Delayed menstruation without signs of pregnancy. Increased breast sensitivity


Probably every future mom I tried at least once in my life to independently determine pregnancy before visiting a doctor. Find out what started in your tummy new life, I want it as soon as possible.

Delayed menstruation is one of the main signs of pregnancy. But what to do if you still have a long wait until your period starts? After all, in “standby mode” even a day seems like an eternity.

There is an exit! You need to listen to your body and observe the changes that occur. An attentive woman will definitely be able to notice the first signs of pregnancy before her period. Of course, they do not give a 100% guarantee, but thanks to them it is quite possible to find the answer to an exciting question.

12 main signs of an “interesting situation” before a delay

Many ladies who hear a doctor’s conclusion that they are pregnant claim that they felt it almost from the very first days after conception. Certain signs served as a clue to them.

1. Soreness of the mammary glands, their swelling.

About 70% of pregnant women experience this symptom. However, it can signal not only the onset of pregnancy, but also the approach next menstruation. IN in this case You should focus on your feelings. Some pregnant women note that before pregnancy the discomfort is more acute than before critical days. It is also worth noting that enlarged glands can be caused by the action of birth control pills.

2. Increase in basal temperature to 37.0 degrees.

Signs of pregnancy before your period include a rise in temperature. Women who keep an appropriate schedule find it much easier to find out whether they are pregnant or not. Before the delay, the temperature may rise to 37.0 degrees. This may be evidence that pregnancy has occurred. The temperature does not rise above 37.2-37.3. This symptom can also signal another state of the body, for example, an incipient cold.

3. Fatigue, drowsiness, fast fatiguability.

Apathy is one of the first signs of pregnancy before menstruation. This feeling may make itself felt a week after the day of expected conception. The reasons for fatigue and drowsiness are that the hormone progesterone, which begins to be produced in a pregnant woman, depresses the psyche. However, the same condition can be caused by simple fatigue or a cold.

4. Nausea increased salivation, vomit.

These signs during pregnancy are characteristic of toxicosis. It can make itself felt both a few days after conception and several weeks and even months later. There are no clear time boundaries for toxicosis. For each woman this is purely individual. Nausea and vomiting can torment a pregnant woman at any time of the day. For most women, these signs appear mainly in the morning. If nausea and vomiting occur, you need to be especially careful. Symptoms of toxicosis can easily be confused with food poisoning.

5. Frequent urination.

2 weeks after conception, the first signs of pregnancy before menstruation may be frequent urge to the toilet. Many women experience this symptom. Frequent urination is especially noticeable at night. The urge to go to the toilet is interrupted restful sleep. They usually end with the release of a small amount of urine. All this happens due to changes in hormonal levels. It is worth noting that the reason for frequent urination may lie in another – illness urinary tract, the effect of any medications.

6. Change in taste.

Before the delay, many women experience such a sign of pregnancy as a change in taste. Favorite dishes, according to the feelings of the expectant mother, can become completely tasteless. If a woman has previously smoked and drank alcohol, then during pregnancy all this may cause her a feeling of disgust. Even the smell of her favorite perfume can become unpleasant for her.

7. Feeling of heaviness in the pelvic area.

The very first signs of pregnancy before the delay include a feeling of heaviness in the pelvic organs. In pregnant women, the size of the uterus increases and blood flow to the organs increases. This is why women can feel heaviness in the pelvic area even before the delay. Some women also experience a feeling of “fullness” in their organs.

8. Insomnia.

Many women who do not yet know that they are pregnant experience insomnia. This condition is one of the signs of pregnancy. Expecting mothers note that their sleep becomes very restless. Some say they started going to bed earlier. In the morning they wake up on their own quite early - at about 6 o'clock. After this they cannot fall asleep.

9. Pain in the lower abdomen.

A nagging pain in the lower abdomen can give a woman a hint that she is pregnant. This symptom is also a harbinger of menstruation. In addition, abdominal pain may not signal pregnancy at all, but, for example, appendicitis.

10. Lower back pain.

Another first sign of pregnancy before your period may be lower back pain. “Shots” in the area of ​​the sacrum give a signal to a woman that she is pregnant. It is very important to be able to distinguish them from pain that occurs due to any disease.

11. Headaches.

Serious changes occur in a woman's body during pregnancy. They may cause headaches. They can torment a pregnant woman throughout the first trimester. The cause of their appearance can be not only pregnancy, but various diseases.

12. Increased appetite.

Increased appetite is one of the signs of pregnancy. In the early stages, women have a desire to enjoy something (cucumbers, ice cream, etc.), and a craving for certain foods appears. A pregnant woman, despite the increase in appetite, should eat in moderation. Overeating during pregnancy is undesirable, as is fasting. Nutrition should be complete. A pregnant woman's food should contain all the necessary nutrients in sufficient quantities.

All these signs of pregnancy before menstruation cannot guarantee that a woman is carrying a child under her heart. Each of them can manifest itself in other cases. If at least some of these signs are observed in a woman before the delay, and she thinks that she is pregnant, then it is definitely worth doing a test. It also does not provide a 100% guarantee, but the information obtained thanks to it is more accurate.

A pregnancy test is one of the ways to find out about a miracle

Pregnancy tests are available to any woman. You can buy them in pharmacies. They are simple and easy to use. The result can be found out a few minutes after the test. Before using this product, you should definitely read the instructions and follow them strictly, otherwise you may get damaged. reliable result.

A pregnancy test is recommended to be taken 2 weeks after the expected day of conception. If you want to find out about your situation earlier, then you should purchase a special ultra-sensitive test. The results can be either positive or negative. This will be indicated by the color of the stripes. If the result is positive, the first signs before menstruation in 1 week will be confirmed.

The principle of operation of a pregnancy test is simple. Sensitive strips respond to changes in the body's level of human chorionic gonadotropin, a hormone produced in the body of a pregnant woman. If its quantity increases significantly, the stripes will show this in their pink color.

Reasons for a false positive result may include the following:

  • the woman took a pregnancy test, but did not take into account that less than 14 days had passed since the last time she took a fertility drug containing hCG;
  • the presence of a hormone-producing tumor (hCG can also be produced in non-pregnant women, and in men);
  • after a miscarriage or abortion (hCG may still be present in the body for some time).

If there is any doubt about the test, it can be repeated after any period of time. Reliable information about the presence or absence of pregnancy can only be obtained from a doctor.

Periods during pregnancy - myth or reality?

The presence of the first signs of pregnancy gives hope to women dreaming of a baby. It would seem that all the primary symptoms are present. The woman is in seventh heaven, but the sudden onset of menstruation destroys all hopes. Or maybe a new life has arisen after all, and a sign of menstruation during pregnancy is the norm?

On the Internet at women's forums Very often you can see pregnant women asking questions about their critical days during pregnancy. Some of the people who have gone through this stage claim that periods during pregnancy are absolutely normal phenomenon. Stories from personal life confirm such words. Some, on the contrary, say that menstruation during pregnancy is a signal of danger. It is unknown who to believe in such a situation.

In fact, menstruation in pregnant women shouldn't be. If a woman showed all the signs of pregnancy before the delay, and the test gave positive result, this does not mean that all the information turned out to be false. Perhaps there is a pregnancy, but there are some abnormalities that caused bloody issues. Pregnancy and menstruation are a sign of danger.

Causes of bleeding during pregnancy

Even if pregnancy is confirmed, there are cases when a woman begins her period. Bloody discharge during pregnancy signals that some processes in the body are not proceeding as they should. This can happen for various reasons.

Women who have trouble getting their period during pregnancy may have problems with progesterone production. If its quantity is insufficient, bloody discharge with endometrial particles may be observed. This means that the uterus is cleansed as before conception. As a result, the fetus may be rejected. This can be avoided if you consult a doctor in a timely manner. He will prescribe progesterone replacement medications.

The reasons for the appearance of menstruation during pregnancy may be pathologies of fetal development or ectopic pregnancy. In any case, it is better not to delay contacting a doctor.

Signs of pregnancy if you're on your period

If there is pregnancy, then all the previously listed signs of pregnancy (pain in the mammary glands, fever, apathy, nausea, vomiting, frequent urge to go to the toilet, abdominal and lower back pain, headaches, changes in taste and appetite) will also make themselves felt during menstruation. If the test reveals a positive result, but your period continues, then you should immediately consult a doctor, undergo an examination and take a blood test. necessary tests. Help provided in a timely manner will help avoid unwanted consequences.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the primary signs of pregnancy before the onset of menstruation may not appear in every woman. For some they are clearly expressed, while for others they are not observed at all. Only a doctor can give a reliable answer regarding the presence or absence of pregnancy.


From the very first hours after conceiving a baby, great changes begin to occur in a woman’s body. Realizing this, many planning the birth of a baby begin to expect the first signs to appear even before their period is missed. Interest is fueled by those who claim that literally from the first days they felt “somehow different.” In this material we will look in detail at whether it is possible to feel pregnancy before a delay and what symptoms may indicate it.

Conception and implantation

It is impossible to feel the process of conception, because it involves two tiny germ cells and the whole process occurs exclusively at the cellular level. On the day of ovulation, a mature egg is released from the follicle. For another day, she retains the ability to be fertilized. If at this time there are sperm nearby, then it is quite possible that one of the millions of sperm will still manage to disrupt the integrity of the oocyte membranes and penetrate inside.

Immediately after this, the process of fusion begins, the two cells combine their DNA and the development of new life begins. The egg turns into a zygote and then into a blastocyst. Every day it fragments, the number of cells in it increases. At the same time, the blastocyst moves along the fallopian tube from the ampullary part, in which the fusion occurred, into the uterine cavity. She is actively “helped” by the villi with which the fallopian tubes are dotted from the inside. With their movements they push the fertilized egg forward. First, it enters the mouth of the tubes, and then ends up in the uterine cavity.

This process lasts on average 7-9 days after conception. In the uterus ovum must gain a foothold in order to have a chance of further development. The attachment process is called implantation. It has two stages. In the first stage, the blastocyst adheres with its membranes to the endometrium. This stage is called adhesion. The membranes of the egg secrete certain enzymes that partially “dissolve” endometrial cells.

Then the second stage begins - invasion. With it, the egg “bursts” into the endometrium, the chorionic villi connect with small blood vessels, and the fertilized egg begins to receive oxygen and nutrients from the mother’s blood.

Only from this moment is pregnancy considered to have occurred, which means that the first signs can quite logically appear only after implantation, that is, 7-10 days after conception. However, some claim that they began to feel changes in their body earlier. Such sensations can be classified as subjective. But scientific explanation There is also one for them - while the egg moves towards the uterine cavity, hormonal changes begin in the body.

Also early signs may be psychosomatic. This occurs in women who have been planning the birth of a baby for a long time and have so far been unsuccessful. They tend to see any unusual sensation as a sign of “ interesting situation" It is often said about them that they “invent” symptoms for themselves. Such ladies are not deceiving at all, they really feel pregnancy, but they instilled these feelings in themselves.

To better understand her own feelings, a woman should know exactly what changes, from the point of view of official medicine, occur inside her body during these two weeks, which separate ovulation from the date of the next menstruation.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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What happens in a woman's body?

After ovulation, regardless of whether conception has taken place or not, the concentration of the hormone progesterone increases in the blood plasma. In the second phase menstrual cycle this substance regulates all processes - first, under its influence, the endometrium thickens, becomes looser, and prepares for implantation. If there was no fertilization, then after two weeks, when progesterone drops and estrogens begin to predominate, menstruation begins - the same overgrown endometrium that was “not useful” this time is rejected.

If conception has taken place, then progesterone is produced more actively. Even before implantation, this substance triggers some biochemical changes - the endometrium thickens, the smooth muscles of the uterus relax somewhat, the cervical canal is tightly closed with a thick mucus plug to prevent sperm, bacteria, and viruses from entering the uterine cavity.

Progesterone also carries out “explanatory work” with women’s immunity. The embryo is half composed of native genetic material. Its second half is the paternal genes, and it is they that can be perceived by the vigilant immune defense adult woman as hostile. To prevent the immune system from rejecting the embryo, progesterone begins to have an immunosuppressive effect on it, which partially suppresses the activity of antibodies.

Immediately after implantation, the changes become more widespread. The chorionic villi, which connect the membranes of the fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus, begin to produce their own hormonal substance, the name of which is well known to everyone planning a pregnancy - this is hCG. Human chorionic gonadotropin hormone stimulates the production of progesterone. If in a non-pregnant cycle the level of the hormone begins to fall towards menstruation, then now hCG will not allow it to do this, and menstruation will not occur as a result.

Chorionic hormone increases as the fetal egg grows, and the rate of increase in its concentration is quite clear - every two days the concentration of hCG in the blood plasma increases exactly 2 times. If a woman becomes pregnant with twins, then the hormone level will increase not 2, but 4 times relative to previous values.

The two hormones together affect almost all organs and systems. Progesterone increases appetite because its job is to maintain pregnancy, and to do this, evolution involves creating a nutritious fat and carbohydrate reserve in case of nutritional deficiency situations. The mucous membranes, under the influence of two hormones, become more loose and vulnerable. The pelvic organs begin to be better supplied with blood, and the load on the heart and blood vessels increases.

A new functional center is formed in the cerebral cortex - the pregnancy center. For nine months, he will have to be responsible for the coordination of all processes that are designed to help in bearing the fetus. It is this center that will regulate the growth of the uterus, mammary glands, control hormonal balance and compensate for all the inconveniences that it causes internal organs woman's fetus growing in the womb.

All this happens about a week before the next period. And this the last week may well bring something new and unusual to a woman’s usual sensations. However, much depends on individual sensitivity and the state of immunity.

The stronger the immune system, the more pronounced the first sensations and signs may be (the body will begin to resist some changes). Women with weakened immune systems may not notice anything unusual.

Symptoms and sensations before the delay

Knowing about biochemical processes, it will not be so difficult to understand which sensations are justified and which are far-fetched by a woman. Most often, early pregnancy symptoms resemble a common cold. A woman may feel overwhelmed, tired, and a runny nose that appears will convince her that she is sick. In fact, this is the effect of progesterone on the immune system. Among other discussed first symptoms of pregnancy in the very early stages, the following can be noted.

Trouble falling asleep or constant sleepiness

An obsessive desire to sleep longer a week before the end of the menstrual cycle is normal if conception has taken place. The internal processes described above lead to increased energy costs. Fatigue and drowsiness are a protective mechanism that is designed to compensate for these costs.

The inability to get a full night's sleep is noted by approximately half of pregnant women. The woman does not yet know whether pregnancy has occurred, but the woman’s body already knows exactly the answer to this question. A new impulse center that has arisen in the cerebral cortex causes a lot of discomfort to neighboring centers. One of the “suffering” is the sleep regulation center.

That is why after implantation, a week before the date of the next menstruation, a woman may notice that she is not getting enough sleep, even if she is sleeping sufficient quantity time, or can’t fall asleep when it’s time. Frequent awakening, light and shallow sleep can also indirectly indicate a possible pregnancy.

On the other hand, insomnia may well be caused not by pregnancy, but by stress, anxiety, problems at work or at home, financial difficulties and even a hearty dinner before bed and a stuffy bedroom.

Mental and emotional instability

Progesterone has one unpleasant side effect - it causes mental and emotional instability. Central nervous system the hormone is partially suppressed to provide a more favorable psychological background for the development of pregnancy. But the central nervous system does not give up without a “fight,” and because of this, a woman may experience sudden mood changes about a week after conception. Many become tearful, more touchy, and some even become aggressive.

Women who experience premenstrual syndrome every month know this effect of progesterone firsthand. However, with PMS, mood changes usually begin two to three days before your period. During pregnancy, instability of emotions and reactions usually manifests itself somewhat earlier.

This symptom also cannot be regarded as specific, since it depends on the individual characteristics of the woman’s psyche, on her temperament and lifestyle. In some people the symptom is absent, in others it is present even outside of pregnancy.

Heaviness in the stomach

If heaviness appears the day after conception, it is most likely related to food. But 3-4 days before the expected menstruation, a feeling of persistent heaviness in the lower abdomen may already be one of the early signs of an “interesting situation.” The fact is that the amount of circulating blood begins to gradually increase, because the pelvic organs already require increased blood supply.

Women often regard the feeling of “fullness” as a sign of imminent menstruation, and therefore do not pay due attention to it.

Strange sensations in the uterus

Under the influence of progesterone, the uterine muscles become more relaxed and soft. This is necessary for full development baby in the womb. It is the softening process that is sometimes felt as “tingling” or small “lumbago” in the uterus. Typically, women begin to notice this sign a few days after conception.

This symptom should not be regarded as mandatory. Even if there is no pregnancy, a slight softening of the uterus in the second half of the female cycle is a physiological norm, and therefore tingling may occur.

Breast soreness

Women planning to conceive are very fond of examining their breasts to find the answer to the question of whether pregnancy has occurred. From a medical point of view, this makes some common sense. Hormonal changes in the body after implantation of the fertilized egg cause slight shifts in the concentrations of other hormones. Breast sensitivity may increase or, on the contrary, decrease.

There is no uniform standard for breast assessment before delay. However, women note that it is highly likely that the breasts in a “pregnant” cycle will behave differently than in a “non-pregnant” cycle. In other words, if usually in the second half of the cycle the nipples were more sensitive, then after conception they may stop hurting and vice versa.

Other signs

To others indirect signs The initial stage of pregnancy can include headaches, which are also “ side effect» from the effects of progesterone and hCG. They usually start either in the morning or evening and rarely last long.

Progesterone softens not only the muscles of the uterus, but also partially relieves intestinal tone. Because of this, constipation and heartburn are possible. The hormone has a similar effect on bladder, and therefore many women note frequent urination even before the delay.

The thought of a cold can visit a woman not only because physiological runny nose and feelings of fatigue. After implantation, that is, about a week after ovulation, a woman may notice that in the evenings her body temperature rises and chills appear. However, the next morning the temperature drops, only to return in the evening. This is not a cold, but a way of immune defense to adapt to the new conditions in which the body will find itself.

Many pregnant women, even before the test and blood analysis, learn about their position by characteristic drooling. Saliva is usually secreted into large quantities at night when the woman is sleeping. This is how a certain center in the cerebral cortex “revolts,” which regulates the production of this fluid. With the advent of a new center - the center for regulating pregnancy, its work is disrupted by a new “neighbor”.


After ovulation, in the second half of the cycle, the discharge becomes less abundant. Under the influence of progesterone, the so-called “dry period” begins. The discharge normally remains light and thick. Possible under the influence of progesterone yellowish shades vaginal secretion.

In some women, the implantation process itself is accompanied by a fairly obvious symptom, which is called “implantation bleeding.” About a week or a little more after ovulation, a woman may notice scanty brown discharge, “daub”, which she may mistakenly take for the earlier onset of menstruation.

Implantation bleeding occurs due to a violation of the integrity of the endometrial layer when the fertilized egg invades it. The discharge does not pose any danger to the woman’s health or to the development of her baby. They usually end in a few hours or at most in a day.

This symptom does not occur in all pregnant women. Therefore, the absence of such secretions in required deadlines- there is no reason to be upset, believing that conception did not occur.

Basal temperature

Measuring basal temperature can give food for thought only to those women who have systematically taken daily temperature measurements in the rectum over at least the last three cycles and entered them into special charts.

Two weeks before your period basal temperature rises. This is the ovulation peak. If conception has taken place, then the temperature no longer returns to the values ​​of the first phase of the cycle and is elevated - above 37.0 degrees.

Sometimes during pregnancy the temperature remains below 37.0 degrees, and this individual feature in a woman’s body, most often associated with insufficient levels of progesterone.

Sometimes an elevated basal temperature may not indicate pregnancy, but inflammatory process in a woman’s body, and therefore the measurement method is not a 100% accurate diagnosis.

External and physical changes

Not a single doctor will give an affirmative answer to the question of how a woman’s appearance changes after conception until the delay. Medicine does not have such data. But the fair sex themselves have long noticed that some changes are quite possible. So, according to reviews, the first signs may appear as early as a week after conception. In the morning, your face and hands may swell a little. Acne may appear, since this is how a woman’s body is able to react to changes in hormonal levels.

Women who have previously been treated for thrush may experience itching in the external genital area, accompanied by a thick, curd-like white discharge, within a week after conception. Manifestation of thrush - common symptom pregnancy before the delay, since the immune system becomes weakened under the influence of progesterone.

Those who suffer from chronic hemorrhoids note that an exacerbation of the unpleasant disease may begin. This is due to an increase in blood supply to the pelvic organs.

When to take the test?

Considering that the hCG hormone, which is determined by rapid tests, grows every two days, its concentration in the urine begins to exceed the sensitivity thresholds of the tests only a couple of days before menstruation or on the first day of the delay. Testing earlier only increases stress levels. The woman is worried, afraid of failure, stress hormones disrupt the normal course of pregnancy and may well cause detachment of the fertilized egg from the uterine wall.

With late ovulation, tests may show a negative result for several days after the delay. Therefore, it is the absence of menstruation that is considered the most objective sign pregnancy.

If you really want to find out about your situation earlier, you should do a blood test for hCG. This test can be taken at any clinic, its cost is low (500-600 rubles), and the accuracy is almost 100%. About 4 days before the due date laboratory test detects hCG in blood plasma.

Experience shows that there are no universal signs of pregnancy: each organism is unique and reacts in its own way to the birth of a new life. But, still, how to determine the first signs of pregnancy, and at what earliest possible date can this be done?

First of all, the expectant mother must correctly determine the duration of pregnancy: the first signs appear no earlier than 7 days after fertilization of the egg, which can occur two days after sexual intercourse. Considering all this, you can start listening to your body only 9-10 days after unprotected sexual intercourse.

Increased breast sensitivity

The first signs of pregnancy are associated with changes in a woman’s hormonal levels, which are primarily manifested by enlarged or sore mammary glands. The breasts become hypersensitive, any touch to the nipples causes excessive irritation and even pain. Very often, women experience severe discomfort even when wearing underwear, and therefore bras with elements of lace and other decors have to be replaced with cotton products without unnecessary seams.

It should be noted that increased breast sensitivity in many women accompanies premenstrual syndrome, and therefore independently, without the simultaneous manifestation of other symptoms probable pregnancy this sign cannot be considered reliable.

Bloody issues

The same should be said about bloody discharge: often women who are already pregnant, but do not yet know about it, perceive slight bleeding as premature onset menstruation. However, there is such a thing in gynecology as implantation bleeding: it occurs approximately 6-12 days after conception has occurred in a woman’s body. Around this time, the fertilized egg reaches the surface of the uterus and begins its landing: it begins to create a “nest” for itself, scraping out epithelial cells from the uterine endometrium. This process may be accompanied by microscopic discharge of blood, which, however, not all women notice. Bloody discharge may disappear and reappear when the blastocyst resumes its “construction” activity.

However, it is still too early to prepare yourself for pregnancy: spotting may indeed turn out to be earlier than usual menstruation and even a sign of some kind of malfunction reproductive system women.

Pain in the lower abdomen

Some pregnant women claim that the period of implantation bleeding is accompanied by physiological sensations, in particular, they feel a slight nagging pain lower abdomen. In medicine, there is no scientific confirmation that the attachment of the fertilized egg can be felt at a physiological level, but there is also no refutation of this theory yet.

But it is absolutely certain that later, in the first weeks and months of pregnancy, many pregnant women experience pain in the lower abdomen: the uterus begins to grow rapidly, and this process is accompanied by tension in the muscles and ligaments that hold it.


In addition, according to doctors and pregnant women themselves, nausea may appear from the first days after conception. According to some reports, early toxicosis can begin as early as a week after conception. Typically, its symptoms subside closer to the second trimester.

Scientists still cannot accurately determine the reasons for the development of toxicosis in pregnant women, although there are many versions. But it is reliably known that moderate toxicosis does not pose a threat to either the mother or the unborn child. The alarm should be sounded if, due to nausea and vomiting, a woman cannot eat and begins to lose weight.

Mild manifestations early toxicosis sometimes they occur even before the delay in the form of “motion sickness” in transport. As a result, the woman begins to feel nauseous from the first days of pregnancy.

However, it must be taken into account that all these symptoms are also characteristic of the period of menstruation when the cycle is disrupted. For example, nausea, among other things, can signal problems with the stomach and, without the presence of other signs, cannot indicate pregnancy.

Feeling unwell

Even before a missed period, a sign of pregnancy may be drowsiness and a general decrease in vitality, when you want to sleep from morning to evening, and have problems sleeping at night. Fatigue is associated with hormonal changes female body, and also with the fact that in the early stages of pregnancy a lot of effort - physical and emotional - is spent on protecting and protecting yourself and the baby from negative influences.

In the first days and weeks, a woman’s immunity is forced to decrease: this is temporarily necessary so that the egg can implant into the uterine cavity. The fact is that she carries male genetic material, which is perceived by the female body as a foreign agent, and therefore it (that is, the female body) will try in every possible way to get rid of this “enemy”. In order for the fertilized egg to take hold, the protective functions of the woman’s body are reduced for a certain period.

Against the backdrop of a weakened immune defense, a pregnant woman may feel unwell: weakness, fatigue, weakness. Sometimes a runny nose, sore throat, body aches and other signs of a cold appear.

In addition, the feeling of malaise during pregnancy may be due to a slight increase in body temperature, which is observed in the early stages.

A slight increase in basal temperature (up to 37-37.2 degrees) without pronounced symptoms of any disease is more reliable sign early pregnancy. But usually women focus on basal temperature. A persistent increase in BT will indicate that conception has taken place, on the eve of which there is a slight decrease in it - the so-called drop in basal temperature.

Maintaining BT at elevated levels for 12-14 days or more may indicate pregnancy. But here it should be noted that not all women have such BT levels. high marks- 37 degrees and above. It happens that normally the basal temperature during pregnancy may be low. The main thing is that it increases by at least half a degree compared to the first phase of the menstrual cycle.

Other signs of pregnancy

Implicit, but possible sign Irritability may also occur, as with PMS, but, again, it can be easily confused with a harbinger of menstruation. The following signs, which can occur even before menstrual delay, are very individual, although they can manifest themselves to one degree or another in all women:

  • Increased urination: Due to the pressure exerted on the bladder by the growing uterus, it empties more often.
  • Bowel dysfunction: bowel dysfunction and constipation may occur in early pregnancy.
  • Change in the taste of food. Any food, even the most familiar, can change its taste, and as in better side, and vice versa. So it’s not surprising if you suddenly stop eating the foods you previously loved.
  • Headache. Many women complain of severe, persistent headaches in the earliest stages of pregnancy, which usually subside by 5-7 weeks.
  • Feeling of discomfort in a sitting position. Indeed, quite often one of the first signs of pregnancy is “fidgeting in the chair,” when it is impossible to choose a comfortable position.
  • An aversion to alcohol or simply a rejection of it by the body.
  • Increased appetite. The opinion that a pregnant woman should eat “for two” is only partly true. The amount of food consumed should not increase; you need to monitor the replenishment of vitamins and nutrients, necessary for normal development and bearing a child.

More accurate predictions can be made by taking a pregnancy test, which is recommended to be used on the first day of a missed period, but it can give a reliable result earlier. If the urine contains a hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin, which is produced in absolutely all pregnant women, then the test reaction will be positive. In this case, the test will indicate pregnancy with a red stripe. Again, it makes sense to do the test only 7-10 days after conception. You should not take the result as negative if the strip is not bright, but barely noticeable. It is recommended to take the test in the morning, and avoid drinking alcohol or hot spices a few hours before. If the likelihood of pregnancy needs to be checked even before a missed period, then you should choose sensitive tests. More accurate forecast can be obtained using a blood test for hCG. The probability of error in such an analysis is almost zero.

That's what science says. Women themselves claim that often the feeling of pregnancy appears almost immediately after sexual intercourse on a subconscious level. Psychologists can neither confirm nor deny this, but they recommend: even if such a premonition appears, you don’t need to zealously convince yourself that it “finally happened,” but you should just relax and try not to think about it at all. After all, if you “wind up” yourself properly, you can find all the signs of pregnancy in yourself, even in its absence. Moreover, in case of failure, disappointment can develop into neurosis and cause depression. Often such “fake pregnancies” lead to cycle disorders and hormonal imbalance. Even if you didn’t manage to get pregnant this time, the best thing is to calm down and be sure that very soon you will become a mother anyway. However, this does not mean that you need to completely rely on the will of fate and ignore doctor’s consultations and treatment, if necessary.

Especially for- Sandra Berezhnaya

The start of your period is still a long way off, more than a week, but some strange, unusual sensations appear. What is this? Start developing disease or the first signs of the long-awaited conception? How to identify the first signs of pregnancy before delay? Thrush, cystitis, colds, heaviness and aching pain in the abdomen - are they evidence of pregnancy?

The most likely signs of conception

The first signs of pregnancy before a missed period are relative. During this period, it is difficult to say with certainty what it is: food poisoning, hormonal disorders or the earliest manifestations that the female body is preparing to bear a fetus.

Gynecologists have identified 33 probable symptoms that can, with a high degree of probability, determine the first signs of pregnancy even before the delay. Of course, all 33 symptoms in pregnant women are almost impossible to observe.

Of these, the most common are:

  1. Minor bleeding. They appear approximately 6-10 days from the date of expected conception. Most people mistakenly believe that they have had a menstrual irregularity, that their periods began much earlier due date. But such bleeding - light, brownish - suggests early pregnancy.
  2. Changing the basal temperature chart. This symptom can not be detected by everyone, but only by those women who constantly maintain such a schedule when planning to conceive a baby. What changes will help you find out? If a couple of days before the expected date of menstruation, the basal temperature that has risen to 37°C or higher does not fall, then this symptom can be used to determine the early stages of pregnancy with almost 100% certainty.
  3. Unreasonable ailments. In the very early stages, due to egg implantation, most women's temperature rises to 37°C, but, as a rule, this temperature human body tolerates it the worst. Most people have the feeling that some kind of disease is beginning.
  4. Hypersensitivity of the breast, darkening of the nipples. This symptom may appear several days before the start of the menstrual cycle. Painful symptoms in the breasts are the most likely first signs of pregnancy before menstruation. The breasts become very painful, the nipples become swollen, and when pressed, colostrum may be released from them. These signs appear 10-12 days before the expected date of your period, but may continue for 1-2 weeks after. Darkening around the nipples may not occur immediately, but 7-10 days after the expected date of menstruation.
  5. Unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen, for example, a feeling of bloating or fullness, which is associated with increased blood filling of the uterus. Many pregnant women begin to feel their uterus approximately 1-2 weeks after the fertilized egg attaches.
  6. Impaired concentration, when a woman becomes distracted, gets tired very quickly, and constantly wants to sleep. Unreasonable anxiety and irritability may appear. These symptoms are explained by hormonal changes in the body, when there is intensive production of the hormone progesterone, which has a depressing effect on the female psyche. This condition lasts approximately 10 weeks. After hormonal background is stabilizing, psychological condition for more later comes back to normal.
  7. Violation of thermoregulation, when a feeling of heat suddenly rolls in, which is replaced by a feeling of chills. A woman’s body temperature during the first days of embryo development is unstable and can sharply decrease or increase.
  8. Nausea, heartburn, increased salivation, and sometimes intestinal upset occurs. Such manifestations themselves may indicate not only that the woman managed to become pregnant, but also problems with the stomach, most often causing heartburn or nausea. If heartburn or other mild stomach ailments are associated with toxicosis, then they do not need special treatment. After 10-15 days, they will gradually subside, although for some, heartburn persists throughout the entire period of bearing the baby.
  9. Taste changes. Such changes occur 1-2 weeks after fertilization, when the expectant mother wants to eat something she has never eaten before. Oddly enough, indulging in food whims often helps get rid of heartburn or other unpleasant symptoms. There is often a strong aversion to alcohol.
  10. Reaction to odors. One of the first signs of lung Toxicosis in the early stages is considered to be an aversion to familiar smells (your favorite perfume, the aroma of your favorite dishes cause nausea and heartburn).
  11. Frequent urge to urinate, when a woman can go to the toilet up to 10 times a night. It is worth remembering that frequent urination can be a symptom not only of an interesting situation, but also of cystitis.

Cystitis is very dangerous inflammatory disease. If treatment for cystitis is not started in time, the infection can affect the kidneys and reproductive organs.

Almost always, manifestations of cystitis are accompanied by pain when urinating. To find out whether cystitis has occurred or whether the pregnant uterus is compressing the bladder, you should consult a doctor. After all, it may happen that cystitis develops along with pregnancy.

In this case, antibiotics for treatment are selected with caution. Timely treatment cystitis in the early stages contributes to the full bearing of the baby.

These manifestations most likely suggest that fertilization has occurred, and soon a replenishment of the family can be expected. Signs of pregnancy after menstruation appear in the same way if conception occurred shortly before the start of the menstrual cycle, and the pregnant woman had scanty menstruation.

Additional indicators

The following signs of pregnancy in the first days of the delay are not found in everyone, but if they appear along with the most likely ones. These symptoms make it possible to determine that a woman has become pregnant.

Symptoms include:

Symptoms that almost 100% indicate conception has occurred

On short term, 7-10 days after fertilization of the egg, the following manifestations will reliably help determine pregnancy:

  1. Increased content hCG hormone in urine and blood, although this is possible with some gynecological diseases.
  2. A delay in menstruation may indicate an early period after conception or hormonal imbalance, which delayed menstruation by several days. If your period comes a little late and is sparse, then fertilization probably occurred before the onset of menstruation.
  3. Positive test. Now pharmacies sell sensitive tests, thanks to which it is possible to find out about conception within 10 days after fertilization of the egg. Some test strips are able to show results even in the first days, for a very short period of time. To find out at what stage it is possible to determine pregnancy, just read the instructions, which indicate on what day the result will be visible.

When is it advisable to see a doctor early?

Even when the test is positive and the pregnant woman notes most of the probable signs, she needs to visit for a short time antenatal clinic if:

The above deviations in the state of health of the female body will help, if not reliably determine, then assume that 7-10 days have already passed since the moment the woman managed to become pregnant. But even if the symptoms indicate a short period of pregnancy, and the test is negative, do not despair - testing can be repeated a few days later or in the coming days you can go to the doctor, who will be able to determine for sure whether conception has occurred or not. If happy event did not happen, then you need to take care of your health, because the appearance of such symptoms can be a sign of a serious illness.