Ideal facial skin at home: secrets that are available to everyone! How to make your facial skin perfect at home.

For children

For many girls, the beauty of their skin comes first. Everyone has repeatedly asked the question: “How to make your facial skin perfect?” A flawless face is mission possible. Let's figure out how to achieve excellent results.

Causes of skin deterioration

Before you start active actions To improve your skin, you should understand the reasons for its deterioration. There are many factors that influence the condition of the face.

These include:

  • nutrition and gastrointestinal tract condition;
  • lack of sleep;
  • care;
  • quality of cosmetic products.

Don't underestimate any of these points. Each of these factors can significantly spoil your appearance.

Skin type

Before you begin caring for and restoring the beauty of your skin, you should determine your type. It is the skin type that determines further proper care.

To determine the type, you should wash your face well. After 10 minutes, take a dry cloth and apply it to your entire face. Look at the result:

  1. There is a strong greasy stain left, therefore you have fat type skin.
  2. The spot is not pronounced, which means you have normal skin.
  3. There are spots in the area of ​​the forehead, chin, nose, and sometimes cheeks, then you have a combined type.
  4. There are no marks on the napkin, therefore you have a dry type.

Based on the type, choose The right way care to ensure you have perfect facial skin.


In addition to skin type, age affects its condition. Considering your age category, you can choose more carefully. Younger dermis does not need a huge amount of creams, because it is already beautiful.

Instead of cream, wipe your face with toner after washing.

If you are the owner aging skin, then you need more deep care. So, your cosmetic bag should have all kinds of moisturizing and nourishing creams, serums. Take more vitamins in the form of vegetables and fruits. Drink plenty of water.


Normalizing your diet will help make your face incredibly beautiful. After all, it is the state of the gastrointestinal tract that determines how you will look. Toxins and wastes that accumulate in the body, ingested with food, express their presence with all kinds of redness and rashes on the skin. Sometimes, to achieve the perfect face, you just need to start eating differently.

Useful nutrition tips:

  • limit your consumption of salty, spicy, bitter and, of course, sweets;
  • eat at least 400-500 g of fresh vegetables and fruits per day;
  • consume foods rich in beneficial micro- and macroelements;
  • give up alcohol and smoking;
  • spend fasting days;
  • drink a glass of water with lemon citrus juice in the morning on an empty stomach;
  • give up unhealthy fast food;
  • drink required amount clean water;
  • Introduce vitamins B, E, A into your diet.

By following these tips, you will make the first and most main step on the path to skin perfection.


The man who sleeps allotted time, provides your body with the necessary rest. It is needed to carry out restoration processes that are associated with the skin. Ideal facial skin is simply unattainable without proper sleep.

Sleep should last at least 7-8 hours. Moreover, this time must go continuously. It is best to go to bed no later than 11 pm. The later you go to bed, the less likely you are to get enough sleep, even with a long sleep duration.


Proper facial skin care guarantees its favorable condition.


Care begins with cleansing. Only a clean face lends itself to further manipulation.

Cleansing occurs with the help of a special wash. Use the right means, suitable for your skin type.

  1. Oily and combination types like more drying “washes”: cosmetic soap, mousse, gel, foam. At the same time, compositions with essential oils will be excellent antiseptics.
  2. Normal prefers the following products: foams, mousses, gels. Ideal option There will be formulations using soft surfactants.
  3. Dry skin should be cleansed with: lotions, milk, moisturizing gel. Prefer moisturizers light remedies textures. After washing your face in mandatory A moisturizing tonic should be applied to prevent tightness and flaking.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that the skin can get used to constant care. To prevent this phenomenon, you should use several different cosmetics, alternating.

Nutrition and hydration

Cleansing alone is not enough. Among other things, the skin needs hydration and nutrition.

For these purposes, there are the following daily care products:

  • serums: with an incredibly light structure, high concentration of substances, designed to solve a specific problem;
  • fluids: creamy product with a gel-like structure;
  • oils: they differ from ordinary essential oils in that they are completely absorbed into the skin, it seems as if the oil is not greasy, but dry;
  • creams: the most common product with various functions, for various types skin;
  • toner: a liquid product that is usually used before applying a cream.


Another step in skin care is exfoliation. To prevent the dermis from accumulating dead particles on itself, they should be removed periodically. Various scrubs and peelings come to the rescue, using solid particles to scrape off dead cells.

Scrubs contain solid particles of cane sugar, salt, ground coffee, peach seeds, etc. Peels cleanse the skin more gently. At the same time less deep. This happens due to solid, but very small particles, as well as certain degrading chemicals.

It is important to consider the size of these particles. So, for delicate dry skin they should be minimal, and for problematic skin they should be larger. or peeling should be done about 1-2 times a week for best results.

Homemade scrubs and peelings

If you prefer natural ingredients and are used to controlling everything, then you can prepare scrubs at home.

How to achieve perfect facial skin using home remedies:

  1. Use finely ground coffee or used coffee as a scrub. coffee grounds. You can use natural yogurt or sour cream as a binder. Ideal product for oily skin.
  2. , a few spoons of honey and fruit puree.
  3. Mix fine sea ​​salt with soda. Add to this mixture lemon juice and gently apply to skin.
  4. IN cereals add olive oil and use as a gentle scrub.
  5. Add salt and sugar to yogurt or sour cream, apply with gentle massaging movements to the face.

Deep care

In addition to daily care, the face needs deeper nourishment with nutrients. This can be done using various masks. They are used once every 1-3 weeks. Keep it on your face for at least 10 minutes.

Masks for ideal facial skin can have both mattifying and moisturizing, restoring, rejuvenating, nourishing and many other properties.

Homemade masks

Making homemade masks is quite creative process. Even unusual components may be suitable for use.

Several recipes for face masks at home:

  1. For dry skin: use the yolk of an egg, preferably a domestic chicken egg. Mix with a spoon of honey and apply to face. When you feel the mass hardening, you can safely wash it off your face with warm water.
  2. For very dry skin: suitable option For injured, irritated or chapped skin, use a cucumber mask. Grate it on a fine grater and mix with natural yogurt. Apply to face and keep for 15 minutes.
  3. For normal skin: use a mixture made from cottage cheese, milk and olive oil in equal proportions. Keep on your face for 20 minutes.
  4. For oily skin: use a mask made from a boiled apple. Then you need to mash this apple and add lemon juice and lavender essential oil to it. Apply on face for 10 minutes and rinse with water afterwards.
  5. For aging skin: a great option is aloe juice masks. Squeeze some fresh juice from the aloe leaf. Add olive oil and heavy cream to the juice. Keep the mask on for 30 minutes, and then blot your face with a napkin.


To ensure that your ideal facial skin pleases you with this look for as long as possible, you should seriously think about the quality of the cosmetics you use.

The best option would be cosmetics made from organic ingredients, essential oils, and natural ingredients. A significant plus is the presence in the composition vitamin complexes. Read the ingredients of each product carefully.

In addition, the shelf life of the products must be in order, as well as its storage conditions. Once the product is opened, use it only until the expiration date indicated on the product itself. How longer cosmetics remains open, the greater the chance of dirt and germs getting into it.

Flawless, radiant and velvety skin is the dream of every girl. To achieve results, you need to monitor your diet and daily routine. Also take proper care of your skin. Choose only quality products care and decorative cosmetics. And then a radiant face will become your best decoration.

Are there really effective scrubs and masks that get rid of acne, making your skin perfect?

Ideal skin or beauty preservation methods

There are many professional ways fight for the beauty and health of facial skin. Many of these methods are only relevant for salon use, but some can be used at home.

So, how to get perfect skin? Effective methods:

An intelligent woman begins to take care of herself from a young age, realizing that after 30 years all the struggle will be in vain.
A variety of masks, caring tonics and skin moisturizers help maintain attractiveness.

To better understand the importance of each method for achieving perfect skin, you need to talk about them separately.

How to eat to always have perfect skin?

The main helpers in finding beautiful and healthy skin- These are antioxidants. It’s great if a girl regularly eats pomegranate, sea buckthorn, and blueberries. These natural fruits and berries will help you achieve beautiful skin.

You should also eat only foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals.

Sometimes dry skin leads to flaking, and sometimes even premature aging and the emergence large quantity wrinkles

To achieve perfect skin, you need to regularly use masks to moisturize. So, which masks will be the most effective?

Cucumber paste mask

The composition of the mask is elementary. It is necessary to grate the cucumber. The resulting slurry must be mixed with cream and rose water(20 drops). Next, the mask must be applied to the face, carefully distributing the entire composition.

Now all that remains is to wait 20 minutes, after which the product can be washed off with plain water. If you use the recipe at least a couple of times a week, your skin will always look beautiful and moisturized;

Honey mask

1 tbsp. A spoonful of honey should be mixed with the same amount of olive oil, adding yolk to the mask. The mixture must be thoroughly mixed and then heated over low heat. After the mask has cooled, you need to divide it equally.

The first part must be applied immediately, and the second after 10 minutes. After another 10 minutes, you need to wash the composition off your face. This effective product will always help maintain the ideal balance of skin moisture.

Potato mask

This remedy may seem difficult to prepare, but its effectiveness outweighs any shortcomings.

It is necessary to boil the potatoes in their jackets, then mash them without removing the skins.

It's just short list the most effective means which help achieve optimal skin hydration. Cleanliness and hydration are two key parameters in the fight for perfect skin.

Homemade facial peeling

There are many home remedies that can help you get rid of dead skin cells. One of the most effective remedies is peeling with oatmeal.

The flakes should be filled with water and waited for them to swell. Next, the flakes should be applied to the face, thoroughly rubbing them into the skin. 2-3 minutes after using the product, it can be washed off. This peeling option is sometimes more effective than salon procedures.

You can also carry out the procedure using coarse sand, cleared of any stones and contaminants.

This sand needs to be soaked a little, and then begin to be thoroughly rubbed into the skin. After a couple of minutes, the sand should be washed off.

Peeling is a rather aggressive procedure, so you should not abuse it. For girls with dry skin, peeling once a week is suitable.

For oily skin, it is better to increase the number of procedures to two or three per week. Peeling helps to achieve perfect condition skin, guaranteeing the girl attractiveness for many years.

Many girls cannot achieve ideal facial skin due to their own mistakes and misconceptions. So, for example, girls begin to use cosmetic lotions and cream without consulting a cosmetologist on the advice of friends.

This is not worth doing, because each representative of the fairer sex has unique facial skin, and you need to select care products individually.

Experts also recommend not using homemade masks and peels without consulting a doctor.

It may well arise here allergic reaction, therefore, before using the product, it is better to consult a cosmetologist or dermatologist.

So, what conclusions can be drawn from all of the above? How to take care of your skin so it looks perfect:

  • it is necessary to use a number of products for morning and evening cleansing of the skin;
  • a girl should think about using masks to moisturize her skin;
  • regular peeling is the secret to ideal skin condition;
  • Before purchasing a variety of lotions and creams for care, you should consult a specialist.

Clean, beautiful skin, with invisible pores and healthy color- every girl's dream. To achieve this, you need to know a few simple rules how to make your face perfect. To do this, it is important to follow certain nutritional principles and take proper care of yourself.

Three rules for perfect skin

The condition of the epidermis depends on the impact external factors and hormonal changes.

Therefore, in order to achieve an ideal epidermis, it is important to follow three rules:


Clean skin is healthy, this is the first thing you need to remember on the way to an ideal face.

The cleanser is selected depending on the type of epidermis:

In addition to washing, the cleansing process includes periodic scrubbing of the epidermis. High-quality peeling will help make your face perfectly clean and smooth, without acne, roughness and other problems. This procedure removes dead cells from the surface of the skin, cleanses pores, normalizes blood circulation and removes remnants of cosmetic products.

Majority store-bought scrubs can be easily done at home. For this you will need base oil(you can choose any available, but it would be best to stick with coconut or shea butter) and hard ingredients.

Let's consider what components can be used for peeling:

  • Sea salt. Perfect home remedy for cleansing the pores of combination and problem skin. Hypoallergenic, but highly abrasive. Helps get rid of scars and acne marks, has a slight lightening property;
  • Sugar. It dissolves faster than salt in water, so it is recommended to use it for oily skin so as not to scratch already sensitive areas. Helps even out color and normalize work sebaceous glands, make the epidermis soft and velvety to the touch;
  • Coffee. Perfectly massages and cleanses problematic and mature epidermis. It has a strong antioxidant effect, leaving a lifting effect after use. Like salt, it is characterized by high abrasiveness and is absolutely insoluble in water. Therefore, for peeling it is better to use finely ground coffee, as for a coffee machine.

To make it accessible and effective scrub, you need to combine 10 grams of any of the listed products and a little oil (at your own discretion). Apply the mixture to a moistened face, it is better to slightly steam it. For 5 minutes you need to actively rub the skin over massage lines, then rinse the mixture with water. After scrubbing, apply cream. Repeat at least once a week.

Video: My daily care behind the face

Nutrition and hydration

At this stage, it is important to understand that before you can make your facial skin perfect on the outside, you need to take care of the internal processes occurring in the tissues. To ensure that cells are saturated with useful substances, you need to do nourishing masks and use creams.

Care is selected depending on the type of epidermis. To simplify this process, we have compiled a table for different types epidermis with suitable procedures.

Skin type Masks Creams
Oily skin Masks with blue clay and honey will help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Products containing essential oils are excellent for relieving inflammation. tea tree. After cleansing and caring procedures, a light nourishing cream should be applied to it. It is recommended to buy products with an airy structure: foams, fluids.
Dry For intensive nutrition, a mask with natural yogurt and banana is suitable. It will not only improve hydration, but also saturate the cells with vitamins and mineral compounds. To feed it, it is most convenient to use dense formulations. Priority is given to products whose ingredients contain hyaluronic acid.
Combined Needs to special care, therefore it is recommended to make masks from kaolin, milk or herbal decoctions. To reduce discharge, it is recommended to wipe your face with cucumber lotion. To nourish it, you can use the same fluid creams or mousses as for oily skin.
Problematic Remedies made from honey, clay mixtures, egg whites and yeast will help relieve inflammation and reduce redness. To cleanse pores, a mask of oatmeal and kefir is recommended. To further strengthen the fibers of the epidermis, as well as nutrition, it is important to use light moisturizing compounds. These can be serums or mousses. It is better not to experiment with thick creams.
Normal This type does not need specialized care; it is important to simply maintain its condition. For this purpose, all kinds of fruit and vegetable remedies, recipes with clays and other restorative masks. Any cream with a nutritional base is suitable. IN warm time year, it is better to give preference to moisturizing products with vitamin supplements.

A working way to restore skin in a week:

  1. Wash your face regularly antibacterial soap which will eliminate foci of inflammation and relieve redness;
  2. Every other day, in the morning, scrub with soft abrasives (for intense peeling, use coarse ones);
  3. Stop using cosmetics and let your skin breathe. Instead of a classic foundation, it is better to use a regular cream. Or any available batter;
  4. The cream should only be washed off with products intended for this purpose. In the morning, it is better to simply wipe the epidermis with micellar water or an ice cube;
  5. Make cleansing masks with nourishing ingredients twice a week. The best option– this is clay with aloe or honey;
  6. Do not expose your face to aggressive influences external environment. Protect your face from wind, scorching sun and snow;
  7. In your diet, focus on fresh fruits and vegetables, minimize the amount of salty and smoked foods. It is advisable to completely exclude sweets, fried foods and fast food from your diet.


If you urgently need to get yourself in order, but clean pores and even color are still far away, then you can use cosmetics.

Step-by-step instruction how to do perfect face at home using makeup:

  1. Before applying foundation, it is important to moisturize the epidermis with cream or foundation. This will not only provide protection skin, but will also significantly simplify the distribution of funds;
  2. At problem skin Corrector should be applied to all red and inflamed areas. It will hide pimples and dark circles, and also evens out the skin color around the nostrils and on the eyelids;
  3. The foundation must be applied with a sponge. Use light tapping movements to blot the skin of your face and neck. This will hide roughness and dry areas and also guarantee a natural color distribution. This will especially help hide problem skin;
  4. To make the oval of the face look natural, you need to decorate it with blush and powder. The most preferable are products containing mineral particles - they absorb excess fat and do not clog pores;
  5. Under no circumstances should you wear multiple layers of makeup. If you need to fix the tone, use thermal water in a spray. But you can’t re-smear it - she will instantly react to this appearance of subcutaneous skin and comedones.

Once again, please note that this method is emergency. Reviews claim that only with an integrated approach can you achieve real results in just 7 days. Each use of tinting products moves you away from your dream of becoming the owner of an ideal face.

Clean, beautiful skin, with invisible pores and a healthy color is every girl’s dream. To achieve this, you need to know a few simple rules on how to make your face perfect. To do this, it is important to follow certain nutritional principles and take proper care of yourself.

Three rules for perfect skin

The condition of the epidermis depends on the influence of external factors and hormonal changes.

Therefore, in order to achieve an ideal epidermis, it is important to follow three rules:


Clean skin is healthy, this is the first thing you need to remember on the way to an ideal face.

The cleanser is selected depending on the type of epidermis:

In addition to washing, the cleansing process includes periodic scrubbing of the epidermis. High-quality peeling will help make your face perfectly clean and smooth, without acne, roughness and other problems. This procedure removes dead cells from the surface of the skin, cleanses pores, normalizes blood circulation and removes remnants of cosmetic products.

Most store-bought scrubs can be easily made at home. To do this, you will need a base oil (you can choose any available one, but it would be best to choose coconut or shea butter) and hard ingredients.

Let's consider what components can be used for peeling:

  • Sea salt. An ideal home remedy for cleansing the pores of combination and problem skin. Hypoallergenic, but highly abrasive. Helps get rid of scars and acne marks, has a slight lightening property;
  • Sugar. It dissolves faster than salt in water, so it is recommended to use it for oily skin so as not to scratch already sensitive areas. Helps even out color, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, make the epidermis soft and velvety to the touch;
  • Coffee. Perfectly massages and cleanses problematic and mature epidermis. It has a strong antioxidant effect, leaving a lifting effect after use. Like salt, it is characterized by high abrasiveness and is absolutely insoluble in water. Therefore, for peeling it is better to use finely ground coffee, as for a coffee machine.

To make an affordable and effective scrub, you need to combine 10 grams of any of the listed products and a little oil (at your own discretion). Apply the mixture to a moistened face, it is better to slightly steam it. For 5 minutes, you need to actively rub the skin along the massage lines, then rinse the mixture with water. After scrubbing, apply cream. Repeat at least once a week.

Video: My daily facial care

Nutrition and hydration

At this stage, it is important to understand that before you can make your facial skin perfect on the outside, you need to take care of the internal processes occurring in the tissues. To ensure that cells are saturated with useful substances, you need to make nourishing masks and use creams.

Care is selected depending on the type of epidermis. To simplify this process, we have compiled a table for different types of epidermis with suitable procedures.

Skin type Masks Creams
Oily skin Masks with blue clay and honey will help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Products containing tea tree essential oil are excellent for relieving inflammation. After cleansing and caring procedures, a light nourishing cream should be applied to it. It is recommended to buy products with an airy structure: foams, fluids.
Dry For intensive nutrition, a mask with natural yogurt and banana is suitable. It will not only improve hydration, but also saturate the cells with vitamins and mineral compounds. To feed it, it is most convenient to use dense formulations. Priority is given to products whose ingredients contain hyaluronic acid.
Combined It needs special care, so it is recommended to make masks from kaolin, milk or herbal decoctions. To reduce discharge, it is recommended to wipe your face with cucumber lotion. To nourish it, you can use the same fluid creams or mousses as for oily skin.
Problematic Remedies made from honey, clay mixtures, egg whites and yeast will help relieve inflammation and reduce redness. To cleanse pores, a mask of oatmeal and kefir is recommended. To further strengthen the fibers of the epidermis, as well as nutrition, it is important to use light moisturizing compounds. These can be serums or mousses. It is better not to experiment with thick creams.
Normal This type does not need specialized care; it is important to simply maintain its condition. For this, all kinds of fruit and vegetable products, recipes with clays and other restorative masks are used. Any cream with a nutritional base is suitable. In the warm season, it is better to give preference to moisturizing products with vitamin supplements.

A working way to restore skin in a week:

  1. Wash regularly with antibacterial soap, which will eliminate inflammation and relieve redness;
  2. Every other day, in the morning, scrub with soft abrasives (for intense peeling, use coarse ones);
  3. Stop using cosmetics and let your skin breathe. Instead of a classic foundation, it is better to use a regular cream. Or any available batter;
  4. The cream should only be washed off with products intended for this purpose. In the morning, it is better to simply wipe the epidermis with micellar water or an ice cube;
  5. Make cleansing masks with nourishing ingredients twice a week. The best option is clay with aloe or honey;
  6. Do not expose your face to aggressive environmental influences. Protect your face from wind, scorching sun and snow;
  7. In your diet, focus on fresh fruits and vegetables, minimize the amount of salty and smoked foods. It is advisable to completely exclude sweets, fried foods and fast food from your diet.


If you urgently need to get yourself in order, but clean pores and even color are still far away, then you can use cosmetics.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a perfect face at home using makeup:

  1. Before applying foundation, it is important to moisturize the epidermis with cream or foundation. This will not only protect the skin, but will also greatly simplify the distribution of the product;
  2. For problem skin, a corrector should be applied to all red and inflamed areas. It will hide pimples and dark circles, and even out the skin color around the nostrils and on the eyelids;
  3. The foundation must be applied with a sponge. Use light tapping movements to blot the skin of your face and neck. This will hide roughness and dry areas and also guarantee a natural color distribution. This will especially help hide problem skin;
  4. To make the oval of the face look natural, you need to decorate it with blush and powder. The most preferable are products containing mineral particles - they absorb excess fat and do not clog pores;
  5. Under no circumstances should you wear multiple layers of makeup. If you need to fix your foundation, use thermal water in a spray. But you can’t re-smear it - she will instantly react to this appearance of subcutaneous skin and comedones.

Once again, please note that this method is emergency. Reviews claim that only with an integrated approach can you achieve real results in just 7 days. Each use of tinting products moves you away from your dream of becoming the owner of an ideal face.

    Wash your face twice a day. There is no need to do this more often, since washing too often will dry out the skin, and it will have to produce more sebum to compensate for the lack of moisture. Wash your face in the morning when you wake up and in the evening before going to bed. Use mild remedy cleanser designed for your skin type. Regular soap It is not suitable for the body or hands - it will be too aggressive for delicate facial skin and can cause dryness or even rashes on the skin.

    • Always wash off your makeup before going to bed. Even if you are very tired and fall asleep on the go, try to find the strength to wash off your makeup. If you don't do this, your makeup will clog your pores, which can lead to acne.
  1. Use scrubs, but not too often. It's best to exfoliate your skin once or twice a week. If it's hot and humid outside, you can use the scrub more often. The scrub helps remove dead cells and this cleansing will leave your skin looking brighter. However, over-exfoliating can make your skin very sensitive and cause redness.

    • You can make your own body and face scrub. Some recipes are given below in this article.
  2. To restore your skin to its natural acid-base balance, use a toner. Dip cotton pad into toner and sweep over face. Please pay attention Special attention forehead, nose and cheeks. Avoid areas around the eyes and mouth.

    • If you are very sensitive skin, use a mild alcohol-free toner or flower water.
  3. After toner, apply moisturizer. This should be done by people with all skin types, including oily skin. If you plan to go outside, use a cream with an SPF factor of at least 15. If you need to get rid of wrinkles, apply an anti-aging moisturizer to your skin at night. If you have oily skin or have acne, look for light cream or a cream intended for oily skin.

    Avoid long, hot showers. Shower quickly and with warm or cool water. Hot water harmful to the skin. Because of it, the skin loses its natural fat layer and dries out.

    After showering, dry your face and body with a towel. Do not rub your skin - this will cause irritation. It is better to gently pat your entire body with a soft towel. This will help retain moisture on the skin. The skin will absorb the remaining moisture, and this will allow it to remain hydrated.

    When shaving, use sharp blades and shaving gels. Do not use shower gel or soap for this purpose. Shaving gels and creams soften and moisturize the skin and hair, making shaving easier. Try shaving according to hair growth, not against it. This will avoid the appearance of red dots and ingrown hairs.

    Protect your skin from the sun. Use sunscreen with an SPF factor of at least 15 and avoid being in the sun during the hottest time of the day (from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.). If you don't like using sunscreen, buy a moisturizer or Foundation with SPF factor. You may also want to wear wide-brimmed hats and shirts when out in the sun. long sleeve and trousers.

    • The sun will give you beautiful tan, however, it also causes the formation of wrinkles, freckles and age spots. Besides, Sun rays may cause skin cancer.
  4. Don't use cheap facial cosmetics. This also applies decorative cosmetics. The higher the price, the better quality. Cheaper cosmetics often contain a lot harmful substances that will harm your skin. In addition, such cosmetics often clog pores, which leads to acne.

  5. Use foundation suitable for type your skin. There are many different types foundation. Instead of creams, you can use powder. Your skin type (normal, oily or dry) will determine the type of product. Remember that the wrong foundation can cause skin problems.

    • If you have oily skin, it is better not to use creams, but to buy powder or a very liquid makeup base.
    • If you have dry skin, skip the powder and buy a cream or liquid makeup foundation.
    • If you have normal skin, any type of foundation will suit you.
  6. Eat right. Excess junk food, fats and carbohydrates lead to acne and dull skin. Healthy food will make the skin brighter and younger. Below we provide a list of foods that you should include in your diet:

    • Vitamin C brightens skin and speeds up healing. This vitamin is found in black currants, blueberries, broccoli, guava, kiwi, oranges, papaya, strawberries and sweet potatoes.
    • Vitamin E promotes skin renewal. It is found in almonds, avocados, hazelnuts, pine nuts and sunflower oil.
    • Healthy fats are found in avocados, fish, nuts and seeds. They moisturize the skin and make it soft.
    • Selenium reduces the risk of cancer, improves resistance to sun exposure and fights age-related pigmentation. Selenium is found in fish, shellfish, eggs, wheat germ, tomatoes and broccoli.
    • Omega-3 fatty acid necessary for human health, however human body does not produce them. These acids prevent inflammation. They are contained in linseed oil and seeds, in oil walnut and rapeseed oil.
    • Zinc is found in fish, lean red meat, whole grains, poultry, nuts, seeds and shellfish. It softens the skin and heals wounds.
  7. Start dealing with stress. Stress increases skin sensitivity and makes it prone to acne. Allow enough time to complete all daily responsibilities. You may need to make a list of tasks and move some of them to next week. Don't rush yourself or take on more than you can handle. Remember to make time for hobbies and other activities that help you relax.

    Know the effects smoking has on your skin. Studies have found that smoking increases the appearance of wrinkles. If you smoke a lot, think about it.

Face masks and scrubs

    Do a simple mask from cucumber, if you are worried about swelling and swelling of the face. Grind half the cucumber in a blender to a paste. Apply the paste to your face and leave for 10 minutes. Rinse with cool water and pat dry skin.

    • Drink more water and try to eat less salt. Lack of water and excess salt provoke swelling.
  1. Moisturize your skin with a banana and honey mask. Place half a peeled banana and one tablespoon of honey in a small bowl. Mash with a fork to a paste. Apply the mask to your face and leave for 10–15 minutes. Rinse it off warm water and pat your skin dry.

    To reduce redness and inflammation, make a matcha green tea mask. Mix one teaspoon of matcha green tea and half a spoon of honey to form a paste. Apply the mask to your face and leave for 10 minutes. After this, rinse off the mask with warm water and pat your face with a towel.

    Refresh dull skin a simple yogurt mask. This mask will soften the skin and make it brighter. Apply plain, unsweetened yoghurt to your face and leave on for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with warm water and pat dry skin.

    If you have acne, make a mask of cinnamon and honey. You will need half a teaspoon of cinnamon and enough honey to get the consistency of a paste. Apply the paste to pimples and leave for 20 minutes, then wash off. Both honey and cinnamon have antibacterial properties.

    Get rid of blackheads with milk and nutmeg scrub. Mix enough nuts and milk to form a paste. To start, you can try mixing 1 part milk and 1 part nuts. First, wash your face, then gently apply the scrub to your skin using massaging movements. Massage the skin for 3-5 minutes, then rinse off the scrub.

    • Nutmeg will get rid of excess oil and exfoliate your skin.
    • The lactic acid in milk will remove dead skin cells and make your skin clearer.
  2. Treat dry skin with a rose and chamomile scrub. Grind 1 tablespoon dried rose petals, 1 tablespoon dried chamomile and 1 tablespoon oatmeal in a coffee grinder. Pour into a jar, add 2 tablespoons of honey and 50 milliliters of oil. Stir with a spoon and close the jar tightly. Apply the mixture with your fingers to damp skin, then rinse with water.

    Exfoliate your skin with a scrub made from brown sugar, white sugar, or salt. Mix sugar or salt with food vegetable oil in the bank. You can add a few drops of essential oil for a fresh scent. You can start with the following proportions:

    • For brown sugar: 1 part sugar and 1 part butter.
    • For white sugar: 2 parts sugar and 1 part butter.
    • For salt: 3 parts salt and 1 part oil.
    • If you decide to use essential oils, choose fresh-smelling oils such as tea tree, peppermint, lavender, or grapefruit.

Solving specific skin problems

  1. Take care of mature skin. Since the sun's rays cause wrinkles, you should always wear sunscreen if you plan to go outside. Smoking accelerates skin aging. If you smoke, consider quitting the habit. To keep your skin soft and smooth, use a moisturizer. In addition, you should eat right and get plenty of rest. This will give the skin a chance to recover.