Mint face lotion. Benefits of mint for skin

March 8

The aroma of medicinal herbs accompanies the entire summer period. Mint, rich in menthol, has always been attractive for creating cosmetic, culinary, and medicinal products.

Benefits of mint for skin

Using mint for the face

The useful properties of mint are determined by a composition rich in:

  • Carotene;
  • Essential oil;
  • Tannins and resinous substances;
  • Arginine;
  • organic acids;
  • Sterols.

In cosmetology and aesthetic medicine, mint is used for the skin in:

  1. Treatment of acne, comedones;
  2. Cleansing and toning;
  3. strengthening of blood vessels;
  4. Acceleration of blood circulation;
  5. Restoration of firmness and elasticity.

Indications for the use of mint for the face are problematic, combined dermis, the presence of age-related changes, loss of tone. Contraindications - individual intolerance, pregnancy lactation.

Applying mint to your face

Mint oil for face

The benefits of peppermint oil in the care of age-related, problematic and fading dermis are undeniable. Only 3-4 drops per 10 ml of the composition will help to cope with various dermatological diseases, acne, acne, restore elasticity and firmness.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Apply peppermint essential oil for the face, you can add it to ready-made creams, tonics, lotions. Ten drops will be enough for a fragrant bath that relieves fatigue and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin of the whole body. For facial massage, 8 ml of base cosmetic oil will need only 2 drops of essential mint.

Perfectly cleanse, normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, strengthen the blood vessels steam baths with mint. For acne, it is recommended to perform caring manipulations with the use of essential oil, before applying a mask or night moisturizer.

Mint decoction for the face

Effectively cleanses, tones the dermis, improves complexion mint decoction.


  • 12 gr. mint leaves;
  • 100 ml of water.

Preparation: place dry or freshly picked grass in an enamel bowl, pour hot quality water - filtered, spring, mineral. Cover with a lid, put on fire, reduce to a minimum after boiling. After ten minutes, remove from the stove, strain from the grass.

Can be used as a tonic or lotion for all skin types. Wipe the face with mint daily after cleansing, with clogged comedones, add a few drops of essential oil. A decoction in the form of hot compresses is also effective, such a procedure soothes irritations, relieves pain, and can be used in the treatment of dermatological diseases.

Mint infusion for the face

In home-made cosmetology, for fading skin prone to irritation and inflammation, mint infusion will become indispensable. It activates intracellular processes, improves blood circulation, accelerates the renewal of the upper layers of the epidermis.


  • 18 gr. mint;
  • 50 ml of water.

Preparation: it is necessary to use only high-quality raw materials purchased at a pharmacy or collected far from the city and highways. Place the mint in an enamel bowl, pour warm water over it, put on fire. After boiling, remove from the stove, cover with a lid and leave for 3-4 hours. After strain, pour into a dark glass vessel, store on the side shelf of the refrigerator for no more than 8 days.

Such a natural remedy can become the basis for masks, lotions, scrubs. For cleansing, use an infusion instead of a micellar product or cosmetic milk.

mint ice cubes

Instantly refreshes the dermis, removes signs of fatigue, corrects the lines of the oval ice with mint. The aging process slows down, muscle tone and complexion improve. Harm from such manipulations is possible in case of manifestation of venous nets or dermatological diseases.


  • 8 gr. mint;
  • 40 ml of water;
  • 5 drops of mint essential oil;
  • 4 drops of almond oil.

Preparation: boil and strain the mint decoction, introduce aroma and base oil. Place in refrigerator in ice cube trays. Every evening, after removing make-up, draw two ice cubes along the lines of lymph movement. In order not to overcool the fingertips, it is better to hold the frozen product with the help of cotton pads. After the procedure, blot excess liquid with a paper towel and distribute the nourishing cream.

Video recipe: Mint ice for washing your face at home

You can not linger on one area of ​​​​the skin, you should not abuse cryo massage so that the skin does not get used to constant stimulation. Mint ice can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two weeks, it is better to prepare fresh.

The best recipes for homemade mint face masks

Mint wrinkle mask

Result: restore sagging skin, improve the tone of the mint mask for the skin. Folk recipes accelerate regeneration and cell biosynthesis processes, help reduce the appearance of photo and age wrinkles.


  • 7 drops of peppermint oil;
  • avocado;
  • 5 gr. pink clay.

Preparation and method of application: remove the skin and stone from the fruit, bring to the combine until smooth. Add aroma oil and cosmetic clay, mix well. Steam the dermis with a hot herbal compress, distribute the composition along the skin lines in a dense layer. After half an hour, remove the remnants with a paper towel, use a gel with hyaluronic acid as an additional moisturizer.

Mint mask for acne

Result: Peppermint has an amazing anti-acne antiseptic effect. Using homemade face masks regularly can reduce inflammation, soothe the skin, and speed up the healing of pustules.


  • 7 drops of mint oil;
  • 1 tablet of ascorutin;
  • 15 gr. cocoa.

Preparation and method of application: crush vitamin C tablets, add cosmetic oil and cocoa powder. Cleanse the surface of the face with a micellar product, it is advisable to scrub with oatmeal or rice flour. Apply the healing composition, in a circular motion, avoiding contact with the eyelids and lips. Leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with mineral water and grapefruit juice, locally treat acne with an antiseptic cream with mint.

Mint oil mask

Result: facial care for combination and oily skin is easy to do at home on your own. Peppermint oil regulates the secretion of external glands, reduces and cleanses pores, and restores pH balance.


  • 6 drops of peppermint oil;
  • cucumber;
  • 8 gr. bodyagi.

Preparation and method of application: bring the pressed algae to a powdery consistency, peel a small vegetable from the skin, turn it into a puree in a combine. After combining all the components, removing makeup with a thermal agent, apply a moisturizing, cleansing composition. Finish the manipulation after 20 minutes, washing off with a decoction of plantain.

Mask with a decoction of mint

Result: for dry skin and prone to allergic manifestations, the most effective face masks are based on herbal decoctions.


  • 20 ml of peppermint decoction;
  • 5 ml peach oil.

Preparation and method of application: pour crushed brown algae with a warm concentrated decoction (per 30 ml of water 10 g of dry raw materials), add cosmetic oil. Steam the dermis with a hot towel, apply the composition along the lines of the lymph flow with a wide soft brush. The lifting mass is active for 40 minutes, after the specified period, remove the remnants of the rosehip broth.

Mint and Chamomile Mask

Result: the best recipes for masks have a tonic and rejuvenating effect. Peppermint essential oil for the face helps to strengthen the local immunity of the dermis, improves color and structure.


  • 5 drops of peppermint oil;
  • 5 gr. dried or fresh mint;
  • 16 gr. sour cream.

Preparation and method of application: grind dry raw materials on a coffee grinder, if the herbs are fresh - in a mortar, or with a knife. Combine all ingredients, mix well. Spread over the entire surface of the face, leaving only the nasal openings. After 25 minutes, remove the nourishing mass with a paper towel, after which you can use a light moisturizing emulsion.

Video Recipe: Mint, Oatmeal & Chamomile Rejuvenating Face Mask

It's hard to believe, but a simple mint infusion had a surprisingly fast healing effect, destroying my teenage son's acne in just one month. Inflamed purulent pimples and subcutaneous tissue, with which I unsuccessfully struggled with all possible pharmacological methods, could not resist the usual cheap grass, which surprised me a lot.

A little background.
A year and a half ago, my son Max, who at that time was 13 years old, began hormonal restructuring of the body - as a result, he grew more than ten centimeters in a few months and the first small red inflammations appeared on his previously clean skin. I wasn't particularly worried because two to three pimples a week is normal for his age. Max also reacted to this muck indifferently, but in vain ...
It so happened that I got a job in Vietnam, and I remained under the supervision of my grandmother. She mentioned several times on the phone that Max was “pimple-free” and she was applying various ointments to him on the advice of the doctor.
Six months later, I returned home and at the sight of Max experienced a real shock. This was no ordinary acne - the guy's cheeks were covered with a purple crust of acne, which were at different stages of development. If it was a stranger, then I would try to stay away, as if from a victim of an incomprehensible skin disease.
I will not upload photos of this period, because I promised Max not to do this, but believe me - what is shown in this photo from the Internet is not much different from his real state at that time.

Naturally, I rushed to treat the child, having tried a bunch of remedies with almost zero or short-term results. Here is the list:
Ointments - Zenerit, Skinoren, Turmanidze antibacterial ointment, Vishnevsky ointment and a few more antibacterials, whose names I don’t remember.
Medications - Trichopolum, antihelminthic drugs, lactobacilli drugs.
Diet - limited the amount of sweet, fatty and fried foods. The child has already begun to howl with grief, declaring that he does not care about acne - he wants normal food!
In the morning on an empty stomach, I gave him a glass of clean water.
In the evening he received several activated charcoal tablets.
After he was diagnosed with demodicosis (which is not surprising, given his grandmother's feather pillows), Max was smeared daily with benzyl benzoate at night for a month. Alas...
To boost immunity, I began to look for information on plants that have an antibacterial effect and found several herbs that could be bought at the store:
artichoke tea
Chamomile tea
Chrysanthemum flower tea
Plain green tea.
I brewed these herbs in the usual way for 3-5 minutes and finally saw that the number of acne began to decrease slightly, but this mainly concerned superficial abscesses, but the subcutaneous "bumps" continued to disfigure Max's face.
And only a few months ago I read information about mint, namely that it is not recommended for men to drink it, because it reduces the amount of testosterone in the body and reduces sexual activity.
I have some doubts about the last point, because I lived in Morocco for a year, where the most popular drink is Moroccan tea, which is almost half mint, but this clearly did not affect the sexual activity of Moroccans, judging by the crowds of kids on the streets.
But what if mint normalizes the hormonal background for men? After all, it is hormones that most often cause skin inflammation along with a decrease in immunity .... I also had very bad skin even at the age of 24, until I started using the hormonal drug Diane 35. But I don’t know such remedies for men, and to be honest, I wouldn’t give them to a teenage boy.
But the fact remains - after Max began to drink half a glass of mint tea in the morning, his acne is a thing of the past! Now he drinks it less often, maybe once every two days, once there was a break for a week, but acne did not activate, as I was afraid. It is said that herbs, if taken regularly, have a long-lasting effect even after stopping the course.
Unfortunately, his skin is still covered with spots and even small scars, which we also fight with natural means, but this is a topic for another story.
Now about the actual treatment.
In Vietnam, you can buy mint in a supermarket, and there are several types of them:

I settled on this, the most "mint".
In the morning, while Max has not yet had breakfast, I prepare this infusion:
I mix a few sprigs of chopped and slightly crushed mint (so that essential oils and useful components stand out more actively) with green tea, no more than a teaspoon of tea per glass.
I pour boiling water over the herbs and leave for 3-5 minutes, after which I cool it with a few ice cubes and Max immediately drinks it.
As I wrote above, sometimes I brew artichoke and chamomile during the day. Sometimes I add chrysanthemum flowers - in Vietnam they are very fond of.

There are many different herbal mixtures in supermarkets, I will try to report on some of them later.
I understand that the causes of acne are many and their treatment is an individually tailored process, but we were lucky to find our cure!
I wish you all good health!

Peppermint is known to many. And the fact that it refreshes and tones can be guessed from the peculiarly pleasant smell of peppermint alone.

But how many have heard that mint has long been used in recipes for home cosmetology? Menthol contained in mint leaves enhances blood circulation and strengthens blood vessels. And this alone means that it is quite advisable to take care of our skin.

In addition, menthol has the ability to cleanse tissues from the accumulation of toxins in cells and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. That is why mint is successfully used to care for oily / combination skin, and creams with mint extract are in demand in cosmetic stores.

Mint extract is also found in cosmetic products, because it gives the lips a seductively fresh aroma.

How can you use mint for skin care in. For this, pepper is mainly used.

Use of mint for skin care.

  • Skin care with mint.

Mint lotion for oily/combination skin.

Peppermint effectively cleanses and tones the skin, so it is a quality treatment for oily/combination skin.

To prepare lotion from mint 2-3 tbsp. spoons of dry leaves of this herb pour 200 ml. hot water. Insist 20-30 minutes, then filter. The finished lotion is wiped daily with the skin.

Mint leaf compress.

Will enhance the effect in the form of a compress. A mint compress will not only have a tonic effect on the skin, but will also help to cope with irritation and inflammation on the face.

To prepare a compress, fresh mint leaves are poured with hot water. It takes a little water to completely cover the leaves. Infuse the decoction for 20-30 minutes. Softened myta leaves are applied to the skin and covered with a napkin dipped in mint decoction. Wash off the compress with cold water after 10-15 minutes.

This compress will help to cope with inflammation and. The frequency of application of the mint compress is 1-2 times a week, with a course of 5-7 procedures.

Mint lotion for aging skin.

Mint lotion can also be prepared for aging skin. Rubbing with such a lotion will refresh the skin and smooth out fine wrinkles. To prepare lotion 2 tbsp. spoons of mint leaves pour 400 ml. hot water and simmer for 15-20 minutes. After 10 minutes, the broth is filtered and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon juice, a few spoons of mashed and 2 tbsp. spoons of vodka. The lotion is insisted for a day, after which it is filtered again. The face is washed daily.

Lotion to improve complexion.

With the help of mint, you can improve the complexion and restore its natural blush. To prepare such health decoction 4 tbsp. tablespoons of dry mint grass pour 200 ml. hot water and insist for 30 minutes. After the broth is filtered and 3 tbsp. spoons and 100 ml. decoction of parsley (3 tablespoons of parsley per 200 ml of hot water, boil for 8-10 minutes, filter). The decoctions are mixed and the face is wiped with the finished mixture daily.

  • Skin care around the eyes with mint.

You should prepare an infusion of mint (aka the lotion described above). Moisten a cotton swab in a cool infusion and apply to the eyes for 2-3 minutes. Such a compress soothes, refreshes the skin, prevents the appearance of the first wrinkles.

  • Foot care with mint.

Rinsing the feet and legs with mint infusion prevents them from excessive sweating and fungal infections. In addition, such rinsing has a beneficial effect on the entire body, giving good spirits.

  • Body care with mint.

Rubbing and rinsing with a weak infusion of mint, or an infusion of mint, yarrow and St. John's wort perfectly tones and refreshes on a hot day and activates the immune forces of the body.

Mint has a beneficial effect on the skin. The benefits of mint for the face is that the compositions based on the fragrant plant:

  • refresh and tone the epidermis;
  • relieve irritation;
  • smooth fine wrinkles;
  • reduce inflammation;
  • contribute to the normalization of the functions of the sebaceous glands.

In addition, the refreshing aroma of mint gives the desired freshness to the body.

Many traditional medicine recipes involve the use of mint leaves in the preparation of facial skin care products.

Mint decoction for the face

Prepare the remedy like this:

  1. A tablespoon of mint is poured into a glass of boiling water.
  2. The liquid is kept in a water bath for 10 minutes.
  3. The cooled broth is filtered and used for washing and lotions.

Especially useful are morning hygiene procedures with mint decoction for ladies with. In order to prevent the formation of "crow's feet", it is useful to make cool compresses with mint decoction daily in the eye area.

Mint ice for face

To heighten the effect in facial care, cosmetologists recommend using mint ice cubes. It is advisable not just to wipe your face, but to do massage movements with the help of ice cubes. When making ice, it is better to use dry mint leaves. To make mint ice:

  1. Two tablespoons of grass pour a glass of boiling water.
  2. After 15 minutes, the filtered liquid is poured into molds.

Mint ice for the face can be used for any type of skin instead of a morning wash, as well as to give freshness to the look at any time of the day, which is especially convenient in cases where makeup is applied. For dry skin, it is recommended to use milk instead of water for infusion.

Mint face masks

Mask for acne and skin irritation:

Mask for oily skin:

  1. Protein is added to the cooled strong mint infusion, the ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
  2. The composition is applied to the face layer by layer as the previous one dries.
  3. After 15-20 minutes, the face is rinsed with warm water.

Hello dear readers. Well, now we can safely say that summer has begun. Summer is a wonderful time of the year. So many berries, fruits and aromatic herbs that summer gives us. Today I want to talk about peppermint. I love mint tea, I use mint for hair and face. Parents have mint and lemon balm growing in the garden. We dry mint, and in winter we make mint tea. We use mint all year round. Fresh in summer and dried in winter. Mint is also widely used in cooking and folk medicine. After all, mint not only conquered everyone with its aroma, but also with its healing properties. The plant is fragrant and useful. Today I want to tell you how to use mint in cosmetology. From this plant, you can prepare decoctions, infusions and tinctures. As well as face masks from mint. I love using natural products in my skincare.

If you are interested in learning about the medicinal properties of peppermint, its use for health and contraindications, then you can find out all the information on this topic in the article "".

Collection and preparation of mint.

As for the collection and harvesting of the plant. Of course, it is better to prepare mint yourself. It is sold fresh in the market. If mint grows in the country or in the garden, all the more you can prepare mint yourself.

Now dry mint can be purchased at a pharmacy or from herbalists. But if there is such an opportunity, then it is better to prepare it yourself in order to be sure of the quality of the raw materials. So, if you decide to harvest mint, then the best harvest time is before the plant blooms. This period roughly falls on June and July. Mint is usually cut with a knife or scissors, which is more convenient.

Dry the plant in the shade, in a well-ventilated area, you can under a canopy. On hot days, mint dries out very quickly. When the leaves and sprigs of mint crumble, the plant has dried up. We collect mint in glass jars or in a cotton bag.

Mint for the face. Benefit

Mint for the face can be used both fresh and dried. In summer it can be fresh, and in autumn and winter dry. You can make wonderful masks, infusions, decoctions and cosmetic ice for rubbing your face from mint. You can prepare a decoction for washing from the leaves of fresh and fragrant mint.

The greatest amount of useful substances and vitamins is found in mint leaves. Mint contains vitamin C, A, B9 PP, B6, B1, in addition to vitamins mint contains essential oils, bitter, tannins, sugar, phytoncides.

  • Vitamin C strengthens blood vessels and tissues.
  • Vitamin A takes part in the growth of new skin cells, slows down the aging process, and normalizes metabolic processes.
  • Vitamin B9 is important for the creation of new skin cells. This vitamin slows down the aging process of skin cells.
  • Mint perfectly tones the face, relieves inflammation and irritation on the skin.
  • Mint helps smooth out wrinkles and remove signs of fatigue.
  • In addition, mint cleanses the skin and normalizes the sebaceous glands. Therefore, in the care of oily and combination skin - mint is just a godsend.

If you haven't used mint on your face yet, I highly recommend giving it a try. If you do not have allergies, individual intolerance to the plant, then the result from the use of mint will only please you.

Rules for the use of mint for the face

In order for mint preparations to have a good effect, you need to take into account some recommendations for using mint for the face.

  1. Do not forget that mint, like any other medicinal plant, can cause irritation or allergies. Therefore, test mint preparations or a mask on your wrist. And then apply it on your face.
  2. I also want to say that for the preparation of the mask you need to use fresh mint. But for infusions and decoctions, dried is suitable.
  3. Wash off the masks with warm water, after applying a decoction or infusion for the face, nothing needs to be washed off.
  4. We apply masks on a cleansed face.
  5. Face masks should be no more than 15 minutes.
  6. Mint for the face can be applied once a week. And if necessary, use twice a week.

Mint tincture for facial skin

Mint infusion is very easy to prepare. The first thing we need is mint. You can prepare an infusion from fresh and dry mint. I recently made an infusion. From fresh mint, it turns out light green and very fragrant. Approximately a tablespoon of mint leaves pour 250 ml. boiling water, we insist in a sealed container. I usually insist about 20 minutes. I filter the infusion.

With this infusion, you can wipe your face. You can wipe your face with a cotton pad, which must first be moistened with infusion. The infusion refreshes, invigorates, relieves irritation, inflammation, signs of fatigue.

mint ice cubes

To prepare ice cubes from mint, it is enough to prepare an infusion. How to prepare the infusion, see above. The infusion must be cooled and be sure to strain. Pour the cooled infusion into ice molds and place in the freezer.

Mint ice is rubbed on the face and neck. When rubbing your face with ice cubes, do not linger for a long time on one area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. Wipe the face with light and sliding movements. Such rubbing tones, cleanses, refreshes the skin, which is important on a hot summer day. Try it, I think you will like the procedure.

Mint decoction

Mint decoction is very easy to prepare. A spoonful of mint leaves is poured into a glass of water and put on a slow fire. Boil for 10 minutes, insist another 10 minutes. Filter and bring to the original volume with cooled boiled water. A decoction, like an infusion, is used to wipe the face, can be used to make masks.

Mint face masks

Use fresh mint for masks. Now the season has already begun, so in the summer you can enjoy the gifts of nature. Moreover, fresh berries and other components can be added to the masks.

Mint mask for oily and combination skin

  • 1/3 of a fresh cucumber
  • 12 mint leaves
  • a spoonful of lemon juice

Mint masks are very effective and have a really positive effect on the skin. The mask is very useful for oily skin, helps to narrow pores, remove oily sheen from the face, and prevent inflammation.

To prepare the mask, we need fresh mint leaves. Twelve fresh mint leaves. Grind very finely. Three on a grater 1/3 of a fresh cucumber and mix with mint. Add a spoonful of lemon juice. We put on a face mask.

I want to note the excellent effect of fresh cucumber masks. Personally, I really like to do. Now the cucumber season is starting, try the masks, I think you will be satisfied with the effect. Moreover, this product does not cause allergies.

Vitamin mask from berries and mint

  • 12 mint leaves
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • a couple of medium-sized strawberries (strawberries can be used)

We chop mint, chop strawberries or strawberries, we combine everything. Mix with natural honey. We already have strawberries and strawberries, so you can safely make such a mask. Yes, and we have already purchased honey this year.

I like this mask, it is very easy to prepare, and the result is wonderful. With the advent of fresh strawberries, I try to make myself a mask. If you are interested in even more recipes for strawberry masks, then I recommend you the article "". You will learn how strawberries are useful for the face and what vitamins it contains, how to make and apply masks.

What could be better than natural products for masks given to us by nature. I love summer for its generosity, for the aroma of ripe, juicy berries.

Mint face mask nourishing

  • 12 fresh mint leaves
  • yolk
  • sour cream

Finely chop the mint leaves and combine with the yolk with sour cream. If there is no sour cream, replace it with fresh cream. It is better to use rustic eggs for a mask, as well as sour cream. If you buy sour cream in the store, take at least 20% fat.

Mix the mask in a bowl and apply to a previously cleansed face. You can wash with infusion of mint. It is more convenient to remove the mask from the face with a sponge. After you remove the mask, wash your face with mint infusion.

I hope you liked the recipes for mint masks. I think that you took some of the recipes in the piggy bank. Also write, please, do you make face masks, do you prepare cosmetic ice, do you use mint decoctions and infusions for your face?