How to get perfect skin. Perfect skin is every woman's dream


achieve perfect skin, or at least normalize problem skin, actually very simple. It doesn't take a lot of money to buy it. expensive funds! Best to use natural remedies, and observe simple rules skin care. In this article, I will talk about what rules helped I get rid of many problems.

The following simple rules helped me normalize my skin. Now I don’t use foundation and purchased powder (and before I always carried powder in my purse and used it several times a day)
I'm sure these rules will help you too! :)

1. You need to drink plenty of water - 1.5 -2 liters per day.

At first it may seem like a lot, but later it will become a habit and the body itself will remind you that it's time to drink again.
I talk about this a lot and often, because it is not given due attention. It would seem very simple thing, but I put it at the very top of my list because it's the most important.

Moisturize your skin from the inside out.

No super-moisturizing creams will help if the body is deficient in water. You may not feel this deficiency, but it will definitely affect the skin - in the form of peeling, irritation and other troubles.
It is desirable to drink plain clean water(of course, filtered and boiled, or buy spring). I did about water - I advise you to read it too)
Sometimes, when we think that we are hungry, we just need to listen to our body - it is quite possible, in fact, it just asks for water :)

Of course, you also need to make sure you eat right. Or at least have a proper breakfast :)

For example, for me the best breakfast is bran with oatmeal and cinnamon. Bran and oatmeal cleanse the body, and this is a guarantee clean skin. helps improve metabolism and lose weight. Already more than a year so I have breakfast, and so far this breakfast has not bothered me)) Of course, it's just very tasty, but it also helps to realize how useful it is.
You can also add an apple, prunes and any nuts.
And try to eat as little flour as possible. There is nothing useful in flour, in addition, it clogs our body.

2. No need to touch your face with your hands during the day.

This rule seems even simpler) But here I had a stupid habit of touching my face, especially in lectures when I needed to concentrate.
You just need to start taking care of yourself and gradually wean yourself from this habit. And do not underestimate the harm from it - even on seemingly clean hands there are always bacteria that, getting on the delicate skin of the face, can cause redness and pimples.

3. Hair should not touch the face.

Why? The rule may seem a little strange. Let me explain - it's not just the bacteria that can be on the hair. the main problem- hair balm Modern balms are very nutritious, and even if they are thoroughly washed off, they partially remain on the hair.
If the remnants of hair balm get on the skin, pimples often occur. That is why pimples sometimes appear on the neck and shoulders - try to either rinse off the balm very carefully, or use natural rinses - such as decoctions of herbs or

4. Cleanse your face properly - do not overdry your skin!

All purchased gels and soaps for washing violate the natural fat balance, the skin begins to produce more fat, in which harmful bacteria develop that cause irritation.
I advise you to refuse purchased gels, even if they are very expensive and promise excellent results. After I switched from gels to, her condition improved very quickly. The balance is not disturbed, and at the same time, the oils perfectly cleanse the skin without leaving a greasy sheen. After cleansing with oils, it is not necessary to use a cream - even without it, my skin is moisturized and nourished.
A couple of times a week, I additionally wash my face with oatmeal or - such washing acts as a gentle and safe scrub, gradually removes blackheads.

5. Change pillows and pillowcases regularly.

The face is in contact with the pillowcase during the whole sleep, so the pillowcase must of course be very clean. Perfect option- a silk pillowcase (it is still very useful for hair, like silk hair ties).
Well, if you have ordinary cotton pillowcases, it is enough to change them at least once a week.
As for pillows, I have my own twist)) I can’t stand old feather pillows, I just can’t sleep on them. Once I read how many different bacteria can live in them, causing not only irritation, but also allergies, and got rid of them all :) Now there are excellent inexpensive alternatives, albeit not necessarily from natural materials, but harmless and comfortable. And lovers natural materials can buy latex pillows (although I have not tried them yet).

6. At the end of each wash, rinse your face with cool water.

It tones the skin and closes the pores. Such contrast wash good for the face as well as for the body - cold and hot shower.
You can also make ice cubes from a decoction of herbs (best of all - chamomile - it works just fine on the skin - it soothes and tones). At the end of washing, wipe the skin with such an ice cube, and then simply wipe it with a towel.

7. Try to refuse tonal creams and purchased powder.

If you are used to constantly using foundation, you need to start weaning yourself from this. There is no need for foundation Everyday life. It turns out like vicious circle: you apply foundation, it clogs pores and causes redness, pimples and other problems), you cover them again with foundation, etc.
If you have begun to follow all the above rules, the skin condition will already improve significantly, and the need for a toner will disappear by itself. You just need to start weaning from it in advance, so as not to apply in the morning on the machine). And as for the powder - in our conditions of polluted city air, powder is really needed to protect the skin from harmful substances with which the air is filled. Either very expensive mineral powder or homemade powder, for example, will do - it will cost a couple of rubles, and the effect is simply amazing. Don't be lazy and give it a try =)

8. Good mood is the key to health and clear skin!

Try to enjoy every day, notice less bad and more good in our life, and soon life will seem much more pleasant and better to you :)

That's all - if you follow these simple rules, your skin will soon change into better side. Just give it a try, it doesn't cost much - I'm sure you'll love it and you'll stop using foundation - you just won't need it anymore!
Thanks for reading the article :)

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Simple steps to perfect skin: 56 comments

  1. Catherine

    Great Tips! Everything is very simple and, indeed, if you think about it, we do not fulfill them, although everyone understands the benefits!

  2. cosmetic maniac

    Thank you)) I'll take note, I will try to adhere to these rules

  3. Alexandra

    Anya, what do you think about Mirra Lux cosmetics - I have not used it, I know that cosmetologists recommend it and it is expensive. It seems that they talk about it as the so-called "Kremlin cosmetics" ...?

  4. Anuk

    Anna, somewhere I read from you that you are against any foundation creams. Please write in more detail why and what you know about their effect on the skin.
    Thank you!

  5. Mary

    Hello :) Help, please, pick up care to get rid of acne! I'm already exhausted with them, and you have so many recipes here, I'm confused :(

  6. Mary

    I would like to add that my skin is not very oily, combination, I mainly worry about such large closed pimples that hurt at first, and then become like hard balls and resolve for a very long time. In addition, there are also black dots and a small rash on the forehead.

  7. Anna

    Anna, great site. Thank you! I am discovering rye flour on the other side and my hair seems to be happy about it. I never thought that there could be such an effect the first time (although I suffered a little with washing off the oil until I re-read your article again). A little off topic.
    Now a question on the topic. At me the skin dries up from oils (especially in the winter it is horror). For me, winter is generally hell in terms of moisturizing the skin. Though like water I drink not less than 1,5 2 liters a day. I learned this a long time ago and practice it too. Yesterday, following your advice, I applied coconut oil to damp (not towel-dried) skin. In the beginning, everything was kind of cool, and then again itching. Here I sit now and fidget on a chair. Although the oil with rye ubtan after the face did not give any dryness and scratches. But for some reason it gave to the body. Though on the face I do olive oil, and coconut on the body. Maybe it's the coconut oil, although I think coconut oil is just super good for the skin. Maybe I'm wrong?!

  8. Catherine

    Tell me, please, if my skin is very, very dry after washing, masks, etc. and I still have to apply something after, before applying cosmetics, then what can I apply? I used to use creams, I can not say anything good. Now oil, ordinary, children's. I drink a lot.

  9. Catherine

    Hello Anna! You have a very useful site, learned a lot for myself. I have a question for you, oils are very good for the skin instead of creams, but what to do in the summer, how to protect the skin from the sun, it is desirable that the protection be at least SPF 30? I have pigmentation on my face from the sun, and without protective cream not to do without, but the composition of such creams does not please me.

  10. Nellie

    the pillow can be used from buckwheat husks - all sorts of uselessness does not accumulate in it + it is well ventilated.
    Anna, thank you for a wonderful site! I send links to my relatives - I share with inspiration!
    I will try your advice to cleanse the skin of the face. I do not use cosmetics, but the condition of the skin does not please me, unfortunately.

  11. Alina

    Thank you. I read all the articles))) I'm 25 and I've been completely sure for two years that natural cosmetic, that is, born by nature itself is what you should use. I've been trying to switch completely to oils for six months. I couldn’t figure out how to wash off the oil from my face, I was lucky that I have dry skin. Now I know, thanks. I'll try tea tree oil. I wanted to tell you about mustard oil, read it, you will be delighted. And also I know ancient recipe yogi toothpaste and read many natural toothpastes also have- mustard oil, it is the best for cleansing and sea ​​salt as an emulsifier, very very fine and you can still add sesame or calendula or jojoba and mint)))

  12. Lunya

    Don't tell me good mineral powder? Non-comedogenic, of course. (Although, as I understand it, mineral a priori should not be so

  13. Anna

    Anya, hello! I really want to ask you for advice. I am also a fan of all things natural. I am tormented by two problems: acne and wrinkles)) And if I almost won the first one, then the second one comes with age))
    About acne: my skin has always been with enlarged pores, with a bunch of rashes, blackheads, oily sheen... For 15 years, no means helped, and only recently everything began to return to normal, I do not exclude that this is a merit natural care I don't wash purchased funds for two years already. small pimples still happen, but rarely. But the enlarged pores and blackheads still get me, especially on the nose, on the cheekbones and chin. I make gelatin masks, and hydrolates, and use ice from herbs, and I tried to cleanse with oils, and even made a soda scrub. Ubtany, chickpeas, Rye flour, oatmeal, clay have long been registered with me. No, this attack is not going anywhere. I just need to push, but I don't want to! I press sometimes, but the result does not last long. Maybe you have some kind of recipe?)) I would be very grateful, otherwise these points spoil the mood terribly.
    About wrinkles: I'm 31, so the problem is not yet particularly acute. I just notice age-related changes: the eyelids seem to have begun to “fall”, small crow's feet, grooves over upper lip and across the forehead. What can be done about it? I read that jojoba and green coffee oils help. I smeared them all summer)) a little bit on wet skin, with fingertips, everything is as it should be. But I don't see the point. I drink a lot of water, a long time ago I replaced all drinks with it.
    I would be VERY grateful for the answers, tk. Really reviewed all sorts of sites already, I don’t know what to do. I have never had perfect skin (only once in my adult life I had it perfect for a month when I used olive oil until it clogged my pores). I so dream that nevertheless my skin will become a subject of my pride, instead of disorder.

  14. Pauline

    Anna, please tell me, do you use ubtan every day? Or is it better not to use it so often?

  15. ly

    But what about washing with oil? Which one to use, how is the procedure itself?

  16. Nadia

    Anna, how do you feel about the use of folic acid?
    Everywhere they write different things about her, someone recommends, someone does not recommend. Not quite clear.
    They write that this is a means for the beauty of the face and hair, some write that it is absolutely useless, and can lead to aggravation of skin problems.

  17. Alina

    Anna, good afternoon!
    Thank you for describing your experience in detail, saving time and energy for those who are taking the first steps in the transition to natural care!
    The question is: can hair styling with natural citrus-based foam (I boil grapefruit peel) cause irritation on the skin in those places where the hair touches the face?
    If so, please advise how to avoid the problem (add oil to the foam for styling / protect the skin somehow in these places)?
    Thank you in advance!

Clean, radiant, smooth and elastic skin faces are the dream of every woman, regardless of age. A girl with healthy and beautiful skin looks well-groomed and attractive. Unfortunately, our skin reflects all the existing internal health problems and is very susceptible to external ones. negative factors. Improper nutrition, lack of sleep, sedentary lifestyle, bad habits, aggressive impact external environment- all this leads to various problems with the skin, loss of elasticity and premature aging. Therefore, if you want your skin to remain young and healthy as long as possible, first of all adjust your lifestyle. Also learn how to properly care for your skin type and age. Well, how to do it, read this article.

  1. Our skin, like a mirror, reflects the state of all body systems. Problems with the liver, kidneys, stomach lead to various skin rashes, acne, puffiness and bags. To make your skin thank you, give up smoked, salty, fatty foods and fast foods. Consume more vegetables, fruits, proteins.
  2. Bad habits, such as smoking, coffee and alcohol abuse, lead to rapid dehydration of the skin - it becomes dry, dull, gray and wrinkled.
  3. The same effect on the skin has a lack of physical activity and fresh air. Therefore, walk more, play sports and be sure to get enough sleep.

Three main rules for skin care

Very important Special attention give proper cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing the skin. Only in this case, she will remain in good shape.

Effective cleansing

Even if you do not use decorative cosmetics, the skin is still contaminated during the day. Dust, secretions of sebaceous and sweat glands, remnants of care products clog the pores of the epidermis, which makes it difficult for the skin to breathe.

If you do not pay attention to proper cleansing, over time, the skin will fade, blackheads and pimples will appear. Therefore, every day before going to bed, you need to cleanse the skin. You can do this with the help of both special cosmetics and natural home products. Depending on your personal preferences, skin cleansing can be carried out with gels, mousses, foams, and cleansing milk. You need to wash with warm water.

Remains of cosmetics must be removed with tonic or micellar water. Just put a little on a cotton pad and wipe your face massage lines. Instead of a tonic, you can use homemade decoctions of herbs such as mint, chamomile, calendula or tea.

It is important to remember that at night, while we sleep, greasy and sweat glands continue to work. Therefore, in the morning, it is also important to completely cleanse the skin. Just rinsing your face with water is not enough. Do not use for washing regular soap. It dries the skin and contributes to the aggravation of existing problems in the work. sebaceous glands.

Except daily cleansing skin in the morning and evening, 1-2 times a week, depending on the type of skin, it is useful to do deep cleansingpeeling- using various scrubbing agents. Before starting the procedure, the skin must be cleaned in the usual way. For greater effect from peeling, steam the skin so that the pores open. To do this, it is enough to hold your face over for 10-15 minutes. steam bath. Then you can proceed directly to the peeling procedure. Both ready-made and home-cooked scrubs are suitable for this.

For thin and delicate dry skin, the abrasive particles in the scrub should be very small to avoid injury. Well suited for this purpose, ground cereals, thick from brewed ground coffee, semolina. For problematic and combination skin sea ​​salt is ideal as a scrub, and sugar is ideal for oily skin. Basis for homemade scrub can be any vegetable oil.

We apply a scrub suitable for your skin type to a cleansed and steamed face, do a light massage for 3-5 minutes, trying not to stretch the skin. Then wash off the scrub and apply nutritious cream. Regular use of scrubs effectively cleanses the face of dead epidermal cells, makes the skin even and smooth.

By the way, a white clay mask will help narrow the pores that have expanded after peeling. Dilute a little clay in warm water to the consistency of liquid sour cream, add a few drops of aloe juice and apply on face for 20 minutes. Then wash off the mask with water.

Sufficient hydration

For supporting optimal amount water in the body, you need to drink a lot of pure non-carbonated water. Our skin contains a quarter of all water reserves in the body, but the top layer, the epidermis, has the least of it. That is why it is so important to moisturize the skin.

Now in stores and pharmacies there is a rich assortment of moisturizing cosmetics. When choosing, you need to take into account the features and condition of the skin, as well as pay attention to the composition. It is good if among the components of your cream there are such as vitamin E (antioxidant, protects against free radicals), hyaluronic acid (one of the best skin moisturizers, each molecule of which can hold up to 500 water molecules), provitamin B5 (moisturizes and nourishes the skin ), various oils. At the same time, when reading the composition, pay attention to the sequence in the list of components. The closer the substance is to the top of the list, the greater the amount in the cream. The number of components that are listed at the very end is insignificant.

Moisturizing agent is applied to well-cleansed skin of the face and rubbed into the skin with light dotted movements. For delicate skin around the eyes, use only special creams and in a very small amount (no more than a match head). Otherwise, the skin may stretch. It is very useful to wipe your face with an ice cube twice a day. It could be plain water or frozen decoction of medicinal herbs. You do not need to wipe your face, let the moisture dry itself. In hot weather or being in a room with dry air, do not forget to irrigate the skin with mineral or thermal water.

Excellent moisturizing of the skin at home gives olive oil. It can be applied both on the entire face and on the sensitive skin around the eyes. It is enough just to lubricate the face with warmed oil and leave for 30 minutes. Excess is removed with a napkin. Such procedures make the skin smooth, smooth fine wrinkles.

Proper nutrition

Skin nutrition is another mandatory item in the skin care program. Together with nourishing creams, our skin replenishes the reserves of proteins, fats, and various vitamins. The older the skin, the more attention should be given to its hydration and nutrition. If the skin is very dry, then a fat cream enriched with vitamins is used to nourish it 2-3 times a day.

At oily skin face, to reduce shine, it is recommended to use a nourishing cream in which fat is replaced fatty acidstearin. At the same time, the amount of vitamins and active compounds in the cream should be sufficient. As part of a nourishing cream for aging skin, there should be a lot of fat and water.

General rules for skin care:

  1. It is better to apply a nourishing cream on wet skin, as water helps it to penetrate deep into the skin faster.
  2. It is advisable to do skin nutrition in the evening, an hour and a half before bedtime, and in the morning 40 minutes before leaving the house. This is due to the fact that the penetration of the cream into the deeper layers of the skin occurs within 10-20 minutes. After 30 minutes, excess cream should be removed with a napkin.
  3. You can not apply the cream in a thick layer. There will be no effect from this, and the harm may well be real.

To restore skin tone, pamper your face at least once a week. nourishing mask. It will saturate the skin with vitamins, relieve signs of fatigue, tighten and smooth fine wrinkles. Like moisturizers, cook nourishing mask you can do it yourself. It nourishes dry skin well and saturates it with vitamins with a mask based on banana and natural yogurt. Masks with blue clay normalize the work of the sebaceous glands with oily skin, and tea tree oil will relieve inflammation.

For normal skin Any fruit and vegetable masks are good. An excellent component for masks are oatmeal. Pour boiling water over a spoonful of hercules, mix, add a spoonful of honey, a spoonful of cream and one egg. Whisk all ingredients. Apply the mask on your face for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

If you prefer ready-made cosmetic products for skin care, always pay attention that they do not contain petroleum products such as propylene glycol, parabens, crystal paraffin, sodium lauryl sulfate, petrolatum and mineral oils.

How to get your skin in order in 1 day

There are situations in life when you need to put your face in order very quickly. It could be important meeting, date or solemn event. In this case, a set of procedures can be applied "spa at home":

  1. To begin with, we do peeling.
    Choose a suitable scrub and cleanse the skin as described above. By removing dead cells, we will make our skin clean and smooth.
  2. Now we apply a compress.
    It is necessary in order to remove possible irritation and the best way prepare the skin for the absorption of nutrients from the mask. To prepare a compress, we brew a suitable herb, filter the broth, moisten a gauze napkin in it and apply it on the face. The decoction should be hot, but not scalding. Until the compress cools down, you can safely lie down and relax.
  3. Then we put on a mask.
    The mask is the final point of our express program. For oily skin, the easiest - sour cream mask. You just need to apply 15-20% fat sour cream on your face and leave for 20 minutes. Then rinse. give fresh look dry skin can easily honey egg mask. Mix some liquid honey with egg yolk, add a few drops of olive oil, mix thoroughly and apply on the face for 20 minutes. The use of masks instantly makes the face rejuvenated and rested.

Now it remains to apply makeup and you can go on a date.

Let's summarize. Proper nutrition, physical activity, rejection bad habits and regular care will not only make your skin healthy and radiant, but also provide it with youth and beauty for many years to come.

Ideal women with smooth velvety skin and languid gaze every fifteen minutes from TV screens convince you to buy exactly this unique remedy from a super manufacturer. With a sexy voice, they convince you that you only need to use it once, and all the princes of the world will fall at your feet, just touching the smooth skin of your face. After such an advertisement, you run headlong to a cosmetics store, spend half your salary on another or dark dots, or , or for skin radiance, or ... After some time after use, you begin to realize that the skin of the face does not shine as promised, princes do not stand in line at your feet and money wasted. The mood is spoiled.

Is it really me, without all these terrible expensive creams it is impossible to make the skin of the face perfect at home - without bruises and bags under the eyes? How did our mothers and grandmothers act? Surely there are many popular inexpensive recipes.

Skin is an organ of the human body

All human organs are interconnected. Without a healthy stomach, the liver and kidneys will not work well, and if there is a malfunction in the liver, the skin becomes earthy tone. In general, everything that happens inside the body is immediately reflected on our skin. For example, they ate a lot of citrus fruits - here you have hives in the form of small red dots, smoke a lot - the skin tone of the face changes to grayish, went to bed very late and got up early - bags under the eyes are provided. The skin of the face instantly reacts to any changes that have occurred in the body.

So, in order for your skin to look beautiful and well-groomed, you need to look at the problem from the inside. First, evaluate your diet and see if yours is working well. gastrointestinal tract. The condition of the stomach, intestines, liver and kidneys greatly affects your appearance and immediately affects the condition of the skin. Age spots, some kind of rashes, acne cannot be completely cured without treating the stomach or liver.

Review your diet - exclude stale foods, convenience foods, street food. Use only fresh products prepared at home, and the body will thank you with radiant skin without age spots and healthy color faces. Try to visit more fresh air, move more actively, go in for swimming, fitness, outdoor games. Then the problems not only with the skin of the face, but also with the poor condition of the body cover and with the health of the whole organism will disappear.

Bad habits- Smoking and alcohol also greatly affect the appearance. You can see for yourself when, after some party in the morning, swelling appears under the eyes (and not only), and after several years of smoking it looks gray and dull.

Lack of sleep, stress also does not color the appearance - you feel that you look exhausted, you are not in the mood, you don’t want to go to the mirror, because no makeup can cope with sleepless nights and tears.

More enemies of healthy beautiful skin faces - dry air and lack of moisture. In the cold season, heating radiators work in the apartments, which, of course, warm us, but at the same time they dry our skin and the condition of the body cover leaves much to be desired. And in the cold, you want to drink much less than in the heat. As a result - peeling on the face, the appearance of wrinkles, dry skin. Purchased or self-made humidifiers will help get rid of this problem (it's very simple - place containers with water around the apartment, it will gradually evaporate, moistening the air).

How to get perfect skin at home

Facial cleansing steps

Be sure to cleanse your face at least twice a day - morning and evening. Especially carefully if you actively used cosmetics. No matter how good the quality Foundation, makeup base, powder - all tend to clog pores. There are countless types of face cleansers in stores - foams, mousses, milk, special water. Different cost, composition and result. Did you know that for the production of both cosmetics and cleansers, the same substances are most often used (mainly derivatives of petroleum products - paraben, sodium lauryl sulfate, propylene glycol, crystalline paraffin, mineral oils). And so you want to pamper your face with something natural! store funds, which have a purely natural composition, are stored for a maximum of a week in the refrigerator and are very expensive.

In our kitchen, we often just throw away a lot of products, although we could use them to cleanse our face. For example, cosmetics are washed off very well with 1% kefir, and the skin is not only cleansed, but also nourished. If left in the teapot green tea, or a decoction of chamomile, soak in them cotton pads and wash your face several times a day. Such care will save a lot of money and not only cleanse the face, but also relieve dry skin.

Owners of oily skin, with large pores, black spots, prone to acne, need deep cleansing and matting.

Deep cleansing and mattifying of the skin

The skin of the face will become perfect if there are no acne and black spots on it. Use a scrub or peel that you can do yourself a couple of times a week. The ingredients are also all natural.

Scrub based on coffee grounds, honey and oil grape seeds the only thing that needs to be purchased, the rest is usually in any housewife in the kitchen). Mix the ingredients one tablespoon at a time and scrub your face (it is better to hold it over steam before that).

Another recipe: Mix a spoonful of salt, sugar and grated cucumber, scrub.

Do not add alcohol or hydrogen peroxide to the scrub - this will harm the skin, because the sebaceous glands will begin to work actively.

For owners of oily skin, it is better to take a matting tone and do not forget about sun protection (SPF protection is usually indicated on the cream as a percentage - 5-10 is enough in winter, 30 and more in summer).

Do not use multiple different means with a mattifying effect, so as not to get an undesirable effect.

We fight inflammation and age spots

Age spots greatly spoil the appearance of any woman. All the time you try to cover them up with something, protect them from the sun's rays, turn to a beautician. Anti-pigmentation creams are very expensive (they contain hydroquinone). And not always the problem is only in the skin. sometimes dark spots- This is a manifestation of hormonal failure.

Let's turn to folk remedies.

Celandine copes well with pigmentation, but use it carefully, wipe only age spots with infusion. The infusion is obtained by pouring a teaspoon of grass with a glass of boiling water, cool and filter.

Ordinary lemon juice is also good against age spots in a ratio of one to ten with water. Wipe them with ugly age spots, they will become invisible.

An abscess or a pimple that appeared on the face at the wrong time can greatly spoil the mood. What to do? Squeeze it out? It will only get worse. Save the public money.

Make and apply this mask for 15 minutes. The egg white is beaten, tea tree oil (3-4 drops) and starch - everything is mixed. It turns out the mixture is like thick sour cream. Wash off with water. Try a ten-day course with breaks in two or three days.

Another recipe for abscesses - the main one is sulfur. Dilute a quarter teaspoon of sulfur with water to a full spoon. You can wipe a pimple with this composition, or you can pour a spoonful of this mixture into a large spoonful of kaolin, a few drops of grape seed oil and two drops essential oil rosemary or bergamot.

If your facial skin is severely inflamed, buy a cream from a pharmacy with benzoyl peroxide (2.5%).

Eliminate bags under the eyes

It is in the places of the so-called bags under the eyes that our skin has no support - there are no muscles, no bones, no tendons. There is the most delicate skin, which has nothing to rely on. Lymph flow and blood flow pass under the skin in such places, it is there that wrinkles form very quickly. And by the condition of the skin under the eyes, we can immediately judge the age of a person.

Apply the cream on such a tender place gently, with small patting movements, without stretching the skin around the eyes. Concealer to eliminate bags under the eyes, take on tone lighter shade skin and more liquid in consistency.

To eliminate bags under the eyes, use a regular potato. Grate on a fine grater raw potatoes, add flour and milk. In a one to one ratio. Apply to bags under the eyes and upper eyelids for a quarter of an hour, rinse with plain water. You will be very surprised with the result!

Ordinary cucumbers or peppermint leaves work great against bags under the eyes. Just knead it and put it on your eyelids for 15 minutes as well.

You may not get it the first time. But don't stop there! It takes time and effort to create perfect facial skin at home. The usual products that we use daily will definitely help you: parsley (brightens the skin of the face), do not rush to throw away the remnants of oatmeal or oatmeal (softens and nourishes, making the skin of the face perfect), cabbage leaves, cucumber, zucchini, tea bags, olive oil - everything What's left of cooking can be used to make the skin perfect. Without spending a single penny extra on it! Which is doubly nice.

To begin with, understand a fairly simple and obvious pattern: what you see in the mirror is directly from what is on your desk every day. Improper nutrition is a direct path to bad, dull skin. Why? Our skin is not only a kind of "shell", it is also the largest respiratory and excretory organ. Disruptions in digestion lead to the accumulation of toxins and harmful substances that are also excreted by the skin, including settling on it with inflammation, pimples, clogged pores and an earthy color.

Complete your menu with sour-milk, warm high-carbohydrate breakfasts ( oatmeal, for example) that customize works digestive system, protein food (essential construction material!) and fiber-rich fruits and vegetables. Give up frying - firstly, steamed or stewed food retains large quantity useful substances, and secondly, you will protect the body from toxic carcinogens produced even by the most useful when heated.

If you are young, but with an unpleasant surprise you have already found a few wrinkles on your skin, do not panic - maybe she just does not have enough water. check it in a simple way- just pinch a piece of skin a little and see how smooth it is. If the trace is not immediately - there is dehydration! So remember: at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day (depending on your weight and). Always carry a bottle of non-carbonated clean water and start your morning with a glass warm water, which should be drunk in small sips half an hour before breakfast. It will also improve digestion! Green weak and unsweetened tea - also great helper in the fight against dim and problematic skin, it is an excellent antioxidant proven for centuries.

Avoid stress and get at least 8-10 hours of sleep. Only during this time has to recover. As for stress, you can kill two birds with one stone by setting aside weekly time for long walks or - even better - active activities. Running or cycling in a beautiful park is a great source of endorphins and a remedy that improves blood circulation and oxygenation of the skin!

Of course, it is necessary to act not only from the inside, but also to support and please the skin in every possible way with the help of daily care. The first thing to do is determine your skin type. What is it like for you - dry, oily, mixed or, if you are very lucky, normal? choose according to daily care, which is represented in stores by whole programs for each type. Cleansing, toning, moisturizing - these are the three steps required for any skin - from normal to oily. Remember that exfoliating procedures are necessary even for dry skin, as dead particles form on it too. Once or twice in do restorative vitamin masks and your skin will glow!

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  • How to have a perfect skin
  • how to get perfect skin how to get perfect skin

Smooth and delicate, natural and healthy color Faces are every woman's dream. Looking for magic remedy you can try a lot of newfangled bottles. But to get the perfect skin you can, just by observing the simplest rules of care, but you need to do this regularly.


Eat right. Acne, inflammation, clogged pores - the result malnutrition. Eliminate fast food, carbonated drinks, sweets, spicy and salty foods. Give preference dairy products, cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits. Drink plenty of water, green tea, juices and compotes. Prepare healthy food - boil in water, steam, bake.

Cleanse your skin. Daily cleaning skin is an important part of caring for her. Cleaning must be correct - depending on the type skin pick up

perfect skin faces are the cherished dream of every woman. Sometimes, from achieving the goal can be separated serious problems, and sometimes, just an annoying little thing, like the first mimic wrinkles or a pimple. We invite you to overcome all obstacles in just ten steps and enjoy the look of healthy, perfect skin.

How to get perfect facial skin

1. We select a cream for perfect facial skin

Very often, problems such as peeling, redness, swelling or small rashes are associated with the wrong choice of skin care products. To avoid their occurrence, follow a simple but effective advice, given the type and .

- For combination and oily skin, creams on water based, without the addition of oils and alcohol;

- Acne-prone skin is best treated with gels or lotions labeled "non-comedogenic".

2. Proper Care behind sensitive skin faces

With a problem hypersensitivity owners of both dry and fatty type skin. You can correct the situation and achieve perfect facial skin by selectively approaching the choice of cosmetics. This is especially true when negative impact ultraviolet, wind and dry air, fatal frosts are added. Protect yourself from external factors and the cream will help to remove redness Clinique Redness Solutions Urgent Relief Cream.

Sensitive skin may react negatively to a new skin care product or make-up. So choose cosmetical tools without fragrances, which in most cases are the cause of allergic reactions. Spend not with a scrub, but with a delicate peeling based on lactic acid. Use as sun protection sunscreen with mineral, not chemical, filters (titanium dioxide, zinc oxide).

Well-moisturized skin will always look healthy, have an even texture without small wrinkles and beautiful shade. But how to properly moisturize the skin to saturate the epidermis enough moisture? Choose a cleanser based on vegetable oils. It will gently cleanse the skin of the face from dead cells without overdrying it. The next step is to apply a daytime moisturizer with SPF filters and hyaluronic acid. It will serve as a base for makeup. The foundation should also have hydrating properties. Choose a richer, more nourishing night cream.

4. Getting used to a new cream

Correct and its skin provides for a periodic change of cosmetics that can be addictive. But sometimes, instead of the desired effect of perfect skin, you get irritation. How to proceed in such a case?

First, if it is possible to purchase a probe and test for allergic reaction in advance, before buying, do not neglect this chance.

Secondly, if you bought several new beauty products, do not rush to use everything at once, so you will not understand what exactly could cause irritation. Apply for two to three days a small amount of new cream on the area behind the ear or the back of the hand. Watch for reactions. In case of its absence, you can safely use it.

Thirdly, if the novelty contains potential allergens (retinol, fragrances, alpha hydroxy acids), all cosmetics used in addition to it should have a simple and maximally neutral composition. Avoid using antioxidants and exfoliants.

5. Perfect facial skin without fine wrinkles

To the question "?" - one simple answer "Do not allow them to form prematurely." The most formidable enemy of beautiful skin is the destructive effect of the sun. A broad-spectrum sunscreen will help neutralize it (the annotation should indicate that it provides protection from B-rays, which cause burns, and from A-rays, leading to cancer and skin aging). Do not forget to apply the cream every morning, both in summer and winter.

If age-related changes are already visible, apply a cream with retinol at night. If peeling or redness occurs, dilute the product with a moisturizer in proportions of 1: 1 and apply only to dry skin of the face. To speed up cell regeneration, twice a week use peeling based on glycolic acids. Wait at least half an hour between applying exfoliant and retinol, as these components can neutralize each other.

6. Shrink pores

Pores, especially on oily skin, become visible and unattractive when they accumulate dirt, sebum and dead cells. For perfect skin without annoying clogged pores, use an exfoliating gel with 0.5 - 1% oil for your morning wash every other day. salicylic acid And soft peeling cream based. Transparent loose powder will help to discreetly mask enlarged pores.

7. Reduce greasy shine

Ideal facial skin should shine from the inside, but not from the outside. To cope with such a common problem will help matting cosmetics (matting foundation or mattifying moisturizer with SPF). The presence of SPF (for staying under direct sunbeams factor 45, factor 30 for daily use) is mandatory, as the sun stimulates the production of sebum. You can also use mattifying powder or special matting wipes that absorb sebum, leaving cosmetics on your face.

But everything is good in moderation. Using several products marked "matt" at the same time, you will get the opposite effect, providing the face with a "double oily sheen".

8. Perfect facial skin without inflammation

A minor, but attention-grabbing nuisance in the form of a red pimple on the forehead, always occurs at the most inopportune moment and can ruin a date or an interview. If you find on your perfect face traitorous redness, apply immediately to problem area and leave the mask with sulfur for five minutes, then rinse with warm water. This emergency measure will significantly reduce inflammation. In the evening, use a cream with 2.5% benzoyl peroxide.

9. Get rid of age spots

It requires patience and to get the perfect skin as a result, you need to work hard. If the pigmentation is moderate in color, a cream containing soy extract or a high dose of retinol will do. Apply it not locally on age spots, but on the entire face. Remove very dark hyperpigmentation cream with hydroquinone. Before using it, it is better to consult a dermatologist, as the product can cause irritation. And, of course, be less likely to be in the open sun and do not forget to use sunscreen.

10. We mask circles under the eyes

Bags and dark circles under the eyes give out fatigue, make the face haggard, “rumpled” and add age. If you have not been able to get enough sleep and rest, skillful makeup will help. This is especially true if you are a follower of fashionable style, where perfect facial skin is the main component.

First, apply eye cream and let it absorb well so that the makeup does not roll or spread. Then apply Liquid Concealer to the inner corner of the eye and along the lash line of the lower eyelid, and blend the corrector with a light patting of the fingers. For correction dark circles makeup artists recommend choosing a concealer that is a tone lighter than your skin tone. To refresh your eyes on inner corners eye can be applied