Dry body skin in winter: causes and hydration. Dry skin in winter - negative factors


In winter, most people's skin dries and flakes, and women suffer more often: their skin is thinner and more vulnerable than men's, and the requirements for appearance have always been different. So, if a man’s skin peels, it’s unpleasant, but for most women it’s just a disaster; In addition, dryness and flaking bring noticeable discomfort into life, and worsen not only your mood, but also your health. When the skin is dry and itchy, it is difficult to talk about proper rest and restful sleep; Cosmetics help temporarily, and decorative products generally look unattractive on dry skin.

Dry skin in winter: why and how to help it

First of all, remember that the skin suffers in winter not so much due to cold and temperature changes, but also due to the effects of heating devices. Indoor air humidity becomes low - about 30%, and it should be increased by any means. If there are no special humidifiers, fill some containers with water and place them near the radiators; Place a damp cloth on the batteries, and do not forget to wet it several times a day.

You also need to supply your body with moisture “to the fullest,” and you shouldn’t think that this is irrelevant in winter. In the summer, in the heat, we remember that the body becomes dehydrated, and we try to drink as much as possible. But in winter, dehydration is no less: for example, when we are in the cold, steam comes from our mouth and nose - this is precisely what precious moisture leaves. In enclosed spaces, very dry and warm, moisture is lost just as quickly, although outwardly we do not notice it. This means that you need to drink even more in winter than in summer, and that is clean water.

Do not want? Try replacing coffee and tea with clean water if you really can’t help it, and drink a glass of water every time you want to snack. True, most people - at least adults - know that we feel thirst when the body begins to dehydrate, so it is better to determine for yourself the daily water intake - 1.5-2 liters, and learn to drink it between meals.

When washing your face in winter, do not rush to reach for a towel, but wait until your skin absorbs moisture. You should wash your face with water not from the tap, but preferably spring water, mineral water, or at least settled boiled water. Melt water is useful - find out how to prepare it correctly.

Folk remedies for dry skin in winter

Folk remedies, or home remedies, always come to the rescue. Most often these are masks, although lotions, creams, tonics and other skin care products can also be used. For masks to be more effective, you should use them according to all the rules - it’s not difficult.

Before applying the mask, the skin must be cleansed, and the masks themselves must be prepared only from fresh ingredients - for example, from food that can be safely eaten without heat treatment.

If your skin is oily, it is better to choose a mask with the optimal combination of ingredients, and do it over a course of up to 1-2 months.

Wash off the masks with warm water or “room” water, and then apply cream according to your skin type to consolidate the healing effect.

The most useful and simple masks are prepared from ordinary household products.

So, you can take 1 tbsp. oatmeal (ground), olive oil and honey, raw yolk, mix everything thoroughly until smooth and apply to face. Wash off after 15-20 minutes.

A mask with fresh cucumber juice and cream nourishes and moisturizes dry skin well. Juice and cream (1 tablespoon each) are thoroughly mixed with the same amount of rose water, and applied to the skin of the face and neck for 20 minutes. The drier the skin, the higher the fat content of the cream.

Moisturizing, nourishing and whitening mask includes milk, tender cottage cheese, carrot juice and olive oil - all 1 tsp each. Mix the ingredients until smooth and apply to the face. Wash off after 15 minutes. You can apply it to the neck and décolleté, but then increase the proportions.

The next two masks include slightly more “exotic” ingredients - coconut and avocado oil, but you can also buy them without any problems.

A mask of beaten egg, honey (1 tbsp) and coconut oil (1/4 tbsp) deeply moisturizes. First, beat the egg, add honey and butter, mix, pour into a jar, close and put in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, apply the mixture to cleansed skin. Keep for 15-20 minutes.

Dry skin becomes softer, more tender and more elastic after masks with avocado, egg white, vegetable oil (olive, almond, corn, etc.), and natural apple cider vinegar. Mash the ripe pulp of 1/2 avocado, combine with beaten egg white, 1 tsp. oil and 3-5 drops of vinegar - you can use a blender. The mask is applied for 20 minutes.

Modern creams for dry skin in winter

In winter, you should not choose creams with products of petrochemical origin - paraffin, petroleum jelly or mineral oil. They can protect, but they are addictive, and the work of the sebaceous glands slows down: the skin “does not want to work” itself, and this makes it extremely vulnerable.

But creams with vitamin E and natural vegetable oils (avocado, shea butter, cocoa, macadamia, etc.) will be an excellent choice.

A few examples.

The famous French manufacturer Sisley produces day winter cream Confort, with extracts of linden, olive, shea, plum and other components that stimulate the production of sebum. The skin is protected from the outside, while at the same time restoring its natural functions, and dryness gradually decreases. There is also Confort night cream, with echinacea and arnica extracts, wheat proteins, for dry and especially sensitive skin. By using both of these creams in winter, you can rest assured about your skin, but quality requires considerable investment, and “on average” it can cost 15-17 thousand rubles.

Significantly cheaper - sometimes less than 1,500 rubles - is the Vichy product - Nutrilogie deep-action cream for dry skin, based on thermal water. It is presented as a 24-hour oil-binding product, but is non-greasy and easily absorbed - it should be applied morning and night. Contains glycerin, arginine, vitamin E, vegetable oils, helps the skin begin producing its own lipids.

If this price “doesn’t fit into the budget,” you can pay attention to the domestic “Clean Line”, which produces inexpensive creams for winter care. For example, Lungwort with linden blossom costs less than 100 rubles - with this cream you can also protect dry skin from frost and wind.


During the cold season, the dermis loses moisture more intensely than in summer. This is all due to the destruction of the natural hydrolipid layer due to the negative effects of cold wind, invigorating frost and dry indoor air. Air dried by heating devices literally draws life-giving moisture from skin cells, thereby inhibiting the processes of renewal and sebum secretion. As a result, the skin becomes like sandpaper, wrinkles appear, discomfort occurs, and itching appears.

What to do

The three traditional principles of beautiful skin - cleansing, toning and moisturizing - during the cold season must be replaced with more intensive care, which involves cleansing, nourishing and protecting.

Body care in the cold

During the cold season, the skin on the body suffers even more than on the face. This is due to the constant friction of warm clothes, which injures and dries out the top layer of skin. To minimize the feeling of tightness and dryness in your skin, pay attention to hygiene.

Avoid taking too hot a shower to avoid drying out your skin. Also, reduce your shower time to avoid completely stripping away the natural oils that protect your skin.

Avoid using cleansing gel. Replace it with moisturizing gel or soap. You should add a little oil to your body scrub. An excellent option would be olive, flaxseed, and almond. You can make your own scrub from coffee with added oil. After it, the skin will be well cleansed and moisturized.

Body milk is one of the must-have body care products in the cold. Apply it to your skin at least every other day. It is better to do this immediately after taking a shower or bath. You can also add a little oil to this product. The effect of its use will be greater. You can make your own emollient for body care, which will perfectly replace store-bought milk. Pour 100 ml of water into a spray bottle, add a teaspoon of any cosmetic oil and a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil. Shake the container and immediately spray the product onto your body.

Particular attention should be paid to the elbows and heels, where the skin traditionally suffers from dryness and cracking. For these parts of the body, use a nourishing cream or lotion in the morning, leaving it to act throughout the day. For excessive dryness, apply in the evening to help replenish your skin overnight.

Important rules:
  • It is better to postpone water procedures until the evening so that the moisture lost by the skin can be restored during sleep;
  • do not dry yourself after a shower or bath, but simply pat your skin lightly with a towel;
  • give preference to soap or shower gel with coconut or cocoa oil.

Facial care during the cold season

Be sure to add a nourishing cream with an oily and thick texture to your cosmetic bag. It will be better if its composition is enriched with vitamins. Apply it 20-30 minutes before going outside. Put off moisturizing creams until spring, since in cold weather they can provoke vasospasm and lead to hypothermia of the skin.

During the cold season, you should not overuse scrubs. If in summer they can be used once a week, then in winter it will be once a month.

Effective masks

  1. Focus on nourishing your skin. Don’t be lazy to make your own masks. The simplest option is a mask made from wheat germ oil. It perfectly moisturizes and softens the skin. Simply apply the oil to previously cleansed facial skin, wait 20 minutes, and then remove it with a damp cotton swab or pad. Do not leave the oil overnight as it is too greasy and heavy. You can use lighter oils - almond or grape seed.
  2. A homemade mask with this composition has worked well: 1 tsp. fat sour cream, 1 tsp. carrot juice, a drop of honey and a few drops of any oil. The mask quickly eliminates flaking, dryness and gives the face a healthy color. During the cold season, do it once a week for preventive purposes, and you will not experience problems with dry skin.

Hand care during the cold season

Be sure to wear gloves or mittens, even if your hands are not cold. Temperature changes will not have the best effect on the skin of your hands.

Make it a habit to wipe your hands dry after every wash and lubricate them with nourishing ingredients. Do not wash your hands with hot water, as it can increase dryness and flaking. It is better to avoid hand moisturizer during the cold season. Instead, purchase a protective cream and apply it before going outside.

Pamper your hands. For the latter, both sea salt and potato starch, whey, and herbal infusions are suitable. The main thing is to do these procedures regularly.

If you don't have time to take care of your hands, purchase special silicone gloves to moisturize your hands. It is enough to put them on for 15–20 minutes, and the skin on your hands will again become soft, silky and moisturized. These gloves can be reused many times.

Video with tips for skin care in cold weather:

Good afternoon, Mikrushanochki! No matter how much I long for spring, there is snow and frost outside the window, and there are radiators and dry air in the rooms. Our skin suffers from this and needs additional care. Dry winter skin is a problem for many during the colder months. Let's figure out how we can help her.

Why is my skin dry in winter?

The answer to this question interests many. I am sure that most of us suffer from dry heels, elbows and delicate lip skin. This is in the best case, and in the worst case they are also added to the arms, skin of the legs, back, and so on.

Dry skin is a set of symptoms that appear as a result of the fact that the moisture content in the uppermost layer of the epidermis (stratum corneum) is reduced, causing the skin to become dehydrated.

Dry skin in winter - negative factors

In fact, it is not without reason that very dry skin appears in winter; it is influenced by a number of factors:

  • frequent showering dries out the top layer of the epidermis and deprives it of its protective film;
  • mechanical damage: cracks on the heels, cracking on the hands;
  • frequent contact with water without gloves;
  • cold and strong wind;
  • dry indoor air.

Very dry skin in winter - what to do?

Unfortunately, we cannot influence many factors such as cold or wind. But we can limit contact with water, be sure to wear gloves outside or use special softening cosmetics. Here are some tips to help with very dry skin during the cold season:

  • do not overuse showers and baths several times a day;
  • avoid very hot or chlorinated water, it dries out the top layer of skin;
  • normalize your diet; a lack of nutrients and vitamins will also affect the condition of your skin;
  • drink more fluids, ideally plain water;
  • use emollients and moisturizers for the body.

Cream for dry skin

Now the market offers a wide variety of creams, lotions and oils for dry skin. I will share new products that are designed specifically for very dry skin, and not just promise, but actually fight the problem.

Bepanten Derma line

This line of 5 products became the first series in Russia, each product of which contains provitamin B5 and is intended for the care of dry and very dry skin. Thanks to provitamin B5, Bepanten Derma products correct not only external manifestations, but also provide a lasting effect of restoration and healing of the skin.

Provitamin B5 is known for its medicinal properties. It penetrates into the deep layers of the skin and is actively involved in its metabolic processes, simultaneously acting not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

The Bepanten Derma line includes five of the most necessary products.

Moisturizing body lotion - contains vitamin E and physiological lipids in high concentration. The lotion intensively soothes and moisturizes dry, sensitive, irritation-prone skin. Price: 658 rubles.

Nourishing body lotion significantly increases the skin's moisture level, makes it smooth, soft and elastic, and promotes natural skin restoration even in cases of significant dryness. Price: 698 rubles.

Restoring balm for hands- salvation for chapped hands in winter. It is designed to naturally restore the skin barrier, as well as protect the skin of the hands from external aggressive influences, such as frequent contact with water and detergents, cold or wind. Price: 436 rubles.

Regenerating cream for feet helps to achieve a lasting effect of softening very dry skin on the feet and protecting it from excessive keratinization. This is ensured by the components included in the cream with proven moisturizing activity - provitamin B5, urea (5%), physiological lipids, glycerin, as well as meadowfoam oil, squalene, allantoin, vitamin E. Cost: 459 rubles.

I've been using it happily for 2 weeks now. The skin on the heels stopped peeling and bursting and became softer and more well-groomed. I will definitely continue to use it.

Restoring lip balm Helps restore dry, chapped lips, leaving them soft and smooth. In addition, it provides protection from adverse external influences such as cold, wind, dry air. The combination of nutrients (provitamin B5, vitamin E and beeswax) triggers the natural restoration of lip skin. In addition, Bepanten Derma balm easily penetrates the skin, making it an ideal base for makeup. Price: 198 rubles.

A good balm without fragrance or fragrance. Suitable for children to use. I gave it to my daughter (6 years old) so that the delicate skin of her lips would not become chapped in the cold.

The Bepanthen Derma line of products from Bayer can be purchased in pharmacies in Russia.

You can choose a cream for dry skin in winter in another equally interesting line. So recently a new brand Aveeno appeared in Russia, although the company itself has existed since 1945. Aveeno has three lines in total.

Line AVEENO ® BABY DERMA Moisturizing

In winter, not only the skin of adults suffers from the cold; children also need special protection and care. Three AVEENO products are designed for delicate baby skin. In the line BABY DERMA Moisturizing children's gel for washing body and hair ( 431 ruble), baby moisturizing lotion ( 368 rubles) and baby diaper cream ( 367 rubles).

AVEENO ® DERMA Comfort line

This line of nourishing body lotion products ( 807 rubles) and bath and shower oils ( 461 rubles) restores the necessary level of moisture to irritated and very dry skin. Formulas with micronized colloidal oatmeal have been clinically tested to soften and soothe skin while hydrating to protect and maintain hydration. With the help of the AVEENO ® DERMA Comfort line you can get rid of itching caused by dry skin.

AVEENO ® DERMA Intensive line

This line of products is intended for atopic, very dry, irritated and sensitive skin. There are two products in the line - a softening gel ( 556 rubles) and softening shower cream ( 619 rubles).

All Aveeno line products are suitable for frequent and daily use and will provide care for dry skin in winter.

Mary Kay body line with shea butter SATIN BODY® “White tea and citrus”

A well-known chain brand has a good body care line. It contains various means. I'll tell you about two that I especially like.

Shower gel with shea butter SATIN BODY® “White tea and citrus”

The gel is very thick, one drop can be easily applied with your hands all over the body. If you use a washcloth, it is easy to create fluffy foam. The gel gently cleanses dry skin, moisturizes it and provides care. Price: 800 rubles.

Body cream with shea butter SATIN BODY® “White tea and citrus”

Dry body skin is a rather unpleasant and common problem that causes discomfort. Dry skin can be a congenital phenomenon, or it can manifest itself throughout life as a result of exposure to certain factors. In addition to dryness and dullness, red, flaky areas may appear on the skin of the body, and in general it loses firmness and elasticity, ages quickly and looks rather unsightly. In addition, excessively dry skin is always accompanied by severe itching. What to do with dry body skin?

In normal skin, the sebaceous and sweat glands, during their interaction, form a thin film on the surface of the skin, which protects the epidermis from negative external influences (temperature changes, excessive and frequent exposure to hot water, etc.). This process can be disrupted under the influence of certain factors, resulting in dehydration, loss of firmness and elasticity, and dry skin.

Dry skin (xerosis) is mainly a temporary phenomenon and appears due to any reason; the period of exacerbation is most often observed in winter. However, dry skin can be bothersome and cause a lot of inconvenience throughout your life. This problem extends to the abdomen, arms, and lower limbs. But such distribution is very conditional.

Changing lifestyle, nutrition, and active skin care help get rid of dry skin on the body.

Causes of dry body skin.
In addition to the genetic factor, many others are to blame for the appearance of dry body skin, in particular:

  • Hormonal imbalances.
  • Dry air (heating in winter, air conditioning in summer).
  • A hot shower or hot bath dries out the skin and deprives it of its protective fat film.
  • Insufficient consumption of clean water leads to its deficiency in the body, and, as a result, to dehydration of the epidermis.
  • Climate.
  • Unbalanced and unhealthy diet, long-term strict diets.
  • Bad habits (smoking, drinking carbonated drinks, including sweet ones, coffee, tea in large quantities).
  • Prolonged exposure to the open sun (tanning, solarium).
  • Skin diseases disrupt the production of ceramides responsible for water balance (psoriasis, eczema, keratosis, diabetes, atopic dermatitis, ichthyosis, allergies).
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Using soap (it dries out the skin).
  • Too frequent use of aggressive cosmetics to cleanse and exfoliate the skin (scrubs), or a complete lack of this procedure in care.
  • Metabolic disease.
  • Lack of vitamins in the body (especially E and A), as well as hypovitaminosis.
  • Long-term treatment with antibiotics (after such therapy, a course of vitamins and stomach treatment are required, which will have a positive effect on the skin).
  • Frequent stress.
In cosmetology, there are two types of dry skin:
  • The presence of good tone, when the skin is sensitive to irritants, sometimes unpleasant itching is observed, while the skin has not lost its elasticity, is smooth and matte without deep and numerous wrinkles. Often observed at a young age, regular and careful care is required, and protection from ultraviolet radiation is mandatory.
  • Dry skin with reduced tone is characterized by very thin skin around the eyes and in the area of ​​the nasolabial fold, and wrinkles form intensively. Conventional cosmetics are useless in care; deeper procedures are required.
Determining which type you are is quite simple; you just need to press a little on the skin with your fingertips. With a quick recovery (smoothed out), you have nothing to fear.

Treatment of dry body skin.
If dry skin appears against the backdrop of a change in climatic temperature, as a result of prolonged tanning and stays in a solarium, or dry indoor air, then in such cases it is necessary to limit or completely stop sunbathing, use air humidifiers in the apartment, or at work.

Be sure to moisturize your body skin twice a day every day.

If the problem of dryness and itching of the skin has arisen due to your active weight loss or insufficient drinking during the day, it is recommended to maintain a drinking regime, drinking at least one and a half liters of clean drinking water per day. Remember, strict diets lead to a deficiency of proteins and microelements in the body, and weight loss drugs remove excess fluid from the body. Hence, the skin loses tone, elasticity and firmness, and ages faster.

In women, a similar problem during menopause is solved by prescribing hormone replacement therapy.

In general, dry skin can occur as a sign of very serious diseases, so if dry skin is accompanied by redness, itching, insomnia, the appearance of ulcers or wide areas of peeling on the skin, you should not hesitate and consult a specialist. Only after a complete examination and tests, specialists (allergist, cosmetologist and dermatologist) will be able to identify the cause of dry epidermis and prescribe optimal treatment.

It is important to give up bad habits, improve your diet, you need to eat more foods that contain a lot of vitamin E (fatty fish and seafood, high-fat dairy products, nuts, vegetable oils, legumes, spinach and broccoli).

With this problem, it is recommended to avoid hot baths. Preference should be given to a warm shower or bath and no more than fifteen minutes, in order to avoid degreasing the skin. As hygiene products, it is advisable to choose cream-based shower gels or liquid soaps, which contain many ingredients with moisturizing properties. It is advisable to use such products no more than once every seven days.

Basic rules for caring for dry skin.
Caring for excessively dry body skin should be regular and include gentle exfoliation (peeling and scrub no more than once a week) and moisturizing (cosmetic oils, milk, lotion, body cream) immediately after hygiene procedures and at night. By the way, if your skin is dry after water procedures, you do not need to dry it with a towel, but only pat it lightly so that some moisture remains. After this, it is advisable to apply cosmetic oil to the body; it is an excellent strong moisturizer and perfectly retains moisture in the tissues. And before going to bed, you can use a lotion with a high content of ceramides, phospholipids and fatty acids.

Be sure to use protective cosmetics at any time of the year.

Since dry skin is very sensitive to various irritants, it is accordingly advisable to give preference to clothing made exclusively from natural, breathable fabrics (except wool), and to exclude synthetics, guipure, etc. It is important to choose the right clothes that suit the season.

For severe itching, cold compresses help, and hydrocortisone ointments or creams reduce inflammation.

Moisturizing body masks, which should be done twice a week, and baths with herbal infusions are very good for the skin. Such procedures will not only moisturize, soothe and cleanse the skin, but will also stimulate its regeneration.

Dry body skin, treatment with folk remedies.

Bath recipes.
Add a decoction of flaxseed (five teaspoons per liter of water, simmer for fifteen minutes, leave, strain) and chamomile (recipe on the back of the package) to a bath of warm water. Add decoctions to water. The duration of the procedure should be no more than fifteen minutes.

A glycerin bath is ideal for restoring dry skin. Add half a glass of medical glycerin in liquid form (sold at the pharmacy) to a bath of warm water.

Heat a liter of milk, but do not boil. Dilute 200 g of honey in a water bath. Gradually combine honey and milk, add two teaspoons of almond oil and pour into the bath.

Wrap three tablespoons of oatmeal in a gauze bag and tie. This bag must be secured to the bathroom faucet so that when opened, water flows through the oatmeal. Take a bath in this water for fifteen minutes.

Peeling recipes.
Combine four tablespoons of honey (preferably in liquid form, or melted) and a tablespoon of salt, add a tablespoon of any vegetable oil (linseed, olive, etc.) and stir thoroughly. Apply the composition with light massaging movements onto the skin of the body, leave for five minutes, and rinse.

Mix a tablespoon of oatmeal and almonds, grind everything using a coffee grinder. Next, mix the mixture with two tablespoons of sour cream. After taking a shower, apply the mixture to the skin and rinse off after five minutes. Dry the skin with a towel (lightly) and moisturize the skin.

Recipes for moisturizing body masks.
After taking a shower or warm bath, it is recommended to apply a mixture of two tablespoons of honey (preheat in a water bath) and the same amount of olive oil on the body. Leave the mixture for twenty minutes, then rinse off. This mask, in addition to nutrition, removes toxins.

Combine a glass of mineral water with 50 ml of milk. This mixture must be rubbed on the body for twenty minutes, then rinsed off. The procedure promotes collagen production.

Grind the pulp of one avocado, add the pulp of chopped banana to it. Add half a glass of cream, 100 grams of butter into the mixture and at the end add a couple of drops of rose oil. Whisk everything, apply to the body after taking a bath and leave for fifteen minutes, then rinse with a washcloth. This mask not only nourishes, but also effectively cleanses the skin.

It is useful to moisturize your skin with natural products after bathing. For example, moisten a cosmetic napkin (large) in milk (you can use aloe juice, kefir) and apply to the body. The duration of the procedure is fifteen minutes.

To deeply nourish the skin of the body, a mask made from an oil solution of vitamin E and water is recommended (the vitamin can be replaced with peach, apricot, almond oil, and avocado oil).

If you have tried all of the above methods and there is no improvement, but, on the contrary, the condition has worsened, consult a doctor.

Dry body skin in winter causes a lot of discomfort and requires increased attention. If you encounter such a problem, it is important to identify its cause in time and implement a set of simple restorative and supportive measures.

Dry body skin

Causes of dry skin

There may be a hereditary predisposition to moisture deficiency in the skin, but other factors are often at work, namely: disruptions in the functioning of the hormonal system, unfavorable indoor air composition due to the operation of the heating system in winter and air conditioning in summer, the habit of taking hot water procedures that neutralize protective fat film.

Improper drinking regime is harmful to health, since insufficient supply of purified water causes general dehydration, which certainly affects the body. Some people's skin is particularly sensitive to unfavorable climates or reacts strongly to unsuitable diets. People who smoke have skin in an extremely deplorable state, which becomes more and more noticeable over the years; in this case, all procedures will not give the desired result and can only be helped by a complete cessation of nicotine addiction. Sometimes dryness appears after tanning in a natural environment or in a solarium.

A side effect of pathologies such as psoriasis, keratosis, ichthyosis, atopic dermatitis, eczema, diabetes mellitus and keratosis is insufficient production of substances responsible for regulating water balance - ceramides. You should be careful when choosing detergents, since the vast majority of soaps cause dry skin. Perhaps the abuse of scrubs has a negative effect, it is harmful, as is a complete refusal to cleanse. Any disruptions in metabolism, a lack or excess of vitamins important for the skin, antibiotic therapy and the stress that many of us are familiar with - all these factors, together or separately, can cause dry skin on the body.

Dry skin types

Problematic skin types require different care. In one case, when hypersensitivity is supplemented by periodic itching, natural elasticity, dullness, smoothness and a minimum of wrinkles are present - protection from ultraviolet activity and basic systematic care are required. In another case, with a noticeable loss of tone, significant thinning of individual zones (usually the nasolabial area and areas around the eyes), rapid formation of wrinkles, it is not advisable to use any cosmetic products, since results can only be achieved by deep exposure to professional preparations and procedures.

requires enhanced care and an integrated approach to hydration

Moisturizing body skin in winter

Diet and vitamins

To ensure that weakened, dry skin of the body receives the necessary nourishment from the inside in winter, you can take a course of vitamins, including collagen, under the supervision of a dermatologist. Along with supplements, the nutritional system should be adjusted. To force the body to produce collagen naturally, increase the consumption of foods with vitamin C, for example, black currants, blueberries and other berries, kiwi and citruses are useful. To replenish zinc reserves, you can add brewer's yeast and healthy sprouted wheat to the menu. To increase the proportion of copper in the body, cereals, certain types of seafood and legumes are used. Eating all kinds of greens and cabbage supplies lutein. Egg yolks contain sulfur. Whole grains, liver, tongue, green apples and low-fat meats contain a lot of iron. Beets and various red vegetables contain the substance silicon. To saturate the body with valuable fatty acids of different types, you should eat different low-fat varieties of fish. Including peaches, pumpkin seeds, carrots, buckwheat, red peppers, dates, oatmeal, cherries, soy and bananas in your diet will also help your body produce collagen. It is useful to take a spoonful of fish oil or natural vegetable oil in the morning; olive, sesame or flaxseed varieties quickly help improve the condition of the skin.

External conditions

Try to create the best conditions for yourself in your home by installing water filters, taking care of constant ventilation of all rooms and organizing a proper humidification system. Thus, you will be able to perform water procedures with clean and harmless water, ensure full breathing of the skin and live in a comfortable climate, which will certainly have a positive effect on the skin.

General rules for caring for dry skin

Useful home treatments:

  • the use of cleansing lotions and homemade scrubs made from natural ingredients;
  • regular cleansing, moisturizing, exfoliating and nourishing the skin with suitable cosmetics;
  • after each cleansing session, lubricate the skin with a high-quality cream that provides intense hydration;
  • deep peeling once a week;
  • every day, at least a quarter of an hour of rhythmic physical activity is required, which normalizes blood circulation in the capillaries;
  • in the summer months - apply sunscreen;
  • taking a bath once a week (a 20-minute session improves blood circulation, helps cleanse the skin and calms the nerves).
  • A contrast shower helps reduce the appearance of cellulite and improves the condition of dry skin.

Oils for dry skin

In addition to traditional cosmetics, such as creams, lotions, tonics or body milk, we must not forget about the existence of oils that work flawlessly in the direction of moisturizing:

  • olive oil;
  • grape seed oil;
  • Shea Butter;
  • almond oil;
  • sandalwood oil;
  • argan oil;
  • Coconut oil;
  • lavender oil;
  • Peach oil;
  • sunflower oil.

In order for dry body skin to transform before your eyes in winter and begin to look flawless, regularly make masks from the listed oils for the entire body, cleanse from time to time, use high-quality water, follow a diet, take vitamins, do not neglect exercise and improve the microclimate of your home. If conventional measures do not produce results, then it makes sense to undergo examination by a specialist; perhaps dry skin is a symptom of a serious illness.