First wrinkles: should you panic? Mimic wrinkles, causes, prevention and their elimination.


At what age do wrinkles appear, and how to deal with it - we will try to answer this question. Unfortunately, with age, wrinkles will appear in everyone - this is inevitable. The time of appearance of these "objectionable guests" depends on the type of your skin. If the skin is thick, wrinkles may not appear for a very long time, but people with thin skin wrinkles can appear as early as 23-24 years.

At a young age, you can use light anti-wrinkle creams, there are many creams specifically for young skin. It is not necessary to buy an expensive cream - when you apply a nourishing and moisturizing cream - at the same time you give yourself a light massage, that is, improve blood flow. Another benefit of massage is that it increases the supply of oxygen to the skin.

There are many reasons why wrinkles appear. Perhaps in the first place can be called lovers of excessive sun. Skin from sun rays dries quickly, becomes unable to produce collagen. This applies not only to tanning in the air, but also to the solarium. The sun is a cunning enemy! Most young people do not associate skin problems with the sun.

The harmful effects of sunlight, will manifest itself only after a few years. It is the sun that is responsible for the breakdown of collagen and elastin, the proteins that maintain skin elasticity, texture, and tone. As soon as they weaken, the skin begins to sag and wrinkles will appear.

For people who spend a lot of time in the sun, these unwanted side effects begin to occur at relatively early age.

Without waiting for summer and intense sun, you need to protect your skin from harmful solar radiation all year round! Don't burn your skin - be sure to protect it with a cream with UV filters. Most sunscreens contain filters, even in inexpensive creams, such as Nivea. What else causes wrinkles? These are factors such as:

  1. Cigarettes.
  2. Frequent and prolonged exposure to the wind.
  3. Excessive washing of the face.
  4. Infections.
  5. Excessive dryness or humidity of the air we breathe.
  6. Excessive facial expressions: when we often wrinkle our foreheads, we smile on duty.
  7. Sleep deprivation.
  8. Overwork and stress.
  9. Insufficient water intake.
  10. Poor quality cosmetics.
  11. Poor nutrition, lack of fruits and protein foods.
  12. Modern ecology.
  13. Missing physical exercise(must be at least charging).

Let's face the facts: Aging is inevitable. You can't get away from it, although people try their best! Appearance surgical operations to make the face younger, only helped the industry grow into an even more profitable business. Whether a woman opts for Botox in her 20s to end forehead wrinkles, or goes for a facelift later in life to smooth her skin, it's clear that anti-aging treatments aren't just for older people. Women of all ages are interested in smooth, glowing skin.

But at what age do these dreaded signs of aging actually begin to show? It largely depends on lifestyle and heredity. A person who smokes, tans, and is exposed to environmental pollutants on a regular basis is more likely to develop symptoms premature aging earlier than the person who is careful uses protective cream and doesn't smoke.

Aging is natural process. This is part of our life. This action begins in the mid-twenties, when the reproduction of collagen begins to slow down and elastin begins to weaken. Signs may not be immediately obvious, but after a decade, some traits begin to show as a result of one's own aging, including:

  1. Wrinkles.
  2. Thin skin.
  3. Loss of core fat.
  4. Dry, itchy skin.
  5. The skin is sluggish and weakened.
  6. Pale color.

The elasticity of the skin decreases sharply after the age of 50. The bottom line is that aging is not discriminatory. Certain factors influence it early appearance, so it's important to exercise proper skin care throughout your life, eat right, move, and stay vigilant about wearing sunscreen in the summer, every day (in any weather, whether indoors or outdoors!), and in winter time- moisturizing your skin, its nutrition is so important.

The figure shows how to do a facial massage yourself.

Previous procedures:

  • Wash off makeup, wash your face.
  • Steam the skin by putting a napkin or towels moistened with hot water on your face.
  • Cleanse the skin with a scrub.
  • Wipe with lotion.
  • Apply nutritious cream and start the massage.
  • Each movement to do 1-2 minutes.

First of all, in order to have fewer wrinkles, you need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters mineral water in a day. Further, it is necessary that the body has enough of such vitamins: E, A, C. Antioxidants are definitely needed: you need to eat more vegetables, fruits, berries, and nuts. The table shows the best products - antioxidants (antiox. units per 100 gr.).

There are many important foods for the skin. A simple product like buckwheat will help to cope with skin aging. There is a lot of routine in buckwheat, and it, in turn, helps the skin cope with premature wrinkles. All nutritionists usually call buckwheat "anti-aging."

What foods help skin cope with wrinkles

  1. The skin has lost elasticity, become dry and pale - this most likely means that it did not have enough gland. As you know, buckwheat is especially rich in iron, oatmeal, liver, eggs, veal, pork, chicken, seeds.
  2. Selenium- also responsible for the quality of the skin. They are rich in seafood, fish - cod, salmon, herring, and tuna, liver, brown rice, and garlic.
  3. Silicon. Foods rich in it: bran, cereals, greens, cabbage, cucumbers, seeds, sprouted cereals.
  4. Zinc. It helps the skin stay young and supple longer. A large amount of it is found in bran, beef, yeast, nuts, mushrooms, pumpkin seeds. It is enough to add sprouted grains of wheat, soaked in water and grown at home, to your food, and your skin will be young and healthy for a long time.

Ways to fight wrinkles

First of all, do not rush to use expensive procedures, follow and take into account simple and accessible rules for skin care.

  1. Get enough sleep, try to worry less about trifles.
  2. May you always have a good mood and a sincere smile.
  3. Drink more mineral water (1.5-2 liters per day).
  4. Moisturize, protect your skin with creams.
  5. Facial and neck massage helps a lot.
  6. It is recommended to wash your neck every evening, and then rub it with a towel.
  7. Try to eat right, take vitamins in autumn and spring.
  8. Breathe in the air, exercise, walk.
  9. Ideally, you can do fitness, or yoga.
  10. Wash your face in turn: first with warm water, then with ice cubes. This keeps the skin toned.
  11. Masks from any fruit, honey, oatmeal.
  12. We use scrubs 1-2 times a week - we clean our face and massage the skin for 3-4 minutes. After that, wash your face and apply moisturizer.

The video shows how to do gymnastics of the face and neck from wrinkles.

The skin around the eyes occupies a leading position in terms of sensitivity. Therefore, the first takes the blow - the appearance of wrinkles. Is it possible to protect the skin of the face from early aging, and how to deal with the first wrinkles around the eyes, most girls are interested.

Causes and factors contributing to early aging

The first wrinkles under the eyes can appear as early as 25 years. However, you should not panic. It is better to consider the causes of their appearance and prevent them from deepening. What influences premature appearance problems at such an early age?

  • health disorder, genetic predisposition to early aging.
  • Excessive activity of facial expressions - first of all, constant squinting from the sun, due to poor eyesight, antics and grimacing.
  • Lack of proper skin care around the eyes, frequent use decorative cosmetics its poor quality.
  • Abuse of sunburn without special sunscreen(creams and glasses).
  • Stressful situations, smoking, alcohol, chronic lack of sleep - negatively affect the tissues of the face.

Before you fight the first wrinkles around the eyes, try to prevent their appearance and eliminate harmful factors. Start with prevention and lifestyle changes.

Preventive measures against early aging of the skin of the face:

  • use cosmetics according to age category and high quality;
  • the action of the cream should be directed strictly to the area around the eyes; general creams are not suitable;
  • nutrition and hydration of tissues - a must at any age (both at 25 and at 40);
  • the sun's rays greatly exaggerate the risk of defects, so it is recommended to stay in the sun less (preferably in the shade of trees and at home);
  • massage, gymnastics and proper care - a guarantee of beauty and long-term youth of problem areas;
  • A healthy diet and lifestyle will do 20% of the job of getting rid of wrinkles.

How to remove the first wrinkles at home

As soon as wrinkles under the eyes are noticed, it is urgent to take measures to eliminate them:

  1. start with the preparation of anti-wrinkle cosmetics from natural ingredients;
  2. learn massage techniques and gymnastic exercises, if necessary, consult a beautician or massage therapist about this;
  3. organize your day so that, in addition to regular massage and high-quality facial care, there was enough time for a healthy, full sleep (7-8 hours).

Mask Recipes, which will remove early wrinkles and preserve youthfulness of the face for a long time:

  • a three-stage remedy for defects around the eyes consists of crushed oatmeal (2 tbsp) with oil extract olives (1 tbsp), natural honey(2 tsp) and grated apple, 3 drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice with sour cream (2 tbsp). The skin around the eyes is steamed and each pair of ingredients is applied step by step with an interval of 7 minutes. As a result, after 7-10 minutes after applying the third group of components, the face is washed, slightly soaked with a paper towel. From above, wipe your face with mineral cool water, wait until it dries completely.
  • honey mask is prepared from the yolk, honey (1 tsp) and oatmeal (1 tbsp), applied to problem areas for 15 minutes. After that, the residue must be washed off with water.
  • a moisturizing mask can be prepared from the yolk and 1 tsp. natural vegetable oil(as an option - castor or olive). The yolk-oil mixture is applied around the eyes and washed off after 20 minutes.

Many masks and compresses can be prepared from the following pairs of ingredients: honey and strawberries, sea buckthorn oil, cocoa powder and vitamin E capsule, olive extract with crushed fresh asparagus juice, cornflower decoction and natural oily liquid from olives or almonds. To perform compresses cotton pads soak in the mixture and lay on the eyelids and under the eyes for 20 minutes. Then remove and wash with warm water or herbal diluted decoction.

Massage and gymnastics of facial tissues - activate a number of processes inside the cell, accelerate the production collagen fibers, will ensure the rapid flow of nutrients and elements into the cells. After the first session, you will notice a healthy complexion, elasticity and tone of tissues, and firmness of the skin.

However, do not neglect the technique of performing massage. In this case, the order, the direction of movements, the strength of the impact are extremely important. The following techniques may be useful to you: Ayurvedic facial massage, relaxing facial massage, honey facial massage, etc. All of them provide for a gentle and effective targeted action on the area around the eyes.

As for gymnastics, it is much easier here. Individual exercises can be performed anywhere (at work and at home). Gymnastics for lifting the oval of the face, gymnastics for rejuvenating the face and neck provides a whole range of exercises that strengthen the muscles and tissues of the face, tighten the contours and transform the skin color.

Early wrinkles are easy to self-medicate with folk remedies. There are no restrictions on the components, but what should be paid attention to when treating with home remedies:

  • do not apply medical cosmetics to uncleaned skin;
  • use masks and scrubs 2-3 times a week, not more often;
  • part remedy add vitamin E, it is indispensable in the fight against wrinkles;
  • for achievement maximum effect massage, exercises should be performed according to the instructions and recommendations of experts in this matter. If you are unsure of sufficient skill, consult a specialist or trust him to teach you this.
  • when preparing nourishing masks and creams, consider the characteristics of your type of epidermis;
  • in the presence of wounds, damage, rashes on the face with massage, peeling is better to wait.

store funds

Creams and masks purchased at the store are also suitable for combating skin defects. The main thing is that they are of the appropriate quality, correctly selected and do not contain alcohol additives that are detrimental to young skin.

Never buy anti-aging cosmetics. For 25-30 years old, it is not needed yet, the skin itself copes with the production of elastin, it is only necessary to properly nourish and moisturize it.

However, keep in mind that no one can guarantee the quality of the components, their freshness and effectiveness, unlike self-prepared products.

How to remove wrinkles around the eyes in the salon

For treatment early signs skin aging is not necessary to resort to radical measures. Limit yourself to mesotherapy, ozone therapy, peeling and massage aimed at young skin.

What else is important for young skin

  • Nutrition. Useful products to prevent aging at an early age are fresh ripe tomatoes, raspberries, blueberries, all dairy products, sea fish and honey. Their constant use will increase the immunity of cells, activate important features, will provide essential vitamins, minerals, relieve the lack of moisture and early wrinkles around the eyes.
  • Healthy sleep. Eliminate bulky pillows, do not sleep on your stomach and in one position. The duration of a good sleep is considered to be 7-8 hours at least.
  • Rejection bad habits. Categorically get rid of smoking, alcohol. Even cigarette smoke has a negative effect on the skin of the face.
  • Sport. Do fitness, yoga. Walking on fresh air also useful for young skin.

But, unfortunately, the first wrinkles appear when you don’t expect them at all - most people have “crow’s feet” already at the age of 25.

This article is intended more for women aged 25-35, however young girls should also remember that the basis of how a woman will look in the future is laid precisely in her youth - will age spots appear on her face, vascular network, i.e., how soon she will begin to age. Therefore, the better you take care of yourself in your youth, the later you will need anti-aging products.

With age, the processes and renewal of cells slow down, the production of collagen decreases, in a word, the aging of the body begins.

There comes a time when every woman asks the question: “and resort to the services of cosmetologists?”.

Of course, all this is very individual, but experts call the age of thirty the boundary when it is time to introduce means to combat the first signs of aging into daily care.

1. Creams.

Nowadays, there are a lot of ways to deal with. And the first thing we usually resort to is this.

Majority anti-aging cosmetics created especially for mature skin which is much drier and thinner than the skin of young women. Therefore, such creams are too heavy for young skin with well-functioning sebaceous glands, and young skin may simply ignore those expensive cream ingredients that are not intended for it.

When the first wrinkles appear, you do not need to immediately resort to anti-aging creams- it is better to choose the most moisturizing oil-free cream, gel or serum, which has protective functions, i.e. necessarily contains SPF factor and protects the skin from other negative environmental factors. It is also necessary to use creams with antioxidants that nourish the epidermis and help the skin recover under stress.

Particular attention should be paid to the skin around the eyelids., as the skin under the eyes is very thin and it is there that the first mimic wrinkles appear. Only eye cream should be applied to this area - a regular face cream can only do harm here. Creams that are specially created for, carefully treat this delicate area and have special tonic and smoothing ingredients. Also, these creams do not contain spreadable oils that can cause eye irritation.

2. Exercises for the face.

There are special exercises for the face, which for many years help the skin to maintain elasticity.

These simple exercises can be done anywhere - working at the computer, reading a book or doing housework.

Sit up straight, open your eyes - look straight ahead. Look up and down without moving your head. Repeat 10 times.

Then, keeping your head still in the same way, turn your eyes to the right and left.

Sit up straight, look ahead, mouth closed. Now smile as wide as you can without revealing

Hold this smile for 5 seconds, then "release" it and point your lips into a kiss. Hold the “kiss” for 5 seconds and then relax your face. Repeat this 10 times.

Pull your cheeks in and hold for 10 seconds. Then inflate them and hold them again for 10 seconds. Repeat this 10 times.

Sit up straight, tilt your head back and look up at the ceiling. Keeping your lips closed, make chewing movements.

You will immediately feel how intensely the muscles of the neck and chin work. Repeat this 20 times.

Frown as hard as you can, draw your eyebrows together. Then raise it high with your eyes wide open. Repeat this 5 times.

These are very simple exercises that are easy to remember and can be done in almost any situation.

There are many textbooks on facial aerobics, such as Aerobics for the Skin and Muscles of the Face by Carol Maggio.

Also, do not forget to use creams that will help your skin maintain youthfulness and elasticity, because modern innovations can act on skin cells and work wonders.

To cope with wrinkles, you can also go to salons that carry out procedures aimed at skin rejuvenation.

The method of photorejuvenation is based on the complex effect of high-frequency pulsed light on all layers of the patient's skin, which causes intense collagen formation. As a result, the elasticity of the skin increases, wrinkles are smoothed out.

The procedure is painless and absolutely not traumatic, and also has no rehabilitation need - immediately after the procedure, you can safely apply and go about your business.

True, in order to see the real effect, you need to undergo photorejuvenation in a course that includes several procedures. You can do this procedure at the age of 25 years.

  • Other popular salon remedy for skin rejuvenation chemical peeling. It is a process of removing the surface layer of the skin with the help of various acids.

Chemical peels can be superficial, medium or deep, depending on the problem being solved.

With superficial chemical peeling, only the horny cells of the skin are removed, which means that it is more gentle. Peeling is carried out using fruit acids, as well as glycolic acid.

This procedure eliminates mimic wrinkles, makes the skin supple and elastic, evens out the surface of the skin and improves color.

Superficial (light) type of peeling can be used for the first wrinkles that appear at the age of 25-35 years.

  • Another effective method is restorative massage. Wrinkles mainly appear on those parts of the face where the muscles are most tense.

A specially trained specialist helps relieve this tension, relaxes the muscles of the face, and restores skin tone.

Massage should be done in courses from 10 procedures (in the presence of small wrinkles) to 15-25 sessions (for a more serious rejuvenating effect).

  • You can also fight wrinkles with botox injections. With the introduction of Botox under the skin, mimic wrinkles relax, and more precisely, the muscle fibers that form wrinkles relax. As a result, the person can no longer frown.

This property of neurotoxin is used in those areas of the face in which the first signs of aging appear first. These include the forehead, the area between the eyebrows, the periorbital and perioral regions.

  • Another modern and easy way to get rid of wrinkles is to fill them in. fillers, which in aesthetic medicine are classified as injectables, namely contouring. Already based on the name, it can be assumed that the main function of fillers is to fill and recreate volume.

Using a thin needle, the specialist fills wrinkles with a gel-like preparation, due to which the skin is instantly smoothed.

In modern cosmetology, there are many opportunities to look young and beautiful. The dream of many generations of women about eternal youth has now become a reality.

4. Folk remedies.

And finally, if you are not lazy, along with everyone existing means you can combine the so-called anti-wrinkle. These are all kinds of masks based on natural ingredients, which, with regular use, also actively fight wrinkles and other skin problems.

- a sharply marked skin relief in the form of longitudinal and transverse folds and grooves, combined with a decrease in skin turgor. In cosmetology, there are three types of wrinkles: mimic, static and gravitational. Regardless of the location and type of wrinkles, their presence is primarily associated with skin aging and general aging of the body. This fact causes a natural desire (more characteristic of the fair sex) to get rid of visible traces of age. Wrinkle elimination methods include skin care and peeling, injection (contour plastic, botulinum toxin therapy) and hardware techniques (myostimulation, RF-lifting, laser resurfacing, etc.), plastic surgery.

    Wrinkles are a visible sign age-related changes skin that begins to form at birth. Even young creatures can see the wrinkles beginning to appear on their skin. The formation of wrinkles occurs gradually, as if gradually. First, the skin loses its hydration and former elasticity, becoming drier, rougher and less elastic. And now the first wrinkles are already indicated on it - first on the forehead, then in the corners of the eyes and going in the direction from the nose to the chin, and, finally, on the bridge of the nose, above upper lip, on the neck and décolleté.

    How to deal with them, what to do in order to slow down the process of skin aging? First of all, you should get acquainted with the types of wrinkles, their specific features.

    Types of wrinkles

    The basis of the modern classification of wrinkles are several signs. Important in determining the type of wrinkles are their number, size, time of occurrence and features of the skin relief. The appearance of wrinkles is directly related to the natural (physiological) aging of the whole body and skin, including hormonal changes in the body caused by menopause, the adverse effects of environmental factors, the so-called photoaging. There are wrinkles according to their location: frontal (forehead wrinkles), around the mouth and nasolabial, "crow's feet" around the eyes, "lion's" (between the eyebrows). Wrinkles can be longitudinal or transverse.

    Distinguish between superficial and deep wrinkles depending on how deep the skin folds lie. The metabolism of the skin, the individual features of its structure, the degree of exposure to external adverse factors affect the time of appearance and the size of wrinkles. by the most in an efficient way prevention of premature appearance of wrinkles is a competent cosmetic care, depending on the type of skin. One or another type of skin predetermines the genetic factor. special attention and care requires dry skin, which is most prone to dehydration (loss of moisture) and the appearance of fine wrinkles due to exposure to direct sunlight and other adverse natural phenomena.

    Distinguish static wrinkles, mimic and age or gravitational. These differences occur depending on the causes that caused the appearance of wrinkles. Static wrinkles can be caused by dehydration or dry skin. They may appear on the forehead or cheeks after sleeping in one position. Decreased firmness and elasticity of the skin, associated with a slowdown in the synthesis of new cells, leads to the formation of age-related wrinkles, as a sign of general aging of the body. The origin of facial wrinkles is due to the peculiarities of human behavior, the originality of his facial expressions. Day after day, the superficial muscles that provide expression of emotions on the face contract countless times. Over time, subtle wrinkles deepen and cannot be relaxed.

    In emotional people who are inclined to actively express their feelings with the help of facial expressions (squint their eyes, wrinkle their foreheads, frown their eyebrows), facial wrinkles will not slow down to appear at an early age. This process is also explained by a genetic factor that determines the individual structural features of fibroblasts - skin cells that take part in muscle contraction and are responsible for the production of hyaluronic acid, elastin and collagen. Usually, facial wrinkles appear in areas of active contraction of the facial muscles: in the corners of the eyes, between the eyebrows on the bridge of the nose, in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds, on the forehead.

    fluctuation of high and low temperatures, exposure to wind, ultraviolet radiation, high humidity and other negative manifestations of external factors can provoke a further deepening of mimic wrinkles.

    Expression wrinkles that have already appeared will deepen even more if the body lacks nutrients necessary for the process of skin cell renewal. With age, this situation is exacerbated by the natural changes associated with aging. And finally the strongest negative factors Influencing the condition of the skin, one should recognize various manifestations of a sedentary and unhealthy lifestyle, in particular smoking, exposure to psychological stress, an unbalanced diet, the use of cosmetics and low-quality skin care products.

    Of all types, facial wrinkles usually appear first at a very early age. Their education at emotional people perhaps as early as 20-25 years. They can be especially pronounced when active work facial muscles, contracting with various emotional manifestations. In connection with age processes small wrinkles turn into deep folds, skin drooping (ptosis) occurs. This process is also caused by the force gravity, therefore, in a number of medical sources, this type of wrinkles is defined as "gravitational".

    The face is one of the few parts of the body that almost always remains open. That is why it is most exposed to adverse natural phenomena. We also express the numerous emotional states that we experience throughout our lives with our faces. Pain, fear, anger, joy, sadness - any state of mind is reflected on our face to one degree or another. Even people who are well in control of themselves rarely remain with an impenetrable expression. Nature itself ordered that the structure of the skin of the face is intended for such a communicative function. With a reflex contraction or relaxation of facial muscles, we demonstrate either a smile, or serious concern, or a grimace of surprise or disappointment. And as a result of repeated such actions, the skin on the face is covered first with an inconspicuous, and then with an increasingly obvious network of wrinkles.

    Often the appearance of wrinkles occurs as a result of poor health or even a serious illness. It is not uncommon for wrinkles to appear due to sudden weight loss after ill-conceived following of newfangled diets. And another factor may be the use of cosmetics of dubious quality.

    The skin of the face has a special structure. Thin epidermal and dermal layers, loose subcutaneous fatty tissue contribute to the rapid loss of moisture, which is one of the serious factors in skin aging. Desiccation of the skin cannot always be compensated by the supply of water from the microcirculatory bed. The loose structure of the subcutaneous adipose tissue makes the skin sufficiently mobile, which ensures the transmission of various emotional states. She also causes rapid change water content in the subcutaneous layers, manifested either in the form of edema (with an excess), or in the form of cracks in the corners of the mouth (with a deficiency).

    Let's take a closer look at the most common causes of wrinkles.

    Physiological aging of the skin. The regular natural process of aging affects all organs and tissues of the human body, the only question is how soon the result of this process will be visible. Alas, even in practice healthy person by the age of thirty, his age is betrayed by the skin of his face, tk. it is she who is most susceptible to the influence of adverse natural factors. The process of synthesis of “building material” (collagen, elastic fibers) that slows down with age, due to which youth and natural moisture is maintained, makes the skin of the face vulnerable and leads to the formation of the first wrinkles - “crow’s feet” appear in the corners of the eyes, longitudinal wrinkles on the forehead. In addition, a very aggressive environment, from the point of view of environmental safety, puts our skin to a serious test. The state of the surrounding air, water, harmful emissions into the atmosphere, and other factors of modern life provoke the withering of the skin, because it is designed to protect us from all these misfortunes. Problem early onset wrinkles today is quite acute, forcing even very young girls to pay attention to it.

    Photoaging. We are all used to treating sunlight as a source of life. Under its influence, vitamin D, which is the most important for biochemical reactions occurring in the human body, is synthesized. However, modern science has also proven the negative role of active solar radiation, which adversely affects the skin and causes its premature aging process. Early withering of the skin, accompanied by peeling, the appearance of age spots, the development of rosacea and the formation of fine wrinkles, occurs as a result of the destruction of DNA cells, collagen fibers and intercellular structures. The detrimental effect of solar radiation leads to the accumulation of pathologically altered elastin, a decrease in strength blood vessels. All these factors deprive the skin of elasticity, natural moisture and lead to the formation of early wrinkles. No wonder our great-great-grandmothers tried to hide their faces from direct exposure to sunlight with wide-brimmed hats, veils and elegant umbrellas.

    Excessive expression. One of the few factors that affect the skin and cause the formation of wrinkles, which does not depend on external causes, but directly from human behavior, is his facial expressions and the habit of actively expressing all the emotions experienced. This is especially true for people with a pronounced temperament of a sanguine or choleric. In this case, wrinkles are not caused by dehydration (loss of water) of the skin, but by frequent contractions of facial muscles. Frequent change moods, a rapid transition from one facial expression to another, do not allow the elastic properties of the skin to keep up with these changes. The result is the premature appearance of first small, and then deeper wrinkles.

    emotional factors. The rhythm of modern life, its speed and cataclysms lead to various kinds stressful situations. High socialization modern man, i.e. the variety of interpersonal relationships gives rise to many emotional experiences. IN All worries, anxieties and fears are reflected directly in the condition of the skin. The mechanism of this effect is associated with the influence of adrenaline, glucocorticoids (stress hormones). When they are released by the body into the blood, a significant part of it enters the most important organs that ensure human life. And the skin, meanwhile, suffers from its lack, and therefore does not fully receive the necessary nutrients and oxygen. Already the first youthful suffering from unrequited love or a failed exam affects the condition of the skin and contributes to the appearance of the first wrinkles even on a young face. As a person grows older, there are more and more reasons for worry and stress. Conflicts at work and at home, various kinds of troubles that may arise in life, not only spoil the mood, they play a destructive role in the state of the whole organism, including the skin of the face.

    Influence of climate features. The skin condition is greatly influenced by natural climatic conditions. Lack or excess of heat, sunlight and moisture, sudden changes in air temperature do nothing to improve skin health. In a temperate or subtropical climate, its ideal condition is much easier to maintain. How to compensate for the lack of such an opportunity for those who are deprived of it? The answer is simple. The use of well-chosen, taking into account individual characteristics and existing problems, cosmetics and special means, prolonging and restoring the natural freshness and youthfulness of the skin.

    Influence of harmful environmental factors. Technical progress and the modern achievements of civilization not only make our life easier, make it more comfortable, but also bring in so many unfavorable factors that their listing alone would take enough time. We know firsthand the familiar companions of our Everyday life- polluted by air and water, food products that lack vitamins, but in excess there are artificial dyes, various stabilizers, flavors, preservatives and other carcinogens. Household electrical appliances, computer and other modern technology are a source of harmful electromagnetic radiation. Depletion of the ozone layer in the atmosphere leads to penetration ultraviolet rays also detrimental to human health. These factors include the voluntary use by individuals of the most powerful poisons - nicotine, alcohol and drugs. All this cannot but have a detrimental effect on the condition of the skin.

    Sudden change in body weight. The desire, natural for any woman, to prolong youth and harmony sometimes takes on a hypertrophied form in the form of voluntary self-torture with various diets, and even starvation. Everything is good in moderation. Fasting days, moderate nutrition, provided it is complete and balanced, is an undoubted benefit for both health and beauty. But when it comes to the ill-considered rejection of certain products that form the basis of human nutrition, neither health nor beauty can be expected. Any strict diet, and even more starvation, causes stress to the body and can provoke a very undesirable consequences. The body, not receiving enough nutrients, begins to take them from subcutaneous tissue. And first of all, the destruction occurs in the most loose structure of the subcutaneous fatty tissues of the skin of the face. This leads to dehydration and the formation of unwanted wrinkles.

    Incorrect use of cosmetics. Another example of how the undoubted benefit of civilization can be unreasonably turned to the detriment of one's own beauty. Many women ignore the recommendations on the labels of pretty packages and tubes of cosmetics, content only with the enthusiastic recommendations of their friends. Any cosmetic product is complex in terms of chemical composition a product that was specifically created for a specific skin type, for specific purposes. Ignorance of the basic basics of facial skin care can lead to the opposite effect - dry skin is even more dry with alcohol-containing lotions, and oily skin is doomed to even more clogging and blockage when using products for dry skin. All these errors have a bad effect on the condition of the skin and lead to the formation of wrinkles.

    Diseases of the internal organs. Blooming face, natural glow and firm skin clear sign good health. If the body suffers from a hidden disease (as a rule, these are diseases of the liver, kidneys, lungs, endocrine system), the skin of the face will give the first signal about this. Decreased turgor, flabbiness of the skin, its grayish tint and sharply defined wrinkles indicate not cosmetic, but medical problems. There is only one way out - to eliminate the root cause, to give the most close attention to your health.

    These are some of the most common causes of premature wrinkles. You should analyze the information presented here and make correct conclusion about preventing premature loss of freshness and beauty of the skin of the face.

    Prevention of wrinkles

    Despite numerous objective external and internal factors, leading to age-related changes in the skin, the moment of appearance of unwanted wrinkles can be delayed if you take care of the measures to prevent their occurrence in advance.

    Already by the age of 30, the skin loses its elasticity and firmness - this is the time to start preventive procedures. Taking into account the individual characteristics of the skin, as well as environmental conditions (climatic, environmental, industrial), this period can vary plus or minus several years. Therefore, there are no universal recommendations regarding the age at which active wrinkle prevention should be started, but it is always better to prevent a problem than to deal with its solution. Even in early prevention wrinkles is not enough to use only cosmetical tools the approach must be comprehensive. It is important here to correct lifestyle, and give up bad habits, and more attentive care of your skin, and correct selection and the use of cosmetics.

    A complete, balanced, regular diet plays a special role in preventing the aging process of the skin. It provides skin cells enough nutrients needed for the synthesis of protein fibers. have a negative impact on appearance skin nicotine and cigarette smoke, leading to its premature withering and aging. Therefore, smoking cessation is an indispensable condition for the comprehensive prevention of wrinkles. Excessive insolation leads to increased dryness of the skin and provokes the appearance of early wrinkles. In this regard, it is necessary to use special sunscreens.

    One of the very first facial wrinkles are formed. Therefore, in order to prevent them, it is necessary to monitor the expression of your emotions, get rid of the habit of “playing with your face”: squinting your eyes, drawing your eyebrows together, wrinkling your forehead, pursing your lips. At poor eyesight or bright sun, you should correctly select and wear corrective or sunglasses. To strengthen facial muscles, special gymnastics for the face and neck is very useful, strengthening muscle tissue and skin fibers, activating metabolic processes.

    Even elementary exercises, such as simply opening and closing the eyes, when systematically performed, give their positive result. At the same time, it is important not to wrinkle your forehead, controlling the correctness of the exercise with the palm of your hand. Can also be massaged with tongue internal surfaces lips and cheeks, open your mouth, pronouncing vowels, stretch your lips, etc. prophylactic is a facial massage performed at home or in a beauty salon.

    Methods for eliminating wrinkles

    With unsatisfactory care of the skin of the face and neck, wrinkles can appear even in young age. This is facilitated by the abuse or use of low-quality decorative cosmetics, overstrain of the mimic muscles of the face (the habit of squinting your eyes, wrinkling your forehead), stress, bad habits, adverse climatic, professional and environmental factors. All this, combined with the natural age-related changes in the skin, makes us resort to various methods of wrinkle correction.

    Methods for eliminating wrinkles should be selected by a cosmetologist individually, taking into account the age of the patient and the degree of existing changes. In some cases, it is enough to organize proper and systematic skin care at home using masks, lotions, creams with biologically active substances recommended by a specialist, massage, and muscle gymnastics. These methods are most effective at a young age, when wrinkles are not yet so pronounced.

    Modern cosmetology offers a huge range of hardware and injection methods correction of age-related skin changes. The methods of laser resurfacing, dermabrasion, myostimulation, vacuum massage, and radio wave therapy have proven themselves most effective today. Good results are observed from medium and deep peeling with a complex of fruit acids. The effectiveness of facial contouring, involving intradermal injections of cosmetic preparations (Botox, Dysport, Restylane), is based on an increase in skin elasticity as a result of filling the intercellular space with the drug.

    These methods of wrinkle correction have a lot of advantages: low trauma, high efficiency, relative safety. They give an excellent result in relation to mimic wrinkles in the area of ​​​​the eyes, forehead, nasolabial triangle. These procedures require repeated conduct, since the injected drugs are absorbed by the cells over time and are absorbed. Guaranteed and more lasting effect gives a combination of methods of hardware and injection correction with independent daily skin care using cosmetics.

    If the process of formation of wrinkles is expressed significantly, then the elimination of defects is possible by a surgical method. Plastic surgery gives a quick and lasting result, but it is quite expensive and associated with high risk the likelihood of developing complications for health in general. Usually this method is used when minimally invasive techniques are ineffective. Don't try to fight wrinkles on your own. The sooner you contact a specialized clinic, the more gentle and effective method treatments will be selected for you by cosmetologists, taking into account the individual characteristics of your skin.

How many times does every girl and woman think with horror why wrinkles appear around the eyes? Perhaps a lot. To dispel these fears, we will study them from the inside, arm ourselves with the knowledge of how to deal with them.

Usually the first wrinkles appear around the eyes. At first, these can be small lines, which, if you do not pay due attention to them, eventually turn into deep folds that spoil the aesthetic appearance and age the person.

What causes wrinkles around the eyes?

Why do the first wrinkles appear around the eyes? The reason for this vulnerability of this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin lies in its dryness and the almost complete absence of muscles. When a person experiences certain emotions and experiences, it is entirely reflected on his face. Therefore, the skin around the eyes suffers most from the manifestation of emotions - it has a huge load.

When people express their feelings through facial expressions, they tense certain muscle groups, as a result of which the skin above them contracts and stretches. In youth, it is easier to cope with this task, but with age, when elasticity is lost, returning to its original state becomes more difficult. Why do the first wrinkles appear? Therefore, excessive facial mobility can also serve as the cause of the first wrinkles around the eyes.

Also, some people have a habit of squinting from the wind and sun. In such cases, it is recommended to wear sunglasses that will reduce the vulnerability of the eyes. However, it is necessary to choose glasses only from glass, because. plastic does not protect the eyes from ultraviolet radiation, and wearing such low-quality glasses will only bring harm, not benefit.

The main cause of wrinkles is biological aging, when irreversible processes occur in the human body that affect all organs and systems. The skin, being one of the human organs, gradually fades with age, which is due to such reasons:

  1. deterioration of blood circulation;
  2. weakening and partial cessation of the functions of the sweat and sebaceous glands;
  3. deterioration of the regeneration process;
  4. reduction and partial disappearance of subcutaneous fatty tissue;
  5. a decrease in the amount of elastin and collagen in the dermis of the skin, etc.

At what age do wrinkles first appear?

Dermatologists say that the aging process of the skin begins at the age of 25. As a rule, the first wrinkles appear at the age of 25-30, when the aging process begins in the skin, it becomes less firm and elastic, loses moisture. However, sometimes the first wrinkles may appear at the age of 10-20 years.

Why do wrinkles sometimes appear at an early age? The cause of premature wrinkles can also be frequent stress, bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol and excessive amounts of coffee), unhealthy diet, lack of mobility, lack of sleep, adherence to strict diets And so on. All these factors reduce the firmness and elasticity of the skin, dry it out, resulting in a violation of metabolic processes at the cellular level.

How to avoid wrinkles?

To avoid premature wrinkles, you need to monitor your health, eat right, avoid bad habits, get enough sleep.

Try to drink as much water as doctors advise - about 2 liters a day. Lack of moisture can also cause wrinkles around the eyes.

It is also necessary correctly, in particular around the eyes. It needs to be properly cleansed, nourished, moisturized. Masks are recommended. enjoy light creams you can start at a fairly early age - now the market provides a wide range of special light creams designed for young people. It must be remembered that the skin around the eyes is very vulnerable and requires special care. Therefore, in no case should you use a face cream for her, as it may be too heavy.

You need to sleep as much as your body specifically requires. We are all individuals.

You should not overdry the skin, in particular with an abundance of decorative cosmetics, and overuse powdering. Keep track of how much makeup you put on your face and what quality it is.

It is also necessary to monitor facial expressions - do not grimace too intensely. Try to keep track of how many times a day you make a certain facial expression and why. You need to try to control your emotions and the level of their display on your face.

Following these rules, you will give your skin health and beauty, and give yourself confidence and irresistibility for every day!