How to sober up in half an hour - proven methods: simple home remedies. How to sober up in half an hour - proven methods: simple remedies at home Royal Canadian Bandit


All women dream of having beautiful hair that will always make them look stunning, but hair care must be very delicate. Each of the hairs plays a fundamental aesthetic role.

The market offers various types of treatments that promise us to restore the former shine and health of the hair. But not all of them give certain results.

That's why in this article, today we bring you a natural solution that will make your hair beautiful and strong in a very short period of time. This home remedy will help you restore all the lost nutrients to your hair and also strengthen your hair roots!

Hair Mask

The main ingredients of this mask are honey and cinnamon. Both ingredients have many benefits for the hair as well as the scalp. You can use this mask on any type of hair (oily, dry, even, curly). You will notice that the mask works quickly and the results will surprise you!


  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 cup olive oil
  • 1 tsp honey


  1. Pour 1/2 cup of olive oil into a small saucepan and bring to a boil.
  2. When the oil is hot remove it from the heat.
  3. Then add 1 teaspoon cinnamon and 1 teaspoon honey.
  4. Mix everything well with a spoon until you get a homogeneous mixture.


You must apply this mixture on the scalp, using a brush as an applicator. First, part your hair and apply the mask starting from the back, moving towards the front. Leave to act for 15 minutes. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo and apply conditioner as you normally would.

Use the mask every day for one week. You will feel the difference in no time! Your hair will be healthier and shinier!


If you urgently need to go outside or drive, the main question arises how to sober up in half an hour - proven methods provide a sober mind in the shortest possible time. The process of removing alcohol from the body is lengthy, requires additional medication, but with knowledge of the matter, it can be accelerated many times over. There are time-tested techniques on how to quickly sober up and get rid of fumes that really work in practice.

How to get sober

To cheer up and remove toxins from the body, doctors recommend taking activated charcoal orally, according to the weight category of the patient - 1 tablet per 8 kg of body weight. However, it is first necessary to artificially induce vomiting, thereby clearing the stomach of poisons, and eliminating the pronounced symptoms of a hangover. So you can become sober in the shortest possible time, however, the unpleasant smell of fumes cannot be completely eliminated in this way. Additionally, it does not hurt to take vitamins in their natural form or in the form of multivitamin complexes.

What to do to sober up

Drinking coffee is not enough to quickly sober up at home, although the tone in the muscles and clarity of consciousness will obviously increase, and the body will noticeably cheer up. Those who cannot stand caffeine can drink strong hot tea, which acts on the same principle in the body. In the early stages of intoxication, the following sobering agents at home are also appropriate:

  1. Take ascorbic acid in the amount of 1 - 2 tablets, wait for the desired effect for 15 - 20 minutes.
  2. Apply intense physical activity to the muscles, for example, squat or push up from the floor 15 to 20 times.
  3. Perform a massage of the auricles, in addition, you can use a moisturizer.
  4. Use mint alcohol. In 1 st. water, add 20 drops of an alcohol base, mix the composition and drink it in one gulp. Sobering up occurs almost instantly.
  5. Intravenous injections with glucose solution also act quickly, but they can be carried out mainly in a hospital.

Fluid intake

In order to urgently achieve blood purification from the decay products of ethanol, toxins can be removed in an abundant way. Not only plain water is allowed to be consumed in large quantities, it is recommended to diversify the morning meal with coffee, diuretic decoctions, sour fruit compotes and sweet fruit drinks. The intake of liquid into the body is possible with the help of a cleansing enema, but in this case it is better to use warm rather than cold water, and it is advisable to dilute it with lemon juice (a few drops per 1 liter of liquid).

Cold shower

This method works effectively at an early stage of intoxication, for example, by washing your face with cold water, you can sober up in an hour and safely go outside closer to fresh air. If there is an average degree of intoxication, it is better to take a contrast shower, where you alternately pour hot and cold streams on the body for 5 to 7 minutes. This is a good opportunity to stimulate slow blood circulation, stimulate the passage of nerve impulses. If you do the water procedure correctly, the sobriety of consciousness begins to show through 30-40 minutes after such a “bathing”.

Gastric lavage

Since alcohol breaks down in the liver for a long time, this leads to general intoxication of the whole organism. To sober up in half an hour, the drinker needs to forcefully provoke vomiting with heavy drinking, and then additionally take sorbents in the form of activated charcoal tablets, Linex, Polyphepan, Laktofiltrum and Enterosgel medicines. One session is enough to feel the sobriety of consciousness and clarity of mind.


Taking medications in order to sober up in half an hour, you must first discuss with your doctor, exclude self-medication. The most effective diuretics with a diuretic effect are Furosemide and Veroshpiron tablets. The first medication has a pronounced diuretic effect, the second one is distinguished by potassium-sparing properties.

  1. Furosemide. Oral pills present urgent ways to sober up quickly. It is recommended to drink the pill in the morning after a noisy feast, and the diuretic effect occurs after 30-40 minutes. After three hours, you can repeat a single dose, but no more.
  2. Veroshpiron. Tablets with a weak diuretic effect, which can be taken no more than 3 pieces per day, while drinking plenty of water. The diuretic effect is safe, since valuable trace elements are not excreted from the body in excess.


If you smell ammonia, you can immediately sober up, but this effect is more temporary, it does not last long. In order to remove alcohol from the blood in half an hour, it is recommended to dissolve 5 drops of the indicated alcohol in a glass of water, pinch your nose with your fingers and swallow the unpleasant liquid. Such a composition acts after 10 - 15 minutes, it helps to quickly sober up if the patient does not have an allergic reaction to ammonia.

Sobering cocktails

If there is an urgent need to go outside, and a person is drunk, there are special cocktails that can quickly get out of a state of intoxication. To sober up in half an hour, it is recommended to cook at home one of the following recipes:

  1. Pour 3 tbsp. brine strongly acidic sauerkraut 1 tbsp. carrot juice, mix, add a clove of garlic, chopped parsley or dill, ground pepper, salt and sugar to taste. Drink a homogeneous mixture in one gulp, wait 20 minutes.
  2. 200 ml of tomato juice must be diluted with a concentrate of half a lemon, add 3 tsp. pre-chopped onion, 4 sprigs of mint, ground black pepper, sugar and salt to taste. Stir, insist a quarter of an hour, drink in one gulp.


In order to sober up in half an hour at an early stage of alcohol intoxication, you need to intensively rub your earlobes, thereby locally stimulating blood flow, exciting nerve endings. Such simple manipulations can be performed independently or with the help of loved ones. The effect of the massage is almost instantaneous. However, this method is not very effective if a person is very drunk, does not give an account of his actions.

How to sober up quickly on the street

To gain mental clarity, a drunk person is advised to go outside and take a few deep breaths of fresh air. It helps to sober up, but only at the initial stage of intoxication. To speed up the effect, you can eat a few slices of lemon, previously sprinkled with salt. In this way, you can get rid of the disturbing fume. Other outdoor activities:

  1. To sober up in half an hour, you need to eat fresh asparagus, a few fresh raspberries, chew a clove of garlic or parsley.
  2. It is required to drink a single dose of Antipokhmelin, Zorex, Alka-Prim or Alka-Seltzer, you can even without drinking water.
  3. To sober up, a drunk person needs to pour ice water on the back of the head so that it flows down the spine itself.
  4. If it is a real winter outside, you can wipe the face of a drunk person with snow so that it melts on the skin itself.
  5. To sober up, you need to move quickly, you can even run or squat rhythmically.
  • It will not be superfluous to drink a raw egg yolk, if it does not help to sober up - you can double the dose, be sure to use it in one gulp.
  • To neutralize the effect of 100 g of ethyl alcohol in the patient's body in half an hour, you need to drink 2 glasses of warm milk on an empty stomach.
  • It does not hurt to visit a bath or sauna in order to remove the accumulation of fluid and ethanol decay products in the body of a drunk person along with sweat.
  • To quickly sober up in half an hour, it is recommended to eat 4 bananas or 5 potato tubers, after boiling them in their skins.
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    Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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    Posture- the ability of a person to hold his own body in various positions. It can be both right and wrong.
    Correct posture is understood as the habitual posture of a relaxed sitting person who can keep his head and body in a straight position without unnecessary active movements. A person with correct posture moves with a light gait, while his shoulders are slightly lowered and laid back, his stomach is tucked up, his chest is set forward, his legs are unbent at the knee joints.

    The one who does not know how to keep his own body straight, walks and stands on half-bent legs, stoops, his head and shoulders are lowered, his stomach is protruded. This not only looks ugly, but is also harmful to health, because with poor posture, the activity of internal organs is hampered.

    At first, violations of posture do not lead to changes in the spine. However, if the wrong posture becomes a habit, and the reasons why this posture is constantly maintained are not eliminated, changes in the spine still occur. It's twisted, scoliosis develops.
    Scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine, in which the bodies of the vertebrae are displaced. With scoliosis, in addition to lateral curvature, there is rib hump.

    Happens congenital and acquired scoliosis. The congenital form of scoliosis in most cases is associated with abnormal (abnormal) development of the spine: extra ribs or vertebrae, anomaly of the transverse processes, fusion of the processes and arches, wedge-shaped vertebrae, non-fusion of the arches, etc. The proportion of congenital scoliosis is 5 % from all cases of the disease, the rest 95 % appear during the growth and development of the organism.

    Scoliosis classification

    1. Origin:
    A. congenital scoliosis, which depends on congenital underdevelopment of the ribs or spine.
    b. neurogenic scoliosis, which occurs due to the weakness of the muscular system against the background of existing neurological disorders. For diseases such as:
    poliomyelitis - is an acute infectious disease in which damage to the central nervous system, and mainly the spinal cord; typical for children and adolescents
    myopathy - type of hereditary disease, progressive muscular dystrophy,
    spastic paralysis - characterized by damage to the spinal cord or brain.
    V. Static scoliosis - often found with disproportion of the lower extremities, which, in turn, appears with shortening of the limb segment, prosthetics of the lower limb, or dysfunction of the joint.
    G. idiopathic scoliosis, whose origin is unclear.
    The peculiarity of scoliosis is that it progresses as the child grows.
    2. By the magnitude of the curvature of the spine:
    1st degree: the spine is slightly deviated from the midline.
    2nd degree: the spine is markedly deviated from the midline, the costal hump begins.
    3rd degree: persistent and pronounced deformity of the chest, a sharp limitation of the mobility of the spine, a large costovertebral hump.

    scoliosis symptoms

    The shoulder girdle and collarbone are asymmetrically positioned (one higher than the other). Where the shoulder girdle is reduced, there is a decrease in the position of the nipple, on the same side the waist triangle is deepened.

    If the crests of the iliac bones and feet and knee joints are symmetrical, we can talk about pathological disorders, due to deviations in the spine. With the existing disproportion in the crests of the air bones, we can talk about existing deviations in the development of the hip joints or disproportion in the length of the limbs.

    Scoliosis prevention

    While the child is in school, it is necessary to pay attention to his posture during the lessons, forbid the child to carry bags with textbooks and briefcases in one hand. The best option is a satchel or backpack, especially those equipped with arch supports that prevent stooping.

    Proper organization of the child's workplace is important both at home and at school. It is important to correctly alternate rest and activities. Important in the prevention of scoliosis is sport and physical culture. Rhythmic gymnastics, swimming, rowing have a special effect. Contribute to the acquisition of the correct posture and the harmonious development of bones and muscles of dancing (sports, ballroom, folk) with a professional leader.

    If there are spinal deformities, follow-up examinations should be carried out at least twice a year. During the observation process, you need:
    hard bed and small pillow.
    physical activities (skiing, swimming, basketball, volleyball), which are needed to develop the muscles of the trunk, limbs (both lower and upper). It is important to do exercises in the morning.
    hardening, proper nutrition, contact with nature.

    Only by constantly working on oneself, one can achieve the cessation of the development of the disease.

    A set of exercises to strengthen the spinal muscles

    This complex should be performed once a day every day. Starting position: lying on your stomach, stretch your arms forward.
    Inhale and raise both legs. We hold on 10 sec. Exhale while lowering your legs. During 20 sec. rest. Make two or three passes.
    With the head turned to the left, raise the left leg (while inhaling), hold the breath for 10 sec. Lower your leg while exhaling. Wait 20 sec., then repeat 2-3 times. Do two or three sets. Change leg.
    Inhale and raise both arms in front of you. Hold your breath for 10 sec., while sipping your hands. Do two or three sets.
    With the head turned to the left, inhale and raise the left hand. Holding our breath for 10 sec., while pulling your hand up. We exhale and at the same time lower our hand. During 20 sec. rest. We do it two or three times. Change hands and repeat the same.
    While inhaling, raise your legs and arms up. Hold your breath for 10 sec., it is allowed to swing. As you exhale, return the arms and legs to their original position. Resting 20 sec. While inhaling, lower your hand and rest for 20 seconds. The number of repetitions is two or three.
    Turn your head to the left. Inhaling, simultaneously raise the right leg and left arm to 10 sec. Hold in this position. As you exhale, lower your leg and arm. Wait 20 sec. Perform the exercise two or three times, then change the leg and arm.

    Complications of scoliosis

    Scoliosis causes disturbances in the body's metabolic processes, a person feels unwell, feels discomfort, and pain occurs in the lumbar region. Scoliosis affects the aesthetic side of the issue: a hump may appear on the back.

    Scoliosis diagnosis

    1. Inspection starts from the front. Determine the position of the head, the symmetrical arrangement of the clavicles, shoulder girdle, costal arches, nipples, feet and patella.

    If there is a lateral curvature of the spine, attention is focused on the location of the shoulder girdle (one above the other) and collarbones. Where the shoulder girdle is lowered, the position of the nipple can also be lowered and the waist triangle deepened.

    If the iliac crests, feet and knee joints are symmetrical, it can be assumed that the disorders are caused by deviations in the spine. If there is a disproportion in the crests of the air bones, a disproportion in the length of the limbs or deviations in the development of the hip joints is likely.
    2. Rear inspection continues. Attention is also paid to the depth of the waist triangle, the symmetry of the angles of the shoulder blades, shoulder girdle, the location of the crests of the iliac skewers, bones, heels, popliteal fossae.

    During the anterior and posterior examinations, the patient is standing, his feet are connected, the first toes of both feet are located on the same line.
    3. The next stage is an examination of the spinal column. At this stage, you can use a plumb line with a load. A thread is attached to the seventh cervical vertebra, on the opposite end of which a load is attached.

    To determine the degree of curvature of the spine, in particular its rational displacement, you need to lean forward, lower your head and arms. With this position of the body, the protrusion of the muscle roller is determined by the location of the rectus muscle of the back, which can be a sign of the formation of a costal hump.

    However, the most accurate way to confirm the diagnosis of scoliosis is x-ray study. According to its results, the degree of lateral curvature and rotation of the vertebral bodies is judged - the main indicator of scoliotic disease.

    X-rays are taken in a direct projection lying and standing.

    Scoliosis treatment

    Before proceeding directly to therapeutic measures, it is necessary to collect not only clinical, but also radiographic indicators of the degree of scoliotic disease. On the radiograph, you can see the cause of the appearance of scoliosis, the size of the scoliotic arc, changes in the structure, signs of osteochondrosis.

    Scoliosis treats orthopedic specialist. Only high-class specialists can perform any impact on the spine (manual therapy, physiotherapy, massage) without harm to health. There are some forms of scoliosis in which Under no circumstances should manual therapy be used.

    Treating scoliosis begins with preventive measures for proper life planning. This is the organization of the working space (a patient with scoliosis should not slouch in the workplace, overload the spinal column), sleep (the bed should be firm), regular walking, proper nutrition. All these measures can serve to prevent the development of scoliosis.

    Treatment in a hospital

    Inpatient treatment is indicated for patients with progressive forms of scoliosis.
    This type of treatment includes the following methods:
    Plaster beds.
    Corrective and supporting corsets.
    Stage corsets.

    The patient is placed on a bed with a shield in an inclined plane with side rods. Belts with weights are placed across the chest and pelvis, thus there is an impact on the arc of curvature and its gradual extension. Lateral thrust with a load can be applied to the rib hump. A couple of times a day in the process of stretching it is removed. Massage, exercise, etc.

    The effect is provided by the detection of the disease at an early stage and treatment started on time proper diet, physiotherapy, spa treatment.

    If conservative methods of treatment do not give a visible effect, an operation is performed.

    Triton scamander

    Why did Yoda and Kenobi do nothing but hide for 20 years?

    Yoda wanted to defeat Palpatine, but he failed. And the situation was made even worse by the fact that the new Galactic Empire had huge resources, including a clone army, which the two Jedi could not defeat.

    So Yoda and Kenobi went into exile until the right time. They had two force-sensitive children, one of whom was hope. Yes, at the end of episode III they managed to survive (thanks to @PaulD.Waite for pointing that out). But they stick to this thing for decades.

    Let's look at another option. Order 66 did not kill all force-sensitives from the galaxy. There were hundreds more survivors. They could combine them to create an army of force-sensitives. In addition, with their military experience, they could create nascent rebel alliances.

    Instead, they wasted their time in the hope of producing a good strong Jedi. Is there any canon answer explaining why Yoda and Kenobi thought adding one or two Jedi to their side could defeat the Galactic Empire?


    why weren't there more Jedi? for the sake of the plot of course :P!


    It's a reasonable question, but any answer would be opinion-based as hell. The best I can do is that he probably foresaw (with his Jedi abilities) that he and Obi Wan needed to hide until the time was right...

    Paul D. Waite

    And just to ask the premise because I don't remember very well Revenge of the Sith: "Yoda and Kenobi went into exile until the right time." Was it clear at the end Revenge of the Sith what have them was there a plan to fight the newly formed Empire? Weren't they just running at this point, trying not to get killed like the rest of the Jedi?


    @PaulD.Waite - Force sensitive is just someone who has some affinity for the force and could be a Jedi (or a Sith). However, without training, there is little that a Force Sensitive can do.


    @PaulD.Waite, you might be thinking, "What does Force sensitivity mean?" as your question. This certainly has a long enough answer. Let me just say that an untrained (in the Force) human force sensitive could be worth over 10 well trained and well equipped commandos, but a Sith Lord would be willing to sacrifice thousands of such commandos for an incredibly weak force sensitive. Darth Bane Path of Destruction. So the training that so many took years in secret would be a problem, especially Palpatine looking for these people and the remaining Jedi.


    James Sheridan

    While the previous answers are all very good, they fail to notice additional information from romanization Revenge of the Sith. The novel makes it clear that the duel between Palpatine and Yoda is NOT a draw as depicted in the movie, but that Palpatine is mopping the floor with his "little friend". While I don't have the text to quote it properly, if anyone else can trace it, feel free to edit it.

    Yoda, in fact, realized that "the Sith has changed." For a thousand years, the Jedi have stagnated as an order, comfortably settled in their place. The Sith, however, forced into hiding after being defeated by the Jedi, adapted to their new situation, spending thousands of years systematically preparing to return to power. The Jedi were unable to prepare for this as they only had rumors of the continued existence of the Sith and were unaware of their new abilities and methods.

    After his defeat at the hands of Sidious, Yoda realized that the Jedi also needed to evolve and adapt in order to survive. You'll notice that when teaching Luke, he focused on different skills than he did in the old Jedi Temple; physical fitness was emphasized to the point that Luke in " Rise of the Dark Power" he has been shown to have no experience in the aspects of conflict resolution as a Jedi (unless, of course, one thinks of drawing a lightsaber and heading into town). conflict resolution. I would). This aspect of Jedi training was considered so important that they discover "Phantom Menace", as well as numerous materials expanded universe. Luke was given nothing at all and admits that even Khan would have done as well as he did.

    Luke's training was specialized, apparently with the specific goal of killing Palpatine and/or Vader. He even admits in the trilogy " Crisis of the Black Fleet” (I don’t remember which book, although I think that it may have been the first to Storm) that it was created as a weapon.

    Royal Canadian Bandit

    Interesting. Although, if Luke was a weapon, he was far from ready to face the Emperor in combat. As the Emperor said, "Your weak skills don't suit me, boy!" If Yoda's ghost were watching, he would think, "Hmmm. Taught him protection from Force lightning, perhaps I should have."

    Nit Dark Absol

    "(Unless, of course, no one thinks about pulling out a lightsaber and going to resolve the conflict in the city. I would.)" I call this aggressive negotiation.

    James Sheridan

    @RoyalCanadianBandit: It's possible that Luke, fighting Vader on Bespin, ruined that part of the plan. Or that it was intended simply to kill Vader, perhaps Yoda himself assumed that he would live longer and take another hit on Palpi himself.

    Royal Canadian Bandit

    @JamesSheridan: I think the former is more likely. At the end of TESB, he was helpless against Vader, let alone the Emperor, which explains why Obi-Wan and Yoda tried so hard to talk him out of leaving.

    James Sheridan

    @RoyalCanadianBandit: I totally agree. Yoda's plan seemed to be to teach Luke the latest Jedi weapon and then let it fall out on Vader and Palpatine. He obviously wanted to protect him from the Dark Side as well - hence the scene in the Dark Side Cave - but what other Jedi skills, besides those required for combat, Luke will have to discuss. My own theory is that Yoda pinned Luke on the Sith like a mad dog, then brought him back and taught him the rest of the ways of the Jedi after their death. Or perhaps he always planned on letting Luke learn other skills on his own.


    The only reference in canon I can find is Yoda's statement to Bail Organa at the end of the movie " Revenge of the Sith" :

    It makes sense that he would feel like he tried to stand up to Darth Sidious but couldn't beat him. Presumably he didn't see a way to defeat the empowered Sith anytime soon.

    In terms of personality, Yoda was not an impulsive Jedi and was not a frontline "soldier" (despite being a master of the sword) - he was wise teacher. That way, when the Skywalker twins "dodged" for cover, he could see that their best chance was to wait.

    The prophecy of the Chosen One was taken by many as Anakin Skywalker - and, in the end, it was. But when he fell to the dark side to become Darth Vader, Yoda doubtless doubted it, especially as he grew less and less convinced that the fallen Jedi could be redeemed. So while there were other Force-sensitives, it looks like he will be waiting for the time when Anakin's children, who are most likely to be strong in the Force, can take part in the opposition.

    When Yoda went into exile, there is no doubt that he knew that this battle could not be won by force against force. And indeed, it is not. The new Galactic Empire controlled hundreds of star systems and had a massive new army and navy. The new Emperor Palpatine had enough control and strength to crush less powerful Force users, and was later shown to be able to piss them off. Yoda and Obi-Wan realized that the battle was tomorrow, not today.

    And so, in the end, Yoda's work proved vital. He helped train the great Jedi in Luke Skywalker and it was one of the key moves that brought down the Empire. By allowing Leia to work through different channels, she was able to become an active member of the Alliance and once again played a major role in the destruction of the Empire. So while we can't say for sure that things worked out exactly as Yoda planned, "history" confirms his choice. And I'm sure if you ask him what his plans were after Episode III, he'll probably answer...

    It's hard to see. The future is always on the move.


    To be honest, the key moment is when Vader saw his son being tortured and he had the means, the motive, and the ability to throw Palpatine over the chasm. Yoda and Kenobi's plan was to have Luke kill Vader, they found it impossible to turn him. It was Luke's only plan to turn him around. Indeed, whoever decided that "The Throne Room should have a miles-long shaft" decided the fate of the Empire. Vader probably couldn't kill him in a long duel.

    Paul Draper

    "Probably Vader couldn't kill him in a long duel." Maybe, maybe not. They never duel... never, so we'll never know.


    Why didn't Yoda take Luke with him to train him from birth? The Empire did not find Yoda at the time of his exile, so it would make sense that if he took Luke with him, it would provide training and education in the Force for two decades. Could the Emperor sense something and find them?

    James Sheridan

    @TheCleaner: First of all, a swamp is hardly a place to raise a child. Yoda may also have feared that Skywalker's children would mistake him for their father, in which case NOT training them would be very good for the galaxy. If accept material EU about the reason why Yoda stayed on Dagobah - the cave of the dark side hid his presence - then it makes sense; two or three Jedi are much harder to hide than one.

    Royal Canadian Bandit

    The key point is that Luke isn't just Force-sensitive. He is a prodigy of the Force, equal in potential to Anakin before his fall. He can do things that an army of lesser Jedi could not.

    This is supported by several remarks in the films.

    Darth Vader, TESB:

    You can destroy the Emperor. He foresaw it.

    Obi-Wan Kenobi, ROTJ:

    The Emperor knew, as I did, that if Anakin had any offspring, they would be a threat to him.

    (To Luke) Only a fully trained Jedi, with the Force as his ally, will defeat Vader and his Emperor.

    The rest of the Jedi and Sith recognized that Luke would be the key to overthrowing the Empire. No doubt this was reinforced by their ability to see the future, even though it was nebulous.

    Accordingly, protecting and training Luke should have been a priority. Obi-Wan and Yoda could not afford to take the risk of hastily recruiting and training a junior Jedi.

    Instead, like true martial artists, the Jedi waited patiently and used the power of the Empire against her. Over time, imperial oppression prompted more and more systems to join the rebellion.

    As Leah says in ANH:

    The more you loosen your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems slip through your fingers.

    Organizing a military and political uprising was important, but they left it in the capable hands of Bail Organa and later Princess Leia.

    Two decades later, the Rebellion had grown to the point where it could seriously challenge the Empire, and Luke was old enough to fulfill his destiny. We can't tell how much of this was deliberate planning, or how much it felt like the right direction to take with the Force, but it eventually worked out.

    Triton scamander

    Only a fully trained Jedi, with the Force as his ally, will conquer Vader and his Emperor. ~> Wasn't Yoda himself fully trained?

    James Sheridan

    @SachinShekhar: Of course he was, but even he couldn't come close to Vader in power, whereas Luke - and presumably Leia - were equal in power to Vader. Yoda was no longer able to defeat Palpatine, while Vader could have done it. Presumably Luke/Leia will also have this ability.


    I don't see how "summer camp" in Dagoba equals "fully trained"

    James Sheridan

    @SJuan76: I'm sure Yoda and Obi-Wan felt the same way. Consequently, they break themselves and trip over each other to warn Luke at the last moment when he insisted on leaving Dagobah to fight Vader before he was ready.

    Paul Draper

    @SJuan76 it's not. And so Luke handed him ** hand.


    During Order 66, ANY sensitive forces were hunted down. If they were identified, they would be killed or wrapped. Hiding was the only choice not only for Yoda and Obi Wan, but for others as well. Either denounce their Jedi heritage and live incognito, or simply disappear. At the time, there was no real way to organize any kind of rebellion, as all the powerful Jedi were killed and everyone in training lacked the skills or experience to make a difference. The new show "Rebels" will probably show the infantile stages of the rebellion, but even then it took years.

    Stephen K

    I don't think Yoda and Obi Wan were in hiding, I think they were in hiding because they knew that the only one capable of beating the Emperor was Darth Vader and now he had two children, both of whom could would have the power to become powerful enough to destroy the Emperor and Vader.

    I know that Yoda is probably the most knowledgeable Jedi, but he was clearly too weak to accept Palpatine at his age, or he believed too much in perhaps a prophecy. Yoda remembers, can see the future, maybe he knew about his defeat at the hands of Palpatine, if he tried to fight him again, too... when you have the two most powerful children in the galaxy as potential future Jedi.

    Perhaps you want to save your best teacher (Yoda) to train them, since he is basically the entire Jedi Order wrapped up in one, the best one to decide what is needed to prepare a Jedi for the dark side.

    And finally, a final note, if you remember that in the first three films, Vader and the Emperor were on the assumption that Obi-Wan was teaching Luke, they have no idea that Yoda was teaching Luke, so they are already being judged. to him.

    It would be nice to see the face of Palatine and Vader if they learned Yoda, taught Luke, but it could make a big difference, as nice as it is to see.

    UTair, which is trying to negotiate with creditors on the restructuring of multibillion-dollar debt (at the end of 2013, debts reached 96.9 billion rubles), offered holders of defaulted bonds worth 2.7 billion rubles. subsidiary UTair-Finance its own conditions for getting out of the situation. The company is ready to pay off half of the bonds in seven years, and the rest - only in 2035, and the coupon rate for this part of the loan is practically zero. Experts say that such strict conditions are unlikely to suit the holders of securities and are rather an element of bargaining.

    UTair's subsidiary UTair Finance, which announced a technical default on two bonded loans worth 2.7 billion rubles at the end of November, proposed a restructuring plan to creditors. It is proposed to increase the circulation period of securities by 20 years, but the nominal value will remain the same - 1 thousand rubles. for paper. There is no offer for bonds in the published conditions.

    UTair-Finance issued bonds of series BO-09 and BO-10 for 1.5 billion rubles. for three years in November 2012. The coupon rate was 13%, the guarantor was UTair. The term of the offer on bonds came at the end of November, but it was not carried out due to the fact that UTair itself did not return the loans issued earlier to the subsidiary. UTair General Director Andrei Martirosov then called this a "temporary situation" that would not affect the company's activities, but on the condition that it would be possible to negotiate with creditors (see Kommersant dated November 21).

    UTair Finance proposes to extend the maturity of the bonds to 20 years - until 2035, but to repay 19% of the bonds' face value in five business days from the date of amendments to the issue documents, another 19% - from the fourth to the seventh years, and 12% — in the seventh year. At the same time, from 7% to 10% per annum is charged on the 50% repaid earlier in different years, for the remaining 50% the rate is practically reset to 0.01% per annum. The materials indicate that the parameters are not final and may be specified when structuring the transaction.

    The company's debt restructuring consultant is Raiffeisenbank. The bank declined to comment yesterday. UTair did not respond to Kommersant's request.

    As Online reported on December 15, UTair also submitted to creditor banks a draft memorandum on the restructuring of its debt. According to the latest UTair reporting under IFRS (for 2013), the operating profit of the group decreased by 80%, to 635 million rubles, the net loss amounted to 4.5 billion rubles, liabilities reached almost 114 billion rubles. (60 billion rubles, of which at the end of the year were short-term). The loss from passenger traffic almost doubled, to 15.2 billion rubles. For the nine months of 2014, according to RAS, UTair reduced its net profit by 23.8 times, to 9.2 million rubles, short-term liabilities amounted to 64.2 billion rubles, long-term liabilities amounted to 28.2 billion rubles.

    Yesterday, Alfa-Bank, which has already filed seven lawsuits against the carrier (claims for one of the applications amount to $ 11.8 million, for two more - 22 million rubles each, the bank also demanded the arrest of aircraft), confirmed receipt of proposals for restructuring the debt of UTair ", but stated that they had not yet studied them. But yesterday, the company managed to get the suspension of the arrest of more than 53 helicopters at the request of the bank. In addition, at the end of last week, UTair was sued by the leasing company Yugra SPb for 653 million rubles. and OJSC Nizhny Novgorod International Airport for 1.3 million rubles.

    Igor Golubev, head of debt markets analysis at Promsvyazbank, believes that the proposed terms are not in line with the current market and "unprofitable for the airline itself": many bondholders may prefer to go to court rather than wait for payments. The best option for restructuring is to extend the term of circulation of securities by three to five years and increase the rate, he believes. It is possible that the harsh and uncomfortable conditions proposed are an element of bargaining with bondholders, Mr. Golubev believes.

    Elizaveta Kuznetsova