Bath day for a guinea pig. How to bathe guinea pigs and can it be done in water

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Many breeders ask questions: is it possible to bathe a guinea pig? does the pet need it? To understand this, it is enough to first find answers to the questions: can guinea pigs swim? Do guinea pigs swim in their natural environment? The answer is simple: these animals do not swim, but keep themselves perfectly clean. Some owners claim that their guinea pigs enjoy swimming. But most often this procedure is a test for the animal. Therefore, before washing a guinea pig, it is better to weigh the pros and cons.

To wash or not to wash

The holders of the animal are divided into two camps:

  1. Those who believe that bathe guinea pigs it is forbidden.
  2. Supporters of washing rodents.

Arguments in favor of opponents of water procedures:

  • In their natural habitat, animals do not bathe.
  • The procedure disrupts the pH balance of the skin, exposing the animal to the risk of getting skin diseases (dandruff, fungus, etc.)
  • Washing is stressful for a piglet, which negatively affects its health.
  • The likelihood of colds is high.
  • Pigs are able to keep themselves clean. Strong pollution from food in the area of ​​​​the mouth and neck will disappear by themselves.

Bathing Arguments:

  • Cleanliness is the key to health.
  • Often licking the coat is not enough. For example, long hair gets very dirty, and rodents that are kept in an outdoor enclosure are also prone to contamination.

How to avoid heavy pollution

Severe pollution is most often the result of improper care and depend on:

  • the thickness of the filler in the cage should not be less than 5 cm;
  • frequency of replacement of the filler - at least 1 time per week;
  • cage size - the minimum length that should be at the disposal of 1 pig is 100 cm, a pair of pigs - 120 cm;
  • coat length - long-haired pets are best cut.

Guinea pig care


To wash pigs at home you will need:

  • basin (you can carry out the procedure in the sink);
  • shampoo, used special for pigs or cat, it is permissible to use children's products;
  • baby oil;
  • cotton buds;
  • conditioner, especially important if the pig's coat is long and prone to rolling;
  • towels, one of which is immediately placed in a basin so that the pet does not slip.

Bath preparation:

  1. If the piglet is still small, it is better to wait until it grows up.
  2. Bathing a guinea pig is best planned in warm time of the year.
  3. Before bathing the animal, you need to accustom him to staying in the bathroom.
  4. You can combine this ritual with combing.
  5. It is necessary to draw water into the basin to the level of the pet's abdomen, water should not get into his mouth, nose or ears.
  6. It is not necessary to draw water into the basin, if the pig is afraid to stand in the water, you can water the animal from a watering can or tap.
  7. Before bathing a guinea pig, it is necessary to measure the temperature of the water - the optimum is 36-39 ⁰С.

Do I look like Aphrodite?

How to wash properly:

  1. Soaping is necessary for the weak massage movements with one hand and the other to hold the animal.
  2. It is better to cover the head of the animal with a napkin, the muzzle of the rodent can be wiped with a damp cloth without soap.
  3. While bathing, it is recommended to clean the anal pocket of the pig and the foreskin of males with baby oil and cotton buds.
  4. Soap or shampoo should be thoroughly rinsed with clean water.
  5. Conditioner is applied after rinsing, it must be distributed over the entire length of the coat.


In order not to harm the pet during drying, the following recommendations must be observed:

  1. After washing, the pig is wrapped in a thick dry towel that absorbs excess moisture.
  2. Wet wool should be combed with a comb with rare teeth.
  3. This is followed by drying with a hairdryer - the air flow should not be hot, but warm; drying is done in the direction of hair growth.
  4. If the rodent is very afraid of a hair dryer, you can get by with a warm battery or in the sun.
  5. In the case of using a hair dryer, the pig must calm down before the device is turned on.
  6. Before putting the animal in the cage, you must wait until it is completely dry.

Dry me quickly - there is a lot to do!

Precautionary measures:

  1. There should be no drafts in the room during washing and drying, it is recommended to close all windows and doors.
  2. During the procedure, you can not leave the animal.
  3. The soap pig is very slippery, you need to hold it tighter and more carefully to prevent falling.
  4. You need to wash guinea pigs in a calm environment, it is better not to make sudden movements and talk to your pet in an affectionate tone.
  5. It is recommended to refrain from walking on fresh air within a day after washing.

Nail cutting

Piglet care includes clipping nails with nail scissors. This is especially true for older pets. The nails of the animal will prevent him from moving, if you do not cut off the uneven curved edges.

Nail clipping rules

If the animal has little pigment in the nails, then you can use the backlight so that the blood vessels are clearly visible. In this case, cutting nails will be safe.

Dark brown nails must be trimmed with extreme care. It is better to leave part of the bent claw so as not to deform it. The cut must be strictly across the nail, an oblique cut can cause cracks.

If you were hurt blood vessel, you need to wet the wound with damp cotton. At heavy bleeding the paw is completely bandaged.


Even if the coat of the animal is short, you can massage the pet with a soft brush. Long hair is combed out at least every other day. The hairs on the abdomen and paws that have fallen into lumps are cut off with nail scissors.

Combing during the molting period is a mandatory procedure for both long-haired rodents and short-haired ones.

Guinea pigs are very clean animals, and if you don't clean their cage regularly, most of the time they keep that cute, familiar scent. Can you bathe a guinea pig? It is possible and necessary! When washing them, it should become regular procedure which will help keep their coat and skin healthy, and appearance- magnificent.

How often should you bathe your guinea pig?

Recommended bathe guinea pigs every 3 to 4 months. Water procedures can be carried out as necessary during treatment skin diseases, such as lice, or if your pets suddenly become dirty for any reason. However, be aware that bathing guinea pigs too often can dry out their skin and cause it to become irritated.

Preparation for water procedures

Prepare everything you need to bathe your guinea pig and place it in close proximity to the bathing area. Here is a list of things you will need:

  • 3 - 4 towels;
  • deep plastic bowl for bathing;
  • flannel;
  • small plastic cup with a spout or a plastic jug;
  • shampoo for small animals;
  • soft comb;
  • Plastic container(of necessity);
  • responsible assistant (also if necessary).

If the weather is cold, make sure the room temperature is warm enough so your guinea pig can't catch a cold.

Fill a plastic bowl with warm water, about 5 cm deep. Check the temperature with your elbow to make sure it's neither too hot nor too cold. Place the bowl next to the sink. Fill the sink with warm water for rinsing. Also put the flannel on the bottom of the bowl to make your pig feel more secure, as this will stop the paws from sliding along the bottom. Remember, everything should be within easy reach, never leave a guinea pig unattended in the water. For pouring water, it is better to use a small plastic glass with a spout or a plastic jug.

If possible, ask someone to help you. An assistant is needed in order to hold your piglet while you are busy, for example, pouring water. If there is no assistant, then use a plastic container with a towel. It is important that the walls of the container are high enough - this will not allow your pet to escape. This container will come in handy if you need to free your hands for any reason.

Never leave a guinea pig unattended on any high surfaces.

Guinea pig shampoo

Always choose a shampoo for small animals, preferably for guinea pigs, so that your pet's skin does not become dry and irritated. Based shampoos natural ingredients without chemical additives, such as baby shampoo, can also be used. Soap and regular shampoo the best choice, such detergents can cause dandruff and other skin problems.

If you are treating your guinea pig for lice or any other skin condition, use regular shampoo first. This will keep the coat and skin clean, free of oil and dirt, and help the healing shampoo to easily penetrate the affected skin.

Prepared bath

Safety while bathing your guinea pig

Not all guinea pigs enjoy taking a bath. Some piglets will try to break free during the bath, so always hold your pet firmly while he is panicking.

Remember, guinea pigs can act very quickly, so be prepared for this.

If you're worried about your scum coming out, or if you're about to bathe your guinea pig for the first time and don't know what to expect, place the bowl on the floor or in an empty tub. Even if it breaks out of your hands, it will not fall far.

bathing a guinea pig

Guinea pig doesn't look excited

Guinea pig cozy and warm

Now it's time to ask your helper to hold the guinea pig up while you drain the used water. As mentioned above, you can place your pet wrapped in a towel in a plastic container on the floor, which will free your hands. Rinse the pig's hair, making sure you rinse out all the shampoo.

Rinse the fur of the guinea pig well

Drying your guinea pig after bathing

When all the shampoo has been rinsed off, place the clean piglet on another dry towel. In order to dry the pig after bathing, two towels may be needed. The first towel will become wet very quickly due to excess water. Dry your pet gently with a towel. You can use a hair dryer, but on the lowest setting of the regulator. Test it against your hand first - this will give you an idea of ​​the distance and temperature when using the hair dryer. If it's too hot for you, it will be too hot for your guinea pig. Be very careful when using a hair dryer.

Guinea pig shakes

Drying the guinea pig with a hair dryer

Caring for your guinea pig after bathing

After drying, brush your pet's coat. Remember, long-haired guinea pigs need daily brushing. The balls of wool quickly appear, become tangled and turn into knots. If nothing is done, this can be very painful for the guinea pig, as the tangles of matted hair pull on the skin. You may need to trim shorter coats that hang down, as piglets' long coats can get dirty quickly.

Be extremely careful when using scissors, especially near the testicles of males.

If you find a small knot, it's best to carefully cut it off rather than trying to untangle or comb it. Guinea pigs have very delicate skin, so if you start tugging on it, you will hurt your pet. But, again, be careful with the scissors so as not to cut the guinea pig's skin. If you can't do it yourself, or you're afraid of hurting yourself, it's best to take your piglet to the vet.

Some people may bathe their guinea pig first and then trim their nails. However, bathing itself can be quite stressful for some guinea pigs, so it is recommended to cut them the next day.

All owners of guinea pigs should remember that the name of this species of rodents is figurative. It does not say that animals love water. Like all rodents, they are quite skeptical about it. In nature, rodents can overcome water barriers, but communication with water bodies is not their favorite pastime. Therefore, you need to know how to bathe a guinea pig, and do it very carefully.

Where and how to bathe?

For washing, you need to prepare a separate container, for example, a small basin, trough, cup. The water in which you can bathe guinea pigs should be moderately warm, but in no case hot or cold. Guinea pigs are, by nature, very shy. That's why drastic changes both in body position and environment, can scare them a lot. And this, in turn, can cause various health problems and troubles while swimming - biting, scratching, screaming and much more. Watering an animal from a faucet, or a strong jet from the shower is unacceptable. You can not only scare, but also pour water into your ears, nose, eyes. This is not what your pet needs. It is better to use a ladle, and water carefully.

the washing up

To wash a pig, you need to use special shampoos for guinea pigs and rabbits. If you wash your pet with soap or regular shampoo, then peeling and even dandruff may appear on the skin. The guinea pig will begin to itch and may scratch some areas of the body until it bleeds.

It is necessary to apply shampoo to the fur of the pig, excluding the muzzle, and slowly massage the fur. Gently, with water, rinse with shampoo. Rinse thoroughly so that not a drop of shampoo remains on the animal. Males need to thoroughly wash the hair around the foreskin. The remains of the animal's vital activity often accumulate there, forming crusts. They can injure the most delicate skin. Wash your paws in the same way, gently rub your claws. Never wash or wet your ears! They need a completely different care, as well as the nose and eyes.

After such water procedures, it is necessary to dry the animal. First, blot it with a towel, then gently dry the entire fur with a hair dryer. If there is no hair dryer, or the animal is very afraid of it, then just wrap the pig in a dry towel. Your pet will gladly make a mink in it and will dry out in a warm place. After washing, comb your pet with a special comb. Immediately after such procedures, take the pig out to open air or in a room with drafts is impossible. You have to wait at least a day!

It remains to be discussed whether guinea pigs are bathed often. This should be done regularly, but certainly not every day. Once every two weeks will be enough. Show pigs are bathed a few days before the show. Even if your pet has very short hair, or it does not exist at all (there are such breeds), then pet care, including bathing, is required. After all, guinea pigs are quite clean animals. They really do not like to live in mud and wear this mud on themselves.

"- this question interests many owners furry pets. In general, they are considered very clean animals and proper care do not come from them unpleasant odors. At the same time, one cannot but take into account the fact that we are constantly in tactile communication with these little animals. Therefore, from time to time you need to bathe them for prevention. How to properly carry out bath procedures and what means to use now, we will tell you.

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Should you bathe your guinea pig?

If you want to have a guinea pig at home, and not a real pig, then you need to wash it from time to time. It is important to remember that our beloved rodents are not enthusiastic about bath procedures. Therefore, in order not to stress the animal, you need to bathe it not very diligently and, accordingly, not for long. An exception may be the case if your pig is dirty or in a neglected state, and you need to wash everything thoroughly.

Choosing a detergent

It is important for guinea pig lovers to remember that bathing them ordinary soap Absolutely forbidden. Such bathing dries the skin of the animal very much, which is already very delicate.

It is best to wash a guinea pig at home with shampoos specially purchased for this, they are sold at any veterinary pharmacy.

If there is no such remedy at hand, you can use an ordinary shampoo, preferably for dandruff. But children's shampoos that do not pinch the eyes of babies are best suited.

Rules for successful swimming

  1. The most important thing to remember is that only an adult pig should be bathed, as small ones should not be subjected to such stress and temperature changes.
  2. Also make sure your pet is actually dirty enough to start washing it. After all, they are already clean and can clean themselves, perhaps they can only be wiped wet wipe and avoid swimming.
  3. The paws need to be wiped with a damp cloth, but bathing is necessary only in rare cases if the pig's fur is very dirty.

There is another important factor: guinea pigs should be washed in the warm season. If you do this, for example, in winter, you need to make sure that the temperature in the room is optimal, even if a little more than usual. Also, if you have already decided to bathe your pet and you are doing this for the first time, remember that they are small and defenseless, but they have sharp teeth and claws. AT Everyday life The guinea pig is the most peaceful animal, but, like a person, getting into a stressful situation for itself, it can be unpredictable.

You should minimize your guinea pig's stress by preparing her for the bath in advance. Rewarding with food and various treats, as they do with dogs and cats, does not work in our case. You need to apply all your affection and charm in relation to the little animal.

About three days before washing, it is advisable to make it a rule to bring the pig into the bathroom twice a day, sit down, while laying it on your knees and stroking it. Thus, the animal will get used to this environment and will feel your affection. Also, this procedure can be ideally combined with combing the hair of a pet.

Before you start bath procedures, you need to perform a number of actions:

  1. Prepare a dish in which you will wash your pet. Preferably a basin with warm water, the temperature of which you will need to check with your hand.
  2. Prepare a ladle.
  3. Prepare cotton swabs.
  4. Take some towels.
  5. If you have at home, baby oil for the skin.
  6. A hair dryer must be on hand.
  7. Pre-purchased or prepared shampoo.


  1. Gently and gently stroke the guinea pig's back while slowly placing it in a bowl of water. The amount of water in the vessel should not exceed the level of the abdomen of the animal.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to turn on the water, otherwise you will frighten the rodent and you cannot avoid scratches on your hands.
  3. We take a scoop and pour warm water over our animal, while trying not to raise it above the head of the animal.
  4. Talk to your pet in a calm voice, while stroking it, thereby bathing the pig, these actions should calm the rodent.
  5. Try not to lather the shampoo, do everything slowly and carefully, because the foam that has entered the animal's body can cause great harm to the stomach.
  6. At bath procedures also do not forget about washing the anal pocket, which is located near the anus of the guinea pig. This is best done with baby oil and cotton swabs. Press lightly on lower part the guinea pig's belly and carefully clean everything there, while trying not to cause damage. This procedure is done if you do not have time to clean the cage three times a week in order to avoid inflammation.
  7. The final stage will be wiping and wrapping the animal in a towel until it is completely dry. Carefully inspect the guinea pig for any ear canal or shampoo ingestion.
  8. Dry the animal completely with a hair dryer, and after all these procedures, your beautiful and clean pet can be free.

Video "How to bathe a guinea pig"

The video shows in detail and step by step the entire process of bathing a pet.

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A guinea pig, like any pet, needs care. It is necessary to cut the claws of the animal, make sure that the regrown teeth do not injure the oral cavity, and monitor the coat. Many owners have a question: "Is it possible to bathe a guinea pig?" After all, this animal is extremely clean, and it can also easily catch a cold. In this article, we will talk about whether it is possible to bathe a guinea pig and how to do it correctly.

Is it necessary or not?

If your fur pet messed up, it's time to think about water procedures. You can and should bathe a guinea pig. The only important thing to remember is this procedure forbidden to exercise too often. Since an animal with high sensitivity can catch a cold. Washing guinea pigs is a pleasure. Unlike cats and dogs, which are restless in the bathroom, they are quite pliable and the most they can do to demonstrate their protest is to bite you. Do guinea pigs get bathed in the bathtub? Yes. It is better, of course, to do this in a sink or basin, but a bath is also suitable.

bathing process

So, we know if it is possible to bathe a guinea pig, and now it remains to find out how it is done.

What we need:

  1. Bathroom, sink or basin.
  2. Warm water.
  3. Mug, small bucket, watering can.
  4. Special shampoo for guinea pigs (available at the pet store) or shampoo for cats or small children. cannot be used as it is more concentrated.

In order to make bathing your guinea pig pleasant and painless, you need to:

  • pour a small amount of water in a basin, sink or bath;
  • in the process of bathing, hold the animal tightly so that it cannot slip away from you;
  • after bathing, be sure to wrap the pig in a towel and hold it there for a while so that the fur dries;
  • refuse a hair dryer to dry the wool.

We hope that you have received an answer to the question of whether it is possible to bathe a guinea pig, and the information received will be useful to you.