Take care of your oily face. How to take care of oily skin in summer

Other occasions

In the summer and in the off-season, it becomes much more difficult for owners of oily and combination skin to take care of it. Unfortunately, scientists have not yet invented a means that can permanently rid us of oily sheen on the forehead, cheeks and chin. However, girls still will not stop striving for the ideal condition and appearance of their faces. Healthy radiant skin is the cherished dream of all the fair sex, but oily sheen looks completely unattractive. Therefore, we suggest that you do not give up and try to learn how to properly solve the problem of oily skin.

Daily hydration

Many girls make a huge mistake - they do not use moisturizers, sincerely believing that oily skin needs to be dried on the contrary. In fact, the more you try to artificially dry your skin, the more the sebaceous glands begin to work, and you end up with twice as much oil on the surface of the face (and sometimes breakouts as an unpleasant bonus). Therefore, remember the main rule for skin care of any type: moisturizing is an obligatory daily step on the way to beautiful healthy skin. But the moisturizer must be selected very carefully, taking into account the needs of your skin. For oily and combination skin, it is better to choose moisturizing creams with a light texture without fragrances. For night and day care, you must definitely choose two different products. We recommend to refrain from the so-called mattifying day creams, as they very often create a matte film, under which the skin does not breathe at all. But matting tonics act a little differently and have won the favor of cosmetologists, so their use, on the contrary, is encouraged.


In addition to toning the skin and moisturizing, it is important to choose the right product for daily cleansing. Girls with oily skin are ideal for gels with scrubbing particles that penetrate deep and perfectly cleanse the pores of dirt, sweat and sebum. “Washers” in the form of light mousses and foams are best left for winter care, as they will not be able to fully cope with the cleansing of oily skin in the spring-summer and autumn periods.

Thermal water

Another important recommendation from experts for owners of oily skin is the use of thermal water. But not just spraying water on the face during the day, but a full-fledged washing with it before going to bed. After the usual procedure for cleansing the skin, blot it with a towel or napkin, and from a distance of at least 10 centimeters, sprinkle your face with thermal water. Take a cotton pad and gently wipe your face along the massage lines. Now apply a night moisturizer to your skin and go to bed. If you introduce this procedure into your daily care, then positive changes will follow as early as 3-4 days, and you will definitely notice them.

Oily skin care products

Even with the most correct approach to cleansing and moisturizing the skin, it is important to use special active products that have been created by experts to combat oily sheen and restore the skin's water balance. The most effective of them are composed of clay, zinc and magnesium, as well as flax and green tea. We have compiled a top-list of the best anti-oily skin care products that you can easily purchase in stores and pharmacies in the city.

Day Serum for oily and problematic skin “Day Treatment” (“Kristina”)

The fairly light, gel-like texture of the serum makes it ideal for moisturizing oily and combination skin. Serum Active Ingredientsprevent the growth of bacteria and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The product is also suitable for girls with problem skin (the presence of acne). Leaves no feeling of film or tightness. The skin does not shine and does not shine.

Correction cream “Normaderm” (“Vichy”)

A very effective tool that, with regular use, will help to cope with the problem of oily sheen, enlarged pores and post-acne. Suitable as a day cream and make-up base.

Mask “Clinique anti-blemish solutions” (“Clinique”)

If you love high-quality caring cosmetics, then be sure to pay attention to Clinique products. For oily skin, this brand has a lot of good products. We suggest that you pay attention to a mask that will help normalize the water balance of the skin, saturate it with vitamins and minerals, and (with the help of white clay in its composition) help get rid of oily sheen for a long time.

Moisturizing sebum-regulating emulsion “Effaclar Mat” (“La Roche Posay”)

This gentle emulsion perfectly reduces excess sebum production and visibly tightens enlarged pores. Which subsequently helps the skin to maintain a haze for at least another 7-8 hours.

Instead of a conclusion: some more useful information

If you are reading this article, then most likely you are familiar with the problem of oily sheen firsthand. Many of you, for sure, have tried a bunch of care products, but not everyone has achieved success in this difficult task. Remember: it is impossible to change your skin type, but it is always possible to achieve the desired effect with the help of proper care! So, a must-have for owners of oily and combination skin who have problems with oily sheen and rashes:

  • “washers” with scrubbing particles;
  • light moisturizer for oily skin (day and night);
  • matting tonic;
  • thermal water;
  • masks based on clay, zinc, magnesium, flax, green tea;
  • matting napkins.

Keep in mind, if you combine this kind of skin care with proper nutrition and sleep, the results will appear much sooner.

Caring for oily skin is not easy, although… I think it's simple. And if you also know how to do it correctly, then caring for your “skin” will seem like a pleasant experience to you.

Determining oily skin type at home is not difficult at all. I propose to pass a small test to determine the type of skin: it is necessary to rinse the skin of the face abundantly in ordinary running water, then lather the face with ordinary soap, while you do not need to use foams or gels for washing, soap, I repeat, it should be ordinary, for example, for children. Rinse off the soap foam and dry your face thoroughly with a terry towel. After washing, do not use any skin care products. Let's let her breathe. We wait the prescribed 2-3 hours and proceed to testing. We take a paper napkin and apply it to any area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin of the face. Instead of a napkin, you can take papyrus paper, ordinary glass or a small mirror. The main thing is that it is convenient for you to attach all this to your face. Now let's see if oily spots remain on the tes-subject, then you should know that your skin is of the oily type. If there are no spots left, then the skin is most likely dry or normal.

Oily facial skin has increased greasiness. Due to insufficient blood supply to the skin cells, it has clogged pores and excessive oily sheen. Such skin very often looks dirty and inflamed. Very often exposed to rashes and the appearance of black dots. But do not be upset and even more afraid of this. Oily skin has a very significant plus - it ages much later than other types of skin. And if you take care of it properly, then you can also rejoice at your oily skin type.

Most of the female representatives have a mixed (combination) skin type. Their T-zone of the face, or rather the areas - the forehead, nose and chin, have the properties of treacherously impersonating a greasy sheen.


Cleansing is perhaps the most important step in the care of oily skin. Few people know how to wash properly with this type of skin, so first let's talk about the washing procedure. The first thing to remember is no washing with hot water. It stimulates the sebaceous glands, which, in turn, produce more and more sebum.

That is why after washing with hot water, the skin becomes even more oily. For daily washing, it is better to use barely warm, even cool water. The second rule is the use of suitable soap or special gel for washing.

For a deeper cleansing while washing, it is recommended to use a facial brush with soft bristles. First, shake the face wash in the palms of your hands, then apply it on your face and massage the gel in circular motions. Thus, you can quickly and effectively cleanse the pores.

If you have oily flaky skin, before washing with cold water, wipe your face with kefir, yogurt or sunflower oil.

If after washing you have a feeling of tightness or peeling, apply a thin layer of softening cream on the skin of the face, the remains of which after 20-30 minutes, remove with a napkin or sponge.

After any washing, whether in the morning or in the evening, dry your face with a towel. Unlike other skin types, rubbing with a towel is not only not harmful for oily skin, but is even beneficial as it stimulates blood circulation.

Soap and soda cleansing

Apply any soap to a cotton swab, then dip it into a mixture of soda and borax. With such a swab, wipe your face from the center to the temples with massaging circular movements. The foam that forms during the procedure should dry on the face, only after that it can be washed off with cool water.

Homemade Cleansing Lotion

Make a tincture of medicinal lemon balm on vodka in a ratio of 1 to 5, let it brew for 5 days, then dilute with water twice. Wipe the resulting lotion on oily skin in the morning and evening.

Lemon cleansing

In order to effectively cleanse oily skin, it is recommended to wipe it several times a day with a piece of lemon or a cotton swab dipped in lemon juice.

Orange cleansing

Grate the orange along with the peel, pour it with half a glass of vodka and put it in a dark place for a week. After the time has elapsed, strain the tincture and add 1 tbsp to it. glycerin. The resulting lotion is great for oily porous skin. The lotion is recommended to be used in the evening.

Cleansing with oak bark

Pour 30 g of oak bark with a glass of water, then boil the mixture for about 30 minutes in a water bath. Strain the resulting broth and add enough water to make a full glass. Wipe the skin with the resulting decoction in the morning and evening.

Cleansing with sauerkraut juice

An excellent cleansing effect gives sauerkraut juice. It is enough to wipe your face with it 10 minutes before washing.

Also, owners of oily skin types are recommended to do steam baths with herbs (sage, rosemary, yarrow). They will not only cleanse the skin, but also narrow the pores, fill the skin with nutrients and prevent the appearance of acne and inflammation.


In caring for oily skin, proper nutrition is just as important as cleansing. With this type of skin, it is worth eating regularly, with products containing a minimum of fats and spices. Give preference to black bread, fruits and vegetables, dairy products and white meat.


Providing oily skin with nutrients is a kind of walking on the blade, because at the same time it is necessary not only to fill the skin with nutrients, but also to prevent additional fat from entering. To do this, it is recommended to use creams with a minimum fat content, and even better - without it.

In the morning, apply a nourishing cream to the skin, and in the evening - a layer of night cream. If the skin is young, it is better not to apply the night cream. The ideal option is to use nutritious hydrogels, which do not contain fat at all, but contain a large amount of moisture, which is necessary even for oily skin.

Hercules mask

The hercules mask perfectly nourishes the skin and fights the fat content of the face. In order to cook it, you will need 3 tbsp. ground oatmeal and 1 egg white. Mix the whipped protein with porridge and apply the resulting product on the face for 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Lemon juice mask

Mix 2 tbsp. low-fat cream and 2 tbsp. lemon juice. Apply the resulting mask on your face and leave for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water. This mask nourishes the skin cells with vitamin C and makes the face visibly fresher.

Yeast mask

Mix 10 g of yeast, 3 tbsp. curdled milk and 1 tsp. berry juice and apply to clogged pores. After 15 minutes, remove the mask from your face with a cotton swab and wash with warm and cold water in turn.


It is worth exfoliating oily skin or exfoliating it with a scrub at least once a week. These cosmetic procedures will cleanse the skin of dirt accumulated in the pores, wen and excess sebum. Peeling, moreover, is an excellent prevention against skin diseases, acne and inflammation.

It is better to carry out peeling in the evening after washing, so that the skin has time to calm down and relax, because any peeling for the skin is a little stress.

The most effective peeling recipes for oily skin:

  • Bread: mix 1 tbsp. dry bread crumbs with 1 tsp. ground almonds, add cold green tea to the mixture to form a liquid porridge.
  • Nutty: mix 1 tsp. ground almond flour with white clay, grated cucumber and oatmeal in equal proportions.
  • Soda: mix 2 tbsp. baking soda and 2 tbsp. kefir.
  • Lemon Sugar: Soak a cotton pad in lemon juice, then sprinkle it with sugar (the sugar granules will act as abrasive particles).

Lemon salt scrub

Mix equal parts sea salt and lemon juice. Apply the resulting scrub to the skin of the face and massage it with gentle movements for 1-2 minutes, then rinse with cool water. It is not recommended to use this scrub with abundant inflammation on the skin.

Scrub for oily skin with enlarged pores

For oily skin with enlarged pores, green clay products are perfect. Mix 2 tbsp. green clay and 3 tbsp. low-fat yogurt (yogurt). Apply the scrub on your face and gently massage it into your face for 2-3 minutes, then rinse with warm water.


It is necessary to select decorative cosmetics for oily skin very carefully and carefully.

Foundation is better to choose matte with a dense texture, compared to light creams, it is more stable. An excellent choice would be a foundation, which will include kaolin clay - it effectively controls the oiliness of the skin. Anti-inflammatory effect will have a cream containing zinc oxide. When applying foundation, be sure to use a sponge, but you do not need to drive the cream with your fingers, as you can provoke sebum secretion.

Which powder to choose? Your best choice would be a matte compact powder for oily skin, also with a dense texture.

If you use blush, then you should give up cream or liquid blush. The same goes for eye shadow. Avoid liquid eyeliners and lipliners, otherwise your “beauty” will simply fade in a couple of hours after application. In conclusion, I want to turn to women who have oily skin, so that your skin is a virtue, not a disadvantage, take care of it correctly and regularly, do not be lazy, and then you will always be on top.

“Oily skin is mostly typical for young people,” says Marina Kamanina, an expert dermatologist at Garnier. - This is due to hormonal changes in the body: a large amount of sex hormones are produced, which stimulate increased production of sebum. In adulthood, oily sheen and acne speak of hormonal disorders and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The easiest way to determine the type of skin is this: put a paper napkin on your forehead. If there is a greasy trace on it, the skin is prone to oiliness.

Increased sebum production and skin dehydration in summer © iStock

You can use another test. To do this, you need to answer a number of questions.

  1. 1

    Does your skin start to glow soon after washing?

  2. 2

    Are there enlarged pores and blackheads on the T-zone of the face?

  3. 3

    Does your skin look rough and tight?

  4. 4

    Is she prone to inflammation?

  5. 5

    Do inflammation appear in the decollete and “triangle” area above the shoulder blades?

  6. 6

    When using matting products, the skin instantly looks smooth and even?

Answering “yes” to most questions suggests that you most likely have oily skin.

Summer care tips for oily skin

“In the summer, sebum production increases. Air-conditioned indoor air and hot outdoor air tend to contain little moisture (40-50% versus 70% which is considered normal). This leads to dehydration of the skin. UV radiation contributes a lot to this. In order to prevent the remaining water from evaporating, the skin increases the secretion of fat, ”says Elena Eliseeva, medical expert at Vichy.

Judging by how difficult it is for the skin to live in the summer, care for it at this time should be strengthened. And follow all the steps below.


“There is an opinion that oily skin needs to be cleansed “to a squeak”. This is not so, says Marina Kamanina, expert dermatologist at Garnier. “Due to over-cleansing, oily skin becomes dehydrated.”

The main advice is to treat your skin with care. When cleansing, opt for products with a mild formula and light texture. No creams, creams and milk - oily skin does not tolerate them well.

“Your choice is foam or micellar cleansing gel,” the expert continues. “Do not use soap, due to alkaline components, it degreases the skin and leaches lipids from the deeper layers of the epidermis, breaking the protective barrier of the skin.”

For deeper cleansing, use a scrub 1-3 times a week and cleansing clay masks for oily skin 2-3 times a week.

Oily skin must be carefully protected from ultraviolet radiation © iStock


“The task of tonic lotions for oily skin is to narrow pores and normalize the pH balance,” says Elena Eliseeva. - For this, astringents are added to their composition, such as witch hazel or oak bark extract, matting powder. But it is worth remembering that such products are only suitable for skin that is not prone to acne: intensive rubbing of synthetic matting granules can clog the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands.


“Oily skin needs moisture,” Marina Kamanina is sure. “And your task is to choose a product with a light gel-fluid or gel-cream texture that does not clog pores.”

As part of the products, hyaluronic acid is welcomed as an effective moisturizer. Salicylic and fruit acids gently smooth the skin and remove dead skin cells from the surface.

Don't forget the sun protection factor. Ultraviolet damages the skin and reduces immunity, which is fraught with new inflammatory elements.

Make sure that mineral oil is not included in the ingredient list of cosmetics for oily skin, as it can cause clogged pores.

In the heat, use moisturizing and mattifying products © iStock

Overview of summer care products


Tool name Action Active ingredients
Cleansing Foaming Gel for Oily Acne-Prone Skin, Effaclar, La Roche-Posay Cleanses the skin from impurities and make-up, contains components with antibacterial action. glycosil, zinc pidolate
Cleansing Gel for washing "Clean skin" against blackheads, for oily skin, Garnier Deeply cleanses pores, fights blackheads, eliminates oily sheen, tightens pores. salicylic acid, zinc
Gel for deep cleansing of oily skin Gel Pure, Lancôme Gently cleanses and mattifies oily skin, removing excess sebum. Dermo-Guide System complex, salicylic acid


Tool name Action Active ingredients
Light moisturizer with a mattifying effect Daily Moisture, SkinCeuticals Light cream for normal to oily skin moisturizes and protects. Suitable for men's skin. burnet root, cinnamon, ginger and brazilian algae extracts, hyaluronic acid, witch hazel extract, allantoin, panthenol, bisabolol
Gives the skin a healthy glow, cleanses and visibly tightens pores. Great as a make-up base. salicylic acid
Cream-gel for normal and combination skin "Moisturizing Expert", L'Oréal Paris

Lightweight texture won't clog pores. The formula, enriched with minerals and vitamins, tones the skin, helps maintain lipid balance.

vitamins E and B5, magnesium, calcium


Tool name Action Active ingredients
Facial mask “Magic clay. Cleansing and matting, L'Oréal Paris The three types of clay included in the composition help to cleanse the skin and narrow the pores, give it a matte finish. clay kaolin, gassul, montmorillonite, eucalyptus extract
Face mask "Clean Skin" steaming, Garnier The formula activates the steaming action upon contact with the skin and frees the pores from impurities and excess fatty secretions. zinc
Purifying Mattifying Mask Effaclar, La Roche-Posay The mask absorbs excess sebum, deeply cleanses pores and controls excess sebum. two types of mineral clay, La Roche-Posay thermal water

To help oily skin in the summer - non-traumatic salon treatments © iStock

Salon procedures

Sometimes it is not possible to cope with oily sheen and inflammation on your own, then cosmetology comes to the rescue. The listed salon procedures are among the most popular.

    Chemical peel

    An acid-based solution is applied to cleansed and fat-free skin. As a result, the skin gets rid of dead cells, becomes more even and radiant, pigment spots are corrected. A bonus for oily aging skin is an increase in elasticity and firmness. The course is 3-4 sessions with breaks between them for at least 7-10 days.


    During the procedure, medical and cosmetic solutions are injected under the skin with a thin needle. The most commonly used for this is hyaluronic acid. The course usually ranges from 3 to 7 sessions with breaks per week, depending on the drug.

    Non-traumatic cleaning

    With such cleaning, fruit and other acids are used, which delicately cleanse the pores, improve skin respiration, and normalize local blood circulation. The skin relief is evened out, black spots and inflammation disappear. The course is 5-6 sessions.

In this article, you will learn how to deal with the problem of an oily face, how to choose products to care for such skin, and how to make a cleansing mask at home.

Cosmetic products for oily skin

The big mistake of many owners of a greasy face is that they rarely use moisturizers, referring to the presence of oily sheen on the skin. But professional cosmetologists say that the content of water in it, and not fat, largely affects the flexibility and softness of the skin. A well-chosen moisturizer, for example, is not noticeable on the face, as it is quickly absorbed.

Moisturizers are especially useful for individuals who use strong products that aim to reduce oiliness of the skin or fight acne, which remove natural oils from the stratum corneum, leading to even more greasiness. Moisturizing products not only significantly reduce the side effects of drugs, but also keep the skin in good condition.

In order not to make a mistake in choosing, be sure to look for the indication “for oily skin” on the product packaging. In stores you can find various creams, masks, tonics, oils, scrubs and other products designed for faces with increased greasiness. Each product is made to combat this or that problem.

How to choose a mask for an oily face

Many women forget to include masks in their list of skin care products, but in vain, because such products can clean pores, narrow them, moisturize the skin, eliminate black spots and cope with other skin problems.

If you decide to purchase a mask, you should not choose the one that your friend uses, because this remedy, however, like any other skin care product, must be selected individually. Owners of a greasy face should pay attention to a mask that narrows the pores. Film masks, clay and mud masks have proven themselves well.

Many masks are washed off the skin after use with water or a damp sponge, as for film masks, they must be removed from the bottom up, slowly and very carefully. Such cosmetic products harden on the face, drawing in excess sebum, cosmetic residues and dirt, due to the content of astringents and herbal extracts.

Owners of oily skin, prone to rashes, may be suitable for a treatment mask, which contains anti-inflammatory and cleansing components in its composition. After 18 you can use cleansing masks, 20-25 - moisturizing and nourishing, 30 - rejuvenating.

The following popular products for oily skin are on sale:

  • Garnier Gel + Scrub + Mask 3 in 1 Clear Skin- a remedy for acne, blackheads and oily sheen in one bottle. Volume - 150 ml, price - 280 rubles.
  • Himalaya Herbals Purifying Mask- A cleanser that controls the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Volume - 75 ml, cost - 220 rubles.
  • Korres Pomegranate Cleansing Mask- the product is rich in kaolin, cleanses and tightens pores, leaving the face clean. Volume - 16 ml, price - 569 rubles.

How to choose a cream for oily skin

To choose a good cream for your skin type, you do not always need to trust advertising. First, consider the price of the product. A very cheap product with promising claims such as "repairs the stratum corneum", "effectively tightens the skin" or "substantially tightens pores" should cause the buyer to feel doubts about the quality. But the prices of very expensive creams can be formed not so much on the basis of the constituent means, but on the popularity of the brand. In any case, take a look at the composition of the product. Creams for oily skin should contain the following ingredients:
  • emollients- Moisturizers that penetrate the stratum corneum but do not have the power to penetrate into the deeper layers. Emollients give the skin softness, flexibility, silkiness without any physiological effect. They can act as natural fats, silicones, waxes, fatty alcohols, lanolin. To see these substances in the compositions of creams, it is enough to find there such components as dimethicone, stearic alcohol, mineral oil, caesarin, shea butter, cocoa butter, palmitate, petroleum jelly, etc. In addition to the fact that emollients do not allow moisture to evaporate from the skin, forming a thin protective layer on the horny surface, they also give cosmetic products a light consistency that is evenly and easily distributed over the skin. Silicone emollients have proven themselves well.

    Keep in mind, in cheap cosmetics, emollients are presented in the form of fatty acids that clog pores. Isosteriarine alcohol, coconut oil, cocoa butter can cause comedogenicity, resulting in a small rash or even blackheads on the skin.

  • Antioxidants- Substances that slow down aging and neutralize free radicals. These include: vitamin E, C, amino acid complexes, beta-glucan, coenzyme Q10, tannins, etc.
  • Moisturizing or hygroscopic components- Designed to retain moisture in the skin. Such components are presented in the form of propylene glycol, hyaluronic acid, ethylene glycol, polysaccharide, collagen, elastin, etc.
  • Emulsifiers and preservatives No cream is complete without them. The emulsifier binds the water phase of the product with the fatty one, creating a homogeneous consistency, and with the help of a preservative, manufacturers increase the shelf life of their product.
  • Calming Supplements- necessary to protect the skin from the harmful effects of the environment. These include chamomile extract, allantoin, burdock root, aloe vera gel, green tea extract, chamomile, willow bark, etc.
  • Ingredients that tighten and purify pores- aimed at optimizing the work of the sebaceous glands, these include benzoyl peroxide, caffeine, salicylic and glycolic acids, essential oils, plant extracts from citrus fruits, chamomile, seaweed, ginger, rosemary, calendula, zinc oxide, glucosamine, etc.
Women with oily skin should carefully look at the consistency of the purchased product. To prevent the appearance of shine on the skin, as well as clogging of pores, it is recommended to use products with a light consistency. Use a fluid or emulsion cream every day for a mattifying effect. A thick texture can serve as a night cream. You can leave your choice on such creams for oily skin as:
  • Doctor Nature Intensive Recovery- a night cream based on Dead Sea minerals, tightens pores, normalizes the moisture balance in the skin, reduces inflammation, soothing the skin. Volume - 50 ml, price - 896 rubles.
  • Nivea Visage Matte Perfection- mattifying day cream, regulates the sebaceous glands and eliminates oily sheen. Volume - 50 ml, price - 214 rubles.
  • Garnier "Revitalizing Moisture"- sorbet cream for oily and combination types, mattifies and moisturizes the skin, giving it a feeling of freshness. Volume - 50 ml, cost - 199 rubles.

How to choose oil for oily skin

Base and essential oils are very widely used in the production of various body and face care products, as they have miraculous properties.

If you see an essential oil in a pharmacy or in some cosmetics store, in no case do not use it in its pure form! This is allowed only in some cases, when the oil is smeared pointwise to cure acne or herpes, for example. Essential oils are often added to base oils, creams, masks and other cosmetic products.

You should not be skeptical about oils, because, if the idea is not about a fake, they are in many ways superior to even the most elite products, since they do not contain dyes, preservatives and harmful components, while they have healing properties.

Pour a little oil into the palm of your hand and rub, then apply to the skin of the face with massaging movements. The applied product will dissolve the fat that is in the pores and hardened by dirt. This procedure should be performed after taking a shower, then the steam will open the pores and allow him to get rid of fat. Applying oil to skin moistened with water or hydrosol will soften the surface of the stratum corneum, and the skin itself will not actively secrete fat to compensate for dryness.

You should not carry out such a procedure very often, it can provoke dry skin. Take breaks so that oily skin gets used to clean pores and bounces back.

The most effective essential oils for an oily face are bergamot, lavender, sage, lemon, cypress, and cedar oils. In the fight against acne, you can use essential oils of chamomile, rosewood, lavender, sandalwood, tea tree.

Of the base oils, it is worth mentioning grape seed oil, jojoba, tamanu, black cumin, apricot, almond and peach seeds, poppy seeds, hazelnuts.

How to choose a toner for oily skin

The main problem of oily skin is the appearance of oily sheen. Also on this type of skin, blackheads and blackheads can appear. To cope with such defects will help not only masks, creams and oils, but also tonics that have drying and cleansing properties.

When choosing an alcohol tonic, please note that the amount of alcohol in it should not exceed 30%. A good greasiness tonic contains extracts of green tea, lemon, sage, as well as various acids, including salicylic and citric acids.

The following products for oily skin are available in stores:

  • New Line Tonic- a tool that normalizes the sebaceous glands. The product tightens pores and soothes inflammation. Volume - 330 ml, price - 578 rubles.
  • LUMENE Clear It Up!- A shine-controlling product containing vitamin B3 and arctic psyllium extract. Volume - 200 ml, cost - 318 rubles.
  • Mineraline Rejuvenating Facial Toner- a complex of Dead Number minerals, aimed at normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands and reducing rashes. Volume - 250 ml, price - 915 rubles.

Is a scrub necessary for oily skin?

For oily skin, regular cleansing of dead cells, residues from decorative cosmetics, sweat with grease, dust and dirt is simply necessary. Combination skin and problem skin needs cleansing. Ignoring this procedure can cost adverse consequences in the form of blackheads and pimples. The most effective way to do this is scrubs, which can be prepared at home or bought in a store.

The scrub is applied with light massaging movements with fingertips for two minutes. Be sure to avoid the delicate area around the eyes and mouth. Rinse the product with room temperature water and apply a nourishing cream.

In stores, you can buy the following scrubs for oily skin:

  • Vichy Cleansing Gel-Scrub "Normaderm" - cleanses the pores, exfoliating dead cells and eliminating the oily sheen of the skin. Volume - 125 ml, cost - 810 rubles.
  • Himalaya Herbals Neem Purifying Scrub - Eliminates blackheads for a clearer, fresher complexion. Suitable for daily use. Volume - 150 ml, price - 282 rubles.
  • Natura Siberica Exfoliating Facial Scrub is a creamy product with 95% organic ingredients. Crushed apricot kernels gently exfoliate dead skin cells. Volume - 150 ml, price - 239 rubles.

Can oily skin be cured?

There is no single remedy that will permanently cope with the problem of oily sheen, but if you follow simple tips for caring for your face, the appearance of excess sebum can be controlled.

There are many reasons for the increase in the work of the sebaceous glands, but among the most common are heredity, malnutrition, frequent peeling, improper care, excessive testosterone, health problems and frequent use of alcohol-containing products.

To cleanse the pores and reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands, cosmetologists offer various professional services: superficial chemical peeling, ultrasonic facial cleansing, median peeling, mesotherapy, biorevitalization, and biocybernetic therapy. It should be noted that you can cope with increased greasiness of the face or with the appearance of blackheads and blackheads at home.

Proper care

Before starting skin care, it is necessary to clearly define what type it belongs to. It happens that the skin seems to be shiny, but flaky at the same time, or oily and tight at the same time. In any case, it is better to seek help from a good beautician.

The main signs of such a problem as oily skin type:

  • Thickening of the skin.
  • Makeup doesn't hold well.
  • Grayish complexion.
  • Frequent occurrence of acne and pimples.
  • Enlarged pores.
  • The appearance of oily sheen.
To remedy the situation, adhere to the following skin care rules:
  1. Start every morning with a glass of drinking water. Water should accompany you very often.
  2. Remember to cleanse your face twice a day - in the morning and before bed.
  3. Try to refuse at least for a while from tonics containing alcohol. The fact is that such products injure the stratum corneum, drying the skin, thereby provoking it to secrete more fat. Better pay attention to slightly acidic tonics with AHA acids and hyaluronic acid.
  4. After each use of the scrub, and this procedure must be done at least once a week, apply nourishing creams.
  5. Serums with vitamin C have proven themselves well, which should be used at night before applying the cream. Let the product dry for 3-5 minutes and do not rinse.
  6. Do not get carried away washing with hot water, so as not to dry out the skin around the eyes and neck. Use cool water to wash off the foam or other product.
  7. Apply peels, scrubs and masks in the evening. The fact is that such products often contain components that make the skin very vulnerable for some time, sensitive to environmental influences.
  8. Limit the consumption of sweet, fatty, spicy and smoked foods. Include more fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet.
  9. When choosing a foundation, look for quality products that allow pores to breathe. If there is redness on the face, they can be masked with a special green shade corrector.
  10. Try to touch your skin less often.

Homemade recipes for the treatment of oily sheen

Preparing cosmetics for an oily face is not very difficult, and if you need emulsifiers, preservatives, assets and other components that you can’t buy in a regular store to make a cream, then ordinary ingredients will be enough to make masks.
  • Clay mask. Take 2 tbsp. spoons of black clay, which can be purchased at the pharmacy, and fill it with warm water so that the consistency of gruel is obtained. Apply the product on your face for 20 minutes.
  • Yeast mask. Pound 10 g of yeast in a solution of hydrogen peroxide (3%). Apply the resulting mixture on your face in an even layer for 20 minutes, then rinse with water.
  • Clay and milk mask. Dilute white clay with milk to obtain a homogeneous mixture of the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply to face and wash off with cool water after 10 minutes.

The owners of oily skin are usually treated with great sympathy. Like, we know, we know what problems you have, my dear: the skin shines, as if greased with fat, cosmetics always flow, and these enlarged pores and comedones to boot. Moreover, cosmetologists often fall into the lists of compassionate people. But the problem, in fact, does not exist: it is enough just to choose the right care, which in itself is nothing supernatural - absolutely any type of facial skin requires this.


Oily skin is mostly temporary., exactly until the active hormonal restructuring during puberty ends in a young girl's body. Of course, it happens that such a problem is present in some girls even after 25 years, however, such cases are rare and require complex treatment by an endocrinologist.

Yes, strange as it may sound, oily skin even has a plus: thanks to natural lubrication, it ages more slowly than other skin types, and, accordingly, wrinkles appear on it much later.

Skin type test

Prepare several strips of tissue paper. Then wash your face thoroughly and after 2-3 hours apply a dry leaf to your forehead, nose, cheeks and chin. If greasy spots remain on the paper, then the fears are confirmed: you have so-called problem skin. Do not confuse with the combined one - in this case, translucent spots on the strips will appear only in the forehead and nose, while the cheeks and chin remain dry. In this case, the care will be different. We will consider how to properly care for the skin, the sebaceous glands of which secrete an increased amount of moisture in all areas.

Cleansing and cleansing again - specialists of skin dispensaries and cosmetologists unanimously repeat. Moreover, cleansing is not only external - with lotions and special tonics, but almost first of all - internal. In other words, think about your diet. All that we often unconsciously put into our mouths, in the future, necessarily affects our appearance. And the skin most sensitively reacts to the "holidays of the stomach."

  • Avoid fried, fatty, smoked and spicy foods. This is an absolute taboo.
  • Can you boast of a chiseled figure, even with abundant eating of sweets and starchy foods? You are very lucky, but remember: what the stomach will forgive, the skin may not forgive. So, cakes and chocolates - in moderation.
  • But fruits and vegetables you can eat as much as you like. Try, however, to choose according to the season. In December, strawberries in Russia are sure to stick with nitrates, why do you need extra skin irritants?
  • Introduce fiber into your diet. It will remove all toxins from the body, improve metabolism and metabolism, and at the same time the condition of the skin.

Decorative cosmetics for oily skin

Decorative cosmetics in such a situation is more your friend than an enemy. It can not only hide imperfections, but also have a healing effect. So, for example, good tonal creams usually contain an absorbent - a substance that absorbs sebaceous secretions. As a rule, it is corn starch or titanium dioxide. There is only one condition - it is impossible to save on such cosmetics. Poor-quality foundation will clog pores, which, of course, will lead to additional problems.

Noticeable redness and inflammation will be well masked by a special pencil with a greenish tint. It will toned the problem area and will have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Properly selected powder will give the skin matte and velvety. Do not forget to wash the puff more often, germs and bacteria accumulate on it.

Sun: good or bad for oily skin?

I think you have heard more than once that a long exposure to the sun will be beneficial for problematic facial skin. "Sunburn will cure acne", so our grandmothers like to tell us. However, this myth, alas, has nothing to do with reality: a dark complexion only masks inflammation. Besides, some acne treatments increase skin sensitivity to UV light, which in turn threatens photodamage. And this is not a joke at all, there is not far from skin cancer. Be careful and do not abuse sunbathing and solarium.

Oily Skin Care Program: 4 Essential Steps

Proper care for oily skin involves the use of four main programs, which include cleansing, toning, moisturizing and nourishing.

Step 1: Cleanse oily skin

Before giving the skin the necessary treatment and nourishment, it is important to thoroughly cleanse the face of fat and other contaminants and also open the pores. This is easy to do at home. So, for example, washing with water with apple cider vinegar or lemon juice has a beneficial effect. The recipe is simple: use 1 teaspoon of juice and vinegar per glass of water.

Soap-salt washing will be an equally worthy cleansing option. To do this, moisten a cotton swab or sponge in water, lather and sprinkle with a little salt. Gently and gently wipe the face along the main lines (from the center to the temples). To enhance the effect, you can not wash off the foam immediately, but wait 3-4 minutes until it dries. This will help tone the skin and shrink pores.

The cleansing procedure according to one of these methods is recommended to be carried out twice a day: in the morning and in the evening.

Once a week our skin needs deep cleansing.. Look out for steam baths. Making them is as easy as shelling pears, and the effect of steaming will exceed all your expectations. You will need a deep dish or saucepan. Pour boiling water into a container, add a tablespoon of salt, add a couple of drops of iodine and a little lavender essential oil. Cover with a towel and sit like this for 5-10 minutes. After that, make a nourishing or moisturizing mask.

For example, one of these:

  1. Mix a few drops of lemon juice with a spoonful of honey and apply the mixture on your face for 15 minutes.
  2. Owners of problem skin with pimples are recommended a lemon mask with aloe. To do this, mix a tablespoon of lemon juice with a tablespoon of aloe juice. Apply for 10 minutes, rinse with running water.

Step 2: Toning Oily Skin

Toning problematic skin is one of the main rules for its healthy appearance. In addition, tonics complete the cleansing of the skin - from the remnants of dirt or soap. Preparing such an infusion at home is easy.

Tonic on decoctions of herbs

Pour 3 tablespoons of yarrow, sage or mint into 1 liter of boiling water. Cover and let steep for two hours.

Citrus tonic

You will need:

  • 1 grapefruit
  • 1 lemon

Remove the skin from the fruit, cut into pieces and pour two glasses of cold boiled water. Leave to infuse overnight, and strain in the morning. Wipe the skin with fragrant water in the morning and evening, and soon you will forget what an unpleasant oily sheen is.

parsley tonic

Helps with inflammation. Chop a bunch of parsley and add 2 cups of water. Bring the mixture to a boil in a saucepan, simmer for another 10 minutes, remove, cool and strain.

Step 3: Moisturize Oily Skin

Moisturize problem skin in two ways:

  • using a good store-bought cream for oily skin;
  • means of traditional medicine.

There will be no problems with the first option, with the possible exception of the financial component. Let's talk about the second one in more detail.

If you have the time and desire, then it is useful to prepare a moisturizer with your own hands. There are many recipes for this.

Tomato and bran

You will need:

  • 1 tomato
  • Oat bran

Remove the skin from the tomato and chop finely. Add bran to make the mixture similar in consistency to thick sour cream. Apply the resulting mask for 20 minutes, rinse with cool water. Such natural cosmetics will regulate the work of the sebaceous glands and relieve inflammation.

Honey and protein

You will need:

  • 1 tsp liquid honey
  • Protein 1 egg

Mix the ingredients and beat the resulting mass thoroughly with a mixer. Apply to face, rinse with cool water after 20 minutes. This combination is perfect for oily skin.

Kefir and kiwi

You will need:

  • 1 kiwi
  • 1 tsp kefir

Peel the kiwi from the skin and grate on a fine grater. Mix with kefir and apply on face for 20 minutes. Wash off with cool water. Such a mask will not only moisturize oily skin, but also give it tone, increase elasticity, and refresh the complexion.

Step 4: Nourishing Oily Skin

The final step in problematic skin care is nutrition. Usually, the following home-made masks are used for this procedure.

Cottage cheese and yolk

You will need:

  • 1 st. l. low-fat cottage cheese
  • Yolk of 1 egg

Mix the ingredients, apply on face for 20 minutes, rinse with cool water. Such a mask will not only nourish the skin, but also provide it with vitamins.

Yeast and sour cream

You will need:

  • 1 st. l. yeast
  • 1 tsp sour cream

Mix the ingredients and leave in a warm place for 15-20 minutes. Apply to face, rinse with cool water after 30 minutes. The mask copes well with enlarged pores and excess sebum.

apple and honey

You will need:

  • Half of 1 apple
  • 1 tsp liquid honey

Grate an apple, mix with honey. Apply to face, rinse with water after 20 minutes. The mixture nourishes oily skin well, supplies vitamins.

Important little things:

  1. Do not forget to use peelings and scrubs, but not more than 1-2 times a week, preferably at bedtime, in order to avoid irritation of sensitive skin areas.
  2. Acne must not be squeezed out!

If you still really, really need to squeeze out blackheads, then here is the instruction:

  • clean your skin thoroughly
  • do a warm compress or steam bath (see above)
  • wrap your fingertips with a napkin so as not to injure the skin with your nails and gently squeeze out a pimple or comedone
  • be sure to lubricate the disturbed place with an alcohol solution, and even better with tincture of calendula.

How to apply makeup on oily skin

  • wash with cool water using a cleanser
  • treat the skin with tonic
  • apply day cream
  • apply base makeup
  • apply foundation and other cosmetics
  • Be sure to thoroughly wash off your makeup before going to bed.