rest of your life,” but there are similar pieces of advice for men

“For a wife to love all her life” is practically non-existent in relation to wives.

Meanwhile, it would be useful for many men to learn how to change the attitude of the woman they love towards themselves for the better and make her love you all her life.

Star from the sky

Believe me, for this you don’t need to move mountains or get a star from the sky, you just need to love your soulmate and do everything to make her feel good with you.

5 tips for men to make their wife love for life,
given in this article will help you achieve what you want.

I have heard from many married women that after the wedding, the fervor of love fades away, the “candy-bouquet” period disappears irrevocably, and boredom and routine settle in the relationship between two people.

It is boring, monotonous leisure that leads to conflicts in the family , and also to the fact that the wife begins to look for entertainment “on the side.”
But this is so easy to avoid if you periodically introduce a breath of fresh air into the relationship.

Moreover, this could be like going to the movies or restaurants together, travel, unexpected offers and gifts for your loved ones. Even a cooked breakfast in bed can incredibly lift your lady’s mood.

Problem solving

In any family, a man must remain a man, which means he is simply obliged to think about how to provide for his family financially and how to solve problems that arise. If a woman is behind her husband like behind a stone wall, she will not stop loving such a man.

It doesn’t matter how successful you are in business and how broad your shoulders are, the main thing is for your beloved to feel that you are the one taking responsibility for the family, and not shifting it onto your wife’s fragile shoulders.

Joint business

No couple can live their entire lives together without common interests. And it doesn’t matter at all what exactly binds two people together: a passion for travel, a love of movies, computer games, or a common business.

A man who wants to achieve reciprocity from his beloved I just have to think about the common interests with my wife. At the same time, we should not forget that the main interest, of course, will be the common children.


Whatever you say, a harmonious union will never work without the intimate component. Moreover, in order to conquer your beloved and tie her to you forever, you don’t need to be a hero-lover.

It is important to be attentive to your woman, captivate her with the game, fight the bitch in bed in all the ways suitable for two lovers, and then you will become for her the only one with whom she would like to live this life.

Loving your wife

The last piece of advice is the most banal, but at the same time the most effective. You just need to love your wife!

It is this inspiring feeling that encourages men to carry their wives in their arms , appreciate them, be proud and constantly extol your own! Women are very sensitive creatures and any of them subtly senses a man’s attitude towards her, which means that the woman will respond to your love with no less strong love.

Pavel (34 years old):

I’ll be honest, not everything in our family went smoothly. . Everything was like everyone else’s - meeting, wedding and life together, which after a couple of years became so ordinary that you just wanted to howl like a wolf. I once heard the phrase that love lasts three years. It seems to me that ours did not last even a year and a half.

We were just bored together and therefore, when they came home from work, in the evenings everyone minded their own business, she read books or chatted with her friends, and I simply went to my friends, in whom I found an outlet.
And even the birth of a son did not change our relationship much.

On the contrary, Anya completely devoted herself to her son, I completely stopped paying attention. Our communication was limited only to conversations about what the child needed and where to get money.

As a result, I got another girl. I didn’t fall in love with her, I just wanted some variety, I was tired of such a dull life. Meetings were infrequent, but it so happened that my wife found out about my adventures. She packed her things, took the child and went to her parents in another city. It would seem that this is what I was looking for. Freedom - live as you please!

True, after living like this for a month, I suddenly realized how much I missed Anyuta and my son. I wanted to do everything so that we could become families again. Apparently the separation had such an effect on me, but from that moment I decided that I would definitely return my wife and become an ideal husband for her,
from which she will never leave!

It took half a year to prove to Anyuta that I had changed and really loved her. I stopped disappearing from friends, learned to cook, and the most amazing thing is that I started to enjoy it! And you should have seen Anyuta’s rounded eyes,
when I made her lasagna for dinner myself.

Even now, seven years after these events, I try to please my beloved as often as possible. , and not necessarily with monetary gifts. We set a goal together and saved up for a car, thanks to which we now travel often. I love my wife, and she feels it, telling me that wives don’t leave such husbands!

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