How to give tired eyes freshness at home. Seven simple rules to quickly give your face a fresh, radiant look


A healthy complexion, an even tan and a satisfied look - this is how a person who has just returned from vacation looks like. Traces of fatigue, circles under the eyes, dull skin and a longing look - this is what his colleague is, who has not yet had time to rest. If you are one of the latter, then you probably look at your cheered up colleagues with at least envy. Gazeta.Ru decided to find out from cosmetologists and makeup artists what can be done to look no worse than their rested friends. And maybe even better, because it is still unknown how they acted there on their holidays in relation to the liver and other vital organs. The expert advice is suitable for both women and men, except, of course, for the part where we are offered to apply blush and highlight hair.

Svetlana Shabalina, Clinique Training Manager:

To give the face a rested look, use products that highlight the skin and give it a natural glow. Here, light cosmetic products are suitable for adjusting skin tone, which will hide imperfections and flaws. For a light tanned complexion, apply bronzing powder to high points of the face for a sun-kissed effect.

To make your face fresher, you can use a peach-colored blush: they revitalize and refresh the complexion. Instead of classic lipstick, use lip gloss in bright berry shades. And please do not use too light shades in makeup in the summer: they can give the face a pale look.

Men will give advice separately. Their most pressing problem is swelling and dark circles under the eyes, which makes the look tired and adds age.

Feel free to use gels and serums from the men's lines, which refresh and cool puffy areas and make dark circles less noticeable.

Be, not seem to be

To look rested, you first need to feel appropriate. If you can't go to a resort, find time to go to the spa. Peeling, moisturizing, relaxing massage, nourishing wrap, hammam with soapy massage, Asian cosmetics with aromas of coffee, coconut oil, jasmine or papaya - all this will help you relax right here and now.

Ekaterina Dobrydneva, Senior Training Manager, Medical Expert at La Roche-Posay, Inneov:

How to give yourself a rested look? Of course, get enough sleep and spend more time in the fresh air. This is the main thing. And cosmetics will provide additional assistance.

Regularly use refreshing thermal facial water wherever you are - in the office, in the car, on a walk.

Thermal water perfectly tones the skin, relieves irritation, activates the work of blood vessels and gives a fresh look to makeup throughout the day. Simply spray a small amount of thermal water on your face in the morning when you wake up and don't forget to use it during the day. In addition to thermal waters, flower waters also help to refresh.

The second guarantee of a fresh complexion is regular skin exfoliation. The fact is that due to dead cells, the skin tone becomes uneven, and the complexion becomes dull. Therefore, the use of scrubs about once a week helps to even out the skin and restore its radiance. Moisturizers, masks, BB creams help improve complexion. The task of a BB cream is not only to moisturize and protect the skin, but also to give it an even tone and radiance due to special mineral pigments.

Moisturizing masks are a necessary step in skin care, especially in summer. Air conditioners in offices make the skin dehydrated and dull, moisturizing just saves it. Apply the mask in the evening on cleansed skin for ten minutes, remove the remnants with a napkin or cotton pad. If you have the opportunity to spend time in the park or in the country and you want to tan quickly, we recommend using special nutricosmetics to enhance your tan.

, art director and stylist of Cosmotheca SPA:

It is important to pay attention to the health of the hair: you will not be able to give yourself a radiant look if they are dull. Healthy hair reflects light, and for this they must be sufficiently moisturized. Spa hair treatments are made on the basis of cosmetics of various brands. We especially love Thai cosmetics: its aromas help to mentally transport ourselves to Asia.

As for the appearance, the summer feeling will appear if you make safe highlights on the hair - the effect of sun glare - and the fashionable coloring in the baby hair style this season, when the hair looks naturally sun-bleached. Well, it’s worth changing the color of the varnish to bright summer shades, if you haven’t decided on this yet.

Olga Komrakova, Clarins lead makeup artist:

A rested look can be drawn. Use a make-up base that gives radiance to the skin. It can be mixed with foundation. Refresh your complexion with bronzing powder, focusing on the cheekbones and contour of the face, and apply a compact peach blush to the prominent part of the cheekbones. Apply a little blush on the orbital bone (under the eyes), it will refresh and ignite your look.

Line the upper lash line intensively with an eyeliner or liner and apply mascara to the upper lashes. Leave the bottom ones intact.

Lightly define the brows and apply a sheer coral gloss on the lips. Warm shades of makeup will give your face a fresh, rested look, and the emphasis on the upper eyelid will make the look more open.

Gathered tomorrow for a romantic date or the main interview of your life and do not know how to look your best? The best decoration is radiant skin. There are seven simple rules to follow and your skin will be perfect. In this case, you do not need expensive modern tools.

Cleansing the skin before an important day should be twice as thorough

Before going to bed, the skin of the face requires a thorough cleaning of makeup. It doesn't matter if the next day is special or ordinary. But, before the solemn day, the skin needs to be cleansed much deeper. For serious cleaning, double cleansing should be used. First, make-up is removed using oil or micellar water. After that, you still need to wash yourself using a soft gel or foam. Although, some celebrities believe. The action of familiar methods will be enhanced by gadgets, such as cleaning brushes. With the help of brushes, you can rid the skin of impurities much more effectively than with sponges or with your own hands. Brushes provide a light facial massage and give it freshness, eliminating puffiness.

The effect of cleansing will enhance the exfoliation of the skin of the face before going to bed.

The second thing that will significantly improve the condition of the skin is exfoliation. Estheticians do not have a common opinion on when it is better to apply exfoliation, in the morning or at night. But many are inclined to believe that it is ideal to exfoliate the skin after all before going to bed. After all, with the help of exfoliation, the skin of the face is cleansed of impurities and toxic elements. In addition, the regenerative processes of the skin are launched. And, waking up in the morning, in the mirror you will see a rested and fresh look. The type of exfoliation depends on the type and needs of the skin. Exfoliation can be carried out either with a delicate mechanical scrub, or, but with a low level of concentration. Both methods are equally effective.

Nourishing night masks renew the skin and do not require rinsing

Perfectly helps to improve the appearance of the night mask. Such products restore, nourish and moisturize the skin of the face during sleep - they will help give the skin a fresh look. Modern masks do not require rinsing, and do not leave marks on the pillow. The mask can simply be applied on top of your favorite serum and go to bed. Skin renewal will be noticeable the next morning.

After cleansing, the skin needs nourishing oil, light massage

You need to add oil to your usual cosmetics. , you need to soften it with oil and make a soothing massage - light, stroking or pinching movements. And although many people think that oils are used only to moisturize dry and dehydrated skin, this statement is not true. Oily skin also shows oils. But, for the right effect, they must be light and natural.

How to treat problem skin before bed

With a rash and peeling, you need to fight locally. If some areas of the skin are inflamed and require treatment, a local remedy is suitable for this purpose. This can be a nourishing restorative balm or an antibacterial drying gel. They should treat problem areas, as well as lips. With a moisturizing balm, you can give your face a fresh look and also the lips will look refreshed after sleep.

Without regular care, all emergency methods will be temporary.

The skin requires regular care. Daily moisturizing, cleansing and nourishing the skin of the face will help much more than some emergency methods. If you give at least five minutes every morning and every evening, you can preserve beauty and youth for much longer.

Sleep is the best way to keep skin fresh and youthful.

The best assistant to your facial skin is this. Getting enough sleep, leaving nightly gatherings behind a laptop and walking until dawn, you will help your skin to keep fresh and youthful much better than all cosmetics. Ideally, if the bedroom is cool and ventilated.

An article for those who want to know how to look fresh and rested, what needs to be done for this. What methods and methods exist in order to acquire a fresh look of the face.

Most women all over the planet want to always and everywhere look great. In order to be the way women want, you need to know the methods and ways of how to look fresh and rested.

According to psychologists, facial skin is one of the most important components of a person's appearance. If a person's skin is clean and smooth, then this indicates his excellent physical condition. For some women, redness, age spots, or just freckles on the skin of the face cause irritation and discomfort in society.

Therefore, women often try to take better care of their facial skin, doing everything possible to get rid of dissatisfaction with their appearance. But it does not give any positive results. This happens because it is likely that a person makes mistakes, not knowing how to properly care for his face. Usually washing under the tap, women assume that this procedure moisturizes the skin of the face. But it's not.

The water that flows from the tap contains many different salts. When washing the face, these salts remain on the skin, overdrying it. It is better to use the most effective method of moisturizing the skin, that is, spraying the face with thermal water containing minerals and vitamins that help to make the face look fresh.

After such washing, freshness is felt and the feeling of tightness disappears. If this procedure is carried out regularly, the skin will be restored, protected and strengthened. Many women believe that any cream does not harm the skin, but on the contrary, makes it healthy and perfect.

If the skin of the face is dry, but the face is smeared with a cream for oily skin, then redness and a rash may appear. Therefore, before using any cream, you need to find out what type of facial skin it belongs to. Well, then you can choose a cosmetic product.

Sometimes, not having time to get out of bed, you have to run for some business. As a result, a face that has not yet had time to move away from sleep does not look the best. For example, swelling, dark circles under the eyes appear on it, the skin acquires an unhealthy complexion. In order to put things in order on your face, it will take time, which is usually not enough for every woman.

In order to remain satisfied with your appearance, you must adhere to several rules. First of all, without fail, you need to ventilate the room for a small amount of time before bedtime. After all, fresh air supports a healthy and sound sleep. Thanks to this, when waking up, a woman feels fresh and rested.

It is also necessary to wash off the paint at night, in no case should you be lazy, it is better to clean your face before going to bed. After the procedures performed before going to bed, it is necessary to apply a thin layer of face cream. It is best to use a night cream. But you should not use it often, because it prevents the skin from breathing.

In order to avoid swelling on the face, you should not drink too much liquid before going to bed. In addition, you should not eat a lot of salty foods, because salt retains fluid in the human body. It is from this that swelling on the face appears. Very practical before going to bed is taking a bath with salt, which should be sea salt. After this procedure, the process of getting rid of toxins that have accumulated overnight takes place. In order to consolidate the effect, it is necessary to use anti-cellulite products.

Those who like to drink coffee should not drink it after dinner. Because coffee invigorates. It is better to drink it in the morning. It is also not recommended to drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes approximately 4 hours before bedtime. Many women are wondering how to look fresh and rested, not even suspecting that what they sleep on at night also affects sleep and facial condition in the morning.

It is best to sleep on a low pillow, and in order to avoid curvature of the spine, it is necessary to lie on a hard and more even mattress. The best sleeping position is on your back. However, this is not convenient for everyone. Very often, waking up in the morning, red stripes form on the face, which are the result of an incorrect posture.

In this case, it is better to use a moisturizer or a protein mask. In order to wake up in the morning completely, you can take a shower that will invigorate. First you need to stand under a stream of warm water for 15 seconds, then the water can be replaced with a cooler one. And so alternate 3 times. End your trip to the shower with cold water. After all, cold water tones and gives freshness to the face. It is desirable to rinse the face with chamomile infusion, but do not rub the skin of the face, it will be enough just to wet it.

Many women, despite all efforts to give their appearance a fresh look of the face, still develop dark circles under the eyes. Then you can use the following simple method - apply the usual tea leaves to these areas of the face. Keep it for a few minutes, then rinse. After this procedure, apply a regular moisturizer to your face.

Oddly enough, it helps to get rid of wrinkles, giving a fresh look to the face. Next, you need to drink some kind of invigorating drink, consisting of a glass of water, half a lemon squeezed into it and a spoonful of honey. After applying the drink, the skin will become rested and fresh. And in order not to be more sleepy, it is better not to eat breakfast.

Hair, that is, a hairstyle made in the morning, also plays an important role in giving a fresh look to the face. To do this, the hair is collected in a bun or in a tight tail. Experts have proven that an open face always looks much fresher. So that the eyes do not seem sleepy, it is recommended to line the upper eyelids from the inside with blue eyeliner. As a result, the whites of the eyes become brighter, the look is more expressive, the redness disappears.

Constant care of yourself and your face will give positive results. And most importantly, it will help to acquire a fresh look of the face, increase self-esteem and help women become more confident in themselves.

Unfortunately, not always women Wake up rested and rejuvenated. The rapid rhythm of life and the inability to properly relax leads to the fact that the fair sex finds that their face looks stale in the morning. Of course, on the Internet you can find a lot of information on how to wake up every morning with a beautiful face and how to spend a minimum of money on care. But what if you need to put yourself in order in a few minutes?

There are situations different: maybe you celebrated your birthday yesterday, went to bed late because of work, or just started to notice with age how your skin looks in the first half of the day not at all the way you would like it to be. In this case, decorative cosmetics come to the rescue. It is with the help of it that you can hide various flaws, emphasize advantages and give your face a fresh, rested look. Let's take a closer look at the steps of applying the products so that you can easily eliminate the effects of disturbed sleep or lack of it.

1. Wash with cool water. Low temperature has a great effect on your cells and muscles, so you can remove some skin imperfections even with ordinary tap water. Of course, cosmetologists recommend using mineral water, but if you don’t have such an opportunity, just wash your face with running water. For the area around the eyes in the evening, prepare ice cubes with which to wipe this area of ​​the face. You can also make decoctions of herbs, and only then freeze them. This is how you get the best effect.

2. Apply a small amount. After removing impurities from the skin with a cold wash, do not forget to moisturize. This step must not be missed, otherwise you will not prepare the skin for further application of decorative cosmetics, and this is very important for obtaining a natural effect. Take a small pea of ​​your favorite day cream and rub it between your fingertips. Now, with patting movements, apply to the skin of the face, paying special attention to those places where mimic wrinkles begin to appear. Light massage improves blood circulation, so apply the cream correctly without stretching the skin.

3. Apply foundation. This cosmetic product is suitable for absolutely all women, the most important thing is to choose it according to your skin tone and type. Apply the foundation with your hands or with a special brush, carefully working through the neck, the area under the eyes and near the wings of the nose. Foundation allows you to improve skin tone in seconds. With it, you can easily get rid of redness, capillaries and age spots. Remove the remaining product with a clean cloth so as not to create a mask effect.

4. Apply light mineral powder. Mineral powder differs from the usual one in that it is almost imperceptible on the skin, but the matting effect is quite enough even for oily skin. Take a large soft natural brush and cover the skin with a light imperceptible veil. Mineral powder must be loose, because the pressed one lays down quite tightly, and in this case you need to achieve the most natural effect.

5. Use blush. This cosmetic product is necessary so that you can easily give your face a fresh, rested look. Blush is designed to create the effect of healthy blood circulation, so choose the shade that will be perfect for you. To do this, you need to buy powder in accordance with your color type. If you have a cold color type - give preference to pink powder, if warm - peach. You only need to apply powder on the apples of your cheeks, which can be seen if you smile a little. Use a round natural brush and remove excess product on your hand.

Often in the morning, a woman's face looks tired and unrested. Therefore, you have to make an effort to give the skin a radiant look, and make the eyes shine. However, when applying makeup, many girls make a number of gross mistakes that only aggravate the whole thing, and the face looks even more tired and stale. In this article, we will learn how you can avoid this and give your face a fresher, younger and more attractive look.

  • Mistake one: You can not choose makeup in one tone This gives the face pointed features and accentuates the tiredness of the skin. A harmonious color combination of makeup colors for each area of ​​the face will help to avoid one-dimensionality and lifelessness of the facial expression. The choice of various and harmoniously combined with each other shades for each area of ​​​​the face will hide fatigue and emphasize your natural attractiveness.
  • Mistake two: You can not use too dark or too light foundation If the foundation is very different from the natural shade of your skin, then you will not be able to give your face a fresh and rested look. Moreover, you will look older. Therefore, always choose a foundation that is as close to your natural skin tone as possible. To do this, when buying a new product in the store, you can use the back of your wrist, which will allow you to see how the foundation will look on your face. It is necessary to see how the skin will look after using this shade in a well-lit place, as well as in a poorly lit place.
  • Mistake #3: You don't use foundation when applying eye makeup. The rejection of the base, which is applied to the area around the eyes, is especially dangerous when using dark eyeliner. A high-quality base is able to protect against lubrication of the eyeliner and spreading of the carcass throughout the day. It will prevent the formation of dark lines under the eyes from leaky eyeliner between the natural folds of the lower eyelid. Also remember to always wear waterproof eyeliner on your lower eyelid and try to use the same quality mascara.
  • Mistake four: You can not use a large amount of compact or loose powder Do not apply too much dry powder to your face. This makes the skin look more tired and makes the face look older. To remove oily sheen, it is best to use a transparent compact powder in natural shades. It will allow your skin to remain smooth and clean throughout the day, will not lie in a thick unnatural layer and roll off during the day.

  • Mistake #5: Don't Skip Moisturizer Before Applying Makeup Never apply makeup on dry skin. Before applying the foundation, it is necessary to apply a day moisturizer, which will allow your skin to remain smooth and supple throughout the day. It is best to use a daily moisturizer that will protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation and prevent its aging. These creams carry a special SPF label. If you apply foundation and makeup on unprepared dry skin, then signs of fatigue and dryness will be even more noticeable.
  • Mistake #6: Choosing the wrong eyeliner color If you want to have a more rested and fresh look in the morning, choose the right eyeliner color. So, for cool skin tones, you should never use bronze eyeliner. This will give the face a tired and sickly look.
    For warm and dark skin tones, you should not choose a silver eyeliner. Such an eyeliner will give dark skin an unhealthy shade and a tired look. If you want to get a fresh and rested look, do not use cold shades for eyeliner with dark skin.

  • Mistake seven: You can not use gray tones when creating makeup If you need to give your face a fresh and cheerful appearance, in no case should you use gray shades in makeup. Such colors make the face look older and tired. To give a fresher look, it is best to use warm shades that will help hide signs of fatigue and make you look younger and fresher.