Flowers from penoizol. Flowers from isolon - masterpieces of building material


A new trend has appeared in the design of wedding ceremonies - decoration with flower arrangements made of paper. Coming from the scenery of theatrical performances, it allows you to create unique decorations that will look good throughout the celebration.

Some people think that this way of creating a holiday will save on fresh flowers, but unfortunately, this is not the case. After all, attracted by the unusual design, guests will consider every stroke. Therefore, for the manufacture of such a decor, high-quality materials and long painstaking work will be needed, which increases the cost.

Depending on the theme of the celebration, they choose a palette, the size of bouquets and individual buds. It can be both an imitation of inflorescences of real flowers, and fantastic mixtures of different plants. It all depends on the desired effect, sometimes jewelry is even added, which is mounted as part of a flower.

Hall and walls

Often, paper buds are installed on the walls of the hall; they look quite interesting on light surfaces.

But it is important to make separate islands of such decorations, and avoid continuous decoration. For compositions, it is better to use flowers of different sizes and colors, and preferably different shapes.

But all of them should be slightly flattened to look organic on the walls. Most often they are placed in a random order, so that a feeling of naturalness, a "hedge" is created. Flat flowers can also be used to decorate the front side of the bridal table.

If they make a traditional oval bouquet hanging from the edge, then it is created indistinguishable from real buds.

If paper flowers are placed on the table, then it is necessary to create voluminous buds similar in shape to real plants.

They are installed in vases on high legs so that they do not separate the guests, and also do not block the view of the newlyweds. Compositions are most often made in a spherical shape, imitating real flowers or making one huge bud.

If the table is left empty or decorated with small inflorescences, then large specimens are placed on the guests' chairs.

Photo zone and decor for a photo shoot

Photographs for a wedding album are always an important part of memories, so during a photo shoot they try to create interesting poses and choose beautiful backgrounds.

There are several basic options for creating a backdrop for a photo zone. Decor types:

  • continuous covering of the wall with buds;
  • design of the photo zone in the form of a frame of flowers;
  • figured compositions on the walls, complemented by outdoor bouquets.

It doesn’t matter what style of decoration is chosen, but for any, the buds should be very large and differ in color or size from their neighbors. After all, the background should not merge into a monotonous canvas if wedding decorations are built on paper design.

The whole emphasis of the background is on the unusual decoration with huge inflorescences.


Decorating a wedding arch with paper flowers occurs in two main methods: pure, if the arch is decorated only with artificial buds, and mixed, when fabric curtains are additionally hung.

Bud placement methods:

  1. Symmetrical use of sizes and shades, suitable for semi-circular arches in classical celebrations.
  2. Asymmetrical placement of the palette, with uniform buds. It is done to create the effect of negligence.
  3. Asymmetric placement of buds, with a uniform palette. Created to emphasize a certain area.
  4. Partial coverage of crossbeams, well suited for square or complex arches. Depending on the color and type of buds, they are suitable for both traditional and avant-garde celebrations.

When adding fabrics or ribbons, light translucent textures are preferred, creating a feeling of airiness and flight.

After all, with large paper buds it is very difficult to pick up heavy matter that will not distract attention from the main flower ensemble.

How to make big flowers with your own hands - 3 master classes

Artificial flowers can be made not only from paper, but also from other materials that will give different textures to buds of the same shape.

Often combined compositions are made for a wedding to give the decorations depth. Such bouquets look more original, but before deciding how to make paper flowers for wedding decoration, you need to think over the general concept, and each individual composition. Otherwise, you can go too far, creating elements of decoration that do not combine with each other.

If you do not have a clear plan for decorations, then many things will have to be changed along the way, which will cause additional consumption of materials, and hence the money spent on decorating the wedding.

From paper

This is the easiest and cheapest way to make large fake wedding flowers. Depending on the thickness, texture, pattern and color, you can create a variety of decorations.


  • sheets of thin paper, 8 pieces;
  • threads of the same shade;
  • scissors;
  • string or wire.

First, all the sheets are folded in a pile, after which an accordion is formed from them with a rib width of 2–3 cm.

When everything is ready, they need to be smoothed out, you can use a press or an iron.

The edges are tightly squeezed with one hand, and the corner is rounded off, which will be turned down. Do the same with the other end.

The finished accordion is tied in the middle with strong threads so that it does not open. After that, the accordion is laid out - so that a “bow” is formed, tied with a thread. When everything is ready, separate one sheet from its edge. It is important to do this carefully so as not to tear.

After that, the same is done from the other end of the bow. This continues until 6 sheets are upside down.

The finished petals are fluffed and figuratively twisted at the ends, giving them a resemblance to a real flower. After that, the bud is carefully turned over and the lower sheets are straightened, forming slightly wilted leaves from them.

From isolon

Isolon is a building insulation, so it is easy to get it. An average cost option, growth flowers are most often made from it. Materials:

  • sheets of isolon pink and green;
  • thick wire;
  • glue;
  • pencil, knitting needle;
  • dark green electrical tape;
  • paper sheet;
  • scissors.

First, the shapes of future petals are drawn on a sheet of drawing paper.

Then they are transferred with a knitting needle to sheets of isolon and cut out.

The blanks are heated with a hairdryer, folded with an accordion for 10 seconds, then unfolded and kneaded, pressing in the middle and wrapping the edges.

The wire is connected and wrapped with electrical tape, forming the future flower stem.

The first sheet is wrapped around the top of the leg, not only gluing, but also winding it with electrical tape. In order for the glue of the next petals to be taken better, it is necessary to choose a rough adhesive tape.

Glue the leaves until the flower is the desired size. It all depends on the desired type of bud.

When the flower is complete, the leaves begin to be created. To do this, a tooth-shaped strip is cut out, which will be located below the finished inflorescence, as well as blanks of leaves.

To create a sheet, take a piece of wire twice as long, and stick green isolon on one end. The second is tied to the leg. Warming up the workpiece, it is given the desired shape, after which the veins are drawn with a toothpick.

When all the leaves are placed on the stem, it is wrapped in green isolon.

From foamiran

Foamiran is a light porous material that responds well to sudden ingress of moisture or strong gusts of air, so most often these flowers are made for outdoor weddings. A rather expensive material, so it does not make sense to use it for indoor buds. Materials:

  • foamiran sheets of several shades;
  • iron;
  • glue gun, glue sticks;
  • oil pastel;
  • awl;
  • wire;
  • scissors;
  • lighter;
  • teip tape;
  • 3-4 sheets of paper;
  • foil or foam;
  • acrylic lacquer.

To begin with, shapes of future flowers are cut out of sheets of paper. They need to be made in different sizes, 3-4 pieces. Each subsequent one should be about 10-15% larger than the previous one, then the petals will look natural.

Foamiran is cut into strips, and then into squares.

And already from them, with the help of a blank, drop-shaped petals are made. Small ones will need the most - 10-14 pieces, and medium and large ones need to be created 8-10 pieces each.

After that, using oil pastels, the blanks are painted on both sides, after which veins are drawn on them with a toothpick.

When the painting is completed, the petals are wrapped in a sheet of paper and ironed on both sides.

The temperature is chosen as low as possible so as not to burn the material. Thanks to this processing, the workpieces are thin, and excess paint remains on paper.

Form a core of foil or a small piece of foam. It is pierced with an awl, a wire is threaded, which will serve as a fastener for the finished flower.

Glue is applied to the bottom of a small sheet, after which it is carefully folded and glued to the top of the core. The next sheet is rotated around the axis by 70–90 degrees and also glued.

It is important that the top edges are tightly compressed and the foil does not open.

Before applying medium-sized petals, their middle and edges are gently heated with a lighter, and then folded, kneading for 10-20 seconds.

After that, the workpiece is unfolded, a recess is formed in the middle, into which a drop of glue is placed. Apply to the bud, straightening the upper edge, slightly wrapping outwards. Medium sheets should be placed slightly lower than small ones.

After applying all the small and medium petals, a tape tape is wrapped around the core, creating the volume of the bud.

The largest, outer petals also warm up, but are shaped differently. They are folded outward, after which they are straightened, the upper edges are curled, especially on the sides of the drop. Glue is applied to the bottom of the convex part, and applied to the bud so that the sharp edge sticks into the wire. These petals turn already 30-40 degrees around the axis of the flower.

When all the outer leaves are glued, the flower is ready to be mounted on a wall, archway or as one of the table bouquets.

Creating beautiful artificial flowers out of paper is a fairly new but growing trend in wedding decoration. Such buds can be used both in a classic celebration and in more free holidays. It all depends on the imagination of the newlyweds.

- a modern trend that has spread to the design of premises for celebrations. The growth flowers will help you create a fairy tale in the style of "Alice from Wonderland" or be transported to the royal garden. Let's take a closer look at the process and try to create large flowers from isolon with our own hands.

Getting to know the material and tools

First you need to figure out what isolon is, what it is and its properties.

Before you make large flowers, you need to go to the hardware store for a universal insulating material - polyethylene foam. According to the method of production, it happens:

  • uncrosslinked - this is polyethylene foam without additional processing, so the price of such a material is affordable;
  • physically cross-linked (PPE 500) is a modified PPE that has improved properties, its service life is longer, but the price is higher.

Isolon is made in rolls and sheets with a thickness of 0.2 mm to 1 cm - 2–3 mm material is suitable for creating flowers. There are options for foil, colored isolon, so your flowers can be not only white.

In order to come up with a flower shape, you need to understand what you can do with the source material. So, the properties of isolon and possible manipulations with it:

  1. Thin sheets are easily cut with scissors or a mounting knife - due to the softness of the material, growth flowers from isolon look natural.
  2. Doesn't burn, but melts. This property is used to shape the petals - when heated, they bend, and by raising the temperature, it is possible to “glue” the sheets pointwise.
  3. Relative tensile strength. The porous structure allows it to withstand small tensile loads without breaking, while waves are formed that can become a petal decor.
  4. It is connected only with hot glue, a stapler or threads.

However, the craftsmen found a couple more ways: the cut parts can be glued together with hot air from a hair dryer and a soldering iron

  1. Ordinary paints do not stick to it. You can take colored sheets or use special ones.
  2. Scars form on the folds, so when making and storing flowers, you must be careful not to spoil the work.
  3. Not afraid of moisture, but turns yellow in the sun. Large flowers are great for outdoor decor, but white ones are best used in the shade.

Based on this, we understand that we will need additional tools and fixtures:

  • tailor's scissors or assembly knife;
  • hair dryer - building or household, but always with two heating modes;
  • glue gun with temperature switch;
  • stapler, thread;
  • acrylic, rubber paints or from a spray can;

And you will also need - wire, masking tape, flower pots, metal-plastic pipes and even cement. But first things first…

Basic techniques and secrets of creating flowers from isolon

The principle of formation is radically different - the flower is gathered around the stem, and the petals are glued in a special way. The process is shown in detail in the master class:

Framed photo - a spectacular technique

However, it is possible to create not only growth flowers or large-scale compositions from isolon, lamps will look quite organic from it - on a stand or as a replacement for traditional sconces.

Sconce or - a large isolon flower will take center stage in the decor of the room

The process of creating a lamp is described in detail in the master class of the craftswoman Marusya DIY.

Part 1. Preparation of electricians.

Part 2. Assembly of the lamp.

Although a lot of time will pass from mastering the technique to creating a masterpiece and more than one sheet of isolon will be spent - this is not a reason to stop, because handmade decor is more soulful, and each work is unique.

The fashion for these large flowers on a stand with a flexible stem has not gone away for several years. The products themselves are getting better every year and look more and more impressive. New materials, colors appear, the variety of types and forms expands.

For what events can I order growth flowers

These flowers are called growth flowers for one simple reason - together with the stem they have a height of 150 to 250 cm. Adult people next to them look like Thumbelinas and beautiful elves. Volumetric buds look fabulous in daylight and artificial lighting, all guests of the event must be photographed in such a photo zone.

This is what the big flowers on the racks look like:

  • Weddings, anniversaries, children's parties, graduations, corporate events, city holidays.
  • Conferences, fashion shows, presentations of cosmetics, perfumes and other products for women, wedding and jewelry exhibitions.
  • Window dressing.
  • Stage decoration for reporting concerts of music and dance studios, etc.

Types, sizes, materials

Growth flowers are made from 4 different materials: corrugated paper, designer paper, isolon, foamiran. You can choose the color, size of the bud, and from what material it is better to make flowers, see the table:

flower type and size

Advantages and disadvantages

1. Corrugated paper

Buds size:
50 cm
70 cm
90 cm

Pros: corrugated paper is the cheapest material. A huge color palette, many shades, which make beautiful flowers with gradient darkening or lightening. Single-colored buds will cost even less.

Minuses: such decorations cannot be used outdoors, as the paper quickly deteriorates from moisture and bright light.

2. Design paper

Roses, peonies, ranunculi, poppies, eustoma, tulips, bluebells.
Buds size:
50 cm
70 cm
90 cm
The stem is made of metal-plastic, the support is a stand.
Packing: carton for each bud, carton for stem and rack.

Pros: glossy thick paper very effectively creates light reflections. It is smooth, and this is different from the texture of corrugated paper. It does not wrinkle so much, it keeps its shape better with low humidity, but they can also be used only indoors.

Minuses: tra-ta

3. Izolon

Roses, peonies, ranunculi, poppies, eustoma, tulips, bluebells.
Buds size:
50 cm
70 cm
90 cm
The stem is made of metal-plastic, the support is a stand.
Packing: carton for each bud, carton for stem and rack.

Pros: isolon is quite easy to process, it is best to make urgent orders from it - it will be fast. This material does not fade and perfectly tolerates weather vagaries. It is these flowers that are ordered for decoration of weddings and city holidays in the fresh air.

Minuses: More expensive than paper flowers. Isolon is produced in a limited range of colors, so decorators will offer the most popular colors. In terms of quality, this material resembles foamed polyurethane.

4. Foamiran

Roses, peonies, ranunculi, poppies, eustoma, tulips, bluebells.
Buds size:
50 cm
70 cm
90 cm
The stem is made of metal-plastic, the support is a stand.
Packing: carton for each bud, carton for stem and rack.

Pros: The most spectacular material that looks most impressive in photo zones. Foamiran is quite thick, but at the same time it can be given any shape, the flowers look very natural. Flexible, no creases, beautiful velvet surface, large color palette.

Minuses: Foamiran fades in bright sunny color, you need to use it indoors. This is the most expensive material for making growth flowers.

Rent or buy?

The rental price includes the assembly, installation and dismantling of the flower, the price is for 3 days. If you need a photo zone with growth flowers for such a period or less, it makes sense to save money. The offer is relevant for residents of Moscow and Moscow Region.

Single flower or arrangement

Decorators often offer to make 3-5 flowers of different sizes at once, as the assembly results in a spectacular composition with gracefully curved stems and buds facing the light at different angles.

In addition, for ordering several growth flowers in the same color scheme, you will receive a discount.

For the composition, buds with a diameter of 50 to 90 cm are used. The decorator can make long flexible stems - in this case, people find themselves inside a giant bouquet. Large buds are sometimes placed at a short distance from each other, then the effect of a flower carpet is created. Both options are very popular for window dressing and as holiday photo zones.

Price guide

Example 1. Corrugated paper rose

Prices for basic sizes.


50 cm. Cost - 1 730 rubles (including flower, stem and stand). Installation and assembly of roses - 1500 rubles.
70 cm. Cost - 2 431₽ (including flower, stem and stand). Installation and assembly of roses - 1500 rubles.
90 cm. Cost - 3 050 rubles (including flower, stem and stand). Installation and assembly of roses - 1500 rubles.


50 cm. Cost - 2 330 rubles.
70 cm. Cost - 2 870 rubles.
90 cm. Cost - 3 350 rubles.

The production time for roses is 1-2 days. If the order is made in less than 2 days, we consider urgent + 30% of the order value. Delivery is paid separately. The cost within the Moscow Ring Road is 1200 rubles.

Example 2. Growing rose from isolon

Prices for basic sizes.

Purchase. The flower is delivered unassembled in a box. The cost of mounting the flower - separately. Accordingly, 2 purchase options: with and without installation:

50 cm. Cost - 2 704 rubles (including flower, stem and stand). Installation and assembly of roses - 1500 rubles.
70 cm. Cost - 3 210 rubles (including flower, stem and stand). Installation and assembly of roses - 1500 rubles.
90 cm. Cost - 3 731₽ (including flower, stem and stand). Installation and assembly of roses - 1500 rubles.

Rent. The rental price includes flower rental, assembly, installation, dismantling and removal. You cannot rent without assembly:

50 cm. Cost - 3 080 rubles.
70 cm. Cost - 3 470 rubles.
90 cm. Cost - 3 870 rubles.

Rose production time is 1-2 days. If the order is made in less than 2 days, we consider it urgent: + 30% to the cost of the order. Delivery is paid separately. The cost within the Moscow Ring Road is 1200 rubles.

Example 3. Growing rose from foamiran

Prices for basic sizes.

Purchase. The flower is delivered unassembled in a box. The cost of mounting the flower - separately. Accordingly, 2 purchase options: with and without installation:

50 cm. Cost - 2 890 rubles (including flower, stem and stand). Installation and assembly of roses - 1500 rubles.
70 cm. Cost - 3 470 rubles (including flower, stem and stand). Installation and assembly of roses - 1500 rubles.
90 cm. Cost - 4 030 rubles (including flower, stem and stand). Installation and assembly of roses - 1500 rubles.

Pyreseva Marina

For us to work need: isolon, pipe (all this can be purchased at a hardware store, isolon take 1.5 meters, pipe diameter 1.6 mm., 2-2.5 meters, depending on the height of the structure, glue gun, hair dryer, cardboard. So, let's start. Add up isolon and draw a pattern of a small petal on it. These will need approximately 6-9 , it depends on the desired size flower, cut out, then do the same thing, but with larger petals (determine by eye) may need 9-11 petals. We cut out the petals, the petals can be either in the form of a heart or oval, and, gently using a hair dryer, we begin to twist the petals by heating them. When strongly heated isolon will start to melt, so you need to make sure that the petal is not torn. When all the petals are ready, we begin to collect flower. We take a small piece of cardboard and fold it so that it wraps around the pipe and can be put on it flower. Next, on a cardboard blank, starting with small petals, we form a rose. The number of petals depends on the size you want. flower. We glue carefully, as the glue can burn through the petals. And so our flower ready, it remains to make a stand for him. From the pipe we form a stand of the desired height (pull out pipe). We put on our flower on a stand. the pipe can be wrapped with tape of the desired colors. Flower can be painted with spray paint without bringing the can close to flower.

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