When the baby stops spitting up after eating. When does a baby stop spitting up? Immature digestive system

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regurgitation is a kind of vomiting, but occurs easily, without effort. When spitting up, a small amount (5 - 30 ml) of milk is released in a child after a short period of time after feeding in the form of runoff or a weak eruption of semi-digested milk. Do not be alarmed, in most cases, regurgitation in newborns and children of the first year of life is a natural process. Spitting up in a baby can occur when he is changed, turned over, and even during feeding: he sucks, turns away, spit up and takes the breast again. Regurgitation is the result of the immaturity of the nervous system baby and weakness of the muscular valve, which is located in the upper part of the stomach. Regurgitation does not lead to a significant change in the general condition of the child.

Reasons for spitting up:

  • overfeeding, which leads to distension of the stomach;
  • swallowing air (aerophagia) during feeding, which occurs when the baby is not properly attached to the chest or if the baby has a short frenulum of the tongue or upper lip. The air bubble, standing out from the stomach, pushes the milk out. This is accompanied by belching of air and regurgitation of a small amount of milk. Due to the distension of the stomach, the child may spit up, scream, or be restless;
  • flatulence (accumulation of gases in the intestines of a child);
  • a quick change in the horizontal position of the child's body after feeding to a vertical one;
  • inhibition of the child immediately after feeding;
  • tight swaddling.

Noticeable regurgitation in the first infant problems - regurgitation, hiccups, colic - by about 14 - 30 days after birth. Regurgitation becomes more abundant and frequent from the 20th to the 30th day of the child's life. As a rule, by 6 months regurgitation stops or greatly decreases.

When a child often spit up, count how many times a day he pees. If 12 or more times, then the baby has enough milk and he spits up the excess. The norm for the age of 1-4 months is spitting up after each feeding up to 2 tablespoons of milk or spitting up once a day more than 3 tablespoons. It is not dangerous for the child. To check how much milk your baby has spit up, pour 1 tablespoon of water onto a diaper and compare the water stain to the size of the spit up stain.

Too much and frequent regurgitation can be a sign of improperly organized breastfeeding (incorrect attachment to the breast; rare feedings - agree that everything will be absorbed better if you eat little and often; any others that do not coincide with the basic rules of breastfeeding - see above) .

An increase in the volume and frequency of regurgitation is directly affected by increased stress on the baby’s psyche, such as: early swimming, prolonged crying, frequent trips to the city, visits by a large number of people to your home, family quarrels and other gross shortcomings in caring for the baby.“

A baby who catches air during feeding should be held upright after feeding so that he burps the swallowed air. If your baby is properly attached to the breast, does not make any sounds when sucking and does not capture air, you can not put it in a "column" after each feeding. If your baby is spitting up while in your arms, just turn him over onto his stomach. It is better to put such a baby on the side in the bed.

It is not necessary to hold the child upright after each application, especially if the child has fallen asleep. Most of the time the baby lies on its side. If he burps a little, then the diaper just changes under his cheek. It is necessary to hold the artificial man vertically so that he does not spill the 120g poured into him. And we are talking about babies who are fed on demand and receive small portions of mother's milk. In addition, the cardiac sphincter of the stomach needs training, which it can only receive if the child is lying down.

If your child spit up after each feed is frequent, accompanied by poor weight gain and infrequent urination, or if each spit up is a gushing vomit, take your child to the doctor immediately.

Almost every newborn baby can spit up from time to time. This scares many mothers, but there is no reason to worry. This process in most cases is absolutely natural, because the baby's body learns to digest new food for it - mother's milk or an adapted mixture. Regurgitation differs from vomiting by the amount of food excreted. It is impossible to say exactly until what age babies spit up, since the process of adaptation takes place in babies in different ways.

Reasons for regurgitation

As already noted, the main reason is the immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract. When it matures, the child stops spitting up. This happens closer to the third month of life. In this case, there should not be any other signs and symptoms of an unhealthy condition.

The second reason is hyperexcitability. Such children are characterized by restless behavior, increased muscle activity. Sometimes pediatricians decide on the need to take sedatives. With age, babies outgrow this condition. Sometimes the parents themselves are to blame for regurgitation. Firstly, the mother may incorrectly attach the baby to the breast, which causes air to be swallowed. Secondly, after feeding, the child should not be involved in active games, which is often a sin for dads. Thirdly, overfeeding. Of course, breastfeeding is the best sedative for babies, but this should only be done when the baby is hungry.

In rare cases, it does not matter how often and up to what age the child spits up. If the vomit contains an admixture of greenish bile, then you should consult a doctor without delay!



The age when babies stop spitting up is 6 to 9 months. Before that, you can use preventive measures that can reduce the number and intensity of regurgitation.

The moment when food goes back into the esophagus and then out is called regurgitation. Since a spitting up baby is an inconvenience to these parents, they have a question: when do babies stop spitting up? But this is normal for babies, so you just need to be patient.

Regurgitation as a physiological norm

Part of the swallowed milk comes out almost immediately after feeding. Sometimes regurgitation occurs only after a while. Milk comes out curdled.

If we talk in detail about how many months the child stops spitting up, then it should be noted that children who can sit spit up very rarely. When the baby begins to walk, he stops spitting up completely. However, this phenomenon may return when teething or in case of poor health.

Babies under the age of 4 months almost always spit up. If he has too intense and profuse regurgitation, then you need to tell the doctor about it. He will analyze the situation and take certain measures.

The norm is regurgitation of liquid, the volume of which does not exceed 3 ml. If it is abundant and is observed constantly, then it is necessary to exclude diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and neurological pathologies.


There are a number of situations when regurgitation becomes an indispensable moment in a baby's life:

  • prematurity;
  • was ZVR;
  • hyperexcitability, manifested in muscle activity;
  • slow formation of the gastrointestinal tract, there is a delay in the development of the swallowing reflex;
  • overfeeding, manifested in frequent feeding, in the use of a lot of food by the baby;
  • supplementation with formula after breastfeeding;
  • mixed nutrition, not all children tolerate it;
  • mistakes in attachment to the breast (the baby captures only the nipple without a halo, so it has time to swallow air).

If the problem is prematurity, underdevelopment of reflexes, insufficient functionality of the gastrointestinal tract, then everything will return to normal quickly. After 8-9 weeks, the baby will stop spitting up on its own. The weakness of the sphincter that closes the exit of their stomach disappears over time and the situation returns to normal.

dangerous situations

The main indicator that determines the condition of the child is weight gain. If weight gain is proceeding at the usual pace, the child is in a good mood, is not naughty, then there is nothing dangerous in regurgitation.

The signal that you need to take action is his anxiety, slow weight gain or its complete absence. Then the doctor prescribes examinations to understand why the child has regurgitation after feeding. Usually they do an x-ray, based on the information received, the question of treatment methods is decided.

Prevention measures

Simple tips to reduce regurgitation and volume:

  • Pay close attention to the portions of food eaten by the baby in order to avoid overfeeding.
  • When breastfeeding, you need to make sure that the baby captures the halo, but only the nipple. With artificial feeding, the fullness of the nipple is monitored, if there is air in it, the child will swallow it, which will lead to regurgitation.
  • Feeding should proceed with the child's body elevated, a horizontal position is undesirable. The body should be in an inclined position at an angle of 30 °.
  • During feeding, you need to take small breaks. Constantly pouring milk will quickly fill the tummy and provoke regurgitation.
  • After eating, the child is kept in a column. This posture promotes the escape of air, helps to avoid colic.
  • Between feedings, the baby should lie on the tummy.
  • After eating, the baby needs to be at rest.

When preventing regurgitation, you need to choose a comfortable nipple for the baby. Babies are well perceived - anatomically shaped anti-colic nipples.

If the baby receives mixed feeding, it is better to choose elastic nipples with small holes. The larger the hole, the easier it is to suck on the pacifier. Babies refuse breasts so as not to waste extra effort and calmly drink milk that flows into their mouths.

The difference between regurgitation and vomiting

Parents need to learn to distinguish between regurgitation and vomiting. After all, the child vomits mainly with serious diseases or when an intestinal infection enters the body. The main signs of vomiting:

  • Lack of connection with feeding time. It happens both after eating and at any other moment.
  • The color of the vomit is yellowish.
  • Vomiting makes you feel unwell.
  • Child's age. After 9 months, regurgitation occurs only after overly active behavior after eating.

If the parents are convinced that the child is vomiting, then you should seek the advice of a doctor. If regurgitation, then you need to be patient and wait until he gets older. Experts, answering the question of how many months the child will stop spitting up, usually talk about 6 to 9 months.


In order not to miss dangerous moments, one must constantly monitor the child, compare his condition with what happened yesterday. Then parents will be able to notice the moment when regurgitation begins to pose a danger. Indeed, with normal weight gain and with good health, this is considered the norm.

The question of when the child stops spitting up begins to worry young mothers after the first cases of this phenomenon. For the most part, they are worried about the potential danger of the process, or they begin to suspect that the newborn has digestive problems. Of particular concern are the moments when children burp in a fountain. Experts are in a hurry to assure that from 4 months the unpleasant consequences of feeding will become much less disturbing, and after about 6-8 months it will disappear completely.

Physiology of regurgitation and its causes

The formation and improvement of the children's digestive system takes place consistently and not very quickly. Its proper functioning begins from about the eighth month of life, if the development of the baby went according to plan. Until this period, the esophagus, which connects the oral cavity with the stomach, resembles an open bottle according to the principle of operation. Even in the case of a slight impact from the outside, the contents of the stomach are poured into the oral cavity.

Tip: If particles of bile, pinkish streaks or numerous bubbles are traced in the mass that came out of the child during regurgitation, you should immediately consult a doctor. A similar symptom may indicate the development of pathological processes and requires immediate diagnosis.

It is difficult to say unequivocally at what age this phenomenon will stop, it directly depends on the care that children are exposed to, the characteristics of their development. Some babies do not spit up at all or completely get rid of the symptom at about 4-5 months. It happens that the baby has to live with such a feature for up to a year. Practice shows that if the cause of the phenomenon is identified in time and neutralized, the negative consequences of feeding will soon become a thing of the past.

Factors that increase the severity of the condition

Children can spit up for several reasons, which are the result of external or internal factors:

  1. Overfeeding. The overcrowded stomach of a baby is not able to cope with an excessive load, unlike the digestive system of an adult. Even without external influence, food can go back.
  2. Increased activity of the baby after feeding. Even not the most active games or loud laughter can cause smooth muscle contraction, which leads to regurgitation.
  3. Attempts to immediately put the child to sleep after eating. If you do the exact opposite and immediately put the baby to bed, you can achieve the same reaction. By the way, this applies to all children, no matter what age they are.
  4. Incorrect position of the child during feeding. If you do not learn how to put the baby to the chest, then he will constantly swallow air in the process of eating. The stomach, overflowing, will try to alleviate its condition by throwing out excess air.
  5. Pain in the abdomen. Any discomfort (even inflammation of the gums during teething) can stimulate the peristalsis of the stomach, causing regurgitation or vomiting.

Regardless of the age the child has reached, it is necessary to eliminate the possibility of exposure to all of these factors. Otherwise, the baby will constantly have problems with digestion. Regurgitation will become almost a conditioned reflex, turning into regular vomiting.

What symptoms should you see a doctor for?

Despite the fact that regurgitation is a physiological condition, there are times when you cannot wait for everything to normalize on its own. With the following symptoms, you should immediately go to the doctor:

  • The baby is already 6 months old, and problems with the period after feeding continue. Children deserve special attention, whose food comes out literally in a fountain, and not in small portions.
  • It is bad when babies spit up often and profusely. In this case, the symptom is accompanied by whims, lethargy, lack of appetite in the child. In some cases, this is also complicated by abdominal pain, colic, and gases.
  • You should not think about how many months regurgitation will end if they occur several times in one feeding. Especially when, against the background of such a phenomenon, the baby begins to lose weight or simply stops gaining it.

It is worth considering that in some cases regurgitation is a consequence of a disorder in the functioning of the nervous system. Do not neglect visits to a neurologist, especially if all provoking factors are excluded.

How to reduce the likelihood of an unpleasant manifestation?

In cases where regurgitation does not bother either the child or the mother, you can not worry about this. If it is obvious that the process causes significant discomfort to the little one and he has to constantly change into dry, clean clothes, you can try the following tricks:

  1. After each feeding, you need to take the child in the arms, giving him an upright position. In this case, you should try not to squeeze the baby's full tummy. We are waiting for excess air to come out of the stomach (this is accompanied by characteristic hiccups). If necessary, we cover one shoulder with a clean towel, lightly press the baby to ourselves, allowing him to get rid of excess food.
  2. Regurgitation often worries mixed-fed babies, no matter how many months it has been introduced. This is due to the difference in the quality and composition of the products used. Sometimes the baby spits up just because he overeats, while the mother is sure that he is hungry.
  3. Within half an hour after eating, you should not let the child lie on the tummy, actively move, have fun with toys. It is better to wear it in your arms for a while.
  4. There is a special rule for mothers who are worried that they constantly underfeed their baby. If there are such suspicions, newborn babies should be fed little and often. In this case, breast milk will gradually be absorbed and leave the stomach, preventing it from overflowing. In addition, it is recommended to track weight gain in an infant using sensitive scales, to monitor its general condition. A cheerful, cheerful and active child can never feel hungry. And whims and lethargy do not always indicate that the baby wants to eat.

Many young mothers are interested in how many months the child spit up. This process is a natural reaction of the body to incoming food. And you shouldn't be afraid of it. Only in some cases, regurgitation can be the result of some kind of disease. Therefore, you should pay attention to the useful information that can only be found regarding children's regurgitation. It will help you figure out if there are real reasons for concern in this or that case. It is possible that the process that is observed in the baby is quite natural. Even if regurgitation seems to parents frequent and plentiful.

natural process

The first thing to note is that the process being studied is natural. Almost everything And this phenomenon should not cause panic among parents. Therefore, many are interested in how many months the child burps. After all, when the established norms are violated, it is believed that it is time to consult a doctor for help.

To begin with, it should be taken into account: like toxicosis in pregnant women, this is an individual phenomenon. Most often it takes place. But not necessarily this phenomenon will affect your child. Some people vomit, some don't. It is more important to pay attention to the volume of the vomited fluid, as well as the general condition of the baby.

Doesn't spit up

It has already been said that the process being studied is an individual feature, but it manifests itself in many children. Therefore, it is generally accepted that regurgitation in a child is the norm. Some parents start to panic if the baby does not do this after eating.

You shouldn't worry. If the baby does not spit up, this is not such a bad thing. So the food is well digested. There is no reason to panic. It is possible that sooner or later the process will occur in one or another baby. Therefore, it is important to know when the child stops spitting up after eating. After all, often regurgitation and vomiting can be confused.

Abrupt start

But before that, you should pay attention to one feature. It has already been said that the lack of regurgitation is not so bad. Moreover, a newborn may first digest food well, then begin to spit up a little eaten food after eating.

This is not a reason to panic. Sharp or rare regurgitation is the norm for newborns. It has been repeatedly said that this issue is individual. The main thing is that the baby feels good after the process. And gained weight, did not lose it.

Therefore, the abrupt onset of regurgitation should not cause panic. Instead, it is recommended to observe the child, to do everything so that the baby does not choke after spitting up. If there are no ailments, you should not go to the doctor.

Many or few

Until how many months does a baby spit up? This question is also individual. But there are generally accepted rules. Babies usually stop spitting up around the same age.

Much greater concern should be caused by profuse regurgitation. Especially if it occurs after each feeding. Now you can find a huge number of different methods for assessing regurgitation. Depending on the result, the degree of danger is determined. In any case, only a small amount of regurgitated food is considered normal.

By month

Until how many months does the baby spit up? In general, this question is individual. But, as already mentioned, some generally accepted norms still hold. At what point should you panic if the baby is spitting up?

Most children are faced with a learning problem in the first months of life. For babies, this is absolutely normal - the digestive tract is just being formed and adapted to life outside the female body. Therefore, up to a certain point, regurgitation is considered the norm. Especially inoffensive.

After meal? Up to 4 months, babies usually regurgitate food once a day. This is normal. After the specified period, it is recommended to take a closer look at the child. If regurgitation does not stop, and even food is taken on demand (breastfeeding), then it is likely that the baby has problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Medical attention may be required.

Don't panic

In general, adjusting the health of a child to some generally accepted framework is not entirely correct. All children are different, all have their own characteristics. There are babies who, in principle, do not spit up. This is normal and makes parents happy. And some constantly, after each feeding, vomit a small amount of food eaten.

In order not to panic once again, one interesting fact should be taken into account. It helps to answer how many months the child spit up after eating. The thing is that during the first year of life, this phenomenon is considered the norm. Especially when it comes to premature babies. Their regurgitation usually lasts longer. But they do not bring any discomfort. This is the main condition - the child should feel good after spewing food.

Reasons for the appearance

The next point to consider is that regurgitation after eating can occur for various reasons. Again, the absence of this phenomenon is not something dangerous. Rather, on the contrary.

Among the most common cases, the following causes of regurgitation are distinguished:

Perhaps these are all the reasons why the problem under study arises. For the first year and a half of the baby's life, it should pass. In any case, a small amount of spewing fluid that does not bring discomfort to the child should not cause panic.

To make it easier

There are several recommendations that will help the baby burp or, conversely, avoid this phenomenon. Then you don’t have to think about how many months the child spits up after eating. After all, this problem will not affect parents and babies.

After feeding, it is recommended to hold the newborn in a column. You will have to stay in this position for 20-40 minutes. This is the period doctors indicate. The baby will burp excess fluid, after which the newborn can be put to bed.

Proper attachment to the breast or bottle is another key to success. In the first case, the baby should cover the entire areola with sponges, and mommy should hold the baby's head so that air does not enter the mouth. In the second, just a good bottle and nipples on it are enough.

Laying out on the tummy before and after feeding also helps a lot. In this case, regurgitation may be empty - without liquid. The child will simply burp the air accumulated in the stomach.

Vomiting or spitting up

It is important to distinguish regurgitation from vomiting. The first phenomenon is most often observed in the first 12 months of a baby's life. And the second - at any moment. How to distinguish regurgitation from vomiting? How long does it take for a baby to spit up after eating? It's hard to answer. But here it is necessary to distinguish regurgitation from vomiting. This can be done by paying attention to a few points:

When spitting up, it is enough to watch so that the newborn does not choke. But vomiting requires immediate medical attention and treatment. Therefore, it is recommended to look closely at the vomited liquid. It will help you understand if there are reasons to panic. Until how many months does a baby spit up milk? Approximately up to 12. But even after this phenomenon can be observed. Everything is individual.