Mineral body oil. Mineral oil in cosmetics – what you really need to know

Choice of colors
Svetlana Rumyantseva

Opinion regarding mineral cosmetics is divided into two camps. The first contains people who are convinced of the dangers of using petroleum products; in the second, people refute myths about “clogged pores, allergies.”

People learned to use minerals in ancient times. The wife of the Egyptian pharaoh Nifertiti, a famous beauty, used powdered powder consisting of crushed marble dust to whiten her face; She lined the arrows in front of her eyes with coal powder.

They began actively adding mineral compounds to cosmetics in 1970 in Los Angeles. Based on the results of laboratory studies, American scientists concluded: “Mineral cosmetics have hypoallergenic properties and do not contain aggressive substances.”

In our century, the media and forums on the World Wide Web provide information about the dangers of mineral components found in cosmetics. Rumors about the dangerous effects of components on the health of consumers make consumers doubt the quality of products and refuse their favorite cream or mascara.

Massage creams, lipsticks, gels, and tonics are produced based on mineral oil. Mineral oil is added to cosmetics to extend shelf life, provide slip, and viscosity of texture. Contrary to many prejudices, mineral oil has a number of advantages and benefits.

Characteristics of mineral oil

Mineral oil is a colorless substance that is a product of multi-stage oil refining. Do not confuse cosmetic liquid with industrial oil intended for technical purposes.

How is the oil prepared? The oil is exposed to catalysts, resulting in the release of a carbon mixture. Technical oil is formed from it. During the purification process of the oily liquid, all harmful substances are removed.

What is the purpose of adding mineral oil to cosmetics?

Mineral oil is added to cosmetic preparations and decorative cosmetics for several reasons. Due to their chemical and physical properties, mineral molecules actively interact with the components found in the composition of any drug.

Mineral oil has a solvent effect. For this reason, it can be used to remove decorative cosmetics. When applied to the skin, mineral oil penetrates the upper layer of the epidermis, dead scales dissolve. The surface becomes smooth and shiny. The effect is achieved due to the formation of a microfilm on the epidermis. The oil membrane retains water molecules and moisturizes the skin.

What types of mineral oils are there?

The range of mineral oils is diverse. They come in liquid, solid, saturated, and concentrated forms. Release forms:

Petrolatum. Vaseline oil can be either liquid or ointment-like. It is used both as an independent cosmetic product and as an additive in decorative cosmetics. Has a softening, exfoliating effect. Widely used in medicine. It is not recommended to use if there is increased secretion of the sebaceous glands.

Paraffin. Refined wax created from petroleum products. Has a solid shape. Paraffin is the base for creating Vaseline.

Isoparaffin. Used in soap making. It is an additional component in shaving creams and hydrocosmetics (for protection against UV radiation). Has moisturizing properties.

Ceresin. Mineral wax. Used for making lipsticks and creams. As part of some cosmetic preparations, it increases their heat resistance.

Petrolatum. Participates in the creation of Vaseline. Has moisturizing properties.

The microcrystalline wax type. Synthetic wax, similar to paraffin. It differs from mineral wax in its fine crystalline structure. It is used in the production of mascara, cosmetic pencils, and creams for protection against ultraviolet radiation.

Mineral oils differ from each other in their characteristics and properties. The thicker the consistency of the oil, the less moisture it releases. Positive quality is used in cosmetology to create cosmetic products for aging and weakened skin.

Solution to the dilemma: natural analogues of mineral oil

At the beginning of the 20th century, cosmetology specialists began to use mineral oil analogues in daily skin care products. Natural cosmetics contain analogs of the mineral prototype, which form a similar microfilm on the surface of the epidermis that can participate in moisturizing and cleansing the skin.

Mineral oil analogues:

Lanolin oil. Natural wax obtained by boiling sheep wool in an alkaline environment.

Squalene. Natural natural hydrocarbon. Extracted from shark liver cells. The chemical formula of natural oil is identical to the components of human skin.

Shea butter. Vegetable fat extracted from the seeds of the Shea tree. Triglycerides in vegetable oil retain natural moisture of the skin and soften the epidermis.

Bee wax. Solid organic compound. Obtained from the waste products of bees.

Mineral and similar in chemical composition. The difference is that natural products, in addition to the formation of a protective microfilm, contain dermis and connective tissue involved in metabolic processes. Mineral molecules do not penetrate deeper than the epidermis. Nowadays, cosmetics based on mineral oil products contain additives of natural extracts and vitamin complexes, which equalizes the capabilities of both types of oils.

Which oil is better: mineral or vegetable?

When comparing the characteristics of both types of oils, we can conclude: mineral and vegetable oils are similar in their physical properties, but have differences in the biochemical process after application to the skin. Oils soften and moisturize the skin due to occlusion in the epidermis. Some types of plant components have an anti-inflammatory effect and contain vitamins and amino acids.

Vegetable oil spoils quickly. To preserve its original appearance and biological properties, preservatives are added to it during the production of cosmetics. Mineral oil is not subject to rapid oxidation. For this reason, cosmetics creators mix both types of oil to give the product the optimal combination of properties.

In cosmetics, vegetable oil is contained in minimal quantities. Due to its natural characteristics and processing methods, it differs from its mineral “brother” in cost. Cosmetic products are much more expensive than those containing mineral oil.

Positive characteristics of mineral oils

Moisturizes the skin, smoothes wrinkles formed during the process of withering and dehydration of the skin.
Improves gliding (applied).
It is applied to the skin in a thin layer, which does not create the effect of “weighting” the cosmetic product; does not tighten the skin.
Chemical elements in mineral oil (ZnO, TiO2) provide a protective effect against ultraviolet radiation.
Mineral oil contains zinc oxide (ZnO). The chemical element is involved in the formation of a crust on the weeping surfaces of pustular rashes. Reduces redness, swelling, enhances the anti-inflammatory effect in pathological processes in the upper layer of the epidermis.
In decorative cosmetics it enhances the waterproof effect. When applied to the face, it prevents excessive secretion of sebaceous secretions.
The composition of cosmetic preparations does not require the addition of antioxidants or preservatives. Cosmetics based on vegetable oil contain water molecules, which leads to rapid rancidity of the product and the development of pathogenic bacteria.
Has a universal effect during adverse weather conditions (heat, sun, strong wind, low temperatures).
Mineral oil can be made at home from available products: and powdered foundation. How to do it?

Squeeze a small amount of moisturizing mixture into a glass container.
Add powder.
Stir until smooth.

Mineral cosmetics have a drying effect. Used as part of baby creams against diaper rash.
Used in cosmetic preparations for dry and damaged hair. Microfilm retains water molecules and maintains water-electrolyte balance. The curls become smooth and shiny.
Contained in makeup deactivators. The neutralizing effect of mineral oil is determined by its ability to enhance the effect of catalytic processes of other ingredients.

Negative characteristics of mineral oil

Oversaturation of the skin with moisture. The texture of liquid mineral oil requires a lot of application to the skin. A dense layer is formed through which moisture cannot evaporate. Excessive moisture in the epidermis stretches the skin. With prolonged use, there is a slowdown in metabolic processes at the cellular level of the epidermis.
Mineral oil is not suitable for normal and oily complexions.
It is not recommended for use by people with increased sweating associated with physical activity or elevated temperatures.
Excessive use of cosmetic products containing mineral oils can cause heat rash.
Mineral oils are not effective without a combination of active ingredients in cosmetic preparations.

Where to buy and how to use mineral cosmetics

It is not recommended to purchase cosmetics in stores online, “from hand”, or handicrafts. A high-quality product is sold in specialized departments and pharmacies. When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the composition of the drug and the expiration date. Containers with powdered powder should have holes for economical use. Mineral products in the form of a cream/emulsion must have a dosed container.

Myths and refutations about the dangers of mineral oil

Adherents of herbal cosmetics post posts on the World Wide Web about the dangers of mineral oil. Arguments about negative impacts are most often unfounded. Specialists in the field of chemistry and biology conducted numerous experiments and concluded: mineral oil does not cause negative reactions in the human body and does not affect the health of the individual as a whole.

Six legends about the dangers of mineral oil

Mineral oil provokes the formation of cancerous tumors

Mineral oil is a product of petroleum refining. For cosmetic purposes, the oil undergoes multi-level processing, purified from impurities and carcinogens. The quality of mineral oil after purification is checked by American chemists/biologists. There is a regulatory body - the Criminal Procedure Code (Product Control Authority), which did not find any impurities harmful to the human body in the oil. In the history of consumption of the mineral product, there has not been a single incident that led to cancerous tumors.

Premature skin aging

When a mineral base is applied to the skin, a microbarrier is formed that prevents the evaporation of water molecules from the surface of the epidermis. Dry skin can occur in one case - irrational use of cosmetics, long-term use. After using decorative cosmetics based on mineral oil, it is recommended to cleanse your face daily.

Cosmetic preparations based on mineral oils interfere with the absorption of nutrients

The myth was invented by people who do not know the basic characteristics of mineral oil. The main property of the oil solution is its interaction with the active components of the cosmetic product. Mineral oil removes skin flakes from the surface of the epidermis, so that vitamins and fibrillar protein (collagen) penetrate faster into the lower layers of the skin.

Mineral oil causes skin deficiency

Many groups of vitamins are dissolved by fatty acids. On the forums you can read quotes about this: “Mineral oil kills vitamins.” Scientists have refuted this fact by conducting numerous experiments.

Mineral oil causes acne

Acne can occur if mineral cosmetics are used incorrectly. It is not recommended to use mineral oil for people with oily skin or excessive sweating.

Pregnant women should not use cosmetics based on mineral oil.

In the 21st century, through numerous experiments and laboratory tests, scientists in the field of chemistry and biology have proven that mineral hydrocarbons penetrate into breast milk and subcutaneous fat. The routes of entry of mineral components have not been fully studied.

It is necessary to take into account: purified cosmetic oil based on mineral substances does not contain carcinogens or harmful chemical compounds. On the contrary, herbal cosmetics contain a large number of preservatives, dyes, and flavorings that can affect the development of the fetus and the health of a newborn child.

4 January 2014, 18:59

Mineral oil is a transparent petroleum derivative, colorless and odorless. It is chemically similar to Vaseline and comes in varying degrees of viscosity. In accordance with the type of alkanes used for its production, there are three main varieties (paraffin, aromatic and naphthenic), which differ slightly in their chemical composition and properties. Inexpensive and easy to produce, mineral oil is used in a variety of different products, including cooling systems, lubricants, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.

Mineral oil is found in a number of cosmetic products, including popular skin care products such as cold cream, as well as medicinal ointments for adults, children and infants. In its purified, semi-solid form, called petrolatum, it is often used as a base for ointments, protective dressings, and skin softeners. It is widely believed to be one of the most effective moisturizers.

Many people have expressed concerns about the function of this oil in cosmetics, particularly that it can "clog" the skin and prevent the release of toxins. However, most researchers believe that very small amounts of toxins exit the body through the skin. However, unlike some other substances added to skin care products, the purified variety of mineral oil used in cosmetics, research suggests, does not clog pores and is generally considered safe for all skin types.

People who have naturally oily skin should avoid products that contain mineral oil as it makes the skin even oilier.

There are also concerns about the possibility of harmful impurities in this oil. However, the refined variety of oil used in products for personal use is different from that used for industrial purposes and does not contain the impurities present in it. There is also some legitimate concern that petrolatum (another name for mineral oil) and liquid paraffin may make skin more sensitive to the sun, so people who use products containing it should use caution and monitor their sun exposure.

Introduced to the market back in the 19th century under the trade name Nujol (medicinal oil), mineral oil has a long history as a remedy for constipation. When taken orally in small quantities, it acts as a lubricant and prevents the absorption of water in the large intestine. It also interferes with the absorption of certain types of nutrients, and therefore, if overused, can cause deficiency problems.

A few drops of warm—not hot—oil can also be used to soften earwax. Followed by a gentle rinse with water or hydrogen peroxide, treating with this oil can help remove excess earwax from the ear canal.
Impact effects

Although most people can use mineral oil without any ill effects, it causes allergic reactions in some, including hives, difficulty breathing, facial swelling, and chest tightness. These symptoms can be dangerous, so if you experience any of them, you should seek medical help as soon as possible. While there is concern about using highly viscous oils in food, they are generally safe when consumed in moderation.

Exposure to aerosolized forms of mineral oil is considered an occupational hazard for some workers. In spray form, it is a respiratory irritant, and people with impaired lung function may see their condition worsened by exposure. Likewise, those with pre-existing skin conditions are more susceptible to developing inflammation if exposed to this substance. The risk of exposure to high concentration spray is a regulated occupational hazard that requires workplace exposure controls in many countries.

Because of its water-repellent properties, mineral oil can also be used on wooden cookware, kitchen utensils, and cooking tools such as cutting boards.

Because it is virtually odorless and tasteless, well-refined, food-grade varieties can be used to protect wood from cracking and bacteria build-up without imparting an undesirable odor or taste to the food. Some people also use it to grease the pan before baking or frying. Because industrial oils may contain toxic contaminants, chefs only use oils that are labeled safe for use in the kitchen.

Applications in industry and science

Mineral oil has two properties that make it a popular substance for use with industrial and electrical components: it does not conduct electricity and is a poor conductor of heat, and it displaces air and water where it is used and is therefore able to protect parts from corrosion. Because of this, certain types of mineral oil are used to treat tools, machinery, and even metal surfaces and ship components to protect them from rust. It is also resistant to compression, so it is often used to provide resistance in hydraulic units.

Among other things, mineral oil prevents the absorption of moisture from the atmosphere, so it serves as a good preservative for lithium and other alkali metals. These elements react to exposure to the atmosphere, quickly darkening, or even catching fire or exploding, depending on the metal. Some laboratories also use mineral oil to create a protective layer for cultures in petri dishes.

Everyone knows that most products for both face and body care and hair care contain various oils. The most useful in terms of nutritional properties are vegetable oils, but the problem is that they spoil very quickly and require the addition of chemical components to cosmetic products. In turn, a large number of preservatives in the product also does not bring benefits, but on the contrary can cause significant harm.

Due to its origin (a product of processed fractions), mineral oil does not go rancid for a long time and is less expensive than vegetable oils. Many people are afraid that this oil is obtained from petroleum products. However, it is worth noting that it does not enter cosmetics in its pure form, but through careful processing and purification from carcinogens. Moreover, some types of mineral oil, for example, Vaseline, are included in the composition of even those cosmetics that are intended for the care of children's skin.

If we talk about the direct effect on the skin, then in terms of moisturizing properties, mineral oil is in no way inferior to others. But it does not provide nutrition to the skin, since it is not absorbed and remains on the surface. Due to this, an invisible film is created on the skin, which, on the one hand, allows less oxygen to enter the skin, but on the other, prevents toxic substances from entering it.

Very often you can come across the opinion that cosmetic products containing mineral oil are comedogenic and thereby provoke inflammation. This cannot be said to be a true statement. Mineral oil is a little fattier in its characteristics than vegetable oils, therefore, if the skin is problematic and prone to acne, then cosmetics containing it should really be avoided. However, for this skin type, any other oils may not be suitable and may cause the same reaction. In general, scientists claim that mineral oils are not comedogenic and if they cause a reaction on the skin, it is only individual.

It is worth noting that now manufacturers are trying to add various herbal infusions, extracts and other plant components to cosmetic products, along with mineral oils, in order to reduce the oil content of the product and prevent clogging of pores. Among the positive characteristics of mineral oil is hypoallergenicity. It really is not capable of causing an allergic reaction on the skin, which is why it is approved for use all over the world and even in children's cosmetic products.

To summarize, I would like to say that everyone is free to choose cosmetics based on their personal preferences. If you are confused by the non-vegetable origin of mineral oil or the rumors that float around it, it is better to avoid using it. In general, there is no truly confirmed data that would indicate the harm mineral oil does to our skin.


Mineral oil is made from petroleum and contains a mixture of hydrocarbons that are separated from gasoline. It has the following properties: carcinogenic and skin irritant.

Mineral oils are not absorbed by the skin; they linger on the surface of the skin, clog the sebaceous glands and contribute to the appearance of blackheads on the skin.

Cosmetic properties

By using mineral oil in cosmetics as a means to moisturize the skin, we thereby create a water-repellent film on the face, while moisture still remains locked in. There is a belief that if you retain moisture in your skin, it will become smoother, more vibrant and softer, and that your skin will look much younger. But in reality, the film on the face made from industrial oil retains not only moisture in the skin, but also carbon dioxide, many toxins, as well as waste products that are excreted only through the skin.

In addition, mineral oil prevents oxygen from entering the skin. And the skin, first of all, is that part of the body that constantly requires oxygen to enter it.

Just imagine what can happen to the skin when so many toxins accumulate in it and oxygen does not reach it. As a result, skin cells stop developing as they should, their growth slows down significantly, the skin begins to dry out and crack easily, and becomes more sensitive and irritable.

Self-defense and regeneration reflexes weaken, which means that all harmful environmental elements penetrate the skin faster. Of course, liquid is the only remedy that can improve the condition of dry skin, but it must be remembered that improper moisturizing methods negatively affect the skin and do not lead to its rejuvenation, but, on the contrary, to premature aging.


Have you ever wondered where such famous mineral oil is used? It is used everywhere in cosmetics, in car services, and for the production of skin care products. Mineral oil has gained particular popularity due to its ease of use.

It is much easier to produce lipstick using certain consistencies, the basis of which are synthetic substances, including mineral oil, than to take as a basis natural noble oils (for example, olive, soybean, shea butter, almond, jojoba oil), which are included in composition of creams and lotions of branded companies.

Mineral oil is used in many industries: in cosmetology, in the automotive industry, and is used as machine and technical oil. These oils are in great demand among cosmetic companies. The main value of mineral oil for manufacturers is its unlimited shelf life, as well as the low cost of raw materials. But the cosmetic usefulness of mineral oils raises huge doubts.

When is the best time to use mineral oil? This question is of interest to motorists. Motor oil is the basis for flawless engine operation. Moreover, choosing the right lubricant will help your car’s engine serve for a long time and flawlessly. Today it has become very fashionable to recommend lubricants based on synthetic oils, poured into all components of a modern vehicle from the engine to the transmission. Recommendations on the advisability of this are much less common.

Mineral oil for perfect engine operation.

There is no doubt that the characteristics of synthetic and semi-synthetic lubricants are the best today, but are they suitable for your car? Synthetic and semi-synthetic lubricants have something to show off over mineral ones. Their advantages:

  1. Much better pumpability, which is very useful when operating a car in cold weather.
  2. High stability when operating at high temperatures.
  3. Synthetics are much less prone to deposits.
  4. Perfectly protects engine elements from wear, which affects engine life.
  5. Optimizes fuel consumption.

Where is the best place to use mineral oil?

Mineral oils are used where the advantages listed above are not very appreciated. A car that is more than five years old will appreciate mineral oil much better. Everything that should wear out has already begun to do so, and it is no longer practical to protect anything.

But petroleum oil will be able to revive worn rubber seals for some time, which will turn out to be quite useful after 500 thousand kilometers.

There is a large selection of mineral oils in stores.

But experts are quick to warn against being too optimistic about mineral oil. Mineral lubricant is less stable than its synthetic counterpart, especially in cold conditions. To ensure that the oil lubricant does not fail, it should be changed much more often.

Mineral lubricant is obtained through a fairly simple and inexpensive technology of fuel oil distillation, which is why it has such an affordable price. Petroleum-based lubricants use the original “white” oil of natural origin as their base. Then various property modifiers - additives - are added to it.

These modifications significantly improve the quality of the lubricant. Additives help clean the engine from wear products, protect against corrosion, premature wear, etc. But every improvement has its own price. This price for additives is their poor stability under loads and high temperatures.
They simply break down when the engine is running and thereby shorten the service life of the oil itself. A lubricant devoid of additives greatly loses its performance characteristics. This lubricant no longer suits anyone, and it is replaced.

Mineral oil is poured into a car engine.

Taking into account all these disadvantages of mineral oil, the hand involuntarily reaches for the wallet to finally make a choice in favor of the best product. But the price of synthetic petroleum products is “biting”: it is at least four times higher than that of mineral ones.

If even the thought of the high cost of lubricant does not deter you, then considerations about the age of your car and the likelihood of precious fluid leaking through old gaskets onto the ground again brings you back to the point of choice.

Automotive experts believe that synthetic lubricants should not be used on older cars. Even though the consumption of mineral oil is much higher, you can change it more often without critical damage to your budget.

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What are the benefits of using mineral motor oil?

Kalton mineral oil is used for car care.

Until recently, everything said above about protective functions remained exclusively oral statements from manufacturers. So far, the Finnish company Teboil has not undertaken to study used mineral motor oil.

The purpose of the study was the desire to confirm or refute the feasibility of using mineral lubricant for older cars.

True, they undertook such a study using the example of a DAF 95 XF 430 truck with a Euro 2 engine. The total mileage of the vehicle was one and a half million kilometers. Teboil Super HPD 15W-40 oil worked in the truck engine for 36 thousand km. No top-ups were made.

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Tolerances and specifications

This lubricant is intended for diesel engines operating in harsh conditions. Tolerances and specifications:

  • API: CI-4/SL;
  • ACEA: E7, E5, B3, B4;
  • MB 228.3;
  • MAN M3275;
  • Mack EO-M Plus;
  • RVI RLD;
  • Volvo VDS-2, VDS-3;
  • CAT ECF-1a, -2;
  • Global DHD-1;
  • Cummins CES 20.071, -2, -6, -7, -8;
  • Jaso DH-1;
  • MTU 2.

A study of used lubricant showed that the kinematic and viscosity characteristics changed insignificantly. This indicates the stability of the lubricant characteristics even after a run of 36 thousand km. According to the main indicators, the waste material showed half the safety margin even after such a run. The acid number of the exhaust remained at the level of fresh oil.

The pour point of the lubricant is -33°C. Such a qualitative viscosity indicator already corresponds to the lower limit of the viscosity characteristics of semi-synthetic lubricants.

Oils designed to operate in engines running on diesel fuel in harsh conditions are forced to use a lot of additives. Analysis of used oil showed that the lubricant contains all the necessary modifiers in the required quantities. There were no significant losses in the additive composition. In fresh and used lubricant, the percentage of metal remains unchanged.

To make a final decision, evaluate the number of metal particles in the used oil. A sharp increase in their performance indicates that the lubricant has ceased to protect the parts, and it is time to change it. For such analysis, fluorescence testing is usually used.

Summary. Teboil Super HPD SAE 15W-40 oil meets the requirements for semi-synthetic oil in many respects. In a number of indicators, this petroleum product even surpasses them.

If you use mineral oils, this will keep the engine in working condition even after such a long mileage. Good mineral oil kept the engine a long life without major repairs.

The engine oil worked for 36 thousand km without replacement, practically without any losses.

The answer is completely simple: high-quality oil lubricant from an honest seller guarantees flawless operation of an old engine for a very long time. Engine oil and transmission oil in this case must be mineral.

Practice shows that the question of the type of lubricant poured into the engine has long been no longer insoluble. In order to use a synthetic lubricant, you need to have very serious reasons for its use; if such conditions do not exist, then spending significant amounts of money on purchasing such a product makes absolutely no sense.