Stages of children's labor activity. Formation of components of work activity in preschool childhood

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Labor activity(t-d) is a broad concept that generalizes different types of labor, consisting of different labor processes. Labor process- a unique unit of work, in the structure of which all components of work are clearly represented: the purpose of labor, material and work equipment; a set of human labor actions to transform materials using tools; the achieved result of labor that satisfies human needs as the realization of a goal; motives for work. To master t-activity is, first of all, to master the labor process, its components in unity and connections.Goal setting. The prerequisite for the emergence of this element is purposeful actions that appear in the child’s objective activity at an early age. dosh. At age, the child begins to connect his actions with the result, which contributes to the emergence of purposeful, effective actions. But the goal setting in work is unstable at first. Its development proceeds from acceptance of the goal of work proposed by adults to independent goal setting; from close goals (for example, watering plants) to distant ones in time (for example, growing flowers, etc.), the conditions for the emergence and development of a goal in work are its accessibility to the child’s understanding (why it needs to be done, what result to get), visual representation of the expected result in the form of a drawing, design, proximity of the result in time, the feasibility of achieving it. For a more distant goal, it is necessary to highlight intermediate ones: plant seeds, water so that shoots appear, then buds, etc.

The ability to accept and then independently set the goal of work develops better if the child receives a result that is significant for him or her loved ones, which can be used in play or to satisfy other needs, Result - main component etc . The social orientation of the result of labor, which is realized by Wed. dosh. age, allows you to form an understanding of the need for work for others, fosters respect for the result of labor and the working person. Isolation of the result of labor occurs in children at the age of 3, subject to the teaching influence of an adult. Mastering labor skills and abilities - one of the very significant components of the labor process and factors in the development of the work activity of a preschooler. No matter how interested a child is in the goal of labor, no matter how attracted he is by the result of labor, if he does not master labor actions, he will never achieve the result. Mastering labor skills makes the labor process accessible, feasible and joyful. At the same time, the level of children’s mastery of labor skills affects the formation of such personal qualities as independence, and in the desire to help younger peers. Any labor process includes a series of sequential labor actions, the use of a variety of materials and tools in a certain sequence. Its consistent implementation requires the ability to plan t-activities. Skills plan the labor process (to determine the goal, select material in accordance with it, select and organize equipment, determine the order of work actions, etc.) depends on how clear and differentiated children’s knowledge is about the structure of a particular labor process and its organization by adults. At the beginning, planning t-d is carried out entirely by the teacher: he explains the goal, selects tools, arranges, shows or reminds the sequence of t-actions. As children master the labor process and the labor process in general, they themselves move on to elementary planning. It goes through a number of stages. At first, children, having figured out the purpose of work, immediately strive to fulfill it, without planning anything, so their activities are chaotic. The teacher’s task is to organize the planning of activities in accordance with the purpose of the work, and if the work is collective, to agree on interaction. Before starting work, the child selects tools, prepares the workplace and decides what he will do and in what order. The most difficult thing is for children (6-7 years old) to plan collective work: the distribution of work actions or responsibilities in a subgroup.

Participation in work, achievement of results and its use change children’s attitude towards work , motives for work, what the child works for. The productivity of work is already in children of dosh. age depends on what motives formulated by adults guide their activities. Social motives for labor as the most valuable ones arise already in the doshas. age. For ml. dosh. characteristic is an interest in the external side of activity: in labor actions, in tools, and then in the result. Children are already ml. and Wednesday dosh. age, beginning to be guided by social motives, they try to express them in speech, explaining their labor motives by the desire to do what is necessary for others: “to wash the cups, so that it would be pleasant for children to drink from clean cups and not get sick.” But for children of this age, an adult’s attitude towards certain actions is also a strong incentive to work. Elders increasingly explain their motivation to work as a desire to do something useful for others. Thus, mastering the so-called processes and their components in unity is the beginning of the formation of children’s labor activity. Thus, processes gradually develop into types of labor.

Creating conditions for independent work activities of preschoolers

Issues of labor education of preschoolers have always occupied and continue to occupy a leading place in the work of a kindergarten teacher. Particular importance is attached to this work within the framework of the implementation of FGT, where much attention is paid to the development of hard work skills in children, which can be manifested in different types of activities. A “Labor” section has appeared in the programs, which brings to the fore the task of cultivating the need to work. The types and content of labor do not change. This problem is solved in such types of work as self-service, work in nature, duty, etc.
The work activity of preschoolers is unique:
1. A child’s work is closely related to play. While performing a work task, kids often switch to play. Older children also often use games while working. Sometimes while playing children have a need for some object. Then, to make the game more interesting, the guys make it themselves. In games, preschoolers love to reflect on the work of adults and their relationships.
2. Children’s work activities are constantly evolving. The formation of each of its components (skills, goal setting, motivation, work planning, achieving results and its evaluation) has its own characteristics.
The formation of labor skills also depends on age. At an early age, the child develops only the prerequisites for mastering weapon operations. Mastery of the simplest tools occurs in early preschool age.
Goal setting reflects the specifics of preschool age. Young children do not yet know how to set goals in their work. This ability in children develops gradually in the process of self-care. First, the teacher sets the goal. Older preschoolers set goals themselves when performing everyday duties, but they do this only in familiar situations. When conditions change, they should be told what to do. Children’s ability to set goals on their own develops most successfully in those types of work that ultimately produce a material result.
The goal of teachers’ work to develop children’s independent skills in work is the manifestation of a value-based attitude towards their own work, the work of other people and its result.
To organize the work, the following conditions and means were allocated:
individual approach to the child;
labor traditions of the region;
implementation of projects;
artistic media, nature;
children's own activities;
positive example of work activity
No child will work if he does not know how to perform these actions. Therefore, teaching children labor skills, which are clearly defined in the program, was put at the forefront. Our kindergarten operates according to the “Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten” edited by M.A. Vasilyeva. In this program and in the updated version of the program “From birth to school” in the section “labor education”, the tasks and directions of work for developing children’s labor skills in different types of work are defined.
Working in these areas, we also include regional conditions. Khakassia has long been famous for its labor traditions and blue-collar professions. A diverse people lived in Khakassia, some led a nomadic lifestyle, some settled, and accordingly, work was associated with their lifestyle. By introducing children to traditional trades and crafts, we formulate concepts such as hard work, respect for working people, the desire to work for the benefit of the kindergarten, their family, and ultimately for the benefit of the Motherland. When telling children about hard work, you can use the following: techniques:
story about trades;
explaining to children that such crafts can be obtained with hard work and skill;
making crafts with children;
teaching children to carry out even the simplest tasks to the end: putting away a toy, wiping off the dust;
example, we work together with children;
Paying attention while walking to how the people around you work;
Reading to children works about working people.
The formation of independent work skills in children is facilitated by the creation of conditions for work activity. To do this, work activity corners must be created in groups.
The material should be colorful, bright, safe, and attractive to children.
To stimulate work activity, you can use the following methods:
1. Stimulating interest in the labor process:
creating a situation of interest;
educational games;
educational discussions.
2. Stimulating responsibility and responsibilities:
clarification of the purpose of work;
requirements for the organization of labor activities;
reward and punishment in work.
To stimulate interest in activities, you can use:
Personal example of a teacher and parents. You can invite parents to a kindergarten and together with them clean the area, make a craft, organize a conversation where parents can tell where and how they work. Older children can write stories about their parents' work.
Schemes and algorithms of work activities: for the work of duty officers, for caring for plants, for dressing, washing, etc. Algorithms allow children to use them both as teaching models (younger preschool age) and as a means of monitoring their activities (senior preschool age).
Game situations: children help the doll Katya get dressed for a walk, wash dirty and naughty kittens.
Social motives: help the junior teacher restore order in the group, help the kids get dressed, fix up torn books for the kids.
Problematic situations: a mess in the game closet - what to do? Katya's doll's clothes are dirty - what should I do?
Reading literary works that show the importance and value of work.
In kindergarten, children see how the adults around them (teachers and their parents) work, understand that it is labor that brings real results, and understand that the most important component of work activity is obtaining a certain product. In their work activities, there is an awakening and development of the creative, intellectual, artistic, moral and volitional powers of students, their desire for self-realization and interaction.

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Features of the work of a preschooler: how, why and why?

In preschool education, one of the main things is the organization and training in work activity and teaching many of its methods available to children in groups of this age. There has long been an expression among people that labor turned an ordinary animal (monkey) into a highly developed intelligent being (human). And, no matter how exaggerated these words sound, there is some truth in them.

In the process of organizing labor activity, organized and expedient, the child receives the necessary knowledge and skills, but this is not even the main benefit. Through the necessary actions performed by the body, the brain also develops, or rather, even the basic mental functions: thinking, perception, will. That is why labor education of preschool children is a very important and serious area.

At what age does work begin?

So, since this article is focused exclusively on the preschool age, it is important to define it right away. The final stage is quite obvious: this is the period from 6.5 to 7 years, when the child goes to school. Conventionally, in psychology, the upper limit is considered to be 7 years, but for some the transition to school time (junior schoolchildren) occurs a little earlier, for others a little later. It all depends on a purely formal moment: entering first grade and starting school.

It is much more difficult to determine the lower limit. When can a child’s activity be called work, and can we begin to teach him to perform conscious actions without fear that he will harm himself? In psychology, it is believed that this age begins at 3 years old. Here, too, it should be understood that this is only formal: it is different for different children.

Some are already ready at 2.5, while others are just starting to succeed at 3.5. And yet, at about 3 years old, the child moves from object-manipulative activities (when he touched and felt objects, not always understanding their real purpose) to role-playing games. He develops a social interest and begins to learn how to build relationships and connections. Then it is advisable to begin full-fledged labor education, and the forms can be completely different.

How does the work of young children differ from adult work?

So, we have resolved the issue of age; now it is necessary to consider what exactly can and should be considered the work of a child. Naturally, it has significant differences with similar activities of an adult. And the main thing is that child labor is largely a voluntary activity, has entertaining forms and is not too extended over time.

Moreover, it has virtually no social significance. That is, everything done by a child and presented as the result of his labor is valuable exclusively for him alone and his peers. True, parents and other relatives can also admire and praise. This is the main feature of the work activity of preschoolers.

We can also add to them that in order to achieve the goal, work must be organized and controlled by adults, clearly explained and shown by example. Children are quite small, and they will not yet be able to achieve the desired result themselves.

Therefore, everything is done only with the guidance of mentors, with clear organization, and has content that is relevant to the child. In other words, he understands and is interested.

What exactly can be considered child labor?

And yet, what exactly should be understood by the concept we are describing? Labor refers to any purposeful human activity, conscious and meaningful. It is necessary in order to modify or adapt surrounding objects and thereby satisfy needs.

Simply put, we work to make our own lives easier and create something new and necessary. This, by the way, also includes artistic work, because as a result, a certain material work is created, aimed at satisfying the primordial human need for the beauty of the objective world around it.

Absolutely any work activity has its own components, certain forms and content. And even in different age groups these characteristics do not change.

Characteristics of preschool children's work activity

Well, let's start with the fact that any child labor needs clear organization on the part of an adult. In addition, it requires content that is relevant and understandable to the child, and the forms can be very different. The main thing is that it is interesting, accessible to existing age groups and brings satisfaction (joy, admiration) to the end result.

The work of a child in itself is valuable because it has enormous educational value. This is why it is needed in the first place. Then - for the formation of basic mental functions, strengthening the musculoskeletal system, etc. Often it takes place exclusively in the form of play, and only closer to school age does it begin to emerge as an independent activity. Although, it is still quite conditional.

Any work activity has its own components: goal setting, planning, motives, skills and abilities, willingness to work together, self-control, self-esteem, the foundations of work culture.

Let's consider each of them separately

  • Goal setting. This is the answer to the question: why am I working? For what purpose? What will organizing this activity bring me in the end? The answer will be different in different groups, but in any case, children should be well aware of it.
  • Planning. Drawing up an action plan that will definitely lead to the desired result.
  • Structuring the activity, its clear organization, understanding how to achieve the goal.
  • Motives. This is the basis on which I engage in this activity.
  • As a rule, play and personal interest motives predominate for preschoolers.
  • Skills and abilities. What a child will receive or improve as a result of specific work.
  • Willingness to work together. This is a psychological indicator that determines the degree of cohesion of a given group and the degree of socialization of each individual member.
  • Self-control and self-esteem. Important qualities of an individual. Organizing one’s own work within the framework of social activities, the ability to bring it to completion and correctly evaluate it.
  • Fundamentals of work culture. This is the ability to work correctly, respectfully towards each other and observing all the rules of both personal and general safety.

Actually, such components can be found in any work activity, including adult work, but for children they must be clearly formulated and understandable both to themselves and to their mentors and educators.

Various types of work for preschoolers

Since the work activity of children in preschool age should have a clear content, clear organization and interest for each child, it should also have a variety of types. This is how it really is.

First of all, it all starts with self-service. This is a very important type of work activity, because it teaches the child to do without the help of an adult, to keep himself clean and comfortable, to be able to dress, perform hygiene procedures, and to be minimally dependent on elders in basic everyday matters. At first it needs organization, but then it becomes automatic.

  1. Household labor- This is an activity that teaches order, both indoors and outdoors. In the process, the child learns to use various household items and devices, gains a complete understanding of them and learns to make some himself. It has clear content and is required in all groups.
  2. Labor in nature aimed at putting the site, surrounding street and forest areas in order. It also has a healing character, teaching you to be careful about everything around you. Needs careful organization and thinking through each stage on the part of adults to make it safe and productive.
  3. Manual (or artistic) labor is the creation of works of art of one kind or another. It evokes a huge emotional response, makes children happy, and allows them to express themselves. An important stage in the formation of a confident and creative personality.

Each type of work is work to achieve a certain result. In the process, the child learns about the world from a new point of view, gets acquainted with the life of adults, learns not only a variety of skills, but also the properties of materials, their capabilities and various ways of working with them, processing them, etc. These are very important points for successful socialization.

Thus, labor education of preschool children is the most important aspect in their harmonious development and formation of an integral personality. On the part of adults, a clear organization and explanation to the child of the meaning of his work is required, but the baby will learn the rest on his own. After all, as you know, theory means nothing without practice.

In the large encyclopedic dictionary work is defined as expedient, material, social, instrumental activity of people aimed at meeting the needs of the individual and society. Labor is the basis and an indispensable condition for human life.

Labor activity - This is an activity aimed at developing in children general labor skills and abilities, psychological readiness for work, the formation of a responsible attitude towards work and its products, and a conscious choice of profession.

Hard work and the ability to work are not given by nature, but are cultivated from early childhood. Work must be creative, because it is creative work that makes a person spiritually rich. Work stretches a person physically. And finally, work should bring joy, happiness and prosperity.

The labor activity of preschool children is the most important means of education. The entire process of raising children in kindergarten can and should be organized so that they learn to understand the benefits and necessity of work for themselves and for the team. Treating work with love and seeing joy in it is a necessary condition for the manifestation of a person’s creativity and talents.

The work activity of preschoolers is educational in nature - this is how adults look at it. Labor activity satisfies the child’s need for self-affirmation, knowledge of his own capabilities, and brings him closer to adults - this is how the child himself perceives this activity.

In the process of working, children acquire labor skills and abilities. But these are not professional skills, but skills that help a child become independent from an adult, independent.

A child’s work activity is situational and optional; only the child’s developing moral character “suffers” from its absence, since many vital personality qualities are developed in work.

A special feature of child labor is that, despite the presence of all the structural components of the activity, they are still in the development stage and necessarily require the participation and assistance of an adult.

In their work activities, preschoolers master a variety of skills and abilities necessary in everyday life: in self-service, in household activities. Improving skills and abilities does not only mean that the child begins to do without the help of adults. He develops independence, the ability to overcome difficulties, and the ability to exert volition. This brings him joy and makes him want to master new skills.

In the process of work, preschoolers practically learn the properties of surrounding things, observe the growth and changes of plants, examine animals, becoming familiar with their living conditions. They develop curiosity and educational interests. Labor activity becomes an important means of mental development of children.

Aesthetic education is also carried out in work activities. Children develop the ability to do any task carefully and make their crafts look beautiful. They rejoice when they notice a new bud when watering the plant, examining the neatly tidy room and the cleanly washed doll clothes.

Labor activity strengthens children physically, since they perform many of its activities outdoors. Children become capable of exerting their strength and overcoming difficulties.

Labor activity is of particular importance for the formation of moral qualities. By performing simple duties related to setting the table and helping to prepare everything necessary for classes, children learn to be useful to others. This forms in them a willingness to come to the aid of those who need it, willingly carry out feasible work assignments, forms a responsible attitude towards the assigned work, diligence and diligence.

The work of a child differs from the work of an adult:

· the child does not create socially significant material values ​​in his work;

· work is educational in nature and is a means of comprehensive development of the child’s personality (according to adults);

· a distinctive feature of children’s work is its closeness to play (game reflects the work of adults, work activity is organized for future play, play actions are included in the work process, elements of work actions are reflected in the game, children happily accept a game situation associated with work);

· the work activity of young children is characterized by interest in the process of action itself;

· the work of preschool children does not have constant material reward;

· the child’s work is situational and optional (its absence affects the child’s moral character);

· all structural components of work activity are in the development stage and necessarily require the participation and assistance of an adult.

The work activities of preschoolers contain all the components characteristic of this activity:

* The planning process;

* labor actions;

* result of labor.

The purpose of work activity is Children of primary preschool age cannot set goals or retain the entire process and result in memory. The child immediately begins to act; the actions are not goal-oriented, but procedural in nature. A goal for a small child does not make sense; he formulates it to indicate a momentary action.

Older children independently formulate a goal based on the material of already known work, and maintain it throughout the process until a result is obtained. With unfamiliar content of work, the help of an adult is required.

Children's independence in goal setting and its awareness are relative. The peculiarity of this component is the participation of an adult.

Motives for work – characterize what and why the child works. Motives may include:

· need for positive evaluation from adults;

· self-affirmation;

· need to communicate with adults;

· desire to learn something;

· social motives (to benefit others);

The peculiarity of this component is the lack of desire to receive a material reward for work.

Planning of work activities – includes the organization of work, execution, control and evaluation of both individual stages and the result as a whole.

A child of primary preschool age does not plan his activities. Planning activities for older preschoolers is carried out with the help of adults.

Specifics of planning by older preschoolers:

· plan only the execution process;

· do not plan the organization of work;

· outline only the main stages, but not the methods of execution;

· do not provide for monitoring and evaluation of work;

· verbal planning lags behind practical planning;

· cannot draw up a work plan, but acts consistently.

The role of an adult at different stages is different: initially he plans himself, then he involves children in joint planning.

The peculiarity of this component is that children should be taught how to plan activities.

Labor actions – children of primary preschool age are fascinated by

namely the process of activity. The child performs labor actions directly under the guidance of an adult, when he is shown.

Older preschoolers have mastered many actions and are able to learn work actions based on verbal explanation, but the process of activity is also attractive to them.

The activity develops work skills, cultivates perseverance, and the need to do everything beautifully, accurately, and correctly. Adult participation makes children's work more attractive.

The peculiarity of this component is that children develop individual labor skills that they can perform freely without the help of adults.

Performance evaluation – It is extremely important for a child to find out the opinion of an adult, experienced and authoritative person about how successfully he completed the work, what results he achieved, why and for whom they are important.

It is necessary to evaluate the result of the work and the attitude towards the task, but not the child himself. The assessment must be objective, taking into account the psychophysical capabilities of the child.

Younger preschoolers find it difficult to evaluate their activities. Older children learn to evaluate the process of implementation and the result of their work. The peculiarity of this component is that children should be taught to predict whether their efforts will lead to a bad or good result.

The result of labor is The result of the work of preschoolers should be understood not only as material embodiment, but also as moral content: the child sees that his actions are pleasant to someone, arouse gratitude, and a friendly attitude. Emotional reinforcement of the result of work is its main pedagogical value.

For younger preschoolers, it is not the material result that is important, but the moral one, expressed in a positive assessment from an adult.

A child of senior preschool age is interested in achieving a practical, materially presented result; the assessment of an adult is also important for him.

Children 5-7 years old may already begin to feel pride and satisfaction from the independently achieved result of their work. In older preschoolers, with some convention, we can assume the presence of elements of work activity performed together with adults and with their help.

The peculiarity of this component is that all preschoolers can see the result.

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