How to take care of mature skin. Care for mature skin to restore its healthy appearance and beautiful color

Gift Ideas

Mature skin is not a disease, you just need to properly care for it, and then it will be difficult for a woman to guess her age. Such a phenomenon is now rejuvenating, if earlier ladies after 50 paid attention to this, now some girls are trying to deal with such physiological changes already at the age of 30.

It is very simple to determine this deviation: on the face of a woman, bags under the eyes are clearly visible, the contour is blurred, there are numerous deep wrinkles. This phenomenon can be stopped by salon cosmetic procedures, the use of age-related cosmetics, as well as the transition to a healthy lifestyle, which involves not only good nutrition, but also sleep.

Problem Features

Mature skin is often called fading. Indeed, in everyone, without exception, the skin loses its elasticity and changes color with age, a network of wrinkles is clearly visible on it. The process of cell regeneration in the human body begins to slow down after 28 years, for some it is immediately noticeable, and for most girls, age-related skin problems begin after 35 years.

During the period of manifestation of the maturity of the skin, it is necessary to strengthen the care of them and, along with the main means, introduce additional ones into use. You should not immediately panic and think about the use of Botox, and even more so go under the knife, because the results of such cardinal decisions can be unpredictable. You should choose for yourself, together with a cosmetologist, more gentle methods of restoring the skin.

This video will tell about the problem of mature skin:


The main cause of skin changes is the maturation of the whole organism. The collagen fibers of the epidermis do not cope with the function assigned to them and cease to absorb and retain moisture, which makes the skin feel and look, it loses elasticity.

Other significant causes of mature skin include:

  • Depriving the skin of the natural protection that the sebaceous glands create, over time they fail to work and they become unable to produce the right amount of oil.
  • Chronic diseases also contribute to premature aging. Most of all, the state of the body is affected by impaired metabolism, as well as malfunctions of the digestive tract, and diseases of the nervous system are located in a special place.
  • An increase in the time of regeneration of new cells, which leads to the accumulation of old ones.
  • Bad habits, especially the love of tobacco products. Contained in them, makes her weak and pale, constricts blood vessels. According to studies, women who smoke wrinkles appear four times faster.
  • Non-compliance with the daily routine. Skin regeneration occurs at night, so those who go to bed very late can contribute to the appearance of premature wrinkles.
  • Mimic. Some skin folds appear due to the habit of wrinkling the forehead or knitting the eyebrows. The appearance of wrinkles around the eyes is promoted not only by constant laughter, but also by the influence of ultraviolet radiation.
  • . Nervous experiences negatively affect not only the skin, but the whole body. Frequent releases of adrenaline lead to vasoconstriction, and if the shock lasts for a long time, then an inflammatory process may begin in a person or a loss of nutrients will occur.
  • Early use of decorative cosmetics. In adolescence, few people can afford high-quality cosmetics, so they use low-grade foundations, shadows, mascara, and many other products that lead to the early formation of wrinkles.

Problem symptoms

Withering of the skin is manifested primarily in the form of wrinkles, they are most often located on the forehead, around the eyes, on the cheeks and chin. Wrinkles can be of four types:

  1. continuous superficial folds, which disappear when the skin is pulled;
  2. interrupted furrows, which also disappear when the skin is pulled;
  3. deep folds on which there are skin rollers;
  4. their deep varieties that do not disappear when pulled.

May be accompanied by a pronounced vascular network, loss of skin elasticity. There is a change in the contour of the face, not only mimic wrinkles appear, but nasolabial folds also become clearly expressed, with time the corners of the eyes and eyebrows drop. The skin changes color from pink to a dull white tint.

Dry skin is also a manifestation of age-related changes in the skin. The epidermis on the face becomes thinner, and the vascular networks appear.


At the first signs of skin changes, it is necessary to contact a cosmetologist, who can determine, by visual examination, the cause of the deterioration of the skin condition, as well as measure its moisture level on a special apparatus. After that, a set of procedures is established on an individual basis to maintain the skin in good shape and to restore their usual state.

Mature skin care

It begins with its proper cleaning and release of dead cells, for which various peels are used, their varieties using fruit acids are welcome. Such techniques are practiced in any beauty salon; at home, their use is difficult, since you can make a mistake with the dosage. At home, you can use purchased scrubs or their analogues created according to home recipes.

Beautician's tips for caring for such skin are given in this video:

Cosmetical tools

When choosing your own cosmetics for the care of mature skin, you need to pay attention to its composition; creams must contain antioxidants and vegetable acids. The former remove free radicals, while the latter accelerate cell regeneration. In the summer, daytime cosmetics should contain phytofilters that will protect against ultraviolet radiation.

Dryness and dehydration of the skin is eliminated with the help of hydrants, there are several types of them:

  • Hydrophobic film-forming agents create a special film on the surface of the skin. These include petroleum jelly, wax, fatty alcohols and paraffin.
  • Hydrophilic film-formers, when interacting with water, form a protective gel, such representatives include: hyaluronic acid and chitosan.
  • Epidermal lipids, copies of natural ones, forming a film on the surface of the skin.
  • Hygroscopic special substances that absorb water directly from the air and prevent its evaporation from the surface of the epidermis, these include: lactic acid, glycerin and sorbitol.

Separately, it should be noted substances that stimulate the activity of skin fibroblasts, which include: cosmetics with phytoestrogens and glycolic acid.

Cosmetic procedures

Aesthetic medicine every year offers new methods for restoring the skin, the most popular are:

  • Botulinum toxin injections. This method does not fight the causes of wrinkles and stops their deepening.
  • Mesotherapy. This method is accessible to many, but no less effective. It is based on the use of a mesoscooter with fine needles, which is driven over the face, on the skin of which one of the many anti-aging serums has been applied, but they mainly come with hyalic acid. Piercing the skin with needles is carried out to a depth of 2 cm, this is enough for the rejuvenating agent to be able to effectively act in the layers of the epidermis.
  • Laser rejuvenation. Laser beams penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, heat them up and thereby lead to the contraction of old collagen fibers, making room for the synthesis of new ones.
  • Thermolifting involves exposure to high-frequency currents on the dermis, such increased heating of the skin enhances metabolic processes and blood flow in it.
  • Photorejuvenation. With it, a powerful beam of light acts on the skin, which provokes an increase in the synthesis of collagen and elastin. After this procedure, fine wrinkles, spider veins and pigment spots of small sizes disappear, pores narrow.

Skin aging prevention

It includes timely measures taken to eliminate its dryness, pigmentation and the appearance of new wrinkles.

  • After the manifestation of this problem with the skin, it is necessary to tune in to the daily assistance to it, which will be fortified and moisturizing creams and serums.
  • At least once every six months, it is necessary to undergo one or more cosmetic procedures to maintain the elasticity of the skin turgor.


They can manifest as worsening skin condition, sagging and changing the color to an earthy hue, as well as the appearance of numerous wrinkles.


It is difficult to choose effective means for maintaining and restoring mature skin on your own, in order to find the right ones for your epidermis, you will need to try more than one product on yourself. Turning to an experienced cosmetologist, you can speed up the search for a worthy remedy, and use it in combination with cosmetic salon procedures.

To learn how to take care of yourself in the evening, see the video below:

With age, metabolism decreases, which affects the general condition of the skin. It becomes thinner, its nutrition is disturbed, the skin loses its former elasticity. Therefore, care for mature skin after 40-45 years should take into account its age-related characteristics.
Many women who take care of their appearance and carefully take care of themselves know perfectly well that in order to look beautiful, young, it is not at all necessary to visit beauty salons regularly. You can take care of yourself at home, using effective proven folk remedies, the recipes of which were known to our great-grandmothers.
It is about them that I want to tell you today, to touch on the topic of how to use folk remedies to care for mature facial skin.

Mature skin cleansing

First of all, when caring for mature skin, you need to learn how to thoroughly clean it in the morning and evening. Make sure that all makeup applied in the morning is removed before going to bed. In this case, it is good to use cream or sour cream diluted with water, yogurt, milk. After 40 years, the sebaceous glands do not work as well as before and secrete 3 times less fat than in youth. And this provokes excessive dryness, the appearance of new wrinkles.

Aging skin is characterized by increased dryness, chlorinated water from a regular tap dries it even more. Therefore, for washing, you should use spring or mineral bottled water without gas. Also, rinsing with infusion of medicinal herbs has a positive effect: chamomile, sage, violet, calendula, mint.
You can use ice cubes from frozen herbal infusion. They are good to wipe a clean face, neck in the morning. This procedure perfectly tones, strengthens the circulatory system, muscles of the face, neck, decollete, smoothes wrinkles.

After washing, the skin should be blotted, and not rubbed with a towel. Then you need to apply a moisturizer, or a moisturizing mask:

Mix a tablespoon of curdled milk (kefir) and liquid honey. Apply the mixture on the face for 10 minutes, remove the remnants with a damp cloth.

If necessary, use home peels. The best of them: Soap foam or shaving foam, with the addition of drunk coffee or rice grains pounded in a mortar, oatmeal. Apply the mixture on clean skin, wipe in circular motions, rinse with warm water.

Once a week, cleanse mature skin with a water bath:

Pour 2-3 tbsp. l. chamomile, nettle, violets, roses, jasmine, linden with boiling water, pour the infusion into a basin, cover your head with a towel, hold your face over the steam. This is a very useful cleansing procedure.

Special masks for mature skin

For aging skin, special masks are simply needed. They should contain collagen, elastin, fruit acids,. They will smooth out wrinkles, tighten muscles, eliminate swelling, and give the appearance a radiant, healthy color. To prepare such masks at home, use fresh berries, fruits, honey, gelatin.

Try this folk remedy to restore the skin:

Mix 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal and powdered spirulina algae (sold in pharmacies). Add some baking soda to the tip of a knife. Rub everything thoroughly. Now 2 tbsp. l. rub the mixture with the protein of a raw egg, add 0.5 tsp. liquid honey. Apply the mixture on a cleansed face and neck for 20 minutes. Then wash off with warm water.

There is also such a folk remedy - a mask to eliminate wrinkles:

Grate raw fresh cucumber, raw potatoes on a fine grater. Mix well, apply to thoroughly cleansed skin. Hold for 20-25 minutes, rinse with cool water, to which add a little lemon juice. Then blot the skin with a soft towel, brush with olive oil.

Do not forget about the skin around the eyes. It is she who is prone to premature aging, as she is very thin, sensitive. Therefore, to care for mature skin around the eyes, you can use such a folk remedy:

Mix together 1 drop of myrtle oil, 1 tbsp. l. glycerin and castor oil. Mix it all well, apply on the skin around the eyes every evening.

It should also be remembered that mature skin reacts very sharply to weather factors. Therefore, knowing this, use special creams with sun protection in the summer. In winter, use care products that will protect your skin from frost, snow, wind.

And yet, choose the right makeup, do not save on it. Use high-quality cosmetics suitable for you.
Carefully remove evening make-up, lubricate eyebrows, eyelashes with castor oil. Use a night cream with a lifting effect.

Special care for mature facial skin, folk remedies, use daily, constantly, regularly. Do not demand the impossible from yourself. The effect of your efforts will not be immediately noticeable.
In about a month, you will notice the first results. In the future, your skin is soft, elastic, wrinkles will be smoothed out. The complexion will acquire a healthy color, you will look much younger. Good luck to you, be happy!

After the age of 30, the first signs of "ripening" of the skin appear. This is when the skin loses its elasticity, the first wrinkles make themselves felt, the complexion fades. If everything is left to chance during this period, then by the age of 40 or 50 you will see in the mirror not a young and attractive woman, but an old woman. Therefore, in this article we present some postulates that must be observed when caring for mature facial skin, that is, when you are already over 30 years old.

Basic rules for care

As usual, mature skin care includes protection, nutrition, hydration, and cleansing. To maintain the health of mature skin, nutrition and hydration play an important role, so 2 times a week use nourishing, moisturizing masks, special masks for mature skin, as well as homemade masks.

Carefully protect the skin from temperature changes, from the harmful effects of the sun, frost, wind, use protective creams with the inscription "for mature skin" for this.

Wash your face in the morning and evening with boiled soft water, if you have the means, you can wash your face with mineral water.

After washing, let the skin dry without wiping or blot it with a towel.

Wipe the skin with pieces of ice, which can be prepared from mineral water, herbal decoction or water with the addition of milk, such rubbing gives an amazing result.

Contrasting washings with either cold or warm water, in turn, are useful.

Even the most expensive and good soap gradually dries out the skin.

Salt procedures give a good effect, for this you should dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt in a glass of water. Then moisten a cotton swab in this solution, pat a little on the neck and face.

Remove street dust and makeup from the face with cosmetic cream or soft cosmetic milk.

After the washing procedure, wipe the skin with a tonic, the skin will become soft and smooth.

After rubbing with tonic on the skin, apply a moisturizer when the season is warm, and apply a nourishing cream in the cold season.

At night, you need to apply a night nourishing cream with a lifting effect. Cream for mature skin should contain in its composition: wheat germ, barley, oat extracts, glycerin, grape seed extract.

After 45 years, facial cleansing should be mandatory and gentle. For washing, soft foam is preferable. It is undesirable to use harsh scrubs, as the skin becomes thinner with age, and it is easy to cause mechanical damage. Deep cleansing should be done once every 2 weeks by steaming.

Water is the source of life. Skin cells need abundant "drinking". An old beauty recipe - washing with a little cool mineral water. You can sometimes spray your face if you pour water into a spray bottle. As a result, the skin becomes more elastic and elastic, acquires a healthy color.

Massage is a useful and pleasant procedure. Japanese women, right up to old age, are distinguished by their sculptural beauty, all because 2 or 3 times a day they carry out acupressure of the face. Five minutes of this massage improves blood circulation, if done regularly, superficial wrinkles can smooth out over time.

The secret of youth from oriental beauties: vegetable-soy diet. Soy products contain phytoestrogens, which are similar in properties to human estrogens. With age, the level of “female” hormones decreases, they help the skin maintain its tone and renew itself faster. A recipe for health, and therefore a beautiful appearance - less salt and fat, more different and good vegetables.

Protect skin from sunlight. Before going outside, you need to apply a thin layer of foundation or a layer of powder. Now there are whole series that are made for mature skin with a fortified composition. It is easy to choose the color of the foundation, if you buy a light “base” and a cream one tone darker than the natural skin tone, there will be no problems with the choice. You just need to combine and create your own color.

Mature skin needs more nourishment. The best remedy for mature skin are masks made from natural products - kefir, milk, honey. They are easy to prepare and use, and they are very effective and safe. Apply the mask on a clean face, relax and lie down for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water. See how much softer and softer the skin will become.

Recipes for lotions and masks for all types of aging skin

Rejuvenating Herbal Mask

Required - 1 glass of water, chamomile flowers, peony petals, nettle leaves.

Mix in equal proportions chamomile flowers, peony petals and nettle leaves. Take 2 tablespoons of the mixture and pour a small amount of water and boil for 10 minutes over low heat, stirring constantly. As a result, we get a thick homogeneous mass, which we cool a little. Apply a warm mass on the neck and face, hold for 20 or 30 minutes. Remove with a cotton swab, rinse the neck and face with cool water. This mask is for daily use. It gives the skin elasticity, smoothes fine wrinkles.

Wrinkle mask

Water, 5 teaspoons of bran, 1 egg yolk.

We grind the yolk with bran, add so much boiled warm water to make a semi-liquid slurry. Lie down and evenly apply the mixture to areas of the skin where wrinkles have already appeared (décolleté, neck, face). Then we will spend an hour in complete peace, relax the muscles of the face. Then wash off the mask with cool water. We use this remedy once a week. This effective mask is suitable for all skin types. We keep it on the face for about one hour, while we are in a state of relaxation and complete rest. Therefore, for a cosmetic procedure, you need to choose the time.

mustard mask

We take 1 teaspoon of water, 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon of table mustard.

Apply the mask evenly on the face and hold for 5 minutes. Wash off with cool water. Apply the mask 1 or 2 times a week. The mask gives a fresh look, improves elasticity and tones aging skin.

Toning Milky Honey Mask

Take 1 tablespoon of liquid honey and 1 tablespoon of milk.

We apply the mask on the neck and face, hold for 10 or 15 minutes, rinse with warm water. Apply the mask once a week. The mask refreshes dull skin and tones it well.

Hot herbal compresses

To do this, you need 250 ml of water, 1 teaspoon of tincture of lemongrass, ginseng, eleutherococcus; yarrow herbs; leaves of linden blossom, sage; hop cones.

We mix the listed plants, taken in equal proportions. We take 1 tablespoon of the resulting mixture, brew with boiling water, strain. Add tincture of Eleutherococcus, lemongrass or ginseng. Before that, apply a nourishing cream on the skin of the neck and face, preferably glycerin or lanolin. We moisten the gauze folded several times in hot infusion and put it on the neck and face. Hold until the compress is completely cool, do not rinse. We use such compresses for frequent use. The infusion is prepared immediately before use.

Egg and flour mask

Take 1 yolk, 1 tablespoon of flour, strong green tea or milk.

Dilute the flour in a small amount of strong green tea or milk to a thick consistency. Let's grind the resulting mass with the yolk. Apply on the neck and face, hold for 20 or 25 minutes, rinse with warm water. Then we apply a nourishing cream on the face. Refreshes and nourishes dull skin, the addition of green tea makes the mask tonic.

Recipes for lotions and masks for aging dry skin

Dry skin requires more care than other types of mature skin. It is more susceptible to the aging process than others. Therefore, care products for her should be soft.

Cleansing lotion

We take 750 ml of water, 1 tablespoon of glycerin and vodka, zest of half a lemon, mint leaves, rowan fruits and leaves, chamomile flowers.

Grind the listed raw materials, which we take in equal proportions, add the zest of 1 lemon. We take half a glass of the mixture and fill it with water, bring to a boil, cool, strain. Add glycerin and vodka to the broth. We use this lotion to remove makeup. After removing makeup, rinse the skin with warm water and wipe with lotion. This remedy relieves irritation, softens the skin well, with constant use of this remedy, it returns skin elasticity.

Wrinkle Lotion

500 ml of water, 2 tablespoons of vodka, 1 teaspoon of linden flowers and sage leaves, 2 teaspoons of St. John's wort.

Mix the herbs, fill with water, bring to a boil, cool and strain. Let's add vodka. Wipe the neck and face 2 times a day. This lotion is recommended for those who have dry skin, because in addition to the cleansing effect, it smoothes wrinkles, has a softening effect.


We take 1 teaspoon of St. John's wort oil, 100 ml of sea buckthorn oil
Oil can be prepared at home or purchased at a pharmacy.

We soak a layer of cotton wool with the balm and put it on the face, hold for 15 or 20 minutes. After removing the mask, wipe the face with anti-wrinkle lotion, the recipe is described above.

Masks for mature skin with peach

Take the pulp of a peach and 1 tablespoon of heavy cream, beat them in a mixer and apply such a delicious mixture on your face. After 20 or 30 minutes, remove the remnants of the mask with cool water.

Masks for mature skin with lemon and honey

We take 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of lemon, milk and oatmeal. Mix all ingredients thoroughly to a thick mixture. Spread it evenly on the face and leave for 15 or 20 minutes. Then remove the remnants of the mask and wash your face with water at room temperature.

Masks for mature skin with potatoes

Combine a small amount of mashed potatoes with the yolk and 1 tablespoon of milk. If desired, add 1 tablespoon of vegetable juice. After 20 minutes, remove the remains of the mask with water at room temperature.

Masks for mature skin with olive oil

Take the yolk, grind 1 tablespoon of olive oil with 1 tablespoon of honey and mix everything. Apply for 20 minutes on the face, wash the face with cool water.

No need to limit yourself to only masks for mature skin, because your body needs additional nutrition. Let's treat ourselves to a bath. To do this, in one liter of water we dissolve 50 grams of soda, ½ kilogram of honey and 120 grams of salt. At the end, add 1 liter of warm milk and pour all this mass into a warm bath. We take a bath for 20 to 30 minutes, then let the skin dry.

Now we know the basic rules for the care of mature skin. Smile more often. A good mood is a symbol of the fact that you are satisfied with others and yourself, beautiful and successful. Take care of your health, love yourself and be beautiful. If you are over thirty years old, then follow these basic rules for the care of mature skin, and then you will retain your youth and attractiveness for many years.

The gradual aging of the skin begins at the age of 25, but after 40 years this process accelerates sharply. As a result of hormonal imbalance, the skin loses its elasticity and becomes thinner, its blood supply worsens, cell regeneration slows down, and the production of collagen and elastin gradually decreases.

Unfortunately, no remedy can stop the passage of time, but experts in the field of cosmetology believe that proper care of mature skin greatly helps to slow down the appearance of age-related changes, and a woman can look several years younger than her biological age.

First of all, the rate of skin aging depends on genes, but external factors also play an important role. The most dangerous is considered harmful solar radiation, leading to the premature appearance of wrinkles. Other factors include: air pollution, poor diet, smoking, stress and lack of sleep.

Basic principles of mature skin care


Among the anti-aging products for mature women, there are creams that simultaneously moisturize, nourish, increase the density of the skin, provide it with oxygen and stimulate the formation of collagen. They contain natural and high-tech ingredients that can fight the signs of the past and help eliminate toxins.

Face cream must be selected specifically for your type of epidermal layer. Do not always use products from the same manufacturer. Different brands have different nutrients, and skin needs tend to change.

Anti-aging creams usually contain vitamins A, E, C, coenzyme (koenzym Q10), flavonoids, hyaluronic acid for deep hydration and often have a sun protection factor.

Retinol accelerates the regeneration of the epidermis, whitens age spots. Vitamin E improves blood circulation, has an anti-inflammatory effect, moisturizes and rejuvenates.

In turn, vitamin C strengthens blood vessels, relieves swelling, brightens and stimulates the production of collagen and elastin fibers, which prevents the epidermal layer from wilting.

Coenzyme Q10 fights free radicals, stimulates metabolism at the cellular level, gives vitality.

A very valuable component of this product is fruit acids, which very gently exfoliate the epidermis, thus accelerating cell regeneration, even out complexion and improve collagen production. In turn, phytohormones smooth wrinkles and soothe irritation.

Always apply the cream at night, not forgetting the neck and décolleté. The components in such products effectively contribute to the regeneration of the skin, strengthen it, and prevent the formation of wrinkles.

The rules for choosing a night cream for the face can be found in this article.

The night cream has a thicker consistency and is not absorbed instantly compared to the day cream. Excess can simply be removed with a napkin. For best results, choose the same series of night and day cosmetics so that the active ingredients complement each other.

Regularly apply masks once or twice a week, preferably after steaming the face or cleansing it with a delicate scrub for better permeability of the stratum corneum.

Thanks to this complex procedure, nutrients penetrate deep into the upper layers of the dermis, mature skin will look rested, toned and velvety.

The specific composition should be chosen depending on the characteristics and needs of the skin, applying it along the massage lines. Homemade anti-aging masks (see mask recipes) work quite intensively, so the effect is visible almost immediately.

Take care of the delicate area around the eyes

The skin in the eye area is thinner, as it is devoid of a lipid layer, as a result of which wrinkles appear much faster. To slow down their appearance, apply a moisturizing and nourishing cream in the morning and evening.

Use gel compresses or patches, wear sunglasses with UV filters. A course is also shown using serums rich in vitamins and trace elements, and once a week a homemade eye mask.

Discover the benefits of whey

Serums are a highly concentrated product with a light consistency. They can be used as a strong anti-aging agent for the treatment of the epidermal layer, for example, in spring and autumn.

This product gives a powerful boost of energy, as it contains active ingredients of a higher concentration, plant extracts, nutrients, vitamins and minerals, which in the care of mature skin help it recover better and faster, provide smoothness and hydration.

Select the serum depending on your age and the needs of the epidermal layer. Since such products rarely contain UV filters, you can use them together with a cream - first apply serum, and when absorbed - apply day cream (preferably from the same series).

Dark spots

As a rule, they appear after 50 years due to the overproduction of melanin. They occur most often in those places that have been exposed to sunlight for many years, for example, on the hands, face, décolleté.

A good effect is the use of products with fruit acids, hyaluronic acid. The peeling procedure works well. However, no procedures will help if you do not give up tanning, both in the sun and in a solarium.


In the care of mature skin, supplements play an important role, for example, a course of taking vitamins A and E, as well as essential trace elements. A balanced diet rich in vegetables, fruits, unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids and whole grains will help neutralize free radicals.

We must work on the condition and appearance of the skin throughout our lives, since it depends on us how old we look.

An example of mature skin care

Makeup removal. The best remedy is micellar water with rose petals, which has a moisturizing and toning effect, or makeup remover cream with silk proteins and honey.

Toning. Alcohol-free toners based on alpha hydroxy acids and plant extracts are recommended. They contribute to the soft exfoliation of dead cells, smooth wrinkles, and normalize the circulation of lymph and blood.

Serums with ginseng extract (stimulates the renewal of epidermal cells), phytohormones (compensate for the lack of hormones in the epidermal layer, affect the growth of collagen), coenzyme.

Creams moisturizing and nourishing.

Algae masks (alginate). They retain water in the epidermis, give the skin elasticity, moisturize, make it more elastic. Masks with vitamins of youth (A, C, E) and proteins - slow down the aging process.

With age, metabolism decreases, which affects the general condition of the skin. It becomes thinner, its nutrition is disturbed, the skin loses its former elasticity. Therefore, care for mature skin after 40-45 years should take into account its age-related characteristics.

Many women who take care of their appearance and carefully take care of themselves know perfectly well that in order to look beautiful, young, it is not at all necessary to visit beauty salons regularly. You can take care of yourself at home, using effective proven folk remedies, the recipes of which were known to our great-grandmothers.

It is about them that I want to tell you today, to touch on the topic of how to use folk remedies to care for mature facial skin.

Mature skin cleansing

First of all, when caring for mature skin, you need to learn how to thoroughly clean it in the morning and evening. Make sure that all makeup applied in the morning is removed before going to bed. In this case, it is good to use cream or sour cream diluted with water, yogurt, milk. After 40 years, the sebaceous glands do not work as well as before and secrete 3 times less fat than in youth. And this provokes excessive dryness, the appearance of new wrinkles.

Aging skin is characterized by increased dryness, chlorinated water from a regular tap dries it even more. Therefore, for washing, you should use spring or mineral bottled water without gas. Also, rinsing with infusion of medicinal herbs has a positive effect: chamomile, sage, violet, calendula, mint.

You can use ice cubes from frozen herbal infusion. They are good to wipe a clean face, neck in the morning. This procedure perfectly tones, strengthens the circulatory system, muscles of the face, neck, decollete, smoothes wrinkles.

After washing, the skin should be blotted, and not rubbed with a towel. Then you need to apply a moisturizer, or a moisturizing mask:

Mix a tablespoon of curdled milk (kefir) and liquid honey. Apply the mixture on the face for 10 minutes, remove the remnants with a damp cloth.

If necessary, use home peels. The best of them: Soap foam or shaving foam, with the addition of drunk coffee or rice grains pounded in a mortar, oatmeal. Apply the mixture on clean skin, wipe in circular motions, rinse with warm water.

Once a week, cleanse mature skin with a water bath:

Pour 2-3 tbsp. l. chamomile, nettle, violets, roses, jasmine, linden with boiling water, pour the infusion into a basin, cover your head with a towel, hold your face over the steam. This is a very useful cleansing procedure.

Special masks for mature skin

For aging skin, special masks are simply needed. They should contain collagen, elastin, fruit acids, vitamins. They will smooth out wrinkles, tighten muscles, eliminate swelling, and give the appearance a radiant, healthy color. To prepare such masks at home, use fresh berries, fruits, honey, gelatin.

Try this folk remedy to restore the skin:

Mix 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal and powdered spirulina algae (sold in pharmacies). Add some baking soda to the tip of a knife. Rub everything thoroughly. Now 2 tbsp. l. rub the mixture with the protein of a raw egg, add 0.5 tsp. liquid honey. Apply the mixture on a cleansed face and neck for 20 minutes. Then wash off with warm water.

There is also such a folk remedy - a mask to eliminate wrinkles:

Grate raw fresh cucumber, raw potatoes on a fine grater. Mix well, apply to thoroughly cleansed skin. Hold for 20-25 minutes, rinse with cool water, to which add a little lemon juice. Then blot the skin with a soft towel, brush with olive oil.

Do not forget about the skin around the eyes. It is she who is prone to premature aging, as she is very thin, sensitive. Therefore, to care for mature skin around the eyes, you can use such a folk remedy:

Mix together 1 drop of myrtle oil, 1 tbsp. l. glycerin and castor oil. Mix it all well, apply on the skin around the eyes every evening.

It should also be remembered that mature skin reacts very sharply to weather factors. Therefore, knowing this, use special creams with sun protection in the summer. In winter, use care products that will protect your skin from frost, snow, wind.

And yet, choose the right makeup, do not save on it. Use high-quality cosmetics suitable for you.

Carefully remove evening make-up, lubricate eyebrows, eyelashes with castor oil. Use a night cream with a lifting effect.

Special care for mature facial skin, folk remedies, use daily, constantly, regularly. Do not demand the impossible from yourself. The effect of your efforts will not be immediately noticeable.

In about a month, you will notice the first results. In the future, your skin is soft, elastic, wrinkles will be smoothed out. The complexion will acquire a healthy color, you will look much younger. Good luck to you, be happy!