Emolium cream composition. Emolium - instructions for use of a special cream, emulsion and shampoo for children or adults


Very dry skin needs special care. It is best to use medical cosmetics for this purpose. "Emolium" is a line of products designed specifically for the dry type of the epidermis. Due to the natural composition, this cosmetics is recommended to be used even for babies. Let us consider in more detail how the remedy works and which analogue of "Emolium" will be the most effective.

Description of the drug "Emolium"

The Emolium line includes various cosmetic products designed to moisturize and care for very dry skin. The manufacturer suggests using creams, shampoos, gels and emulsions for bathing. The composition of such products contains emollients - substances (fats) that help moisturize the dermis. They can be fixed in the upper layer of the skin.

When applying funds on the epidermis, a thin film is formed, which will prevent excessive evaporation of moisture and help restore the water and lipid layer faster. This effect promotes the healing of small damage to the epidermis, eliminates discomfort and itching.

"Emolium" (cream), analogues of which can be found among brands of medical cosmetics, effectively eliminates increased dryness and sensitivity of the epidermis. Many experts believe that this is the best tool in its category and recommend using it for skin care for newborn babies. The cream is suitable for daily use.

Cream composition

The tool is a highly effective emollient that can be used both for the prevention and treatment of certain skin diseases. The cream contains an optimal complex of substances that carefully care for the epidermis. That is why it is very difficult to choose an analogue of "Emolium". The active substances of the remedy include:

  • macadamia oil - has a large supply of phytosterol and lecithin. Effectively moisturizes, softens and eliminates irritation;
  • paraffin oil - prevents moisture loss and creates a protective barrier on the epidermis;
  • shea butter - strengthens the water-lipid layer of the dermis, smoothes and softens, activates metabolic processes in cells;
  • triglycerides of caprylic and caproic acid - saturates the upper layer of the dermis with fatty components, eliminates lipid deficiency;
  • urea is a natural substance that takes part in moisturizing. Able to bind water and prevent its evaporation;
  • Sodium hyaluronate - improves skin elasticity.

Emulsion "Emolium"

It is quite difficult to find analogues for this remedy, because most bathing products still dry the skin. The emulsion from the Emolium line of cosmetic products can be safely used even by those whose skin is characterized by increased dryness and sensitivity. The product is specially designed for swimming. It can be used without age limit.

The composition of the product does not contain dyes and various harmful substances. This means that the emulsion is hypoallergenic. Elimination of dryness and irritation, saturation of the skin with useful fatty components, prevention of cracks and the feeling of tight skin - the effects that "Emolium" has for bathing. Analogues of a therapeutic agent do not always have the same pronounced effect.

What to replace?

Some manufacturers of medical cosmetics produce product lines designed for very dry dermis. It is better to use such tools in combination.

You can moisturize dry skin during hygiene procedures with the help of the Oilatum product. This analogue of "Emolium" from the Irish manufacturer is also available in the form of an emulsion and has managed to earn many positive recommendations. It contains liquid paraffin. The product is added to the bathroom when bathing. Can be used when bathing babies suffering from atopic dermatitis.

The cost of funds is almost the same. The emulsion "Emolium" is available in 200 ml bottles, and the Irish counterpart - 150 and 500 ml.

"Special Cream"

In the line of cosmetic products there is a unique product - "Emolium Special Cream". Analogues of the drug differ not only in price and composition, but also in efficiency. The unique cream has healing properties: eliminates the causes of dryness of the dermis, nourishes and saturates the skin, does not cause allergies, eliminates peeling and microtrauma.

The cream has a light texture and is quickly absorbed after application to the epidermis. It can be used to moisturize very dry skin and treat conditions such as eczema (atopic dermatitis).

Active ingredients

The preparation contains a unique patented substance, which is obtained from borage seeds. It contains organic and mineral components, gammalinolenic acid. The substance prevents the evaporation of moisture and moisturizes the upper layer of the dermis.

In addition to this component, the composition includes macadamia and shea butter, paraffin oil, hyaluronic acid, corn oil triglycerides, and urea.


It is impossible to pick up an analogue of "Emolium" in terms of composition. This is a unique product. Similar properties and indications for use are available for such products as Gistan, Bepanten, Oilatum cream.

These drugs are suitable for children, but without first consulting a pediatrician, it is better not to use them. Especially in cases where the baby is prone to allergic reactions.

Cosmetic. Is not a cure

General information:

Emolium cream is a modern emollient designed for the care of dry and very dry skin. The cream is recommended for daily care and dermatological preventive skin care during remission of atopic dermatitis. It can be applied to the face and the whole body. Thanks to a balanced formula of active substances, the cream effectively eliminates the causes and consequences of dry skin: it saturates with fatty components and moisturizes the epidermis, limits transepidermal moisture loss, restores the water-lipid layer, and also softens and gives elasticity to the epidermis. The hypoallergenic formula of the Cream was developed in collaboration with dermatologists. The product is recommended for use in children.


  • is an oil-in-water emulsion (O/W)
  • nourishes, saturates the skin with fatty components and moisturizes it
  • limits transepidermal water loss (TEWL)
  • restores the water-lipid layer of the skin
  • softens and gives elasticity to the epidermis
  • does not contain dyes and aromatic substances
  • easy to apply on the skin
  • hypoallergenic

The product received a positive assessment from the Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Center for Child Health (Poland) and is recommended for skin care of children from the 1st month.


Daily nutrition and skin care:

  • dry and very dry
  • with peeling, horny layers and cracks
  • with atopic dermatitis
  • in other diseases that occur with increased dryness of the skin (including ichthyosis, psoriasis, eczema, lichen planus)

Mode of application:

Apply a thin layer of cream to well-cleansed skin. Optimal results can be achieved by applying the cream at least twice a day.

Active substances:

Triglycerides of caprylic and capric acids

Replenish the lack of lipids in the intercellular matrix, saturate the skin with fatty components and limit transepidermal water loss. Soften, nourish and protect the skin from aggressive environmental factors.

shea butter

Obtained from the seeds of the oil tree Magnifolia (shea butter). It has softening, restorative and nourishing properties. Protects and strengthens the intercellular matrix and the water-lipid layer of the skin. Stimulates cellular metabolism and restores blood circulation in the terminal capillaries. Effectively protects against the harmful effects of external factors and softens, reduces redness and irritation and soothes the skin.

macadamia oil

Macadamia oil, obtained from the nuts of Macadamia ternifolia (macadamia three-leafed), contains phytosterol and lecithin. Resistant to self-oxidation. Well saturates with fat components, softens and gives the skin elasticity. Relieves irritation and smoothes rough and too dry skin. Enriches with essential unsaturated fatty acids (UFA) and phospholipids.


It is one of the components of the natural moisturizing factor (NMF). Works in conjunction with lactic acid. Promotes water binding by keratin fibers and softens the epidermis. It has a strong anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. Normalizes disturbed processes of keratinization (keratinization of the epidermis).

sodium hyaluronate

The component of the extracellular substance provides a long-term pronounced hydrating effect. Restores skin tone and elasticity, promotes the production of its own collagen and elastin, eliminates dryness and flaking. Effectively moisturizes and softens the skin, improves the functional parameters of the skin: moisture and elasticity

Paraffin oil

Liquid paraffin, mixture of solid saturated hydrocarbons. It has an occlusive (protective) effect: it creates a protective layer on the surface of the skin that protects against water loss. Softens, moisturizes and smoothes the epidermis.

Emolium cream is a therapeutic cosmetic product designed to care for dry skin. It allows you to eliminate the dryness of the epidermis, regardless of the cause of its occurrence. Dehydration of the skin can occur for various reasons, but in any case, it needs sufficient hydration and nutrition. Emolium cream helps to restore the functionality of the skin and saturate it with essential substances.

Important! Emolium cream is a drug that is sold in a pharmacy. Before using this remedy, be sure to consult a doctor. Be attentive to your body and take care of your skin health.

Beneficial features

"Emolium" is a natural emollient, which is one of the best cosmetics for dehydrated and dry skin. Most often, it is prescribed by doctors as a means for the daily care of the epidermis, prone to atopic dermatitis. Its use during remission improves the condition of the epithelium and prevents the recurrence of the disease.

Useful properties of Emolium cream:

  • Suitable as a skin care for allergy-prone skin;
  • Relieves irritation and inflammation;
  • Moisturizes cells, saturating them with moisture;
  • Prevents evaporation of moisture through skin cells;
  • Eliminates dryness, tightness and peeling;
  • Nourishes the skin with fatty components;
  • Softens the superficial keratinized layer of the epithelium, gives it softness and tenderness;
  • Restores smoothness and elasticity;
  • Hypoallergenic;
  • Does not contain harmful synthetic additives, dyes and fragrances;
  • Restores the natural protection of the skin;
  • It is a universal remedy, as it can be used for the skin of the face and body.

It is also important that the cream is very easily distributed on the skin and quickly absorbed, since dry skin, especially in atopic dermatitis, is sensitive to various irritants.

Interesting! This tool is safe to use, as evidenced by many positive reviews from international experts and laboratories. Additionally, this is confirmed by numerous reviews of those for whom this tool has become an important part of skin care.

Cream Emolium: composition

This remedy is an oil-in-water compound. In addition to these main ingredients, the cream contains active substances that have a beneficial effect on dry skin and restore its health.

Active ingredients:

  1. Shea butter is extracted from the seeds of the magnifolia tree. It is used in many cosmetic products and has nourishing, regenerating and softening properties. Thanks to this oil, dry skin activates its immune defenses and regenerates the lipid barrier on the surface of the epithelium, which provides reliable protection against negative environmental influences. Shea stimulates cell renewal and increases blood microcirculation. It is very useful for those who have sensitive and irritated epithelium, as it soothes it and relieves redness.
  2. Macadamia oil is derived from the nuts of the macadamia tree. It contains valuable components - lecithin and phytosterol. The substance perfectly nourishes skin cells, softens the superficial dry layer of the epithelium and restores its elasticity. This oil most favorably affects the dry type of the epidermis, as it very quickly eliminates dryness, peeling and relieves irritation caused by tightness of the skin.
  3. Triglycerides of capric and carpilic acid compensate for the deficiency of lipids in the intercellular space. Lipids are necessary to nourish the dermis and prevent the evaporation of moisture through the transepidermal route, that is, through the skin. Lipids are also important for protecting the skin from negative environmental influences.
  4. Urea is a natural humectant that works together with lactic acid. Urea is able to bind moisture with keratin fibers, which, like a sponge, absorb it into themselves. This restores not only the water balance, but also the elasticity of the skin. The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of urea disinfect the surface of the skin and prevent the development of skin diseases.
  5. Paraffin in liquid form is a mixture of saturated hydrocarbons that forms a barrier on the surface of the epithelium, preventing fluid loss.
  6. Hyaluronic acid is an integral component of the skin, which is involved in its hydration. The cream "Emolium" contains sodium hyaluronate - a component that replenishes the supply of hyaluronic acid and intensively moisturizes the skin.

What is the price? Emolium cream is a fairly common cosmetic product that can be bought at a pharmacy. The price of Emolium cream is approximately 500-600 rubles, which is not much at all, given the high results regarding the care of the dry epithelial cover of the body.

Precautionary measures

Medical indications for the use of the cream are:

  • Dry and dehydrated skin;
  • peeling;
  • Roughened and stratified surface layer of the epithelium;
  • cracks;
  • Atopic dermatitis;
  • Other skin diseases accompanied by dryness.

Despite the fact that the drug is issued by pharmacists without a prescription, you should still be careful with its use. As a result of individual intolerance to one of the components, it is possible to increase atopic dermatitis or relapse the disease. Do a small patch test before applying to a large area.

Many people ask: “Which is better, Emolium cream or emulsion?” There is no definite answer, since each person chooses the most convenient form for himself, for some it is an emulsion, and for another - a creamy mass. However, analyzing the reviews, we can say that the cream is more effective for severe dermatitis, while the emulsion helps keep the skin healthy. The emulsion is convenient in that it can be used while bathing a child, simply by pouring it into the bath.


Cream "Emolium" is a remedy that perfectly cares for dry skin, prone to peeling, irritation, dermatitis and other diseases. It contains active moisturizing and nourishing ingredients. It is recommended to use for adults and children from 1 month.

Among the medicinal substances for external use, the cream "Emolium" is not the last. This drug, with a moisturizing effect, is quite well known and is in great demand among patients suffering from skin diseases.

Emolium cream is universal. Can be used in all age groups - from birth to old age.

The instructions detail the composition in Russian. Among the components of the emolium cream are several types of oil.

The active ingredients of Emolium cream are:

  • karite - oil obtained from the fruits of the shea tree. It contains a large amount of vitamins (A, E and F) and trace elements (iron, calcium and zinc). This is a restorative agent for the dermis, with a nourishing, softening and regenerating effect. Improves blood microcirculation in cells and rejuvenates the skin;
  • macadamia oil. Produced from the nuts of the macadamia tree. Due to the content of lecithin and phytosterol, it nourishes, moisturizes dry epidermis and gives elasticity to the skin surface;
  • triglycerides of capric and carpilic acids, contribute to the restoration of lipid deficiency. Lipids protect against negative effects and are necessary for nourishing the skin;
  • urea. Promotes the binding of moisture by carotene fibers. The fibers absorb urea well and the water balance is restored, the elasticity of the skin surface increases;
  • liquid paraffin. Forming a barrier film on the epithelium, protects against moisture loss;
  • hyaluronic acid (particularly Na hyaluronate) is essential for hydration.


Cream "Emolium" is a modern remedy for combating dry skin.

The drug has the following actions:

  1. nourishes and moisturizes its cells with useful fat components;
  2. reduces itching of the dermis;
  3. regulates water-fat (lipid) metabolism occurring in the skin;
  4. prevents the loss of fluid of the outer integument;
  5. improves the elasticity of the epidermis;
  6. smoothes the surface of the skin, reduces wrinkles;
  7. has a light texture and is well absorbed;
  8. in its composition does not contain dyes and fragrances, hypoallergenic.

Indications for the use of the cream "Emolium":

  • tendency to allergic reactions
  • severe dryness, tightness and peeling of the skin, requiring tissue hydration;
  • the appearance of coarsening and layering of the surface of the epithelium;
  • small and deep cracks;
  • diathesis (atopic dermatitis);
  • skin diseases, with symptoms of dryness and peeling (eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, and others).


It can be used for external care of the dermis in adults and children in complex therapy with hormonal and antiallergic agents.

Emolium cream is applied in a thin layer on the skin with light massaging movements 2 times a day. It can be used for a long time as a treatment and for maintenance care of dry skin during remission of diseases. Can be used on face and body.

Attention! Individual intolerance to any of the components is possible to the drug. The likelihood of an increase in diathesis spots, exacerbation of skin disease. Therefore, before applying the cream, it is advisable to carefully read the instructions for use and make a skin test.

skin test

Apply a small amount of the drug to the area (the bend of the elbow or the floor of the knee) and look at the reaction after 20-30 minutes. In case of redness, spots or rash, swelling - stop using Emolium cream, take an antihistamine and inform your doctor.

Application for babies

It is known that the skin of babies is very delicate and sensitive to negative influences.

In childhood, the use of "Emolium" is allowed from 1 month of age.

Emolium cream is odorless, so it will not be negatively perceived by the baby. Can be applied at any time of the year.

Indications for the use of the cream "Emolium" for newborns:

  • negative effect on the skin of sunlight, wind (chapping), low temperature (frostbite);
  • atopic dermatitis, allergic reactions (accompanied by dryness);
  • dry skin, accompanied by itching (for example, from irritation with a diaper).

Types of emolium

The manufacturer - "Sanofi Aventis", France produces the drug "Emolium" in convenient forms. They are provided for all stages of the disease in order to obtain the maximum effect from the treatment.

Emolium release forms:

  1. bathing emulsion;
  2. cream;
  3. head emulsion;
  4. face wash series;
  5. shower gel (gel)
  6. shampoo;
  7. balm.

Emulsion is a product intended for bathing children and adults. May be used daily. It has a beneficial effect on the skin, creates a protective barrier that does not allow the epidermis to dry out. Rinse with clean water after applying the emulsion is not necessary, so as not to remove the resulting protective layer. After taking such baths, the skin condition improves. Reduces burning, itching and redness of the skin.

Emulsion for the head - for dry skin and seborrheic crusts, to soften them. Allowed to use from 3 months of age. It is not recommended to wash off after taking.

Important! Body emulsion - intended for daily application to the body for moisturizing.

Creamy gel - used for gentle washing when bathing. It has a special moisturizing effect and maintains the pH balance of the skin.

Shampoo for washing hair moisturizes the scalp, removes tightness and dryness, enriches hair with useful components. Hair will become not only clean, but also healthy and shiny.

Emolium is available in 2 types:

  • special - with the appearance of temporary dryness of the skin (for example, chapping);
  • triactive - with very dry areas of the skin that have arisen with a skin disease (for example, psoriasis).

Shelf life 24 months.


There is no absolute analogue of the drug "Emolium".

Similar in composition to a special type of cream include:

  1. cream "Oilatum", improves and restores the condition of the skin with diathesis, psoriasis and other skin diseases. Applicable for kids;
  2. Cream for children "Sun and Moon";
  3. "Gistan" cream. Relieves inflammation and itching of the skin. It has an age limit - children only from 2 years old;
  4. "Bepanthen". Available in the form of cream, balm, lotion. Moisturizes well and relieves minor inflammation;
  5. "Lokobeiz", "Elobeiz" balm, cream. Relieve flaking and itching. They are used for atopic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis.

The analogue of the triactive cream is "Advantan". It is used to treat diathesis in children, urticaria, insect bites. A hormonal drug, therefore, requires special care.

For the purpose of moisturizing, olive oil can be called a cheap analogue, which nourishes and moisturizes the skin surface well when applied.

Although Emolium is a rather expensive drug, it will undoubtedly improve the condition of the skin surface in case of dryness. And thanks to useful moisturizing and nourishing natural ingredients, it will definitely help both adults and children.

Emolium special cream is a modern cosmetic product designed to care for dry and dehydrated epidermis that is sensitive to any irritants. The drug is recommended for use in adults and children as a complex therapy in the treatment of skin diseases that cause dryness, peeling, itching of the skin. The drug has therapeutic and preventive properties, and also has a safe composition.

Interesting! A series of products under this name is represented by three products: special and triactive P. Each product has its own characteristics and additional components in the composition. However, all three products, as well as additional emulsions and other forms, are designed to care for problematic and dry skin.

Properties and purpose

Purpose of this product:

  • Dry and sensitive skin care;
  • Treatment of dryness of the epidermis in skin diseases;
  • Atopic dermatitis and diaper dermatitis in children;
  • Local prophylactic when using corticosteroids;
  • Care of the epidermis during the remission of the disease.

In addition, Emolium special cream has useful properties:

  1. It is used to care for the skin on any part of the body and face;
  2. Eliminates the causes that cause dry skin;
  3. Eliminates symptoms and prevents their recurrence;
  4. Contains a set of useful and safe components;
  5. Can be used at any age, including for infants;
  6. Moisturizes and nourishes the skin;
  7. Possesses hypoallergenic properties;
  8. Has a light texture;
  9. Economical.

Advice! You can use this tool not only for your children, but also for the care of your skin. It helps to quickly eliminate dry skin, as well as soothe irritated epidermis.


Cream Emolium special has a unique active composition:

  1. Arlasilk Phospholipid is a special patented substance obtained from the seeds of the pharmaceutical borage. This component contains gammalinolenic acid, as well as mineral and organic components. This acid is involved in the formation of an important building component of cells. Arlasilk Phospholipid is able to supply unsaturated fatty acids to the cells of the epidermis, as well as restore the water-fat balance. The special properties of this component allow not only to moisturize the skin, but also to prevent the evaporation of the liquid. At the same time, the protective forces of the dermis increase and irritated skin calms down.
  2. Paraffin oil consists of unsaturated carbons that cover the epithelium with a thin film that prevents moisture from evaporating.
  3. Corn oil triglycerides are a product obtained by pressing corn seeds. They contain linolenic acid, which strengthens the protective barrier of the dermis, as well as fatty components that prevent fluid loss. Triglycerides improve the elasticity of the epidermis, eliminate burning and irritation.
  4. Hyaluronic acid is an important component of the intercellular space of the skin tissues of our body. It promotes cell hydration, and is also responsible for the production of collagen and the protective properties of the skin.
  5. Shea butter is able to soften and heal the epidermis, as well as smooth the microrelief of the epithelium. This oil activates regenerative processes, and also stimulates blood microcirculation. Protection from negative environmental factors and softening of the epidermis are also the merits of this component.
  6. Urea is a natural component that is involved in the moisturizing factor of our body. It binds water, thereby preventing its evaporation. Additional properties of urea are antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action, as well as the normalization of the processes of keratinization of the epithelium.
  7. Macadamia oil contains components that soften the epidermis and restore its elasticity. It has healing and regenerating properties.

What is the price? The price of Emolium special cream is approximately 1,500 rubles, depending on the volume of the tube.

Cream Emolium special: analogues

This drug has no analogues, but there are products that are similar in indications and purpose.

  • Refers to pharmacy cosmetics;
  • Contains in its composition a plant complex of components;
  • Helps eliminate dry skin, itching, irritation and an allergic reaction;
  • Can be used for adults and children.

Price: 170 rubles.

  • Contains Dexapanthenol;
  • It has a healing, moisturizing and protective effect;
  • Helps prevent and eliminate dry skin;
  • Suitable for the treatment of dermatitis.

Price: 320 rubles.


Emolium special cream is a cosmetic product used for the care and treatment of the skin with severe dryness. The tool is effective as a medicinal or cosmetic product. Contains a complex of useful substances, including moisturizing, regenerating and protective components.

Instructions for use

Instructions for using Emolium cream is very simple, the main thing is to follow the basic rules:

  1. Apply the product on cleansed and dried skin;
  2. Distribute the portion with light massage movements until completely absorbed;
  3. For best results, use the remedy regularly, at least twice a day;
  4. When restoring dry epidermis, it is necessary to take a course until the symptoms disappear completely;
  5. The tool has no contraindications, however, in order to avoid individual intolerance, it is recommended to do a skin test on the bend of the elbow.

Important! Cream Emolium special can be used in pediatric practice. In the treatment of diaper dermatitis or the use of this product under a diaper, it is necessary to renew the layer after washing the baby and changing the diaper. Let the child's skin relax, for this, arrange air baths while observing the temperature regimes.